BOOKS AND FILMS Are you a “bookworm”or a “film freak”? Now tell your partners about your favourite books and films. Use the information in the boxes to help you. vocabulary book and films genres (p. 72)
technology and the movies (p. 74)
features (p. 76)
adjectives: POSITIVE: exciting, imaginative, interesting, entertaining, moving, thrilling, great, funny, intriguing, original. NEGATIVE: boring, dull, awful, dreadful, terrible, senseless, stupid, violent, disappointing, slow, bad.
grammar present and past tenses
modal verbs: should/shouldn’t
expressions questions asking about films: What’s on?, Who is in it? What is it about? asking about books: What is it about?, Who is the author?, What is the best part?, Who is your favourite character?
likes and dislikes I (don’t) like reading/watching... The best book/film I’ve... was... I prefer My favourite character/part is .... It’s a/an ... film/book It’s about... I like it because...