4 minute read
Running out of time
By Timothy Littau timothy.littau@marquette.edu
Time. As a news producer and reporter, it’s what I have thought about endlessly for the past two years. How to best use every minute of every newscast, every second of every story and how our fourperson multimedia journalist team will manage to prepare our content to be back on air 167 hours after we’ve finished critiquing the prior newscast. That is also what weighed so heavily on my mind when I returned to campus my junior year in the fall of 2021, after spending my sophomore year at home, taking my classes remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I also felt that I lost time as a first-year, only volunteering sporadically for MUTV because of the stress an unfortunate roommate pairing gave me in the fall of 2019 before the 2020 spring semester was cut short due to COVID-19.
With half my college experience already in the rearview mirror, I thought, “how do I make the most of the time that I have left?”
That’s precisely what a wise student asked me a couple weeks ago. But they’re a firstyear – and already worried about not having enough time!
It’s the exact feeling Jackson Browne conveys in the last line of his hit “Running On Empty”: “Running into the sun, but I’m still running behind.”
It’s a well-founded concern. Everyone says these four years will probably be the greatest of your life, but that’s the problem: it’s only four years.
Through many mistakes, moments of accomplishment and bursts of joy, these are the lessons I have learned from so many colleagues, mentors, friends and family.
1. Everyday is a day in which to excel. We only get to live each day once, so take advantage of every one that we’re blessed with, no matter our circumstances. Life changes in the blink of an eye, so don’t let it make the first move – you make the first move.
2. The difference between stress or boredom and an adventure is your attitude.
It’s easy to complain – everyone knows I’m the biggest complainer there is – but it’s far more fun to approach what’s at hand with a positive outlook.
3. People won’t remember everything that you say. They won’t remember everything that you do. But they will always remember how you make them feel. Don’t miss a chance to make a difference in someone’s day, week or life. And do not forget the power of words or actions. Think before you speak and do (I should more often!) and the effects it can have will be bigger than any of us can imagine.
4. Life is a puzzle. It’s never perfect, it doesn’t always make sense, not all of the pieces are in the right place at the right time, but look for value in every part of it. And when you take a step back, hopefully you see the beauty in it.
If you know me, you know I definitely don’t follow all of these notions perfectly, but I try to remember them to do better each day. This is what I hope my never forget.
To Emily Sacco and Clare Lindstrom — You guys have stuck with me through it all. I am so grateful for you both and I will miss all the memories from the past few years.
To Hope, Nancy and Megan — Thank you for making the Wire feel like a home to me and always continuing to challenge me. Your leadership and humility have inspired me to be the leader I am today.
To Sam — You have taken a passion for radio to a new level and inspired so many people to get involved and continue this legacy. Words cannot express how proud I am of you and how excited I am to see all that you accomplish next year. Overall, my biggest takeaway was that the family and the culture that I so desperately wanted to create at MUR and the Wire were here the entire time. Sometimes you just need to put yourself out there to find it.
This article is pletely different that I have ever
It’s not every to write a senior you’ve been ticles for the To start off, I jor, on the complete end of journalism. wanted to join nization in my I wanted to join I loved to do out there. More I wanted to which I could behind at Marquette. thing people remember me fellow graduates keep in mind as we chase our dreams and run into that lyrical sun. And I hope my younger colleagues, both the ones I already know and the ones taking my place, make the most of their time at Marquette as well as transform others’ time, too.
I have never with goodbyes.
Time is a finite resource, but its true value is determined by what we do with it.
I remember talking before everything how easy it back and visit if I got home shot for fifty-some I-294 and I’ll kee Public Market, by the various the collective process of choosing eat with 100 ing to see the day that’s above hopping on the up to the Oriental a movie premier showing of “The Picture Show,”
Time is a finicky something I of, especially here writing before the deadline. something I to get right, thing I know begin to encapsulate experience I’ve
Since the start semester, my I have had a graduation ed on our wall. it dutifully squealing with hit another days, 60 days, and now, we weeks out. First-year me ing for joy
By Krisha Patel krisha.patel@marquette.edu
This article is going to be completely different from anything that I have ever written before.
It’s not every day you get asked to write a senior column when you’ve been doing opinion articles for the past three years.
To start off, I am a nursing major, on the complete opposite end of journalism. I knew I wanted to join a club or an organization in my sophomore year. I wanted to join something that I loved to do and put my voice out there. More importantly, I wanted to do something in which I could leave my legacy behind at Marquette. Something people would always remember me by.
By Anna Houston anna.houston@marquette.edu
I have never been good with goodbyes. I remember talking to my mom before everything changed about how easy it would be to come back and visit for the weekend if I got home sick. Just a straight shot for fifty-some miles down I-294 and I’ll be in the Milwaukee Public Market, surrounded by the various food stalls sharing the collective and overwhelming process of choosing just what to eat with 100 some people, going to see the sunrise on the first day that’s above forty degrees, hopping on the bus and riding up to the Oriental Theater for a movie premier or a midnight showing of “The Rocky Horror Picture Show,” coming back to