If you take your time and read through the introduction of our company, you will immediately see how the past and
present of Maros Mix Ltd. go hand in hand with the development and success of Hungarian match fishing. 30 years ago,
two members of the then dominant Makó match team have decided to use their vast experience and began producing
high-quality groundbaits for all anglers. Ever since, recipes have been constantly refined and new groundbaits and
hookbaits have been developed, making our current product portfolio suitable for all fishing conditions and situations.
As a clear evidence of all the work we’ve done, anglers of this workshop have formed every year the core of various
Hungarian national teams. This page has not enough space to list the most prestigious victories of Maros match
anglers last year, so we decided to dedicate an extra page in the catalogue for the trophies.
In addition to the MAROS brand, the product range of Maros Mix Ltd. also features the ever-expanding line of EA
products, buil