Candidature SCOME Director 2018/2019 MAROUANE AMZIL
If the world we know today started with an ice-age, you can imagine how many snowflakes it took back then, you can imagine the miracles it took to shape each one of them as unique, different and beautiful each in its own, yet somehow together, united, they are responsible for the beauty of winter, they ensure our world doesn’t melt in the heat of its chaos. As we are in a world of Healthcare, you can tell that snowflakes refer to SCOMEdians, as our federation brings together medical students from all over the world, through all their differences, towards unity for Global Health, Medical Education and the future of healthcare, as stated by IFMSA’s vision and mission.
Amongst these medical students, it has brought a 24 years old Moroccan enthusiast of Medical Education whose name is Marouane AMZIL, who is at his 7th year of medical education and serves IFMSA as its SCOME Regional Assistant for the EMR. His story began 4 years ago as he first joined his freshly founded LC, looking for a platform to resuscitate the students’ life in his faculty that had been agonizing for some internal reasons hard to diagnose. Little did he know, it was his first step into a new world where new horizons expand beyond his sight. His journey took him into a quest of exhuming his inner leader, through taking leadership positions whenever the call played the strings of excitement in his soul: From Local Officer, National Officer of Medical Education, IFMSA Program Coordinator for Teaching Medical Skills, and currently SCOME Regional Assistant for the EMR, every moment counted as he brushed with his own colours the white world of SCOME within his own NMO, and beyond; He sang the poetry of Non Formal Education, danced to the music of Advocacy and sculpted the Capacity of many of his peers in Medical Education.
MOTIVATION LETTER I wake up everyday with this story in my mind, and sometimes it takes me to pinch myself to recognize that it is mine, that it is not a fairytale of a lost world, but a reality I face everyday with pride and determination. I am blessed to be part of an organization that allows medical students to be a valuable stakeholder in Medical Education and in the Healthcare System. The main lesson that I have learnt, is that wherever you come , from, regardless of one’s background or reality, we all have the power to be part of a system we are subject to, nay a valuable decision maker. Therefore, it is our mission in IFMSA to make sure every medical student be part of this journey, working together towards voicing medical students vision in Medical Education, and thus in our healthcare systems.
Therefore, it is time to answer a call that played the strings of excitement in my heart: I hereby present my candidature as IFMSA SCOME Director for the term 2018/2019. My goal throughout the future term would be to, not only carry on the current SCOME International Team achievements in SCOME, but to bring a vision of my own, to reach out to SCOMEdians worldwide, as each has a uniquely and beautifully shaped vision in Medical Education, and unite them all together within the white world of SCOME. As my academic 7th year will finish by November 2018, I will ensure to dedicate most of my time to my work as your future SCOME Director - if elected - and prioritize IFMSA within my work agenda throughout the whole term, which allows me to be present to most of IFMSA Team of Officials Meetings, as well as IFMSA General and Regional Meetings, as it is an opportunity to work closely with medical students worldwide and create a life-lasting impact. Faithfully yours,
Marouane AMZIL
Plan of Action: 1- SCOME's Worldwide Impact 2- SCOME: a Standing Committee relevant to all NMOs 3- General and Regional Meetings 4- Team Work makes the dream work!
SCOME'S WORLDWIDE IMPACT Members are the beating heart of our federation: prioritizing them and their involvement in Medical Education is our ultimate priority. Therefore, SCOME must be an adequate and efficient platform to achieve it.
Goal-1: Empower the position of SCOMEdians in IFMSA through a meaningful engagement on both local and global levels: IMPACT LEVEL: KNOWLEDGE Objective-1: Awareness raising on Medical Education general knowledge - Creating, in collaboration with the SCOME General Assistant and the SCOME related Program Coordinators, monthly Medical Education discussions through comprehensive posters, webinars and interactive Social Media posts Outcome: SCOMEdians have a better insight on their local medical education issues Objective-2: Awareness raising on the actions taken by Medical Students in Medical Education - Highlight the local achievements of medical students in SCOME through a regular feature of enrolled Activities in the IFMSA Activities Database. Outcome: increase the Activities enrollment to SCOME related Programs. Objective-3: Diversify the knowledge resources in SCOME - Create, in collaboration with the IT, SCOME related toolkits related to the priorities of NMOs in the different regions, as requested through input forms or RMs/GAs Sessions outcomes. Outcome: SCOMEdians are provided with various resources to develop their knowledge and skills in SCOME and Medical Education
IMPACT LEVEL: SKILLS Objective-4: Increase the inclusiveness of SCOMEdians in our Capacity Building Workshops - Adapt the objectives of the Workshop Sessions to the different levels of knowledge and experience, from beginner to advanced. - Collaborate with the VPCB to extend the reach of the SCOME Capacity Building Activities to the online platform Outcome: more capacity building opportunities for all SCOMEdians, whether experienced in SCOME or to whom participation is hindered by financial and travel issues.
SCOME'S WORLDWIDE IMPACT IMPACT LEVEL: ACTIONS Objective-5: Empower the position of NMOs as Medical Education stakeholders Work closely with the LME and RAs to support NMOs on their way to gaining recognition from their local Medical Education stakeholders (Health/Education Ministries, Universities, Medical Education boards…) through SCOME Endorsement letters, Specific toolkits, appropriate capacity building and a close follow-up system through the IT. Objective-6: Empower and sustain the position of SCOMEdians as Advocates for Medical Education: - Promote the AMET Workshop (Advocacy in Medical Education Training) as an NMO tool to develop National Advocacy Projects and Medical Education Advocates. - Ensure a system of close monitoring of these Projects through a meaningful involvement of the Medical Education Trainers as well as the relevant Program Coordinators. - Empower our Medical Education Trainers through: An interactive monitoring system of the activeness of our Medical Education Trainers within their NMOs. Ensure a continuous education of our trainers through a creating an Essential Skills for TMET Trainers modules Strengthen the TMET Trainers network through creating a buddy system between the experienced and the newly graduated trainers.
Goal 2: Ensure the alignment of our focus areas with the IFMSA Global Priorities through a fruitful internal collaboration: Objective 1: promote, through the SCOME related Programs, medical students meaningful participation in developing their peers competencies as future physicians: Create, in collaboration with the VPA, regulated communication patterns between the SCOME IT and the relevant Program Coordinators to increase the collaboration routes. Create, in collaboration with the SCOME-related Program Coordinators, time-bound campaigns regarding the on Medical Education impact of IFMSA Activities (example: during a week in November 2018 and in collaboration with the Teaching Medical Skills Program Coordinator, create a time-bound campaign about Teaching Communication Skills for the future Physician.) Use these campaigns, as well as other tools such webinars and posters, to promote Activities Enrollment to IFMSA-Programs.
SCOME'S WORLDWIDE IMPACT Objective 2: align SCOME’s Focus Areas with IFMSA’s different Global Priorities: Promote Global Health and Research Education alongside with our Standing Committees of Exchanges: Co-evaluate the Global Educational Impact of IFMSA Exchanges: co-develop with SCOPE and SCORE an annual impact report on the Clinical, Surgical and Research Skills our exchanges provide. Co-develop accordingly the Academic Quality of IFMSA-Exchanges: cocreating Educational Activities Guidelines and Recommendations for Exchanges and Medical Education Officers, to optimize the impact of our activities; as it is the purpose of the SCOME/SCOPE and SCOME/SCORE current SWGs. Benefit from the educational outcomes of our Exchanges to encourage and support SCOMEdians to advocate for a Global Health inclusive Curriculum Continue the collaboration between SCOME and SCORE regarding Research Initiatives for Medical Students through the joint SWG Promote an inter-Standing Committees Collaboration towards a more Socially Accountable Medical Education: Promote a Sexual Health inclusive Medical Curriculum through a new collaboration with SCORA regarding the educational stakes of their focus areas, such as Comprehensive Sexual Education in the Medical Curriculum. Public Health in the Medical Curriculum: promote, alongside with the SCOPH IT, the implementation of the toolkit through a continuous support and monitoring of NMOs Actions. Ethics and Human Rights in the Medical Curriculum: continue the preestablished collaboration with SCORP and plan ahead the follow-up on the implementation of the outcomes of the Joint SWG.
SCOME: a Standing Committee relevant to all NMOs United we stand, divided we fall: A strong communication with NMOs, an efficient SCOME National Structure, as well as a strategic planning on a local level will ensure a fruitful implementation of the SCOME Strategy 2018/2021.
NMOs Development in Medical Education 1- SCOME National Development Model: - Assess the current situation of SCOME in NMOs to understand their strengths, challenges and needs. - Analyse the Medical Education Survey results and highlight NMOs’ opportunities - Create a SCOME Development Model for NMOs, on which they can base their national structure and strategies on. 2- NMOs’ National SCOME Strategies: -Working closely with the SCOME IT to build the capacity of our NOMEs regarding planning their National Strategies, through: A specific “How to Strategy” online interactive sessions for NOMEs A SCOME National Strategy Template as a guide manual for NMOs Sessions during IFMSA Meetings to actively learn how to develop SCOME National Strategies. -Increase collaboration between NOMEs regarding their SCOME Strategies, through: A NOME Buddies System that allows a continuous and regular communication between NOMEs Meetings with NOMEs as well as SCOMEdians to discuss and develop their strategies, whether online or during IFMSA Meetings. 3- Overcoming Communication barriers with NMOs: - Tackle the issue of language barrier through translating the most important SCOME related documents (Survival Kits, Follow-Up Kits, Regulations…) to most spoken languages in IFMSA: French, Spanish, Arabic… to be defined by SCOMEdians. - Increase the availability and approachability of the SCOME IT through a regular platform of direct communication with SCOMEdians: revive the SCOME ITea Time, regular SCOME IT evaluation forms...-
SCOME: a Standing Committee relevant to all NMOs Regions Development in Medical Education - Identify our Regional Focus Areas in SCOME to shape our Regional Priorities through a close consultation with NOMEs. - Adopt SCOME Regional Strategies to ensure the implementation of our Global and Regional Priorities. - Work closely with Regional Directors to increase the NMOs involvement in SCOME and their participation in implementing the SCOME Global and Regional Strategies.
General and Regional Meetings: IFMSA Meetings are a life-changing experience (Hello!). Our mission is to ensure our SCOME Sessions are an inclusive environment for our SCOMEdians to not only broaden their SCOME horizons, but also boost their productive spirits to actively contribute to SCOME’s future. Pre-General Assemblies: - Develop and tailor workshops relevant to our Regional and Global Priorities - Work closely with the LME and the VPCB to increase the quality of our workshops through Externals’ involvement and an extensive internal promotion. SCOME Sessions: - Tailor the Sessions to the Global and Regional Priorities, as well as NMOs needs expressed by NOMEs input. -Increase the SCOMEdians participation and networking during the General Assemblies through a close mentoring system by the SCOME IT. - Ensure NMOs participate efficiently in decision making during the SCOME Plenaries, through a regulated communication and voting system to be agreed upon with the SCOME IT as well as the NOMEs. But most importantly, ensure SCOMEdians infectiously inspire one another!
SCOME International Team 2018/2019 Team Work makes the dream work: the future Leadership in SCOME needs not only a strong basis of knowledge and skills regarding the Standing Committee, but most importantly our endless and effective support in order to achieve our responsibilities. Selection process: - Update the selection grading process for the IT through creating objective indicators (e.g. motivation, experience in Activities, Capacity Building,...) - Coordinate with the SCOME IT 2017/2018, the LME and the Regional Directors 2018/2019 on appointing the International Assistants. - Create a space for NMOs to provide input and questions for candidates to International Assistants positions: discuss with the EB a possibility of a Form to be filled by NMOs desiring to provide questions to the candidates. Handover and term preparation: - Ensure a smooth handover through a Handover Manual Template, to be followedup with a Handover Meeting for further questions and clarifications. - Update the Handover Checklist according to the AWP 2017/2018 and IT 2017/2018 reports - Individual capacity building meeting to ensure a complete preparation for the term: answering pending handover questions, clarifying standard working procedures (communication patterns, SCOME Regulations, Capacity Building Regulations and Framework…) Team development and internal management: - Work with the VPCB to develop a specific SCOME IT Competency Framework. - Create a healthy and friendly working environment through monthly team building activities and a mental health watch. - Ensure a balanced workload within the IT through prioritizing the tasks throughout the term, strengthening the internal support system among the members of the SCOME IT, as well as taking into consideration academic responsibilities of the IT whilst developing the Annual Working Plan: e.g. knowing in advance exam periods of the whole IT would allow us to know when to prioritize our IT Projects.
SCOME INTERNATIONAL TEAM 2018/2019 Transparency, accountability and institutional memory -Reports: Share regularly on different communication channels monthly reports of the SCOME IT, while creating a specific space for feedback and suggestions from SCOMEdians. Regulations: - SCOME Regulations: ensure a continuous revision of the Regulations, through a continuous consultation of SCOMEdians as well as the IFMSA TO. - Capacity Building Regulations: follow-up on the work of the current TMET SWG and ensure to align our work with the CB IOGs SWG. SCOME Documents:Work with the SCOME GA to improve the accessibility and continuous archiving of the SCOME related Documents, as well as their continuous promotion through the SCOME Public Folder.
CURRICULUM VITAE Marouane AMZIL 24 years old, date of Birth: 20/12/1993 Nationality: Moroccan Email: Address: Chrifa, rue 13, Résidence El Baraka, n6, Ain chock 20460, Casablanca, Morocco
Academic Qualification: 2011-present: medical student at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Casablanca, University Hassan II August 2015: IFMSA SCOPE Exchange in Pediatrics Neurosurgery in Prokocim Children Hospital in Krakow, Poland August 2017: IFMSA SCOPE Exchange in Orthopedics in Vienna University Hospital, Austria
IFMSA Experience: Positions held: 2015-2016 Local Officer on Medical Education 2016-2017 National Officer on Medical Education 2016-2017 IFMSA Program Coordinator on Teaching Medical Skills 2017-2018 SCOME Regional Assistant for the EMR Meetings attended: IFMSA March Meeting 2017, Montenegro IFMSA March Meeting 2018, Egypt IFMSA EMR Meeting 2018, Morocco IFMSA-Morocco 7 NGAs: 6,7,8, 9, 10, 11th and 11bis IFMSA-Morocco delegate to the COP22 in Marrakesh, Morocco. Workshops: TMET MoroCamp 2017: TMET Coordinator Pre-EMR14 TMET: TMET Trainer Pre-MM18 AMET: Trainer
Languages: Arabic: native speaker French: second language English: fluent German: intermediate
What good are wings without the courage to fly?
Marouane AMZIL Tel: +212620178434 Email: