Marquette Magazine Winter 2013

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The network

Paving the way to Wall Street

9 TO 5





Marquette’s Liturgical Choir and University Chorus collaborate at the Advent of God concert. Photo by Dan Johnson

contents 28




Finance students spend three days navigating around New York and Wall Street.

16 American poet Mary Oliver makes a rare public appearance at Marquette.


28 The network Finance students can’t help but dream of working in the nation’s financial hub. See how a group of finance alumni is paving the way to Wall Street. F E AT U R ES

16 Musings on Mary Oliver

20 Time on the job is well-spent for these young alumni working in careers from space exploration to phylogenetics.

Some Marquette faculty reflect on how a poem inspires something different in everyone.

20 9 to 5 From writing a complete new Tree of Life to landing the Curiosity rover on Mars, some jobs call for a big stretch of imagination. What fun it is to look at work that keeps these young alumni ticking.

Marquette Magazine


on the Web Online extras this issue See a 6-year-old wow the crowd singing the national anthem before Marquette plays Wisconsin, then read Doc Rivers’ memories of mentor and coaching legend Rick Majerus.

Craving more Marquette news? The Marquette Magazine website is updated with fresh content every week. See why the Best in Class award goes to four furry friends who work their tails off helping students forget finals week stress and then get behind the scenes to see the amazing work that goes into creating the university’s Christmas video.


we are marquette 6 being the difference

> Congregation of heroes

8 on campus

> Lockett wants to be close to home

> Heard of service learning?

> Outpouring of love for Rick Majerus

> Dentistry expansion begins

> Marquette’s Freedom Project

12 arts + culture

> Canonization connects to Marquette

> The Hobbit turns 75

> Fiasco at Marquette

6 Mission Week reminds campus that “The World is our Home.”

14 snap:shot

Copy Editing Assistance: Becky Dubin Jenkins Contributing Writers: April Beane, Tim Cigelske, Becky Dubin Jenkins, Chris Jenkins, Sarah Painter Koziol, Lynn C. Sheka, Christopher Stolarski and Jennifer Szink Design: Winge Design Studio Photography: Kat Berger, Maggie Casey, Rob Howard, Dan Johnson and Allan Zepeda Illustrations: Copyrighted © Larissa Tomlin, pgs. 22 – 27; Jing Jing Tsong/, pgs. 1 and 20 Stock photography: Copyrighted © Evgeniy Ivanov/ Getty Images, p. 5


in every issue

> Domination

Editor: Joni Moths Mueller

Winter 2013

Plus, you can comment on stories, sign up for RSS feeds and search for old friends. It’s part of our effort to keep you up on everything Marquette.

Address correspondence to Marquette Magazine, P.O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, Wis., 53201-1881 USA Email: Phone: (414) 288-7448 Publications Agreement No. 1496964 Marquette Magazine (USPS 896-460), for and about alumni and friends of Marquette University, is published quarterly by Marquette University, 1250 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wis., 53223. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, Wis.


Greetings From President Scott R. Pilarz, S.J.


> Jennifer Benka, CJPA ’90 PAGE 32 > Brian Wroblewski, Bus Ad ’98, Grad ’04 PAGE 35 > Marilynn Kelly Gardner, Jour ’88 PAGE 39 > In Memoriam PAGE 40 > Weddings PAGE 42 > Births PAGE 44

Class Notes

46 Letters to the Editor Readers weigh in with their views 48 Tilling the soil Exploring faith together

St. Louis, Boston and Washington, D.C., Marquette easily could have been named Milwaukee University or Tory Hill University.



Based on the pattern set by Jesuit institutions in places such as

Instead, it’s named after one of the greatest explorers and risktakers in Jesuit history, Father Jacques Marquette. I’m certain that is not a coincidence.


Although he could have taken a post teaching Latin amid

the civilized comforts of 17th-century France, Father Marquette set sail for a vast new world, plunged himself into the languages and customs of its native people, and, sometimes even without

Marquette won’t build on its

seeking the permission of his superiors, explored its uncharted

excellence — or succeed in its

reaches by canoe.

Time and again, Marquette University has shown a similar

explorer’s spirit in reaching beyond what is comfortable and familiar to pursue its mission. In 1909, it became the first

mission of preparing students to lead amid the complexity

Catholic university in the world to admit women students

they encounter — unless we

as educational partners. In the late 1960s, it established the

identify what’s around the

Educational Opportunity Program to support first-generation college students. That program became a national model and

next corner, what next great

led to the establishment of the federally funded Council on

step we must take.

Opportunity in Education.

In fact, during its history, when the world called with

needs for new professional fields of study — engineering, business, dentistry, nursing, journalism and physical therapy  — Marquette was often the first American Jesuit university to incorporate these disciplines into its course offerings. In doing so, it grew from a tiny college serving the Milwaukee Archdiocese into a national university pursuing excellence across a very broad range of disciplines.

What are we to learn from this history of crossing new

boundaries? Well, a good starting point is the realization that a drive to explore and innovate must define this university’s present every bit as much as its past. With our world changing faster than at any point in our 132-year history, Marquette won’t build on its excellence — or succeed in its mission of preparing students to lead amid the complexity they encounter  — unless we identify what’s around the next corner, what next great step we must take.

Marquette Magazine


That is why I am so enthusiastic about the response of the

Marquette community to the strategic planning process in which we are engaging this academic year. To develop a plan that helps us set sound university-wide priorities for the next 7–10 years, we are insisting on an open and inclusive process that began with 17 listening sessions across campus and has since been guided by a coordinating committee composed of faculty and staff.

Through these discussions, the community affirmed the

mission of Marquette — the transformative Catholic and Jesuit education that we always have been and always will be about. Moving that mission forward is an awesome responsibility, but in doing so we are doing what those entrusted with Jesuit institutions have always done: “Reading the signs of the times” asking “what is Marquette’s reality right now and how do we respond to that reality?” The phrase “reading the signs of the times” is deeply rooted in Jesuit spirituality. It was Ignatius’ vision for how he would shape the mission of the Society of Jesus and his road map for us: Discern the world’s greatest needs, and determine how best to respond to them, given our talents and resources.

Like Father Marquette before us, we are guided by faith, our imaginations fired by the prospects of the new world that awaits us around the next bend, as long as we are ready to reach for it.

I am pleased to share with you that a clear — and inspiring

— vision for Marquette is emerging through our collective work on this plan. Weighing all that we have heard, we have worked to distill and articulate this vision. We created a video so you can hear directly about its key elements, including the urgent way our community must collaborate and innovate to ensure that our students are ready to assume lives as agents for change and problem-solvers in a world of growing complexity. Please view it at

Expect to hear more about this important planning project,

both here in the pages of Marquette Magazine and via other communication as the university community embarks on next steps, such as the formation of clear goals and the preparation of a draft plan for review by the Board of Trustees in May, followed by a formal release of the plan in the fall. Like Father Marquette before us, we are guided by faith, our imaginations fired by the prospects of the new world that awaits us around the next bend, as long as we are ready to reach for it.

Scott R. Pilarz, S.J. PRESIDENT


Winter 2013


• • • •

being the difference : 6 on campus : 8 arts + culture : 12 snapshot : 14

we are marquette T H I N K H I S T O R Y I S O L D ? Marquette students and faculty respect the past and keep

an eye on the future. In this issue, campus marks the Civil War sesquicentennial and the anniversary of The Hobbit. But stories yet to be told include how campus will honor a congregation of heroes and expand the School of Dentistry. Want to learn more about history being made at Marquette? Read on.

Marquette Magazine


being the difference

The Opus Prize Foundation recognizes men and

women anywhere in the world who use

faith-based innovation to tackle the world’s most persistent social problems. Opus Prize recipients receive $1 million each in support of their work.

Congregation of heroes Opus Prize award recipients come to campus for Mission Week. The pleasures of a university

pause to honor men and women who

the enormity of the occasion, many of

community are numerous as

take tools called muscle and compassion

the men and women who’ve won this

students commit to learning

and raw courage and build something

recognition since the Opus Prize was

incredible and unfathomable.

established a decade ago will be meet-

ing one another for the first time —

and questioning, growing and re-emerging in better ways. The

Marquette is preparing for a week in

conversation is constant, laughter

which the unfathomable will be our

here at Marquette. This congregation

frequent and arguments typical.

visitor. It will arrive from the far corners

almost eludes imagining. It will be part

of the world in the person of Opus Prize

of Marquette’s annual Mission Week in

be immersed in an environment that

recipients whose daily labors are mon-

February, which is themed “The World

isn’t about making time for learning

uments, whose work done in ghettos,

is our Home.”

but about being the place and the time

on the streets and in human hearts

for learning is as acknowledged as

successfully transforms the lives of

into classrooms. They will bring their

the air breathed in and out.

the world’s most needy people.

messages of hope, faith and triumph

over human tragedy to students and

And the sense of privilege felt to

Into this blessed setting come

moments of absolute hush when we

The university is ready for this

invasion and celebration. To add to

Our guests will fan out across campus

alumni. m JMM


See the Mission Week schedule and biographies of the Opus Prize recipients at missionweek. Follow our blog during Mission Week at marquette. edu/magazine. Lyn Lusi


Winter 2013

Sister Beatrice Chipeta, RS

Rev. John Halligan, S.J.

Aïcha Ech Channa

being the difference

Meet 10 Opus recipients who have changed the world. 2012



Rev. Richard Frechette, C.P.

Rev. John Halligan, S.J.

The late Dr. Zilda Arns Neumann

The American priest and doctor began

Father Halligan has worked to develop

Represented by Dr. Nelson Neumann

the work of the St. Luke Foundation

a comprehensive approach to lifting

for Haiti in collaboration with a group

families out of poverty in Quito, Ecuador.

She created Pastoral da Criança

of inspired young Haitian leaders who envisioned a different path forward for their country.

2011 The late Lyn Lusi

in Brazil in 1983 as a network of volunteers and community leaders


dedicated to providing food, health

Aïcha Ech Channa

care and education to mothers

She is founder and president of the

and children in Brazil and Latin

Association Solidarité Féminine in


Casablanca, Morocco, which promotes


Represented by Dr. Jo Lusi

the rights of mothers and children in

and Nadine Lusi

a culture that historically has margin-

Rev. Trevor Miranda, S.J.

Lusi and her husband, Dr. Jo Lusi,

alized and stigmatized single mothers.

He founded and runs a system of

started the HEAL Africa Hospital to address the physical, social and spiritual needs of its patients in Congo.

2010 Sister Beatrice Chipeta, RS Represented by Peter Daino The Roman Catholic nun and retired schoolteacher founded the Lusubilo Orphan Care Project in the Karonga district of Malawi. It serves thousands of children who have been orphaned in the area’s rural villages.

450 informal schools known as the


Reach Education Action Programme

Marguerite “Maggy” Barankitse

located along one of India’s most

She founded a multifunctional

populous and poverty-stricken

service agency focused on bettering

transportation corridors.

the lives of Burundians as they


emerge from more than two decades of civil war between the Tutsis

Monsignor Richard Albert

and Hutus.

Since 1976, he has been helping Jamaicans achieve self-reliance,


education, empowerment and

Brother Stan Goetschalckx, F.C.

liberation through the establishment

He is founder and director of the

of charities and institutions that

AHADI International Institute in

provide the poor with services and

Tanzania that educates refugees from

skills to transform their lives.

the war-torn countries of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi.

Marguerite “Maggy” Barankitse

Brother Stan Goetschalckx, F.C.

Dr. Zilda Arns Neumann

Rev. Trevor Miranda, S.J.

Monsignor Richard Albert

Marquette Magazine


on campus

He wants to be close to home Trent Lockett couldn’t be thousands of miles away while his mother battled cancer for the second time. By transferring to Marquette, he

transfer, hoping to find a college

could continue playing basketball,

closer to home.

take the next step in his studies and

live only a few hours away from his

his undergraduate degree at ASU

family’s home near Minneapolis.

— he went to summer school and

It was the right thing to do.

took 21 credits per semester as

“My dad died when I was 3,” says

a junior — he was eligible to play

And because Lockett earned

the Golden Eagles guard. “She had

right away instead of sitting out

a newborn baby, and I was 3 years

a season under NCAA rules.

old when she lost the love of her

Lockett chose Marquette, citing

life. So she’s been through ... I can’t

his comfort with the personality

even imagine.”

of men’s basketball Head Coach

Buzz Williams and also with his

Near the end of his junior year

at Arizona State University, Lockett

new teammates’ effort-driven

learned his mom, Judy, had lym-

approach to the game.

phoma. She survived a bout with

breast cancer when Lockett was

they win more games than not

in high school. He decided to

because they’re going to outwork

“They have good players, but

you,” Lockett says. “And I think I’m living that.”

Lockett’s mother retired after

receiving her diagnosis and now catches as many of her kids’ games as possible. Lockett’s younger sister, Taylor, plays volleyball for Duquesne University.

“She was like, ‘I’m planning to

live until I’m 100, and realistically, that’s probably not going to happen. So I’m going to enjoy my time while my kids are in college and go see their games,’” Lockett says of his mom.

Lockett, meanwhile, is taking

classes toward a master’s degree in sports leadership in the College of Professional Studies.

“I’m very thankful for my

decision unfolding the way it did, and I’m very happy with where I’m at,” he says. m CJ Trent Lockett dishing off a pass for the Golden Eagles.


Winter 2013

Heard of Service Learning? Marquette’s program is recognized far and wide. Marquette’s academic Service Learning Program is well-known to alumni dating back to the program’s founding in 1994, and 63 percent of today’s undergraduates participate in service learning. It turns out that the university’s Service Learning Program is recognized —  and admired — far beyond campus boundaries, too. The National Society for Experiential Learning, which provides resources and guidance to institutions for developing successful programs, named Marquette’s program the 2012 Experiential Education Program of the Year. The American Association of Colleges and Universities also called SLP an excellent exemplar of service learning. The breadth of academic service learning at Marquette is tremendous and takes all forms. Faculty appreciate the high-impact learning experience and incorporate a service-learning component in courses that connect students with more than 130 community agencies. Each semester, approximately 1,200 students take these courses that weave service with academics. But it’s not a one-way street. The community groups also benefit from the students’ assistance and fresh energy. The best evidence of SLP’s impact comes from students. Data collected by Marquette’s Center for Teaching and Learning indicates students feel an increased commitment to social justice after their service-learning experiences. m JMM

on campus


 R.I.P. Rick Majerus, one of the most

giving men ever. Stay at my house. Come to dinner. What can I do for you? He always did love assists.  The game has lost one of the great

innovators whose mark will never be forgotten.

Coaches Al McGuire, Hank Raymonds and Rick Majerus

 McGuire told Majerus he was the

worst player he had ever seen. Then he got Majerus his 1st coaching job.

Outpouring of love for Rick Majerus Marquette lost a piece of its history when former men’s basketball Coach Rick Majerus died in December. Majerus was a member of the university’s coaching magi alongside Al McGuire and Hank Raymonds, serving as an assistant coach from 1971–83, including the 1977 NCAA championship season. Later, he was head coach of the men’s team for three seasons before serving as an assistant coach for the Milwaukee Bucks and coach at Ball State, Utah and St. Louis universities. Though often far from his Milwaukee home, he was never far from the hearts of alumni. The university posted a memorial on Twitter and the response from alumni and friends was immediate and full of love. Fittingly, a memorial service was held at Church of the Gesu, across the street from the Al McGuire Center. m JMM

 Rick Majerus: A Jesuit-trained

intellectual disguised as a successful, jovial hoops coach.  If you love Marquette hoops, you

loved Coach Rick Majerus. He lived a great hoops life and loved his players.  Rick Majerus was one of the first

impressions of Marquette (besides Al) that I had growing up on the East Coast.  A great friend and the godfather

of our daughter, Gracie. I will miss our midnight runs to Crown Burger.  I’ve known Rick Majerus my entire

life; worked for him in college. Gone way too soon. Lived an outsized life in every way. R.I.P.  Always entertaining to watch Rick

Majerus explode after a bad call and watch as his assistants struggled to restrain him.

Dentistry expansion begins The Marquette University School of Dentistry broke ground for a 40,000square-foot expansion. The new space will include a clinic housing 24 operatories, a larger faculty practice clinic, additional classroom space and a research lab. The addition will enable the school to increase its graduating class size from 80 to 100 students per year.

The school plans to raise an additional $500,000 before next fall for

equipment and operating costs. m JMM Learn more at

Marquette Magazine


on campus Marquette University’s Freedom Project A year-long commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War is exploring the many meanings of emancipation and freedom in the United States and beyond.


Upcoming Freedom Project campus events include public lectures, art exhibitions, theatrical performances and readings about the many ways people struggle for freedom.

A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen


“Can I Sing for You Brother?” by Stephen Scott Wormley, Comm ’10 As his senior capstone, Wormley performed this one-man musical chronicling the story of an African-American through Negro Spirituals. He returns to perform the musical for Marquette audiences.


Winter 2013

J A N U A R Y 2 8 T H R O U G H M AY 1 1

The School Choice Movement Exhibition Should parents be given public funds to send their children to private or parochial schools? This exhibit at Raynor Memorial Libraries depicts the politically charged modern School Choice movement, with particular attention paid to Milwaukee, a key battleground in the School Choice struggle.

In Ibsen’s controversial classic, Nora Helmer, a doting banker’s wife centers her life around the needs of her husband and three children. Her illusions of a perfect life are shattered when she goes against societal norms to escape from her marital confines.

on campus

The Civil War assignment In 1864, 15-year-old Thomas Robinson Welburn enlisted in one of the first African-American infantry regiments in the Union Army. He served as a substitute soldier and musician in Company H of the Indiana Infantry’s 28th regiment U.S. Colored Troops, filling in for soldiers lost in the famous Battle of the Crater at the Siege of Petersburg, Va. Welburn was the great-grandfather of Dr. William Welburn, Marquette associate provost for diversity and inclusion. “We heard about this as children but had to grow up to appreciate that, just one year after President (Abraham) Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, Thomas and his male siblings joined African-Americans across the country by fighting for the cause of freedom, the freedom we cherish today,” William Welburn says. That fight for freedom is being commemorated now across the country on the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. The Freedom Project at Marquette offers

Thomas Robinson Welburn, left. A contemporary work by artist Kara Walker, above, was exhibited at the Haggerty Museum of Art.

opportunities to learn about this history that range from exhibits at the Haggerty Museum of Art to lectures by nationally known speakers exploring topics of race, gender, justice and freedom in all its forms. Dr. James Marten, professor and chair of the Department of History and coordinator of the Freedom Project, asked students in his class on the Civil War era to write essays about a “type of freedom that resonates today and would have resonated with Civil Warera Americans.” Most students wrote about the freedoms of speech and the press. A few tackled women’s rights — writing about

a freedom challenged during the war that is enjoyed in modern America. One student correlated Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus to the Patriot Act. Still another wrote about the freedom of assembly and the Occupy movements that swept this country after the 2011 Arab Spring. “Studying the past is less about learning from it and more about discovering those things that connect us to it,” says Marten. “It’s not a model for behavior —  the Civil War era to our era — but by understanding those connections, we gain a deeper understanding of our own experiences.” m AB

Read more about the Freedom Project and see a complete schedule of events at We highlighted a few below. ▼


Challenging freedom: The FBI, U.S. intelligence services, and individual freedoms in modern America A timely discussion featuring historians Dr. Athan Theoharis, Marquette emeritus professor; Dr. Ken O’Reilly, Grad ’81, emeritus professor at the University of Alaska Anchorage now teaching at MATC; Dr. Robert Donnelly, Grad ’04, associate professor at Gonzaga University; and Dr. Aaron Stockham, Grad ’04, teacher at Waterford School in Salt Lake City, Utah.



Urinetown: The Musical

Casper Lecture | Dr. Rebecca J. Scott

Based on the book by Greg Kotis, this comedy satirizes the legal system, capitalism, social irresponsibility, populism, bureaucracy, corporate mismanagement and municipal politics. Music by Mark Hollmann; lyrics by Kotis and Hollmann.

“She had always enjoyed her freedom: Re-enslavement and the law in the era of the Haitian revolution” Scott is the Charles Gibson Distinguished University Professor of History and Professor of Law at the University of Michigan and author of Slave Emancipation in Cuba: The Transition to Free Labor, 1860-1899; Degrees of Freedom: Louisiana and Cuba after Slavery; and Freedom Papers: An Atlantic Odyssey in the Age of Emancipation.

Marquette Magazine


arts + culture

The Hobbit turns 75 The university throws an anniversary party for J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy.

Elders Joe and Juana Pecos lead the procession to enshrine Blessed Kateri, Jemez Pueblo, New Mexico, 1989.

Canonization connects to Marquette the 21st, but the two will be forever connected. When Jake was 5, he was infected by a flesh-eating bacteria that spread to his face. The family’s pastor suggested praying to Tekakwitha, who had smallpox as a child and was left with a horribly scarred face. Jake’s infection quickly cleared, and the Vatican declared it a miracle.

“Saint Kateri’s canonization

puts an ‘Indian face’ on the Catholic Church. People are able to see themselves reflected in the church itself, and Marquette is proud to provide collections In October, Pope Benedict XVI

celebrating this holy woman,”

canonized Kateri Tekakwitha,

says Thiel, who conducted the

the first Native American to

interviews in 1993 and has been

receive the designation of saint.

archivist of the collection for

Crucial to her canonization was

25 years. m BDJ

the extensive Native Catholics Collection held in Raynor Memo-


rial Libraries, which includes

In conjunction with the canon-

more than 50 interviews with

ization, photos from the univer-

Native Catholics devoted to her,

sity’s archives were featured in

notes archivist Mark Thiel.

a special exhibit at the Vatican

Museum and Rome’s John Cabot

Also crucial was Tekakwitha’s

performance of a miracle, which

University. View the photos at

came in 2006. and

search “Tekakwitha.”

Tekakwitha was born in the

17th century and Jake Finkbonner


Winter 2013

William B. Ready knew a good thing when he saw it. Ready, Marquette’s director of libraries from 1956–63, discovered J.R.R. Tolkien’s master work, The Lord of the Rings, soon after it was published and worked to acquire the author’s literary manuscripts to add to the university’s newly constructed Memorial Library. One year after Ready initiated contact with Tolkien, for a fee of less than $5,000 the J.R.R. Tolkien Collection at Marquette was born. This academic year, the university is celebrating the 75th anniversary of the publication of The Hobbit, Tolkien’s first fantasy, with events and lectures and a class taught by Dr. Tim Machan, professor of English. On Feb. 21, the libraries will host the third event in its anniversary offerings: “A roundtable discussion on Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit.” These Tolkien scholars will discuss the recently released film version of the book: Dr. Robin Reid from Texas A&M University; Dr. Yvette Kisor from Ramapo College of New Jersey; Dr. Edward L. Risden from St. Norbert College in DePere, Wis.; and Richard C. West from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. “The university is extremely blessed to own such a remarkable collection,” says archivist and interim curator Bill Fliss. “It has attracted researchers from all over the world.” m BDJ

arts + culture

Coming to campus made sense for Fiasco because

their work on Adams’ role in the abolitionist movement dovetailed with Marquette’s campuswide commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War in the year-long celebration titled the Freedom Project. Austrian and Hudson-Mairet credit Ted Rogers, Grad ’68, for financial support that made the residency at Marquette possible.

“It was really magical that this all happened,”

Hudson-Mairet says.

The residency program hit its crescendo on

stage at the Helfaer Theatre. Fiasco’s interpretation featured six actors playing multiple roles. A large wooden trunk took the place of fancy set designs. The only thing missing was Grotelueschen, who

Fiasco at Marquette

was unable to fully participate in the residency because of an acting conflict. He was performing in a Broadway production of Cyrano de Bergerac. He did come back, however, for a day to host a workshop for students.

While visiting, the theatre troupe found time to

absorb some local flavor. “Milwaukee’s a fun town,” Austrian says. “Good beer, good brats.” m CJ

The Fiasco Theater’s off-Broadway production

of Cymbeline earned a glowing review from The New York Times — so it was bound to be a hit off Wisconsin Avenue, too. The New York-based troupe performed William Shakespeare’s play as part of its fall residency program on campus. Plenty more went on behind the scenes.

Fiasco actors held workshops for Marquette theatre

students and even enlisted a few of them to help work on another project, a play based on the role John Quincy Adams played in the movement to abolish slavery.

“The classes that I was able to visit personally were really

fun, really engaging,” says Fiasco Co-artistic Director Jessie Austrian of the time spent on campus. “It seems like a very passionate student body, and the Theatre Department has a really wonderful energy that was lovely to be a part of.”

The idea of bringing Fiasco to Marquette was hatched after

College of Communication Dean Lori Bergen and Stephen Hudson-Mairet, assistant professor/chair of performing arts, went to New York to see Fiasco cast member and alumnus Andy Grotelueschen, Comm ’02, perform in Cymbeline.

Fiasco’s interpretation of Cymbeline featured six actors playing multiple roles. A large wooden trunk took the place of moreelaborate set designs.

Marquette Magazine



Winter 2013

Domination. The climax of Beat Bucky Week

was this golden moment: Marquette 60, Wisconsin 50.

Photo by Maggie Casey


Marquette Magazine



Musings on Mary Oliver


Winter 2013

Mary Oliver, winner of the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize, receives an honorary doctor of letters degree from Marquette.

Marquette Magazine



When I Am Among the Tr

es, When I am among the tre the honey locust, especially the willows and and the pines, equally the beech, the oaks gladness. they give off such hints of ey save me, and daily. I would almost say that th hope of myself, I am so distant from the and discernment, in which I have goodness, the world and never hurry through w often. but walk slowly, and bo in their leaves Around me the trees stir and call out, “Stay awhile.” branches. The light flows from their simple,” they say, And they call again, “It’s “and you too have come to go easy, to be filled into the world to do this, with light, and to shine.”

Poet Mary Oliver read to us of wild geese, of sudden and unexpected joy, of the shore in the morning and of speckled eggs. She charmed us with visions of catbirds in flight and the red-throated loon. She spoke of the poets “who feed my soul” and of deciding at age 13 that she “wanted to be a poet, along with an archeologist and ornithologist.” Marquette president and poetry fan Rev. Scott R. Pilarz, S.J., welcomed Oliver to the special ceremony at which a throng gathered to see her awarded a Marquette degree and celebrate her contribution to American literature. “Mary Oliver’s poetry has added significantly to our understanding of the human condition and the experience of life,” Father Pilarz said. “It puts us in touch with deep emotions and insights — making us feel more alive. Her poetry invites us to reflect and see our lives in new ways. She has excelled; she has mastered; she has taken the gifts God provided and brought them to fruition, a completeness much too rare in this imperfect world.” After the ceremony, Oliver read selections from her books and answered questions about her life and art. In this special tribute, Marquette Magazine presents “When I Am Among the Trees,” with faculty reflecting on one stanza and how Oliver’s words help them see life in new ways. How do her words move you? Scribble your thoughts. That’s how poetry begins.

Marquette faculty muse on how 18

Winter 2013

THE 1ST STANZA Dr. Lawrence Watson Visiting professor of English “The speaker of these lines is no mere nature lover who waxes rhapsodic in the presence of trees and sunlight. She might well love trees, but hers is an informed love. She knows trees and knows that, like humans, they have different qualities and characteristics — locusts are unlike pines, pines are unlike willows, willows are unlike oaks. . . . All however repay our attention. But the human specialties of knowledge and feeling are not enough  — almost — to save her daily. Something else must be necessary. Something outside us. Something like grace.”

Dr. Heather Hathaway Associate professor of English, director of graduate studies in English and

messages, checking cell phones, making appointments and generally allowing others to consume our daily hours. We easily forget how fast life goes and how fragile it is, but one serious accident involving someone close to us reminds us of that reality in a minute. Many daily distractions take us far away from whom we really are, from that core of goodness and spirituality we sense but find elusive. Mary Oliver invites us to linger awhile and recover those feelings of hope and joy we carry with us always.”

Dr. John Pustejovsky Associate professor of German “It’s the heart, not the ear, that walks by the light of a day’s recognitions. How far away, I think, is the place, the moment, when I’ll be ready to say, ‘Now — take my measure.’ It’s the heart, not the ear, that hears you say: ‘Don’t move. Don’t say a word. Let me look at you as you are. Blessedly incomplete.’”

of Africana studies “Both Mary Oliver’s poetry and the natural world — whether I am in the woods, in a canoe on a lake or a river or on the shore of a salty ocean — have truly ‘saved’ me over and over again. I cannot help but feel ‘hints of gladness’ and gratitude, no matter how dire surrounding circumstances may seem, in the presence of either one — the poems or the trees. Enjoying the two together is my definition of transcendence.”

THE 2ND STANZA Dr. Anne M. Pasero Chair and professor of Spanish “The poet refers to that sensation all of us have every day, that we spend too much valuable time rushing around answering

Dr. Angela Sorby Associate professor of English “Ralph Waldo Emerson thought that the natural world was essentially a spiritual text that could be ‘read’ by careful observers. In this stanza, Mary Oliver extends the Emersonian tradition, but she’s more respectful of the distance between people and nature; the trees emit light from their branches, and the light speaks to us, but their exact message remains mysterious. Or maybe the message is the mystery: We can learn from nature, but only if we don’t try to translate its branching, non-linear light into strictly human terms.”

THE 4TH STANZA Heather James Research and instructional librarian “In the final stanza, the trees again call to the poet with brief but loaded words. Mary Oliver invokes a chorus of nature


that is almost audible as the leaves stir-

Dr. Kris Ratcliffe

ple? The purpose: ‘to go easy’ — walking

ring give voice to the trees. What is sim-

Chair and professor of English

with awareness and soft steps through

“Mary Oliver’s persona claims that the trees save her. But to be saved, she must open herself to the world. Her observation that ‘the trees stir in their leaves’ models how to look deeper, beyond the usual, to imagine not leaves stirring in trees but trees stirring in leaves. The tree’s invitation to ‘Stay awhile’ encourages her to pause and reflect on the bark that she sees, on the pulp she does not, on the roots and soil that nourish the tree, all of which give life to the leaves. Her image, ‘The light flows from their branches,’ captures a moment of being when she recognizes the life force, the spirit, that animates us all.

as we hope they will be on us; ‘to be filled

the world, easy on others and the world with light, and to shine’ — to allow the grace, light, warmth, connection that is available all around to touch us, flow through us, then shine out from us to the next. Just as the sunshine through the tree branches may cut and sparkle or warm with a softened glow, there is room to find her own way to pass on the light.” ❍ Compiled by Joni Moths Mueller Watch to a video of students reading another Mary Oliver poem at marquette. edu/inauguration.

Mary Oliver’s words help them see life in new ways. Marquette Magazine


For some, a job may mean little more than punching a clock and waiting for the weekend to roll around.

to 9 5 But for these young Marquette alumni, it produces a new Tree of Life,

the world’s tallest skyscrapers, a veteran’s memories of war and more.


Winter 2013

Monica West Stefanie Ebbens Kingsley Brian Castner Matt McDowell Molly McKenna Jandrain Tiffani Williams Caitlin Andrews Katie Weiss John Peronto

Marquette Magazine



This summer, the Chicago Sun Times called Monica West, Comm ’01, “a delicate, redheaded beauty who is a remarkably subtle and expressive actress.”


That description didn’t surprise Deb Krajec, artistic associate professor of theatre arts, who first encountered West as a Marquette freshman 15 years ago. “She looks like the perfect sweet, young, leading-lady type,” Krajec says. But there’s much more to West than meets the eye. “She has a beautiful soprano voice and she’s an amazing dancer. She’s also hysterically funny,” Krajec says. “Everything she did when she arrived on campus ... we were blown away.” That versatility has sustained West’s career from her portrayal of the lead role of Baby in the Toronto-based production of

Standing beside poor people while they navigate the complex legal system isn’t going to make Stefanie Ebbens Kingsley, Law ’05, rich and famous. That doesn’t stop her from loving it. Ebbens Kingsley is the directing attorney in the Columbia, Ky., office of the Appalachian Research and Defense Fund. She provides free legal services to residents in the eastern portion of the state — one of the poorest areas in the nation. “We are there to ensure that the little people don’t get trampled on,” she says. “We are there to ensure that the scales of justice aren’t tilted toward the ones with the bigger and deeper pockets. It’s definitely a rewarding job when it comes down to standing up for the little guy.” She works in a five-person office — with just one other lawyer — to cover a seven-


Winter 2013

county area, typically handling about 100 cases at once. Much as a public defender’s office handles criminal cases for those who don’t have the means to hire their own lawyers, Kingsley’s office performs a similar function in civil cases that include child custody, divorce, foreclosure, eviction and debt collection. Yes, the work can be emotionally taxing. “It’s never an easy thing to watch a parent’s rights get terminated,” she says. Success stories are rare, but they do occur; recently, Ebbens Kingsley helped people restructure mortgages and stay in their homes.

Dirty Dancing to acclaimed dramatic actress in Looking Glass Theater’s Eastland to now starting a new singing comedy duo, MVPleez. It hasn’t always been easy for West, who moved to New York shortly before the 2001 terrorist attacks. It was two years before she landed her first job and union card. But all along, she felt prepared through the theatre program and mentorship from Krajec and Professor Phylis Ravel. “Professor Ravel made no bones about the fact that this is a very difficult career,” West says, remembering her mentor who recently passed away. “However, she always made me feel like I was a performer that

She is inspired by her predecessors in legal aid and sees the work as a vital counterweight to a system that too often is ruled by money. She didn’t particularly enjoy law school and credits one of her professors, Rev. Greg O’Meara, S.J., with keeping her on target. “I would go to his office, have absolute mental breakdowns — ‘Good God, what am I doing here?’ — and he really did a good job of picking up the pieces and continuing to encourage me to be better and do more,” she says. Ebbens Kingsley eventually found her purpose in the Law School’s Public Interest Law Society, along with some serviceoriented internships that steered her toward that aspect of the legal profession. By Chris Jenkins


could knock people’s socks off, and that’s the kind of confidence you need to succeed.” Ravel was transforming Marquette’s theatre program to a performance-based curriculum when West came to campus, and the hands-on training of the next four years changed West’s approach to acting. West remembers Ravel’s teachable moments —  insights that she uses to this day. In one meeting, Ravel pulled a pencil from her hair, used it to stir her coffee, then explained how what she was doing could define a character for the audience. Today, West uses similar quirks and gestures when portraying Alison Parker, a professor on MTV’s comedy Underemployed. “It seems random,” West says. “But it gives you some context for the character without having to be really obvious.”


By Tim Cigelske

Brian Castner, Eng ’99, appeared unscathed after two tours in Iraq. All his wounds were on the inside.

ste f a n i e

As the leader of an Air Force bomb squad, Castner was surrounded by the horror and tension of war. His subsequent struggle to resume everyday life eventually unleashed a frantic state of mind he calls “the Crazy.” Castner’s recently published book, The Long Walk: A Story of War and the Life That Follows, is his attempt to relay those experiences exactly as he felt them. “I don’t hold your hand for a lot of it,” he says. In the opening pages, Castner gives a raw description of the carnage caused by a car bomb. “That’s maybe a little shocking — and I have trouble almost seeing that it’s shocking,” Castner says. “It’s like, ‘Well, duh. What do you think happens?’” Castner graduated from Marquette’s ROTC program, became an Air Force engineer and passed a rigorous training program to join the bomb squad. After several close calls in Iraq, he made it home, only to develop an unshakeable sense of panic that nearly wrecked his family. Through a combination of therapy, running, yoga and writing — he calls telling his story a “biological need” — Castner eventually learned to manage his trauma. Today, he and his wife, Jessica (Spencer) Castner, Nurs ’99, live in Buffalo, N.Y., with their four sons. Castner works as a consultant and is writing another book but still recently found time to audit an Irish literature course at Canisius College —  a sign, he says, of how much he misses the Jesuit approach to education. Castner’s favorite professor at Marquette, Dr. James Richie, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, occasionally deviated from engineering to tell stories in class. Richie sometimes cited a book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior. “He found a copy that was being given away and brought it to me,” Richie says of Castner. “I still have that copy and think of him when I see it on my shelf.”


By Chris Jenkins

Marquette Magazine




There may be no such thing as certainty in the financial world these days. But given a complex set of data to study, Matt McDowell, Grad ’12, is confident he can determine a strategy for success.

By Chris Jenkins


Winter 2013

Williams is working with 10 scientists on a National Science Foundation-funded project to give science a Tree of Life comprising the world’s known 2 million species. Finally, the idea Darwin nurtured will be fully grown  — and fully known. To explain the project, Williams, an associate professor of computer science and engineering at Texas A&M University, uses the analogy of a family tree. “Instead of humans only, the Tree of Life is a family tree of all the world’s species,” she says. It will include flora and fauna, mammals and amphibians, bacteria and fungi, every living thing.

o l l y

“Strategic planning is the most enjoyable for me,” McDowell says. “It’s something that there’s not an answer to — you can’t look it up in a book. Just a chance to be creative, which is great.” McDowell is chief financial officer for Northwestern Mutual’s Washington, D.C.-area offices. Recently, he began studying the company’s infrastructure, working toward a long-term plan to support the company’s growth. “I spend quite a bit of time with my friend, Excel,” he jokes. McDowell started out in the firm’s Kansas City office. He briefly left to work in corporate finance, only to return a few months later when he was offered a position at the firm’s Milwaukee headquarters. That’s where McDowell found Marquette, earning his M.B.A. in the part-time program. He bonded with classmates, especially during long Saturday sessions. Now he says he’s more ambitious than ever — and, possibly, a little more mature, too. “If you would have told me seven years ago that I’d be a CFO, I’d be like, ‘Get out of town! That’s going to be awesome,’” McDowell says. “But that was for very selfish reasons, because I just personally wanted to get a better job. But now, the ambitions are around, ‘OK, I’m at a firm and we’ve got a large opportunity here in this marketplace, one of the most interesting marketplaces in the world.’” To students pursuing a similar career path, McDowell recommends knowing what you’re good at and making the most of any chance to showcase your skills. “I know I’m not going to get up and give the most dynamic speech or woo people with this great personality,” McDowell says. “For me, it was I could translate abstract concepts and break them down into something that’s more easily understood.”

If Charles Darwin were alive, he would want to meet Dr. Tiffani Williams, Arts ’94.


Constructing a comprehensive Tree of Life is one of the largest computational challenges yet undertaken. But Williams, who discovered a love for computing on her Commodore 64 in eighth grade, is an expert at high-performance, or parallel, computing. She writes algorithms that enable computers working together to solve different aspects of complicated problems. “Anything I’m into is rooted in computational challenges,” she says. The idea of applying high-performance computing to phylogenetics also touches Williams, who earned a doctorate in computer science at the University of South Florida, on another level. “The Tree of Life has a spiritual layer of meaning that’s interesting to me. It says all of life is related. I find that a powerful concept,” she says.

The research team is pulling millions of known trees of life into a central repository for analysis. Williams and others will look for connections and layers where the trees overlap and then design algorithms to assemble the puzzle into an overarching open Tree of Life that can continually grow to keep pace with new knowledge. “The goal of our group is to show it can be done,” Williams says, “and then it’s up to the community of scientists and hobbyists to go and refine it. Our tree will be the seed to show people it’s possible.” By Joni Moths Mueller



For Molly McKenna Jandrain, Comm ’01, the words “I’m lovin’ it” are a brand campaign she helped launch in Germany in 2003 and how she describes her professional life. She’s a member of a McFamily, has been called a Golden Goddess and jokes that colleagues say ketchup runs through their veins. OK, enough hints, Jandrain is director of public relations for McDonald’s USA. Has anyone born in the United States since 1955 not fallen under the spell of Chicken McNuggets or Shamrock Shakes? “It’s an exciting and busy brand to work for,” Jandrain agrees. “I love working with a large consumer brand you can touch and feel.” She means really large. In the United States alone, 25 million people eat or drink at McDonald’s every day. Jandrain, who was born the year the Happy Meal was introduced, joined the

corporation in 2001 as a public relations intern. She became a global communications supervisor in 2002, spent several years supporting public relations initiatives around the world and assumed her current post in 2012. She has helped drive branding campaigns, represented McDonald’s global sponsorship at five Olympic Games and managed communication around new product lines such as McCafé specialty coffees. She’s also a founding member of the McDonald’s Twitter team and reserves one day a week for tweeting news and talking online with “mommy bloggers.” Making sure McDonald’s restaurants in 119 countries offer customers the best

experience requires planning. Menus are localized. In India, that means burgers made of lamb. In China, Happy Meals come with corn instead of apples. In Sweden, restaurants offer drive-thru windows for snowmobilers. When McDonald’s offers a new item — well, it’s only new to customers. The item has been tested for up to three years. “We’re always evolving,” Jandrain says. “It’s part of our journey. We take the approach that we won’t change overnight but we need to be there for our customers and be what they want from us.” By Joni Moths Mueller

Marquette Magazine



Before coming to Marquette, Caitlin Andrews, Comm ’09, hadn’t even visited Washington, D.C. Now she’s on K Street, working blocks from the White House and immersed in the twists and turns that comprise the legislative process.


Andrews is a communication and research specialist for the policy resolution group at Bracewell & Giuliani LLP, where she tracks legislation and crafts strategic messages for clients. She and a co-worker recently kept tabs on one provision in a bill to help a client understand what might happen next. “I looked at him and said, ‘You know, this is a lot more complicated than they teach you in Intro to Government,’” Andrews says, referring to Marquette course work. Clearly, she’s getting the hang of it. She made PR News’ “15 to watch” list in 2011 and is on track to earn a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University.

Not bad, considering it wasn’t so long ago that she arrived on campus a freshman from Houston who didn’t even own a winter coat. Andrews soon felt at home in Milwaukee and then found her purpose in D.C. the summer after junior year, through her experiences at the Les Aspin Center for Government. “To be working in a federal government office building and walking around near the monuments, it was just fascinating,” she says. “It was exciting, and I couldn’t wait to move back as soon as I graduated.” Chris Murray, a visiting instructor at

Inspiration comes in many forms. For Katie Weiss, Eng ’01, it was seeing the movie Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Kahn as a kid. Suddenly Weiss knew what she was meant to do. “It changed my world,” she says. “I wanted to be on board that ship exploring the universe. I wanted to be in that reality. And I spent my entire life from that point on working to make that happen.” Fast forward to August 2012 when Weiss was part of a team of NASA scientists hollering, hugging and crying with joy as the unmanned Curiosity rover landed successfully on Mars. “This was our baby,” Weiss says. “We put everything into that rover, working tirelessly together for years. A little part of each of us is on Mars right now.” Weiss, a senior flight software engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, worked on the project’s avionics management and fault protection programs. The project was ambitious. A writer for the London daily The


Winter 2013

Telegraph compared landing the rover on its intended spot on Mars to a golfer hitting a hole-in-one in Scotland — swinging from Los Angeles. “You can’t help but think, ‘I know in principle this is supposed to work, and we’ve tested the heck out of it and we’ve seen it work,’” Weiss says. “‘But is this really going to work all the way on Mars?’” After tense moments, the successful touchdown was an emotional release for team members. “Everyone was yelling, ‘It worked! We did it! We actually did it!’” Weiss says. “It was one of the most amazing and fulfilling moments of my life.” For Weiss, it was her latest step forward in a field in which men still largely outnumber women. At Marquette, she was

the only female student in her computer engineering class. At NASA, she was the only female flight software developer on a 35-person team. Weiss advises Marquette students to pursue well-rounded life experiences instead of fixating on grades. She follows her own advice by teaching fitness classes at a gym near her home in California. But hard work, she says, was the only way she made it to Mars. “It has not been an easy road,” Weiss says. “You have to be strong and have a lot of determination. But if you have the resolve to hold on to your dream, you can achieve it. No doubt.” By Chris Jenkins

the center, says Andrews’ experience is common for students in the program. “Often times, they do have a kind of dramatic transformation,” he says. “They decide this is where they want to be.” While a student at Marquette, Andrews was an organizer for the Obama campaign and had internships with U.S. Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin and then-Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle, both Democrats. Working at Bracewell & Giuliani — yes, that is former New York mayor and one-time Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani on the marquee — has taught her the value of bipartisanship. “I’ve learned a lot working in this firm about the way that Washington really works,” Andrews says. “If you want to accomplish anything for your client, it is very important to work in a bipartisan fashion.” By Chris Jenkins

katie 8


john The tallest or largest or greenest or boldest — these are the purview of Chicago-based engineering firm Thornton Tomasetti. “We definitely do the more flashy architectural jobs,” says John Peronto, an associate at TT. He would know. Peronto is a structural engineer whose portfolio of projects features some pretty flashy entries, including the 150-story Chicago Spire; one of the world’s largest airplane hangars, in Memphis, Tenn.; the Federation of Korean Industries headquarters in Seoul; and Meraas Tower in Dubai. Since 2009, Peronto’s focus has been a project that will tower over those architectural achievements. He is a member of the team designing the world’s tallest building, Kingdom Tower, to be built in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. When finished, it will stand more than a kilometer tall and send the definition of skyscraper into a new stratosphere. “It’s a huge undertaking,” he says, “the most challenging of my career.” Peronto came to Marquette to study electrical engineering. Then he took a course on statics, which is engineering for construction to withstand gravity, aerodynamics and seismic forces, taught by Dr. Christopher Foley, professor and chair of civil, construction and environmental engineering. He also worked in the construction field prior to his time at Marquette. “My background and classes with Dr. Foley carried my interests into structural and mechanical engineering,” he says. Peronto went on to earn five degrees in five years, including a M.Eng in civil engineering at Cornell while working with Weidlinger Associates in New York. He’s been with Thornton Tomasetti for eight years. “I am privileged to work with some of the brightest engineers and architects, people who are at the top of their game,” he says. Peronto brings his knowledge back to campus, teaching engineering students at Marquette and Cornell. “It’s refreshing to see students who are so motivated and passionate about engineering,” he says. By Joni Moths Mueller

Marquette Magazine


Jobs on Wall Street may seem out of reach before this network goes to work for the next generation of Marquette finance grads. Finance students Mark Hampton and Mark Long cross Lexington and 53rd after the visit at Citi in New York City.


Winter 2013

How a group of finance alumni is paving the way to Wall Street B Y



ETWORK Marquette Magazine



“PEOPLE ASK ME, ‘IS THE SKY FALLING?’” James A. Runde, Eng ’69, tells a rapt group of Marquette finance students before ticking off a century’s worth of major American economic crises. The special adviser and former vice chairman of Morgan Stanley commands the room in the midtown Manhattan high-rise that’s home to the global financial services giant. “I’ve seen the sky falling,” he says. “The sky ain’t falling.” Runde paints a radiant picture of a Wall Street that’s still a great place to work for the 23 students who are spending three days in the nation’s financial capital. “This business is seductive,” Runde says, before describing his typical workday that includes rising at 4:45 a.m., checking the financial news and taking the No. 2 train into the city. The visit to Morgan Stanley is just the first stop on the annual Financial Management Association trip to New York City — and it’s no ordinary class field trip. Led by Dr. David Krause, director of the Applied Investment Management program in the College of Business Administration, the trip connects students with a network of alumni who work in the financial services industry and bring about two dozen students to some of New York’s major firms ALUMNI WORKING each year. AT CITI INCLUDE: Dressed for business, students Adam Bordner, Bus Ad ’07 navigate the streets and subways of Associate in the Manhattan and gain firsthand insights transaction execution into this complex, fast-paced industry. group, investment bank Harrison Davis, Bus Ad ’12 Thanks in large part to alumni, students Analyst at Citi Private Bank gain entrée to BNP Paribas, Bloomberg, Mutual of America, J.P. Morgan, Citi, Robert Leonard, Arts ’80 Managing director in sales Deutsche Bank and the New York and trading Stock Exchange. At each stop, alumni Rupali Varma, Bus Ad ’12 in leadership posts greet them. It’s Analyst in capital markets a packed three-day adventure they Daniel Williams, Comm ’92 won’t forget. Managing director at Citi Private Bank

Marquette students gather on the plaza outside of Citi.

Suzanne Gyorgy, managing director and head of art advisory and finance at Citi Private Bank, discusses fine art as an investment vehicle for ultra-high net worth individuals.

Dan Williams welcomes finance


Winter 2013

student Maggie Wanner.

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“The alumni are just amazing,” says senior finance major Dan Tallarico. “They’re so willing to talk about their careers and open up to us, give us advice. That to me is invaluable because we don’t necessarily get access to those people every day on campus. It’s something that’s very special.”

provide tips for interviewing, networking and following the recruiting calendar. As Williams puts it: “We teach them how to walk the walk and talk the talk beyond the academics.”


For Dan Williams, Comm ’92, connecting alumni with students is a sound investment. A managing director and ultra highnet-worth private banker at Citi Private Bank, he says his firm believes in investing in talent that grows out of undergraduate business programs. “It’s worth the investment in students to grow the talent pool,” Williams says. “Whether they stay at Citi or move on to another firm, we believe that they will go on to excellent careers.” More than 150 alumni nationwide working in financial services have formed the Marquette University Finance Alumni Network.

At 7 p.m. Thursday, the final day of their New York visit, the students and alumni gather at the back of the Windfall Restaurant near Bryant Park for a final chance to practice networking skills. The alumni share war stories and advice. “This is a really casual and easy-going way to get to know these alumni,” says Elizabeth Buckton, a senior finance and economics major. “In more formal settings, you don’t have the opportunity to really connect with them. It’s a more personal experience.” Stefanie Yordan, a sophomore majoring in finance, agrees. “This is great. I’ve been able to ask the alumni how they got to where they are and why they chose New York,” she says. “So many people said they never would have pictured themselves here when

“This idea we came up with five years ago was to create a better bridge between the students and major financial services firms,” Williams explains. “We want to make sure Marquette students have every opportunity that their peers at top schools do.” MUFAN also works with the college to organize an all-day, on-campus career preparation seminar every April called the Ins and Outs of Wall Street. MUFAN members fly to Milwaukee to teach students about the functional areas of finance and

they were sophomores. It just goes to show how well Marquette prepares people.” “MUFAN was really started to help students, and I think we’ve succeeded in doing that,” Williams says. “A byproduct of that, though, is that alumni have been connected to each other. Hundreds of connections have resulted in career changes and business deals, as well as personal and social relationships.” A little later across town in the shadow of the Chrysler Building, Christopher Cebula, Bus Ad ’09, and David Zakutansky, Bus Ad ’11,


enjoy a few pints and reminisce about FMA trips they took as Marquette students. Their conversation weaves effortlessly from the state of the bond market to the fate of the Yankees.

NETWORKING “I prefer to meet in a more casual setting,” says Cebula, an analyst at Elementum Advisors in Chicago who travels to New York regularly. “I’ll meet up with other alumni for lunch or coffee, which helps keep the interaction more relaxed and low-key.” For Cebula and Zakutansky, networking — period — is the lifeblood of the financial services industry. “Networking in our industry is essential,” says Zakutansky, an investment analyst at Paragon Outcomes, a New York-based asset management firm. “I learned this early in my time at Marquette, as many of the alumni mentored me through both internship and full-time positions.”

Williams says he’d like to see more alumni from all professional levels connect with MUFAN. This class trip is a great recruitment strategy. “Yeah, I’d love to move and work here,” says Tallarico, thinking ahead to graduation. “It’s very hectic, but hectic in a good way.” Having met with the alumni network, Tallarico says, makes it seem possible. “It’s pretty phenomenal to know that people care about us and are willing to invest in our futures,” he says. ❍

Marquette Magazine


class notes

A published poet, Benka seeks

balance between her responsibilities and her personal craft. Enveloped by the creativity of the fellow poets she is in charge of supporting, she has never felt so inspired.

“My head is full, and I can’t wait

to get back to the page,” she says. “But I feel really honored to be a practitioner and to work in service to other practitioners and to the art form in general. I’m truly blessed.”

And fear not, Benka says, that

today’s youth dismiss poetry’s relevance because of technology’s takeover. Her academy work has introduced her to thousands of enthusiastic teens hoping to be

Poetic finish

the next Dickinson, Whitman or Angelou, and they have taken to the Internet to share their work and to dialogue with other fledgling poets.

“We will always want to struggle with language in a creative way to make meaning of

Jennifer Benka, CJPA ’90, indulges a passion for poetry. She can still recite the prologue to Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, a challenge assigned to her in high school by one of many educators to whom she credits her love of language.

She now enjoys that passion as executive director and president

of the Academy of American Poets, an eight-decades-old nonprofit created to sustain American poets and the art itself. The academy offers awards, forums and readings, a website and biannual journal — all efforts to help poets earn money, publication opportunities and exposure because, Benka admits, “there are no six-figure book deals for poets.” Sign up for “A Poem a Day” at 32

Winter 2013

ourselves,” she says. “I don’t think that urge will ever diminish.” — Sarah Painter Koziol, Arts ’92

know what you’ve been up to. Send your updates to us at by the deadlines listed below, and we’ll spread the word for you. What’s your old roommate up to? You can search Class Notes on the interactive Marquette Magazine website: SUBMISSION DEADLINES

Summer–March 20; Fall–June 1; Winter–Sept. 20; Spring–Dec. 20

Marquette Magazine and the Alumni Association accept submissions of news of personal and professional achievements and celebrations for inclusion in Class Notes. Alumni news may be submitted electronically or by mail. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit for content, accuracy and length. Publication of the achievements of our alumni does not constitute endorsement by Marquette University.

Marquette in 1960. The couple has three daughters —  Maureen, Christine and Alicia  — and seven grandchildren.



William Flavin, Eng ’51, and wife, Marilyn, celebrated their 60th anniversary on Aug. 30, 2012. They have eight children, 23 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.


Anthony J. Mayer, Bus Ad ’58, was selected to appear in the 2013 edition of Who’s Who in America.

1961 ♥ James F. Bishop, Arts ’61, Grad ’65, and Shirley (McNulty)

Bishop, Jour ’62, celebrated their 50th anniversary in October. They met in graduate school at Marquette.

♥ Dennis Ferriter, Arts ’61, and Marcy (Willis) Ferriter, Sp ’61, celebrated their 50th anniversary on June 30, 2012. Dennis was the last football captain at

1962 Greg Gorak, Sp ’62, is celebrating 35 years of teaching flight instruction refresher courses and has graduated 17,500 certified flight instructors. He was awarded the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award for his dedication and service.


Dennis Byrne, Jour ’63, released his historical novel, Madness: The War of 1812, which tells the story of ordinary Americans caught up in America’s most bungled and least understood — but crucial — war. He is a longtime Chicago journalist and a contributing op-ed columnist for The Chicago Tribune.

Media Management in the Age of Giants: Business Dynamics of Journalism, published by the University of New Mexico Press.

Georgetown University and published A Cultural Handbook to the Bible.


Pat Boutier, Eng ’69, is coauthor of The 7 Kata: Toyota Kata, TWI & Lean Training, published by Taylor & Francis CRC Press. He also is a business solutions specialist for TMAC, a manufacturing extension partnership between the National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Texas at Arlington.

J. Edward Sweeney, Arts ’66, won the Theodore McMillian Judicial Excellence Award, which recognizes jurists who inspire other members of the judiciary through integrity, leadership and diligence in the pursuit of the efficient administration of justice.

1967 Bette (Tarte) Worley, Grad ’67, was honored by the National Student Exchange for her years of service as its president. The nonprofit education organization is a network for undergraduate student exchange among universities in the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


John J. Pilch, Grad ’68, ’72, is a lecturer in the Odyssey Liberal Arts Program at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. He previously taught theology as an adjunct professor at

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James D. Friedman, Arts ’69, received the Charles L. Goldberg Distinguished Service Award from the Wisconsin Law Foundation for his lifetime achievement in the profession and distinguished record of civil service. He was also named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He is chair of the financial institutions practice group at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP. Michael J. Gonring, Jour ’69, Law ’82, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in the personal injury litigation — defendants and product liability litigation —  defendants groups at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP.

1964 Frank J. Daily, Jour ’64, Law ’68, a retired senior partner in the Quarles & Brady LLP Milwaukee office, was appointed by the Wisconsin Supreme Court to a three-year term on the Wisconsin Judicial Commission. At Quarles & Brady, he worked in the firm’s product liability, toxic tort and personal injury litigation practice groups. Dennis Herrick, Jour ’64, had the second edition of his textbook,

N E W F E AT U R E !

Read our Marquette sweethearts story

in Class Notes. Plus, look for red ♥ hearts that mark anniversary updates from more Marquette sweethearts — alumni who made a love connection for life.

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1970 Marty West, Sp ’70, Grad ’72, and Pat (Plummer) West celebrated their 30th anniversary on Aug. 26, 2012. Retired faculty member and chaplain Rev. John Naus, S.J., presided at their ceremony in Oshkosh, Wis.

1972 Kathleen Gray, Arts ’72, Law ’82, was selected as a fellow of the Wisconsin Law Foundation, an honorary program that recognizes Wisconsin lawyers, judges or teachers of law known by their peers for high achievement. She was also named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. She works in the trusts and estates group at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP. Marilyn King Hankins, Grad ’72, is finalizing her memoir of the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Remembering JFK: 50 Years & 50 Memories. The book features personal memories from

residents and celebrities from all 50 states. She lives in Orlando, Fla. Mary Jo Monahan, Arts ’72, is executive director of the Association of Social Work Boards, headquartered in Culpeper, Va.

♥ Jay Shaw, Eng ’72, Grad ’79, and Christine (Anderson) Shaw, Nurs ’72, celebrated their 40th anniversary in December 2012. Their three children graduated from Marquette. John Weinfurter, Arts ’72, is vice president in the government relations division of Witt Associates, a public safety and crisis management consulting firm.


Robert Chesney, Grad ’73, took second place in the international short story contest at the 43rd annual conference of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. He wrote a short story based loosely on events his father-in-law told him about his father’s emigration

from the Volga River region in Russia to Saskatchewan.

groups at the Milwaukee office of Quarles and Brady LLP.

Michael Wittig, Sp ’73, Grad ’75, retired after 32 years of teaching and administration at Waukesha County Technical College in Pewaukee, Wis. He is now wondering what to do next.

John A. Rothstein, Arts ’76, Law ’79, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in the commercial litigation and litigation — real estate groups at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP.

1975 Jim Rice, Arts ’75, published Giant Cheeseheads!: The Giant–Packer Rivalry and the former Giants who helped the Packers become champions.

1976 David B. Kern, Arts ’76, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in labor and employment law and chairs the national labor relations act team at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP. Thomas P. McElligott, Arts ’76, Law ’83, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in the environmental law and litigation — environmental


1977 ♥ Margaret Fehrenbach, Dent Hy ’77, and Jon P. Fehrenbach, Eng ’77, celebrated their 35th

anniversary in 2012. They met during Freshman Orientation, held hands on the orientation zoo trip and have been together ever since. They have two children. Susie Jans-Thomas, Arts ’77, Grad ’92, published Reflections of the 1965 Freedom March from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama: A Memoir of the United States Civil Rights Movement. She is coordinator of the doctoral program in curriculum and diversity studies at the University of West Florida.


Grill sergeant One night after a city council meeting, Pat Harris, Arts ’88, was having dinner at Mancini’s, a steakhouse in St. Paul, Minn. What a shame, Harris thought, that U.S. soldiers deployed overseas can’t enjoy a night like this. That led Harris to create Serving Our Troops, an organization that has served more than 75,000 steak dinners to soldiers and their families since 2004. They’ve even served simultaneous dinners to military families at home and to troops overseas, connected by video. “So a soldier who’s in an active combat or security force theatre comes up to our grill and says, ‘I’ll take mine medium rare,’” Harris says. “It’s pretty unique in a war zone.”

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Winter 2013


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♥ Brian Burke, Arts ’78, and Patty (Coorough) Burke, Arts ’79, celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2012. They met at Marquette in 1976. Their oldest daughter, Colleen, attended Marquette. Mary Neese Fertl, Arts ’78, Law ’81, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. She works in the real estate law group at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP.

Playing through

Brian Wroblewski, Bus Ad ’98, Grad ’04,


turned his hobby into a business.

Wroblewski is co-founder of Golf Pipeline (, a social media website that lets members select tee times, invite friends to play, track scores, join a handicap club and communicate with golf buddies.

The site’s model is similar to one Wroblewski entered to win Marquette’s

2008 Business Plan Competition. Though the judges saw value of Grouponlike deals for the sport, the prototype wasn’t well-received by course owners.

“We had to take two years to rethink our strategy, and, when we re-

emerged in 2011, we were able to launch what we have today,” Wroblewski says. “Although our plan changed considerably, the competition really helped us figure out how to tell our story concisely. I’m thankful for that because we’ve had to do it several times since.”

Today, a website connecting people with the same hobby may seem

like a no-brainer. But in 2008, it was a relatively new idea. “Looking at our initial plans, there were a lot of aspects similar to social media sites that didn’t even exist yet,” Wroblewski says. “As the Internet has evolved, so have we.”

Golf Pipeline has more than 2,500 members and offers tee times in 13

states, with the heaviest concentration in Milwaukee, Chicago and Kansas City. It continues to expand, much to Wroblewski’s liking and chagrin. “I spent an awful lot of time building this business, and my golf game has suffered from it,” he admits. — Jennifer Szink

Terry Kelly, Arts ’78, is running for Palatine, Ill., township assessor in spring 2013. Brian G. Lanser, Arts ’78, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in the project finance law and public finance law groups at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP.

♥ Michael Luedke, Arts ’78, and Patricia (Hisey) Luedke, Med Tech ’78, will celebrate their 35th anniversary on July 13, 2013. They met during Freshman Orientation Mass and started dating when they were students in the first theology class taught by Rev. Robert A. Wild, S.J., who served as Marquette president from 1996–2011.

1979 Connie A. Arkus, Jour ’79, is chair of FORUM magazine, published by the Association Forum of Chicagoland, which is distributed to more than 3,000 members in more than 2,000 organizations. Rev. Bryan N. Massingale, S.T.D., Arts ’79, was promoted to professor in Marquette’s Department of Theology. He specializes in social ethics and teaches courses on Catholic

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social thought, AfricanAmerican religious ethics, liberation theologies and racial justice.

and labor and employment groups at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP.


1980 Ann A. Comer, Arts ’80, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. She works in the real estate law group at the Milwaukee office of Quarles and Brady LLP.

1981 Maude Campbell, Jour ’81, was named 2012’s best reporter in Ohio by the Society of Professional Journalists for her work at the alternative weekly, Cleveland Scene. Laura (McQuinn) Dilallo, Bus Ad ’81, is director of benefits for the YMCA Metropolitan Chicago. She and her husband, Danny, have two sons attending Marquette. Robert H. Duffy, Arts ’81, Law ’84, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in the employment law — management, labor law —  management and litigation,


Jeff Grossman, Arts ’83, is manager of library and information services at Milwaukee Area Technical College.

♥ James Niquet, Arts ’83, Law ’86,

♥ Lee Bromberger, Arts ’82, Grad ’84, and Tina (Giovannoni) Bromberger, Nurs ’82, celebrated their 25th anniversary on Nov. 14, 2012. ♥ John Ferder, Eng ’82, and Kathleen Fealy, Sp ’83, celebrated their 25th anniversary on Sept. 5, 2012. Mark A. Kircher, Arts ’82, Law ’85, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in the personal injury litigation — defendants group at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP.


♥ John Glowinski, Bus Ad ’83, and Stacey (Stocker) Glowinski, Bus Ad ’84, celebrated their 25th anniversary on Oct. 17, 2012. Rev. Roc O’Connor, S.J., presided at the couple’s anniversary ceremony at Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee.


and Noelle Muceno, Law ’90, celebrated their 25th anniversary on June 13, 2012. They were married at St. Joseph Parish in Shelbyville, Ind., and alumni in the wedding party were best man Curt Olsen, Arts ’82, and maid of honor Yvette Muceno-Plaisted, Bus Ad ’90. Jim and Noelle are attorneys at Crivello Carlson S.C. in Milwaukee, where he is a managing partner and she is an associate. They have two sons, Ethan, a junior at Marquette, and Damon, a senior at Marquette University High School.

Marcie Eanes, Jour ’84, had two poems in the first publication of the Anthology of the Muse for Women: No — to Violence Against Women. The collection features poets from several countries, including Serbia, Indonesia and America. She was also a featured performer at a Thousand Poets & DJs for Change in September in Austin, Texas, a worldwide event calling attention to social justice issues.

Frank Tobolski, Eng ’83, and Cindy (Nowicki) Tobolski, Eng ’83, live in Sydney, Australia, where he is on an expatriate assignment for Continental Tire. Their daughter, Rebecca, a current Marquette student, recently visited them.

Lt. Col. Steve Broniarczyk, Jour ’85, retired from the U.S. Army in May after nearly 22 years of service. He works as a planner for the Indiana Department of Homeland Security.

1984 Steve Bergelin, Bus Ad ’84, recently saw his daughter off


Marquette sweethearts

Mary Lou and George Andrie, both Arts ’62, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They have much to celebrate, including seven children, 14 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Many alumni remember George as a defensive lineman on the 1959–60 squad of the Golden Avalanche football team and later in the NFL. He was inducted into the Marquette Hall of Fame in 1991. Are you celebrating a milestone event? Tell us. Send a picture to

♥ Look for more Marquette sweethearts!


Winter 2013

to her first day of school at Queen of Apostles School in Pewaukee, Wis., and plans for her to be a member of Marquette’s Class of 2021.


Patricia A. Hintz, Bus Ad ’85, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. She works in the tax law group at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP.

Patrick E. Kelly, Bus ’85, Law ’93, was elected state deputy of the District of Columbia State Council of the Knights of Columbus. He is vice president for public policy for the organization, responsible for all public policy, legislation and government affairs matters. James Lowder, Arts ’85, is editor of Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, from A Game of Thrones to A Dance with Dragons, a collection of essays about Martin’s popular book series. The book was released in June by BenBella Books under the Smart Pop imprint.

♥ Glen G. Schumacher, Eng ’85, and Marianne (Kwiatowski) Schumacher, Nurs ’86, celebrated their 25th anniversary on May 16, 2012. The couple commemorated the milestone with a special blessing at St. Alphonsus Church in Chicago. Glen is a business manager for Air Liquide, and Marianne is a nurse practitioner at Advocate Medical Group. They live in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood with their three children, Jakob, 12, Peter, 10, and Lia, 7. Walter J. Skipper, Bus Ad ’85, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in the corporate law group at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP.

♥ John Spiezio, Arts ’85, and Sheila (King) Spiezio, Nurs ’85, will celebrate their 25th anniversary on March 26, 2013.

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Daniel Jessup, Bus Ad ’85, opened the Wisconsin brokerage office for Chicago-based Jones Lang LaSalle and is executive vice president. The company has corporate offices in 48 cities nationwide and 70 countries globally.

1986 Robyn Berkley, Arts ’86, received tenure and is an associate professor in the School of Business at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Thomas O’Shea, Ed ’86, received his doctorate in education from University College Dublin in Ireland. He has master’s degrees in special education and library science. Mike Stachowiak, Bus Ad ’86, is a partner at Deloitte Consulting LLP. He focuses on mergers and acquisitions and restructuring, out of the company’s Chicago office.

1987 Sheila Bloomquist, Arts ’87, is filming a documentary based on expatriates in Spain, including Spaniards who lived abroad. Ralph A. Than, Grad ’87, is vice president and treasurer of Styron, which specializes in global materials and manufacturing plastics, latex and rubber.


Make sure we know how to contact you. Questions? Call: (414) 288-7441 or (800) 344-7544 or visit marquette. edu/alumni.

1989 Michael A. Jaskolski, Eng ’89, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in the litigation — intellectual property and patent/patent law groups at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP. Kevin M. Long, Eng ’89, Grad ’92, Law ’92, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in the litigation —

Many people ask for celebrities to follow them. Not me. I wanted @MarquetteU to follow me. And they did!!!! #WeAreMarquette J A S O N SA N TO, CO M M ’ 0 0 , O N T W I TT E R

construction and litigation  — real estate groups at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP. David McCormick, Law ’89, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013 and named a leading lawyer in personal injury and worker’s compensation by M Magazine.

Erick D. Shambarger, Arts ’92, is deputy director of environmental sustainability for the city of Milwaukee. He oversees the city’s energy efficiency program for homes and businesses and coordinates energy reduction efforts for city facilities.


1990 Marlisa (Condon) Kopenski, Jour ’90, is director of business strategy at Design Concepts, an innovation and design consultancy firm in Madison, Wis. She previously worked at Milwaukee-based experience design firm Kahler Slater.

♥ Stephen Maier, Bus Ad ’90, and Jennifer (Davidson) Maier, Bus Ad ’90, celebrated their 20th anniversary on Sept. 19, 2012. They have three children, Megan, 18, Abby, 17, and Max, 14.

1992 Julie (Kapinski) Bunczak, Comm ’92, is a lecturer of French at the University of Wisconsin —  Marathon County, where she has taught since 2005. She received the 2012 University of Wisconsin Colleges and University of Wisconsin —  Extension Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Coreen Dicus-Johnson, Comm ’93, senior vice president of physician and revenue operations for Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare, became a member of the Fellows of the Wisconsin Law Foundation. The organization honors members of the State Bar of Wisconsin who achieved significant accomplishments in their career and contribute leadership and service to their communities. She is on the College of Professional Studies Advisory Board and has chaired the marketing and recruitment subcommittee since 2011. John Reinbold, Eng ’93, is a forensic engineer for Caterpillar Global Mining in south Milwaukee.

1995 Bernard J. Kearney III, Arts ’95, Grad ’97, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. He works in the real estate law

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group at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP.

1996 Tammy Brey, Eng ’96, received her juris doctor in May from the Loyola University Chicago School of Law.

♥ Ryan Dagon, Comm ’96, and Tiffany (Kowalczyk) Dagon, Eng ’96, celebrated their 15th anniversary in 2012.

♥ Dario Stoka, Bus Ad ’96, and Katy (Wagoner) Stoka, Comm ’97, celebrated their 10th anniversary. Dario is a top producer for Zilbert Realty, and Katy manages real estate transactions for Sotheby’s. They live in Miami Beach with their two children, Massimo, 5, and Enzo, 3.

1997 Katherine Maloney Perhach, Arts ’97, Law ’00, was named in The Best Lawyers in America 2013. She works in the bankruptcy and creditor debtor rights, insolvency and reorganization

law, and eminent domain and condemnation law groups at the Milwaukee office of Quarles & Brady LLP.

of Quarles & Brady LLP. She works with clients on estate planning and is involved in many community organizations.

behalf of the District of Columbia and its citizens. Previously, he was an assistant public defender in St. Louis.

Rui Shi (Charlie) Shao, Ph.D, Grad ’97, received a doctorate of business administration from Northcentral University. He is a senior principal IT consultant for an aerospace and defense account at Computer Sciences Corp.



Susan (Bradbury) Molinsky, Comm ’01, was promoted to director at ESPN in Bristol, Conn. Previously, she was an associate director and worked on a variety of productions, including College GameDay, NASCAR Now and SportsCenter.



Make sure we know how to contact you. Questions? Call: (414) 288-7441 or (800) 344-7544 or visit marquette. edu/alumni.

1999 Jacqueline Beauprez, Law ’99, is vice president and director of regulatory affairs at Raymond James and Associates in Memphis, Tenn. Noleta L. (Novohradsky) Jansen, Arts ’99, is an associate in the trusts and estates practice group at the Milwaukee office

Beth Somers, Comm ’01, is a culinary specialist in the test kitchen at Wilton Industries, a food crafting company based in Woodridge, Ill. In August, she and a friend won the popular Food Network show Cupcake Wars and catered an event with their winning recipes and received a $10,000 prize. Marquis Starks, Arts ’01, is enrolled in the pro bono attorney program in the civil enforcement section of the Washington, D.C., office of the attorney general, performing civil prosecution work on


Andrew Narrai, Grad ’03, is president of Trefoil Group (formerly Scheibel Halaska), a strategic marketing communications firm in Milwaukee. He previously was chief executive officer and played a critical role in the company’s rebranding. He has been with Trefoil for seven years. Daniel O’Donnell, Comm ’03, received the prestigious 2012 National Edward R. Murrow Award for sports reporting. He also won in 2008 for investigative reporting.

2004 Otto E. Heck, Arts ’04, was appointed to serve as a district deputy of the District of Columbia State Council of the Knights of Columbus. He runs the D.C. office of Gridiron Communications and Franking Sense LLC.


Remote reunion Even in the middle of the Pacific, Brad Rentz isn’t far from Marquette. Rentz, Arts ’11, is one of five recent alumni serving in the Federated States of Micronesia with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Education is the main focus of the volunteers’ work in the remote nation, a group of islands between Guam and Papua New Guinea. Rentz teaches eighth grade and recently started a school science club. The five Marquette volunteers are split up on different islands, but a planned spring retreat will bring them all together. “We are going to have a mini Marquette reunion,” Rentz says.

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Winter 2013


Navy Pier’s caretaker

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He also is grand knight of the Knights of Columbus council on Capitol Hill, captain of the Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Assembly and president of the Marquette Club of Washington, D.C. Rebeca Lopez, Arts ’04, Law ’12, is an associate in the labor, employment and immigration practice group at the Milwaukee office of Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. Previously, she was a caseworker, regional coordinator and office manager for U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold.

2005 Phil de la Vega, Comm ’05, graduated with a master of arts degree in new media studies from DePaul University.


Marilynn Kelly Gardner, Jour ’88, is convinced she has the best job in Chicago.

Lindsey R. King, Law ’05, was named a leading lawyer in the labor and employment law field by M Magazine. She practices at Petrie & Stocking, S.C.

As president and chief executive officer of Navy Pier Inc., she stands at the helm of the No. 1 tourist attraction in the Midwest. Gardner’s role is part


operations director, part landlord, part community partner and part tourism

Emili Ballweg, Eng ’06; Brian Miller, Bus Ad ’06; and Megan Trickey, Eng ’05; completed the Minnesota MS150 Bike Ride. The three rode 150 miles and raised more than $3,500 for the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

promoter, all to ensure the 9 million people who visit Navy Pier annually walk away satisfied.

“What I find most rewarding is knowing that people choose to spend their

limited leisure time with us,” she says.

Gardner’s 18-year love affair with Navy Pier began in 1994 when she was

hired as a public relations director. Approved by Chicago’s mayor and the governor of Illinois as general manager in 2006, the mother of three says balance is the key to managing her hectic schedule — a skill she learned as an undergraduate in Marquette’s Freshman Frontier Program.

“Marquette taught me to apply myself to all I do but to create balance in

doing so,” she says. “We worked hard, relaxed well, practiced our faith and never let the little things get in the way of doing great work.”

Gardner’s current priority is managing the redevelopment of Navy Pier.

She facilitated a worldwide search for an architectural firm with a design concept that will create the “pier of the future” in time for the venue’s 100th birthday in 2016.

“Our challenge,” she says, “is to create a pier that’s even more loved than

the current pier.” — Lynn C. Sheka

Brandon Zingsheim, Eng ’06, founded MissionTree, a Catholic nonprofit website where missionaries can request funding for projects.

2007 John Willkom, Bus Ad ’07, was promoted to region manager for Kellogg’s Midwest zone and relocated from Manhattan Beach, Calif., to Chicago. He and fiancée Kristan Heintz, Comm ’08, are getting married in May 2013.

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Daniel W. Corboy, Arts ’49

Janet B. Barry Matt, Arts ’52

David A. Salentine, Arts ’58

Mary L. Baranowski

Norman S. Orlaska, Eng ’52

John R. Schwaller, Arts ’58

Cristan, Arts ’49

Joan A. Burbach Scudder, Nurs ’52

Ralph J. Alfidi, Med ’59

Virginia R. Weymiller

Mary Lou Brady Smith, Arts ’52

Gloria H. Voss Beyer, Arts ’59

Crosby, Nurs ’49

Bernadine M. Van Roy, Nurs ’52

Mannette F. Slupinski

Donald A. Dolliver, Dent ’49

Mary K. Estok Berthold, Arts ’53

Dohogne, Arts ’59

Myrta A. Ibson Holmberg, Nurs ’49

June E. Mangan Francetic, Arts ’53

Joellen G. Timm Finn, Arts ’59

Robert J. Lauer, Bus Ad ’49

Mary G. Terry Quinn, Arts ’53

Eugenie I. McDonald

Wilbur R. Gorman, Eng ’31

Domenic A. Panariello, Med ’49

Alfred L. Schlecht, Bus Ad ’53

Kwiatkowski, Sp ’59

Dorothy J. Kleiman, Arts ’35

William T. Smith, Eng ’49

Martin L. Setter, Dent ’53

Edward J. Ziener, Bus Ad ’59

Florence L. Ziebell

John R. McKeown, Eng ’50

Robert T. Stollenwerk, Bus Ad ’53

Joseph R. Anderer, Arts ’60

Krueger, Dent Hy ’37

Gregory E. Pauly, Bus Ad ’50

Donald D. Greek, Eng ’54

Douglas A. Kornemann, Bus Ad ’60

Frances C. Braun

Melvin A. Peterson, Bus Ad ’50

Robert L. Hansen, Eng ’54

John P. Lange, Arts ’60

Doherty, Nurs ’38

James J. Robillard, Arts ’50

James D. O’Brien, Med ’54

John E. Morearty, Arts ’60

Louis G. Kohn, Arts ’38, Med ’42

Bartley H. Sorensen, Arts ’50

James J. Scherwenka, Bus Ad ’54

Gene J. Pawlowski, Arts ’60, Med ’65

in memoriam

Charles T. Bradburn, Eng ’39 Raphael H. Schwartz, Eng ’39 Rose M. Bauernfeind Stacey, Dent Hy ’39 Frederick A. Eckl, Bus Ad ’40, Law ’42

The Marquette University community joins in prayerful remembrance of those who have died. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Eternal rest grant unto them, Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

Laurent J. Schutte, Eng ’40


Richard J. Sommers, Eng ’42

Julius A. Zakrzewski, Arts ’50

Joseph A. Stetz, Arts ’54

Harlan R. Thering, Med ’60

Robert Green, Eng ’43

Phillip J. Bartness, Jour ’51

John W. Gilman, Bus Ad ’55

Marie K. Kyster

Robert A. Remmel, Arts ’43

Agnes M. Crabb, Nurs ’51

Erwin R. Linkman, Bus Ad ’55

Gawronski, Nurs ’61

Robert R. Scheid, Eng ’43

Sylvester M. Dentice, Grad ’51

Delose R. Tschabold, Eng ’55

Jerome J. Gnadt, Eng ’61

Leslie G. Kalchik, Arts ’44

James D. Hayes, Arts ’51

Richard L. Wutt, Arts ’55

Harvey R. Larson, Dent ’61

John F. Lueck, Dent ’45

Quinn W. Langenkamp, Grad ’51

Robert N. Mungyer, Arts ’56

Robert A. Stiglitz, Arts ’61

George A. Matzat, Eng ’45

Charles E. Madden, Bus Ad ’51

Charles E. Burgi, Eng ’57

Robert B. Troendly, Eng ’61

Mary M. Crewe Rome, Nurs ’45

Frank A. Mueller, Law ’51

Edward M. Burke, Arts ’57

David R. Ellico, Dent ’62

Harold N. Heinz, Med ’46

Donald E. Needles, Bus Ad ’51

Neil N. Dickinsen, Bus Ad ’57

Donald R. LeDuc, Law ’62

David R. Philp, Arts ’46

Richard B. Straka, Eng ’51

Robert J. Larkin, Bus Ad ’57

Ralph A. Matzelle, Eng ’62

Constance F. Smetek

Margaret L. Lopp

Wayne R. Legois, Eng ’57

Tadashi Yamamoto, Grad ’62

Bonin, Arts ’47

Alexander, Nurs ’52

Albert M. Meyer, Bus Ad ’57

William F. Doran, Eng ’63

Herman C. Inlow, Arts ’47

Roy S. Barr, Bus Ad ’52

John C. Shabaz, Law ’57

James F. Estes, Bus Ad ’63

Roy R. Marchetti, Eng ’47

Warren R. Belanger, Arts ’52, Med ’55

Earl J. Fessler, Eng ’58

Daniel C. Garvey, Eng ’63

John J. O’Toole, Med ’47

Mary T. Klein Diederich, Arts ’52

Archer D. Huott, Med ’58

Milo R. Grabow, Eng ’63

Edward W. Patch, Law ’47

Dorothy R. Hagberg Heinz, Arts ’52

Dorothea C. Schulke

Robert E. Monigal, Eng ’63

John B. Schliesmann, Bus Ad ’47

James J. Hermacinski, Bus Ad ’52

Lueders, Nurs ’58

Richard J. Weymouth, Med ’63

Harvey E. Brown, Med ’48

Joan G. Gadomski

James A. Menor, Bus Ad ’58

Jeremiah P. Crowley, Eng ’64

JD Brunner, Grad ’48

Huguenard, Arts ’52

George A. Morrison, Arts ’58, Grad ’61

Eugene J. Konkel, Grad ’64

Robert L. Trapp, Eng ’48

John J. Jrolf, Eng ’52

James D. Moscato, Eng ’58

Eugene D. Palinski, Grad ’64

Richard K. Winkelmann, Med ’48

Joseph P. Lenahan, Arts ’52

William A. Muth, Eng ’58

Douglas A. Huewe, Med ’65

Jerry J. Belger, Eng ’49

Vincent C. Luebke, Bus Ad ’52

Grant N. Rowold, Bus Ad ’58

Barbara L. Froelich Ross, Arts ’65

Winter 2013

Gerald J. Littel, Arts ’66

Kenneth F. Perszyk, Bus Ad ’71,

Henry T. McElvery, Eng ’66

Grad ’81

Richard J. Dietz, Arts ’67, Law ’69

Walter O. Schneider, Grad ’71

Charles W. McCauley, Dent ’67

Daniel A. Dolan, Arts ’73, Law ’75

Wayne E. Noelle, Eng ’67

Bertrand F. Sibley, Grad ’73

Christopher J. Volk, Arts ’67

Kevin M. Bejcek, Bus Ad ’74

Lawrence M. Burrage, Grad ’68

Nick C. Dohr, Arts ’74

John F. Saban, Eng ’68

John W. Taugher, Jour ’74

Hardeep E. Singh, Eng ’68

Robert L. Hibbard, Law ’77

Ronald G. Jaeckels, Grad ’69

Daniel B. LeMonnier, Sp ’78

Kim A. Klinkowitz, Arts ’69

Bruce W. Elbert, Law ’79

William G. Melchior, Arts ’69

Robin C. Flowers, Jour ’79

Rosie R. Chow Wong, Grad ’69

Kenneth J. Schlager, Grad ’80

Arthur Wozniak, Arts ’69

Richard J. Rotter, Dent ’81

Robert A. Peterson, Grad ’70

Gerard M. Meluso, Eng ’82

Cecil W. Riggin, Grad ’70

Richard Cobb, Grad ’86

Thomas N. Tamms, Arts ’70

Ilse M. Puetz Ehlert-

Kevin M. Blanchfield, Arts ’71

Wagner, Grad ’86

James L. Conger, Eng ’71

Mary O. Kearns, Sp ’86

Walter B. Jakubowski, Bus Ad ’71

Michael L. Hermes, Arts ’89

Suzanne T. Talsky Kuspa, Arts ’71

Thomas C. Wade, Nurs ’89

Virginia M. Morris

Jeannie Hayes, Comm ’05

Levey, Grad ’71 Kenneth L. Oudenhoven, Grad ’71

In remembrance

Phylis Ravel believed in holding the ladder so performing arts students felt safe taking chances. Many of the students she nurtured went on to careers on stage and television. The former director of performing arts passed away in November after a long battle with breast cancer. She is survived by her husband, David, and a legion of artists who remember this small woman who told them, “Yes, you can.” Dr. James Goblirsch was a dental school faculty member for 30 years, chief of the dental department at St. Francis Hospital for four years and a member of the hospital staff for more than 40 years. For his service as a dental officer in the U.S. Navy during World War II and in Korea, he was awarded the WWII


Steve Briggs, Bus Ad ’08, was promoted to associate at Kelso & Co. in New York, helping analyze prospective investments as the firm pursues its eighth investment partnership, with $5.1 billion of committed capital. Nick DeMonte, Comm ’08, is an account executive at Momentum Worldwide, a fullservice marketing agency in Chicago, for NASCAR sponsor Office Depot Racing. Previously, he was marketing and operations coordinator at Arlington Park Racecourse. Melissa A. Gardner, Arts ’08, is an associate in the environmental and litigation practice groups at the Indianapolis office of Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP.

2009 Lauren Hazuka, Comm ’09, is the public relations representative for award-winning author and former Minnesota state Sen. Ember Reichgott Junge. In addition, she is corporate analytics and services coordinator for the NBA’s Minnesota Timberwolves. Jaclyn Kallie, Bus Ad ’09, Law ’12, is an associate at Bascom, Budish & Ceman, S.C., in Milwaukee, working on a variety of civil litigation matters.

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specializes in personal injury law at the Rhinelander, Stevens Point and Wausau, Wis., offices of Habush Habush & Rottier, S.C.

2010 Elizabeth Winters, Arts ’10, is assistant director for community development and operations at the University of Chicago Office of the Reynolds Club and Student Activities.

2011 Matthias Seisay, Grad ’11, received the Vera Paster Award for his altruism, courage and determination in helping the young people of his native country, Sierra Leone, during and after armed conflict. He founded the National Chapter of Defense for Children International.

2012 Stacey Barnum, Bus Ad ’12, is human resource coordinator at the University of Denver. She will begin a master’s program in human resources development and management this spring. Donald Dwyer, Comm ’12, is a sports reporter and anchor for WLUC-TV 6 in Marquette, Mich. Sarah Matt, Law ’12, works on a variety of commercial and business litigation matters at O’Neil, Cannon, Hollman, DeJong & Laing, S.C., in Milwaukee.

Peter M. Young, Law ’09, was named an “Up and Coming Lawyer” for 2012 by the Wisconsin Law Journal. He

Victory Medal, the United Nations Service Medal, the Korean Service Medal, the National Defense Service Medal and the American Campaign Medal. He passed away in July.

I can not express how much I love the campus at @MarquetteU. ST U D E N T DA N I E L K L I N G E L H O E TS O N T W I TT E R

Marquette Magazine


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Thomas B. Kurtz, Comm ’00, and Michelle Negri, June 18, 2011 in Wisconsin Dells, Wis. The couple resides in Milwaukee. He is a senior manager of production at Time Warner Cable Sports32, the local TV partner of Marquette athletics, and she is a manager and hairstylist. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Kerry O’Hare, Bus Ad ’91, and Michael Shawn Leist, July 6, 2012. They live in Chicago. She is senior vice president and controller of Oxford Capital Partners Inc. and Oxford Capital Group LLC, and he is a financial adviser associate at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. Colleen Flynn, Comm ’99, Grad ’01, and Jack Daniel, Aug. 17, 2012 at St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church in Kenosha, Wis. The couple lives in Kenosha with Jack’s daughters, Katelyn and Shayla.

Kristin (Negri) Beres, Bus Ad ’02; Andrew Maes, Nurs ’00; and Christian Schnell, Arts ’01. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

Mike Neufledt, Comm ’00; and Ronald Negri, Arts ’79. Marcus W. Lienhard, Bus Ad ’00, and Melissa E. (Duchinsky) Lienhard, Arts ’00, May 26, 2012 at Popp Bandstand in City Park, New Orleans. The reception was held at Parkview Terrace in City Park.

’08; Heather (Frank) Austin, Comm ’02; Christian A. Brandt, Arts ’01; Lindsey (Anderson)

Perry, Nurs ’99; Janiel (Braun) Bord, Arts ’99; Megan (Blackwell) McNamara, Ed ’99; Michael Havrilka, Bus Ad ’99; Nancy (Jacobs) Pearl, Ed ’99; Tara Jewell, Jour ’99; Damian Tumminia, Arts ’00; Matthew L. Duchinsky, Arts ’02; Sylvia Wlodyka, Bus Ad ’00; and Josh Williams, Arts ’99. Erika (Mullen) Kim, Eng ’02, and Ebon Kim, in Ashland, Neb. The couple lives near Boston. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

Tara (Ptak) Berkson, Eng ’02; Malinda Gockley, Eng ’01; Kerry (Donahue) Day, Arts ’07, Grad ’09; and Daniel Donahue, Arts ’75. David Gallagher, Arts ’04, and Michelle Hinds, Aug. 10, 2012 in Santa Barbara, Calif. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY


Paul Hultgren, Bus Ad ’00, Grad ’06; and Jessica Zittlow, Arts ’99.



Michael Flynn, Arts ’89, Law ’99; Mark Flynn, Comm ’89; Matthew Flynn, Arts ’95; Erin Flynn Fox, Comm ’99, Grad ’01; Celeste Maanao Flynn, Arts ’94; and Julie Schmitz Becicka, Arts ’94.

Timothy J. Tyrrell, Bus Ad ’01; JP VandenBoogaard, Comm ’01; Paul F. Moffatt, Bus Ad ’01; Thomas R. Vetscher, Bus Ad ’01; Ryan J. Austin, Bus Ad ’01; Leslie (Vonderhaar) Hultgren, Bus Ad

Daniel Ohl, Arts ’04; and Tom Gallagher, Arts ’07. Jeffrey Moniz, Arts ’04, and Kristin A. Bell, May 27, 2012 at St. Mary’s By the Sea in Point Pleasant, N.J. The couple lives in Maple Grove, Minn. ALUMNUS IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Adam T. Thorson, Bus Ad ’04. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

Another reason why I love @MarquetteU:

getting offered a study spot at Starbucks

from a stranger. Freshman or senior, it doesn’t matter. STUDENT KATHLEEN MASO N O N T W I TT E R

Julie Bucheger Cooney, Arts ’04, Law ’11; John Meuler, Arts ’04; Alli Quandt Meuler, Arts ’05; and Joseph Santeler, Arts ’04. JP (John Paul) Gregory, Comm ’06, and Maggie LaSelle, May 5, 2012 at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Dayton, Ohio. The reception was held at the Dayton Art Institute. The celebration included more than 30 alumni, and the colors were navy and yellow. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Murphy LaSelle, Bus Ad ’03; Kyle Sweeney, Bus Ad ’06; Jon Witt, Arts ’06; and Joseph Pozorski, Arts ’06.


Winter 2013

Cindy Kippley, Grad ’06, and Thomas Koperdak, Sept. 3, 2011. The couple lives in Seattle. Brittany Georgeson, Comm ’07, and Elliott Jackson at St. Robert in Shorewood, Wis. The reception was held at the Pfister in Milwaukee. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Missy Kessler, Bus ’08; Daniela Chavez, Comm ’08; Tracy Jackson, Comm ’10; and Amy Meyer, Comm ’08. Scott C. Tabernacki, Ed ’07, and Karly Hooker, July 7, 2012 at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Whiting, Ind. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

James F. Betkowski, Bus Ad ’06; and Katie Flom, Bus Ad ’06. David Dunnigan, Bus Ad ’08, and Kathleen (Murray) Dunnigan, Comm ’08, May 26, 2012 at Saints Faith, Hope and Charity in Winnetka, Ill. The couple lives in Chicago. Amanda (Moulds) Ledger, Arts ’08, and Andrew Ledger, Eng ’09, Nov. 5, 2011 at Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee. He is a civil engineer with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and she is curriculum coordinator at Marquette’s child care center. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Ross Weyers, Eng ’08; Kyle Reiser, Eng ’09; Catherine Davis, Arts ’08; and Alison Dawe, Comm ’07. Gregory Struhar, Jr., Bus Ad ’08, and Megan Aebly, H Sci ’08, Grad ’10, July 28, 2012 in Brookfield, Wis. The couple lives in Chicago. He works for Ryan Specialty Group as an underwriter, and she is a speech language pathologist for Union Ridge Public School in Harwood Heights, Ill.

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SHARE THE MOMENT Ashley M. Foy, Comm ’07, and James T. Packee, Bus Ad ’07, June 9, 2012 at Church of the Gesu. Bridal colors were Marquette blue and gold. See a Flickr gallery of newlyweds at marquette. edu/magazine, and consider sharing a wedding moment with Marquette Magazine. Please obtain permission before sending professional photos.

Ashley (Schweikl) Ellingsen, Comm ’09, and Lt. Kyle Ellingsen, Comm ’09, June 16, 2012 at Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee by Rev. Karl Voelker, S.J. The reception was held at the Wisconsin Club. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Best man Christopher Ellingsen, H Sci ’11, PT ’12; Kelsey Evenson, Arts ’09; Pat Winters, Arts ’10; and mother of the groom, JoAnne (Czajkowski) Ellingsen, PT ’81. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

Debbie (Smith) Hoeft, Dent Hy ’79; Thomas O’Grosky, Arts ’96; Melissa (Frank) Skiffington, Eng ’02; Nicholas Skiffington, Eng ’02; Jeffrey Woodrow, H Sci ’03; Alissa (Aubin) Frank, H Sci ’05, PT ’07; Joseph Frank, H Sci ’05, Grad ’08; Nate Spangler, Bus Ad ’08; Tye Winker, Arts ’09; Nicholas Seminara, Arts ’09; Michael Timberlake, Comm ’09; John Christakis, Arts ’09; Andy Simmons, Arts ’09; Johnny Conness, Bus Ad ’09; Jonathan

Ficke, Comm ’09, Law ’12; Mike Gerard, Arts ’06; Megan Christman, Bus Ad ’09; John Eckl, Eng ’09; Danielle Olson, Eng ’09; Lt. Daniel Caron, Eng ’09; Mark Strauss, Arts ’10; Kate Samano, Arts ’12; and Catie (Furlong) Kuckuk, Arts ’07. Mark A. Frassetto, Arts ’09, and Brittany K. Clement, Comm ’09, Aug. 10, 2012 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Spring Lake, Mich. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Father of the groom Steve Frassetto, Law ’86; Jessica TenBusch, Arts ’09; Henry Arends, Comm ’10; Ricardo Patron, Arts ’10; and Billy Malloy, Nurs ’11.

Chris Lindsey, H Sci ’10, PT ’12; Emily McGough, Bus Ad ’10; Kathleen (Scott) Patron, Comm ’10; and Brian Suerth, Comm ’10. Jaclyn Kallie, Bus Ad ’09, Law ’12, and Ryan Kallie, Aug. 4, 2012 at Noble Victory Memorial Chapel in Delafield, Wis. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Valerie Mahoney, Arts ’09; and Catherine Rusnak, Arts ’09. Colleen O’Donnell, Arts ’09, and Adam Tate, Eng ’09, July 6, 2012 at St. Raymond’s Parish in Mount Prospect, Ill. She teaches third grade, and he is an engineer. The couple lives in Houston.


Austin Gilmour, Arts ’09; Laura (Korthauer) Gilmour, Arts ’09; Kimberly Hanson, H Sci ’09; Steve Novak, Comm ’09; Stephanie Propsom, Bus Ad ’09; Tom Barsella, Bus Ad ’10; Sam Drew, Arts ’10; Adam Koehler, Comm ’10;

Erin Stec, Arts ’09, and Connor Doyle, Bus Ad ’08, Sept. 8, 2012 at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Grand Rapids, Mich. More than 25 alumni attended the ceremony. The couple lives in Chicago.

Malika Taalbi, Arts ’09, and Robert Verhein, October 2012 at St. Aloysius in West Allis, Wis. Several alumni attended, including Malika’s mother, father and grandmother. The couple lives in Madison, Wis., where she is pursuing a master of international public affairs degree at the University Wisconsin–Madison, and he is a writer. Mallory Ericson, Arts ’09, was a bridesmaid. Christopher Van Bauer, Bus Ad ’09, and Laura Walczak, Bus Ad ’09, June 11, 2011 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Davenport, Iowa. ALUMNI IN WEDDING PARTY

Kristin Herdrich, Arts ’09; Maggie Williams, Nurs ’08; Kelley Walczak Bellin, Arts ’00, Grad ’07; Jackie (Walczak) Geib, Arts ’97; and Peter Bellin, Bus Ad ’00. Trevor Mancl, H Sci ’10, Grad ’12, and Rachel (Rechner) Mancl, Arts ’12, Sept. 29, 2012 in

Marquette Magazine


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Appleton, Wis. The couple lives in Hoffman Estates, Ill.

Bus Ad ’10; Jack (John) Mehan, ’10; Adam Nelson, Bus Ad ’10;


Brooke Currier, Arts ’12; Jennifer Wilson, Comm ’12; Matthew Leblang, H Sci ’10, Grad ’12; and Joby Philip, H Sci, ’10. Current student Nadia Chow also attended. Michael Masshardt, Bus Ad ’10, and Katherine M. Feeney, Arts ’10, June 2, 2012 at Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee. ALUMNI IN WEDDING PARTY

Elizabeth Eder (Feeney), Arts ’93; Stephanie Wittliff, Bus Ad ’10; Andrew Ostin, Bus Ad ’10; Andrew Kaczmarek, Bus Ad ’10; Peter Hoffman, Arts ’10; and John Reuteman, Bus Ad ’10. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

Steven Eder, Arts ’92; Logan Barrens, Eng ’11, Grad ’12; Rebecca Moylan, Comm ’10; Allison Berg, Arts ’10; Brittany Diekvoss, Bus Ad ’10; Carly Krizmanich, Bus Ad ’10; Sarah Finneran, Bus Ad ’10; Kaylee Lucco, Bus Ad ’10; Ryan Corr, Arts ’11; Micaela RobbMcGrath, Bus Ad ’10; Kalyn Robbert, Bus Ad ’10; Lindsey Finklang, Comm ’10; Geo Bowers, Bus Ad ’10, Grad ’11; Tonja Brabazon (Masshardt), Grad ’98; Gary Newman, Arts ’08; and Mary Ann Apfeld, Bus Ad ’87. Michael Rice, Bus Ad ’10, and Katharine Moss, Ed ’10, July 7, 2012 at Lehmann Mansion in Grayslake, Ill. ALUMNI IN THE WEDDING PARTY

Kevin Rice, Eng ’05; Tom Kelly, Bus Ad ’10; AJ (Andrew) Brahm,

Ross Michler, Bus Ad ’10; Jill (Blummer) Rice, Eng ’04; and Allie Kelly, Bus Ad ’10. ALUMNI IN ATTENDANCE

Rhett (Michael) Holland, Law ’11; Sarah (Dorrington) Holland, H Sci ’05, PT ’07; Kerry (Flood) Dorrington, Comm ’98; Dr. Daniel Dorrington, Arts ’97; Jeanne (Laura) Reidy, Comm ’10; Andy Rice, Bus Ad ’09; Emily Ferry, Ed ’10; Melissa Jensen, Bus Ad ’10; Caroline Abraham, Comm ’10; Natalie Mitchell, Bus Ad ’10; Kate Haller, Comm ’10; Mark Lembach, H Sci ’10, Grad ’11; Mark Positano, Arts ’10; Elizabeth Burke, Ed ’10; Chelsea Paulson, Comm ’10; Sarah Rice, H Sci ’10; Pete Cooney, Bus Ad ’10; Emily Fagerholm, Comm ’10; Danny Knight, Bus Ad ’11; Patricia Murnik, Nurs ’79; Robert Lewis, Sr., Bus Ad ’52; Kathryn Murnik, Comm ’10; Maureen Lewis, Jour ’84, Grad ’12; Anneliese Hahne, Ed ’12; Margaret Curley, Sp ’79, Grad ’80; Kathleen Kiser, Ed ’12; Michael Muratore, Bus Ad ’11; Matt Morell, Comm ’10; Joe McDermott, Bus Ad ’10; Liz Rowland, Nurs ’10; Anthony Alessi, Eng ’10; Dave Bosch, Arts ’09; Kim Jarosz, Comm ’10; Kenny Maurer, Bus Ad ’10; and Laurie Brahm, Dent Hy ’77. CURRENT STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE

Tim Lewis, Elyse O’Callaghan and Jami Lewis. Nathaniel L. Cherne, Bus Ad ’11, and Kelly Goaley, H Sci ’11, Aug. 25, 2012.

When I see someone with @MarquetteU

apparel on at the airport, I go out of

my way (sometimes thru customs) to give them a high five.


Winter 2013

Steven J. Golich, Eng ’99, and Lindsay (Hall) Golich, Comm ’99: son Charles James, March 27, 2012. He joins brother Max, 5.

Bus Ad ’10; Frank Michael, Comm



Kirsten (Carlson) Solmos, Nurs ’86, and Gene Solmos: daughter Mary Grace, Sept. 15, 2011. She weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce. She joins sister Catherine, 18, and brothers Brian, 11, Michael, 9, John, 4, and Joseph, 2. The family lives in Wilmette, Ill. Mark Reisterer, Bus Ad ’90, adopted son Luke Michael Reisterer, April 21, 2011. He joins brother Max, 13. Laura (Daly) Fivecoat, Arts ’92, and Jeff Fivecoat: son Jack Daly, Feb. 14, 2012. He was 9 pounds, 13 ounces and joins brother Luke Campbell, born June 7, 2008. The family lives in Dublin, Ohio. Dan Williams, Comm ’92, and Kristen Williams: son Edward “Teddy” Mortimer Williams, Sept. 28, 2012. He weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and joins sister Eleanor. Lindsay (Rupiper) Jordan, Bus Ad ’93, and Scott Jordan: daughter Avery Margaret, April 24, 2012. The family lives in Lenexa, Kan. Kevin A. Prudlow, Eng ’93, and Michelle J. Prudlow, H Sci ’94: son Michael William, Aug. 7, 2010. He joins sisters Hannah, 11, and Elizabeth, 4, and brother Andrew, 8.

Marsha Demzien Hernandez, Arts ’99, and Armando Victor Hernandez: daughter Aurora Michele Hernandez, May 29, 2011. She joins brothers Lawrence Marcelino, 9, Armando Edward, 7, and Lukas Charles, 4. The family lives in Hoffman Estates, Ill. Kristen (Pawlowski) Fischer, Comm ’01, Grad ’09, and Douglas Fischer: daughter Elise Kathleen, May 25, 2012. Joseph Viglietta, Comm ’01, and Abby Pratt Viglietta: daughter Audriana Nicolette, Sept. 14, 2012. She is the couple’s first child. Kristin O’Neill Boza, Comm ’02, and Todd Boza: daughter Grace Madeleine, July 31, 2012. She joins brother Henry Steven, 2. Bradford Fryjoff, Bus Ad ’02, and Amy (Zabel) Fryjoff, Nurs ’02: son Leo. He weighed 10 pounds, 11 ounces and was 21 inches long. He joins brothers Bennett, 4, and Davis, 2. Heidi (Halperin) Sterricker, Comm ’02, and Brian Sterricker, Bus Ad ’02: son George William, April 24, 2012. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce. Emily (Steffan) Webber, Arts ’02: son Ryan Thomas Webber, Sept. 2, 2012. He was 6 pounds, 4 ounces and joins sister Lauren, 2. Lt. Michael Donovan, H Sci ’03, and Colleen (Marsho) Donovan, Nurs ’03: daughter Molly Elizabeth in Lemoore, Calif. She weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces.

Catherine (Morris) Maita, Comm ’03, and Geoff Maita, Bus Ad ’04: daughter Giana Maria, April 3, 2012 in Newport Beach, Calif. She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and was 20 inches long. Hannah (Goldkamp) Merritt, Arts ’03, and Tommy Merritt: twins Gus Hensgen and Alice Elloise, June 25, 2012. The family lives in St. Louis. Stephanie (Friedrich) Zimmer, Arts ’03, and Ben Zimmer, Bus Ad ’03: son Emmett William, Feb. 8, 2012. He joins brother Eli Thomas. Patrick W. Brown, Bus Ad ’04, Grad ’12, and Kathryn (Hadley) Brown, Comm ’05: son Connor Patrick, June 14, 2012. He weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces. The family lives in Mequon, Wis. Dan Foutz, Law ’04, and Laura Foutz: son Caden Harman, Oct. 4, 2012. Heather (Olson) Lore, Bus Ad ’04, and Jeremy Lore: son Nathan David Lore, May 15, 2012. He is their first child and was 10 pounds, 22 inches long. Erica (Guttenberg) Lowe, H Sci ’04, and Christopher Lowe: son Jacob Trenton Winfield, Sept. 9, 2012. Andrew Novotny, Eng ’04, and Diane (Sheetz) Novotny, H Sci ’04: daughter Emily Anne, Aug. 29, 2012. She was 9 pounds, 1 ounce and 22 inches long. The family lives in Whitefish Bay, Wis.

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Adam Kirby, Comm ’03, and Kristin Kirby: daughter Maggie Ann, July 3, 2012 in Chicago. She was 7 pounds, 6 ounces.

Tina (Zabel) Crichton, Bus Ad ’05, Grad ’06, and James Crichton: son Ryan James, Aug. 3, 2012. He weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces and was 19 inches long. Lindsey R. King, Law ’05, and Adam G. King, Grad ’06: daughter Meara Delaney, May 27, 2012. She joins sister Aibhlinn Madison, 3. Nicole (Evans) Maguire, Ed ’05, Comm ’05, and Bryan Maguire, Bus Ad ’05: daughter Ava Therese, July 23, 2012. She was 7 pounds, 8 ounces and 21.5 inches long. The family lives in Oak, Lawn, Ill. Brianne (Mueller) Knaus, Comm ’06, and Patrick Knaus: daughter Amelie Claire, March 1, 2012. Jacquelyn (Martinez) Messer, Eng ’06, and Dr. Michael Messer, Arts ’05, Dent ’10: daughter Evelyn Ann, May 7, 2012. The family lives in Oconomowoc, Wis. Sarah (Dorrington) Holland, PT ’07, and Michael Rhett Holland, Law ’11: son William Jack, Nov. 10, 2011. The family lives in Wauwatosa, Wis. Katherine (Shanahan) Wagner, Arts ’07, and Matthew Wagner, Bus Ad ’07: daughter Sloane, in Chicago. She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 19 inches long.

Smart giving tip Donating appreciated stock or other non-cash assets directly to Marquette for a current-use or endowed scholarship, charitable gift annuity or other desired purpose allows you to avoid capital gains tax on the appreciation and helps reduce the size of your taxable estate. LEARN MORE ABOUT TAX-EFFICIENT WAYS TO SUPPORT MARQUETTE.

Contact Cathy Steinhafel at (414) 288-6501 or visit

Andy O’Connell, Bus Ad ’08, and Lisa O’Connell, Sp ’09: daughter Ella Jean, Oct. 8, 2012. She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and was 21 inches long.

Marquette Magazine


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letters to the editor I took my family to Marquette this past summer, and Father Naus

gave us a guided tour of some of the campus buildings. You are a gem,

Father Naus, and a light in a sometimes dark world. Thanks for spending

T h e

M a g a z i n e

o f

M a r q u e T T e

u n i v e r s i T y


f a l l

time with me, my husband and my four boys.

2 0 1 2

count down

Faculty weigh in on elections and the electorate


President’s Society Honor Roll of Donors

we we r e yo u n g


p l ay i n g o l d s c h o o l


a v i r T u a l h o s p i Ta l

1_WAM_Fall12_PRESS_Arandell revd 10.3.indd 1

12/16/12 11:56 AM

Political chatter The “Count down” series in the fall 2012 Marquette Magazine was impressive. I read it before and after the election. Americans, particularly lawmakers, have much to consider in what Father Pilarz termed “constructive political engagement.”

experience. On a personal note, I will miss the impromptu visits with Father Naus at his campus office and his warmth and humor. May our paths cross again soon.

speaks with awe of his time with Father Naus. Enjoy your retirement. You will be missed.

those guys who went up daily to fly those B17s and B24s.



I was lucky to meet him in Schroeder and take his humor class. I saw him in his clown suit a few times, too.

Memories of Marquette

I now have college kids myself and have told them about the midnight Mass at Schroeder. Father Naus was a wonderful role model for me and such a welcome face each week. I had no idea he was 88! JOANNE MARKEL OTTO, PT ’76

Father Naus and midnight Mass, clown suit, and his sermons would end mid-sermon when a child or baby cried at midnight Mass. He said it was God’s way of telling him to stop. Enjoy your retirement. MICHELE VERTUCCI, ARTS ’74


Naus for his many years of

I met Father Naus my freshman year, and he has been a mentor and friend since then. He has shared his wisdom and humor with me and my family, and we will always be in his debt.

dedication and service to the


Our gem, Father Naus We just attended a Mass and celebration honoring Father

adviser, academic counselor and presence throughout our existence at Marquette made a great difference in all our lives. You are loved and will forever be a part of our Marquette


Winter 2013


As an incoming freshman, seven days after orientation, a greatly loved family member passed away and I had to fly to Boston for the funeral. Father Naus was the first person I saw when I got the news. His guidance and steady hand in September of 1967 will never be forgotten. MARK R. RUSSELL, ARTS ’71

Father Naus has touched the lives of all who have met him. Our daughter, Liz, celebrated Mass with Father Naus while attending Marquette and holds much admiration for the man who can bring sunshine on a dreary day. We say, so long, and God bless you. We shall meet again. Failte! DONNA FITZGERALD, PARENT

Evans Scholar chapter at Marquette. His work as spiritual


I had the good fortune to meet Father Naus during my son’s campus visit while my son was looking at universities. Father Naus made my son’s visit. He was kind, helpful and inviting. My son still

WWII flyboys admired I was on the ground with the 8th Airforce for 30 months and had the highest respect for


Thank you for sending me Marquette Magazine. In 1951, I began a spiritual year that included the 30-day retreat exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. I met and got to admire Father Bernard Cooke before he left the priesthood, and I’m sure every journalism grad of the time never forgot Dean Sullivan and so many others. I began graduate studies for a master’s in journalism on Sept. 1, 1958. I received my degree in 1961. I’ve never been back, but I have an indelible memory of coming down 12th Street full of pride in that magnificent facade of Gesu Church. REV. THEODORE “TED” GERKEN, GRAD ’61

Dream come true I would like to send my sincerest thanks to everyone at Marquette for the wonderful and warm welcome we received when we came to Marquette for International Orientation and Freshman Orientation. My son was born and raised in Japan, and though I am an expat

would be able to attend

shine forever on Marquette and all the people who attend and work there.

Marquette University. My


dreamed that my children

wife’s and my dream started to come true when our oldest son was accepted at Marquette. We spent a truly wonderful week learning about the Marquette family and the bright future that our son has in front of him. Everyone put us at ease in knowing that he is in great hands and that there is little, if anything, that we need to worry about him matriculating at Marquette. Kudos to the staff and administration for making us feel welcome, and a special kudos to all the students who went out of their way to make all of us feel welcome and a new part of the Marquette community! May God’s blessings


Global issue enjoyed I read with interest and truly enjoyed the Global Issue of Marquette Magazine. I and my family had the good fortune to live in Brussels, Belgium, for 10 years while I was a director of an independent, intergovernmental, international organization. We traveled extensively in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Australia. Each of our sons attended a university overseas, and all the boys speak another language. We all have good friends around the world, and we keep in regular touch with them. We even have an


Argentine daughter-in-law who is now a professor at an American university. The exposure to other cultures, languages, religions and political systems means that you continue to learn as you consider issues from different points of view. If my 30 years of international travel have taught me anything, it is this: Different is just different and, more often than not, different is good and interesting. I encourage all Marquette students to take advantage of any foreign travel or educational opportunities that present themselves.

class | notes

Milwaukeean, I always

We welcome your feedback on the contents of Marquette Magazine. All letters considered for publication must include the sender’s first and last names. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and will print only letters that are thoughtful and relevant to the contents of the magazine. Write us at: Editor, Marquette Magazine P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881 Email us at:


@MarquetteU is preparing me for the

future better than I could have ever imagined. Actually looking forward to life after graduation.



Happy jubilee!

Congratulations to Sister Carol Thresher, SDS, Arts ’65, on 50 years of religious life and a second term as leader of the U.S. Province of the Sisters of the Divine Savior. Sister Thresher’s life path has taken her near and far and from teaching in elementary and secondary schools to ministry in São Paulo, Brazil, to designing formation programs for Salvatorians in Rome, Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines and England. Our prayers are with her. Are you celebrating a milestone event? Tell us. Send a picture to

Marquette Magazine



Recently a 40-something alumna described her life and activities for me. I got tired just listening. She launched her children off and into college but still finds herself involved in scouts and teaching religious education in her parish, as she has for years. A women’s Habitat for Humanity project captured her imagination a few years ago, and she spends many Saturdays joining other women who have learned carpentry, electrical skills and basic

Tilling the soil

construction. They are rehabbing a house alongside the new homeowner — a single mother of three.

The alumna manages all of this activity while maintaining her marriage

of 25 years, staying connected with her young adult children and balancing her professional work in health care. She probably would not describe her choices as anything special. She is doing what she believes she is called to do.

Underlying her activity is an incredible calm, a sense of meaning

and purpose. Her life is a balanced mix of action and reflection and faith.

The insights

Her “way of being” mirrors the hope of St. Ignatius as he guided people

of St. Ignatius

reflection lead to action. Followers of Ignatius are often called contem-

invite us to be

intellectually and morally engaged

exploring faith together

in the welfare


Winter 2013

and progress of people throughout the world.

through the Spiritual Exercises, firmly believing that contemplation and platives in action. Ignatius brought something unique to the spiritual life, a legacy that

has stood the test of time. Rather than spending his life in a monastery steeped in prayer, he urged his Jesuit companions to embrace the world, to go out into the streets and the hillsides to look and see, hear and feel, taste and smell. For Ignatius, the world became the source of contemplation that called him to action. If we follow his example, our awareness of and connection to events and the plight of people worldwide will be as important to us as what happens inside our own homes.

The contemplative in action is aware of the struggling single mother

slogging it out; the veteran returned from the war and now facing PTSD; the fears of parents who don’t have enough money to feed and clothe their children; the global unrest in many parts of the world; the hate crimes, street violence and realities that people live with every day.

In a few days, our university community will begin Mission Week,

a celebration that reminds us of these elements of our Ignatian heritage. This year’s theme, “The World is our Home,” touches on the insights of St. Ignatius in inviting us to be intellectually and morally engaged in the welfare and progress of people throughout the world and more fully attuned to and aware of deep blessings and moments of grace. The moments and places in which we are active and aware, paying attention to both the light and the dark, become the source of prayer, reflection and contemplation. Dr. Susan Mountin, Jour ’71, Grad ’94, director of Manresa for Faculty, helps us till the soil of faith in a quarterly column on Ignatian values.

from the archives

Students in the university’s Avalanche Ski Club held a square dance at Maryhill Ski Lodge, circa 1951. The Avalanche Club was started by Jesuit Raphael Hockhaus, a World War II combat chaplain.

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