Issue 4 16-17

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2351 clarkson rd. chesterfield, mo 63017 issue IV

dec. 2016



for the

holidays pg 8-9





16 bolton and bixby sports in brief

holiday light shows

14 foreign exchange student COVER BY ELLIE TOLER


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OUR POLICY The Messenger Editorial Policy: The Messenger is published eight times a year by students enrolled in the New Production class at Marquette High School, Chesterfield, Mo., 63017. The publication office is located in Room 226, (636) 891-6000 ext. 26228 Opinions of Messenger columnists or the Editorial Board are not representative of the opinions of the entire Messenger staff, the newspa-

per or the administration. The Messenger takes responses for any issue. Send these in at The Messenger reserves the right to edit submitted material and to refuse to print material because of space limitations, repetitive subject matter, libelous content or any other reason the editor in chief and adviser deems appropriate including advertisements and letters to the editor.

MUSTANGS SPEAK What would you do in your first 100 days as president?

“Demand financial reparations for all African Americans for slavery.” Quincy Broadus, senior


“As President of the United States, I would switch the vending machines to regular Coke.” Adan Jasso, junior

“I would invest more money into education and take some away from our defense spending.” Isaiah Hughston, junior

“I’d quit. I’m not a good leader. Or I would probably take a day off.” Jenny Mietzner, sophomore

“I would implement a law stating you can’t smoke until you are fifty-six.” Ivyonna Thomas, freshman


editorialBOARD Burn a flag, let’s see what happens


E HERE AT THE MARQUETTE Messenger hate the United States of America. We despise it. Everything about this country: the president, the president-elect, our morals and values, and anything else in between. Did you believe us when we said this? Did you feel anger when you read these published words? Or did you accept what we wrote because it’s our right? Although we don’t believe the words above, people who do are allowed to state their beliefs. As long as what’s being said falls under your First Amendment rights, the world of words is open to everyone. You, the reader, can exercise this right. We are now living in a time where the right to express oneself is being jeopardized. President-elect Donald Trump tweeted on Nov. 29 that burning the American flag should have major consequences like loss of citizenship or jail time. But in 1958, the Supreme Court prohibited the practice of stripping citizenship as punishment. And in both 1989 and 1990, the Supreme Court ruled that desecration of the flag was allowed under the First Amendment. Our country is built on the foundation of free speech and being able to express ideas that may be uncomfortable, controversial or contentious. Our president elect has repeatedly attacked the rights of

press to voice their views. Part of any job as president is handling extreme scrutiny under the eyes of the press in the United States. In a tweet on Nov. 20, Trump scrutinized the long time standing comedy show Saturday Night Live (SNL). The episode mocked Trump’s presidential duties, and he retaliated by calling the show “one-sided” and “biased.” On Oct. 16, Trump also accused SNL of “rigging the election” and that it was time to “retire the boring and unfunny show.” How does it look if our own president-elect is unable to handle criticism from a comedy show that airs once a week? Our presidents have forever accepted our inalienable right to free speech and Trump should be no different. If one show can’t project their opinions without criticism from the president-elect, how can the rest of Americans do so? At the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North and South Dakota, the rights to protest and speak freely presented themselves every day at the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). Due to a reroute of DAPL, the pipeline would have gone through sacred Native American burial grounds and possibly contaminate the Missouri River, which is the main source of water for the population. The grassroots movements starting in spring of 2016, known as

#noDAPL, brought in thousands of protesters from around the country who stood near the construction site and voiced their concerns. On Dec. 4, the US Army Corps of Engineers denied a permit for the construction of a key section of the pipeline and announced that there would be an investigation in possibly rerouting DAPL. Right there in the Midwest, a group of people exercising their First Amendment rights were heard and granted a promising start to their solutions. Everyone standing in the frigid weather of South Dakota chose to be there and practice their free speech. They believed in something larger than them. A year ago, students at the University of Missouri-Columbia protested the university’s handling of issues such as race, workplace benefits and leadership. Their voices were heard. That was seen again at the University of Texas-Austin in a protest against guns on campus. As students growing up in the United States, we learned from a young age of the rights we possess. Part of our job in having these rights is protecting them. Whether or not you choose to use the rights you have to uphold your morals and values, millions of others in America deserve to practice their rights too. So, let’s protect the First Amendment.



Represent the 2.7 million It’s time for the Electoral College system to change MEMBERS OF THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE will cast their ballots today to determine the next president of the United States. Those members are expected to choose Donald J. Trump over Hillary Clinton by a margin of 306 votes to 232 votes. On election day Trump defied all expectations by breaking the “Blue Wall” in states including Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, winning each state by just over 10,000, 22,000 and 44,000 votes respectively, according to each secretary of state’s office Such small margins guaranteed that Hillary Clinton ended up winning the popular vote by 2.7 million, the second time in the past five presidential elections in which a candidate won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote. It’s now clear the electoral college undermines our democracy. In 2000, when Al Gore conceded the election to George W. Bush despite winning a majority of the popular vote, the margin of his popular vote victory was only 540,000, according to the National Archives, while he lost the electoral vote by five. When a candidate wins 2.7 million more votes than their opponent, but loses the electoral vote by 74, it’s time for Americans to acknowledge that the institution is flawed. There is some merit to the system, which gives smaller states a larger amount of representation, and so the system must not be gutted altogether, but it must be reformed. It is time for a bipartisan solution that expands the influence of every vote and creates the necessity for candidates to appeal to all parts of the country. Our country needs a constitutional amendment to create a system of proportional representation in the electoral college rather than winner-take-all states, as is already in place in Maine and Nebraska. In this system, if a candidate wins the majority of the popular vote in any state, they would receive the majority of that state’s electors. If that candidate wins by a razor-thin margin, as Trump did in Wisconsin and Michigan, the opposing votes would not be ignored. Representation would be by the popular vote margin of the entire state. State governments would have the option to decide these margins. By no means is this system a final blueprint for the country’s future, but it is a beginning. So many in this country have struggled for the right to vote and to possess equal representation in government. Now we must move forward and reform our institutions to create a stronger democracy, and protect the silenced majority.



1 in 5 people ages 13-18 suffer from a mental illness, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

Silent struggle: I DON’T LIKE TO TALK ABOUT IT. I’M NORMALLY very private. But it’s time that I should talk about it. I’m one of the 18.1 percent of Americans who suffer from a mental illness, according to the National Institute. I have anxiety and depression, but these mental disorders do not define me. I am not just a statistic or the stereotypical depressed person. Depression doesn’t always manifest in the ways we classically think. Many sufferers deal with this idea of “walking depression.” We still get up, we still care for our family and we still try to accomplish our daily responsibilities. It’s not really that simple though. Continuing to go through the motions of life sometimes helps, as it gives a feeling of regularity and routine. However, the weight of life can just be too much at times and continuing isn’t always easy. But for those struggling with obstacles like this, don’t quit. Never stop fighting your illness. It’s easy to turn to cigarettes, alcohol or drugs to instantly numb the pain. They can push the dark thoughts away, providing a quick reprieve from your own mind. But they aren’t solutions. They won’t make you feel better, and they won’t solve your depression. It may not be easy, but the best way we can alleviate our depression is through talk therapy and clinically proven aids, such as medication. It’s not always 100 percent effective right away, but it is 100 percent better than alternatives to numbing or ending pain.

how to cope with mental illness If you’re reading this and don’t suffer from depression or another mental illness, these words may fall flat to you. But don’t let them. Support family and friends who need it most. While there is never a perfect thing to say, letting them know that you’re there for them is definitely a great start. Trying to help them through the rough times and showing them the beauty of life can help. Let them know that you care for them and that you’re there when they need it. Take steps to end the stigma surrounding depression and mental illness. And for those suffering from mental illness, know that your mental illness does not and never will make you weak or crazy. You’re still human and all emotions and feelings you experience are valid. I know it’s not easy to deal with these issues, but find what helps you, individually. Remember that it’s incredibly important to help yourself become free from the chains of your mind. Take care of yourselfrest, relax and do what can help make you happy. Talking about it helps, and it’s time we start a discussion about these issues so sufferers of mental illness can get the help they need without any out-dated stigmas.


‘Tis the season for commercialization THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS FINALLY HERE, WHICH means the time has come for festive lights, wrapping paper and capitalist opportunism. The retail industry loves the holidays almost as much as we do. According to The Statistics Portal, in 2013, the retail industry made more than $3 trillion in the holiday season alone. Starting in early October and lasting until New Year’s, retailers use our love for the holidays for their own profit. Many see the commercialization of the holidays in a negative light, arguing that the “true meaning” of the season is buried under capitalist greed. However, the commercialization of the holidays is not all bad: while preying on our pocketbooks, corporations give us a constant reminder of the holiday season. Fall doesn’t feel like fall until we see the ads for “pumpkin spice” everything. The tacky Halloween decorations we see at our local Wal-Mart get us excited for Halloween. And what screams “Christmas” more than walking into your local mall and seeing a

line of children eagerly waiting to see Santa? I used to work in the retail industry, and I have a vivid memory of walking out of work on a cold night in late November and immediately being engulfed by the holiday scenes in the windows, the signs advertising “40 percent off For Black Friday” and the seasonal music blaring out the mall loudspeakers. For the first time that year, I felt that perennial enthusiasm that only comes during the holiday season. The commercialization of the holidays makes the season feel real, exciting and ever present, and whether retailers know it or not, they validate the holiday feel that makes the period from October to January seem so exciting. The “true meaning of the holidays” is not lost in commercialization, but found in it.



Katie Dolan, senior, protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline in front of the Union Station Hotel. The protesters marched to the Channel 5 news building in hopes of gaining media coverage for their cause. Photograph printed with permission by Danielle Threlkeld

Students protest Dakota Access Pipeline BY TAYLOR STYER AND KYLE REAMER

money.” Gardner made sure to inform others of this issue, including Dolan. NI WICONI. LAKOTA FOR WATER IS LIFE. The federal government has requested different levels of police This is the battle cry for protesters of the Dakota to be brought to the area to manage the protesters, as police have Access Pipeline (DAPL). The project was proposed by the Army Corps of Engineers in hopes to transport oil from the Bakken used rubber bullets, water cannons, and mace to stop protesters. Many have spoken up about the actions of the police that have not oil fields in North Dakota and Montana across the plains to Illinois. been well received by protesters inducing Dolan. Seniors Danielle Gardner and Katie Dolan both used their The secretary of the Army Corps of Engineers announced on voices to inform others about this issue. They posted the hashtag Sunday, Dec. 4, that it will deny the controversial Dakota Access #NODAPL on social media to spread the word. Pipeline's planned route through the Standing Rock Sioux reserThough social media activism was aiding in getting the word vation. Dolan saw the news online along with photos of natives out, Dolan felt like she could do more. cheering and celebrating. Dolan, Gardner and hundreds of other protesters met across “Our voices were heard and peaceful protesting does make a the street from the Union Station hotel downtown. Protesters then difference,” Dolan said. marched down to the Channel 5 News building. The issue hit home for Joseph Parish, husband of Mary Parish, Supporters chanted and shouted and some natives sang sacred gifted resourse counselor. songs. KSDK employees eventually emerged from the Parish belongs to an organization know as the building and recorded protesters. Native American Indian Fellowship and is part CheroDolan said there are two sides to the cause. She “Our voices were kee and Siponee. He has been working and interacting called it a moral battle. heard, and peaceful with Native American people for the past 15 years, and “It’s planet or profit. It’s right or wrong in my protesting does make in that time he learned to embrace his native heritage. opinion,” Dolan said. “Are you going to value money Parish watched from home as the problem escalatand the economy or are you going to value just and a difference.” ed. It was then that he decided to get involved. the good of the people?” KATIE DOLAN “I had been wanting to go for a long time and I saw If approved, the oil pipeline would potentially SENIOR a window of opportunity,” Parish said. desecrate the Sioux native american land and threatOn Dec. 1, Parish and his fellowship members took en water supply. The pipeline would be built under the 18-hour trek from Missouri to North Dakota. the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. “My role was to give them support,” Parish said. “The true he“The pipeline is hazardous to the environment, human health roes are those on the front line.” and human rights,” Gardner said. “Protesters aim to move away Parish brought dry goods, supplies and meat and served as a from fossil fuels and go more toward renewable energy for the benbutcher for the camp where he often wouldn’t finish working until efit of earth, our only home and the people in it.” 11 at night. Gardner saw an article in early August about the protests Although the pipeline may be rerouted, Parish said the fight for happening as a result of DAPL being proposed. She learned about Native American and environmental equality isn't over. Sacred Stone Camp, the prayer camp where the water protectors “This is not won with just one battle, we are here for the long began gathering in prayer to protest the DAPL. haul,” Parish said. The Standing Rock Sioux nation depends on the Missouri River Parish underlined the importance of peaceful protest. for life and the Dakota Access Pipeline poses a huge threat to the “We are totally dedicated to doing this peacefully,” Parish said. tribe, Gardner said. “We made it clear what we were there for and are passionate about “We only have one planet to call home and we need to take care doing this in a good way. There’s still more to fight for.” of it because mother Earth is suffering,” Gardner said. “The Earth is a life source not a resource. Humans can not continue to destroy this planet for money, without our planet there is no such thing as




A colorful issue Students concerned about staff diversity BY BAUTI BRUNIARD MARTIN LUTHER KING JR, BARACK Obama and other key players in African American history decorate the walls of his office. He used to be the principal of a school where more than 90 percent of the student body was African American. Today he is the only African American in the MHS administration. Carl Hudson, junior principal, stands out in an administration that includes no women and no ethnic minorities, an issue that prompted students from the Marquette Academic Culture Club (MACC), a club that meets on Thursdays in Room 203, to hold a meeting with Principal Greg Mathison. “It’s always good for us as staff members and administrators to hear how kids feel and think about what our issues are,” Hudson said. During Dec. 1 meeting, students questioned the school’s lack of diversity among the staff and administration. “I’m glad we’re talking about it and starting to have conversations about Marquette’s issue with diversity in the teaching staff,” Isaiah Hughston, junior said. “I personally think that having a

diverse teaching staff can do nothing but benefit other students, not just students that are of that ethnicity.” Hughston has always noticed that diversity was lacking. “Sometimes it’s difficult to open up to some of the staff members,” Hughston said. “We’re at school all the time and even though those are the people we’re surrounded by, sometimes there’s an issue where I want to confide in a teacher but I can’t because I just don’t feel comfortable going to them.” The MHS student body is made up of 23.6 percent ethnic minorities, with 48 percent of the total population being females. The staff consists of only one minority teacher, Monica Bremer, spanish teacher, who is Hispanic. At the meeting with the MACC, Mathison said the administration makes “a conscious effort” to hire a diverse staff. “Diversity doesn’t always look at race, it could be gender, gender identity, could be ethnicity, it could be different background of thought,” Mathison said. “When I work with my administrative staff, I want people that think differently and have different

backgrounds.” high school, where do they live, that’d Mathison said the current hiring give me a key,” Hudson saId. practice is based on going to colleges, Kelsey Washington, junior, said like Missouri State, and recruiting greater emphasis should be placed on graduates. Those who are recruited minority teachers in the hring process. then turn in their application, and the “It’s definetly not intentional,” administration selects from those candidates. The applications don’t include race or pictures of the applicants. Hudson proposes Rockwood try other methods 143 CAUCASION STAFF MEMBERS of recruiting 2 MINORITY STAFF MEMBERS staff. “We have to ask ourselves how we Washington said. “Try and look at your can find educators who want to come own staff and see if its more balanced.” here,” Hudson said. “We have to ask Washington said there is a long way ‘who knows somebody?’ and how do to go for MHS to achieve true teaching we get them to the interview table.” equality. Hudson also said he’d consider “For there to only be two minority going to other school districts that have teachers, how did we let it get this far?” “quality African American educators,” Washington said. and try to get them to come to MHS. “I would look at where they went to Infographic by Bauti Bruniard

STEM addition encounters rough beginnings BY GREG SVIRNOVSKIY JACKSON EISENHAUER, JUNIOR, WAS SEATED AT his desk in AP physics class going over math problems with his teacher. “We were doing a final review session and all of a sudden the lights went off,” Eisenhauer said. “We were all really confused and thought that school might be canceled.” After the lights went out, he and his class members were shepherded to the cafeteria to await further instructions. “It was loud. I was near the back, furthest away from the guy speaking and everyone was talking,” Eisenhauer said. “It took a while after the guy spoke into the mic for everyone to calm down and listen.” When it was announced that MHS would be adding a STEM wing during the 2015-16 school year, one of the greatest worries for teachers were the effects construction would have on the school learning environment. Mathison said the staff has worked to ensure that a power outage never happens again. “First of all, Knost and myself, we communicated with the construction crew that this type of interruption is not acceptable,” Mathison said. “We need to have a learning environment and the construction crews need to do the best that they can to avoid these instances. Having said that, when you’re having major construction, things like this can happen.” Mathison said the actions of MHS faculty and students made the power outage a smoother ordeal.


Day 1

Day 29

Construction began on Nov. 7. and is slated to end at the beginning of the 2017 school year. Ed Bolton, science teacher, has been taking pictures out his window to show the progression of the construction. Photograph printed with permission by Ed Bolton “We had 1,100 kids choose to go different places and the rest of the school tried to have functioning classes,” Mathison said. “I think everyone did the best that they could in that situation.” Junior Principal Carl Hudson, head of facilities and grounds, said construction has gone well despite the potential distraction that it may pose for students. Hudson said there are several ways in which the school prepares teachers on louder construction days. “There is noise,” Hudson said. "We always knew there was gonna be noise. We try to let our teachers know so that if they want to relocate classrooms, they can.”

Jasmine Phung, sophomore, is a student in Ed Bolton’s chemistry class. Phung said the construction has created distractions for many students in her class. “It’s really loud sometimes,” Phung said. “It shakes and it's hard to concentrate. At times if we take tests then I have a hard time thinking.” Phung said Bolton tries to avert students from the construction by not acknowledging it. “He doesn't really say anything he just tries to distract us from the problem,” Phung said.


Ballwin community shows support for officers BY DELANEY NEELY AND BRITTANY FREEMAN


HEN SHE WAS A KID, ERIKA Moehlenkamp, senior, would have a bedtime story read to her. Her mother’s would consist of fairies and princesses where as her father’s would be about a drug addict mother who committed suicide. Moehlenkamp always realized her father had a harsh reality. But, as she got older, she began to realize the importance her father and other police officers held to the community. “They're not some higher power, they're not some like certain agency that they get to control you or they get to decide things,” Moehlenkamp said. “They're just people who are there night and day to protect you when you need them.” For 26 years, Moehlenkamp’s father has been an officer and for her entire life, Moehlenkamp has worried about him while he’s been in the line of duty particularly during Ferguson. Over the course of the last year, about 60 police officers nationally have been shot and killed by as local police shootings have grown in regularity. Being an officer’s daughter, Moehlenkamp said she understands the core of the blue movement where people show support for officers with ribbons, flags and signs outside homes and businesses. “It’s pride, it's definitely people who understand,” she said. “It's a lot of the police wives, and the police daughters and the people who have dealt with it for long periods of time, who want people to understand

what police officers do.” In the Ballwin area, many local businesses and families have shown support through blue ribbons, t-shirts and donations of all sorts. More than 200 restaurants, such as The Wolf, Krieger’s Sports Grill, Firehouse Subs and Panera, in the St. Louis area participated in fundraisers for local police officers who have been shot, donating anywhere between 10 and 100 percent of their profits to the officers and police departments. “I was proud of it, but I was kind of shocked by it,” Moehlenkamp said. “I was really surprised by how many people participated and how many people said we appreciate you, we support you.” Branch Heldmann, junior, also participates in movements to support the police. Like Moehlenkamp, Branch’s father is also a police officer. Going to many fundraisers and wearing t-shirts and pins are only a few of the ways his family backs the cause. “It feels like police officers are being targeted by people, and with my dad being a police officer I feel like he’s a target now for violence,” Branch said. Branch said for the most part Ballwin is a safe area with the exception of when Flamion was shot. He said he has always felt safe. “The stereotype is that they’re [police] all racist and that they cause a lot of the violence and that

they do things on purpose that provoke people to do violence, but I think that they really just wanna help people,” Branch said. “They do a lot of service for the community and just everyday things that help out a lot.” Sgt. Jim Heldmann has been an officer for the Ballwin PD for 26 years and said he was truly shocked by the incident with Officer Flamion. Recognizing that Flamion accident could have quickly become old news, he said it truly warms his heart how much the community has put in to support one of their own. “The support that this community has shown has made this thing much easier to swallow,” Jim said. “To get our heads around and certainly we are very appreciative over how this community has rallied around Mike. From the very beginning, people have lined up at the door of the department with food, donations and the simple request of a handshake and photo, Jim said. “Try to give the police the benefit of the doubt because chances are the officer you are dealing with is out there doing what he can and trying to do what he can for best of his community,” Jim said. He said he is proud to be serving his community and helping people in times of need. “I think we just came to the realization that people really do care about what we are doing here and they do have our backs,” he said.







ODIE MARTIN*, GRANDMOTHER OF A Class of 2016 graduate, lost her job as a nurse about four years ago after 25 years in the field. Soon, her unemployment benefits ran out. She couldn’t find a job. Her daughter, who kept trying to send her money, was serving in Iraq. She couldn’t receive food stamps for her granddaughter, who had been living with her since she was eight years old, without going to court first. “I was desperate,” Martin said. But then Brenda Casey, social worker, changed things. Casey sent a bag of food home with Martin’s granddaughter almost every week. She gave Martin and her granddaughter each a $100 gift card to Wal-Mart, which they used to buy necessities such as toilet paper and toothpaste. Martin said she wouldn’t have made it without Casey, who helped them financially and emotionally. “She’s what I call a living angel,” Martin said. “Just the idea that somebody cares. It makes you feel like you’re not invisible. That someone knows that you’re trying to make it, that you’re trying to do your best.” However, Martin is not alone in her struggle. More than 12 percent of the population in St. Louis County was impoverished in 2012, according to the Missourians to End Poverty Coalition. At MHS, there were 259 students who qualified for a free meal and 39 students who qualified for a reduced-price meal in October 2015, the most recent date with available statistics according to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

RESOURCES AT MHS Casey collects food for students who don’t have the funds to consistently buy groceries. Parents and staff members donate non-perishable items or gift cards, and Casey sends them home with three to eight students each week. Each person reacts differently, some with elation and some with bashfulness, when they receive the food bag, Casey said. If any students are in need, Casey said all they need to do is come to her for help. Parents can call Casey in order to receive aid and guidance. Casey organizes the Holiday Dreams Program, which aims to provide students with $100 gift cards to Target or Wal-Mart so they have some extra cash for the holidays. Some may spend it on an electric device they’ve been wanting, while others may go for more basic items like socks and shoes. Casey said she likes giving gift cards because they can be spent on anything. “This way they get to choose, and to me that in of itself is a gift,” Casey said.


Casey asked the staff to help raise money for the Holiday Dreams Program. Laure Schultz, language arts teacher, came up with the idea to host a staff dress-down day, where teachers could wear casual clothes if they donated money to the program. The staff donated $1,100 over a two-day period. As a result, last Tuesday, students received a Holiday Dream gift card to Target or Wal-Mart. Casey chooses who receives the gift cards based on who she or another staff member knows is struggling. In past years, each student has shown their gratitude differently. This year, Casey said the recipients’ reactions were very heartfelt. All of the students receiving a gift card were extremely grateful, and they expressed their gratitude to the people who donated. “Many students have had tears in their eyes,” Casey said in an all-staff email. “All the students have given me a big hug, and many have also shared they have not received a Christmas gift since they were small children.”

STARTING A CONVERSATION Casey said it can often be difficult for people to understand the struggles of poverty if they have not lived through it themselves. However, service projects where people actually go into low-income communities can help to develop an understanding of poverty’s effects. “I’ve found that we’ve become a society that we don’t really want to talk about the real issues out there,” Casey said. “I think we’ve done it more so in the past six months because of this election.” She said more clubs can participate in community service that benefits MHS directly. Once the need is met at MHS, then students should focus on the outside community. “I believe we take care of our own first and then we help others,” Casey said. “Even within a family, you must take care of your own.” It is essential that people start talking about the issues at hand, Casey said. The election promoted the start of many conversations about different circumstances in the U.S., but people have to know their facts and initiate conversation themselves.

CLUB FUNDRAISERS National Honor Society (NHS) President Allison Licavoli, senior, said the NHS officers discussed organizing an event that helps MHS students directly, but they haven’t put a plan into action yet. She said she thinks many clubs at MHS focus on the outside community more because it can often be

difficult to find d maintaining conf “I’m sure som collaborate to com do,” Licavoli said STUCO Presid year club membe through the Salva responsible for p one of the family Although the name of the fami ity, STUCO receiv of each person, A gifts for a single m Ashie said she surpassing the $3 “It’s about giv happy with and n is,” Ashie said. Tri-M, the mu non-perishable go during the band, James Nacy, o pantry is an incre er, many student He encourage other fundraiser “Not all of ou all the time," he s


Alex Nelle’s, s service class orga to help families in than 2,100 canne nate to Circle of C Although they they’ve never rai “We had the o Concern to collec turkeys, so peopl thing to have at T Students in th a.m. on a late star mined which teac ally delivered the Megan Schmi amazing to walk rooms filled with “I think it wil like in this societ things, but we do need food.”



s during the holidays

directly benefit families while still fidentiality. me brains come together to try and me up with some ideas that we could d. dent Ariel Ashie, senior, said every ers “adopt” a low-income family ation Army. Each STUCO member is purchasing a $10, $20 or $30 gift for y members. Salvation Army doesn’t release the ily in order to maintain confidentialives the clothing sizes and gift wishes Ashie said. This year, they collected mother and her seven children. e ended up spending $45 on her gift, 30 limit. ving them something they’ll be really not necessarily how much money it

usic honor society, are collecting oods for the MHS food pantry choir and orchestra concerts. orchestra teacher, said the MHS food easingly important resource. Howevts don't know the pantry exists. es clubs to organize food drives and to help MHS students. ur students have everything they need said. "We need to make sure they do."


social studies teacher, community anized the annual canned food drive n West County. They collected more ed goods and more than $800 to doConcern, a local food pantry. y collected fewer cans than last year, ised this much money. option this year from Circle of ct the money and have it used to buy le felt like, hey that’s a really nice Thanksgiving," Nelle said. he class arrived at school around 8 rt day. They counted the cans, detercher collected the most and personem to Circle of Concern. itt, senior, said she thought it was into Circle of Concern and to see the h canned and boxed goods. ll have a huge impact because I feel ty that we feel we ‘need’ a lot of on’t actually,” Schmitt said. “But you

Staff members donated $1,100 for the Holiday Dreams Program during two teacher dress-down days.

MHS students received $100 gift cards last Tuesday through the Holiday Dreams Program.




Finals week brings about coping mechanisms for students BY BRITTANY FREEMAN


N AN EFFORT TO ESCAPE THE chatter of the Sachs Library common area, he engulfs himself in his studies in the quiet room for three to four hours a night. With finals approaching, Devin Haas, junior, feels anxiety and sleep deprivation start to set in. The luxuries he once enjoyed slip away as his time for comforting activities diminishes. “Reminding myself of the stakes and deadlines can motivate me to work harder, but it also makes me more anxious and anxiety in turn clouds my thinking,” he said. Like many students, Haas is experiencing the daily pressures of high school life. These pressures can morph into stressors that can start to overtake a person’s life. When students attempt to juggle different responsibilities, Heather Barnett, program director for Communities Healing Adolescent Depression and Suicide (CHADS), said they struggle to find a balance. “Stress comes in many different forms,” Barnett said. “Different types of either personal factors or environmental factors combine to create this mental strain resulting in adverse circumstances within the body.” Today, according to the American Psychological Association, 42 percent of teenagers believe they aren’t doing enough to cope with stress. It is the inability to address the situation that makes stress detrimental. “It is when you can’t manage the stress and you choose unhealthy coping mechanisms that it becomes a problem,” Barnett said. Because stress can lead to other mental disorders, Barnett said everybody copes with stress in different ways. While some are better than others, it is important to recognize one’s stressors and learn how to control them effectively.

THE STRESS EATER It was competition day when William Phillips’, sophomore, stress reached an all-time high. He said he felt


as though he let the team down because he messed up his solo. That afternoon, he cried for an hour and ate a hamburger, Skittles, soda, chips, Slim Jims and a slushie. Even though the team ended up winning, he said he couldn’t control his stress at the time. “I know people can be comforting but I like food more than people sometimes,” Phillips said. When he comes in contact with a stressful situation, Phillips said his first reaction is to not let it bother him, but if it does, then he eats. During finals, he said stress eating is more of a reaction to exams. Since he does turn to food, Phillips said he tries to eat healthier foods; however, the little sugar cookies with pictures printed in them are his favorite. “If you are going to stress it, try and eat things that aren’t bad,” Phillips said. Barnett said coping mechanisms, like stress eating, can manifest in a negative manner and have an adverse effects on the body. Even when a person is stressed, it is important to be cognizant of their overall health.

THE BELIEVER In the eighth chapter of the book of Romans, there is a passage that gives Mary Olubogun, freshman, the strength she needs to cope with her stress. “It just tells you that even through finals or school or people, that love isn’t going to change,” Olubogun said. She said her Christian identity has led her to spend a large portion of her time in prayer or reading scripture. Olubogun said school gives her the most stress right now. Because she has never taken finals before, she said she feels an immense pressure to perform well. When she begins to feel overwhelmed, she turns to God to feel at ease. “Scripture helps me because a lot of the stuff in it personally brings my soul, my heart and my attitude at ease,” she said. Because of the relief that reading Bible scriptures provides to Olubogun, Barnett said this is a positive coping mechanism.

THE RUNNER Eva Harrell, senior, is no stranger to finals; however, in times of stress, she usually goes running with her dog to ease her agitation. “It gets rid of all my energy and calms me down,” she said. With senior year coming to an end, Harrell said the daunting decision of where to go to college is providing a large stressor in her life. She said running at least five times a week for four miles gives her the opportunity to process her decisions. “I can think through everything while I am running,” Harrell said. Similar to Olubogun, Harrell is partaking in an activity that makes her happy when she is stressed. Due to this, Barnett said Harrell is managing her stress well. Simple exercises like deep breathing, mindfulness, rehearsal and time management are alternative ways similar to running that calms a person’s stress.

THE EFFECTS Barnett said everybody reacts to stress differently, so different coping mechanisms work better for some than they do for others. Once a person recognizes their stressors, they can do their best to plan for it. “People can develop healthy coping mechanisms and recognize triggers,” she said. She suggests doing activities that make people happy. Simple exercises like deep breathing, mindfulness, rehearsal and time management can calm a person’s stress. The lack of focus created by stress inhibits a positive work environment, so taking breaks while studying is one way combat the problem. “Journaling, writing, drawing just so that they can have that balance of knowing that finals are coming and that they need to prepare but also taking time for themselves and their life as well,” Barnett said.


Science teachers pick up trash during planning period BY ATHENA ZENG

Ryan Bixby and Ed Bolton, chemistry teachers, scavenge the front entrance for trash on Dec. 8. They’ve been picking up garbage since the start of this school year. Photograph by Athena Zeng

THE BELL FOR FIFTH HOUR HAS JUST RUNG. Ed Bolton and Ryan Bixby, chemistry teachers, are preparing for battle. But instead of picking up a sword and shield, their weapon of choice is a bucket and tongs. And their enemy? The trash cluttering the grounds and hallways of MHS. The idea to pick up trash sprouted from one of Bolton and Bixby’s daily planning periods, in which they spend that time walking and picking up trash on a path through the tennis courts and Kehrs Mill Road. It wasn’t until Bixby carried a 32 ounce cup for what he said felt like half his lifetime that he decided to buy a bucket. “Mostly, I pick it up because it bothers me to look at it, so it’s primarily a selfish thing for me,” Bixby said. “I pick it up whenever I see it. What am I supposed to do? See a piece of trash and leave it there?” Bolton said he picks up trash because he doesn’t like disorder and entropy, but also because he considers MHS to be an extension of his own home. “We care, so we pick it up,” Bolton said. “Whether anyone else does the same thing, I mean that would be great. But it’s more about, this is something that needs to be done and we are walking around, so we’ll take care of it.” What Bolton said he found more interesting than the student reactions were the staff reactions. Students more than the staff tended be more on board with the idea that Bolton and Bixby would pick up trash on their own will. “They’ll see us with our buckets and our tongs and

they’re like, ‘Oh, how’d you get that duty?’ because they think it’s some sort of punishment because we didn’t behave right,” Bolton said. Typical trash items include water bottles and Nature’s Valley Granola bars, Bolton said. But they’ve also found stranger objects such as a pair of underwear, a singular shoe, and many a thing that makes Bixby “think the social life of students at Marquette High School is still just as vibrant and entertaining” as life was when he was in high school. The whole time the two teachers walk, they’re planning out the next assignments in honors chemistry, simultaneously working and walking. But as far as the daily walks strengthening their “relationship,” Bixby said there was a false assumption that they enjoy one another’s company and that any time the two spend together only strains their relationship. “On the walks, we do get good venting because we can use all the blue language that we like,” Bixby said. “But, the wind in your hair and the sun on your faceI used to feel very lethargic in the afternoons. And now, the walk revitalizes me.” Dan Carpenter, head custodian, has seen Bolton and Bixby in action, to which he said is pretty cool of them. He said for somebody to be doing that on their own free time shows a lot of respect for the school, and that he hopes if students see other people picking stuff up, maybe they’ll think twice about throwing something down. “It’s a good little program that they’re doing and we really do appreciate it,” Carpenter said.



Workers, consumers reflect on holiday season BY MAHIKA MUSHUNI FIFTEEN HOURS A WEEK, three days a week Kristin Rankin, junior, works at Olive Street Cafe and she worked over Thanksgiving break. Rankin said many people got upset with her because she was unable to seat them at the time. “Some customers would actively look around the restaurant to find open tables or seat themselves, which then gets me in trouble for over seating the restaurant,” Rankin said. Rankin said she wishes customers would be more understanding. “I’m trying to save them time for their food to come out so I’m delaying them at the front rather than delaying them at their table,” Rankin said. “But they still get mad at me either way.” When dealing with future rude customers, Rankin said that she’ll approach them differently “Now when I tell them a wait time, I will suggest getting them a drink or offering them to go up to the bar and wait,” Rankin said. Heather Eggering, manager of the Lion’s Choice in Ellisville, has some advice for dealing with challenging customers.


Eggering said, in dealing with customers, she instructs her employees to always walk away from the situation and get the manager. “If a manger could get to the root of the problem of why the customer is being the way that they are like a missing food item or I mean the manager would never promote any name calling or belligerency but they would give them what the need if that’s in fact the problem,” Eggering said. Eggering said most customers exhibit appropriate behavior. “99 percent of the time all of our customers are exactly the way we want them,” Eggering said. “They have the kind of etiquette that I think should be displayed in public, respectful and nice and easy going.” Kumar, junior, have had positive encounters with employees while shopping. “Last year, I went post-Christmas shopping and I just remember that the cashiers were very kind,” Kumar said. “This was at Best-Buy but I noted that they were higher up in spirits and more willing to help with anything I asked.” Ellen Cuba, senior, works at Nothing Bundt Cakes. She said she has experienced kind and grateful customers

Julie Haley, junior, bags groceries at the Ellisville Dierbergs on Dec. 12. She works about 10 hours a week. Photograph by Mahika Mushuni during the holiday season. “Most people are very friendly around Christmas,” she said. “I remember last year someone wrote a letter and brought it in saying how it was her

father’s last Christmas and our cake was the last thing he ate. She was so grateful for our service and kindness.”


Breaking barriers BY ELLIE TOLER

NO FOOD IN THE CLASSROOM. No phones at school. No cracking jokes at Model UN conferences. This was reality for foreign exchange student Anjali Singh, junior, at the Emerald Heights International School Madhya Pradesh, India before she arrived in the U.S. last August as a part of the Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program. She’s living with Kim and Court Mandrell until June, when she’ll return to India. Now, she said she’s on her phone all the time. The YES program, funded by the U.S. Department of State, provides scholarships for students from countries with significant Muslim populations to live in the U.S. for up to a year. Anjali said she was drawn to the program because the large size of the U.S. economy fascinated her. “Everyone is really, really good at what they do,” Singh said. “I was quite curious about it.” Singh said the program is very competitive, with over 40 students from her school alone applying. The application process took a year to complete. First, she submitted the preliminary application before moving on to a discovery day, where she and the other applicants participated in group discussions, debates and other activities. Once she passed through that round, she completed a 30-page application that included her medical history and a letter to her host family. After a national interview and more essays, she was officially a part of the YES program. Anjali was the only student from her school who was accepted. Anjali said she came here as a cultural ambas-

Singh explores American life

sador, so she has to participate in two activities that promote diversity. First, she participated in an improv night organized by Amina Nasir, who gave the groups prompts to act out different situations, such as taking a selfie. In January or February, she plans on attending an event with an African American author or visiting an African American dominant church. Singh said she wants to break the stereotypes Americans have about India, such as all Indians being vegetarians. When she returns to India, she plans to inform others of the truth about Americans as well. Everyone here is not fat and lazy. Naval Singh, Anjali’s father and a colonel in India’s Border Security Force, said the cosmopolitan outlook, quality education system and diverse heritage of the U.S. will expand Anjali’s mindset onto a global scale. Although this is the first time Anjali has been away from home for so long, Naval said the exposure to an entirely new environment will help her develop cultural sensitivity and communication skills. “As a family, we always have this feeling of hollowed and incompleteness without her,” Naval said. “But we need to have a balanced view in life. We want her to learn and grow as much as she can as a universal citizen. Our love and affection for her should not come in the way of exploring new possibilities.” Kim Mandrell, Singh’s host mother, said she and her husband have been exposing Singh to many different things—new foods, volunteering opportunities, their dogs— to help her adjust to life in the U.S. The Mandrells do not have children of their own, but they’ve hosted eight female foreign exchange students from Italy, Japan, Brazil, France, Germany, Indonesia and now India. Host families are responsible for feeding the student, providing them a place to live and go to school. Kim said communication can be a challenging when hosting a foreign exchange student, and establishing household expectations early is critical. While she can be very direct, some cultures view directness as being rude. “While Anjali’s language skills are great, some students are really challenged in the first few months,” Kim said. “Taking time to slow down and select simpler words so that the student can understand is really helpful.”

Foreign exchange student Anjali Singh, junior, plans to stay in the U.S. until June. She said one of the biggest differences between India and the U.S. is the weather. Photograph by Ellie Toler



Light shows of STL


Parks display the holiday spirit BOTANICAL GARDEN


Hours of Operation open nightly from 5 to 10 p.m.

Price SUNDAYS THROUGH THURSDAYS November 19 - December 15 $16 adults (ages 13+) - $18 Friday & Saturday $12 members - $14 Friday & Saturday $10 children (ages 3 to 12) $6 members’ children


9551 Litzsinger Rd.


Hours of Operation Price $10 family vehicle $20 limousine $40 commercial transport van $90 tour bus


open Sunday through Friday 5:30 to 9:30 p.m.


Season’s eatings Holiday cookies in four easy steps BY ALEANAH ARRAYA

ingredients 1 3/4 C of peanut butter (optional), 1 1/4 C of brown sugar, 1/2 C of shortening, 3 tbsp of milk, 1 tbsp of vanilla, 1 egg, 1 3/4 C of all-purpose flour, 3/4 tsp of baking soda, 3/4 tsp of salt, chocolate-covered mini pretzels, mini chocolate chips, and mini m&ms.

Preheat oven to 375°F


Combine brown sugar, peanut butter, shortening, milk, and vanilla in a mixing bowl. Beat at medium speed until well blended. Then add the egg. Beat until blended.


In a separate bowl combine flour, baking soda, and salt. Add the bowl of flour to the creamed mixture slowly at low speed. Mix until blended.


Form 1-inch dough balls and mold into an egg shape. Space the cookies apart on a greased cookie sheet and bake for 6-8 minutes.


Let the cookies cool for 3-4 minutes. Place them on a separate plate and place the mini chips as eyes, red mini m&m as the nose, and the chocolate covered pretzels as antlers.


Teachers play basketball before school BY MADDIE EVELAND


TARTING AT PROMPTLY 6 A.M., THE GYM is strictly reserved for teachers and parents for some mildly competitive basketball. Brendan Taylor, history teacher, was invited into the morning basketball routine in 2007 and has watched it grow since. Nowadays, there are always at least 8-16 players in attendance, allowing for subs, multiple teams and increased competition. The winning team stays and the losing team has to shoot free throws and wait to see who sits and who plays in the next game. The regular teachers who show are Brendan Taylor, history teacher; Eric Schweain, science teacher; Kyle Devine, science teacher; Timothy Bowdern, math teacher; Kevin Sharitz, technology teacher; and Chris Elledge, gym teacher. “All of us enjoy playing at “old man pace” but we are like snowflakes, we all have unique skills we bring to the table,” Taylor said. Former college basketball player, Eric Schweain, science teacher, remembers a time when he use to watch older men play pickup games on the court and never thought he would be one of those men. Now, he is one them. He began playing close to seven years ago as a way to boost his confidence while rehabilitating from a car accident. “We are just trying to burn some calories and make exercise a priority,” Schweain said. The teams are new each day and GroupMe messages are sent out the night before and once eight commit to showing up, then the game is set.

Prescription misuse

Tim Sayers and Sean Leonard fight for a rebound in a friendly game of basketball on Dec. 14 in the gym. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday a group of 8 to 16 men play pick-up games. Photograph by Mahika Mushuni An original morning basketball player, Chris Elledge, health teacher, remembers what morning basketball was like in the beginning when he was playing one on one because no one else showed up. “One day, people just started showing up,” Elledge said. “There are a lot of regulars, but all of the teachers have different times of the year when they are busy, so the teams are always changing.”

All of them have played at certain levels at some point in their lives, some levels higher than others, so competitive drive varies from person to person. “Some people are giving their all and working up a real sweat and others are just walking back and forth,” Elledge said.

is drug abuse.

Is your name on this bottle? Only take medication as prescribed to you.

The deadline is Feb. 1. Go to and use code 8222 for details. Seniors, find your cutest baby pic and tell your parents about baby ads. They can now customize your ad at home online. 15


WINTER SPORTS IN BRIEF As first semester comes to an end, winter athletes gear up for the rest of the season


Girls Basketball

Boys Basketball



NEXT GAME: Friday, Dec. 30

NEXT GAME: Friday, Dec. 16

“All three levels have the ability to do great things this year and I think we are just excited to get this season started,” Tim Bowdern, girls basketball coach, said.

“Every day we step into a gym and the first thought that the boys need to think about is, ‘How can I make myself and the team better,’” Kevin Schultz, boys basketball coach, said.

Girls Swimming

Girls Diving




NEXT MEET: Friday, Dec. 16

NEXT MEET: Wednesday, Jan. 4

NEXT MEET: Wednesday, Jan. 4

“We are just getting into the competition portion of the season,” Jacob Dieffenbach, wrestling coach, said. “The first month was mostly practices.”

“There are plenty of fast teams out there that would like to take MHS down, which means resting on the success of our past several seasons is not an option,” Joe Schoedel, girls swimming coach, said.

“Most people don’t know that we are basically one with swimming,” Lisa Roth, girls diving coach, said. “Where they go, we go.”

Senior breaks basketball rebound record BY LUCY ALEXANDER

Hannah Drumm, senior, breaks the school record for the most number of rebounds. Photograph by Kenzie Winstead


HANNAH DRUMM, SENIOR, SET A new record as the leading rebounder on the varsity girls basketball team. When Drumm set the new record, she said she was very excited that she finally broke the record. “I was just happy I finally did something for the team,” Drumm said. Girls basketball coach Tim Bowdern, math teacher, said Drumm, a four-year varsity player, a has grown as an athlete since her freshman year. “Drumm has really bought into the system and she has truly made herself into one of the best post players in St. Louis,” Bowdern said. The previous record was set by Sta-

cy Arnson with 629 rebounds in 2003. Drumm finished last year with 617 rebounds, and she has 33 rebounds so far this season. Bowdern said Drumm is likely to join the three alumni that broke the 1,000 points by the end of this year because her rebounds are so good. “Overall, she still has some challenges to overcome, like the potential to break 1000 points by the end of this year,” Bowdern said. This challenge is a great achievement for any high school basketball player. Sarah Winkler, senior, has been playing with Drumm for three years. “When she broke the record, we were all really excited. We were all so proud of her,” Winkler said.

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