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Chapter 8 - Integration and engagement with the other stakeholders


Integration and engagement with the other stakeholders



MARR believes that a priority topic is maintaining solid relations based on constant dialogue and engagement of all of the stakeholders, as an expression of the responsibility that the Group has towards the social context in which it operates and interacts. In this context, it has defined some lines of conduct and adopted procedures and regulations for managing relations with the stakeholders, especially the financial community and the media, based on transparency, correctness, rectitude, completeness and impartiality.

The following is a summary of the methods of stakeholder engagement implemented by the MARR Group, in other words the activities aimed at ensuring careful and constant engagement with the various subjects to ensure that the different interests of each stakeholder are heard, thereby encouraging comparison and the sharing of objectives and strategies.

Regulation for managing media relations

The Company has adopted a Regulation that defines the bodies and subjects responsible for managing media relations and authorising the publication of press releases and the spreading of information to the press to encourage transparency and uniformity of information.

Procedure for managing insider and confidential information

The Company has adopted a specific Procedure for managing insider and confidential information, which all of the subjects identified therein must follow.

MARR policy for managing engagement with the shareholders and other stakeholders

The Board of Directors has approved a Policy for the management of engagement with the shareholders and other financial stakeholders to render more systematic the operating methods which guarantee the exhaustive and prompt spreading of information on the Company activities.

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