Compendium Winter 2013

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Marquette Compendium News of Faculty and Staff Activities  WINTER 2013

The winter 2013 issue of Compendium is a compilation of Marquette University faculty research, scholarship and accomplishments from June 2012 through November 2012, and grants reported by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs from June 2012 through October 2012. The purpose of this compilation is to recognize faculty and staff who are making advancements in their fields of expertise, as well as allow fellow faculty to see opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration. To submit a scholarly activity, check the box in the Faculty Activities Database to share submitted activities with Compendium, or visit the Marquette webpage Citations are posted on the Marquette University research website at For more information or additional copies, contact the Office of Marketing and Communication at 414.288.6712.

Helen Way Klingler College of Arts and Sciences Dr. William Donaldson

Associate Dean and Professor of Chemistry

Published: “Generation of Molecular Complexity From Cyclooctatetraene Using Dienyliron and Olefin Metathesis,” Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, Vol. 10, No. 25 ( July 2012), pp 4844-4846, with graduate student Mohamed El-Mansy, A. Sarm, S. Chaudhury and N. Wallock.

Rev. G. Harak, S.J.

Director of the Center for Peacemaking

Grant: $104,116, “Marquette University Peace Works Program — Chicago,” HCT-ANON.

Rev. Philip J. Rossi, S.J. Interim Dean

Published: “Kant’s Cosmopolitanism: Resource for Shaping a ‘Just Peace’,” From Just War to Modern Peace, Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven and William A. Barbieri (editors), (November 2012), pp 217-230, De Gruyter. Reviewed: Dilemmas and Connections: Selected Essays by Charles Taylor, Theological Studies, Vol. 73 (2012), pp 244-245. Published: “Seeing Good in a World of Suffering: Incarnation as God’s Transforming Vision,” Godhead Here in Hiding: Incarnation and the History of Human Suffering, Terrence Merrigan and Frederick Glorieux (editors), (November 2012), pp 453-466, Peeters Press. Published: “Reading Kant Ecumenically: Prolegomena to an Anthropology of Hope in the Aftermath of Modernity,” A Man of the Church: Honoring the Theology, Life, and Witness of Ralph del Colle, Michel Rene Barnes (editor), (September 2012), pp 316-329, Wipf and Stock. Presented: “Grace and Reform in a Secular Age: Contending with the Long Shadows of Augustine,” International Congress for Luther Research: Luther as Teacher and Reformer of the University, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, August 2012.

Rev. Philip J. Rossi, S.J.

DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Dr. Allison L. Abbott Assistant Professor

Presented: “The MicroRNA miR‑786 is Required for Rhythmic Calcium Wave Initiation in the C. elegans Intestine,” C. elegans Development, Cell Biology and Gene Expression Meeting, Madison, Wis., June 10, 2012. Presented: “Identifying New MicroRNA Targets and Pathways,” MicroRNA Revolution: The 2012 Dr. Paul Janssen Award Symposium, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, Sept. 7, 2012.

Dr. James Anderson

Associate Professor and Radiation Safety Officer

Grant: $301,000, “Molecular and Biochemical Probing of Yeast, RNA Surveillance Complex TRAMP,” National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Edward Blumenthal Associate Professor

Published: “Developmental Expression of Drop-Dead is Required for Early Adult Survival and Normal Body Mass in Drosophila Melanogaster,” Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Vol. 42, No. 9 (September 2012), pp 690-698.

Presented: “Adult Lethality in Dropdead (drd) Mutants is Pleiotropic and Associated with Defects in Multiple Tissues,” Midwest Drosophila Conference, Monticello, Ill., Nov. 3, 2012.

Dr. Stephen M. Downs Wehr Professor

Published: “Perturbing Microtubule Integrity Blocks AMP-Activated Protein Kinase-Induced Meiotic Resumption in Cultured Mouse Oocytes,” Zygote, doi: 10.1017/ S0967199412000457, (November 2012), pp 1-12, with Ru Ya.

Dr. Thomas Eddinger

Published: “Altered Hemodynamics, Endothelial Function and Protein Expression Occur with Aortic Coarctation and Persist Following Repair,” American Journal of Physiology – Heart and Circulatory Physiology, (Sept. 28, 2012), doi: 10.​ 1152/​ajpheart.​00420.​2012, with Dr. Jeffrey Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Dr. John LaDisa, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, graduate students A. Menon and H. Wang, and D.C. Wendell.

Dr. Kathleen Karrer Professor

Published: “Nuclear Dualism,” Methods in Cell Biology: Tetrahymena Thermophila Methods in Cell Biology, Vol. 109, K. Collins and E. Orias (editors), (2012), pp 29-52.

Dr. Stephen Munroe Professor

Presented: “Evolution and Functional Analysis of the Antisense Overlap Between mRNAs Encoding Two Mammalian Nuclear Receptors, TR 2 and Rev-erb,” Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, Ann Arbor, Mich., June 1, 2012, with undergraduate students Christopher Morales and Cynthia Aguilar, P. Waters and J. Graves.

Dr. Michelle Mynlieff Associate Professor

Published: “GABAB Receptors Couple to Gq and Activate PKC to Enhance L-type Calcium Current in Neonatal Hippocampal Neurons,” Society for Neuroscience Proceedings, Vol. 38 (October 2012), with undergraduate students Amanda Larson and Emily Sharpe.


Compendium — Winter 2013

Published: see entry for Dr. James Gardinier, Department of Chemistry.

Published: “Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of MatrixIsolated Iso-CXBr3 (X=F,Cl,Br): Structure, Properties, and Photochemistry of Substituted Iso-Tribromomethanes,” Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol. 1025 (September 2012), pp 61-68, with graduate student Aimable Kalume, graduate student Brian Esselman and R. McMahon. Published: “Spectroscopy and Dynamics of the Predissociated, Quasi-linear S2 State of Chlorocarbene,” Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 137 (August 2012), pp 104307-104315, with graduate students Craig Richmond, Calvin Mukarakate and P. Lolar, S. Kable, G. Bacskay, E. Brown and R. Dawes. Published: “On the Electronic Spectroscopy of Closed Shell Cations Derived From Resonance Stabilized Radicals: Insights From Theory and Franck-Condon Analysis,” Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 541 ( July 2012), p A8, with Dr. Taly Gilat-Schmidt, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, and S. Kable. Published: “Photochemistry of Furyl- and Thienyldiazomethanes: Spectroscopic Characterization of Triplet 3-Thienylcarbene,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol. 134 ( June 2012), pp 6443-6454, with graduate students Laura Kopff and Brian Bennett, and R. McMahon. Appointed: Board of Advisors, American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, October 2012. Appointed: Editorial review board member, Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, October 2012.

Dr. Scott Reid

Dr. Qadir Timerghazin

DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Dr. Dmitri Babikov Associate Professor

Published: “Potential Energy and Dipole Moment Surfaces of HCO for the Search of H- in the Interstellar Medium,” Journal of Chemical Physics,Vol. 136, No. 22 (2012), with I. Mikhailov, M. Raoult, S. Galtier, O. Dulieu and V. Kokoouline.

Dr. James Gardinier Associate Professor

Published: “Syntheses and Electronic Properties of Rhodium (III) Complexes Bearing a Redox-Active Ligand,” Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 50, No. 20 (2012), pp 10572–10580, with B. Liddle, graduate students Brandon Kizer and Jeewantha Hewage, B. Bennett, and Dr. Sergey Lindeman, Department of Chemistry.

Dr. Lisa George

Dr. Rosemary Stuart

Published: “Levels of CaV1.2 L-type Ca2+ Channels Peak in the First Two Weeks in Rat Hippocampus Whereas CaV1.3 Channels Steadily Increase Through Development,” Journal of Signal Transduction, Vol. 2012 (October 2012), p 11, with undergraduate students Nicholas Ingraham and Emily Sharpe.

Dr. Lisa Petrella Assistant Professor

Grant: $248,161, “Mechanisms of Temperature Buffering in C. elegans,” National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Michael Schlappi Associate Professor

Grant: $133,266, “Graduate Assistance in Biological Sciences,” U.S. Department of Education. Published: “Expression of Recombinant EARLI1, A Hybrid Proline-rich Protein of Arabidopsis, in Escherichia Coli and its Inhibition Effect to the Growth of Fungal Pathogens and Saccharomyces Cerevisiae,” Planta, Vol. 506, No. 1, (September 2012), pp 50-61, with C. Zhang, D. Xu, and Z. Xu. Published: “Inhibitory Effects of Arabidopsis EARLI1 Against Botrytis Cinerea and Bradysia Difformis,” Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, Vol. 110, No. 3 (September 2012), pp 435-443, with D. Xu, L. Li, Y. Shi and Z. Xu. Published: “Dragon’s Blood May Have Radioprotective Effects in Radiation-induced Rat Brain Injury,” Radiation Research, Vol. 178, No. 1, ( July 2012), pp 75-85, with Y. Li, X. Li, X. Wang, X. Zhang, R. Dai, W. Meng, H. Wang, H. Ma and Y. Deng.

Dr. Martin St. Maurice Assistant Professor

Grant: $346,150, “Investigation of the Structure and Function of Urea Amidolyase,” National Institutes of Health.

Postdoctoral Fellow Published: “A Flagellar A-Kinase Anchoring Protein With Two Amphipathic Helices Forms a Structural Scaffold in the Radial Spoke Complex,” Journal of Cell Biology, Vol. 199 (November 2012), pp 639-651, with undergraduate student Jennifer Dienes, W. Meek and Dr. Pinfen Yang, Department of Biological Sciences. Published: “The Enzymes of Biotin Dependent CO(2) Metabolism: What Structures Reveal About Their Reaction Mechanisms,” Protein Science, Vol. 21, No. 11 (November 2012), pp 1597-1619, with G. Waldrop. Published: “Roles of Arg427 and Arg472 in the Binding and Allosteric Effects of Acetyl CoA in Pyruvate Carboxylase,” Biochemistry, Vol. 51, No. 41 (September 2012), pp 8208–8217, with C. Sereeruk, S. Jitrapakdee, T. Zeczycki, W. Cleland, J. Wallace and P. Attwood.

Dr. Rosemary Stuart Professor

Grant: $355,250, “Analysis of Yeast Mitochondrial Ribosome Assembly and Membrane Association,” National Science Foundation. Grant: $337,451, “The Hig1 Protein Family and the Cytochrome C Oxidase Complex,” National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Pinfen Yang

Associate Professor

Published: “DPY-30 Domain and its Flanking Sequence Mediate the Assembly Modulation of Flagellar Radial Spoke Complexes,” Molecular and Cell Biology, Vol. 32, No. 19 (October 2012), pp 4012-4024, with K. Foster. Published: “The Versatile Molecular Complex Component LC8 Promotes Several Distinct Steps of Flagellar Assembly,” The Journal of Cell Biology, Vol. 198, No. 1 ( July 2012), pp 115-126, with D. Diener, graduate student Priyanka Sivadas, and J. Rosenbaum. Published: see entry for Dr. Martin St. Maurice, Department of Biological Sciences.

Published: see entries for Dr. Scott Reid, Department of Chemistry.

Dr. Evgueni Kovriguine Assistant Professor

Published: “Conservation of Flexible Residue Clusters Among Structural Homologues of the Ribonuclease Family,” Protein Science, Vol. 21 (August 2012), pp 126-147, with L. Charest and N. Doucet. Published: “NMR Line Shapes and Multi-state Binding Equilibria,” Journal of Biomolecular NMR, Vol. 53, No. 3 ( July 2012), pp 257-270.

Dr. Sergey Lindeman

Laboratory Supervisor and Staff Crystallographer

Chair and Professor

Grant: $150,000, “Studies of the Halogen Bond and Electron Transfer in Prototypical Donor-Accepted Halogen-Bonded Complexes,” National Science Foundation. Grant: $30,000, “Raman Signatures for Target IED Compounds,” U.S. Department of Defense. Published: “On Pi-stacking, CH/pi, and Halogen Bonding in Halobenzene Clusters: Resonant 2-Photon Ionization Studies of Chlorobenzene,” Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 137 (October 2012), pp 184307-184316, with graduate students Silver Nyambo and Brandon Uhler. Published: “Probing Radical Pathways in Electrophilic Addition of Halogens: Classical vs. Bridged Intermediates,” Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 554 (October 2012), pp 86-90, with Dr. Lisa George, Department of Chemistry, and graduate student Aimable Kalume. Published: “On the Electronic Spectroscopy of the IsoPolyhalomethanes,” Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 551 (September 2012), pp 64-67, with Dr. Lisa George, Department of Chemistry.

Assistant Professor

Presented: “Computational Studies of S-Nitrosothiols: From Electronic Structure to Biological Function,” University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wis., November 2012. Presented: “The Mechanism and Biological Function of Protein S-Nitrosylation: Insights from Computational Chemistry,” Concordia University–Wisconsin, Mequon, Wis., September 2012.

Dr. Chieu Tran

Pfletchinger-Habermann Professor

Published: “Polycaccharide Ecocomposite Materials: Characterization and Application for Removal of Pollutants and Bacteria,” ECS Transactions, Vol. 50 (2012), pp 573-594, with graduate student Simon Duri, and B. El-Zahab. Chaired: “Ionic Liquids for and by Analytical Chemistry” panel; Presented: “Polysaccharide Ecocomposite Materials: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications;” Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies, Kansas City, Mo., October 2012. Presented: “Polycaccharide Ecocomposite Materials: Characterization and Application for Removal of Pollutants and Bacteria,” International Conference of the Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, October 2012.

Winter 2013 — Compendium


Associate Professor

Reviewed: Barbara Sicherman’s Jo’s Women, Review of Well-Read Lives: How Books Inspired a Generation of American Women,” Reviews in American History, Vol. 40, No. 2 ( June 2012,) pp 277-281.

Dr. Gerard Canavan Assistant Professor

Published: “History 1, 2, 3,” pp 375376; Reviewed: Jessica Langer’s Postcolonialism and Science Fiction, and Ericka Hoagland and Reema Sarwal’s Science Fiction, Imperialism and the Third World, pp 494-499; Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 39, No. 3 (November 2012). Reviewed: Seo-Young Chu’s Do Metaphors Dream of Literal Sleep?: A Science-Fictional Theory of Representation,” Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 49, No. 4 (September 2012), pp 616-619. Published: “Struggle Forever: Review of Kim Stanley Robinson’s 2312,” Los Angeles Review of Books, ( June 2012). Chaired: “Spatializing Segregation: Samuel R. Delany’s The Star Pit” panel, Science Fiction Research Association, Detroit, June 2012. Presented: “Something Nightmares Are From: Metacommentary in Joss Whedon’s The Cabin in the Woods,” Johannes Gutenberg-University, Frankfurt, Germany, September 2012. Presented: “Life without Hope? Huntington’s Disease and Genetic Futurity,” Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Conference, Milwaukee, September 2012.

Dr. Leah Flack

Assistant Professor

Published: “Cyclops, Censorship, and Joyce’s Monster Audiences,” James Joyce Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 3 (Spring 2012), pp 425-444. Chaired: “Thematic Emancipation through Place and Time” panel; Presented: “Cyclops’ and James Joyce’s Monster Audiences,” American Conference for Irish Studies’ Midwest Region Annual Conference, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Oct. 19-20, 2012.

Dr. Amanda B. Godbee Assistant Professor

Published: “Toward Explaining the Transformative Power of Talk About, Around and for Writing,” Research in the Teaching of English, Vol. 47, No. 2 (November 2012), pp 171-197. Chaired: “Why Relational Work Matters: The Labor of ‘Affiliative Dispositions’ for More Equitable Relations;” Presented: “Working Toward Cross-Racial Affiliations Around Writing;” The Thomas R. Watson Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky., October 2012, with R. Diab and S. Watanabe. Presented: “Social Justice and Tutoring Practice: A MovementBased Exploration,” National Council of Peer Tutors in Writing, Chicago, November 2012, with J. KarTang and M. Ozias.

Presented: “Writing as Agency and for Advocacy: Ethnographic Writing Research for Local Change,” Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English, Madison, Wis., October 2012, with undergraduate students Frank Will Bufe, Dyon Bryant, Megan Glise and Danielle Schubert. Presented: “Performing Reciprocal Mentoring: A Look at How Graduate Student Women Mentor Each Other,” Wisconsin Women’s Studies Conference and Annual UW System LGBTQ Conference, University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh, Oshkosh, Wis., October 2012, with undergraduate student Julia Novotny. Presented: “Enacting a Pedagogy of Racial Justice,” Agnes Scott College’s Center for Writing and Speaking, Decatur, Ga., September 2012. Awarded: Outstanding Book Chapter Award Winner, (International Writing Centers Association), 2012. Appointed: Committee member, International Writing Centers Association’s Best Article Award Committee, 2012.

Presented: “The Unreliable Narrator in Graham Greene’s The Quiet American;” Presented: “The Other Life, Part 2,” The Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers, Warren Wilson College, Asheville, N.C., July 2012.

Dr. Diane Long Hoeveler

Dr. Jodi Melamed

Published: “The Illustrations to Thomas Holcroft’s Tale of Mystery as Physiognomical Tableaux Vivant,” pp 188-213; Published: “The Business of Theatrical Illustrations: Transmuting Holcroft’s Melodramas into Visual Tableaux,” pp 188-213; Reviewing Thomas Holcroft, 17431809, (October 2012), Miriam Wallace and A. A. Markley (editors), Ashgate Publishing. Published: “Anti-Catholicism and the Gothic Imaginary: The Historical and Literary Contexts,” Religion in the Age of Enlightenment, Vol. III, (September 2012), Brett C. McInelly (editor), pp 1-31, AMS Press. Published: “Obsessing about the Catholic Other: Religion and the Secularization Process in Gothic Literature,” L’obsession à L’oeuvre: Littérature, Cinéma et Société en Grande-Bretagne, ( July 2012), Jean‑François Baillon and Paul Veyret (editors), pp 15-32, CLIMAS. Presented: “William-Henry Ireland and the Anti-Catholic Gothic: Gondez the Monk and The Abbess,” International Conference on Romanticism, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz., November 2012. Presented: “Shadow-boxing with Rousseau: Wollstonecraft, De Staël and the Spectre of Rousseauvianism,” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, August 2012. Appointed: Editorial board, Gothic Futures book series, David Punter (editor), Edinburgh University Press, 2012.

Presented: “Difference Incorporated,” American Studies Association Conference, Puerto Rico, November 2012. Awarded: Fulbright Scholar Award to Germany, (U.S. Department of State), September 2012. Appointed: Committee chair, American Studies Association, July 2012.


C.J. Hribal

Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

Chaired: “I Once Was Lost” panel; Presented: “The Other Life;” Wisconsin Humanities Council’s Wisconsin Book Festival, Madison, Wis., November 2012. Presented: “The Other Life, Part 3,” Why There Are Words reading series, San Francisco, August 2012.

Dr. Christine Krueger Professor

Published: “Queer Heroism of a Man of Law in A Tale of Two Cities,” Nineteenth Century Gender Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2 ( July 2012). Published: “The ‘Female Paternalist’ as Historian: Elizabeth Gaskell’s My Lady Ludlow,” Rewriting the Victorians: Theory, History and the Politics of Gender, ( June 2012), Linda Shires (editor), pp 166-183, Routledge. Presented: “Domesticating Historiography: Social Networks, Research Methodologies and Women’s Contribution to Documentary History,” North American Victorian Studies Conference, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wis., September 2012.

Associate Professor

Presented: “Promoting Change Through Role-Playing: Theatre of the Oppressed and Tutor Education,” National Conference of Peer Tutoring of Writing, Chicago, November 2012, with undergraduate students Samantha Martinson, Natalie Campbell and Michael Haen. Presented: “Designing Computer Simulations for Tutor Education: Introducing Case Scenario/Critical Reader Builder;” Presented: “The Rhetorical Dimensions of Transfer in Writing Center Theory and Practice;” International Writing Centers Association, San Diego, October 2012. Presented: “Becoming an “Expert Outsider: How Genre Knowledge Facilitates Transfer in the Writing Center,” Genre 2012, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, June 27, 2012. Presented: “Understanding Transfer as a Rhetorical Act,” International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference, Savannah, Ga., June 8, 2012.

Dr. Albert J. Rivero Professor

Edited: The Eighteenth-Century Novel, (2012), AMS Press.

Dr. Angela Sorby Associate Professor

Published: “‘Recitation’ and ‘Fireside Poets’,” Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th Edition, (September 2012), Roland Greene (editor), Princeton University Press.

Dr. Rebecca Nowacek

Dr. Rebecca Nowacek

Associate Professor and Director of the Norman H. Ott Memorial Writing Center

Published: “Reflection in Action: A Signature Ignatian Pedagogy for the 21st Century,” Exploring More Signature Pedagogies, (2012), Nancy Chick, Aeron Haynie, Regan Gurung (editors), Stylus Press, with Dr. Susan Mountin, Center for Teaching and Learning. Published: “Beyond Teachers Telling Stories: Scaffolding a SoTL Inquiry Project for Graduate Students in the Humanities,” MountainRise: The International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 7, No. 2 (2012), with graduate students Emily Blaser, David Harden and Sarah Nestor.

Dr. Sarah Wadsworth Associate Professor

Presented: “Mr. Penrose and the Politics of the First American Novel: Captivity, Exile and Dissent,” American Studies Association Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 2012. Presented: “Discoveries from the Woman’s Building Library,” Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference, Denver, October 2012.



Compendium — Winter 2013

Larry Watson

Dr. Pilar Bellver

Presented: “Translating Fiction: English as a Second Language Classes,” University of Wisconsin– Stevens Point, Stevens Point, Wis., Nov. 30, 2012. Presented: “Fiction Reading and Panel Discussions,” PeeDee Poetry and Fiction Festival, Francis Marion University, Florence, S.C., November 2012. Presented: “A Writer’s Sense of Place,” Chippewa Valley Book Fair, Eau Claire, Wis., Oct. 20, 2012. Presented: “The Writing Process,” Ridgedale Public Library, Minnetonka, Minn., Oct. 6, 2012. Presented: “A Reading from Watson’s Novel American Boy,” Midwest Independent Booksellers Association Annual Convention, Minneapolis, Oct. 5, 2012. Presented: “Fiction and Autobiography: A Writer’s Sources,” Stillwater Public Library, Stillwater, Minn., Oct. 4, 2012. Presented: “A Writer’s Heritage,” Muskego Public Library, Muskego, Wis., Aug. 22, 2012. Presented: “Writers and Their Settings,” Chicago Tribune’s Printers Row Book Festival, Chicago, June 9, 2012.

Presented: “Nacion y Frontera en La Cronica de Viajes del XIX: Panorama de Mexico, de Manuel Payno,” VI Congreso Internacional de la Asociacion Hispanica de Humanidades, Madrid, Spain, June 2012.

Visiting Professor

Assistant Professor of Spanish

Dr. Dinorah Cortés-Vélez

Assistant Professor of Spanish

Published: El Arca de la Memoria, 2nd edition, (September 2012), Isla Negra. Published: “De la Blasfemia a La Invitación: Discurso Inmunológico y Crisis de Significación en Invitación al Polvo de Manuel Ramos Otero,” Cuaderno Internacional de Estudios Humanísticos Y Literatura, Vol. 18, (2012), pp 19-31. Published: “Balanceos Apalabrados Sobre la Tela de Una Araña,” El Post Antillano: Publicación Digital de Voces Caribeñas, (November 2012). Published: “Humor a Quemarropa: Edgardo Nieves Mieles,” 80 Grados website, (Sept. 28, 2012). Published: “Manuel Ramos Otero: ‘Nómada del Sueño al Revés,’”Claridad: El Periódico de la Nación Puertorriqueña, ( June 2012), pp 18-19, Suplemento En Rojo.

Dr. Anne Pasero

Professor and Administrative Director of the Study Center in Madrid

Reviewed: A Companion to Spanish Women’s Studies, Revista de Estudios Hispanicos, Vol. XLVI, No. 2 ( June 2012), pp 378-379. Presented: “Río Hacia La Nada: Hacia La Unidad en La Poesía Amorosa de Clara Janés,” International Conference on the Texts of Spanish Poet Clara Janés, University of Pau, France, June 2012. Presented: “Clara Janes y la Expresion del Amor a Traves de los Anos,” Asociacion Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Feminista Hispanica, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Mich., November 2012. Presented: “Redeeming the Body in Teresa of Avila’s Autobiographical Work,” Attending to Early Modern Women, University of Wisconsin– Milwaukee, Milwaukee, June 2012, with Dr. Dinorah Cortés-Vélez, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, and Dr. Julia Paulk, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Presented: “Rio Hacia la Nada: Hacia la Unidad en la Poesia de Amor de Clara Janes,” Secretos y Verdades: Los Textos de Clara Janes, University of Pau, France, June 2012.

DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY Rev. Steven Avella Professor

Published: “I Don’t Think any Council Father Could Back Home the Sam, Albert G. Meyer and Vatican II: A Case Study of Episcopal Transformation”,” U.S. Catholic Historian, Vol. 30, No. 2 (Spring 2012), pp 25-38. Presented: “Understanding Church History,” Sustaining the Mission, Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, October 2012. Presented: “The Church and the Social Gospel,” St. Mark’s Episcopal, Milwaukee, October 2012. Presented: “The Cardijn Movement,” St. Francis de Sales Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin, September 2012. Presented: “Some Random Thoughts on Solano County Catholicism,” St. Mary’s Parish, Vacaville, Calif., July 2012.

Dr. Sarah Bond

Assistant Professor

Reviewed: Archaeologists as Activists: Can Archaeologists Change the World?, Southeastern Archaeology, Vol. 31.1 ( July 2012), pp 115-116. Presented: “Brewer, Businessman and Barbarian: the Cervesani in the Latin West,” AIA-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, October 2012.

Dr. Alison Efford Assistant Professor

Dr. James Marten


Presented: “El Neocatolicismo, La Exhibición de Figuras Humanas y Las Capillas Ardientes en el Museo del Prado,” XIX Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte, Ceha: Las Artes y La Arquitectura del Poder, Universidad Jaume I, Castellón, Spain, Sept. 7, 2012.

Dr. Stephen Beall

Associate Professor of Classics

Published: “Enchiridion Symbolorum,” Enchiridion Symbolorum, (November 2012), Robert Fastiggi (editor), pp 401-402, 412-420, Ignatius Press.

Presented: “Kitsch Neobarroco en La Novelabingo de Manuel Ramos Otero (Neo-baroque Kitsch in La Novelabingo by Manuel Ramos Otero),” Midwest Modern Languages Association, Cincinnati, November 2012. Presented: “Lesbian Love or Romantic Friendship? Sor Juana and the Vicereine, María Luisa Manrique de Lara,” Early Modern Women Conference 2012, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, June 2012. Presented: see entry for Dr. Anne Pasero, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

Organized and Presented: “Conversation about St. Teresa of Avila: Exploring the Body in Early Modern Hispanic Women Writers,” Attending to Early Modern Women Conference, University of Wisconsin– Milwaukee, Milwaukee, June 2012.

Dr. Julia Paulk

Assistant Professor of Spanish

Presented: “The Wandering Jew: From France to Mexico,” Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Cincinnati, November 2012. Presented: see entry for Dr. Anne Pasero, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures.

Dr. John Pustejovsky Associate Professor

Awarded: Distinguished German Educator of 2012, (Wisconsin Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of German), November 2012.

Chaired: “Transnational Identities? German Religion, Education, and Moral Regulation in South America,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, Milwaukee, October 2012. Presented: “German Milwaukee,” Doors Open Milwaukee, Historic Milwaukee, Inc., Milwaukee, September 2012. Presented: “Germans, African Americans, and Citizenship during Reconstruction,” The Transnational Significance of the American Civil War, German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C., September 2012. Presented: “African American Suffrage and Sectional Reconciliation: Dissident Republicans in the Missouri Constitutional Convention of 1865,” Society for Civil War Historians, Lexington, Ky., June 2012.

Dr. Kristen Foster Associate Professor

Awarded: Mellon Grant for Undergraduate Education, (Mellon Foundation), 2012.

Dr. Andrew Kahrl Assistant Professor

Published: The Land Was Ours: African American Beaches from Jim Crow to the Sunbelt South, (2012), Harvard University Press. Published: “Sunbelt by the Sea: Governing Race and Nature in a Coastal Metropolis,” Journal of Urban History, Vol. 38, No. 3 (2012), pp 488-508. Published: “Reclaiming Beaches for the People on the Fourth of July,” History News Network/, ( July 2012), George Mason University. Chaired: “Race, Space and the Law,” Urban History Association, New York, October 2012.

Winter 2013 — Compendium

Published: “How Technology Shaped the Civil War,” Civil War Innovations: Special Digital Issue of Scientific American, (September 2012). Published: “Children in the Civil War;” Published: “Union and Confederate Veterans;” Published: “Union and Confederate Veterans;” Essential Civil War Curriculum website, (August 2012). Published: “Union and Confederate Veterans,” A Companion to the U. S. Civil War and Reconstruction, ( June 2012), Aaron Sheehan-Dean (editor), Wiley-Blackwell.

Dr. Laura Matthew Assistant Professor

Dr. Phillip Naylor

Presented: “Mapping a History of Coastal Capitalism in the Sunbelt South,” Social Science History Association, Vancouver, B.C., November 2012. Presented: “Changes in the Land: Maryland’s Western Shore, Then ... and Now,” BannekerDouglass Museum, Annapolis, Md., August 2012. Presented: “How the Land Was Lost: The Decline of Black Landownership in the Coastal South,” Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture, Atlanta, June 2012. Presented: “Preserving African American Heritage: Heirs’ Property,” National Rosenwald Schools Conference, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Tuskegee, Ala., June 2012. Awarded: Governor’s Citation, (State of Maryland), August 2012. Organized: Dissertation workshop, Urban History Association, October 2012.

Dr. Chima Korieh Associate Professor

Published: The Nigeria-Biafra War, Genocide and the Politics of Memory, ( June 2012), Cambria Press. Presented: “National Historiography and Ethnohistory: The Esan in Historical Perspective,” Esan in Historical Perspective Conference, Samuel Adegboyega University, Ogwa, Nigeria, June 2012.

Dr. James Marten Chair and Professor

Published: Children and Youth During the Civil War Era, (2012), New York University Press. Published: “Children and War,” The Routledge History of Childhood in the Western World, (2012), Paula Fass (editor), Routledge. Published: Pre-publication text for This Wicked Rebellion: Wisconsin Civil War Soldiers Write Home, (October 2012), Wisconsin Historical Society.

Published: Memories of Conquest: Becoming Mexicano in Colonial Guatemala, (2012), University of North Carolina Press. Published: “Nahuatl and Pipil in Colonial Guatemala: A Central American Counterpoint,” Ethnohistory, Vol. 59, No. 4 (November 2012), pp 765-783, with R. Sergio. Reviewed: The War for Mexico’s West: Indians and Spaniards in New Galicia, 1524-1550, The Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 98, No. 4 (October 2012), pp 834-835. Presented: “The Rediscovery of the Codice de Santa Catarina Ixtepeji,” American Geographical Society Library, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, October 2012. Presented: “The Probanza as a Historical Source;” Presented: “Memories of Conquest;” Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Department of History, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz., October 2012. Presented: “Memories of Conquest,” Milwaukee County Historical Society, Milwaukee, September 2012. Presented: “Nahuatl and Pipil in Central America,” Indigenous Literacy in Mesoamerica and the Colonial World, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Brown University, Providence, R.I., June 2012. Awarded: Fellow, (American Council for Learned Societies), September 2012.

Dr. Timothy McMahon Associate Professor

Published: “Irish Jesuit Education and Imperial Ideals,” Irish Classrooms and the British Empire: Imperial Contexts in the Origins of Modern Education, (November 2012), David Dickson, Justyna Pyz, and Christopher Sheppard (editors), Four Courts Press. Presented: “Grand Legacy? Ireland’s Gaelic Revival Today,” Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Conference for Irish Studies, Milwaukee, October 2012. Presented: “Grand Legacy? Ireland’s Gaelic Revivals, Past and Present,” Irish Studies Week, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, September 2012.

Dr. Daniel Meissner Associate Professor

Presented: “American Views of 21st Century China,” American Embassy, Beijing, June 14, 2012. Presented: “A Love and Hate Relationship: The Role of Public Opinion in Sino-American Relations,” Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, June 12, 2012.


Check Yes!

Dr. Phillip Naylor Professor

Published: “Islamic Humanism in the Thought of Ibn Khaldun and Malik bin Nabi,” The JudeoChristian-Islamic Heritage: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives ( June 2012), Richard C. Taylor and Irfan A. Omar (editors), pp 217-242, Marquette University Press. Published: “Algeria,” Oxford Bibliographies Online, (October 2012), Oxford University. Reviewed: David Porter’s Eyes to the South: French Anarchists and Algeria, International Journal of African Historical Studies, Vol. 45, No. 2 (October 2012). Reviewed: Allen Fromherz’s Ibn Khaldun: Life and Times,” Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 17, No. 4 (October 2012), pp 739-741.

When you next enter scholarly accomplishments in the Faculty Activities Database, check “yes” in the “Report Permissions” section to allow your information to be used for Compendium.

Dr. Julius Ruff Professor

Presented: “The Enduring Impact of the Great War,” Chudnow Museum of Yesteryear, Milwaukee, October 2012.

Dr. Peter Staudenmaier Assistant Professor

Published: “Hannah Arendt’s Analysis of Antisemitism in The Origins of Totalitarianism: A Critical Appraisal,” Patterns of Prejudice, Vol. 46, No. 2 (2012), pp 154-179. Published: “Anthroposophy in Fascist Italy,” Esotericism, Religion and Politics, (2012), Arthur Versluis (editor), pp 83-106, North American Academic Press. Presented: “Esoteric Alternatives in Imperial Germany: Spiritual Seekers, Fluid Worldviews and the Modern Occult Revival;” Presented: “Esoteric Modernities;” German Studies Association Annual Conference, Milwaukee, October 2012.

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Dr. Michael Wert

to Compendium (

Presented: “Shin-gi-tai in Japanese Physical Culture,” University of Wisconsin– Milwaukee, Milwaukee, November 2012. Presented: “Rural Swordsmen in Early Modern Japan,” Midwest Japan Seminar, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio, November 2012.

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Assistant Professor

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Compendium — Winter 2013


Grant: $80,000, “Breast Cancer Palliation Study Phase III,” International Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Grant: $57,253, “Cross-Sectional Study of Cell Phone Assessments of Symptoms in Patients with Advanced Cancer,” International Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Grant: $25,000, “Inertial Navigation Systems,” U.S. Department of Education. Grant: $10,728, “Search for Best, Appropriate WiFi Tag and Use Chosen Tag to Develop iPhone Application to Track and Locate Children Wearing Tag,” WiFi Locator Solutions, LLC. Presented: “I Am Not a Goldfish in a Bowl,” IEEE International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services, Beijing, October 2012. Presented: “MonAC: Detecting Missing Tags for Improved Accuracy in Computational RFID based Assisted Environments,” Research In Applied Computation Symposium, San Antonio, October 2012. Presented: “mHealthcare,” The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, August 2012. Presented: “KnockAround: Location based Service via Social Knowledge,” with graduate student Mohammad Tanviruzzaman; Presented: “Americans With Disabilities Act — Compliance Assessment Toolkit on Smartphone,” with graduate student Rizwana Rizia and R. Smith, IEEE Signature Conference on Computer Software and Applications, Izmir, Turkey, July 2012. Awarded: Senior member, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), October 2012. Awarded: Best Paper Award, (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers HealthCom), October 2012.

Dr. Serdar Bozdag Assistant Professor

Published: “Genomic Analysis of Immune Response Against Vibrio Cholerae Hemolysin in Caenorhabditis Elegans,” PLoS ONE, Vol. 5, No. 7 (2012), with J. Lewis, J. Lee and J. LeClerc.

Dr. Anne Clough

Published: “G-CIMP Status Prediction of Glioblastoma Samples Using mRNA Expression Data,” Plos ONE, Vol. 11, No. 7 (November 2012), with M. Cam, S. Kotliarova, S. Ahn, J. Walling, J. Killian, H. Stevenson, P. Meltzer and H. Fine. Published: “Involvement of MicroRNA Families in Cancer,” Nucleic Acids Research, Vol. 40, No. 17 ( June 2012), pp 8219-8226, with D. Arjona and P. Bauer. Appointed: Editorial review board member, Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2012.

Dr. Dennis Brylow Associate Professor

Published: “BareMichael: A Minimalistic Bare-Metal Framework for the Intel SCC,” Proceedings of MARC Symposium 2012, (2012), Eric Noulard and Simon Vernhes (editors), ONERA, with graduate student Michael Ziwisky. Presented: “BareMichael: A Minimalistic Bare-Metal Framework for the Intel SCC,” Many-Core Applications Research Community Symposium, ONERA Research Center, Toulouse, France, July 2012, with graduate student Michael Ziwisky. Awarded: Second Place — Best Paper Award, (Many-Core Applications Research Community Symposium), July 2012.

First-time Grant Awardees Dr. Risa Brooks, assistant professor in the Department of Political Science, received her first grant award through Marquette University for “Terrorist Behavior as a Function of Societal Tolerance for Violence,” funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. See p. 8. Dr. Lisa Petrella, assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, received her first grant award through Marquette University for “Mechanisms of Temperature Buffering in C. elegans,” funded by the National Institutes of Health. See p. 2. Carole Ferrara, director of the Trinity Fellows Program, submitted her first application and received her first grant award through Marquette University for “Trinity Fellows Program,” funded by the Joseph and Vera Zilber Family Foundation, Inc. See p. 23. Dr. Christopher Simenz, clinical associate professor in the Department of Physical Therapy, received his first grant award through Marquette University for “Carol M. White Physical Education Grant (PEP): PE Habits,” funded by the U.S. Department of Education. See p. 22.

Dr. Anne Clough Professor

Grant: $9,770, “Innovative Biomarkers to Predict Radiation Lung Injury,” National Institutes of Health. Presented: “Lung Uptake of 99mTc- Hexamethylpropyleneamine Oxime (99mTc-HMPAO) in Two Unique Rat Models of Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity,” Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting, Atlanta, October 2012.

Dr. Kim Factor

Associate Professor

Presented: “Biochemical Threat to an Ecosystem: Species Identification, Surveillance and Strategies for Minimum Damage,” Command, Control and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis Reconnect Workshop 2012: Game Theory and Security, Winona State University, Winona, Minn., June 3-9, 2012.

Dr. Rong Ge

Assistant Professor

Published: “Energy Efficient Parallel Matrix-Matrix Multiplication for DVFS-Enabled Clusters,” with Z. Chen, P. Wu and Z. Zong; Published: “eTune: A Power Analysis Framework for Data-Intensive Computing,” with Thomas Wirtz, School of Dentistry, X. Feng, Z. Zong and Z. Chen; International Conference on Parallel Processing Proceedings, (September 2012). Published: “Power-Aware High Performance Computing,” Energy Efficient Distributed Computing Systems, (August 2012), Albert Zomaya and Young Choon Lee (editors), Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, with K. Cameron. Published: “Energy Consumption Analysis of Parallel Sorting Algorithms Running on Multicore Systems,” The Third International Green Computing Conference Proceedings, ( June 2012), with Z. Zong, T. Jin, Z. Che, and M. Qiu. Presented: “Bird-Of-Feather Power and Energy Measurement and Modeling on the Path to Exascale,” IEEE/ACM Supercomputing Conference, Salt Lake City, November 2012.

Presented: “Energy Efficient High Performance Computing,” Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas, October 2012. Presented: “eTune: A Power Analysis Framework for Data-Intensive Computing,” International Conference on Parallel Processing, Pittsburgh, September 2012. Presented: “Energy Consumption Analysis of Parallel Sorting Algorithms Running on Multicore Systems,” International Green Computing Conference, San Jose, Calif., June 2012. Appointed: Committee member, International Workshop on Power Measurement and Profiling, 2012. Appointed: Committee member, International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage, 2012. Appointed: Committee member, IEEE International Performance Computing and Communication Conference, July 2012 to December 2012. Appointed: Committee member, IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, June 2012 to May 2013. Appointed: Committee member, International Workshop on DataIntensive Scalable Computing Systems, August 2012 to December 2012. Appointed: Committee member, Workshop on High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing, September 2012 to May 2013.

Dr. Gholamhossein Hamedani Professor

Published: “A Note on SubIndependence and S Class Of Bivariate Mixtures,” Journal of the Academy of Sciences of Hungary, Vol. 49 (2012), pp 19-25, with J. Behboodian and H. Volkmer. Published: “Bayesian Analysis of Hypothesis Testing Problems for General Population: A KullbackLeibler Alternative,” Journal of Statistical Planning, Vol. 142 (2012), pp 1991-1998. Published: “Characterizations of Certain Continuous Univariate Distributions Based on The Conditional Distribution of Generalized Order Statistics,” Pakistan Journal of Statistics, Vol. 28 (2012), pp 253-258, with M. Ahsanullah.

Winter 2013 — Compendium

Published: “On Order Statistics for GS-Distributions,” Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, Vol. 11 (2012), pp 237-264, with M. Mohie-El-Din and M. Amein. Published: “Various Characterizations of Modified Weibull and Log-modified Distributions,” Austrian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 41, No. 2 (2012), pp 117-124. Presented: “Concept of SubIndependence,” World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2012.

Presented: “Modeling Aspects of the Immune Response — Dealing with Complexity,” Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Silver Spring, Md., June 20, 2012. Presented: “Challenges in Model Validation for Mathematical Models Used in a Regulatory Setting,” Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 2012. Presented: “FDA’s QSAR Roundtable,” FDA–CFSAN Campus, College Park, Md., October 2012.

Dr. Peter Jones

Dr. John (Jack) Moyer

Published: “A Common Framework For Restriction Semigroups And Regular Semigroups,” Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, Vol. 216 (2012), pp 618-632. Published: “On Lattices of Varieties of Restriction Semigroups,” Semigroup Forum, (September 2012). Presented: “The Semigroups B_2 and B_0 are Inherently Nonfinitely Based,” North British Semigroups and Applications Network Workshop, York, England, November 2012.

Grant: $61,348, “Longitudinal Investigation of the Effect of Curriculum on Algebra Learning from the Middle Grades through High School,” National Science Foundation. Published: “Mathematical Problem Posing as a Measure of Curricular Effect on Students’ Learning,” Educational Studies in Mathematics, (2012), doi: 10.1007/ s10649-012-9429-3, with N. Wang, S. Hwang, B. Nie and T. Garber. Presented: “Longitudinally Investigating the Impact of Curricula and Classroom Emphases on Equity in Algebra Learning,” Conference of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Kalamazoo, Mich., October 2012, with S. Hwang, J. Cai, J. Shih, N.Wang, and B. Nie. Presented: “Developing Function Sense in Middle School: Approaches in Standards-Based and Traditional Curricula;” Presented: “Curriculum Reform and Mathematics Learning: Evidence from Two Longitudinal Studies,” with J. Cai; International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seoul, July 2012.


Dr. Marta Magiera Assistant Professor

Grant: $178,895, “Raising Achievement in Mathematics through Fostering Algebraic Thinking (RAM t-FAT),” U.S. Department of Education, with Dr. Leigh Vandenkieboom, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, College of Education. Presented: “Raising Achievement in Mathematics Through Fostering Algebraic Thinking,” Wisconsin Department for Public Instruction MSP Conference, Wisconsin Dells, Wis., October 2012, with Dr. Leigh Vandenkieboom, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, and E. Fuller. Presented: “Characterizing Prospective K-8 Teachers’ Inductive Behaviors in Solutions to Contextually-based Tasks;” Presented: “Reasoning and Sense Making in the Context of Student and Teacher Learning,” with S. Whitney; International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME‑12, Seoul, July 2012.


Dr. Daniel Rowe Associate Professor

Presented: “Statistical Image Reconstruction of Two Simultaneously Excited fMRI Slices,” American Statistical Association Joint Statistical Meeting, San Diego, July 2012.

Dr. Stephen Merrill Professor

Published: “Simplified Models of Vector Control Impact Upon Malaria Transmission by Zoophagic Mosquitoes,”PLoS ONE, Vol. 7, No. 5 (2012), e37661. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0037661, with N. Chitnis, S.J. Moore, G.J. Devine, S. Majambere, G.F. Killeen and graduate student S.S. Kiware.

Dr. Elaine Spiller

Dr. Elaine Spiller

Dr. James South

Grant: $73,602, “Collaborative Research: Statistical and Computational Models and Methods for Extracting Knowledge from Massive Disparate Data for Quantifying Uncertain Hazards,” National Science Foundation. Presented: “Efficient Use of Simulations for Developing Probabilistic Hazard Maps,” International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Mathematical Geophysics Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2012.

Presented: “Stakes of Speech: SelfRevelation and Theatricality,” Lehigh University Humanities Center Seminar Summer Seminar on Wittgenstein in the Spirit of Cavell and Rhees, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Penn., July 9-18, 2012.

Assistant Professor

DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY Dr. Curtis Carter Professor

Published: “Milwaukee Art Museum’s Must-See, Posters of Paris,” Shepherd Express, June 28, 2012, p 27. Chaired: “Aesthetics of Contemporary Art,” American Society for Aesthetics, St. Louis, October 2012. Presented: “Philosophy, Art, and the Olympics,” Olympics Truce Foundation Awards Ceremony, International Olympics Committee, London, England, August 2012. Presented: “Garden: Nature/ City,” International Association for Aesthetics and Laboratory for Research on the City, Bologna, Italy, June 2012.

Dr. Owen Goldin Professor

Published: Philoponus, on Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.19-34, (November 2012), Bristol Classical Press, with M. Martijn. Reviewed: Marguerite Johnson and Harold Tarrant’s Alcibiades and the Socratic Lover-Educator, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, ( July 2012). Presented: “Aristotle and the Pythagorean Opposites,” Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, New York, October 2012.

Dr. Anthony Peressini Associate Professor

Awarded: Visiting scholar, (Humboldt University’s Berlin School for the Mind and Brain), Berlin, 2012.

Chair and Associate Professor

Dr. Richard Taylor Professor

Published: “Textual and Philosophical Issues in Averroes’ Long Commentary on the De Anima of Aristotle,” The Letter Before the Spirit: The Importance of Text Editions for the Study of the Reception of Aristotle, Aafke M. I. van Oppenraaij and Resianne Smidt van Gelder-Font, (editors), (November 2012), pp 267-287, Brill. Published: “Averroes on the Ontology of the Human Soul,” Muslim World, Vol. 102 (October 2012), pp 580-596. Co-edited: see entries for Dr. Irfan Omar, Department of Theology. Presented: “Averroes and the Philosophical Account of Prophecy,” University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, November 2012. Presented: “The Rationality of Religion in the Qur’an and the Rationalist Philosophers’ Understanding of Religion,” Theology and Rationality: An International Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, November 2012. Presented: “A Common Negotiation: The Abrahamic Traditions and Philosophy in the Middle Ages,” Annual Conference of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Los Angeles, November 2012. Presented: “Averroes on Happiness and Knowledge of God;” Presented: “Issues and Entailments of Averroes’s Views on Self-Knowledge in God, Separate Intellects, and Human Beings;” Presented: “An Evaluation of the Meaning of Creation in Averroes;” Société Internationale pour l’Étude de Philosophie Médiévale Congress, Freising, Germany, August 2012. Presented: “The Development of Averroes’s Conception of the Self,” Subjectivity, Selfhood and Agency in the Arabic and Latin Traditions, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden, August 2012.



Compendium — Winter 2013

Presented: “Averroes on Creation,” Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions, University of Denver, Denver, June 2012. Presented: “Islamic Philosophy at the Heart of European Christian Theology,” Conciliating Revelation and Science in the Abrahamic Traditions, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Kings College and Heythrop College, London, England, June 2012. Presented: “Albert the Great’s Account of Human Knowledge in his De Homine: A Concoction Formed From the Writings of Avicenna and Averroes,” Institute of Philosophy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. June 2012.

Rev. Ronald Teske, S.J. Professor Emeritus

Published: Essays on the Philosophy of Henry of Ghent, Marquette Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 76, (October 2012), Marquette University Press. Published: Henry of Ghent’s Summa of Ordinary Questions: Articles 31 and 32, On God’s Eternity and the Divine Attributes in General, Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation, Vol. 49, No. 1 (October 2012), Marquette University Press.

Dr. David Twetten Associate Professor

Presented: “A Classical Argument for God’s Existence without Infinite Series,” American Catholic Philosophical Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, November 2012. Presented: “Aquinas’ Original Proofs of the Real Distinction between Being and Essence and Their Avicennian Source,” XIII Congrès International de Philosophie Médiévale, Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale, Munich, Germany, September 2012. Presented: “Emanation as ‘Aristotelian Cosmology’ in Albertus Magnus, Albert Before Aquinas and ‘the Arabs,” Université Paris– Sorbonne, Paris, France, June 2012.

Dr. Pol Vandevelde Professor

Presented: “Heidegger and the Romantics: A Response,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Rochester, New York, November 2012.

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Dr. Benjamin Brown Chair and Professor

Grant: see entry for Dr. Barbara Silver-Thorn, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering.

Dr. Andrew Kunz Associate Professor

Published: “Application of Local Transverse Field for Domain Wall Control in Ferromagnetic Nanowire Arrays,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101 (November 2012), p 192402, with undergraduate student Kyle Kimminau.

Dr. Pol Vandevelde


Assistant Professor

Grant: $55,000, “Terrorist Behavior as a Function of Societal Tolerance for Violence,” Department of Homeland Security.

Dr. H. Richard Friman

Professor and Eliot Fitch Chair for International Studies

Reviewed: Frederico Varese’s Mafias on the Move: How Organized Crime Conquers New Territories, Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 10, No. 2 ( June 2012) pp 475-476. Presented: “Janus Awakes? Outbound Smuggling Enforcement and Advanced Industrial Countries,” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, Nov. 14, 2012. Presented: “Crime and the Politics of Immigration Reform,” James E. Smith Midwest Conference on World Affairs: Immigration and the Globalization of Labor, University of Nebraska– Kearney, Kearney, Nebraska, September 2012. Presented: “Simply Links in the Trafficking Chain: Exploring International and National Trafficking in the Campaign,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, September 2012. Presented: “Behind the Curtain: Political Processes and Impact of Naming and Shaming;” Chaired: “Name, Shame and Sanction: The Politics of Leverage in International Relations” panel; Served: “Transatlantic Challenges in the Age of Economic Crises” panel; Joint International Conference of the British International Studies Association and the International Studies Association, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 20-22, 2012.

Dr. Barrett McCormick

Professor and Co-coordinator of International Affairs Programs

Published: see entry for Dr. Kathleen Bobay, College of Nursing.

Dr. Paul Nolette Assistant Professor

Published: “Litigating the Public Interest in the Gilded Age: Common Law Business Regulation by Nineteenth-Century State Attorneys General,” Polity, Vol. 44, No. 3 ( July 2012), pp 373-399. Presented: “The Public Face of the ‘Litigation State’: Federal Empowerment of Litigation by State Governments,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, September 2012. Awarded: William Anderson Prize, (American Political Science Association), August 2012. Awarded: Honorable mention, (Law and Society Association’s Dissertation Prize Committee), June 2012.

Dr. Duane Swank Professor

Presented: “Succumbing to Peer Pressure: European Coordination of Labour Market Policies and Domestic Policy Change,” Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans, August 2012, with O. Vliet.

Dr. Amber Wichowsky Assistant Professor

Published: “Competition, Party Dollars and Income Bias in Turnout: 1980-2008,” Journal of Politics, Vol. 74, No. 2 (2012), pp 446-459. Published: “District Complexity and the Personal Vote,” Legislative Studies Quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 4 (2012), pp 434-464. Presented: “U.S.–China Relations on the Campaign Trail: A Harbinger of Future Policy or Just Cheap Talk?,” Department of Political Science, Loyola University, Chicago, Nov. 28, 2012. Presented: “U.S.–China Relations on the Campaign Trail: A Harbinger of Future Policy or Just Cheap Talk?,” MacMillan International Relations Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., October 2012. Presented: “Unemployment and Voter Turnout,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, September 2012.


Published: see entries for Dr. James Hoelzle, Department of Psychology.

Dr. Stephen Franzoi Professor

Published: “Experiencing Sexism and Young Women’s Body Esteem,” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 31, No. 10 (2012), pp 1112-1137, with graduate student Katie Frost.

Dr. Alyson Gerdes Associate Professor

Published: “Conducting Psychological Research with Latino Children: Strategies to Improve Recruitment and Satisfaction with an At-Risk and Underserved Population,” Journal of Child and Family Studies, (November 2012), doi: 10.1007/ s10826-012-9689-7, with graduate student K. Lawton. Published: “Parental Functioning in Families of Children with ADHD: Evidence for Behavioral Parent Training and Importance of Clinical Meaningfulness,” Journal of Attention Disorders, Vol. 16, No. 6 (August 2012), pp 147-156, with graduate students L. Haack and B. Schneider. Published: “Peer Rejection and Friendships in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Contributions to Long-Term Outcomes,” Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Vol. 40, No. 6 (August 2012), pp 1013-1026, with B. Molina, B. Hoza, S. Hinshaw, L. Hechtman and L. Arnold.

Dr. John Grych

Chair and Professor; Director of the Center for Psychological Services

Published: “Toward a More Comprehensive Understanding of Interpersonal Violence: Introduction to the Special Issue on Interconnections Among Different Types of Violence,” Psychology of Violence, Vol. 2 (2012), pp 105-110, with S. Swan.

Winter 2013 — Compendium

Dr. Amy Van Hecke

Published: “Youth Experiences of Family Violence and Teen Dating Violence Perpetration: Cognitive and Emotional Mediators,” Clinical Child and Family Review, Vol. 15 (2012), pp 58-68, with R. McDonald and V. Mueller.

Dr. Stephen Guastello Professor

Published: “Modeling the Complex Dynamics of Teamwork from Team Cognition to Neurophysiology,” Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Vol. 56 (October 2012), pp 183-187, with P. Amazeen, J. Gorman, A. Likens and R. Stevens. Published: “New Paradigm for Task Switching Strategies while Performing Multiple Tasks: Entropy and Symbolic Dynamics Analysis of Voluntary Patterns,” Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, Vol. 16, No. 4 (October 2012), pp 471-497, with H. Gorin, S. Huschen, N. Peters, M. Fabisch and K. Poston. Published: “Some Observations on State Space Grids and Closely Related Nonlinear Methods,” Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sciences,” Vol. 16, No. 3 ( July 2012), pp 381-384. Presented: see entries for Dr. Dean Jeutter, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering.

Dr. James Hoelzle Assistant Professor

Published: “Neuropsychological Outcomes of U.S. Veterans With Report of Remote Blast Concussion and Current Psychopathology,” Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Vol. 18, No. 5 (September 2012), pp 845-855, with B. Doane, K. McGuire and A. Ferrier-Auerbach. Published: “Progressive Supranuclear Palsy,” The Encyclopedia of Neuropsychological Disorders, (2012), C.A. Noggle, R.S. Dean and A.M. Horton (editors), Springer. Presented: “Are CVLT and WMSIV Verbal Paired Associates Scores Interchangeable? A Slightly Different Story,” American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, Seattle, Wash., June 2012, with graduate student Erin Quasney.

Published: “Catastrophe Models for Cognitive Workload and Fatigue,” Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 5 ( July 2012), pp 586-602, with Henry Boeh, Department of Psychology, C. Schumaker and M. Schimmels. Published: “Cusp Catastrophe Models for Cognitive Workload and Fatigue in a Verbally-Cued Pictorial Memory Task,” Human Factors, Vol. 54 (October 2012), pp 811-825, with Henry Boeh, Department of Psychology, M. Schimmels, H. Gorin, S. Huschen, E. Davis, N. Peters, M. Fabish and K. Poston. Awarded: Samuel J. and Anne G. Beck Award, (Society for Personality Assessment), 2012.

Dr. Kristy Nielson Professor

Published: “Distinguishing Future Cognitive Decline in Healthy Elders Using Two Methods for Measuring Hippocampal Volumes,” p 149, with graduate students N. Hantke, M. Lancaster and M. Matthews, M. Seidenberg, J. Woodard, J. Smith, S. Durgerian and S. Rao; Published: “Episodic Memory Measures Complement Structural and Functional MRI for Predicting Cognitive Decline in Apolipoprotein E 4 Carriers,” p 116, with M. Seidenberg, M. Sugarman, J. Smith, S. Durgerian, graduate students A. Butts, M. Lancaster, M. Foster, N. Hantke, M. Matthews, and S. Rao; Published: “Five-Year Changes in Brain Volume and Episodic Memory in Cognitively Intact Elders With and Without An Apolipoprotein 4 Allele,” p 149, with M. Seidenberg, J. Woodard, S. Durgerian, J. Smith, graduate students M. Lancaster, A. Butts, N. Hantke, and S. Rao; Published: “Longitudinal Associations between Physical Activity, Cognitive Status, and Brain Function in Older Adults at Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease,” p 71, with S. Durgerian, J. Woodard, graduate students A. Butts, N. Hantke, M. Lancaster, M. Matthews and M. Sugarman, M. Seidenberg and S. Rao;

Published: “Prediction of Longitudinal White Matter Change in Healthy Elderly Individuals,” p 50, with S. Durgerian, M. Seidenberg, J. Woodard, J. Smith, graduate students M. Matthews, A. Butts and N. Hantke, and S. Rao; Published: “The Contribution of Blood Serum Biomarkers to the Prediction of Cognitive Decline by Fmri and Apolipoprotein-E in Healthy Older Adults,” p 116, with graduate student M. Sugarman, J. Woodard, M. Seidenberg, J. Smith, S. Durgerian and S. Rao; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 24, No. S1 (2012). Published: “Freesurfer vs. Manual Tracing: Distinguishing Stable from Cognitively Declining Elders Using Prospectively Measured Hippocampal Volume,” with graduate students N. Hantke, M. Lancaster and M. Matthews, M. Seidenberg, J. Woodard, J. Smith, S. Durgerian and S. Rao; Published: “Longitudinal White Matter Changes and Cognitive Decline in Healthy Elderly,” with S. Durgerian, M. Seidenberg, J. Woodard, J. Smith, graduate students M. Matthews, A. Butts and N. Hantke, and S. Rao; Published: “Measures of Episodic Forgetting Complement Structural and Functional MRI for Detection of Cognitive Decline in Apolipoprotein E 4 Carriers,” with M. Seidenberg, M. Sugarman, J. Smith, S. Durgerian, graduate students A. Butts, M. Lancaster and N. Hantke, M. Foster, M. Matthews and S. Rao; Published: “Person-Identity Semantics Predicts Cognitive Decline in Cognitively Intact Older Participants,” with M. Seidenberg, J. Woodard, S. Durgerian,, J. Smith, graduate students M. Lancaster, A. Butts and N. Hantke, and S. Rao; Published: “Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease and Longitudinal Memory Performance,” with M. Seidenberg, J. Woodard, J. Smith, graduate students M. Lancaster, N. Hantke and A. Butts, M. Matthews and S. Rao; Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, Vol. 18, No. S1 (2012).

Published: “Memory Modulation in the Classroom: Selective Enhancement of College Examination Performance by Arousal Induced After Lecture,” Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Vol. 98, No. 1 (2012), pp 12-16, with graduate student T. Arentsen. Published: “Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Semantic Memory as a Presymptomatic Biomarker of Alzheimer’s Disease Risk,” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta — Molecular Basis of Disease, Vol. 1822, No. 3 (2012), pp 442-456, with J. Woodard, M. Seidenberg, J. Smith, S. Durgerian and S. Rao. Published: “Lifestyle and Genetic Contributions to Cognitive Decline and Hippocampal Integrity in Healthy Aging,” Current Alzheimer’s Research, Vol. 9, No. 4 (2012), pp 436-446, with graduate students N. Hantke, M. Lancaster and M. Matthews, M. Sugarman, M. Seidenberg, S. Durgerian, J. Smith, A. Butts and S. Rao. Presented: “Assessing Cognitive Decline and Genetic Risk for Disease in Relation to Longitudinal Changes in Cortical Thickness;” Presented: “Predictive Ability of Intraindividual Variability in Healthy Elders at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease,” Milwaukee Area Psychological Association, Milwaukee, October 2012, with K. Hazlett, S. Durgerian and S. Rao. Presented: “The Role of Alexithymia and its Subtypes on Long-term Emotional Memory,” European Conference on Personality, Trieste, Italy, July 2012. Presented: “Event-related Dedifferentiation in Relation to Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease,” American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology Annual Meeting, Seattle, June 2012, with S. Rao, J. Woodard, M. Seidenberg, J. Smith, M. Verber, S. Durgerian, graduate students A. Butts, M. Lancaster and M. Matthews.

Dr. Anthony J. Porcelli Assistant Professor

Published: “Acute Stress Influences Neural Circuits of Reward Processing,” Frontiers in Neuroscience, Vol. 6, No. 157 (November 2012), pp 1-9, with A. Lewis and M. Delgado. Published: “Individual Differences in Delay Discounting under Acute Stress: The Role of Trait Perceived Stress,” Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 3, No. 251 ( July 2012), pp 1-10, with M. Delgado and E. Tricomi.

Dr. Amy Van Hecke Assistant Professor

Grant: $1,500, “Parent and Family Outcomes of an Empirically Validated Social Skills Intervention for Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders,” Organization for Autism Research.



Compendium — Winter 2013


Presented: “Doing Re-entry: Accounts of Post-Prison Success,” American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November 2012, with Dr. Darren Wheelock, Department of Social and Cultural Sciences, and Dr. Richard Jones, Department of Social and Cultural Sciences. Presented: “I’m Not Here for the Victim: Nursing Practice With Victims and Suspects in Sexual Assault Intervention,” Law and Society Association, Honolulu, June 2012.

Dr. James A. Holstein Professor

Published: “Theoretical Validity and Empirical Utility of a Constructionist Analytics,” The Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 53 (Third Quarter 2012), pp 341-359. Published: “Narrative Practice and the Transformation of Interview Subjectivity,” Handbook of Interview Research, 2nd Ed., (2012), James Holstein, Jaber Gubrium, Amir Marvasti and Karyn McKinney (editors), pp 27-43, Sage Publications. Published: “Don’t Argue with the Members,” The American Sociologist, Vol. 43, No. 1 (December 2011), pp 85-98, with Jaber Gubrium.

Dr. Olga Semukhina

Rev. Robert Doran, S.J.

Presented: “Public Reaction to the 2011 Russian Police Reforms,” American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 2012, with K. Reynolds. Presented: “Modern Law of PreTrial Detention in Former Republics of Soviet Union: Analysis of ECHR Practice;” Chaired: “Issues in Policing” panel, Midwestern Criminal Justice Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, September 2012. Presented: “A Factorial Survey of American and Russian Victims’ Fairness Judgment of Criminal Procedural Outcome,” American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, Fla., August 2012. Presented: “Modern Law of PreTrial Preventive Detention in Former Republics of Soviet Union and Former Soviet Countries of Eastern Europe: The Question of Legal Change,” Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Honolulu, June 2012.

Published: The Trinity in History: A Theology of the Divine Missions, Vol. 1: Missions and Processions, (October 2012), University of Toronto Press. Published: “Social Grace,” Method: Journal of Lonergan Studies, Vol. 2, No. 2 (December 2012), pp 30-42. Published: “The Abiding Significance of the Ethics of Insight,” Going Beyond Essentialism: Bernard J.F. Longergan an Atypical NeoScholastic, (2012), Cloe TaddeiFerretti (editor), pp 23-37, Nella Sede Dell-Istituto per gli Filosofici. Presented: “Moving Vatican II Forward: The Multi-Religious Context,” Lonergan Workshop, Boston College, Boston, June 18, 2012. Presented: “The Structure of Systematic Theology,” Lonergan Interest Group, Catholic Theological Society of America Annual Meeting, St. Louis, June 9, 2012.

Assistant Professor

Emmett Doerr Chair and Professor

Rev. Tom Hughson, S.J.

Associate Professor Emeritus

Published: “Beyond Ecumenical Dialogue,” One In Christ, ( June 2012).

Dr. Richard Jones Professor

Published: “Redemption from the Inside Out: The Power of FaithBased Programming,” Special Needs Offenders in Correctional Institutions, (November 2012), L. Gideon (editor), pp 319-344, Sage Publications. Published: “Convict Criminology: Prisoner Re-Entry Policy Recommendations,” pp 16-34, with J. Ross, G. Newbold, M. Lenza, D. Murphy and R. Grigsby; Published: “Finnish Criminal Policy from the 1960s and Beyond,” pp 173-189; The Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, Vol. 21, Nos. 1 and 2, (August 2012). Published: “The Challenge of Pragmatic Solutions: Convict Criminology, Prisoner Re-Entry, and Public Policy,” Pathways for Prisoner Re-entry: An ACA Reader, (2012), R. Immarigeon and L. Fehr (editors), pp 237-255, American Correctional Association, with J. Ross, G. Newbold, M. Lenza, D. Murphy and R. Grigsby. Presented: see entry for Dr. Heather Hlavka, Department of Social and Cultural Sciences.

Dr. Dawne Moon Assistant Professor

Published: “Difficult Dialogues: The Technologies and Limits of Reconciliation,” Religion on the Edge: De-Centering and Re-Centering the Sociology of Religion, (October 2012), Courtney Bender, Wendy Cadge, Peggy Levitt and David Smilde (editors), Oxford University Press.

Dr. Ulrich L. Lehner

Dr. Megan Stroshine

Dr. Mark Johnson

Published: “The Physical Hazards of Police Work Revisited,” Police Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 3 (September 2012), pp 262-282.

Consulted: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Atlanta, June 14, 2012.

Associate Professor

Dr. Darren Wheelock Assistant Professor

Presented: see entry for Dr. Heather Hlavka, Department of Social and Cultural Sciences.

DEPARTMENT OF THEOLOGY Dr. Joshua Burns Assistant Professor

Presented: “The Synagogue of Severus: Commemorating the Torah in Classical Rome,” Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 2012. Presented: “Jewish Wisdom in the Catholic Classroom: Challenging Ethnic Exclusivity in Ben Sira,” Catholic Biblical Association of America International Meeting, South Bend, Ind., July 2012.

Associate Professor

Rev. William Kurz, S.J. Professor

Published: “Paul’s Witness to Biblical Monotheism as Isaiah’s Servant in Acts,” Unity and Diversity in the Gospels and Paul: Essays in Honor of Frank J. Matera, (August 2012), Christopher W. Skinner and Kelly R. Iverson (editors), pp 109-127, Society of Biblical Literature. Published: “Biblical Reflections on Co-Creating with the Redeemer,” Science, Faith and Human Fertility: The Third Conference on Ethical Fertility Health Management, ( July 2012), Richard Fehring and Theresa Notare (editors), Marquette University Press, with graduate student Anne Carpenter. Published: “Patristic Interpretation of Scripture within God’s Story of Creation and Redemption” Letter and Spirit, Vol. 7, (Autumn 2011), William Bates (editor), pp 35-50, St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.

Dr. Danielle Nussberger

Dr. Ulrich L. Lehner Associate Professor

Published: “Jeremy Gregory: Religion: Faith in the Age of Reason,” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol. 34 (2012), pp 435-443. Published: “The Ghosts of Westphalia: Fictions and Ideals of Ecclesial Unity in Enlightenment Germany,” A Man of the Church. The Work and Witness of Ralph del Colle, (September 2012), Michel Barnes (editor), pp 283-302,Wipf and Stock. Reviewed: “Herbert Hömig, Carl Theodor von Dalberg: Staatsmann und Kirchenfürst im Schatten Napoleons,” Religious Studies Review, Vol. 38 ( June 2012), p 178. Reviewed: Johann Salomo Semler’s Hermeneutik des Christentums, Theological Studies, Vol. 72 (November 2012), p 977. Presented: “Benediktiner und Aufklaerung;” Presented: “Diskussion: Gibt es Eine Religioese Aufklaerung?;” International International Conference Networks of Early Modern Scholars: Monks, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, September 2012. Presented: “Religion and History,” Andrew Mellon Research Group,” University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind., August 2012. Appointed: Board of advisors, Journal of Baroque Studies, September 2012.

Dr. M. Therese Lysaught Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

Grant: $47,518, “Visiting Scholar: Catholic Health Association,” Catholic Health Association.

Rev. Bryan Massingale

Professor and Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies

Published: “Malcolm X and the Limits of ‘Authentically Black and Truly Catholic,” Journal of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium, Vol. 5 (2012), pp 7-25. Published: “Black Theology and Lonergan: The Challenge of Authenticity,” Lonergan Resource: Lonergan on the Edge, (November 2012), Robert Doran (editor). Published: “Consistent Ethic of Life Analysis Wrong,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, (November 2012). Published: “Response: The Challenge of Idolatry and Ecclesial Identity,” Ecclesiology and Exclustion: Boundaries of Being and Exclusion in Postmodern Times, Dennis Doyle (editor), ( July 2012), pp 130-136, Orbis Books.

Winter 2013 — Compendium

Presented: “Racial Justice and the Catholic Church: A Faith Perspective on Our Enduring National Challenge,” Annual Markoe-DePorres Social Justice Lecture, Creighton University, Omaha, Neb., Nov. 2012. Presented: “With Liberty and Justice for ‘Some’? Race, Poverty, and Catholic Social Thought,” Black Catholic Theological Symposium, St. Thomas University, Miami, Fla., October 2012. Presented: “The Catholic Contribution to Racial Justice Today,” Institute for Peace and Justice, St. Louis, Oct. 6, 2012. Presented: “With Liberty and Justice for ‘Some?’ Race, Poverty, and Catholic Social Thought,” Annual Moreau Lecture, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, Penn., Oct. 2, 2012. Presented: “With Liberty and Justice for ‘Some’? Race, Poverty, and Catholic Social Thought,” Jesuit Center for Social Research, Loyola University of New Orleans, New Orleans, September 2012. Presented: “With Liberty and Justice for ‘Some?’ Race, Poverty, and Catholic Social Thought,” Annual Norbertine Justice Lectureship, St. Norbert College, De Pere, Wis., September 2012. Presented: “Generations Respond to ‘Sacrosanctum Concilium’ Fifty Years Later,” Catholic Theolgical Society of America, St. Louis, June 2012. Awarded: The Centennial Medal, (Catholic Charities USA), October 2012. Awarded: Second place article Award, (Catholic Press Association of U.S. and Canada), June 2012. Appointed: Committee member, North American Regional Committee of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church Project, August 2012.

Dr. Mickey Mattox

Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies

Published: “Christology in Martin Luther’s Lectures on Hebrews,” Christology, Hermeneutics, and Hebrews: Profiles from the History of Interpretation, (2012), Jon Laansma and Dan Treier (editors), pp 100-119, T & T Clark. Published: “Hearer of the Triune God: Martin Luther’s Reading of Noah,” Luther Academy USA, Vol. 20 (2012), pp 49-70. Presented: “The Gatekeepers of History: Some Notes on Luther’s Interpretation of Abraham in the Genesis Lectures,” International Congress for Luther Research, Lutheran World Federation, Helsinki, Finland, August 2012.

Dr. Danielle Nussberger Assistant Professor

Published: “Vegetarianism: A Christian Spiritual Practice both Old and New,” The Peaceable Kingdom: A Faith Embracing All Creatures, (November 2012), Andy Alexis-Baker and Tripp York (editors), Cascade Books. Presented: “Enfleshing the Word: Divine Revelation in the Lives of the Saints,” Dei Verbum at 50: Toward Clarifications on Divine Inspiration, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, October 2012.

Rev. Bryan Massingale

Dr. Joseph Ogbonnaya Assistant Professor

Published: “Religion and Sustainable Development in Africa: The Case of Nigeria,” St. Leo’s University, Vol. 3, No. 2 (September 2012), pp 1-22. Published: “Theology, Culture and Sustainable Development in Africa,” Association of Catholic Universities and Higher Institutes of Africa and Madagascar, Vol. 2, No. 1 (September 2011), pp 1-30.

Dr. L. William Oliverio, Jr. Lecturer

Published: Theological Hermeneutics in the Classical Pentecostal Tradition: A Typological Account, Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies Series, Vol. 12, (August 2012), Brill. Reviewed: James K.A. Smith’s Thinking in Tongues: Pentecostal Contributions to Christian Philosophy, Pneuma: Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Winter 2012), pp 134-135.

Dr. Irfan Omar

Associate Professor

Co-Edited: The Judeo-ChristianIslamic Heritage: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives,(2012), Marquette University Press, with Dr. Richard Taylor, Department of Philosophy. Co-Edited: “Averroes on the Sharî ah of the Philosophers,” The Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Heritage: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives in the Abrahamic Traditions, ( July 2012), pp 283-304, Marquette University Press, with Dr. Richard Taylor, Department of Philosophy. Presented: “Islam and Muslims in America,” Wauwatosa Rotary Club Meeting, Wauwatosa, Wis., August 2012.

Dr. Jame Schaefer Associate Professor

Published: “Valuing the Goodness of Earth” study guide; Published: “Christian Reflection: Caring for Creation Christian Reflection” study guide; The Center for Christian Ethics, (August 2012), Robert B. Kruschwitz (editor).

Reviewed: Kristen ShraderFrechette’s What Will Work: Fighting Climate Change with Renewable Energy, Not Nuclear Power, International Society for Environmental Ethics, Vol. 23, No. 2 (Summer 2012), pp 16-17. Presented: “Meaning, Message, and Messengers;” Chaired: “The Sacramentality of Creation” panel; A Catholic Consultation on Environmental Justice and Climate Change: Assessing Pope Benedict XVI’s Ecological Vision for the Catholic Church in the United States, The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, The Catholic University of America, and the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change, Washington, D.C., November 2012. Presented: “Religious Motivation for Advocating Policies to Mitigate Human-Forced Climate Change,” International Conference on Culture, Politics and Climate Change, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., September 2012. Presented: “Context for Addressing Hydraulic Fracturing to Extract Shale Gas in Eastern Ohio,” Fracking: Pros, Cons and Context, Dioceses of Cleveland and Youngstown, Ohio, St. Hilary Parish, Fairlawn Ohio, June 2012. Appointed: Member, International Jesuit Ecology Project and Inaugural Workshop, October 2012.

Rev. David Schultenover Professor

Reviewed: The Modernist as Philosopher: Selected Writings of Marcel Hebert, Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 98, No. 3 ( July 2012), pp 595-596.

Dr. Vasilije Vranic Lecturer

Presented: “Libellus Eusebii: An Anticipation of the Chalcedonian Definition?;” Chaired: “Church and State in Patristic Thought” panel; Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Conference, Villanova University, Villanova, Penn., October 2012. Presented: “The Christology of Eusebius of Dorylaeum in the Eutychean Controversy,” North American Patristic Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, May 26, 2012.

Dr. Susan Wood

Chair and Professor

Published: “Die Eucharistie: Oekumenische Errungenschaften Und Bleibende Unterschiede,” Verlag Otto Lembeck, Vol. 61, No. 4 (November 2012), pp 389-410. Published: “A Case Study of Ecclesial Exclusion: Eucharistic Sharing,” Ecclesiology and Exclusion: Boundaries of Being and Belonging in Postmodern Times. (September 2012), Dennis M. Doyle, Timothy J. Furry and Pasal D. Bazzell (editors), pp 255-264, Orbis Press. Published: “Theological Education Then and Now,” Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education, No. 42 (September 2012), pp 27-28. Published: “Unity in the Sacraments and Unity in Ethics,” The Morally Divided Body: Ethical Disagreement and the Disunity of the Church, Vol. Pro Ecclesial, (September 2012), Michael Root and James Buckley (editors), pp 61-76, Cascade Publishers. Presented: “Vatican II: Gold Tested by Fire,” 50th Anniversary of Vatican II: Gold Tested by Fire, Saint John School of Theology, Minneapolis, October 2012. Presented: “The Vocations Young Adults Want: Sociology and Ecclesiology in Dialogue,” Catholics on Call Partner Conference, Bernadin Center at Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, September 2012. Presented: “The Church: A People Sent in Mission,” Vatican II — 50 Years On: The New Evangelization, Leeds Trinity University College, Leeds, United Kingdom, June 27, 2012. Elected: Vice president, Catholic Theological Association of America, June 2012.



Compendium — Winter 2013

The Book Shelf

Dr. Bonnie Brennen

Dr. Owen Goldin

Qualitative Research Methods for Media Studies — provides students and researchers with the tools they need to perform critically engaged, theoretically informed qualitative research using methods including interviewing, focus groups, historical research, oral histories, ethnography and participant observation, and textual analysis. See p. 15.

Philoponus, on Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.19-34 — is a translation of Philoponus’ comments on Aristotle’s description of the subordination of sciences, or the idea that some sciences depend on higher ones for some of their principles. Philoponus’ commentary reflects his metaphysical analysis of universal predication and his understanding of the notion of subordinate sciences, and goes beyond Aristotle’s scientific explanation of facts by suggesting a taxonomy of sciences. See p. 7.

Dr. Dinorah Cortés-Vélez El Arca de la Memoria, 2nd edition — a story of triumph over adversity, examines a young girl’s struggle to cope with the trauma of a family day at the beach that culminates in tragedy. See p. 4.

Rev. Robert Doran, S.J. The Trinity in History: A Theology of the Divine Missions, Vol. 1: Missions and Processions — develops a contemporary theology of history that proposes a new application of the psychological analogy for understanding the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. See p. 10.

Dr. Richard Fehring Science, Faith and Human Fertility: The Third Conference on Ethical Fertility Health Management — is a collection of papers from the third conference on ethical fertility health management, covering the latest research on nutrition and fertility, use of intercourse patterns and breastfeeding for avoiding pregnancy, and the philosophical, theological, sociological and cultural aspects of natural family planning. See p. 23.

Dr. Jay Goldberg Capstone Design Courses: Preparing Biomedical Engineers for the Real World — describes the biomedical engineering senior capstone design course, which provides students the opportunity to apply what they have learned in previous years, learn about the product development process, and develop their communication, interpersonal, conflict management, project management and design skills. See p. 17.

Dr. Andrew Kahrl The Land Was Ours: African American Beaches from Jim Crow to the Sunbelt South — combines social and environmental history to show how the rise and fall of Jim Crow and the growing prosperity of the Sunbelt have transformed both communities and ecosystems along the southern seaboard. See p. 4.

Dr. Chima Korieh The Nigeria-Biafra War: Genocide and the Politics of Memory — examines the Nigeria-Biafra War (1967–1970), focusing primarily on the Biafran perspective, the lingering human costs of the conflict and the important place the war holds in the history of Nigeria and of postcolonial Africa. See p. 5.

Winter 2013 — Compendium

Books published by Marquette University faculty and staff since the previous issue of Compendium.

Dr. James Marten Children and Youth During the Civil War Era — seeks a deeper investigation into the American historical record by giving voice and context to the struggles and victories of children and youth during the Civil War period. See p. 5.

Dr. Laura Matthew Memories of Conquest: Becoming Mexicano in Colonial Guatemala — challenges the longstanding dichotomies of “conquerors” versus “conquered” in pre-Hispanic versus colonial eras, exposing the shortcomings of the Eurocentric “conquest paradigm” and pointing the way to an alternative Mesoamericancentered timeline. See p. 5.

Jamie McNeilly Prediction Versus Production: Examining the Relationship Between NCAA Division I Ranked Recruits and their Ensuing Athletic Production in College — analyzes the efficiency of website rankings given to elite male high school student athletes to assess the importance that high school rankings have on the actual production of NCAA Division I basketball players and the success of the teams for which the student athletes play. See p. 24.

Dr. L. William Oliverio, Jr. Theological Hermeneutics in the Classical Pentecostal Tradition: A Typological Account — accounts for the development of theological understanding among Classical Pentecostals through four major hermeneutical types, which consider the theologies of Pentecostals as theological hermeneutics and theological ways of interpreting reality. See p. 11.

Dr. Albert Rivero The Eighteenth-Century Novel — is a collection of essays that give a comprehensive picture of the state of eighteenth-century prose fiction scholarship. See p. 3.

Dr. Irfan Omar Dr. Richard Taylor The Judeo-Christian-Islamic Heritage: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives — is a collection of essays by a wide array of North American scholars, who provide studies of language, discourse, debate and reasoning with a focus on theological and philosophical issues central to the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which commonly call Abraham their human and/or spiritual father. See p. 11.

Rev. Roland Teske, S.J. Essays on the Philosophy of Henry of Ghent — presents a collection of articles on Henry of Ghent’s philosophy with a focus on various topics, such as his rejection of various points of Aristotelian philosophy, his appeal to Augustine and Avicenna, and questions central to his intentional distinction and his metaphysical argument for the existence of God. See p. 8. Henry of Ghent’s Summa of Ordinary Questions: Articles 31 and 32, On God’s Eternity and the Divine Attributes in General — presents an introduction and English translation of articles 31 and 32 from Henry of Ghent’s Summa of Ordinary Questions, mainly on God’s eternity and the divine attributes. See p. 8.

Dr. Lynn Turner Perspectives on Family Communication, 4th Edition — emphasizes the role that communication plays in the evolution of family issues, examining a wide variety of contemporary family types through a presentation of current research and practical examples. See p. 15.



Compendium — Winter 2013

Dr. Olga Yakusheva Associate Professor

Presented: “Learning from Teen Childbearing Experiences of Peers: Evidence Using Miscarriages as a Natural Experiment,” Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Annual Meeting, Baltimore, November 2012. Presented: “Peer Effects in Adolescent Fertility,” American Society of Health Economists Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, July 2012.

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Dr. Matteo Arena Assistant Professor

Dr. Joseph Daniels

College of Business Administration Dr. Jeanne Simmons Associate Dean

Chaired: “To Team or Not to Team: Using Teams in a Flexible MBA Program” panel, Part-time MBA Conference, Atlanta, October 2012. with Jeannette Christenson and Elizabeth Ford. Presented: “The Hybrid Program: Lessons and Insights in Year Two,” Executive MBA Council Conference, Paris, October 2012, with Dr. John Cotton, Department of Management.

Joseph Terrian

Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Programs Presented: “International Marketing — A World of Difference,” Wisconsin Business Educator’s Association, Pewaukee, Wis., Sept. 28, 2012.

DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING Dr. Qianhua Ling Assistant Professor

Presented: “Charitable Ratings and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from the Human Service Sector,” American Accounting Association 2012 Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., Aug. 7, 2012, with D. Neely.

Dr. Ikseon Suh

Assistant Professor

Presented: “The Influence of Input Information and Preparer Contextual Performance on Reviewers’ Judgment of Workpaper Quality,” University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, Oct. 11, 2012, with J. Sweeney. Presented: “Does the Board of Directors’ Risk Oversight Disclosure Influence Novice Investors’ Risk Assessments and Decisions?,” Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, Washington, D.C., Aug. 7, 2012, with J.U. Grin.


Presented: see entry for Dr. Farrokh Nourzad, Department of Economics. Presented: see entry for Dr. Ronald Brown, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering.

Dr. Joseph Daniels Professor

Presented: “National Sentiment and Attitudes Toward Global Policies,” McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Nov. 29, 2012. Presented: “Determinants of the Sacrifice Ratio;” Presented: “Foreign Direct Investment and the Location Choice of Firms;” Presented: “Tax Treaties, Tax Holidays and U.S. Foreign Direct Investment Financing Modes;” Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, Nov. 17-19, 2012. Presented: “Choice of Export Modes and the Evolution of Productivity,” Midwest Economics Association, Chicago, Oct. 31, 2012. Presented: “Information and Uncertainty,” International Atlantic Economic Society, Montreal, Quebec, Oct. 6, 2012.

Dr. John Davis Professor

Published: “Identity Problems: An Interview with John B. Davis, “Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, Vol. 5, No. 2, (November 2012), pp 1-23. Presented: “Stratification Economics and Identity Economics;” Presented: “Foundations of Social Economics;” Presented: “The Biomedical Approach and Health Economics,” with R. McMaster; World Congress for Social Economics, Glasgow, Scotland, June 21, 2012.

Dr. Andrew Hanson Assistant Professor

Published: “Drive ‘Til You Qualify: Credit Quality and Household Location,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 42, No. 1-2 (2012), pp 63–77, with G. Turnbull and K. Schniero.

Published: “Federal Tax Burden and Tax Breaks for Georgia Residents,” Fiscal Research Center Report 238, (2012), Georgia State University, with Z. Hawley. Published: “Size of Home, Home Ownership, and the Mortgage Interest Deduction,” Journal of Housing Economics, Vol. 21, No. 3 (2012), pp 195–210. Published: “The Incidence of the Mortgage Interest Deduction: Evidence from the Market for Home Purchase Loans,” Public Finance Review, Vol. 40, No. 3 (2012), pp 339–359. Presented: “Field Experiment Tests of Discrimination Against Hispanics in the Rental Housing Market,” Institut d’Economia de Barcelona, Barcelona, November 2012, with M. Santas. Presented: “Do Spatially Targeted Redevelopment Programs Spillover?,” National Tax Association Annual Conference, Providence, R.I., November 2012, with S. Rohlin. Presented: “Field Experiment Tests of Discrimination Against Hispanics in the Rental Housing Market,” University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, Milwaukee, October 2012, with M. Santas. Awarded: Outstanding Service Award, (National Tax Association), Providence, R.I., November 2012.

Dr. Farrokh Nourzad Professor

Published: see entry for Dr. Ronald Brown, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering. Presented: see entries for Dr. Ronald Brown, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering.

Published: see entry for Dr. Marcus Braga-Alves, Department of Finance. Presented: “The Discretionary Effect of CEOs and Board Chairs on Corporate Governance Structures,” with Dr. Marcus Braga-Alves, Department of Finance; Presented: “The Flash Crash: Effects on Shareholder Wealth and Market Quality,” with Dr. Marcus BragaAlves, Department of Finance and T. Boulton; Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Oct. 19, 2012.

Dr. Marcus Braga-Alves Assistant Professor

Published: “Predicting Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets,” Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 31, No. 6 (October 2012), pp 1414-1439, with M. Morey. Published: “Payout Policy in Brazil: Dividends Versus Interest on Equity,” Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 18, No. 4, (September 2012), pp 968-999, with Dr. Marcus Braga-Alves, Department of Finance, and K. Shastri. Presented: “Short Sale Constraints and Short Selling Strategies;” Presented: “Predicting Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets,” with M.Morey; Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Oct. 18-19, 2012. Presented: “Doing Business in Latin America,” K-C International, Neenah, Wis., Oct. 8, 2012. Presented: see entries for Dr. Matteo Arena, Department of Finance. Presented: see entry for Dr. Manoj Kulchania, Department of Finance.

Dr. Manoj Kulchania Assistant Professor

Chaired: “Microstructure,” Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Oct. 18, 2012. Presented: “The Flash Crash: Effects on Shareholder Wealth and Market Quality,” Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Oct. 18, 2012, with Dr. Marcus Braga-Alves, Department of Finance, and T. Boulton.

Dr. Miao Wang

Associate Professor

Published: “International R&D Transfer and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from Panel Study Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis,” World Development, Vol. 40, No. 10 (October 2012), pp 1982-1998, with M. Wong.


Professor and Academic Adviser of the EMBA Program

Presented: see entry for Dr. Jeanne Simmons, College of Business Administration.

Winter 2013 — Compendium

Dr. David King

Associate Professor

Published: “Creating Value Through Mergers and Acquisitions: Challenges and Opportunities,” Handbook of Mergers and Acquisitions, (2012), D. Faulkner, S. Teerikangas and R. Joseph (editors), pp 71-113, with M. Hitt, H. Krishnan, M. Makri, M. Schijven, K. Shimizu and H. Zhu. Published: “Beyond the Numbers: Seven Stakeholders to Consider in Improving Acquisition Outcomes, Graziadio Business Review, Vol. 15, No. 2 ( July 2012), with R. Taylor. Presented: “Competition in Defense Acquisition: A Comparison of Perspectives,” Limits of Competition, Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir, Va., Sept. 18, 2012. Presented: “Managing Cultural Distance: Effects of Technological Overlap in CrossBorder Acquisitions;” Presented: “Organizational Indigestion: Managerial Capacity as a Limit to Acquisitive Growth,” with P. Patel and M. Schijven; Presented: “Managing Cultural Distance: Effects of Technological Overlap in CrossBorder Acquisitions,” with P. Patel; Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Aug. 3-7, 2012. Awarded: Carolyn Dexter Award for Best International Paper Nominee, (Academy of Management), August 2012. Elected: Editorial review board Member Three-year Term, Journal of Management Studies, October 2012. Nominated: At-large representative to the board, Strategic Management Society, Oct. 5, 2012.

DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING Dr. Craig Andrews Professor

Awarded: 2012 Thomas C. Kinnear Journal of Public Policy and Marketing Award, (American Marketing Association), July 2012.

Dr. Gene Laczniak Chair and Professor

Published: “An Ethical Basis for Relationship Marketing: A Virtue Ethics Perspective,” Marketing Ethics, Vol. 4 — Ethical Issues in Marketing, N. Craig Smith and P.E. Murphy (editors), September 2012, Sage Publications Ltd, with P.E. Murphy and G. Wood. Published: “Stakeholder Theory and Marketing: Moving From a Firmcentric to a Societal Perspective,” Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Autumn 2012), pp 284-292, with P. Murphy. Presented: “Academic Research Ethics in Marketing,” University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz., Nov. 16, 2012. Published: “Distinctive Imperatives for Mission Driven Teaching in Catholic Business Schools,” Journal of Jesuit Business Education, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Summer 2012), pp 101-126, with P. Murphy. Presented: “Roman Catholic Perspectives on Socially Responsible Marketing and Consumption;” Presented: “Institutionalizing Catholic Identity;” Catholic Business Education Conference, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, June 2012.

Published: “Marketing and the Common Good: Implications of Caritas in Veritate,” Proceedings of the 37th Macromarketing Conference, Vol. 37 ( June 2012), pp 62-75, with P. Murphy. Presented: “A Primer on Academic Marketing Ethics Scholarship,” Macromarketing European Doctoral Consortium, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, June 12, 2012. Awarded: Lifetime Achievement Award American Marketing Association Marketing and Society Special Interest Group, August 2012.

Rev. Nicholas Santos, S.J. Assistant Professor

Presented: “Marketing Planning for Social Entrepreneurs: A Preliminary Investigation,” Subsistence Marketplaces Conference, Loyola University, Chicago, July 29, 2012. Presented: “Business Education for the Common Good: The Promise and Challenge of Incorporating Social Entrepreneurship into the Catholic Business School Curricula,” Renewing Mission and Identity in Catholic Business Education, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, June 20, 2012.

J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION STUDIES Dr. Sarah Bonewits Feldner

Published: “Research and Pedagogy in Intercultural New Media Studies,” China Media Research, Vol. 8, No. 4 (October 2012). Published: “When Indian Women Text Message: Culture, Identity, and Emerging Interpersonal Norms of New Media,” New Media and Intercultural Communication: Identity, Community, and Politics, (2012), P. Cheong, J. Martin and L. Macfadyen (editors), pp 209-222, Peter Lang Publications. Published: “The U.S. Could Learn From Scandinavia,” Op-Ed — Crossroads, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, September 2012. Published: “Centrality of Culture and Indigenous Values,” Symposium on Indigenous Scholarship China Media Research, Vol. 8, No. 3 ( July 2012). Presented: “Centrality of Culture and Vertical/Horizontal Individualism;” Presented: “Mobile Phone Activity in U.S. and Denmark,” with S. Chattopadayah; Presented: “Peace Building and Intercultural New Media Studies” panel; National Communication Association, Orlando, Fla., November 2012.

Dr. Lynn Turner Professor

Published: “Effective Family Communication and Job Loss: Crafting the Narrative for Family Crisis,” Communication for Families in Crisis, (2012), F.C. Dickson and Lynne M. Webb (editors), pp 281-306, Peter Lang Publications. Published: Perspectives on Family Communication, 4th Edition, (November 2012), McGraw-Hill, with R. West.

Presented: “Documentary Presentation,” Association of Jesuit and Catholic Universities Conference, Loyola University, Chicago, July 20, 2012, with J. Goheen and B. Murphy. Awarded: Mary L. Nohl Arts Fellowship, (Bradley Foundation), November 2012.

Dr. Michael Havice Associate Professor

Elected: Board member, Coalition of Photographic Artists, June 1, 2012.


Nieman Professor of Journalism

Published: Qualitative Research Methods for Media Studies, (November 2012), Routledge. Presented: “Class Warfare in the Mainstream Media” panel; Presented: “In Honor of Hanno Hardt: Continuing the Critical Path Between Europe and the U.S.” panel; Presented: “Deconstructing Community: Theorizing Health, Citizenship and Violence” panel; Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, Aug. 9-10, 2012. Presented: “Oral History Workshop,” Missouri School of Journalism, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., July 16, 2012. Elected: Committee member, Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Research Committee, September 2012.

Associate Professor

Published: “The World is a...Network: Social Media and Cause Networks in the Girl Effect Movement,” Public Relations and New Media, Vol. 2, (2012), Sandra Duhe (editor), pp 169177, Peter Lang Publishing. Published: “Toyota, ‘Oh What a Feeling?’ Or ‘Oh What a Mess:’ Ethics at the Intersection of Industry, Government and Publics,” Case Studies in Organizations: Ethical Perspectives and Practices, 2nd Edition, (2012), Steve May (editor), pp 111-124, Sage Publications.

Dr. Scott D’Urso

Associate Professor

Presented: “In Search of the ‘Work Spouse’?: An Exploration of Interpersonal Workplace Relationships and Communicative Behaviors of Men and Women,” with graduate student Aimee Hardinger; Presented: “Welcome to the Jungle: Exploring the Workplace Social Media Landscape,” with undergraduate student Aaron Dierks; National Communication Association Conference, Orlando, Florida, Nov. 16-18, 2012.

Dr. Robert Martin Shuter Professor

Published: “Intercultural New Media Studies: The Next Frontier in New Media Research,” Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, doi:10.1080/17475759.2012. 728761 (November 2012), pp 219-237.

Dr. Sarah Bonewits Feldner


Visiting Professional in Residence in Digital Media

Published: “Show and Tell: The Power of the Pen Has a New Ally,” COMM Magazine, (September 2012), p 22. Presented: “Women, Documentary and Advocacy” panel, University Film and Video Association, Chicago, Aug. 9, 2012, with R. Leitman, E. Coffman, L. Little and A. Rana.

Dr. Robert J. Griffin Professor

Published: “Linking Risk Messages to Information Seeking and Processing,” Communication Yearbook Vol. 36, ( July 2012), Charles Salmon (editor), pp 323-362, Routledge, with S. Dunwoody and J. Yang. Presented: “Influence of Social Norms on Perceived Salience of Climate Change in a New Media Environment,” Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research, Chicago, Nov, 17, 2012, with graduate student Leona Su, D. Brossard and S. Dunwoody.



Compendium — Winter 2013

DEPARTMENT OF STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION Dr. James (Jim) Pokrywczynski Associate Professor

Published: “‘Rogue’ Athlete Endorsers: Using Social Identity Theory to Assess Brand Fit,” Journal of Brand Strategy, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Autumn 2012), pp 275-287, with graduate student David Brinker. Published: “Stop the Music: How Advertising Can Help Stop College Students From Downloading Music Illegally,” Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 52, No. 3 (September 2012), pp 309-321, with J. Tsao. Reviewed: High school newspapers, Quill and Scroll High School Newspaper Assessment, June 2012.

Dr. Alan Burkard

Dr. Sarah Knox

Dr. Jody Jessup-Anger

Published: “Correctional Relational Experiences in Supervision,” with Dr. Sarah Knox, Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology, A. Inman, C. Hill, R. Crook-Lyon and B. Thompson; Published: “Corrective Relational Experiences: Client Perspectives,” with Dr. Sarah Knox, Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology, S. Hess, C. Hill and R. Crook-Lyon, S. Hess, E. Williams and J. Walker; Transformation in Psychotherapy: Corrective Experiences Across Cognitive Behavioral, Humanistic, and Psychodynamic Approaches, (2012), L.G. Castonguay and C.E. Hill (editors), American Psychological Association.

Published: see entries for Dr. Alan Burkard, Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology.

Published: “Exploring LivingLearning Communities as a Venue for Men’s Identity Construction,” Journal of College and University Student Housing, Vol. 39, No. 1 (2012), with graduate student Brianne Johnson and M. Wawrzynski. Published: “Social Justice Begins at Home: The Challenges and Successes of a Social Justice Living-learning Community,” Journal of College and Character, Vol. 13, No. 4 (November 2012), pp 1-7, with Mary Janz, Office of Residence Life. Published: “Examining How Residential Colleges Inspire the Life of the Mind,” Review of Higher Education, Vol. 35, No. 3 (Spring 2012), pp 431-462. Presented: Examining the Role of the Catholic Environment in Students’ Search for Meaning,” Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, November 2012, with Dr. Jon Dooley, Office of Student Development, Rachel Leih, Student Educational Services, Katherine Dean, College of Professional Studies, and graduate student Elizabeth Mueller.

Chair and Associate Professor


Dr. Kevin Tate

Assistant Professor

Published: “Social Justice and Career Development,” Career Developments, Vol. 28, No. 4, (Autumn 2012), pp 5-9, with L. Rush. Published: see entry for Dr. Margaret L. Bloom, Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology. Presented: see entry for Dr. Margaret L. Bloom, Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology.

Assistant Professor

Dr. Francesca Lopez Assistant Professor

Presented: see entry for Dr. Brenda Gorman, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, College of Health Sciences.

Dr. William Pink Professor

Chaired: “Studies of Critique from Critical Theories,” American Educational Studies Association, Seattle, Washington, November 2012.

Dr. Leigh Vandenkieboom Assistant Professor

Dr. Alan Burkard

College of Education Susan Stang

Director of Field Placement and Licensure

Grant: see entry for Dr. Joan Whipp, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership.


Presented: “Research-based Program Assessment Methods for Accountability and Improving Student Learning Workshop;” Presented: “Assessing Counselor Competence: A Comprehensive Review and Critique of the Literature;” North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 29, 2012, with Dr. Kevin Tate, Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology.

Published: “Ethical Considerations in CQR,” Consensual Qualitative Research: A Practical Resource for Investigating Social Science Phenomena, (2012), Clara Hill (editor), American Psychological Association, with Dr. Sarah Knox, Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology.

Dr. Robert Fox Professor

Grant: $31,230, “Graduate Research Assistantship-Behavior Clinic of Penfield Children’s Center,” Exchange Club Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse. Published: “Varying Treatment Intensity in a Home-Based Parent and Child Therapy Program for Families Living in Poverty: A Randomized Clinic Trial,” Journal of Community Psychology, Vol. 40, No. 5 ( July 2012), pp 621-630. Presented: “A Long-Term Leisure Program for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities,” Conference of the National Association of Qualified Developmental Disability Professionals, Chicago, August 2012, with doctoral student M.P. Fung and B. Amie.

Presented: “Relational Approaches to Career Development: A New Perspective for a New Era,” with D.L. Blustein, S. Motulsky and A. Byars-Winston; Presented: “Looking to Our Roots: Opportunities in Social Justice for Career Development Professionals;” National Career Development Association Conference, Atlanta, June 2012.


Grant: see entry for Dr. Joan Whipp, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership.

Dr. Ellen Eckman

Chair and Associate Professor

Grant: see entry for Dr. Barbara Silver-Thorn, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering. Presented: see entry for Dr. Barbara Silver-Thorn, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering.

Grant: see entry for Dr. Marta Magiera, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences. Presented: see entry for Dr. Marta Magiera, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Doris Walker-Dalhouse Associate Professor

Grant: see entry for Dr. Joan Whipp, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership. Published: “Differentiated Instruction: Making Informed Teacher Decisions,” The Reading Teacher/ International Reading Association, Vol. 66, No. 4 (November 2012), pp 303-314, with L. Broach, B. Marinak and C. Connor. Presented: “Looking Back and Moving Forward: Examining Changing Perceptions of Struggling Readers,” Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Annual Conference, Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 2, 2012, with V. Risko.

Winter 2013 — Compendium

Dr. Joan Whipp

Associate Professor, Director of Teacher Education and Director of Graduate Studies

Grant: $9,996, “Partnering to Develop Inclusive Teachers through Culturally Relevant Differentiation Practices,” Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, with James Carlson, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, Dr. Doris WalkerDalhouse, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, and Susan Stang, College of Education.


Director and Distinguished Professor

Grant: $289,468, “Support of the Work of Dr. Fuller,” Walton Family Foundation. Grant: $25,000, “Milwaukee Summer Reading Program,” United Way of Greater Milwaukee. Grant: $15,000, “Milwaukee Summer Reading Project,” Richard and Ethel Herzfeld Foundation.

College of Engineering Dr. Robert Bishop Opus Dean

Grant: $1,666,600, “Phase 1 of the Discovery Learning Complex,” State of Wisconsin. Grant: $23,000, “ALHAT Navigation and Morpheus Development,” NASA.

Dr. Michael Switzenbaum

Executive Associate Dean and Professor Grant: $110,000, “Collaborative Research: I/UCRC for Water Equipment and Policy,” National Science Foundation, with Dr. Daniel Zitomer, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering.


ARRT Postdoctoral Fellow

Published: see entry for Dr. Jeffrey Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Presented: see entry for Dr. Jeffrey Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Presented: “Storage and Loss Modulus in Osteogenesis Imperfecta,” Meeting of the American Society for Biomechanics, Gainesville, Fla., August 2012, with Dr. Gerald Harris, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dr. Jeffrey Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering, research assistant John Jameson and P. Smith. Presented: “Intrinsic Modulus of Bone in Osteogenesis Imperfecta — A Nanoindentation Study,” Meeting of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, June 2012, with Dr. Gerald Harris, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dr. Jeffrey Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering, research assistant John Jameson and P. Smith.

Dr. Scott Beardsley Assistant Professor

Published: “Impairments in Sensorimotor Control During Pursuit and Compensatory Tracking in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis,” Society for Neuroscience Proceedings, (2012), with Dr. Robert Scheidt, Department of Biomedical Engineering, D. Woo and J. Bobholz. Presented: “Everything You Wanted to Know About Biomedical Engineering But Were Afraid to Ask,” Frontiers of Engineering and Physics, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, Whitewater, Wis., Oct. 26, 2012.

Dr. M. Behnam Ghasemzadeh Associate Professor

Grant: $50,000, “Antipsychotic Development for Negative and Cognitive Symptoms of Schizophrenia,” National Institutes of Health.

Dr. Taly Gilat-Schmidt Assistant Professor

Grant: $62,792, “Evaluating the Dose and Image Quality Performance of Organ-Based Tube Current Modulation,” General Electric Company. Grant: see entry for Dr. Gerald Harris, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Published: “A Database for Estimating Organ Dose for Chest and Head CT Scans for Arbitrary Spectra and Angular Tube Current Modulation,” Medical Physics, Vol. 39, No. 9 (September 2012), pp 5336‑5346, with A. Badal and I. Kyprianou. Published: “Estimation of Organ and Effective Dose Due to Compton Backscatter Security Scans,” Medical Physics, Vol. 39, No. 6 ( June 2012), pp 3396-3403. Published: see entry for Dr. Scott Reid, Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Jay Goldberg

Clinical Associate Professor and Director of Health Care Technologies Management

Published: Capstone Design Courses: Preparing Biomedical Engineers for the Real World, (September 2012), Morgan and Claypool. Published: “Enhancing the Engineering Curriculum: Defining Discovery Learning at Marquette University,” Proceedings of the 42nd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (October 2012), pp. 405-410, with Dr. Mark Nagurka, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Published: see entry for Dr. Ronald Brown, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Dr. Gerald Harris

Professor and Director of the Biomedical Engineering/Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Engineering Center

Grant: $950,000 “Rehabilitation Engineer Research Center on Technologies for Children with Orthopedic Disabilities,” U.S. Department of Education, with Dr. Taly Gilat-Schmidt, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Dr. Sheila SchindlerIvens, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences.

Dr. Taly Gilat-Schmidt

Grant: $150,000, “Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training in Pediatric Mobility,” U.S. Department of Education. Grant: $150,000, “Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) in Pediatric to Adult Transition,” U.S. Department of Education. Grant: $32,115, “Shriners Research II,” Shriners Hospital for Children. Published: “Static and Dynamic Calibration of an Eight-Camera Optical System for Human Motion Analysis,” Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Vol. 22, Nos. 1-4 (2012), pp 49-59, with research engineer Jessica Fritz, and J. Long. Published: “Chapter 7: Biomechanics,” Biomedical Engineering Education and Advanced Bioengineering Learning: Interdisciplinary Concepts IGI Global, Vol. 1, Z.O. Abu-Faraj (editor), (2012), pp 284-338. Published: “Long-term Follow up of Van Nes Rotationplasty for Congenital Proximal Focal Femoral Deficiency,” Proceedings of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, (2012), with J. Ackman, A. Flanagan, M. Peer, A. Graf, J. Krzak and S. Hassani. Published: “Development and Validation of Bending Test for Characterization of Small Bone Specimens,” Journal of Engineering in Medicine, Part H, (October 2012), with Dr. Jeffrey Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering, graduate student John Jameson and P. Smith. Published: “Storage and Loss Moduli of Bone in Osteogenesis Imperfecta,” Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics, (August 2012), with Dr. Jeffrey Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering, graduate student John Jameson and P. Smith. Published: see entry for Dr. Jeffrey Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Presented: “Fluoroscopic Assessment of Foot and Ankle Kinematics;” Presented: “Technologies for Assessment and Treatment of Children with Orthopaedic Disabilities;” Club Noel Hospital, Columbia, South America, Oct. 21, 2012.

Presented: “The Need for Knowledge Translation (KT) in Prosthetics and Orthotics (P&O),” Northwestern University Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Prosthetics and Orthotics State of the Science Meeting, Chicago, Oct. 13, 2012. Presented: see entry for Dr. Jeffrey Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Presented: see entries for Dr. Carolyne Albert, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Awarded: Advanced Light Source Fellowship, (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), 2012 Awarded: Sofield Day Lectures, (Shriners Hospitals for Children), Chicago, November 2012.

Dr. Michelle Johnson

Research Assistant Professor

Grant: $7,000, “Development of a Mobile Robot for Stroke Therapy,” Medical College of Wisconsin.

Dr. Dean Jeutter Professor

Presented: “Exploring Functional Networks of the Brain Relating to Upper Extremity Motor Skill Using Graph Theory,” Society of Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences Annual International Conference, Atlanta, 2012, with Dr. Stephen Guastello, Department of Psychology, and R. Prost. Presented: “Examining the Benefits of Natural Neuromotor Strategy for Neuroprosthetic Controllers,” Biomedical Engineering Society 2012 Conference, Atlanta, October 2012, with Dr. Stephen Guastello, Department of Psychology, and R. Prost. Awarded: Patricia A. Horner Outstanding Chapter Advisor, (Alpha Eta Mu Beta Biomedical Engineering Student Honor Society), October 2012.



Compendium — Winter 2013

Dr. John LaDisa

Dr. Barbara Silver-Thorn

Grant: $74,000, “Optical Coherence and Computed Tomography for Evaluation of Wall Shear Stress and Thrombus Potential in Coronary Arteries after Stenting,” Kobe University. Published: “Altered Hemodynamics, Endothelial Function and Protein Expression Occur with Arotic Coarctation and Persist Following Repair,” American Journal of Physiology — Heart and Circulatory Physiology, Vol. 303, No. 11 (September 2012), pp H1304-H1318, with Dr. Thomas Eddinger, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Jeffrey Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering, and graduate students Hongfeng Wang and David Wendell. Published: “Including Aortic Valve Morphology in Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations: Initial Findings and Application to Aortic Coarctation,” Medical Engineering and Physics, (August 2012), with M. Samyn, J. Cava, L. Ellwein, M. Krolikowski, K. Gandy, A. Pelech and S. Shadden. Published: see entry for Dr. Thomas Eddinger, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences.

Grant: $280,365, “Noyce Engineering/Science Teacher Education Scholars,” National Science Foundation, with Dr. Ellen Eckman, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, College of Education, and Dr. Benjamin Brown, Department of Physics, College of Arts and Sciences. Presented: “Marquette University Noyce Scholar Program: Summer Project-Based Learning Experiences,” Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program Regional Conference, Indianapolis, Oct. 5, 2012, with Dr. Ellen Eckman, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, College of Education, Dr. Gregory Frederick, Educational Opportunity Program, undergraduate student Thess Dobbs and M. Petrie.

Assistant Professor

Dr. Kristina Ropella Chair and Professor

Grant: $18,000, “Graduate Research Assistantship: Kathryn Gallenberger,” U.S. Department of Defense.

Dr. Robert Scheidt Associate Professor

Published: see entry for Dr. Scott Beardsley, Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Dr. Brian Schmit Professor

Grant: $11,693, “Robotic Gait Training Improves Locomotor Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy,” National Institutes of Health. Grant: $43,471, “Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Injured Spinal Cord,” Veterans Administration. Grant: $26,000, “Perturbation of Frontal Plane Center of Mass Movements During Walking Reveals Altered Dynamic Balance Control Strategies: Predoctoral Fellowship for Eric Walker,” American Heart Association. Grant: $25,000, “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Targeting Using Computational Modeling,” National Institutes of Health. Grant: see entry for Dr. Gerald Harris, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Grant: see entry for Dr. Allison Hyngstrom, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences. Published: see entries for Dr. Sheila Schindler-Ivens, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences. Presented: see entry for Dr. Sheila Schindler-Ivens, Department of Physical Therapy.

Associate Professor

Dr. Jeffrey Toth Adjunct Professor

Published: “Biocompatibility of PEEK Polymers,” The PEEK Biomaterials Handbook, (2012), Stephen M. Kurtz (editor), pp 81-92, Elsevier Publishing. Published: “The Latest Lessons Learned from Retrieval Analyses of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, Metal-on-Metal and Alternative Bearing Total Disc Replacements,” Seminars in Spinal Surgery, Vol. 24, No.1 (2012), pp 57-70, with S.M. Kurtz, R. Siskey, L. Ciccarelli, D. MacDonald, J. Isaza, T. Lanman, I. Punt, P. Steinbeck, J. Goffin and A. van Ooij. Published: “Chronically Inadequate Sleep Loss Results in Abnormal Bone Formation and Abnormal Bone Marrow in Rats,” Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol. 237, No. 9 (September 2012), pp 1101-1109, with C.A. Everson and A.E. Folley. Published: “Early and Mid-Term Histological Events During Single Level Posterolateral Intertransverse Process Fusion with rhbmp-2/ Collagen Carrier and a Ceramic Bulking Agent in a Non-Human Primate Model: Implications For Bone Graft Preparation,” Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques, (Oct. 15, 2012) PMID: 23073151, with S.N. Khan, K. Gupta , S.D. Glassman and M.C. Gupta. Published: “Bone Properties by Nanoindentation in Mild and Severe Osteogenesis Imperfecta,” Clinical Biomechanics, doi:10.1016/j. clinbiomech.2012.10.003, with Dr. Gerald Harris, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dr. Carolyne Albert, Department of Biomedical Engineering, research assistant John Jameson, and P. Smith. Published: “Creep Evaluation of (Orthotic) Cast Materials During Simulated Clubfoot Correction,” pp 3352-3355, with H. Altiok, S. Tarima and P. Smith; Published: “Upper Extremity Biomechanical Model for Evaluation of Pediatric Joint Demands During Wheelchair Mobility,” pp 4788–4791, with B. Slavens, A. Graf, J. Krzak and L. Vogel; Proceedings of IEEE EMBS, (August 2012).

Dr. Chung Hoon Lee

Published: “Effect of Fine Wire Electrode Insertion on Gait Patterns in Children with Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy,” Gait and Posture, (Aug. 29, 2012), PMID: 22939752, with D. Corcos, A. Graf and P. Smith. Published: see entry for Dr. John LaDisa, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Published: see entries for Dr. Thomas Eddinger, Department of Biological Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences. Published: see entries for Dr. Gerald Harris, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Presented: “Is Facet Fusion Biomechanically Equivalent to Posterolateral Onlay Fusion?,” with Dr. Mei Wang, Department of Biomedical Engineering, K.T. Foley, L.G. Lenke, H.B. Seim III and A.S. Turner; Presented: “Biomechanical and Histomorphometric Evaluation of Pedicle Screws Augmented with rhBMP-2,” with Dr. Mei Wang, Department of Biomedical Engineering, graduate student A. Arora and C. Patel; North American Spine Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, Nov. 1-5, 2012, Presented: “Array,” Annual Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Research Poster Session, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Oct. 18, 2012, with Dr. Gerald Harris, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dr. Carolyne Albert, Department of Biomedical Engineering, research assistant John Jameson and P. Smith. Presented: see entries for Dr. Carolyne Albert, Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Dr. Mei Wang

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Presented: see entries for Dr. Jeffrey M. Toth, Department of Biomedical Engineering.


Presented: “Reduction of DBP Formation Using Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysis,” Arizona Water Association Annual Meeting, Glendale, Ariz., 2012, with graduate student Erin Daugherty and M. Abbaszadegan.

Dr. Daniel Zitomer

Professor and Director of the Water Quality Center

Grant: $59,500, “GBMSD Phase I Bench-Scale Digestion,” CH2MHILL. Grant: $45,000, “Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Water Equip and Nutrient-Enhanced Biochar,” Product and Processing of Wastewater Biosolids. Grant: $18,000, “Ammonia and Phosphorus Beneficial Use Processes and Technologies Evaluation,” Xylem, Inc. Grant: see entry for Dr. Michael Switzenbaum, College of Engineering.


Associate Professor and Director of GasDay

Published: “The GasDay Project at Marquette University: A Learning Laboratory in a Functioning Business,” American Society for Engineering Education 119th Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings, ( June 2012), with Jay Goldberg, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dr. George Corliss, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Dr. Mark Nagurka, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Presented: “Outlook for Economic Drivers of National Gas Demand,” Southern Gas Association Gas Forecasters Forum, Clearwater Beach, Fla., Sept. 19, 2012, with Dr. Farrokh Nourzad, Department of Economics, College of Business Administration, Thomas Quinn, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dr. George Corliss, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and graduate student Catherine Twetten. Presented: “Research Update: Risks and Mitigations for Near Design Day Forecasting in the Absence of Recent Historical Events,” Gas Forecasters Forum, Clearwater Beach, Fla., Sept. 18, 2012, with Dr. George Corliss, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Thomas Quinn, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Winter 2013 — Compendium

Presented: “Forecasting Natural Gas Demand: The Role Of Physical And Economic Factors,” Annual International Symposium on Forecasting, International Institute of Forecasters, Boston, June 27, 2012, with Thomas Quinn, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Dr. David Clark, Department of Economics, College of Business Administration, Dr. Farrokh Nourzad, Department of Economics, College of Business Administration, Dr. George Corliss, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and graduate student Catherine Twetten. Presented: see entry for Dr. Farrokh Nourzad, Department of Economics, College of Business Administration.

Dr. George Corliss

Senior Research Scientist and Professor Emeritus

Published: see entries for Dr. Ronald Brown, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Presented: see entries for Dr. Ronald Brown, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Dr. Nabeel Demerdash Professor

Grant: $57,554, “Advanced Design Optimization and Simulation of Modular Brushless PM Electric Machines and Drives,” Regal Beloit Manufacturing Corporation, with Dr. Dan Ionel, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Grant: $8,333, “A Nationwide Consortium of Universities to Revitalize Electric Power Engineering Education by State-of-the-Art Laboratories,” U.S. Department of Energy.

Dr. Xin Feng

Associate Professor

Presented: “Multivariate Temporal Patterns Detection Using Reconstructed Phase Space and Gaussian Mixture Model in Dynamic Data System,” World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Beijing, July 7, 2012, with graduate student Wenjing Zhang.

Dr. Dan Ionel

Adjunct Associate Professor

Grant: see entry for Dr. Nabeel Demerdash, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Dr. Michael Johnson

Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies

Published: “Improvements of the Beta-Order Minimum Mean-Square Error (MMSE) Spectral Amplitude Estimator using Chi Priors,” and Published: “Residual Phase Cepstrum Coefficients with Application to Cross-lingual Speaker Verification,” Interspeech 2012, (September 2012). Published: “Noise Impacts from Professional Dog Grooming Forcedair Dryers,” Noise and Health, Vol. 14, No. 60 (September 2012), with D. Bryne, J. Clark, A. Vandlik, L. Kretschmer and K. Sonstrom.

Published: “Features for Phoneme Independent Speaker Identification;” Published: “Multichannel Speech Recognition Using Distributed Microphone Signal Fusion Strategies,” and Published: “Tracking Articulator Movements Using Orientation Measurements,” Dr. Jeffrey Berry, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, College of Health Sciences; International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing Proceedings, ( July 2012).

Dr. Shrinivas Joshi Professor Emeritus

Grant: $45,000, “Miniature High Efficiency Transducers for Use in Ultrasonic Flow Meters,” Industry/ University Cooperative Research Center for Water Equipment and Policy.

Dr. Fabien Josse Professor

Grant: $60,000, “Array Chemical Sensing Microsystems with Novel Signal Processing,” Industry/ University Cooperative Research Center for Water Equipment and Policy. Grant: see entry for Dr. Edwin Yaz, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Dr. Chung Hoon Lee Assistant Professor

Published: “A Suspended Nanogap Formed by Field-induced Atomically Sharp Tips,” Appl. Phys. Lett, Vol. 101, No. 18 (November 2012), pp 183106-183109, with J. Han, K. Song and S. Radhakrishnan.

Thomas Quinn

Adjunct Associate Professor

Published: see entry for Dr. Ronald Brown, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Presented: see entries for Dr. Ronald Brown, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Dr. Susan Schneider Associate Professor

Grant: see entry for Dr. Edwin Yaz, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Dr. Edwin Yaz

Chair and Professor

Grant: $133,266, “Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need: Smart Sensor Systems in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,” U.S. Department of Education, with Dr. Fabien Josse, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Dr. Susan Schneider, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.


Assistant Professor

Presented: “Direct Test Chamber Charge Preparation Method,” International RCM Workshop, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Ill., Aug. 27, 2012, with graduate student Daniel Valco, E. Toulson, T. Edwards and T. Lee.

The five largest grants

reported by Marquette University Office of Research and Sponsored Programs from June 2012 through October 2012 totaled more than $6.26 million.

Dr. William Lobb $2,373,765 from the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services to provide dental services to special needs and underserved populations, as well as educational experiences for School of Dentistry students, residents, faculty and staff involving underserved areas and populations. See p. 24.

Dr. Robert Bishop $1,666,600 from the State of Wisconsin to fund Phase 1 of Engineering Hall, a five-story, 115,000 square foot facility, which includes an innovative Discovery Learning Laboratory and a twostory engineering materials and structural testing laboratory, new teaching and research laboratories, common areas for students and office space. See p. 17.

Dr. Gerald Harris Dr. Taly Gilat-Schmidt Dr. Sheila Schindler-Ivens $950,000 from the U.S. Department of Education to fund a Rehabilitation Engineer Research Center on Technologies for Children with Orthopedic Disabilities at Marquette University, and to implement four research and four development projects aimed at addressing the needs of children with orthopaedic disabilities. See p. 17.

Dr. Lawrence Pan Yvonne Roland Manuel Santiago $698,209 from the Bureau of Health Professions to fund Marquette University’s Health Careers Opportunity Program, which provides opportunities for disadvantaged students who are interested in health professions. See p. 21.

T Ullrich $575,890 from the U.S. Department of Education to fund Upward Bound Math and Science, which provides a comprehensive year-round program of campus-based services to Milwaukeearea school students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are interested in math and science careers, to help prepare them for academic enrollment, persistence and success at both the secondary and postsecondary levels. See p. 24.

Awarded: Michael J. Wallace Endowed Faculty Scholar in Energy Leadership, (Michael J. Wallace Endowment), November 2012.

Dr. John Borg

Associate Professor

Grant: $125,000, “Dynamic HighPressure Behavior of Hierarchical Heterogeneous Geological Materials,” U.S. Department of Defense.

Dr. Richard Marklin Professor

Published: “An Inside Step in an Aerial Bucket Reduces Postural Instability,” Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, (October 2012), pp 1206-1210. Published: “Are Posture Data From Simulated Tasks Representative of Field Conditions? Case Study for Electric Utility Overhead Workers,” Ergonomics, August 2012, doi:10.1080/0014, pp 1-13, with L. Carnaz, L. Miranda and H. GilCoury. Presented: “EPRI Fleet Project Recommendations,” EPRI Fall Occupational Safety and Health Meeting, Milwaukee, Sept. 13, 2012. Presented: “Location of Mobile Computer in a Vehicle Cab,” Office Ergonomics Research Committee Annual Meeting, Holland Mich., June 9, 2012.

Dr. Mark Nagurka Associate Professor

Published: “A Robust Wheel Interface with a Novel Adaptive Controller for Computer/Robot-Assisted Motivating Rehabilitation,” with J. Johnson; Published: “Robust Control Design of a Single Degree-of-Freedom Magnetic Levitation System by Quantitative Feedback Theory;” Proceedings of the ASME/ISCIE International Symposium on Flexible Automation, ( June 2012). Published: see entry for Dr. Jay Goldberg, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Published: see entry for Dr. Ronald Brown, Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Dr. Joseph Schimmels Professor

Grant: $199,862, “Development of a Passive Prosthetic Ankle with Mechanical Performance that Matches That of a Natural Ankle,” U.S. Department of Education.

Dr. Philip Voglewede Assistant Professor

Published: “Design of a Clinically Feasible Active Transtibial Prosthesis Utilizing a Four-Bar Mechanism,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 134 ( June 2012), with graduate student B. Bergelin.



Compendium — Winter 2013

Published: “A Dynamic Model of a Belt Driven Electromechanical XY Plotter Cutter,” paper number DETC2012-71004; Published: “Configuration Space Analysis and Synthesis of Planar Variable Kinematic Joints,” paper number DETC2012-71146; Published: “Controller Design and Preliminary Testing of a Powered BelowKnee Prosthtetic Device,” paper number DETC2012-71010; Published: “Mechanism State Matrices for Spatial Reconfigurable Mechanisms,” paper number DETC2012-71361, Proceedings of the ASME IDETC Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, (August 2012). Published: “Design of an Active Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Utilizing a Four-Bar Mechanism,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 134 ( June 2012).

College of Health Sciences DEPARTMENT OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Dr. David Baker

Associate Chair and Professor

Published: “Thinking Outside the Cleft to Understand Synaptic Activity: Contribution of the Cystine-Glutamate Antiporter (System xc−) to Normal and Pathological Glutamatergic Signaling,” Pharmacological Reviews, Vol. 64, No. 3 ( July 2012), pp 780-802, with research assistant Victoria Lutgen, Dr. Douglas Lobner, Department of Biomedical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, and Richard Bridges. Published: “Adrenergic Receptor Mediation of Stress-induced Reinstatement of Extinguished Cocaine-induced Conditioned Place Preference in Mice: Roles for 1 and 2 Adrenergic Receptors,” Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Vol. 342, No. 2 ( 2012), pp 541-551, with Dr. John Mantsch, Department of Biomedical Sciences, and undergraduate student Shona Hang. Published: “Reduction in Phencyclidine-induced Sensorimotor Gating Deficits in the Rat Following Increased System x(c) (-) Activity in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex,” Psychopharmacology, doi: 10.1007/ s00213-012-2926-3, (November 2012), with Dr. SuJean Choi, Department of Biomedical Sciences, graduate students Jon Resch and LingHai Kong, and K. Qualmann. Published: “Time Course of Cocaine-induced Behavioral and Neurochemical Plasticity,” Addiction Biology, (September 2012), doi: 10.1111/j.1369-1600.2012.00493, with Dr. John Mantsch, Department of Biomedical Sciences, graduate students LingHai Kong and Aric Madayag, K. Kau and V. Lutgen. Presented: “Thinking Outside the Cleft To Understand and Treat Psychiatric Disorders,” National Alliance on Mental Illness Greater Milwaukee Awards Banquet, Milwaukee, October 2012.

Presented: “Stress-level Corticosterone Potentiates Cocaine Seeking and Inhibits Dopamine Clearance in the Nucleus Accumbens Through Inhibition of the Organic Cation Transporter 3,” with Dr. Robert Wheeler, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Paul Gasser, Department of Biomedical Sciences, graduate students Evan Graf, Jonathan Hill, Mykel Robble, Chung Chan and Oliver Vranjkovic, and A. Ebben; Presented: “Subcellular Distribution of Organic Cation Transporter 3, a Glucocorticoid-sensitive Dopamine Clearance Mechanism in the Nucleus Accumbens,” with Dr. John Mantsch, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Paul Gasser, Department of Biomedical Sciences, and graduate students Evan Graf and Oliver Vranjkovic; Presented: “Peptidergic Regulation of Glutamate Release by Astrocytes: Opposing Effects of PACAP and Orexin A on Cystineglutamate Exchange by System xc- in the Nucleus Accumbens,” with Dr. SuJean Choi, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Dr. John Mantsch, Department of Biomedical Sciences, and graduate students Aric Madayag and Jon Resch; Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October 2012. Presented: “Organic Cation Transporter 3 Mediates Glucocorticoid-sensitive Dopamine Clearance in the Nucleus Accumbens: A Mechanism for Stress Effects on Neurotransmission and Behavior,” International Catecholamine Symposium, Asilomar, Calif., September 2012, with Dr. John Mantsch, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Robert Wheeler, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Daniel Wheeler, Department of Biomedical Sciences, graduate students Jonathan Hill, Evan Graf, Mykel Robble and Chung Chan, and A. Ebben.

Dr. Murray Blackmore Assistant Professor

Grant: $149,967, “Combinatorial KLF7-Based Strategies to Promote CNS Axon Regeneration,” Craig H. Neilsen Foundation. Presented: “Rebooting the Growth Machinery: Gene Therapy Approaches to Spinal Cord Injury,” Working 2 Walk Symposium on Spinal Cord Injury, Unite 2 Fight Paralysis, Irvine, Calif., November 2012. Presented: “Transcriptional Control of Axon Regeneration in the Injured Spinal Cord,” International Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, October 2012.

Dr. SuJean Choi

Associate Professor

Dr. Douglas Lobner Professor

Published: “Glutathionemediated Neuroprotection Against Methylmercury Neurotoxicity in Cortical Culture is Dependent on MRP1,” Neurotoxicology, Vol. 33, No. 3 ( June 2012), pp 476-481, with graduate students XiaoQian Liu and Andrew Nowakowski, and D. Petering. Published: see entry for Dr. David Baker, Department of Biomedical Sciences. Presented: “What We Know and Don’t Know about BMAA,” International Conference on Plant Medicine, The Institute for EthnoMedicine, St. George, Utah, October 2012. Presented: “Role of the Environmental Toxin betaN-methylamine-L-alanine in Neurodegenerative Diseases,” Food Research Institute Seminar Series, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wis., September 2012.

Dr. John Mantsch Chair and Professor

Published: see entries for Dr. David Baker, Department of Biomedical Sciences. Presented: see entries for Dr. David Baker, Department of Biomedical Sciences.

Dr. Robert Peoples Associate Professor

Grant: $251,558, “Alcohol Actions on NMDA Receptor Gating Domains,” National Institutes of Health. Published: “Interactions Among Positions in the Third and Fourth Membrane-associated Domains at the Intersubunit Interface of the N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Forming Sites of Alcohol Action,” Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 287, No. 53 (2012), pp 27302-27312, with graduate student Y. Zhao and D. Dwyer. Published: “A Novel Alcohol-sensitive Site in the M3 Domain of the NMDA Receptor GluN2A Subunit;” Published: “A Site of Alcohol Action at the NMDA Receptor M3-M4 Domain Interface,” with graduate student Zhao Yulin and D. Dwyer; Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research, Vol. 34 (2012), p 190A. Presented: “A Novel AlcoholSensitive Site in the M3 Domain of the NMDA Receptor GluN2A Subunit,” with H. Ren; Presented: “A Site of Alcohol Action at the NMDA Receptor M3-M4 Domain Interface,” with H. Ren, Y. Zhao, D.S. Dwyer; Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, San Francisco, June 2012.

Dr. Robert Wheeler

Published: see entry for Dr. David Baker, Department of Biomedical Sciences. Presented: see entry for Dr. David Baker, Department of Biomedical Sciences.

Assistant Professor

Dr. Paul Gasser

Presented: see entry for Dr. David Baker, Department of Biomedical Sciences.

Assistant Professor

Presented: see entries for Dr. David Baker, Department of Biomedical Sciences.

Presented: see entries for Dr. David Baker, Department of Biomedical Sciences.

Daniel Wheeler

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Robert Peoples


Grant: $2,500, “The Effect of Cytokines on Polymicrobial Biofilm Growth and Laboratory Identification,” American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science. Presented: “Analysis of Adhesive and Biofilm Abilities of Non-albicans Candida,” with undergraduate students Ryan Miskulin and Stephen Wright; Presented: “Yeast on the Rise;” American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, July 2012. Awarded: First Place Poster Competition Award, (American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Annual Meeting), Chicago, July 2012. Awarded: Board Service Award, (American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science), 2012. Awarded: Omicron Sigma Award, (American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science), 2012.

Dr. Fang Yao Stephen Hou Assistant Professor

Presented: “Real-Time Flow Cytometry of Antibody Binding,” Annual Meeting of the Great Plains Analytical Cytometry Association, Kansas City, Mo., September 2012. Presented: “Cellular Elements in Preserved Saliva,” American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, Los Angeles, July 2012, with Dr. Andrew Dentino, Department of Diagnostic and Surgical Sciences, School of Dentistry.

Dr. Linda Laatsch

Chair and Associate Professor

Published: see entry for Dr. Dennis Sobush, Department of Physical Therapy.

Winter 2013 — Compendium

Dr. Cecelia Landin

Dr. Allison Hyngstrom

Dr. Luther C. Kloth

Appointed: Board of directors, American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science of Wisconsin, July 2012. Served: Vice chair, Review Committee for Accreditation of Programs, National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science, San Diego, Calif., July 2012. Served: Program organizer, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, August 2012.

Grant: $21,877, “Mechanisms of Neuromuscular Fatigue and Leg Function Post Stroke,” Medical College of Wisconsin, with Dr. Sandra Hunter, Department of Physical Therapy and Dr. Brian Schmit, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering. Presented: “Neuromuscular Fatigue and Leg Function Post Stroke,” Stroke Support Group, Waukesha Memorial Hospital, Waukesha, Wis., September 2012. Presented: “Neuromuscular Fatigue and Leg Function Post Stroke,” Grand Rounds, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, August 2012. Presented: “Fatigue-related Changes in Paretic Motor Unit Firing Behavior,” International Moto-neuron Meeting, Sydney, July 2012. Awarded: 2012 Eugene Michels New Investigator Award, (American Physical Therapy Association), Tampa, Fla., June 2012.

Published: “The Use of Biophysical Technologies in Chronic Wound Management,” Measurements in Wound Healing-Science and Practice, Vol. 1, R. Mani, M. Romanelli and V. Shukla (editors), (2012), pp 313-354, with Wollina Uwe and Heinig Birgit. Presented: “Wound Healing with Electrical Stimulation: Science, Method and Evidence,” Annual Wound Healing Institute Symposium, Wentworth-Douglas Hospital, Somersworth, N.H., Oct. 25, 2012. Presented: “Instructional In-Service on Wound Care and Evaluation,” Nkoranga Lutheran Hospital, Arusha, Tanzania, Oct. 1-7, 2012. Presented: “Physical Therapy Contributions to Wound Healing in the USA,” Wound Care Symposium of the American College of Clinical Wound Specialists, Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 14, 2012.

Clinical Assistant Professor

DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Dr. Marie Hoeger Bement Associate Professor

Published: “Inflammatory Markers in Pediatric Obesity: Health and Physical Activity Implications,” Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nutrition, Vol. 4, No. 5 (2012), pp 297-302. Published: see entry for Dr. Sandra Hunter, Department of Physical Therapy. Presented: “Exercise-Induced Analgesia;” Presented: “Pain Assessment Beyond the VAS Myths;” Mechanisms, and Management of Persistent Musculoskeletal Pain, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, October 2012.

Michael Danduran Adjunct Instructor

Published: “Near Infrared Spectroscopic Monitoring During Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Detects Anaerobic Threshold.,” Pediatric Cardiology, Vol. 33, No. 5 (2012), pp 791-796. Published: “Near Infrared Spectroscopy Describes Physiologic Payback Associated with Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption in Healthy Controls as well as Children with Complex Congenital Heart Disease,” Pediatric Cardiology, Vol. 33, No. 1 (2012), pp 95-102. Presented: “Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing: A Ten Year Perspective at a Major Children’s Hospital;” Presented: “Cardiopulmonary Limitation in Patients Having Undergone Palliation of Univentricular Anatomy: A 10 Year Perspective;” Midwest Pediatric Cardiology Meeting, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, September 2012.

Dr. Sandra Hunter Associate Professor

Grant: see entry for Dr. Allison Hyngstrom, Department of Physical Therapy. Published: “Corticomotor Excitability During a Noxious Stimulus and Following Exercise in Women with Fibromyalgia,” Proceedings of the American Pain Society Annual Meeting, (2012), with Tejin Yoon, Department of Physical Therapy, and graduate student Andy Weyer. Published: “Pain Relief in Older Adults Following Static Contractions is Not Task-dependent, “American College of Sports Medicine Annual Conference Proceedings, (2012), with Dr. Marie Hoeger Bement, Department of Physical Therapy, undergraduate student Breanna Drewek and graduate student Lauren Miller.

Assistant Professor

Kristin Kipp

Adjunct Instructor

Published: “Spinal Control Differences Between the Sexes,” European Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 112, No. 11 ( 2012), pp 3859-3864, with M. Hoffman. Published: “Effects of Homosynaptic Depression Spectral Properties of H-reflex Recordings,” Sensory and Motor Research, Vol. 29 (2012), pp 38-43, with S. Johnson and M. Hoffman. Published: “Principal Component Based Analysis of Biomechanical Inter-trial Variability in Indviduals with Chronic Ankle Instability,” Clinical Biomechanics, Vol. 27 (2012), pp 706-710, with R. Palmieri-Smith. Published: “Spectral Properties of H-reflex Recordings After an Acute Bout of Whole-body Vibration,” pp 1915-1919, with S. Johnson and M. Hoffman; Published: “Weightlifting Performance is Related to Kinematic and Kinetic Patterns of the Hip and Knee Joints,” pp 1838-1844, with M. Sabick and C. Harris; Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Vol. 26 (2012). Presented: “Fatigue-induced Increases in Quadriceps-to-Hamstring Muscle Activation Ratios are Associated with Increases in Sagittalplane Tibial Accelerations During a Cutting Task,” Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association, Pewaukee, Wis., 2012, with K. Holtz. Presented: “Vertical Jump Performance is Associated with Principal Component-derived Timevarying Ground Reaction Force Features,” with C. Vogel and K. Holtz; Presented: “Lower Extremity Biomechanics and Barbell Position During a Weightlifting Movement,” with Dr. Stuart Hoffman, Department of General Dental Sciences, School of Dentistry; Presented: “Acute Exercise Has Deleterious Effects on Muscle Activation During a Cutting But Not Landing Task,” with K. Holtz; National Strength and Conditioning Association, Providence, R.I., July 2012.

Professor Emeritus

Dr. Laurie B. Kontney

Clinical Associate Professor and Co-Director of Clinical Education

Presented: “Scorebuilders National Examination Preparatory Course for PTAs,” Gennessee Community College, Batavia, N.Y., June 2012.

Dr. Donald A. Neumann Professor

Published: “Arthrokinematics: Flawed or Just Misinterpreted?,” Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, Vol. 34 (2012), pp 428-429.

Dr. Alexander Ng Associate Professor

Grant: $8,540, “Triathlon Training for Breast Cancer Survivors,” Aurora Health Care, Inc. Presented: “Exercise, It’s Not Just for Fitness Anymore,” Can Do MS — Jumpstart® in Motion, Philadelphia, November 2012. Presented: “Cancer Related Fatigue: Is There a Role for Altered Neuromuscular Function?,” Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Grand Rounds, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, October 2012. Presented: see entry for Dr. Robert Topp, College of Nursing.

Dr. Lawrence Pan Chair and Professor

Grant: $698,209, “Marquette University Health Careers Opportunity Program,” Bureau of Health Professions, with Yvonne Roland, School of Dentistry, and Manuel Santiago, Department of Physical Therapy. Grant: $299,975, “Youth Empowered to Succeed Three (YES3),” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with Dr. Paula Papanek, Department of Physical Therapy. Grant: $175,000, “HMS MFDP Cooperative Agreement for Minority Workforce Development,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, with Dr. Paula Papanek, Department of Physical Therapy. Grant: $180,000, “Marquette Scholarships for Disadvantaged HCOP Students in Physical Therapy,” Health Resources and Services Administration. Grant: see entry for Dr. Paula Papanek, Department of Physical Therapy.

Published: “The Effects of Lesions in the Dorsolateral Pons on the Coordination of Swallowing and Breathing in Awake Goats,” Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, Vol. 175 (2012), pp 272-282, with J. Bonis, S. Neumueller, B. Marshall, K. Krause, B. Qian, L. Pan, M. Hodges and H. Forster. Presented: “The Youth Empowerment Program,” Department of Health and Human Services, October 2012, Washington, D.C., with Dr. Paula Papanek, Department of Physical Therapy. Presented: “The Youth Empowerment Program,” U.S. Office of Minority Health Seminar Series, Washington, D.C., October 2012, with Dr. Paula Papanek, Department of Physical Therapy. Presented: see entry for Dr. Paula Papanek, Department of Physical Therapy.

Dr. Paula Papanek Associate Professor

Grant: see entries for Dr. Lawrence Pan, Department of Physical Therapy. Presented: see entries for Dr. Robert Topp, College of Nursing.

Manuel Santiago

Associate Director of the Health Careers Opportunity Program

Grant: see entry for Dr. Lawrence Pan, Department of Physical Therapy.

Dr. Sheila Schindler-Ivens Assistant Professor

Grant: $3,000, “Supraspinal Contributions to Upper and Lower Limb Motor Control and Recovery after Stroke — An FMRI Study,” Medical College of Wisconsin. Grant: see entry for Dr. Gerald Harris, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering. Published: “Reciprocal Inhibition Post-stroke is Related to Reflex Excitability and Movement Ability,” Clinical Neurophysiology, Vol. 123, No. 11 (November 2012), pp 2239‑2246. Published: “EEG During Pedaling: Evidence for Cortical Control of Locomotor Tasks,” Clinical Neurophysiology, (October 2012), doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2012.08.021, with Dr. Brian Schmit, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, and K. Gourab. Published: “Neuromagnetic Activity in the Cerebral Cortex is Modulated by Locomotor-like,” Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, (October 2012), with Dr. Brian Schmit, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, R. Swedler and S. Baillet. Presented: “Neuromagnetic Activity in the Cerebral Cortex is Modulated by Locomotor-like,” Society for Neuroscience Annual Convention, New Orleans, October 2012, with Dr. Brian Schmit, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, graduate student R. Swedler and S. Baillet.



Compendium — Winter 2013

Dr. Christopher Simenz

Clinical Associate Professor and Practicum Coordinator for Exercise Science

Grant: $4,998, “Carol M. White Physical Education Grant (PEP): PE Habits,” U.S. Department of Education. Presented: “Learning Intentions: Maximizing Effective Programming and Learning,” Milwaukee Childhood Obesity Prevention Project (MCOPP) Healthy Eating and Active Living Staff Training, United Neighborhood Centers of Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Oct. 12, 2012, with B. Fuller. Presented: “Childhood Obesity in Milwaukee: An Update,” Milwaukee Childhood Obesity Prevention Project Leadership Team Meeting, Milwaukee, Oct. 2, 2012. Presented: “Taking the Long View: Strategies to Sustain Efforts for Lasting Change,” Leading the Way: Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Conference, Milwaukee, Sept. 27, 2012, with S. O’Connor.

Dr. Guy Simoneau Professor

Published: “Influence of Knee Flexion Angle and Age on Triceps Surae Muscle Activity During Heel Raises,” Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Vol. 26, No. 11 (November 2012), pp 3124‑3133, with A. Schneiders, S. Sullivan and J. Garcia. Presented: “Disseminating Knowledge Across the Whole Musculoskeletal Community,” Bone and Joint Decade 2010-2020 World Network Conference, Saigon, Vietnam, November 2012. Appointed: Committee member, Scientific and Organizing Committee, International Neuromusculoskeletal and Sports Rehabilitation Congress, 2012-2013.

Dr. Dennis C. Sobush Associate Professor

Published: “Restoring Functional Status: A Long-Term Case Report of Severe Lund and Ventilatory Muscle Pump Dysfunction Involving Recurrent Bacterial Pneumonias,” Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2 ( June 2012), pp 5-12, with Dr. Linda Laatsch, Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, and R. Lipchik.

Dr. Andrew Starsky

Clinical Assistant Professor

Presented: “Evidence-based Iontophoresis and Ultrasound,” Waukesha Memorial Hospital Continuing Education Seminar, Waukesha, Wis., November 2012. Presented: “The Science Behind the Minimalist Shoe Movement,” Unlocking the Secrets of Running Injuries Workshop, Aurora Health Care, Oconomowoc, Wis., Nov. 10, 2012. Presented: “Evidence-based Electrotherapy,” Columbia St. Mary’s Lakeshore Hospital, Aug. 22, 2012.

Dr. Tina Stoeckmann

Clinical Associate Professor

Presented: “Keeping Secrets: Confidentiality, Disclosure and the Duty to report,” Continuing Education Course, Marquette University Alumni Reunion Weekend, Marquette University, Milwaukee, July 27, 2012.

Presented: “DBS in PD,” NeuroAnatomical Dissection Continuing Education Course, Marquette University, Milwaukee, July 20, 2012. Presented: “Exercise and the Brain,” Waukesha ProHealth, Waukesha, Wis., June 13, 2012.

Tejin Yoon

Research Assistant Professor

Published: see entry for Dr. Sandra Hunter, Department of Physical Therapy.


Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of Clinical Education

Presented: “Clinical Coordinators Certificate Program,” Physician Assistant Education Association’s Annual Education Forum, Seattle, November 2012. Presented: “Update on Legislation Pertaining to Physician Assistant Practice in Wisconsin,” Wheaton Franciscan Advanced Practice Providers Forum, Wheaton Franciscan Health Care, Franklin, Wis., November 2012. Appointed: Committee chair, Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants, October 2012. Appointed: Committee member, Physician Assistant Education Association Clinical Coordinators Certificate Program, July 2012.

Dr. Joshua Knox

Clinical Assistant Professor

Presented: see entry for Robert Paxton, Department of Physician Assistant Studies.

Robert Paxton

Associate Chair, Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of Didactic Education

Presented: “Innovative Methods for Delivering Public Health Curricula,” Physician Assistant Education Association, Seattle, November 2012, with Dr. Joshua Knox, Department of Physician Assistant Studies.

Mary Jo Wiemiller

Chair and Clinical Assistant Professor Grant: $18,625, “Emergency Medicine Program: Curriculum Development,” Aurora Health Care, Inc.


Clinical Instructor

Published: see entry for Dr. Brenda Gorman, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology. Presented: see entry for Dr. Brenda Gorman, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology.

Dr. Jeffrey Berry Assistant Professor

Published: see entry for Dr. Michael Johnson, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering. Appointed: Associate editor, Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, August 2012.

Dr. Andrew Starsky

Kathleen Erdman Instructor

Awarded: Award for Continuing Education, (American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association), October 2012.

Dr. Brenda Gorman Assistant Professor

Published: “Reading Acquisition Program for Spanish-speakers,” Perspectives on Communication Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations, Vol. 19, No. 2 ( July 2012), pp 49-57, with Sue Berman, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, and A. Brice. Published: “Relationships Between Vocabulary Size, Working Memory and Phonological Awareness Skills in Spanish-speaking English Language Learners,” American Journal of Speech Language Pathology, Vol. 21 (Second Quarter 2012), pp 109–123. Presented: “Fostering Language Development in Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers,” Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin’s Reach Out and Read Wisconsin Annual Meeting, Madison, Wis., November 2012. Presented: “Tier Two Language and Literacy Intervention for Diverse Preschool Children,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, Atlanta, November 2012, with Dr. Francesca Lopez, Department of Education Policy and Leadership, College of Education, Sue Berman, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, and L. Duran.

Dr. Maura Moyle Associate Professor

Grant: $11,980, “Phonological Awareness Training for Educators of Diverse, Low-Income Children: A Resource for Speech-Language Pathologists,” American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Foundation.

College of Nursing Dr. Abir Bekhet

Assistant Professor

Published: “Mental Health of Elders in Retirement Communities: Is Loneliness a Key Factor?,” Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, Vol. 26, No. 3 ( June 2012), pp 214-224, with graduate student J.A. Zauszniewski.

Published: “Resourcefulness, Positive Cognitions, Relocation Controllability, and Relocation Adjustment Among Older People: A Cross-Sectional Study of Cultural Differences,” International Journal of Older People Nursing, ( July 2012), doi: 10.1111/ j.1748-3743.2012.00341, with graduate student J.A. Zauszniewski. Awarded: Second Place–Research Category, “Factors Associated with Dysphoric Symptoms Expressed by Women Family Members of Adults with Serious Mental Illness,” (American Psychiatric Nurses Association), Pittsburgh, October 2012.

Dr. Ruth Ann Belknap Associate Professor

Published: “Integrative Review: Parent Perspectives on Care of Their Child at the End of Life,” Journal of Pediatric Nursing, Vol. 27, No. 5 (October 2012), pp 514-522, with J. Winters. Published: “Mexican American Female Adolescents’ Perceptions of Relationships and Dating Violence,” Journal of Nursing Scholarship, Vol. 44, No. 3 (September 2012), pp 215-222, with Dr. Kristin Haglund, College of Nursing, and Juanita Garcia, College of Nursing. Published: “Short of Transformation: American ADN Students’ Thoughts, Feelings,” International Journal of Nursing Scholarship, Vol. 9, No. 1 (2012), pp 1-16. Published: “Transformative Learning Through Study Abroad in LowIncome Countries,” Nurse Educator, Vol. 37, No. 4 ( July/August 2012), pp 157-161, with C. Foronda. Appointed: Consulting editor, Families in Society, 2012.

Dr. Kathleen Bobay Associate Professor

Grant: $10,000, “Preparedness Instruments and Post-Discharge Outcomes on Two Inpatient Rehabilitation Units,” Rehabilitation Nurses Foundation. Published: “Factors Associated with Nurses’ Perceptions of Patient Safety Culture in China: A Cross-sectional Survey Study,” Journal of EvidenceBased Medicine, Vol. 5, No. 2 ( June 2012), pp 50-56, with Dr. Barrett McCormick, Department of Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences, X. Feng, and J. Krejci.

Winter 2013 — Compendium

Dr. Marilyn Bratt Assistant Professor

Grant: $353,313, “SOAR-RN Rural Nurse Residency Program,” Bureau of Health Professions. Presented: “Nurse Residency Programs and Preceptor Education: Worth the Investment?,” Meeting of Nurse Administrators, Clement J. Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Milwaukee, Nov. 19, 2012. Presented: “Nurse Residency Program: Best Practices for Optimizing Organizational Success,” American Association of Colleges of Nursing Baccalaureate Nursing Education Conference, San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 15, 2012. Presented: “Nursing Education without Borders: The State of Nurse Residency in Wisconsin,” Wisconsin League for Nurses Annual Conference, Waukesha, Wis., Nov. 2, 2012. Presented: “State of the Science of Nurse Residency Programs,” Wisconsin Center for Nursing’s Setting the Stage for Collaborative Education and Practice Among Health Care Professionals Conference, Wisconsin Dells, Wis., June 4, 2012.

Dr. Susan Breakwell

Clinical Associate Professor

Published: “Clinical Observation Reflections from Students in an Interdisciplinary Palliative Care Course,” Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, Vol. 14, No. 4 ( June 2012), pp 274-282, with Margaret Faut Callahan, College of Nursing, M. Kim and M. Phillips. Appointed: Committee member, Milwaukee Region Cancer Care Coalition and Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Cancer Survivorship Forum, 2012. Elected: President-elect, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, Greater Milwaukee Chapter, 2012. Appointed: Member of planning committee for inaugural annual conference, International Home Care Nurses Organization, 2012. Appointed: Advisory board member, National Center for Applied Interprofessional Practice, 2012.

Dr. Margaret Faut Callahan Dean and Professor

Grant: $15,000, “Jonas Veterans Healthcare Program,” Jonas Center for Nursing Excellence. Grant: $10,000, “Graduate Scholarship in Cancer Nursing Practice: Nursing Education of the Needs of Children with Cancer at the End of Life,” American Cancer Society. Published: see entry for Dr. Susan Breakwell, College of Nursing.

Dr. Diane Dressler

Clinical Assistant Professor

Published: “Coagulopathy in the ICU,” Critical Care Nurse/American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Vol. 32, No. 5 (October 2012), pp 48-59.

Dr. Richard Fehring Professor

Edited: Science, Faith and Human Fertility: The Third Conference on Ethical Fertility Health Management, ( July 2012), Marquette University Press.

Published: “Statistical Evaluation of the Standard Days Method of Family Planning,” with Mary Schneider, College of Nursing; Published: “The Influence of BMI Levels on Phases of the Menstrual Cycle and Presumed Ovulation,” with graduate student D. Rodriguez; The Linacre Quarterly, Vol. 79, No. 4 (November 2012). Published: “Current Medical Research,” The Linacre Quarterly, Vol. 79, No. 2 (August 2012), pp 353-368. Presented: “Web-based Innovations and the Continuum of Spiritual Care of Fertility,” Mayo Spiritual Care Research Conference, Rochester, Minn., Nov. 2, 2012. Presented: “Randomized Comparison of Two Internet-supported Fertility Awareness Based Methods of Family Planning,” American Academy of Nursing Annual Meeting and Conference, Washington, D.C., Oct. 12, 2012. Presented: “Efficacy of Natural Family Planning Among Older Women,” Catholic Medical Association Annual Educational Conference, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 27, 2012. Presented: “Randomized Comparison of Two Internet-Supported Methods of Natural Family Planning,” Office of Population Affairs Research Grantee Meeting, Bethesda, Md., Sept. 20, 2012. Presented: “Efficacy of a New Method of Family Planning for Breastfeeding Women,” Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science’s State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, Washington, D.C., Sept. 15, 2012. Presented: “The Influence of Religiosity on Abortion and Contraceptive Use in the US: Data from the 2002 and 2010 National Survey of Family Growth,” University Faculty for Life, Brigham Young University Law School, June 2, 2012.

Juanita Garcia

Project Coordinator

Published: see entry for Dr. Ruth Ann Belknap, College of Nursing.

Dr. Jill Guttormson Assistant Professor

Presented: “Patients’ Recall and Evaluation of Mechanical Ventilation: Impact of Sedation,” Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science’s State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, Sept. 13-15, 2012, with L. Chlan.

Dr. Kristin Haglund Associate Professor

Published: see entry for Dr. Ruth Ann Belknap, College of Nursing.

Dr. Norah Johnson Assistant Professor

Published: “Evaluation of a Coping Kit of Items to Support Children with Developmental Disorders in the Hospital Setting,” Pediatric Nursing, Vol. 38, No. 4 ( July 2012), pp 215-221, with V. Stonek, D. Martinez and M. Massey. Presented: “Autism Genetics/ Genomics and Nursing Implications,” International Society of Nurses in Genetics Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Oct.26, 2012. Awarded: Research Award, (Sigma Theta Tau Delta Gamma At‑Large), October 2012.

Dr. Linda Piacentine Assistant Professor

Presented: “Perceived Cognitive Changes of Women Undergoing Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer Compared to Healthy Controls,” Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science’s State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research, Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2012. Appointed: Vice president, Sigma Theta Tau Delta Gamma At-Large Chapter, 2012.

Mary Schneider

Assistant to the Director of Natural Family Planning

Published: see entry for Dr. Richard Fehring, College of Nursing.

Dr. Robert Topp

Professor and Associate Dean for Research

Grant: $42,521, “The Effect of an Ion Transfer Bracelet on Physical Performance Among Adults,” Life Strength. Published: “A Comparison of Topical Menthol to Ice on Pain, Evoked Tetanic and Voluntary Force During Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness,” International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, Vol. 7, No. 3 (2012), pp 314-322, with V. Grover and D. Behm. Published: “Stress Among Operating Room Nurses and Operating Room Technologists,” Kentucky Nurse, Vol. 60, No. 2 (2012), pp 5-7, with J. Berger. Published: “Effects of Pre-habilitation on Self-Efficacy for Exercise and Outcome Expectations for Exercise Among Patients Before and After Total Knee Arthroplasty,” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 44, No. 5 ( June 2012), with D. Pariser and A. Swank. Presented: “A Comparison of Two Formulations of Biofreeze on Blood Flow and Vascular Response to Exercise,” with Dr. Alexander Ng, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences, Dr. Paula Papanek, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences, A. Cybulski and K. Skelton; Presented: “Evaluation of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) vs. Biofreeze in the Treatment of Back Pain,” with B. Bishop; Presented: “Force Production of Thera-Band Resistance Bands,” with P. Page and W. Keller; Presented: “The Effect of Biofreeze on Post Manipulation Soreness in Patients with Mechanical Neck Pain: A Randomized Doubleblinded Controlled Trial,” with J. Greenstein; Presented: “The Effect of Biofreeze on Home Exercise Compliance, Pain and Disability in Patients with Mechanical Neck Pain,” with B. Bishop; Presented: “The Effects of a Home-care Exercise Kit on Pain and Disability for the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis,” with J. Greenstein and B. Bishop; TheraBand Research Advisory Council, St. Johns, Newfoundland, July 2012.

Dr. Leona VandeVusse Associate Professor

Grant: $388,789, “Marquette University — Nurses Supporting Families to Improve Maternal and Infant Outcomes,” Health Resources and Services Administration. Grant: $277,078, “Marquette University: Promoting Minority BSN Student Success,” Bureau of Health Professions.

College of Professional Studies Katherine Dean Adjunct Instructor

Presented: see entry for Dr. Jody Jessup-Anger, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, College of Education.

Graduate School Carole Ferrara

Director of the Trinity Fellows Program

Grant: $29,400, “Trinity Fellows Program,” Joseph and Vera Zilber Family Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Jeanne Hossenlopp

Dean and Vice Provost for Research

Grant: $219,964, “Clinical and Translation Science Award (CTSA),” National Institutes of Health.

Law School Dr. David Papke Professor

Presented: “Alienation of Labor As a Theme in the Songs of Bruce Springsteen,” Glory Days Symposium, Monmouth University, Newark, N.J., September 2012. Presented: “Divorce in the Hollywood Cinema,” Academy of Professional Family Mediators Annual Meeting, Falmouth, Mass., September 2012. Presented: “Evolutionary Functionalism: An Approach to American Legal History,” Stawa University Distinguished Guest Lecture, Stawa University, Kampala, Uganda, August 2012. Presented: “Families, Family Law, and the Movies,” Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference, Chicago, June 2012.

Matthew Parlow

Matthew Parlow

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Law

Presented: “Hot Topics in Sports Law,” Annual Sports Law Symposium, New York Law School, New York City, Nov. 2, 2012. Presented: “Teaching to Mission: 1Ls, Pro Bono Programs and Jesuit Education,” Teaching Social Justice, Expanding Access to Justice: The Role of Legal Education and the Legal Profession, Society of American Law Teachers, Baltimore, Oct. 6, 2012.

Bonnie Thomson

Associate Dean for Administration/Registrar Grant: $32,700, “Law School Clinical Contract with the Waukesha County District Attorney,” Waukesha County. Grant: $32,720, “Law Student Intern Program,” Waukesha County.



Compendium — Winter 2013

School of Dentistry Dr. William Lobb Dean and Professor

Grant: $2,373,765, “Oral Health — Marquette Dental Services,” Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services. Grant: $300,000, “Scholarships for Disadvantaged Students in the School of Dentistry at Marquette University,” Health Resources and Services Administration.

Yvonne Roland

Director of Diversity

Grant: see entry for Dr. Lawrence Pan, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences.

Thomas Wirtz

Director of Dental Informatics

Published: see entry for Dr. Rong Ge, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences. Eddie Guzman

DEPARTMENT OF DENTAL CLINICAL SERVICES Dr. Pradeep Bhagavatula Assistant Professor

Grant: see entry for Dr. Christopher Okunseri, Department of Dental Clinical Services.

Dr. Christopher Okunseri

Associate Professor and Director of the Pre-doctoral Program in Public Health

Grant: $63,148, “Milwaukee Children’s Oral Healthcare Program (MCOHP),” State of Wisconsin, with Dr. Pradeep Bhagavatula, Department of Dental Clinical Services.


Associate Professor and Director of the Pre‑doctoral Program in Pediatric Dentistry Grant: $53,806, “Marquette University School of Dentistry Community Pediatric Dentistry Program,” Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services.


Professor and Director of the Pre-doctoral Program in Periodontics

Presented: see entry for Dr. Fang Yao Stephen Hou, Department of Clinical Laboratory Science, College of Health Sciences.


Adjunct Assistant Professor

Presented: see entry for Kristin Kipp, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences.

Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Dr. Paul McInerny

Associate Athletic Director of Engagement and Public Affairs

Reviewed: Clemente Lisi’s A History of the World Cup, Journal of Sport History, Vol 39, No. 1 (Spring 2012), pp 184-185.

Jamie McNeilly

Coordinator of Student Athlete Development — Men’s Basketball

Published: Prediction Versus Production: Examining the Relationship Between NCAA Division I Ranked Recruits and Their Ensuing Athletic Production in College, (May 2012), LAP LAMBERG Academic Publishing.

Dr. Jeff Snell


Special Adviser to the President

Grant: $100,000, “FixesU: Embedding Social Innovation in Curriculum,” Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Grant: $10,000, “Social Innovation Resources for Greater Milwaukee,” Helen Bader Foundation, Inc.


Associate Director

Grant: $487,396, “Student Support Services,” U.S. Department of Education. Grant: $272,796, “Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program,” U.S. Department of Education.

Associate Director

Presented: see entry for Dr. Barbara Silver-Thorn, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering.

Dr. Joseph Green Director

Grant: $14,583, “TEAM GEAR UP,” U.S. Department of Education.

Associate Director

Grant: $575,890, “Upward Bound Math and Science,” U.S. Department of Education.

Director of Manresa for Faculty

Published: see entry for Dr. Rebecca Nowacek, Department of English, College of Arts and Sciences.

Presented: see entry for Dr. Jody Jessup-Anger, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, College of Education.

Heidi Vering

Associate Director

Grant: $212,955, “Marquette University Student Support Services Project for Students with Disabilities,” U.S. Department of Education.

Administrative Division DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS Dr. John Dooley

Senior Associate Dean of Student Development

Presented: see entry for Dr. Jody Jessup-Anger, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, College of Education.

Mary Janz

Associate Dean for Residence Life

Published: see entry for Dr. Jody Jessup-Anger, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership, College of Education.

Sara Johnson

Coordinator of Alcohol Programs


Office Assistant

Dr. Gregory Frederick

T Ullrich

Office of the Provost

Rachel Leih

Grant: $5,000, “NCAA CHOICES: CHOICES for Healthy Eagles,” National Collegiate Athletic Association.

HAGGERTY MUSEUM OF ART Lee Coppernoll Associate Director

Grant: $4,880, “The Haggerty at Twenty-Eight,” Wisconsin Arts Board.

John Sweeney

Director of Recreational Sports

Awarded: Hall of Fame, (Milwaukee Kickers Soccer Club), Milwaukee, Sept. 22, 2012. Marquette Compendium is published each semester by the Office of Marketing and Communication. Zilber Hall, 235; Phone: 8.7448; Fax: 8.5936 Editor: Lynn Sheka Graphic design: Nick Schroeder Photography: Tim Evans, Dan Johnson, Ben Smidt, Kathrine Burger, Dan Dry, John Nienhuis Copyright © 2013 Marquette University


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