Spring Valley Woman's Club Directory & Program Guide 2015-2016
Spring Valley Woman's Club Directory & Program Guide Greetings Members & Friends: We hope you enjoy this guide that introduces you to the Spring Valley Woman’s Club, which is a part of the amazing national and state Federations of Woman's Clubs, one of the first organizations in the country dedi‐ cated to women’s philanthropic activities. The Spring Valley Woman’s Club itself was first organized in 1948, and almost half of our current members have been in this club for several decades. The Spring Valley Club is a small, but active group. We are proud to have made continuous contributions to our community, no matter our size. In 2014, we contributed $2,000 to a variety of community, state, and interna‐ tional projects, and we awarded several $300 scholar‐ ships to deserving high school students. Although we have fun getting together, we really find the most pleasure in serving our com‐ munity with our own or other club‐sponsored projects. In this guide you will learn more about the Spring Valley Club, its rules and goals, and see a list of our current members. We are always looking for new members, so if you find this interesting, call me or any of our members and ask for more information, or just show up at one of our scheduled meetings or activities. All my best wishes,
Barbara Nelson President, Spring Valley Woman’s Club
Club Motto: Friends & Members Unite! Club Emblem: Friendship Knot Club Flower: Sweet Pea (cover)
Meetings 12 Noon, 2nd Wednesday of the month at Friends Church of Spring Valley 8955 Kenwood Drive
General Federation of Women’s Clubs 4 California Federation of Women’s Clubs 5 CFWC Southern District 6 Spring Valley Woman’s Club 7 Club Order of Business 8 Pledge of Allegiance 8 God Bless America 8 Collect For Club Women* 9 America, the Beautiful 10 Spring Valley Woman’s Club Oath 11 Club Etiquette 11 Spring Valley Club Officers & Executive Board 12 Executive Board Meetings 12 Committees 12 Chairs 13 Members with more than 25 years of membership 13 Past Presidents 14 Spring Valley Woman’s Club Membership 15 Constitution 18 By-laws 18 Standing Rules 22 2015 Calendar of Events 24
General Federation of Women’s Clubs GFWC is the world’s largest and oldest non‐partisan, non‐ denominational woman’s volunteer service organization. It was founded in 1890. Today GFWC has more than 100,000 members through‐ out the world who have volunteered more than 4.5 mil‐ lion hours and raised more than 24 million dollars! GFWC traces its roots back to Jane Cunningham Croly, an accomplished New York newspaperwoman, who wrote under the pen name of Jennie June. When she and other women were denied admittance to a banquet honoring Charles Dickens in 1868 at the all‐male New York Press Club, she was determined to organize a club for women only. The club was called Sorosis, a Greek word meaning an aggregation; a sweet fla‐ vor of many fruits. The founders thought they were starting a new movement, but they soon became aware of the existence of other women’s clubs that had formed inde‐ pendently to meet the needs of women in the expanding country. In 1890, Mrs. Croly proposed a conference in New York that brought together delegates from 61 women’s international clubs. This small banding of clubs today has grown into the largest organization for women volunteers in the world—the General Federation of Women's Clubs. Although women’s clubs were founded primarily as a means of self‐education and development for women, gradually the emphasis changed to one of com‐ munity service and improvement. They later adopted the motto Unity in Diver‐ sity and the Gold Rose as the club flower.
GFWC Headquarters 1734 N Street NW * Washington, DC 20036‐2990 Toll‐free: 1‐800‐443‐GFWC (4392) GFWC@GFWC.org * Web: www.GFWC.org Facebook: GFWCMembers As GFWC celebrates 125 years of Living the Volunteer Spirit, it’s important to reflect on the accomplish‐ ments that have made GFWC an organization of global change. The lessons learned and experienced gained through this action give credence to the value of organized volunteer service. 4
California Federation of Women’s Clubs CFWC was organized January 18, 1900, in Los Angeles, with 6,000 members in 40 clubs. The state is divided into 4 areas and 21 districts. Its motto is Strength United Is Stronger. Today CFWC has more than 26,000 members in 450 clubs throughout California and is responsible for contributing an average of 1,031,950 volunteer hours and $6,003.070 on 8,110 projects annually. PURPOSE: To carry out exclusively charitable, educational and service pro‐ grams, with special emphasis on educational programs for women. OBJECTIVE: To unite the influence and enterprise of California women, to carry on among member clubs a definite educational program along all lines of moral, social welfare, and civic interests, also to compare methods of study and work. EMBLEM: Designed in 1903 by Miss Bernice Scoville, in Gold and Royal Blue, the CFWC pin is the insignia of a common cause and creates a spirit of cooperation among those who wear it.
California Federation of Women’s Clubs 3350 Shelby St., Suite 200 * Ontario, CA 91764 cfwc@cfwc.org * Web: www.CFWC.org Facebook: GFWC‐California‐Federation‐of‐Womens‐Clubs
CFWC Southern District CFWC Southern District is part of Area D, which also includes Orange, San Ber‐ nardino, De Anza, Palomar, and San Diego. Formed in 1958, it was the last dis‐ trict to join CFWC. It has 13 clubs in the San Diego county communities of Bonita, Chula Vista, Coronado, El Cajon, Imperial Beach, Lakeside, La Mesa, National City, San Ysidro, and Spring Valley. Being a part of both the national and state federations, all Southern District clubs benefit from the policies and procedures outlined for club organization, leadership, the many educational programs provided, and recognition, by being associated with this influential international organization. The officers, chairs, member clubs, and individual participants of the CFWC Southern District are proud to be pieces in this huge organization, and we are excited to continue the examples and goals of the CFWC and GFWC. As a member of the Spring Valley Woman’s Club, we are part of the General Federation of Women's Clubs—one of the largest and oldest women's volunteer service organizations. Members include business owners, teachers, elected offi‐ cials, homemakers, corporate executives, college students, and retirees. We are united by a dedication to community improvement through volunteer service. Our accomplishments are legion—such as supporting fundamental legislation, including child labor laws, the eight‐hour work week, and equal pay for equal work. •CFWC unites women of all ages for community service and on worldwide issues through our California clubs... •CFWC contributes an average of four million volunteer hours and more than $3 million on 25,000 projects annually. •CFWC strives to promote education, eliminate illiteracy, encourage faith‐ ful citizenship, preserve natural resources, encourage healthy lifestyles, fight to prevent crime, support the arts and contribute to international understanding.
CFWC Southern District President Maryann Alianelli 11476 Shadow Ranch Rd., La Mesa, CA 91941 Web: www.freewebs.com/womansclubsouthbayandeastcounty/ Facebook: CFWCSouthernDistrict 6
Spring Valley Woman’s Club Spring Valley Woman’s Club originated after a Chamber of Commerce Christmas party where six women serving on the committee discovered a need for an organization to provide fellowship among the women of the community. The Club was organized January 7, 1948, with the desire to preserve historical heri‐ tage as well as to participate in serving the building goals of the area. Charter members were: Esther Harvie, Maude Wigfield, Lola Barnes, Grace Har‐ riss, Ruth Hobbs, and Lula Johnson. After setting up the constitution and by‐ laws, an outline for a program of service was established, and each woman invited three others to visit the Club as prospective members. For nine years, on each second and fourth Wednesdays, the Club convened on Troy Street. The Chamber of Commerce provided larger quarters in 1958. In 1960, the Club became Federated. The Club currently meets in the new fellow‐ ship hall of the Friends Church on Kenwood Drive and Bancroft Avenue in Spring Valley. Informative programs planned by active chairmen keep the members knowl‐ edgeable and up‐to‐date on California history and landmarks, medical concerns, education, crime and fire prevention, animal rights, veterans and social issues, as well as entertainment. Our community service includes: welfare work, scholarships, music, art, youth, and gerontology, and many community improvement projects. Fund raising activities to support philanthropic giving includes: teas, coffees, silent auctions, bazaars, and rummage sales. The Club offers many opportunities in various areas for enhancing the talents of its members. Through the years our Club has participated in the Southern Dis‐ trict’s Arts Festival; CFWC and State conventions, and we have won many out‐ standing awards. The Club had an evening section from 1962 to 2003. If interest is shown in the future, this section can be reinstated. Future plans include continued new mem‐ ber recruitment, leadership development, and service to our community.
Spring Valley Woman’s Club President Barbara Nelson 3502 Bentley Drive — Spring Valley, CA 91977 619‐460‐2345 Facebook: SpringValleyWomansClub
Club Order of Business Call to Order
Officer Reports
Pledge of Allegiance
Chairmen Reports
God Bless America
Unfinished Business
Collect for Club Women
New Business
Treasurer’s Report
Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
God Bless America While the storm clouds gather far across the sea, Let us swear allegiance to a land that’s free. Let us all be grateful for a land so fair, As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer. God Bless America! Land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with a light from above. From the mountains to the prairies To the oceans white with foam. God Bless America! My home sweet home. God Bless America! My home sweet home.
Collect For Club Women* Keep us, O God, from pettiness; let us be large in thought, in word, indeed. Let us be done with fault finding and leave off self‐ seeking. May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face, without self‐pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in judgment and always generous Let us take time for all things, make us to grow calm, serene, gentle. Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid. Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create differences, that in the big things of life we are at one. And may we strive to touch and to know the great, common human heart of us all. And, O Lord God, let us forget not to be kind.
Mary Stewart
*Written in 1904, Mary Steward said: [The Collect] was written as a prayer for the day. I called it a ‘Collect For Club Women,’ because I felt that women working together with wide interests for large ends was a new thing under the sun and that, perhaps they had need for special petition and meditation of their own. This must have been true for the Collect has found its way about the world, especially wherever English speaking women get together. Indeed it has been reprinted in many forms in many lands.
America, the Beautiful O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain. For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea! O beautiful for pilgrim feet whose stern impassioned stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine ev’ry flaw. Confirm thy soul in self control, thy liberty in law! O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife Who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life! America! America! May God they gold refine Till all success for nobleness, and ev’ry gain divine! O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years. Thine alabaster cities gleam undimmed by human tears. America! America! God shed His grace of thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.
Katherine Lee Bates
Two things you should always have with you when you come to Club: A sense of humor and an open mind
Spring Valley Woman’s Club Oath As a member of the Spring Valley Woman’s Club, I promise to abide by the Constitution and By‐Laws of said Club and to participate enthusiastically in Club activities.
Club Etiquette • Turn off all mobile phones and electronic devices. No smoking during meetings and programs. Please remind your guests. • The birthday box is on the President’s table. We make a dollar donation at the meeting nearest our birthday. This is used for a special project determined each April. • Please bring this booklet and wear your name tag to every meeting. All members are called by their given (first) names for a friendlier atmosphere. • Please be quiet during meetings unless absolutely necessary; write a note. • Realize that this is your Club, and be an active member. What you put into the Club is just what you will get out of it.
Spring Valley Woman’s Club President with three Past Presidents 11
Spring Valley Club Officers & Executive Board President Barbara Nelson
Treasurer Cheryl Cannon
1st VP/Dean Kathy Viessman‐Heath
Secretary Jackie Lindeneau
2nd VP/Programs Club members
Hostess Yvonne Friet
3rd VP/Ways & Means Patricia Hawkins
Parliamentarian Vonna Dodge
Executive Board Meetings First Wednesday of the month.
Committees Budget
Kathy Viessman‐Heath, Barbara Nelson, Jackie Lindeneau, Cheryl Cannon
Yvonne Friet
Shirley Eason, Yvonne Friet
Ways and Means
Patricia Hawkins
Venus Smith
Barbara Nelson
Friends & Members Unite! Our club emblem, the friendship knot, is a symbol of endless paths and thus represents eternity. This never ending can be in love, faith, loyalty, and friendship. These knots (also called Celtic knots) can be seen as metaphors for life and are frequently referred to as “love knots.” 12
Chairs California History/Landmarks
Maril Platte
Citizenship/Veterans Conservation/Pennies for Pines Domestic Violence Prevention
Kathy Viessman‐Heath
Federation/Pins/Emblems Good Cheer Photography Home Life/Special Projects Inspiration
Patricia Hawkins
Safety SV Historical Society Rep.
Kathy Viessman‐Heath
SV Citizens Assoc. Rep. SVWC District Rep. SVWC District Alternate Rep. Inside Publicity
Spring Valley Woman’s Club Members with more than 25 years of membership Jackie Lindeneau, 56 years Venus Smith, 52 years Effie Bridenstien, 43 years Marlene Ketell‐Merrick, 43 years Barbara Nelson, 33 years Kathy Viessman Heath, 29 years
Past Presidents Esther Harvie
Sadie Prasser
Frances Peters
Mary Clarke
Eileen Smith
Barbara Myers
Gertrude Hastings
Lillian Duncan
Grace Harriss
Marlene Ketell
Beulah Moyer
Bess (Hood) Kava
Bess (Hood) Drave
Mary Clarke
Jean Cakridge
Pat Lucas
Gretta Mickelsen
May Williams
Ruth Taylor
Myrt Loveland
Frieda Ralson
Hazel Buergey
Alma Arrington
Helen Vryheid
Rosearie Graham
Rosemarie Williamson
Ruth Taylor
Lillian Duncan
Reta Hulett
Michelle McIntyre
Elsie Hallam
Esther Bourecksky
Bessie Bailey
Marlene Ketell Merrick
Dorthy Butterfield
Kathy Viessman
Jackie Lindeneau
Barbara Nelson
Mildred Whitmus
Silkie Evans
May Williams
Kathy Viessman‐Heath
Kathleen Shinn
Cheryl Cannon
Some of the past presidents of the Southern District Federation of Women’s Clubs, three of whom were from the Spring Valley Club
Spring Valley Woman’s Club Membership Avatar (graphic image) of member
Name Birthday
Barbara Nelson April 19
City & Zipcode Email Address
SV 91977 barbinels@cox.net
Cheryl Cannon July 31
SV 91977 traveler43@cox.net
Effie Breidenstein September 8
LM 91942 effielou007@aol.com
Jackie Lindeneau SV 91977 February 2 jclgdl@sbcglobal.net
Kathy ViessmanHeath September 13
SV 91976
Avatar (graphic image) of member
Name Birthday
City & Zipcode Email Address
Lee Carns SV 91977 April 9
Maril Platte LM 91941 November 23
Marlene KatellMerrick
LM 91942
June 16 Mary Polk SV 91977 February 13
Patricia Hawkins LM 91941 October 1
Ruth Covalt October 11
EC 92109
Avatar (graphic image) of member
Name Birthday
City & Zipcode Email Address
Shirley Eason SV 91977 July 26
Venus (Vee) Smith LM 91942 February 10 venussmith@gmail.com
Vonna Dodge LM 91941 February 27
Yvonne Friet EC 92020 January 16
Annual Dues: $25 Regular Meetings: second Wednesday of the month, 12 NOON Special Events: fourth Wednesday of the month Location: Friends Church of Spring Valley (Bancroft & Kenwood) Church Office Phone: 619‐697‐3339 Club mailing address: Spring Valley Woman’s Club PO Box 393, Spring Valley, CA 91976
Constitution Article I The name of the organization shall be “Spring Valley Woman’s Club.” hereafter referred to as “The Club.”
Article II The object of The Club shall be to promote intellectual, cultural, educational, health and welfare projects and services.
Article III The policy of The Club shall be non-sectarian and non-partisan. No candidate for public office, nor any political issue, shall be endorsed. No commercial enterprises shall be endorsed without the sanction Executive Board.
By‐laws Article I Section 1. The officers of The Club shall be the President, First Vice President (Dean of Chairmen), Second Vice President (Programs), Third Vice President (Ways & Means Chairman), Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chairman, Hostess Chairman, and Parliamentarian. These officers with the exception of the Parliamentarian, who shall be appointed by the President, shall be elected annually by ballot. Section 2. To become eligible to hold office, a member must have paid dues by November 1. 1. A nominee for President must serve at least one (1) year on the Executive Board. Section 3. Nomination for office shall be made by a nominating committee of three (3) members elected at the regular business meeting in March. An alternate shall be elected at the same time. Section 4. Election by ballot shall be held at the regular business in April. If there is only one (1) candidate for an office, the ballot may be dispensed with and election made by voice for that office. Section 5. No one shall occupy more than one (1) office at a time nor hold such office more than two (2) consecutive years. Any person shall be eligible for re-election after the interval of one (1) year from the last time she held office. Section 6. Officers shall be installed in May and shall assume their duties on June 1.
Article II Executive Board (hereafter referred to as The Board) Section 1. The Board shall consist of the officers. Section 2. The Board shall be an advisory committee whose recommendations shall be subject to approval or disapproval of The Club. 18
Section 3. The Board shall have the authority to pay routine bills. Section 4. In case of an official vacancy, The Board shall appoint a member to serve until the election of her successor. Section 5. The Board shall meet by order of the President once a month or upon request of three (3) members of The Board. There shall be a minimum of nine (9) meetings per year. Section 6. A majority of The Board must be present for transaction of business at Executive meetings. Section 7. The Board shall have the right to issue tow (2) complimentary memberships each year.
Article III Membership and Dues Section 1. The Club shall require no sectarian or partisan political test for membership. It is not a secret society. It does not tolerate either by practice or teaching any violation of state or national laws and its By-Laws do not conflict with the By-Laws of the General Federation, the California, or Southern District CFWC. Section 2. If an applicant for transfer submits a letter of good standing from a Federated Woman’s Club of which she is or has been recently a member, she shall be accepted into membership upon payment of dues. No initiation fee is necessary. Section 3. An applicant must attend one (1) regularly scheduled Club event (this may be a regular business member at which she shall be introduced as a prospective member) within the current 12-month period and have signed the guest book at the business meeting. Section 4. Any member may give good cause for rejection to the Membership Chairman or a member of The Board before the next Board Meeting, at which time she shall be voted on and declared a member by favorable vote. Section 5. Application for membership into The Club shall be submitted on the proper application blank accompanied by one (1) year’s dues and initiation fee. Each applicant shall be sponsored by a member in good standing. Section 6. A new member shall receive notice of membership by the Membership Committee Chairman and shall be received into The Club. Section 7. The annual dues will be twenty-five dollars ($25.00), which includes per capita dues for the District, CFWC, and GFWC per their current by-laws. Dues shall be due February 1. Each new member shall pay twenty-five dollars ($25.00) plus five dollars ($5.00) initiation fee. Members received after September 1 shall pay one half (1/2) years dues of twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) plus the initiation fee of five dollars ($5.00). Dues received after December 1 shall be credited to the new club year. A five dollar ($5.00) penalty shall be charged for delinquent dues on June 1. Section 8. Any former member wishing to be reinstated must first attend at least one (1) meeting and pay current dues plus five dollars ($5.00) reinstatememnt fee and have a majority vote of The Board. 19
The name of any member may be dropped from the roll by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership provided the member has been previously notified in writing and has received a just hearing before The Board. Any member who has not paid her current dues by July 1 will be automatically dropped from the membership roster.
Article IV Duties of Officers Section 1. The President shall perform the usual duties pertaining to that office and shall be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee. She or an appointee shall be responsible for collecting mail from the Post Office Box. Section 2. The Vice Presidents shall act as aides to the President, and in the absence of the President, in their order, perform the duties of the President. Section 3. The First Vice President shall serve as Dean of Chairmen. It shall be her duty to assist the President and to serve as a link between the chairmen and the President. Section 4. The Second Vice President shall serve as Program Chairman. She shall be responsible for securing the sites for all meetings and events. Section 5. The Third Vice President shall serve as Ways and Means Chairman. Section 6. The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate account of all meetings of the organization in a bound book. She shall keep the minutes of The Club and The Board; she shall be custodian of the records and all special papers, except correspondence. Section 7. The Treasurer shall collect and pay all Club money subject to the approval of The Club and The Board. She shall present a report at each business meeting of The Club and The Board and shall make a full Annual report to The Club at the June business meeting. A copy of the Treasurer’s Report is to be attached to the Secretary’s record. Books shall be audited annually or upon the request of The Board. The President shall appoint (with approval of the Executive Board) an auditor when needed. The annual audit shall be read at the June business meeting. Section 8. The Membership Chairman shall collect all annual membership dues. It will be her duty to receive all applications for membership and to present it to The Board for approval. She shall notify new members of their acceptance and shall honor new members at a regular business meeting. Section 9. The Hostess Chairman shall be coordinator of refreshments for all regular Club meetings, cooperate with the Program Committee and Special Events Chairman, provide clean-up for kitchen equipment, linen, dishes, etc. Section 10. The Parliamentarian shall advise the Presiding Officer, The Board, and all members on points of parliamentary law and shall sit on the Board. Section 11. All shall be signed by two (2) of the following three (3) officers: President, Treasurer. and Recording Secretary.
Article V Meetings and Quorums Section 1. All regular meetings shall be held on the second (2nd) Wednesday of the month. Special meetings such as Founders Day and Installation may be held on the fourth (4th) Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise ordered by the membership. Section 2. Special meetings of The Club may be called by The Board upon notice to all members given at least three (3) days prior to the meeting. Section 3. The regular business meeting in April shall be the Annual Meeting. Section 4. Four (4) members shall constitute a quorum. Section 5. Absentee ballots on important issues, such as amendments to the By-Laws, may be accepted, if so ordered by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at the regular business meeting preceding such vote. All members of The Club shall be notified by phone or mail at least one (1) week prior to the vote. Those voting on absentee ballot shall follow this procedure: 1) cast the vote on a plain slip of paper, 2) fold, 3) place in a plain sealed envelope, 4) place this plain envelope in an envelope on which the voter’s name is written on the outside (to be checked against the membership list), 5) return ballot to Club. Secretary before The Club meeting at which time the vote is to be taken. Tellers will: 1) check names, 2) discard outer envelopes, 3) open inner envelopes, 4) put absentee ballots with those cast by members present at the meeting, 5) count the total number of ballots.
Article VI Sections Section1. There may be a Section of The Club, which shall meet in the evening. They shall arrange and manage their own affairs consistent with these By-Laws. The Evening Section shall abide by the Standing Rules approved by the Spring Valley Woman’s Club. The Section Presiding Officer or an elected representative shall be a part of The Board of The Club. Projects of the Evening Section to be included in the annual report shall be endorsed by The Club. Section 2. There may be Sections of The Club such as a Music Section, a Craft Section, or a Creative Writing Section. Prerequisite for joining any such Section shall be active paid up membership in The Club except the Director and Pianist of the Music Section. Southern District Clubs may participate in the Music section activities. Each Section shall arrange and manage its own affairs, consistent with these By-Laws and abiding by the Standing Rules of The Club. Section 3. No section shall have the power to incur debt or liability binding upon The Club.
Article VII Dissolution In the event of the dissolution of The Club, its assets shall be donated to a non-profit group or groups chosen by a majority vote of the membership voting. This vote shall be conducted by absentee ballot as provided by Article V, Section 5.
Article VIII Amendments These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present. Notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall be given at the previous regular business meeting, and the amendment(s) shall be read at the meeting at which they are voted upon.
Article IX Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable and which are inconsistent with these By-Laws.
Standing Rules 1. All members shall be called by their given (first) names. 2. All members will contribute yearly to the Birthday fund. 3. Founders Day shall be observed in January. 4. Members and guests shall refrain from smoking during business meetings and programs. 5. There shall be a minimum balance of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) in the treasury checking account at the close of The Club year. 6. The name of a prospective member, who has been presented and turned down, may not be presented again for a period of three (3) years. 7. The President’s Gavel Pin and the Past President’s Pin shall be presented at the annual installation ceremony. The President’s Gavel Pin is the property of the Club and shall be worn during her term of office. The President’s Gavel Pin and the Past President’s Pin shall be presented at the annual installation ceremony. The President’s Gavel Pin is the property of the Club and shall be worn during her term of office. 8. A meeting of The Board-elect may be called by the President-elect before installation to ratify Chairmen, fill vacancies of The Board-elect, make plans for the coming year’s work and create new chairmanships as needed. 9. The Annual Meeting in April is a closed meeting with no guests allowed. Birthday funds will be designated for a special project at this meeting. 10. Any motion from the floor to spend money over the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) must be given to a special committee, which will report back to The Club at the next regular business meeting. In the event of an emergency, this rule may be set aside by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present. 11. There shall be two (2) bank accounts: one (1) for savings and one (1) checking for pay22
ing current bills and expenses. Money not needed in the checking account during The Club year shall be held in the savings account until time needed for disbursement. 12. The President shall be the official delegate and First Vice President the alternate to all conventions except the State convention. The President-elect and the First Vice President-elect shall be the official delegate and official alternate to the State convention. 13. In the event of the death of a member, or the spouse or child of a member, the Treasurer shall send a check in the name of the deceased, the charity of the family’s choice or to Hospice if none is designated. The amount shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) for a member, or ten dollars ($10.00) for a spouse or child. 14. The President is to receive ten dollars ($10.00) per month for expenses. 15. Scholarship participation will be voted on each year. If awarded, the monies shall be given to the students to be used for educational expenses. Scholarship recipients should be students of Spring Valley High School. 16. There shall be revolving funds for the use of the Ways and Means Chairman, Craft Chairman, and other Chairmen as specified in the budget. 17. Good Cheer chairman shall send notices of donations to the Memorial Fund to the family of the deceased. 18. The Inside/Outside Publicity Chairman shall be in charge of the Club newsletter “Hot Flashes.” She shall have charge of notices of regular meetings. Special Events publicity shall be handled by the appropriate committees. 19. Petitions to be brought to The Club for signatures shall first be cleared through The Board. 20. Men guests may attend Club events open to the public, such as $1.00/Plate. They may also attend other Club functions open to them by Club invitation. 21. The Pins and Emblems Chairman shall arrange for the purchase of the Past President’s Pin (or other gift the outgoing President might prefer). 22. The Club shall invite the Southern District President to be its guest at a Club luncheon or function once each year. 23. Within the limits of the budget, all bills for committee expenses and operating expenses (except for convention) shall be paid as they come due. Convention expenses and contributions (except Memorial Fund) shall be voted on as they arise. 24. Members must pay if a Club function reservation is made and not cancelled by the reservation deadline. 25. Members not wearing their name tags at meetings will be charged a twenty-five cent ($.25) fine. The monies collected from these fines will go toward conservation. 26. These Standing Rules may be amended by a majority vote of members present, previous notice having been given, or two-thirds (2/3) Vote of members present without previous notice.
Adopted June 1950, revised, and amended 2011.
2015 Calendar of Events JANUARY 21
Southern District Meeting/Report Submission Chula Vista Woman’s Clubhouse
Woman’s Club of Lakeside Kids Art Show
Woman’s Club of Spring Valley Friendship Lunch
Southern District Executive Board Meeting La Mesa Woman’s Clubhouse
Festival of Arts
CFWC Executive Board Meeting, Sacramento, CA
Woman’s Club of Lakeside Quilt Show Sweetwater Woman’s Club Craft Show
La Mesa Woman’s Club Bunco/Bridge Fund Raiser
Spring Valley Woman’s Club Membership Tea at Friends Church Bostonia Woman’s Club Bunco Party
Southern District Executive Board Meeting La Mesa Woman’s Clubhouse
Palomar District Leads Seminar
Closed Meeting
Spring Valley Woman’s Club Trunk Sale at Friends Church
San Diego District Convention
Southern District Convention
Palomar District Convention
MAY 13
CFWC Convention, Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, San Jose, CA
Spring Valley Club End of Year Picnic at Yvonne’s
Southern District Executive Board Meeting
AUGUST 21-22
CFWC Executive Board Meeting, Piccadilly Inn, Fresno, CA
SEPTEMBER 16 18-20
Southern District Meeting Western States Conference, CFWC Hosting, San Jose
Southern District Executive Board Meeting CFWC Area “D” Conference
Southern District Meeting Spring Valley Garden Party
Spring Valley
Southern District
Members and Friends unite!
Back to Basics for the Future
Friendship Knot
Sweet Pea
Federation membership is a gift that for many is passed on from genera‐ tion to generation. Mothers, daughters, granddaughters, sisters, nieces, aunts, cousins, and in‐laws share a passion for community improvement through volunteer service. Being a part of the same club, or another Fed‐ erated club many miles away, has brought families together by sharing a common bond.
Federation of Woman’s Clubs NATIONAL—General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) STATE—California Federation of Women’s Clubs (CFWC) AREA D—Division within state (A, B, C, or D) SOUTHERN DISTRICT—Divisions within areas CLUB—SPRING VALLEY Woman’s Club (one of the 13 clubs within the Southern district)
“The Club”