THESIS.2011.UTH. The theatrical text In the Solitude of Cotton Fields by B.-M.Koltes (translated in greek by D.Dimitriades) concerns the meeting between two men, the Dealer and the Client, at an unspecified place/time, promising a transaction between them. Having a special interest in the recognition and representation of the structure of the text for the description of the meeting, as well as of the structure of the meeting itself, and based on the R.Barthes’ text regarding a semantic-structural analysis of the narrations, the text is treated at first as a narration, then as a theatrical text (potentially directed real fact) and finally as a document (real fact). The ’method’ of the analysis is articulated by word processing, lists, diagrams (VOL.1-8) and leads to a supposition of a courtship between the two men, as well as to an approach of the place/time, and to conclusions concerning the way in which each of these two men perceives his existence in space, according to G.Deleuze.