Marquette Tribune | March, 18, 2025

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Schimel and Crawford debate at MU Law

Wisconsin Supreme Court candidates Susan Crawford and Brad Schimel

It did not take long for things to get testy in the Wisconsin Supreme Court candidates’ one and only debate.

Waukesha County Judge Brad Schimel and Dane County Judge Susan Crawford sat down for a televised debate hosted by WISN 12 in the Lubar Center at Marquette Law School on March 12. The

two candidates sparred on a range of hot-button political and legal issues, at times interrupting each other and attacking each other’s judicial record.

Liberal justices currently have a 4-3 majority on the state’s highest court after flipping the majority in 2023 following the election of Justice Janet Protasiewicz.

Conservatives are looking to retake the majority

following the retirement of incumbent liberal Justice Ann Walsh Bradley. The winner of the April 1 election will start their tenyear term on the bench on August 1.

Campaign funding

The candidates spent much of the night attacking each other on campaign contributions from political mega billionaires. Schimel highlighted

how Crawford has received donations from high profile liberal billionaires, including George Soros, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffmann. Schimel took particular issue with Soros’ endorsement of his opponent, citing his previous support of judicial officials that he claimed are soft on criminals.

“[Soros] is a dangerous person to have an endorsement from,” Schimel said. Crawford hit back over the involvement of groups associated with Elon Musk in Schimel's campaign for the high court. These groups are estimated to have contributed over $8 million

Get to know Dane County Judge Crawford

Crawford visited the Marquette Law School on Feb. 28.

Fair, impartial, common sense.

Those are the three principles Dane County Judge Susan Crawford has claimed to base her 2025 State Supreme Court campaign around. As voting season ramps

up again in Wisconsin before the April 1 election, Crawford paid a visit to the Marquette University Law School's Lubar Center to speak with Director Derek Mosely about her campaign principles, backstory, future plans and more.

“I need to keep my head on straight and keep my head high and just continue to tell people, like all of you here, why I’m in this race, what kind of experience I bring to it and why I think I’d be a good justice on the Wisconsin Supreme Court,” Crawford said.

Crawford's visit to Marquette as part of the Lubar Center's "Get to Know" series followed that of her opponent, Waukesha County Judge Brad Schimel, which took place on Feb. 18.

Ten days later in Eckstein Hall, nearly every seat in the Lubar Center was full, with hundreds of individuals of all ages waiting to hear what Crawford had to say and ask their own questions.

“I think face-to-face is the best way to engage somebody’s character,” Silas Petrie, a third-year law

student at the Marquette Law School, said. “I really value that opportunity to get to know them.”

Background and early career

Crawford, who grew up in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, first explained how she had a passion for education before becoming a judge. She attended Lawrence University with a focus on college education and went to graduate school before realizing teaching was no longer her biggest passion.

So, after finishing a mas-

ter’s degree at Indiana University, Crawford took time off to reassess her future and navigate the best route to becoming more involved in solving problems she saw in her communities.

"Throughout my career, I've always wanted to be where I could do the most good and be the most helpful," Crawford said.

That desire to help others brought Crawford to the University of Iowa College of Law, where she took many elective courses and became editor-in-chief of the International Law Jour

Photo by Jovanny Hernandez / Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
hosted at the Marquette Law School on March 12.

DEBATE: Records, abortion, how to vote

Continued from page 1

toward television ads, mail flyers and paid canvassers supporting Schimel. Crawford also highlighted pending litigation from Musk’s company, Tesla, a case that could appear before the high court.

“It is no coincidence that Elon Musk started spending that money within days of Tesla filing a lawsuit in Wisconsin,” Crawford said. “He is trying to buy access and influence by buying himself a justice on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”

Judicial records

Schimel defended his record on the use of rape test kits during his tenure as Wisconsin State Attorney

General, responding to ads saying that he let kits go untested and prevented rape victims from getting justice. Schimel said that he was forced to conduct an inventory of the kits following mismanagement by previous state attorneys general.

"We didn't even know how many kits were out there," Schimel said. "We had to go to every single police department in Wisconsin, every hospital storeroom, find out where the kits were, how many there were, what the case circumstances were. When I left the Department of Justice, that problem was solved."

Schimel also doubled down on his attack on Crawford over a case

involving her sentence of a child sex offender in 2020, which has been the subject of intense TV attack ads. Opponents have claimed that the four-year sentence Crawford handed to the man convicted of raping a 5-year-old girl was not strong enough, and that Crawford put the offender above the community. Crawford responded directly to the attack.

“The Supreme Court has said that you have to order the minimum amount of prison time necessary to protect the public,” Crawford said.

She went on to attack her opponent by saying that he handed down short sentences to people who would go on to commit new crimes.


Litigation is currently pending before the State Supreme Court challenging Wisconsin’s 1849 law that bans abortions in almost all cases. Schimel has said the current law was validly passed; however, he also says he does not believe that the law reflects the will of the people today. He expressed his desire for the issue to be decided by the people of Wisconsin, either through the legislature or through a constitutional referendum.

"No judge or justice should be deciding this issue for the voters of Wisconsin," Schimel said.

Crawford declined to take a position on the pending abortion case, however,

she said she was proud to have supported Planned Parenthood when she was an attorney in a private practice. She also attacked Judge Schimel for his record on the issue.

“My opponent has said that he believes the 1849 law in Wisconsin is a valid law and he is trying to backpedal on that position now,” Crawford said. How to vote

Polls will open for the Wisconsin spring election on April 1, 2025. Early voting begins two weeks before on March 18. Visit myvote. for information about how to vote and other races happening in local communities across the state.

CRAWFORD: Marquette student reactions

nal, something she considered a passion project.

Crawford’s professional career began as an assistant attorney general at the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Then she served as a prosecutor in state government before becoming a private practice attorney. Finally, in 2018 she was elected to sit on the Dane County Circuit Court Branch 1.

Fair Crawford said that through volunteer work she has done on the statewide court committee, she has had opportunities to work with other judges from across the state.

“We don’t ask each other, ‘Are you Democrat or Republican? Are you conservative? Are you liberal?’” Crawford said. “[We] just get to work and solve problems or put on the programs that are needed to educate judges, and I’ve really appreciated the amount of hard work most judges put into their jobs.”

Crawford also sees a lot of individuals who cannot afford lawyers come into the courts without one. She explained how there are some, but not enough, resources in place to help defend people in these situations, so she would advocate for more affordable legal services.

While there are limits for advocacy under the judicial code barring judges from getting involved in certain policy decisions, Crawford said supporting legislation for low-cost legal services is acceptable because it directly involves the courts.


As a judge, Crawford said she is careful to not make a decision until she has heard all the evidence and done her own research

on the law, a practice she claims she would continue if elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

Crawford also detailed an instance when she knew someone on a circuit court case and removed herself from the case to remain impartial. She said this mindset would apply to any cases where she feels strongly about a certain policy.

“If I felt that I had some personal stake or bias, I would not sit on the case. I think that is a basis to recuse,” Crawford said. “As a judge, you learn to check yourself and make sure that you’re able to make fair and impartial decisions.”

Additionally, Crawford said she has attended personal trainings to examine the personal biases she brings to her decisions, including one with Mosely. She mentioned how she does not make decisions based on what she reads or sees in the media.

Common sense

Pragmatism is a philosophical problem-solving approach that focuses on reality, rather than ideal theoretical outcomes. That approach is what Crawford bases her “common sense” campaign principle around.

“I’m closely examining what my legal decision is going to do and how it’s going to affect the parties in front of me,” Crawford said.

Crawford further explained her judicial philosophy by detailing how she strives to apply laws in the ways they are intended, to protect the rights of Wisconsinites.

Campaign backlash

Crawford was asked about donations from liberal mega donor George Soros and Illinois Gov.

J.B. Pritzker amidst backlash toward Schimel about donations from billionaire Elon Musk. Soros and Pritzker contributed $1.5 million to the Crawford campaign.

Crawford did not directly comment on those donations.

“We’ve had contributions from literally tens of thousands of both Wisconsinites and people outside the state that are interested in seeing what happens with Wisconsin,” Crawford said.

Regarding Musk’s multi-million-dollar donations to Schimel’s campaign, Crawford said it is concerning that Musk has been so involved in the election as "an unelected right-hand person to the president."

“When I was a kid growing up in Chippewa Falls, I never thought I would be fighting against the world’s richest man, but here we are,” Crawford said. Marquette students react

Students like Petrie, the third-year law student, made up a number of the attendees at Crawford’s “Get to Know” event, some seeking answers to their campaign-related questions and others wanting to know more about the candidates' personalities.

Petrie attended both Crawford’s and Schimel’s visits to the Lubar Center and was pleased with how both candidates spoke. He said he witnessed Schimel field more adversarial questions and Crawford answer more technically difficult questions.

“I think they will both be excellent justices,” Petrie said. “Wisconsin is in a really good spot.”

Despite the election being nonpartisan, some politically-affiliated students have chosen their side. Elliot Sgrignuoli, a junior in

the College of Arts & Sciences and president of the Marquette College Republicans, explained his group is supporting Schimel because they feel he will leave politics out of decision-making.

sults of its first 2025 statewide poll at 12:15 p.m. on March 5 at Eckstein Hall, with the same information being published on the Marquette Law School Poll website at 1:15 p.m. that day.

“Crawford has no intention of avoiding politics and will use them throughout her rulings,” Sgrignuoli said in an email. “A vote for Susan Crawford will create a more dangerous Wisconsin.”

Petrie considers himself an issues voter rather than a partisan voter. He said it is important for college students to learn how to do proper research and befriend those of different political affiliations in their formative years of young adulthood.

“I feel like if you do those things, you’ll just be a better, more informed member of society and overall, mentally more healthy,” Petrie said.

Coming up

The Marquette Law School will release the re-

Crawford and Schimel will both return to the Lubar Center at 7 p.m. on March 12 for a Wisconsin Supreme Court debate hosted by WISN. While registration for the event is closed, voters can watch the televised debate on WISN and other local broadcast channels across the state.

Voting for the Wisconsin Supreme Court election will take place on April 1, with polling stations open from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Wisconsinites can also request to vote absentee by mail.

Continued from page 1
Crawford (right) fielded questions from Lubar Center attendees.
Photo by Mia Thurow

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Meet Waukesha Co. Judge Schimel

Wisconsin voters will return to the polls on April 1 to elect a replacement for retiring Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley. Waukesha County Judge Brad Schimel will face off against Dane County Judge Susan Crawford in an election that could reshape the ideological balance of Wisconsin's highest court.

The Marquette University Law School hosted Judge Schimel in a meet and greet event Feb. 18, where he talked about a variety of topics from his career as a prosecutor to his campaign for State Supreme Court.

March 18

Resolving tension be- tween agriculture and water quality

Details: - 8:30 a.m.

- Eckstein Hall

Student Sucess Dialouges on stud- ent well-being

Details: - Noon-1 p.m.

- Lemonis Center multipurpose room

In the event hosted by the Lubar Center, Schimel talked about his background. Born in West Allis, he attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School, where he worked to help incarcerated inmates prepare for reentry into society.

Schimel went on to talk about some of the experiences he had in his over 20 years working as a Waukesha County prosecutor. He

explained that there were many instances where he would wake up at 3 a.m. to go in-person to a crime scene, highlighting how this dedication allowed him to be more adept to the smaller details of a case.

“There were countless times that there was something that would have surprised anybody else in that trial, but I knew the answer because I was standing [at the scene] while they were doing the investigation,” Schimel said.

On choosing to run for Supreme Court, Schimel said he wants to restore objectivity to the judiciary. He criticized the 2023 campaign of incumbent Justice Janet Protasiewicz, citing her rhetoric on abortion and state legislative maps. He claimed Protasiewicz made promises about rulings before cases were filed and that judges need to put their own political views aside and apply the law as it is written.

“If you can’t make that commitment, you have no business putting on a black robe," Schimel said.

Philosophically, Schimel labeled himself a “judicial conservative.” He added that the foundation judicial conservatism is that judges do not write the law.

“You interpret law when you have to, but you apply the law as it’s written," Schimel said.

Schimel also labeled himself as an originalist, saying that the U.S. Constitution and the amendments should be viewed from the perspective of the founding fathers and those who wrote the subsequent amendments. He added that he believed the judicial branch was intended to be the weakest branch of the U.S. government.

“[The courts] are always intended under our system to not get headlines. You need to respect that the legislature has powers that you aren’t to invade; The governor has powers that you aren’t to invade,” Schimel said.

Elliott Sgrignuoli, a junior in the College of Arts and Sciences and chair of the Marquette College Republicans, expressed his support

March 21

for Schimel.

"Marquette University College Republicans proudly support Brad Schimel for the Wisconsin Supreme Court," Sgrignuoli said in an email.

In contrast, Jasleen Kaur, a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences and chair of the Marquette College Democrats, expressed how some Wisconsin liberals are rallying behind Schimel's opponent, Judge Susan Crawford.

"In the current state of the nation, it is important that we don’t succumb to the influences of billionaires who don’t tend to give the common man the time of day," Kaur said, referencing Elon Musk's recent $1 million contribution to Schimel's campaign.

The Lubar Center will host Crawford on Feb. 28. WISN 12 is also hosting a debate between Crawford and Schimel March 12, which will take place in the Lubar Center.

Schimel, a candidate for the Wisconsin Supreme Court, talked about a variety of topics
Photo by Sahil Gupta

Engineer of the Year leads for a better future

While some members of the Marquette community attend conferences and celebrations wearing personalized name tags, Brooke Mayer went to STEM Forward’s Celebration of STEM event on Feb. 6 with an extra addition to her badge. Underneath the laminated tag with her name was a blue ribbon that read, “Award winner.”

After first being announced on Jan. 15, Mayer, professor of civil, construction and environmental engineering, was officially recognized as the 2025 STEM Forward Engineer of the Year. The honor is presented annually to an outstanding engineer in the Milwaukee seven county circle, and it found Mayer after years of work as a researcher, teacher and mentor.

“It's a wonderful award to celebrate because I think it just demonstrates the impact of the work that Dr. Mayer and her colleagues have been doing, particularly in the area of environmental engineering and the water quality center,” Kristina Ropella, dean of the Opus College of Engineering, said. "She's a leader in this, not just at Marquette and in Milwaukee, but on a national level.”

Embedded within Mayer’s body of work is her commitment to Marquette’s tagline: “Be The Difference.” In addition to researching and actively striving to build a future with a protected environment and cleaner drinking water, Mayer has shown

a commitment to creating a better world for engineers to come.

Within the last three years, Mayer has been heavily involved with Science and Technologies for Phosphorus Sustainability, a research center backed by the National Science Foundation committed to the sustainability of phosphorus, which is comparable to fossil fuels in its status as a non-renewable resource.

“We take that waste phosphorus in water systems and then grab it in a way that we can use it back in agricultural production— so you kind of short-circuit the loop,” Mayer said. “It's a large national center. [There is] lots of involvement from researchers across different places [and] lots of community engagement. Wastewater treatment plants are partners in it, all the way to farmers, growers, things like that."

STEPS, led by North Carolina State University, intertwines 10 colleges and universities across the United States, including Marquette, to come together as leaders and critically analyze the presence of phosphorus.

“We work together with these schools on different facets of phosphorus sustainability, so it could be things like mining it better to growing food better,” Mayer said. “A lot of our role is on water quality, so thinking about how you can get rid of pollutant phosphorus to avoid things like algae blooms, but also to recover that phosphorus so that you can put it back into usable food production.”

Mayer’s initial role with STEPS was co-director of Education and Human Resources, leading networking efforts and creating a sense of belonging for the estimated 50 researchers and 50-100 students. Over time, she has continued to grow in her research role and emerge as an integral part of the leadership team.

“Phosphorus is a limited resource and people project that in the next 50 to 200 years we will run out of [it],”

Daniel Zitomer, chair and professor of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, director of Water Quality Center and mentor to Mayer, said. “It's a really pressing concern that we have enough phosphorus and they're trying to deal with that — so she’s really a leader in that area.”

STEPS joins the ranks of organizations impacted by Mayer’s leadership, which includes work from when she first arrived at Marquette. Coming to Milwaukee in 2012, Mayer began running summer outreach and STEM programs for students in middle school and high school.

“It’s very much a part of who she is and wanting to help develop leaders of the future,” Ropella said.

For over five years, Mayer has worked with Engineers Without Borders, an organization that strives to improve communities around the world through engineering initiatives. Serving in a mentor role for the Marquette chapter of EWB, which operates in Guatemala, Mayer has been involved with projects ranging from

bridge and schoolhouse construction to various water-related projects.

“It’s mind blowing to me that our students are able to do this and they do it in partnership with professional engineers,” Mayer said.

Additionally, Mayer previously worked with the Society of Women Engineers,

dergraduates and graduate students,” Zitomer said.

Zitomer added that because she works with a range of engineers from first-year students to young professors, Mayer is constantly acting as a mentor.

As a mentor, in addition to teaching and researching, Mayer has found her work

another large-scale initiative that has a chapter at Marquette. With SWE, Mayer was heavily involved in networking efforts, connecting successful engineers with others who came from different walks of life.

In her primary role as an educator, Mayer has an energetic teaching style, showing an unwavering commitment to students who spend time in her classroom.

“She really cares about the students and cares about the quality of teaching and is engaged with a lot of un-

with others to “be the difference” at a university that tasks its community to do so.

“The heart of it [is] really in networking, from pre-college all the way to post-college to try to make sure that people are connected,” Mayer said. “And know that there's a support system and also be able to see successful engineers from all walks of life and all diversity — and that anything's possible.”

Young Kim: Researcher, professor, parent

Young Kim starts his day at 5 a.m. so that he has time to work on his research before his son wakes up. After getting him ready for school, he continues his work; Answering emails, attending meetings and teaching classes are all a part of his daily routine.

Kim is a strategic communication professor in the Diederich College of Communication and was recently named one of the top 2% of scientists on the latest World’s Top 2% Scientists list.

"It was an absolute honor. Personally, it is very meaningful in research community and beyond," Kim said. Kim works on research related to misinformation and how organizations can effectively and successfully correct that information, especially in crisis situations in social media content.

His role in strategic com-

munication started when he worked as a public affairs officer in the South Korean army. There,he said he learned valuable lessons about the importance of applying theories to the public relations field.

“I mean, that's why you need to be knowledgeable, in order to choose the most appropriate strategy for your communication. The PAO experience can help me share my experience and then emphasize how important it is and use it as class material for my students,” Kim said.

He said that as a PAO he wanted to dive deeper into the theories behind the public relations strategies he was using. Kim said he faced challenges and did not always respond correctly, which is why he wanted to learn as much about the subject as he could.

Along with teaching, Kim spends time trying to close the gap between research and practice. He said this

pursuit motivates him to continue working on his research, and that the combination of public relations and crisis communication is an applied science. He explained that the goal of research should be to create applicable theories, and if they are not applicable to the field, they are useless.

Kim moves closer towards his goals as he is recognized for his research in the World’s Top 2% Scientists list, an award he considers as motivation to keep working.

“It takes a lot of time and also you get a lot of rejections, and you keep asking yourself, 'Am I right? Am I heading in the right direction?' But that's why being recognized for my research is meaningful, that means I'm heading in the right direction,” Kim said.

David Wilcox, another professor in the College of Communication, works with Kim. He describes him as a positive force for

the staff and students along with being a first-rate researcher.

“For the accolades that he's won, he's just pretty chill, and for those of us who aren't researchers but understand what it takes to go into that, I am just constantly impressed with his level of scholarship,” Wilcox said.

Wilcox said that Kim comes into work with a smile, something he appreciates. Along with this, his care for the students is evident in his actions.

“He's one of those people who shows up for things that might seem insignificant but aren't. During admitted student days and other opportunities to interface with potential students who may not know what their major is, he just represents us in the strategic communication department," Wilcox said.

Kaylynn Wright, a junior in the College of Communication, is in Kim’s public re-

lations principles class. She said he understands where the students are at and tries to meet them there. And, besides compassion, Wright emphasizes how positive the class is.

“He's so passionate about public relations that it makes me passionate about it,” Wright said.

The only thing that may outweigh Kim's passion for his research is his care for others, including his family, co-workers and especially students.

Mayer (right) is committed to creating a better world for the future.
Photo by Lily Wooten
Kim was named one of the top 2% of scientists in the world.
Photo courtesy of Marquette University


Golden Eagles are dancin' once again

Smart's squad earns its fourth straight NCAA


Marquette men's basketball is heading to the Big Dance for the fourth year in a row.

The Golden Eagles (23-10, 13-7 Big East) heard their name called during the NCAA Selection Show Sunday night, earning a No. 7 seed in the NCAA South Regional while at the team’s watch party at The Mecca Sports Bar across the street from Fiserv Forum in the

Deer District.

They will travel to Cleveland, Ohio to face the No. 10 New Mexico Lobos (26-7) Friday in the First Round.

Marquette head coach Shaka Smart continues his Big Dance appearance streak, as he has now taken his team to the national tournament in all four years that he has been at the helm of the Golden Eagles.

How they got here

Marquette went 9-2 in non-conference play, winning its first eight games of the regular season to get out to its best start since the 2011-12 season. Some of the highlights of its slate

included a 78-74 victory at Maryland, a 76-58 home win against then-No. 6 Purdue and another 88-74 MU win against in-state rival then-No. 11 Wisconsin.

Heading into Big East play, the Golden Eagles continued its hot streak, winning its first six games to get out to its best start in conference play since 200809 before dropping its first contest against Xavier at home.

After earning three more conference wins, Marquette went 0-3 against UConn, St. John's and Creighton, marking the first time it had lost three straight since Smart's first


The Golden Eagles got back on track shortly after, notching wins against DePaul and Seton Hall — until they lost to Villanova on the road by 15 points. The Wildcats shot 80% from beyond the arc to go up by 13 points after the first half.

Marquette earned another two wins against Providence and Georgetown before falling again to UConn and St. John's to end the regular season. It finished conference play with a 13-7 record and earned a first-round bye as the No. 5 seed in the Big East Tournament.

In the quarterfinals, the

Golden Eagles rallied for a two-point win over the No. 4 Xavier Musketeers after being down by as many as 14 points. However, they weren't so lucky the next day, as they were routed 79-63 by No. 1 St. John's in the semifinals. Jones was named to the Big East All-Tournament Team after averaging 26 points, 4.5 rebounds and three assists per game over the weekend. The Memphis, Tennessee native has now netted 23 career 3-pointers at the conference tournament, which ranks fourth in Big East history.

Marquette celebrates after its 89-87 win over Xavier on Thursday in the Big East Tournament quarterfinals at Madison Square Garden.
Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics



With women’s hockey rising in popularity since the Professional Women's Hockey League's inaugural season in January 2024, Milwaukee could provide a platform for the expansion of the league. Milwaukee’s professional hockey scene currently consists of one team in the American Hockey League, and despite expressed interest, the city has yet to house an NHL team.

The lack of an NHL team is compensated for by the Milwaukee Admirals, but expanding the PWHL to Milwaukee would bring the women’s sports scene to the city and possibly restart conversations about making Milwaukee the house of an NHL franchise.

The Admirals are currently playing in the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Panther Arena, which has a capacity of 6,000. Fiserv Forum held a Home Away from Home game that hosted the Chicago Blackhawks as they played the St. Louis Blues. Both of these venues are valid options for a new league, especially considering their location in central Milwaukee.

Yahoo Sports ranked Fiserv Forum as the third best venue for a potential new PWHL team, citing its pro-ready status as appealing to the league. They also note Milwaukee's girls' hockey system as being a motivator, seeing as club and high school participation around the city is steady and strong.

The Milwaukee Admirals even have their own girls league, which promotes player development in a similar manner to the pro league.

The PWHL is currently made up of six teams, three of which are based in the U.S. and the other three in Canada. To garner nationwide exposure, the league started the Takeover Tour in January, where games are played in various neutral sites around the US and Canada. Attendance for these games was record-breaking; the game taking place in Denver drew 14,018 fans to the Denver Ball Arena, where the Denver Avalanche (NHL) and Denver Nuggets (NBA) play.

When deciding locations for the tour, fo -

cus was put onto cities that expressed enthusiasm engaging with the league, the driving objective of the tour being to showcase the game and athletes across a wider breadth.

There’s a clear interest in women’s hockey that cities should take advantage of. Women’s sports are only getting more popular, and cities should fight for the opportunity to house a franchise. Executives haven’t said much about future franchise locations but will look at various factors such as fan base and market size as they work to expand.

Adding Milwaukee to the list of stops on next year’s Takeover Tour could be the first step to putting the city on the map for future expansion.

Bringing women’s hockey to Milwaukee would mark the first appearance of one of the Big Five league sports — the leagues being NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL and MLS — in the city, something that could be monumental considering the demand and attention towards women’s sports. Having an established PWHL team in the city could also reawaken talk about housing an NHL team, which would push Milwaukee even further into the pro sports scene.

The Admirals are affiliated with the Nashville Predators, a relationship that has boosted the team as they’ve only missed playoffs three times over the last 21 years. Pairing the momentum of the previous success of an established franchise with the excitement over the prospect of a new expansion team could put Milwaukee at the front of conversations when it comes to the growth of professional sports in the city.

The existence of women's sports in Milwaukee is long overdue. Whether the PWHL makes a stop here during next years' takeover tour or takes steps towards creating a Milwaukee based franchise, it would be a pivotal moment for the city's sports landscape and mark a new era of women's sports in the region.


They're not done yet

Golden Eagles earn first-ever WBIT invitation

After the Big East Tournament quarterfinal loss to Villanova, Marquette women's basketball secured an at-large bid to the Women's Basketball Invitation Tournament (WBIT) in head coach Cara Consuegra's first season guiding the Golden Eagles.

Marquette (20-10, 12-5 Big East) faces off against No. 4 Drake (22-11, 15-5 Missouri Valley) in Des Moines on Thursday March 20th. The game will be broadcast on ESPN+, but the time has yet to be announced.

Marquette and Drake each had close losses to Creighton, nearly 20-point triumphs over Indiana State, and victories over Illinois State, with the Golden Eagles beating the Redbirds 78-57 in Milwaukee on Dec. 8, while the Bulldogs faced them three times over the course of Missouri Valley Conference play. Drake blew out Illinois State in their first meeting on Jan. 12, but when they faced off in February and March, those contests were much closer, with the Bulldogs prevailing by five or six points compared to 21.

Sophomore Skylar Forbes leads Marquette in points and rebounds, averaging 15.4 a game, while nearly racking up six boards per

game. Senior Lee Volker and sophomore Halle Vice join Forbes in averaging double figures each game, with Volker and Forbes being Marquette's top two three-point options, with Volker shooting 41.7 percent from beyond the arc on the season.

For Drake, senior guard Katie Dinnebier is the Bulldogs' premier scorer and distributor. A Des Moines native, she leads the Bulldogs with 23.4 points per game and almost shoots 40 percent from deep (110for-276), with 105 more 3-point shots taken than the next Drake player in that category. In Drake's last game in the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament against Murray State, she had a career-high 45 points.

Additionally, experienced forwards Anna Miller, a senior, and Courtney Becker, a graduate student,


each collect over eight rebounds a game, putting Consuegra's "We Rebound" motto to the test.

Former Marquette head coach Megan Duffy’s Virginia Tech Hokies are a No. 1 seed in the WBIT but are on the other side of the bracket. Fellow Big East programs Villanova and Seton Hall are below Marquette in the bracket’s 8-team region with the Pirates as a No. 3 seed and the Wildcats as a No. 4.

Former Marquette guard Emily La Chapell, who has become a starter for Belmont, has helped the Bruins to the No. 3 seed in the same bracket as the Golden Eagles.

The first and second rounds, in addition to the quarterfinal games will be hosted on campus sites, while the semifinals and championship will be held at Hinkle Fieldhouse in Indianapolis.

Bireley makes history

The senior atttacker now leads Marquette in points

On the 32nd goal of Marquette women's lacrosse's matchup against Detroit Mercy, senior attacker Meg Bireley assisted sophomore attacker Riley Schultz with a pass from far outside the net. Schultz jumped, grabbed the pass, spun and shot to bring Marquette up 23-9.

With that, Bireley positioned herself alone atop all other Marquette point leaders before her — surpassing blue and gold legend Shea Garcia's 220 alltime points record.

Lilly Peacock is a sports columnist. She can be reached at lilly.peacock@ or on Twitter/X @LillyPeacockMU.

Along with Bireley's performance, hat tricks from five different players on the Marquette squad and out-draw-controlling Detroit Mercy 4-1 gave the

Golden Eagles (5-3) the win over the Titans (3-5) 24-10 at home Sunday afternoon.

"We were in control of the ball every single draw,"

MU head coach Meredith Black said. "That helped us have possession, and now we have our possessions which, especially at the start of the game, weren't perfect.

"They weren't our best by any means, but to have the ball versus to not have it gave us a big advantage because they're a great team, and they were scoring on their possessions early on."

Senior midfielder Lorelai VanGuilder, the team's goto draw specialist, gathered a career-high nine draws in the win.

Early MU adjustments make a big difference Marquette tried to start out at, as Black calls it, "100 P," but the switching-woman zone defense that Detroit Mercy threw on the Golden Eagles gave them

troubles early and resulted in inefficient shooting. In the first 15 minutes, Marquette shot 16 times with only five goals to show for it. Detroit Mercy shot five to earn three goals.

Detroit Mercy's goalie Meredith Leavell wasn't giving the Golden Eagles any breaks either. In the first five minutes, she made three saves.

"We had a little bit of a slow start," Bireley said. "So, we just focused on still going full speed and sticking to our game plan and once we did that, we found a lot of success."

Marquette finally broke away from the back and forth goal scoring when senior attacker Campbell Brown closed out the first quarter with a point-blank range goal after grabbing a long pass from first-year attacker Tessa Boehm. This put the Golden Eagles up 5-3 with 43 seconds left to See MAKES page

Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics.
Marquette women's basketball finished with a 20-10 record.

Oso shining early with the Suns in the NBA

Former MU star adapting to league

PHOENIX — At the 2024 NBA Draft, Oso Ighodaro promised the team who drafted him that they'd be getting a winning person and player.

Nine months after being selected by his hometown Phoenix Suns, that's exactly how Ighodaro's coaches and teammates describe him — a winner.

"[There's] certainly a lot of confidence in Oso and what he can do," Suns head coach Mike Budenholzer said.

A dream come true: playing at home

For Ighodaro, playing in Phoenix is more than just an opportunity to win—it’s a homecoming ceremony.

Growing up in Chandler, Arizona, just under 30 minutes from PHX Arena, the Desert Vista High School alum and 2019-20 6A state basketball champion never imagined that one day he would be suiting up for his hometown NBA team.

“I definitely didn’t have any expectation of it happening, so it was kind of a shock and a blessing when it did,” Ighodaro said. "That was really cool."

The transition from NCAA basketball to the NBA is almost never easy. For some rookies, adjusting to a higher level of competition, navigating the demands of professional basketball and finding a role in a new system all take time.

But for Ighodaro, having the closest members of his support system nearby has provided a sense of gratitude and stability, making his early journey as a professional even more special.

“Not everyone gets to play at home, and I get to see my friends and family," Ighodaro said. "It's a blessing."

Staying ready: Ighodaro's

mindset in his rookie year

Like some other NBA newcomers, Ighodaro has spent time balancing minutes between the Suns and their G League affiliate, the Valley Suns. His approach? Stay ready, no matter what.

“You never know if you’re going to play or not. Guys get hurt, so opportunities are going to come around eventually,” Ighodaro said.

“I played three Valley games, and anytime I can play without missing anything up here, I’ll go play just to stay ready.”

That mindset was on full display in a breakout performance against the Sacramento Kings in Phoenix Friday night. With Suns center Mason Plumlee ejected early in the game, Ighodaro took advantage of the opportunity to notch some significant minutes.

The rookie center finished with 11 points, six rebounds, an assist, a steal and a block, as well as just

"He does a lot of things on both ends of the court. His IQ is disciplined defensively, and some of the things he does out there [are] very instinctual but also very disciplined."

one turnover in 32 minutes of play. Ighodaro's gamehigh plus-23 plus-minus also showed the effect he had on the game, both offensively and defensively.

"Personally, I'm just trying to get better each and every day, especially when I'm not playing low minutes, trying to use that time to my advantage to get better," Ighodaro said.

In three G League appearances this season, Ighodaro has averaged over 26 minutes and 13 rebounds a game with 16 points on 78.6% shooting. While his NBA averages are just under 15 minutes a game with 3.5 points and 3.2 rebounds, he has earned more significant playing time as of late.

In his past three contests for Phoenix, Ighodaro has averaged nearly eight points per game on 82% shooting, as well as five rebounds and two blocks in 28 minutes of play.

That impact on Suns games certainly does not go unnoticed.

"He's such a smart player for a guy that's in his first year. It felt kind of seamless," Budenholzer said.

"Every minute he's on the court, I think he's learning particularly about the physical side of [the NBA]."

Fellow Suns rookie Ryan Dunn echoed Budenolzer's sentiment.

“That’s huge,” Dunn said of Ighodaro’s standout performance. "That's winning basketball, so coming out there and him playing how he played, I'm very happy for him."

Suns forward Kevin Durant, who is widely considered one of the greatest scorers in NBA history, acknowledged Ighodaro’s perseverance. He mentioned how he has seen Ighodaro work to figure out how he can fit into the Suns' rotation, and how he brings energy every time he checks into a game.

"He does a lot of things on both ends of the court. His IQ is disciplined defensively, and some of the things he does out there [are] very instinctual but also very disciplined," Budenholzer said.

Marquette's influence on his NBA journey

Ighodaro’s growth into a budding professional player didn’t happen overnight. He credits much of his development to his time at Marquette University, where he played under head coach Shaka Smart for four seasons.

“Everything we do at Marquette prepares you for what happens up here, sort of little mini lessons that Shaka tries to teach each

and every day,” Ighodaro said. “I feel like they come in handy in a different way.”

Last month at a home men's basketball game, Ighodaro was honored with the university's 79th annual McCahill Award, the highest honor bestowed upon a Marquette student-athlete. He concluded his Marquette career with 1,078 career points, 574 rebounds and 130 blocks in 109 games, as well as a master's degree in business administration.

“It meant a lot,” Ighodaro said of the award. "Just to get honored for everything I did there was super cool, on and off the court. Then I got to see the boys play, which always makes my day, so it was a great time.”

As for his former Marquette teammates looking to make an NCAA tournament run soon, Ighodaro said they know how to be successful without any words of wisdom from him.

“They have everything they need; they have the experience, they know what they need to do and who they need to be,” Ighodaro said. “I talk to them, try to give them some advice and make sure they’re good, but they have everything it takes.”

Eyes on the future

While Ighodaro’s journey as an NBA player is just beginning, he is already making an impact in Phoenix, whether it's through his energy off the bench, his growing role in the Suns' lineup or his always-ready mindset.

If his recent performances are any indication, the Suns have found exactly what Ighodaro promised them — a winner.

The former MU big man was honored with the McCahill Award in February at Fiserv Forum.
Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics
Ighodaro has appeared in 47 games this season, averaging 3.5 points per game with the Suns.
Photo courtesy of Mia Thurow

MAKES: WLAX finishes game strong

Continue from page 6

play in the first quarter.

Out of the next 12 goals that would be scored, nine would be Marquette's. Going into the second half, the score was 14-6 in favor of the Golden Eagles. They outshot Detroit 29-9 to finish the first half with an eight-point lead.

Golden Eagles close out game as Bireley makes history

In the third quarter, Detroit scored first and went goal for goal with Marquette for the first 10 minutes. This would be the last effort that Detroit put forth to try and grab the win.

The Golden Eagles didn't wait long to turn on the burners again. It went on an 11-2 run of goals that lasted until the end of the matchup and sealed Marquette's win.

While in the midst of the Golden Eagles icing the game, Bireley became the all-time points leader in Marquette history (221).

"It's really crazy," Bireley said. "I've never imagined


myself to be in this position when I think back to my freshman year to now. It makes me so grateful for everyone I've been on a team with, especially this year and all the years I've been here. I couldn't do it without them and they helped me so much to get here."

The Glenview, Illinois native matched the all-time goal scoring record (175) with four minutes left in the game, but after that, she was sidelined and didn't have the opportunity to break it.

"I'm not a big record person," Black said. "I mean it's great, Meg's amazing and I'm happy for her — I don't think about that though when I'm coaching. In fact, most times I don't even know they're happening. This one I did know, but it's not going to change the way sub, so it was her time to come out."

In the middle of the third quarter, sophomore Mikayla Yang took over at goalie and halfway through the fourth, junior Ava Sprinkel got her first minutes in goal

this season.

With the win today, senior goalie Brynna Nixon became the all-time wins leader, earning the 25th of her career.

Up next Marquette will travel to Indianapolis, Indiana to face Butler (0-5) in its Big East opener March 22. Tip-off is scheduled for 11 a.m. CST on FloCollege.

"We don't want to overhype any game more than the next," Black said. "We've been working on that all season. But at the same time, it is Big East play now. So, we will build off momentum of things we've done well all non-conference season, not just in this game, but all games and making some fixes to anything that's not looking as good as it should this week will be important.

"Mentality-wise, we'll treat it like we're trying to treat every game: it's us versus us and how we're going to get better.”

Scouting the New Mexico Lobos

Marquette men's basketball is going dancing for the fourth straight year.

The Golden Eagles earned a 7-seed and will face the 10th-seeded New Mexico Lobos (26-7) — who will appear in the NCAA Tournament for the second time in two years — Friday at Rocket Arena in Cleveland, Ohio.

Here is an overview of MU's opponent, New Mexico:

How the Lobos have played recently New Mexico were the Mountain West regular season champions for the first time since 2013. They finished with a 17-3 conference record and a 26-7 overall record to secure the No. 1 seed and a first-round bye in its conference tournament.

In the quarterfinals, the Lobos defeated the eighth-seeded San Jose State Spartans 63-52 on Thursday in Las Vegas, Nevada. They scored 38 of their points in the paint, while earning 24 points off 18 forced turnovers in the win.

The following day, New Mexico fell to fifth-seeded Boise State 72-69 in

the quarterfinals, ending their run in the tournament. The Broncos scored five straight points in the last minute of the game to hold on for the victory.

“That was quite a battle," UNM head coach Richard Pitino said after the game per UNM Athletics. "You are disappointed when you don’t win a championship, especially when you have such a great crowd that made it feel like a home game. We squandered the opportunity, but a lot of that was due to Boise making big plays...

"I told the team, 'Yes, it’s disappointing to not win another championship, but we are 26-7 and

we are going to the NCAA Tournament. Now, we can take a little rest and get ready for Selection Sunday.'”

Players to watch

The Lobos are led by 6-foot-2 junior guard Donovan Dent, who senior guard Stevie Mitchell called "one of the best guards in the country."

The Riverside, California native averages 20.6 points and 6.5 assists per game, which ranks eighth and 12th in the nation, respectively. He is also shooting 41.5 percent on 3-pointers and netted a career-high 40 points against VCU in December.

The Mountain West Player of the Year also

became the first player in conference history to have six consecutive games of 20 points and five assists after recording 23 points and five assists in Friday's loss to Boise State.

New Mexico's roster also boasts a 6-foot-10, 240-pound center named Nelly Junior Joseph. The senior is averaging 14 points per contest and ranks third in the nation in rebounds per game, grabbing 11.2.

Dent and Joseph were both named to the Mountain West All-Tournament Team.

Tip-off between the Golden Eagles and the Lobos is scheduled for 6:25 p.m. CST on TBS.


Marquette 89 Xavier 87


DePaul 81 Creighton 85


Villanova 56 UConn 73



en route to becoming WLAX's all-time leading point-getter.

Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics Bireley recorded five goals and four assists in MU's win Sunday.


MSOE advancing AI education

Education is an important stepping stone to any career, and it is essential that we incorporate advancing technologies within these programs.

Many people are concerned about the inevitability of Artificial Intelligence taking over countless jobs but, hopefully, the integration of new educational programs can minimize that fear. Our world is ever evolving with Large Language Models and digital innovation, and we must educate people about it.

The Milwaukee School of Engineering announced a $125 million fundraising campaign, “Next Bold Step,” for a new academic building that will be connected to the Allen-Bradley Hall of Science and the Fred F. Loock Engineering Center. The new facility hopes to make MSOE a leader in applied AI and robotics education.

It will contain a Center for Applied Artificial Intelligence Education

with flexible labs, classrooms and workshops. The university’s AI initiatives are necessary in preparing students and prospective job applicants for a technology-driven work industry.

According to a research study from the National University, nearly 80% of companies are using or exploring the use of AI in their businesses. The rapid growth of AI is a testament to its relevance and importance within our world. It will affect several fields of work and require a certain level of knowledge to handle it.

MSOE’s new engineering center aims to make the institution a national leader across multiple industries, regarding applied AI education. Besides engineering, MSOE President John Walz believes AI will impact every degree field MSOE offers, including nursing, accounting and marketing.

It is important to integrate AI education in every degree because companies look to hire people

who have the required tech skills.

Ger Doyle, senior vice president of Experis, refers to the “pyramid of talent,” which involves educating college-aged students prior to them entering the workforce in order to fill the knowledge gap. AI still needs to be regulated and does not necessarily mean the termination of human employees.

What we need are modified educational programs that will equip prospective employees with the expertise to manage AI. A Microsoft study found that 66% of leaders would not hire someone without AI skills. Furthermore, 71% would rather hire a less experienced candidate with AI skills instead of a more experienced one without them.

AI adoption continues to grow, and it is imperative that we are prepared for these changing work environments.

To support the fundraising campaign, Dwight and Dian Diercks, the namesake of MSOE’s Computa-

tional Science Hall, have made a $20 million donation. Dwight Diercks is an alum, graduating in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering.

Diercks is senior vice president of Nvidia in California and has hired MSOE grads who have gained valuable experience from the institution’s AI Club. That experience is what all college students should have in order to stand out in the workforce.

MSOE is one of many universities to implement AI-driven programs in its curriculums. According to CNBC, several institutions across the U.S. already have, or are integrating, Bachelor of Science degrees in AI.

AI is only expected to advance from here, and it will require even more educational awareness. By educating the upcoming generations, we can save our world’s future employees.

studying journalism.

Oscar outcomes disappoint fans

Receiving an Oscar is one of the highest achievements in the film industry, as it signifies prestige and highlights one’s work in the entertainment world.

Categories such as "Best Director," "Best Actor/Actress" and "Best Cinematography" are the most honorable achievements when nominated.

There are plenty of upsets within these categories, with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences frequently receiving backlash for its decisions on which films and actors win.

While this year included a few surprises, many recognized films were still widely known. Several had already won awards at the Golden Globes and BAFTAS, making their Oscar wins less unexpected.

Some films undeservingly won an Oscar. "Emilia Pérez" received 13 nominations for a non-English language film, the most of any film this year, including nods for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Writing and multiple acting categories. The musical, which portrays the struggles of Mexican women within society, explores

themes of culture, identity and adversity.

However, many audience members felt that "Emilia Pérez" lacked a strong musical component, an engaging plot and even relatable or likable performances from the cast. Karla Sofía Gascón, the first openly trans actress nominated for an Oscar, drew controversy when insensitive tweets about George Floyd resurfaced on X, shocking viewers from around the world.

Even Best Picture Winner, "Anora," was an anticipated choice rather than a surprising one. Many news outlets predicted "Anora" as the winner well before the ceremony. The film gained significant attention leading up to the awards even though general opinion thought it would be a tight race between "Conclave" and "The Brutalist."

Similarly, despite the time and dedication he poured into the Bob Dylan biopic, "A Complete Unknown," Timothée Chalamet was robbed of an award. The film stood out for its historical accuracy and compelling musical portrayals, resonating with audiences of all ages and reviving Dylan’s legacy for a new generation. If Chalamet had won, he would have been the young-

est actor to take home the Oscar for Best Actor. Despite staring in films that have shaped modern cinema, such as "Beautiful Boy" and "Little Women," he has been repeatedly overlooked. His loss further solidified a frustrating trend of the academy down-playing his performances.

Despite earning 10 Oscar nominations, "Wicked" left with only two wins, for Costume and Production Design, rather than its onscreen performances.

Even with the upsets, the night was historically significant, marking the first time a Black man, Paul Tazewell, won an Oscar in Costume Design. However, many fans were questioning why the film received so little recognition in other major categories, especially given the global acclaim for Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande’s portrayals of Elphaba and Glinda.

That being said, musical adaptations typically struggle to win Best Picture at the Oscars and the Academy often leans toward independent films, which explains why films like "Anora" triumph. Additionally, "Wicked" wasn't nominated for Best Original Song since its music originated from the Broadway version rather

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than a new film.

Despite the range of movies honored this year, the lack recognition of fan favorites at award shows leaves viewers pessimistic about the Oscars credibility. The objectivity of the Oscar selection process has long been a topic of debate, particularly regarding how films and individuals are chosen for such prestigious honors.

While there is an official process with specific rules and procedures, the final voting is carried about by a select group of people, raising concerns about bias. The academy has a history of favoring certain types of films while snubbing others, making it difficult to see its selection process as completely logical or fair.

While individuals’ opinions on movies vary, this year's nominations — especially the winners — left many disappointed. With the entertainment industry evolving rapidly, audiences are left wondering what the future holds for films and how the academy will continue to shape the cinematic landscape.

Statement of Opinion Policy

The opinions expressed on the Opinions page reflect the opinions of the Opinions staff. The editorials do not represent the opinions of Marquette University nor its administrators, but those of the editorial board.

The Marquette Tribune prints guest submissions at its discretion. The Tribune strives to give all sides of an issue an equal voice over the course of a reasonable time period. An author’s contribution will not be published more than once in a fourweek period. Submissions with obvious relevance to the Marquette community will be given priority consideration.

Full Opinions submissions should be limited to 600 words. Letters to the editor should be between 150 to 300 words. The Tribune reserves the right to edit submissions for length and content. Please e-mail submissions to: joseph.schamber@ If you are a current student, include the college in which you are enrolled and your year in school. If not, please note any affliations to Marquette or your current city of residence.

Rachel Lopera is the assistant opinions editor. She is a first-year

Fun & Games


St. Patrick's Day


2. Ireland is sometimes referred to as the ______ Isle

5. The first St. Patrick’s Day parade was held in this country

6. Fast-food chain that comes out with a Shamrock Shake in March

7. A three-leafed object symbolic of the Holy Trinity

10. The official first language of Ireland


1. Where St. Patrick was really born

3. Mischievous Irish fairies that tend to be shorter and mess up rooms

4. Ireland’s musical instrument that happens to be their national emblem

8. This city dyes its river green every year

9. Some may call these individuals who have this hair color "leprechauns

Last Tribune’s answers:

1. (Down) NewYork, 2. (Down) Blackwell, 3. (Across) Marquette, 3. (Down). MarieCurie, 4. (Across) California, 5. (Across) Elizabeth, 6. (Across) Purple, 7. (Across) Franklin, 8. (Across) Together, 9. (Down) Harris.

Submit finished puzzles to by May 6. Most accurate crossword submissions wins the grand prize.

Arts & Entertainment

Eight new movies coming this March

"Snow White" set to hit theaters

March 21

Lucky us! Movies coming to streaming services and theaters this March are as exciting as a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Check out the list below to see eight films arriving soon.

“Mickey 17” — March 7

Coming to theaters March 7, Mickey Barnes, played by Robert Pattinson, goes on a dangerous journey to colonize an ice planet “Niflheim.” After one version of himself dies, a new body is regenerated with most of his memories intact. This science fiction film is produced, written and directed by Bong Joon-ho, and is based off of the 2022 “Mickey7” book by Edward Ashton.

“Black Bag” — March 14

Intelligence agent Kathryn

Woodhouse, played by Cate Blanchett, is suspected of betraying the nation and her husband, played by Michael Fassbender, faces the test of whether to be loyal to his marriage, or his country. Directed by Steven Soderbergh, “Black Bag” is coming to theaters March 14.

“The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie” — March 14

Keeping up with some of our favorite “Looney Tunes” characters, “The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie” stars Porky Pig and Daffy Duck, both voiced by Eric Bauza. Porky and Daffy become our only hope when their antics at the local bubble-gum factory discover a secret alien plot. This animated comedy film, produced by Warner Bros., is coming to theaters March 14.

“Novocaine” — March 14

When Nathan Caine’s girl of his dreams goes missing,

he uses his ability to not feel physical pain to rescue her.

“Novocaine” is directed by Dan Berk and Robert Olsen, and stars Jack Quaid. This action-comedy thriller will be in theaters March 14.

“Hans Zimmer & Friends: Diamond in the Desert” — March 19

This documentary follows the story of award-winning producer and composer Hans Zimmer and his live performances in Dubai — that includes scenes at the Coca-Cola Arena, desert dunes and the Burj Al Arab. According to a Variety article, a majority of the film will include footage of Zimmer and his band playing pieces from films like “Dune,” “The Lion King,” “Gladiator” and “Interstellar.”

Included in the documentary will be interviews with Billie Eilish and Finneas, Pharrell Williams, Timothée Chalamet, Zendaya and more. Limited screenings will be avail-

able starting March 19; to find a local theater screening the documentary, click here.

“Snow White” — March 21

“Snow White” is the live-action adaptation of the 1937 animated film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” When the cast for the live-action “Snow White” was first announced, according to a Hollywood Reporter article, “Disney faced backlash for casting Rachel Zegler as Snow White due to her Colombian descent.” The article continued to say that “The racism was then fomented when Zegler called the original 1937 version of the film ‘dated’ and said the prince ‘literally stalks’ the princess.” Despite all the headlines, the movie is still set to be released March 21 in theaters.

“Death of a Unicorn” — March 28

Starring Jenna Ortega and Paul Rudd, “Death of a Unicorn” follows a father and

daughter who accidentally hit, and kill, a unicorn with their car on the way to a wilderness retreat. The two decide to bring it; however, the CEO boss at the retreat tries to exploit the creature and they all end up with horrific results. This horror-comedy is getting released by A24 and is set to hit theaters and streaming services March 28.

“Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Road Trip” — March 28

Based on the book of the same name by Judith Viorst, “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Road Trip” follows Alexander and his family as they embark on a road trip to, hopefully, become closer. But, with Alexander’s luck, the trip has disaster around every corner. Streaming will be available on Disney+ starting March 28.

MUR partners with Third Space Brewing

Concert marked third annual "Radio Roulette"

By Sofía Cortés and Ellie Nelsen-Freund elizabeth.nelson-freund@marquette. edu

For the first time in Marquette Radio history, MUR’s annual battle of the bands, “Radio Roulette,” changed its location from Marquette’s Union Sports Annex to Third Space Brewing in the Menomonee Valley.

While still being located near campus and accessible to students, partnering with Third Space Brewing opened up the opportunity to bring a Marquette sponsored event, outside of campus and into the Valley.

Local artist dak duBois took the stage first this year. duBois does all of the production, recording and plays all of the instrumental components that come together to

deliver his unique sound.

“I have my own studio in my apartment, and I have 200, maybe 300 projects on the back burner and all of that keeps adding up,” duBois said. “It’s good practice to keep writing all of the time and keep working on new stuff.”

duBois described his first album as a project that aligns more with a sludgy, west coast indie rock, psychedelic sound to it. Later on, he released two EP’s that fell more within cut the neo-soul genre, signaling to the versatility of his sound and style.

duBois mentioned that a goal he has for himself as an artist is growing as a person.

“That will shine in the music, whatever you do, who you are as a person will always come through,” duBois said. “Authenticity is, like, the number one thing.”

Hailing from The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the Dominic Gomes

Jazz Collective took the stage second. The collective is made up of saxophonist Jacob Green, pianist Alina Loewenstein, bassist Liam Kelly and drummer Dominic Gomes.

They played various jazz classics, crowd favorite “Caravan” from the 2014 film “Whiplash” and even an original composition by Gomes.

Kelly said the collective formed through mutual friend Gomes in 2024. Each member of the band wanted to find other ways to pursue music outside of the official ensembles at their university.

“I would describe our sound as tight and groovy, while still remaining dynamic. We bring our own unique voices together to make the song come alive,” Kelly said. “The songs we play emphasize this, showcasing our diverse backgrounds through the repertoire we play.”

Another Milwaukee-based band, The Taxmen, closed out the show. As their name

implies, The Taxmen started out as a Beatles’ cover band, inspired by their song “Taxman.” The Beatles connected them to one another as young kids. While they still perform covers from time to time, they have branched out into writing their own music as well. The Taxmen are made up of bassist and recorder player Anthony Kopczynski, guitarist Will Maher, guitarist Jeffrey Thaddeus Dziadulewicz and drummer Will Martin. Each member of the band provides vocals for performances.

Kopczynski said it all began when the band met in elementary school and discovered that they all shared a love for The Beatles. From there, they started learning Beatles songs on the guitar and drums. It wasn’t until middle school when they began writing original music.

“It’s not until more recently, in the last two years that we really started recording them

and playing them live,” Maher said. “We’re still recording some songs now that we actually wrote way back when we were 14.”

When it comes to writing original music, the Taxmen each play a role in coming up with lyrics and putting each project together.

“It starts as a seed, or a Bonsai tree, and then we bring the Bonsai tree to the table, and it becomes sort of like a bigger tree with the whole band,” Kopczynski said.

Radio Roulette is known for hosting special guest judges. This year, Parker Schultz from the band Social Cig returned to judge alongside former MUR general manager, Sam Baughn, and a collective vote from the Third Space Brewing staff. After deliberation, the judges determined The Taxmen to be the winners of the battle, and they will be back to perform at MUR’s upcoming spring concert.

Left to right: dak duBois, Dominic Gomes Jazz Collective and The Taxmen performed at Marquette Radio's third annual battle of the bands "Radio Roulette" on Feb.
Photos by Jack Belmont

Marquette Theatre to present 'Bright Star'

Musical will open April 4 at 7:30 in Varsity Theater

Rehearsals for “Bright Star,” Marquette Theatre’s next production, is in full swing. “Bright Star” is a musical written and composed by Steve Martin and Edie Brickell and opening night will be at the Helfaer Theatre April 4.

“Bright Star” is the fourth and final show of Marquette Theatre’s 2024-25 season themed “Truth Be Told” — with the previous shows this season being “In the Cities of Refuge,” “Sanctuary City” and “Much Ado About Nothing.”

“Bright Star” follows literary editor Alice Murphy in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina in the 1920s and 40s. Alice meets Billy Cane, a soldier who has just returned home from World War II,

who, “awakens her longing for the child she once lost,” according to the College of Communication’s website. The show switches between Alice as a 16-yearold and her as 38-yearold, exploring her past and the two characters’ unique connection.

Erin Fricker, junior in the College of Communications, plays Alice in “Bright Star” — her fifth production with Marquette Theatre.

“You see her in two different time periods, and it’s following her story of love and loss,” Fricker said.

“She’s a pretty spunky, confident character — she’s a lot of fun. It’s fun to be able to have two different ages of a character to play; it’s just cool to have that contrast.”

Fricker said the rehearsals began in January, starting out meeting 5-6 days a week, but have slowed down due to people’s schedules.

Draylin Pickett, sophomore in the College of

Communication, who plays Daddy Cane, Billy’s father, has been participating in Marquette Theatre productions since his freshman year.

“It has been a little all over the place just because we’re working around everybody’s schedules and it’s a busy part of the semester, so a lot of people have a lot of things going on,” Pickett said. “But I always have faith that it’s going to come together in the end and I’m having a great time.”

Pickett said he was most challenged by the show’s dancing, but has found the music and singing to be the most fun aspect of the show.

“I am in no way a dancer, but I’ve been willing to give it a chance so I’ve learned a lot,” Pickett said. “The music is such a fun part of it and just hearing all my talented castmates sing and getting support whenever I sing my song. It just really fuels you to do better.”

Fricker noted that the

cast of “Bright Star” is relatively small for a musical, with a total of only 21 people.

“We’re all usually pretty close because a lot of us are theater majors, but those of us that just joined the program or are just doing a musical one time, we welcome them in like they were family,” Pickett said.

After its premiere on Broadway in 2016, “Bright Star” was nominated for five Tonys, including Best Musical, and was nominated for Best Musical Theater Album at the Grammys the following year.

“We have most of the whole show blocked and choreographed so it’s just going to be running it and cleaning it and making sure it looks tight altogether,” Fricker said.

Fricker said upon returning from spring break, the cast will have five-hour rehearsals six days a week, until show day.

“I’m so excited,” Fricker

said. “I feel like we learned a lot of things but we haven’t gotten to run it for practice, so I’m so excited to finally be able to put everything together. Then, just to see it in its totality is going to be so exciting.”

“Bright Star” will open April 4 at 7:30 p.m. Shows will also be April 5, 10, 11 and 12 at 7:30 p.m. and April 6 and 13 at 2:30 p.m.

RECAP: 'The Traitors' season three finale

Show concluded with three celebrity winners

We pick up right where we left off with this dramatic finale. With only an hour left, how will this all be wrapped up? Let’s get into the finale!

Finale recap

After a tie in the last episode to determine who would be banished from the castle it comes down to Britney’s vote. She ends up voting for Danielle, and Danielle is devastated that she betrayed her once again. It is revealed to the group that Danielle was a traitor and everyone — but Britney — is happy about this.

Then, Alan Cummings enters the room to reveal who won the seer power. It turns out to be Britney. This power allows her to meet secretly with one person and they must reveal their true identity to her. As Britney is in the secret room deciding her next move with Alan, the rest of the players are gathered around. Dylan feels Britney is a traitor because Danielle said something nice about everyone else but Britney before she left. She ends up picking Gabby — who she knows is a faithful — but plays it off as just wanting to confirm

she was. Since this power was being used, there are no murders. At breakfast the next morning stakes are high as there are only five players left in the game. The first three to arrive are Dylan, Dolores and Ivar. Dylan feels strongly that Britney will lie and try to pin Gabby as a traitor; however, Britney tells the truth by saying to the group that Gabby is a faithful. Gabby does not think that Britney is a traitor because she did not lie and say she was one.

166,800 dollars is the current prize pot. Dylan and Ivar both think there is another traitor. Dylan is convinced Britney is a traitor and discusses his worries with her. Brittany knows that Dylan is suspicious and strategizes to get the girls together to vote out Dylan. Dolores believes that Ivar is a traitor still. Ivar believes that Dolores is a traitor. No one seems on the same page. The challenge this episode seems like an easy scavenger hunt to find gold that would add money to the prize pot. Alan can not make it that easy can he? No! He makes the players hang from a flying helicopter and try to throw the bags of gold into a ring of fire for the chance to double their money. They ended the challenge with a grand total of 204,300 dollars.

Once, they get back from the challenge Britney starts to strategize with Gabby and Dolores. She tells them that they should vote out Dylan because he is a traitor. When talking with Dolores she explains that he will vote her out so he only has to split the money with Ivar and Gabby. Dylan is worried that Britney is a traitor and confronts her about Danielle looking at Britney before she left and said, “You did it to me again.”

It all comes down to the final roundtable. Britney and Dylan both lay out their evidence. It ends with Britney getting voted out. The remaining players must meet at the firepit to discuss if they trust all of the players remaining to be faithfuls. They do and Dolores, Dylan, Ivar and Gabby end up all wanting to split the money.

Reunion recap

In Peacock fashion, Andy Cohen is of course the host for the reunion of “The Traitors.” It starts off with all of the winners reuniting and reflecting on their journey on the show.

Then, all of the traitors join the group. Danielle and Carolyn discuss their differences on the show and Carolyn explains how she feels bad that her personality of being a little all over the place helps her win.

Drama with Bob the Drag Queen starts once

Dorinda and Ayan join the group. Ayan made her entrance giving a full spin of her dress to Bob. Dorinda starts drama with Bob about him shading her online saying that he did not know who she was. When Bob starts to explain Dorinda interrupts and then, Bob keeps repeating “I’m speaking, I’m speaking. I’m speaking.”

The reunion ends with an Oscars inspired award show for the best traitor performance. Danielle ends up winning due to her acting and tears throughout the show.

Players murdered/banished in the finale

• Danielle Reyes from “Big Brother” (banished in episode 11)

• Britney Haynes from “Big Brother” (banished in episode 11)

My thoughts on finale and reunion

I had to pause this episode because I could not believe what I had just watched. This is why I love reality television because you never know when there will be drama around the corner. I really did not think that Britney was going to vote out Danielle at the beginning of this episode. It seemed like the bond they created was for nothing because she backstabbed Danielle once again.

However, despite Danielle leaving Britney was a strategic traitor. It was

smart for her to tell the truth that Gabby was a faithful in order to gain her trust even if it did not end exactly how she would have liked it to. I am happy that all of the faithfuls banded together at the end as well — it was a wholesome ending to an otherwise messy season full of betrayals.

The reunion was definitely interesting. I was surprised that Danielle and Britney seemed okay with how things ended? I do not know if I truly believe that but good for them.

All of the Bob the Drag Queen drama was so unnecessarily funny. Dorinda, who was banished in episode two, was hurt by Bob the Drag Queen not knowing who she was. Honestly, I have to side with Bob on this one. It is not weird that he did not know who she was, there are so many reality television shows on air that it can be hard to keep up. I do not think he was intentionally trying to be malicious, but rather did not know who she was and just threw out someone’s name as a traitor like he explained — she also kept interrupting him when he was trying to explain his side of the story.

“The Traitors” made for great reality television this season, and I’m excited to watch it again if it gets renewed for another season!

Photos courtesy of Marquette Theatre "Bright Star" is the final musical of the 2024-25 Marquette Theatre season.

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