1 minute read

8.1 Financial community

There are 4,256 shareholders of which 3,866 Italians

(survey on 20 October 2021)

The Company has for some time implemented operating methods with the aim of ensuring constant engagement with the shareholders. financial investors, socially responsible investors. analysts and in general operators on the financial market. The disclosure of information to the investors and the market is mainly ensured by periodical press releases. at least meeting the company’s disclosure obligations, meetings with the financial analysts and the constant updating of the information available on the Company website. In particular, the Investor Relation (IR) department deals with relations with the shareholders, the operators on the financial market and the analysts and also ensures the availability on the Company website of all of the information (reports, significant operations, operating procedures and regulations, including all documents regarding shareholders’ meetings and the relative minutes) useful, also to the public, in assessing and monitoring the Governance of the Company. The IR department also periodically organises (and in any event whenever required by the obligatory periodical disclosures) meetings with analysts and investors, which are also usually attended by the Chief Executive Officer. To favour increased awareness of the brand and its recognisability, the Company has started a programme to increase its own organised presence on two specific social networks with two different and complementary targets, these being Instagram (oriented more towards customers and suppliers) and LinkedIn (with a more professional target, and thus also oriented towards possible shareholders and non-professional investors).

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