Spring 2012
Christ Is Risen! Indeed He Is Risen!
St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
Western American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North & South America 3025 Denver Street • San Diego, CA 92117 telephone: (619)276-5827 web: http://stgeorgeinsd.com
Autumn leaves are falling ... and the great American holiday of Thanksgiving will soon usher in our two-month season of Christmas and New Year’s. How quickly go the seasons and our own biological clocks. The mother of the little one shown below, looking out on our mysterious world, was only “yesterday” a small child herself, participating in the program of St George Church with the now-grown children of so many of us. The Orthodox Christian Church has been the foundation of our families and our lives for many years, and we are grateful. And the Church is more and more integrating with our American lives. A huge example being the canonization of two American Saints. This issue includes several articles and pictures of the great event. We hope you will relive the event if you attended; or experience it through the descriptions. Please remember your church especially this season, and be thankful for all the blessings God has given you this year and always.—Marsha Jovanovic
Church Officers & Staff PARISH PRIEST
V. Rev. Protopresbyter Bratislav Krsic email: frbratso@sbcglobal.net PARISH DEACON
Dorothy Vukotich, Natalija Valenti Schrandt, Natalia Denton PRESIDENT
Velimir Jovanovic TREASURER
Linda Alemany SECRETARY
Jeff Nicholas Schrandt MEMBERS-AT-LARGE
Vojkan Popovic, Nebojsa Rajkovic, Vladimir Kezic, Radovan Borovic STEWARDSHIP MINISTRY
Miro Copic, President Vesna Jovanovic, Dusanka Klacar TUTORS/VESTRYMEN
Milos Lukic, George Skaljac, Nebojsa Rajkovic, Miro Copic, Radovan Borovic S.S.S. ST. GEORGE CHOIR
Velimir Jovanovic, President CIRCLE OF SERBIAN SISTERS (KOLO Sestara)
Deacon Paul Germain VOICE OF ST. GEORGE
Marsha Jovanovic, Editor (619)988-0650 • FAX (619)588-5767 email: marsha@marshaj.com Srdjan Dragic, Cover
Holy Baptism is the first of seven Sacraments in the Orthodox Christian Church. On September 19, 2015, Malcolm Alexander Milhorn, the son of Dr. Anastasia Kunac and Brian D. Milhorn, received the sacrament in St George Church. Little Malcolm is the grandson of Maria and Dusan Kunac, long-time stewardship members of St George.
In this issue... Theology as a Hope for the Future of the Church Canonization of St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson Hagiography of St. Mardarije of Libertyville Hagiography of St. Sebastian of Jackson That We Be Holy as Our Lord is Holy Да будемо свети као што је свет Господ наш From the Church President CHURCH CALENDAR 2015-2016 San Diego Serbian Festival Sunday Church School What is Orthodox Christianity? St George Choir Four centuries of Seminary – School of Theology at monastery Krka Kolo Sisters Stewardship List—Sept. 2015 MORAVA! Kosovo and Metohija Monasteries and Churches
3 6 10 12 14 14 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 22 24 28
Theology as a Hope for the Future of the Church Your Eminences, Most Blessed President of the Board of Trustees, Very Reverend Dean, Very Reverend Chancellor, Executive Chair of the Board, Esteemed Professors, Dear Students, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am very grateful for the honor you are giving me this evening. The bestowal of an honorary doctorate shows that, in effect, you are receiving me into your academic family, together with Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory, who also received an honorary doctorate from you. Such a reception, I would venture to say, obliges me to be mindful of the many gifts our Orthodox Church of Serbia has received from this school. For many decades the School of St Vladimir’s, thanks to Fr. John Meyendorff and Fr. Alexander Schmemann of blessed memory, with its theological “climate,” has been for many of our countrymen a real seminary, a “nursery,” and a point of reference. For over 75 years you have been nourishing the global Orthodox Church with criteria of a theological orientation, deeply marking the consciousness of the Orthodox Church. In this spirit I submit for your consideration certain reflections on the way the Christian Church understands its theological witness in the beginning of the new millennium.
I. Theology as a Hope for the Future of the Church. As the unforgettable St. Justin of Ćelije said, “if the Church of Christ does not solve the profound questions of the human spirit, it is not necessary.” This School has preserved theology as the primary expression of the Church’s experience without ignoring either sociological concerns or the natural sciences. It is a theology that, through its patristic and liturgical foundations, claims to have a vision of cosmic transformation, of a transfiguration of the world and the conversion of the human individual into a true person living in the image of the Holy Trinity. We cannot train Orthodox theologians without opening up their eyes
to all aspects of existence. But, this can be done only with a sound dogmatic theology. As the late Fr. Georges Florovsky said, “Without sober guidance, without the stable element of sound doctrine, our feelings would but err and our hearts would be blinded.” However, we cannot decide on these criteria unless we answer the question: What kind of hope does the Church offer? The Church is a place where the God-man has instilled His mode of being through His incarnation and resurrection. That mode leads us to the level of person (relation and self-offering) and not the level of individuum (self-sufficiency and selfprotection). Only a person can live life as a self-offering being; the individuum is not capable of sharing. The greatest good is not the happiness of the individual, but a life of gratitude and self-offering. In our Christian tradition God is revealed, known, and communicated as a perfect communion of the Three Persons, and not simply as a “being” or impersonal Principle or Power. When St Nicholai of Žiča spoke here on February 2, 1953, about the “The Orthodox Doctrine on Causality,” he said: Our religious mysticism is nothing misty, nothing nebulous, nothing obscure or mystified. It is our clear and perennial doctrine of causality. If we have to call this doctrine by an ism, we may call it personalism.... Both naturalism and materialism are a teaching of blind fatalism without the smallest door of escape or the smallest window for sunshine. We Orthodox Christians must resist this blind fatalism, as all Christians should do, and defend our intelligent doctrine of personal causality of and in the world. [The Orthodox Doctrine on Causality,” Православна Црква и узрочност у свету”, предавање на Световладимирској академији у Њујорку, 2. фебруара 1953, Сабрана дела XIII, стр. 385, 386/ или на српском: 396.]
The Church is the work of God in history and, thus, It, within Itself, must be a reflection of the Triune God. In the image of the crucified and resurrected Christ,
who “takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29), the Church also receives the tragic and sinful experiences and failures of man, for it is the Body of the Crucified Lord. In order to save the world, the Church must pass through the reality of death. As St. Paul says, death takes place within us (the Apostles), so that life can begin inside you (i.e., the Corinthians and members of the Church). (cf. 2 Cor. 4:612). This is what real saints do. Without this identification with the tragic destiny of the world, there is no salvation of the world. The Holy Eucharist demonstrates that the Church exists for the entire creation and not simply for itself or humanity. So, by expanding their horizons, the Orthodox seminaries and schools should be open to all human concerns in social and everyday life, just as the merciful Samaritan helped the wounded man by pouring wine and oil upon his wounds (cf. Luke 10:34). One of the many gifts that Fr. Alexander Schmemann exhibited during his long ministry to the Church, and which has impressed most of us very much, was his ability to combine his liturgical interests with a remarkable theological mind. For him theology and Liturgy were inseparable twins. In the light of the Eucharist we see other aspects of our ecclesial life. Conciliarity, as an Eucharistic manifestation of the Continued on page 4
Continued from page 3.
catholicity of the Church, preserved us from being simply a “multiverse” (polycephaly) of Orthodox Churches containing an indefinite number of autocephalies, each with its own canon laws of functioning but with a difficulty to speak on all issues with one voice. If the 21st century becomes “the century of the synodality,” this difficulty might be prevented. Through the tradition of synodality (catholicity, sobornost) an opportunity is provided to every individual Let’s pray the church to confirm its two new faithfulness to the Eucharistic Body of American the one Christ. Saints will be
well-springs of holiness for the grace-thirsty land of America
It is important today to move from mimicking tradition and “recycling” theology (a mere repetition of accepted definitions) to opening our ears so that we may hear “what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev. 2:7) and receive from Him the yeast that “leavens” the whole of history.
All this was the task of Fathers George Florovsky, John Meyendorff, and Alexander Schmemann. A sense of their blessed presence is so strong. Together with St. Paul, I urge: Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. (Hebrews 13:7)
II. SVS –Serbia Exchange and Its Importance for the Future. Let me turn to the next point of the exchange that took place between St. Vladimir’s Seminary and the Serbian Orthodox Church. I want to express my gratitude to St. Vladimir's for hosting so many Serbian students, who always looked at this institution with admiration, for it is indeed one of the most important theological centers in the entire Orthodox world, a place that can broaden their horizons and serve the Church in the best way in our times.
In the above-mentioned talk St Nicholai of Žiča, he characteristically said something that, in my opinion, faithfully describes the spirit and direction of St. Vladimir’s educational atmosphere: Christianity is a religion not so much of principles, rules and precepts, but primarily and above all of personal attachments, in the first place an affectionate attachment to the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through him to other members of the Church, the living and the dead.... The benefits we are drawing from such personalism in the doctrine of causality are manifold... It helps us enormously toward educating and forming strong personal, or individual, characters. It inspires us with a spirit of optimistic heroism in suffering, self-sacrificing, and in enduring martyrdom for Christ's sake beyond description, as testified in our Church history (Ibid., p. 390).
But it is not only the students. It is a wellknown fact that this institution is proud of the Serbian members of its Board of Trustees, Brian Gerich, Mitch Zunich, Leon Lysacht, Bishop Maxim, and Alex Machaskee. In addition to previous history, a new chapter opened with the cooperation between St. Vladimir's and the Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Belgrade. While it started a long time ago, it was recently ratified with an agreement and the new project was named the St. Nikolai of Žiča and South Canaan and St. Justin of Ćelije Serbian House of Studies at Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. We are glad to read that the purposes of this House of Studies are: to promote a sustained presence of Serbian Orthodox theological traditions in America; to promote a sustained dialogue between Orthodoxy in Serbia and America; to provide the highest level of education, incorporating Serbian theological traditions (heritage, history, liturgy), for the service of the Serbian Orthodox Church in America; to provide an experience of Orthodoxy in the West for theological students from Serbia and a place for research for faculty from Serbia; to
be a liaison-center for Serbian alumni in the US and throughout the world; and, to conduct events throughout the year promoting its work.
III. Relevancy of Orthodoxy in America. The “yeasting” of Orthodoxy currently taking place in the Americas invites us to participate in it in order to provide an impetus for a contemporary and creative ecclesial self-awareness. The Church as a whole must use this yeasting as an occasion for self-examination and self-criticism. The acknowledgement before the world of the sanctity of St. Sebastian and St. Mardarije points to the truth that the future of the Orthodox Church depends largely on the so-called Diaspora. As the “Jews of the Diaspora” in the second and third century paved the way for the then “ecumene” (the Greek and Roman world) to accept the Word Incarnate (they also played a definitive part in clarifying the Christian faith and giving it shape). So also, the “Orthodox of the Diaspora” are probably the only reliable link with today’s “ecumene.” It was thanks to the Jewish Hellenizers that Christianity had its first opening in the purely Greek-Roman world, and that the first mixed Christian communities of Jewish Hellenizers and Greek Christians sprang up at Antioch. Something similar is happening today in the New World. The Orthodox in the USA opened unexpected avenues for dialogue between Orthodoxy and Christians of many kinds in the increasingly pluralistic world of our time. For the sake of further strengthening and establishing of our church life and witness in America, it is necessary to declare the unity of all Orthodox people through keeping communion with each other and for this purpose the bishops of all Orthodox peoples in America have been working together in a common episcopal assembly for North America. Our younger generation can take the example of St. Sebastian: a child born in San Francisco who was instrumental in opening new avenues for dialogue between the Church and the world; eventually he became a saint, and demon-
strated that any child in this country can achieve holiness. We are convened here on a heartrending day, September 11, when a tragedy of tremendous proportions with unforeseeable consequences for the entire world took place. The terrorist acts incite the justified indignation of all people who value human life, freedom and justice. Our Serbian people have also witnessed terror and deep sorrow since Serbia, the country and its people, has lived, a true martyrdom in the last sixty years: we experienced the inhumanity and horror of both the Marxist-communist and the capitalist-“liberal” aspects of historical materialism. But the martyrdom of the Serbs at the westerners’ hysteria over Milosevic resulted in the appearance of young generations open to theology, sensitive to the key issues of cosmic-theory, of ethos and mentality, through the relational experience of the Church—a cross-resurrectional testimony to the True Life in Christ. In these perilous and uncertain times, the barbarity perpetrated against Christians, Muslims, and vulnerable communities in the Middle East by the self-named Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as well as other jihadist groups has claimed numerous innocent lives and driven countless people from their homes. In this regard, our Orthodox Church calls for the immediate cessation of military action, liberation of captives, and establishment of peace in the region through dialogue, because Christians in the Middle East are a leaven of peace; so peace for all people also means peace for Christians. So many instances of persecution against Orthodox and other Christian populations both in Syria and in Kosovo have gone unnoticed and unreported by the US media. In these countries, Christians are at best second-class citizens and are sometimes even treated as aliens in their own countries, denied basic civil rights and the protection of law. Let us hope that this trend and narrative which is common in the Western societies will be reshaped and let us pray for the return of refugees and for the survival and protection of the remaining Christian population.
Conclusion: Hope for the Future. Theology in our times must be inspired by visions such as that of Fathers Florovsky, Meyendorff, and Schmemann in continuing to bear witness, to confess, and to proclaim the Mystery of Christ, the transformation of the entire reality of the salvation of the world, with the communal and “catholic” character of the Eucharist as a “gathering in one place,” which ends with our participation in the Supper of the Kingdom. When the late Patriarch Pavle visited St Vladimir’s Seminary, he gifted the school with an icon of St Sava of Serbia. Please allow me to present my gift—the icon of Saints Sebastian of San Francisco and Mardarije of Libertyville. St. Maximos’ words apply well to the lives of our two newly glorified saints, Sts. Mardarije and Sebastian: It is not the man who worships God with words alone who glorifies God in himself but he who for God's sake bears hardship and suffering in the quest for virtue. Such a man is glorified in return by God with the glory that is in God, receiving through participation the grace of dispassion as a reward for virtue. (St. Maximus, Second Century on Theology, 72, Philokalia, vol. 2, p. 155)
Let us pray that the two new American Saints, “wise as serpents and simple as doves” (Mt 10:16) will be new wellsprings of holiness for the grace-thirsty land of America. May they also strengthen St. Vladimir’s Seminary for many years. His Holiness, Irinej, Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci, Serbian Patriarch on the occasion of the Presentation of the Doctorate Honoris Causa at St. Vladimir’s Theological Seminary, September 11, 2015. Source: OCA; SOC
Terms from the speech ecclesial. Pertaining to the church or its functions, teachings, or organization. conciliarity. Adherence of the Orthodox Christian communities to the authority of ecumenical councils and to synodal church government. multiverse. Having more than one existence, as in being only a part of a larger body. polycephaly. Having more than one head. autocephaly. Literally means (from the original Greek) “appointing its own leader.” The status of an Orthodox church, which is selfgoverned and also has the authority to elect or appoint its own leader or head (cephale). synodality. That which is and which proceeds from the Assembly of representatives from all church jurisdictions (i.e., the Entire Orthodox Church) convoked for the settlement of ecclesiastical or doctrinal concerns and disputes. catholicity. Refers to the Orthodox Church as having the fullness of the Faith; united by a set of common convictions and Orthodox Christian values, as opposed to the cult of individualism in the West. sobornost. Refers to the Orthodox Church as having the fullness of the Faith; united by a set of common convictions and Orthodox Christian values, as opposed to the cult of individualism in the West. ecumene. Inhabited world; Orthodox Christian Church as a unified whole or the unified modern world civilization.
Arrival of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch and Visiting Hierarchs Marks Beginning of this year's Diocesan Days in Alhambra WIth much joy and anticipation the Diocese of Western America welcomed His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej on Friday, September 4, 2015 at the onset of this year's annual Diocesan Days, traditionally held Labor Day Weekend. This year's annual celebration was both historic and unique as the highlight was the glorification of St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson. This is the reason for His Holiness' visit, and of the many other Hierarchs participating in the liturgical celebration. Arriving at the diocese, in addition to His Holiness, were: His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of the Greek Archdiocese, Grace Bishop Longin of New Gracanica and Midwestern America, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America, His Grace Bishop Justin of Zicha, His Grace Bishop Benjamin (OCA), and His Grace Bishop Savas of the Patriarchate of Georgia. His Holiness was welcomed by the diocesan bishop, His Grace Bishop Maxim of the Western America and the diocesan clergy. Upon the patriarch's arrival a Doxology service was served after which Bishop Maxim welcomed His Holiness and the visiting hierarchs and expressed his joy for having them participate in this great event of the glorification of the new American saints which will last all year. The glorification of St. Sebastian will be followed by that of St. Mardarije of Libertyville to be held later this year. His Holiness thanked Bishop Maxim for his kind words of welcome and expressed his joy at once again being in the beautiful Saint Steven's Cathedral in Alhambra and the great joy which is the occasion for this visit. The patriarch noted the work of St. Sebastian who preached and spread Orthodoxy to both Serbs and non-Serbs alike and this, the patriarch noted, needs to be the mission of the church to this day, that our doors be open to all who desire to open their hearts to God. After lunch the patriarch led a Clergy Symposium for all diocesan clergy. He
touched upon many matters, especially pastoral duties of the priests calling upon them to lead Godly and pious lives. The eyes of the community are ever upon both the priest and his family, and the priest needs to always take particular care in the upbringing of his children. His Holiness also noted the need for the use of the Serbian language in the homes, noting that when he was in Prizren he knew of many children knowing three languages: Serbian, Turkish, and Albanian. The symposium concluded with a discussion. The first day of the three-day Diocesan Days event included meetings of both the Diocesan Council and later the Diocesan Assembly. At six o'clock everyone met once again in the beautiful Saint Steven's Cathedral for the festal Vespers officiated by His Holiness. The hymns to our holy and God-bearing Father Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson were composed by Deacon Veljko Vasiljev and sung beautifully at the Vespers by the seminarians from the Prizren Seminary. Following Vespers Patriarch Irinej addressed the clergy and faithful who filled the church. He expressed his joy at this great moment, not just for this diocese or our Serbian Orthodox Church, but the entire Christian Church. In his homily, in speaking of the life of St. Sebastian and his many deeds in the missionary field, His Holiness noted how St. Nikolai of Zicha, who buried Fr. Sebastian at Zicha Monastery, referred to him as a saint. The hall was full for the dinner served after Vespers. Protopresbyter Nikola Ceko, Cathedral Dean, greeted all the visiting hierarchs and special guests. “In the Footsteps of Saint Sava” Canonization of St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson The beautiful and spacious St. Steven's Cathedral in Alhambra was too small to receive all the faithful who came from many directions to witness the canonization of St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson on Saturday, September 5, 2015. The parking lot was nearly full VOICE OF ST. GEORGE • AUTUMN 2015 6
before Matins even began. Visiting clergy from the pan Orthodox community could not contain themselves in expressing their great joy at being given the opportunity to take part in this oncein-a-lifetime experience. Diocesan clergy as well as visiting clergy from the Diocese of Eastern America, New Gracanica and Midwestern America, as well as Canada, not to mention the many clergy from the Pan-Orthodox community of greater Los Angeles formed a long line, escorting His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej and all the hierarchs into the overfilled church with many faithful standing at the front steps, as well beside the church where seating and television screens were prepared for the faithful to be able to watch the liturgy from outside the church. In addition to the Serbian Patriarch, the participating hiearchs were: His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco and Western America, His Eminence Archbishop Alejo Mexico City and all Mexico, His Grace Bishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West, His Grace Bishop John of Naro-Fominsk, vicar of the Moscow Diocese, His Grace Bishop Sava of the Georgian Patriarchate in the US, His Grace Bishop Daniil of the Bulgarian Diocese, His Grace Bishop Longin of New Gracanica and Midwestern America, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America, His Grace Bishop Justin of Zicha, His Grace Bishop Grigorije of Hercegovina and host hierarch His Grace Bishop Maxim of Western America.
HOLY HIERARCHICAL LITURGY. Upon the entrance of His Holiness into the church, Bishop Maxim and Justin carried the icon of St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson out of the altar and presented it before His Holiness and the hierarchs. Bishop Longin read the official proclamation issued by the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church on May 26, 2015. It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and us (Acts 15:28) that at the priestly Assembly of Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church, to the glory of God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, who is glorious in His Saints, and for the spiritual good and overall progress of our local Church and the entire One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ, to add to the Synaxis of Saints Venerable Archimandrite Sebastian, who had glorified God with his life and works and whom the Lord has already glorified through precious signs and reverence of all people. Proclaiming him a holy, Christ-bearing God-pleaser of the Orthodox Church, we pray to the Lord that his witness of the Only Lover of man, and his living examples of faith and love be an invitation to us all that we follow and glorify him in Christ's Church in the divine services and through hymns of praise. This glorification bestows upon God's Church a great spiritual joy and thanksgiving to the Living Lord. Through the prayers of our Venerable Father Sebastian, O Most Holy Trinity,
our God, have mercy upon us and save us. To the Only All-Wise God the Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord, and the Holy Spirit, glory and majesty, power and dominion, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. Following the reading of the proclamation, the Tropar to St. Sebastian was sung festively by the Prizren seminarians. The singing of Kto Bog veli followed during which time the patriarch and concelebrating hierarchs venerated the icon of St. Sebastian. Archbishop Demetrios offered a homily after the gospel reading, quoting the gospel words read, “Learn from Me for I am humble and meek.” St. Sebastian, His Eminence noted, was both humble and meek, but also very dynamic and gifted and hard working missionary. He possessed, in the words of the archbishop, three characteristics, apostolic in nature, making him holy. First, he was fully dedicated to God. Secondly, he had a passion for spreading the gospel which he did, not only among his beloved Serbian people, but all people of good will eager to hear God's Word. Finally, St. Sebastian had love for the people entrusted to his care and with tears he cared for their salvation. A great many faithful approached the Holy Chalice so that in addition to His Holiness who was communing the faithful, clergy were spread throughout the church, and even outdoors communing the faithful. Beside the Prizren seminarians singing antiphonally, with them was the choir comprised of singers from throughout the diocese [editor: including St George choir director and church board president, Kathryn Thickstun], which together with the hierarchs and many clergy VOICE OF ST. GEORGE • AUTUMN 2015 7
and deacons made the morning liturgical celebration all the more glorious. In his homily at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, His Holiness spoke of the miraculous life of the newly glorified St. Sebastian, how he studied theology abroad to only return to his San Francisco where he was eager to share his knowledge of the Christian faith with his Serbian people. Upon his ordination he traveled. He traveled wherever and whenever he heard of a Serbian community living somewhere - wherever it was, he went. He went to visit them to meet them, establish church communities and parishes and build churches. He walked in the footsteps of St. Sava, the patriarch stated. In his gratitude to His Holiness, His Grace Bishop Maxim presented an icon of the newly glorified Saints at the end of liturgy to the Serbian Patriarch. SYMPOSIUM AND FELLOWSHIP. A symposium after lunch, emceed by Fr. Josiah Trenham followed. Speaking during the symposium were a number of the visiting hierarchs including Bishop Maxim, who was called upon to speak more on the process of becoming a saint. Since the icon which was revealed in church was done by the hand of Fr. Stamatis Skliris, Fr. Stamatis was called upon to speak about icons. In his beautiful talk he noted how art attempts to take something and make it immortal but in the end it remains mortal. The art of iconography is the only art which succeeds in doing that. When I painted St. Sebastian, Fr. Stamatis stated, I did not paint the historic one, but the one we will greet in God's eternal kingdom. In addition to speakers, Fr. Josiah also read letters sent to the diocese on the occasion of the canonization, including greetings from His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, first hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America. After a two-hour break, during which time fellowship was enjoyed, the clergy and faithful met once more in church for Continued on page 8.
Continued from page 7. Vespers. At the conclusion of the service Bishop Longin wished His Holiness a most happy name's day, as the following day is St. Irineus of Lyon. EVENING PROGRAM. After dinner the host priest, Fr. Nikola Ceko, invited everyone to the main hall for the evening's program which included folklore performances from the St. Steven's folklore group, as well as the Avala group from the San Marcos parish. The singing group Breze from St. Sava in Phoenix also performed. The annual Oratorical Festival took place with two participants this year: Kaija Germain from the St. George Church in San Diego and Lazar Katanic from St. Petka Church in San Marcos. Kaija took first place in this year's oratorical festival (see picture and the next page for the speech). In addition to the monetary prizes bestowed upon the winners of $500 and $300 respectively, Protopresbyter Bratso Krsic made an announcement that His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios added another $500 to the second place winner and $1,000 to the first place winner. Fr. Nikola announced once again that the third day of the Diocesan Day weekend would begin at 9AM with Matins. While many of the hierarchs retired to their hotels to get some rest after a long and eventful day and in preparation for Sunday's events, many of the faithful people remained in the church hall to enjoy dancing and fellowship. Thus concluded the second day of this year's Diocesan Day celebration. Historic Weekend in Western Diocese Comes to a Close “How beautiful and what a great blessing it was to be gathered in church, in God's house,” His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej exclaimed with joy at the conclusion of the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on the third and final day of this year's Diocesan Days. And truly what a blessing it is each and every year when the entire diocese - the clergy and laity came together and gather in one place,
around one altar, around their hierarch on that most sacred day of Sunday, the Lord's Day, for the Holy Eucharist. This year the faithful of the Western American Diocesan had the added joy of having the first hierarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, lead them in that eucharistic joy.
The Patriarch is holding two candles: one called dikiri (symbolising the two natures of Christ) and the other with three candles called trikiri (symbolising the three persons of the Holy Trinity)
In his homily following the gospel reading, His Grace Bishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West interpreted the morning's gospel reading of the marriage feast and the need for us to lead such lives that our garments be without blemish when we too are called to the feast. The bishop touched upon St. Sebastian's many great qualities and the great blessing of his glorification that he be an example not only to the Serbian community, but to all Orthodox. He thanked Bishop Maxim and presented him with an icon of St. Sebastian holding the Russian church he grew up in as a child in San Francisco. The faithful who filled the church for the morning's liturgy filled both the main hall and patio for the banquet. The host priest, Protopresybter-Stavrophor Nikola Ceko, emceed the program which included a performance by the Phoenix singing group “Breza,” and a reading of the life of St. Sebastian by Zeljka Gortinski. A wonderful moment during the banquet was the bestowing of the Order of St. Sava to Ron Radakovic and Brian Gerich, two instrumental members of the Western American Diocese and active members of their respective home parishes. His Holiness, in his keynote address, could not contain his delight at the gathering, not only of the Serbian community, but the pan-Orthodox community which gathered this weekend for VOICE OF ST. GEORGE • AUTUMN 2015 8
the canonization of not only a Saint of Serbian origin, but for the entire Orthodox Church. It is true, the patriarch noted, we are divided administratively, but we share one faith, we are one church! The Diocese of Western America, with the glorification of the new St. Sebastian, established a new award of recognition, the Order of St. Sebastian which, during the banquet, was bestowed to two very active parishioners and stewards of the church, Pance Smirkovic from the St. Petka Church in San Marcos and, His Grace Bishop Maxim surprised the receipt of the third Order of St. Sebastian, Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Nikola Ceko, for his many years of dedicated and selfless service. With the conclusion of the banquet, the rest of a very beautiful Sunday afternoon was spent in fellowship. Many of the faithful who came from the different diocesan parishes departed and began their journeys home, while other local guests stayed for the final evening meal with His Holiness, guest hierarchs, and clergy. Western Diocese web site.
Kaija Germain wins St. Nikolai of Zicha 2015 Oratorical Festival in the Western American Diocese The Oratorical Festival was held during the Diocesan Days celebration and canonization of St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson, September 5, 2015 Theme: The wonder of the work of Holiness in us and its manifestation in our mission and outreach Subtheme: The newly canonized Saints Mardarije and Sebastian as living pillars of holiness and mission of our time
Kaija’s entry... Go ye therefore, and teach the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of time. (Matthew 28:19-20)
In the new movie entitled Do You Believe, a seemingly homeless man, who walks about the streets carrying a large Cross, asks a priest this very serious question: Do you believe in the Cross of Christ? The Cross is bloodstained, painful. It loves, forgives and demands. But what does it demand? That we profess it in this dark world. Then if you believe, the question is, what are you going to do about it? 2.2 billion people, or 32 percent of the world’s population professes to be Christian. Although Christianity is growing in some parts of the world, there are still countless numbers who thirst for the truth of the Gospel. Sure, we can easily say that we are Christians, but by not attending and participating in the Church services, not reading God's word, or sharing His truth to those who don’t know Him, is in defiance of the Lord’s Holy Commandments. Acts 14:5 says, Men, why are you doing these things? We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, who made the Heaven, and the Earth, and the sea, and all that is in them.
As Orthodox Christians, we are called to spread Christ's word and do good deeds. It is truly right to say that the wonder of the work of holiness is in us and its manifestation is in our mission and outreach. The Book of Isaiah, chapter 42:10-12 says, Sing to the Lord a new song, sing His praise from the end of the earth! Let the wilderness and its cities lift up their voices, the settlements where Kedar inhabits, let the inhabitants of Sela sing aloud, let them
shout for joy from the tops of the mountains. Let them give glory to the Lord and declare His praise in the coastlands.
Christ calls us to proclaim His Name from the rooftops, so all can hear. Let us not be ashamed to proclaim His Name, even in the most dire circumstances. Romans 10:14-15 asks us, How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!
tyville, Illinois, where the St. Sava Monastery was built. From then on, he spread Christian love and peace, and witnessed the Gospel throughout America.
...the Divine Eucharist is the culmination of sanctification, not only because it offers Man the most perfect and fullest union with the Only Holy One, but also because it comprises the most perfect portrayal of the Kingdom of God.
Before his ordination to the Priesthood, St. Sebastian demonstrated his zeal for missionary work when he submitted a report to Bishop Nicholas, in which he estimated that there were 1,500 Orthodox Christians who resided in California, Oregon, and Washington. He requested to be assigned in this region to support the people and establish Eucharistic communities. Bishop Nicholas recognized his apostolic zeal and granted his request. St. Sebastian then became a missionary priest to California and the Pacific Northwest. A week after his ordination, he left on a missionary tour of the west coast of North America, traveling from Vancouver to San Diego, and eventually covered 3,000 miles. This was just the beginning of his ministry. He founded the St. Sava Church in Jackson, California, in 1894 as well as many other parishes throughout the western United States. Later on in his life, he went to Serbia to serve as a chaplain in the Serbian army during the Balkan Wars and WWI, ever demonstrating his love for God and neighbor.
If we draw ourselves closer to Him through prayer, fasting, confession and partaking Holy Communion, then our purpose becomes more clear. To live like He did, and serve him by helping and serving others.
These men dedicated their lives to serving Christ, and are powerful examples of what we as Orthodox Christians are called to do. May we draw closer to him so that our lives embody what St. Paul in Romans 8:28 says,
Countless numbers of people have gone before us and spread the Gospel. But being a missionary is not only about preaching. The inspiring saying, “actions speak louder than words,” truly epitomizes what missionary work entails. Recently, the Serbian Orthodox Church canonized two new Saints: St. Mardarije of Libertyville and St. Sebastian of San Francisco and Jackson. They spent their entire lives in service to Christ and His people. Both men started their missionary life at a young age, and continued in loyal service until their repose. In 1917, St. Mardarije became head of the Rakovica Monastery and rector of its monastic school, until he was elected as the first Serbian Bishop of America and Canada. In 1923, he purchased a plot of land in Liber-
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose."
Metropolitan John of Pergamon, in his paper entitled, “Holiness: A Forgotten Visionn” says that holiness is something entirely irrelevant and foreign in our time and has become a forgotten vision.
He goes on to tell us that at one time sanctity actually existed, because it was what inspired our civilization; because our people used to live among saints.
It is difficult to be in communion with Christ, and serve Him. We have so many temptations thrown at us, to distract us from growing closer to God. Metropolitan John goes on to say that
Let us live up to the standards that God has given us, and understand what it truly means to believe in Christ. And if we believe, let us profess it to our fallen world that needs the Light of Christ. Kaija Germain is an 18-year old homeschooled student with excellent academic performance. She actively participates in the parish ministries at St. George Church in San Diego. She is the daughter of deacon Paul and Natalia Germain and has an older sister, Oksana.
Hagiography of St. Mardarije of Libertyville (1889-1935) Born in village of Kornet, Ljesani County, in Montenegro, on November 2, 1889, to pious parents Petar and Jela Uskokovic, he was baptized in his village church dedicated to St. George and received his baptismal name Ivan. His mother was from the well-known Bozovic family. Both of his parents were well respected in their community holding the office of leadership and particularly his father was a captain of their clan. Considering his parents’ status, young Ivan was sent to further his education, first in Rijeka Crnojevic, Cetinje, and then in Belgrade, Serbia. While in Belgrade, young Ivan advanced his childhood desire to serve God and the Church, and so from there he headed to monastery Studenica where after a short period of novice life he gets tonsured to monasticism having received the name Mardarije. With the decision of the Holy Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church, now young hierodeacon Mardarije is sent to Russia where he spent twelve years (1905-1917) furthering his theological education and growing in wisdom. From there, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church sent him to the United States of America to organize the Serbian Orthodox Church. On December 1, 1923, now archimandrite Mardarije is appointed as administrator of the Serbian American-Canadian diocese with the see in Chicago and that same year he purchased around ten acres of land in Libertyville, Illinois, where later St. Sava monastery was built. He was elected by the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church as the first bishop for the newly established diocese in America on December 7, 1925, and his consecration took place on Palm Sunday, on April 25, 1926. From then on His Grace Bishop Mardarije, the first bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America, labored tirelessly in building churches, St. Sava monastery in Libertyville, sowing Christian love, spread peace, preached and witnessed the Gospel of Christ throughout his diocese. Having labored as bishop for a little over nine years he died peacefully on December 12, 1935, hospitalized in Ann Arbor, Michigan, while writing his last Nativity Encyclical to his beloved flock. His earthly remains were laid to rest at St. Sava monastery in Libertyville. The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church during its regular session held from May 14-29, 2015 brought forth a decision that his name be added to the Diptych of saints of the Holy Orthodox Church.
Животопис Епископа Мардарија Либертивилског Новог равноапостолског Оца Православне Цркве у Америци и Канади Увод Животи Светитеља Христових уткани су нераскидиво у “Цркву прворођених записаних на небу” (Јевр. 12, 23). Српска Православна Црква је била суочена током 20. Столећа са многобројним искушењима која је тешко набројати. Једно од значајних било је присилно или добровољно расејавање српског православног живља од истока до запада. Ипак, у свему томе
постојао је велики благослов кроз ликове знаних и незнаних боголиких хришћана. Поред двојице Светих владика, Николаја Жичког (†1956) и Варнаве Хвостанског (†1964), као и Светог јеромонаха Севастијана Џексонског (†1940), Богом дарована личност за одржавање и продубљивање аутентичног живота у Христу српског стила и искуства, светосавског и косовског завета Срба који су пристизали на амерички континент јесте први српски епископ у Америци и Канади (американско-канадски, речено тадашњим језиком), Мардарије Ускоковић (†1935). Св. Мардарије Либертивилски (18891936) Мардарије се као Иван П. Ускоковић родио 2. новембра 1889.г. у каменитобрдовитом селу Корнет у Љешанској нахији, у Црној Гори. Крштен је у сеоској
црквици посвећеној Светом Ђорђу, а крштено име му је било Иван. У непосредној близини те цркве, у самом селу Корнет некада је био манастир (намастир), по предању из доба Немањића. Рушевине и део зидина, утврђење манастира постоји и данас. Као најугледнија породица у Љешанској нахији, која се одликовала чојством и јунаштвом, Иванови преци Ускоковићи столећима су живели у оквиру овог пространог и утврђеног манастира. Мардаријев отац се звао Петар (Перо), а мајка Јела је била из познате куће Божовића. Петар је у Црној Гори био уважени началник Љешанске области и племенски капетан. Будући да је био дете из знамените породице, Иван П. Ускоковић је, за разлику од многих својих вршњака, послат на школовање. Прво је похађао основну школу у Ријеци Црнојевића, а потом и школу на Цетињу, престоници Црне Горе. Школовање је наставио у гимназији у Београду. Већ у петом резреду гимназије, својом младалачки искреном жудњом да следује за Христом, а коју је познао још у најранијем детињству, Мардарије осликава оног младића у Јеванђељу који је (по речика Св. Јустина Ћелијског) поставио најрадикалније питање Христу: “Како да задобијем живот вечни?” После девет година школовања а без знања родитеља, после релативно кратког периода искушеништва, због свог христоликог лика већ тада био пострижен у српској лаври Студеници, задужбини Немањића из XII века, а о томе његови родитељи нису знали. На монашењу је добио име Мардарије под којим је наставио живот. Године 1905. Свети синод Српске Православне Цркве доноси одлуку да младог јерођакона Црногорске митрополије Мардарија пошаље на школовање у Русију. Прво је у септембру 1906. г. отишао у Житомирску духовну семинарију у близини Кијева (Украјина). После две школске године, 1908. Одлази у Кишињевски духовни семинар у Молдавији. Те 1908. г. постао је и јеромонах (а сингел 1912.г.). Духовну семинарију у Кишињеву је завршио 1912. г., такође са најбољим оценама (одликом). Одмах потом уписује се у петроградску Духовну академију на којој је дипломирао 1916. Г. добивши звање степена кандидата богословља. Осим богословских наука, Мардарије је изучавао и црквено право (на Правном факултету у Петрограду), што ће се показати посебно значајним и корисним у
њуговом каснијем раду у Америци и Канади. Мардарије је свој мукотрпни мисионарски рад, започет још у православној Русији, наставио у још удаљенијој Америци. Наиме, вођен Духом Светим, Свети синод Руске Православне Цркве је ради насушне потребе за организовањем Српске Цркве као и истовременог аутентичног мисионарског рада међу Србима у далекој Северној Америци 3. јула 1917. г. одлучио да пошаље већ посведоченог слугу Божијег српскога рода, младог синђела Мардарија Ускоковића. Свети архијерејски Синод послао је га да у оквирима Руске црквене мисије, руководи Српском мисијом у Америци, да свој живот у Христу настави тамо, јер је “сазрело време представити Српском народу да сâм себи подиже црквени народни живот у Америци…” Мардарије ће у Америку стићи преко Сибира и Владивостока, крајем 1917. г., као ште ћемо видети као “припремљена жртва свеспаљеница” (Страдање Поликарпа 14,1). Он је најважнији период свог апостолско-пастирског живота и рада провео у Северној Америци где је наставио да сабира снопове духовне пшенице за евхаристијску жетву, жртву и Трпезу, у првом реду тамошње Српске Православне Цркве. Први епископ-администратор Српске Цркве у Америци и Канади био је Свети владика Николај Охридски и Жички који је и предложио јеромонаха Мардарија Ускоковића за администратора Америчкоканадске епархије. Колико је овај предлог био оправдан показаће страдални, крстоносни живот до последњег дана његовог живота овог – у првом реду боготражитеља, а потом и свештенослужитеља Мардарија, родољуба, просветитеља “по образу и подобију Божијем” (Пост. 1, 27), уз то и одличног беседника и писца. У пролеће 1921. г. по решењу Светог Архијерејског Сабора долази у Америку ондашњи Охридски Епископ Николај (Велимировић), који обавештава руског митрополита да преузима цкрвену власт над Србима Америке и Канаде, а Свети синод га 18. октобра 1922. г. званично одредио за администратора. На молбу Епископа Николаја Синод Српске Православне Цркве га разрешава дужности администратора, а на исту поставља архимандрита Мардарија 1. децембра 1923.г. Године 1923. архимандрит Мардарије је засновао Српску православну америчко-
канадску Епархију са седиштем у Чикагу. Исте године, почетком августа купио је 33 ејкера (око 10 хектара) земље у Либертивилу, где је заједно са на духовно старање повереним народом изградио манастир Светог Саве.
Archbishop Demetrios of America Your Grace and Beloved Brother in Christ, Bishop Maxim, It was a true source of joy for me to participate in the services and festivities surrounding the canonization of the two clerics who served in North America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, His Grace Bishop Mardarije and Archimandrite Sebastian. I write to you today to thank you for inviting me to be a participant and guest in this most auspicious occasion in the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church in America and the Orthodox Church across the oecumene.
Уочи празника I am most appreciative of all the gestures of Цвети обављено graciousness extended to me. How inspirational it was је Мардаријево to witness the vibrancy of your flock in наречење, а their eager participation in the weekend events from the потом сутрадан, majestic church services to the impressive oratorical на сâм празник festival, the spirited dancing, the melodic singing, and Цвети 25. априла the well-organized and elegant banquet. 1926. г. свечано обављена и I reiterate my heartfelt његова thanks. May the intercessions of Saints Mardarije хиротонија у and Saint Sebastian offer to God the prayers and Саборној цркви у supplications of all the faithful. With my prayers for Београду. your health and well being and my best wishes for your Следећег дана је archpastoral ministry, I remain декретом Патријарха With love and esteem in Christ, Димитрија и указом краља Demetrios of America постављен за Епископа новоосноване Православне Српске од 14. до 29. маја 2015. године, саопштио епархије у Америци и Канади. Тада је је своју најбогоугоднију и стога новохиротонисани Епископ Мардарије најважнију саборску одлуку о имао 36 година. установљавању нових празника у Разноликост дарова (харизми) светости у календару Српске Православне Цркве. Цркви је толика да ниједан дар не може да Наиме, сабору светих једногласно су каже другом “не требаш ми” (уп. 1 Кор. прибројани, то јест канонизовани су и 12:18-26). Епископ Мардарије је ову прослављени, свети мученици истину спроводио у живот и кроз праксу пребиловачки (њихов спомен ће се црквених народних сабора. Први такав славити 24. јула по старом, односно 6. црквено-народни Сабор је одржан од 1. до августа по новом календару), затим свети 5. Септембра 1927. г. у манастиру Светога Мардарије (Ускоковић), епископ Саве у Либертивилу, држава Илиној, где америчко-канадски (његов празник ће му је положено блаженопочивше тело. бити сваког 29. новембра, односно 12. Плодове свога рада Владика Мардарије децембра), и преподобни Севастијан није дуго уживао. Блажено се представио Џексонски (Дабовић, спомен 17/30. Господу 12. децембра 1935. г. у 9:45 часова новембра). увече, у четрдесет шестој години живота. Умро је у болници Ан Арбору, Мичиген, пишући своју последњу божићну Извор: Житија Епископа Мардарија посланицу својој пастви којој је био Либертивилског и Архимандрита архипастир мало више од девет година. Севастијана Џексконског; Свети Архијерејски Сабор Српске Православне Цркве за време свог редовног заседања одржаног у Београду
Севастијан прес 2014
Hagiography of St. Sebastian of Jackson (1863-1940) This apostle of North America was the first American born Orthodox priest. His parents, Ilija and Jelena Dabovic, were the first recorded immigrants on the West Coast. They lived in San Francisco, operated a small shop, and were blessed with seven children. St. Sebastian was their fourth child who at baptism received name John. He was born on June 21, 1863. His ministry in the Church started at early age. After he finished high school he served his parish as a reader and teacher. Before he was sent to Russia, he spent time in Sitka, Alaska, assisted with parish ministries at St. Archangel Michael Cathedral. After three years of study at the St. Petersburg and Kiev Theological Academies, John was tonsured a monk and received monastic name Sebastian in 1887. That same year he was ordained a hierodeacon. He served as deacon at the San Francisco Cathedral until Bishop Nicholas ordained him a priest on August 16, 1892. As newly ordained Hieromonk Fr. Sebastian tirelessly preached the Gospel, served Divine Liturgies, counseled and established many parishes throughout the country. Archbishop Tikhon asked Fr. Sebastian to lead a Serbian mission in the North American diocese, elevated him to archimandrite on August 15, 1905, and sent him to Chicago, Illinois, where this holy man served as parish priest. In 1910, he asked for release from the parish so that he could return to missionary work. Having spent three years at the newly opened St. Platon Seminary in Tenafly, New Jersey, he went back to Serbia to serve as a chaplain in the Serbian army in the Balkan Wars and WW I. After his brief visit to the Unites States of America in 1915 and 1917, the rest of his life he spent in Serbia where he peacefully reposed in monastery Zicha on November 30, 1940, having his earthly remains laid to rest there until they were exhumed and translated to Jackson, California, on September 1, 2007, at St. Sava Church, the oldest and one of many Serbian Orthodox Churches in America that he founded in 1894. In addition to establishing many churches, St. Sebastian also wrote many articles and sermons. His last spoken words and wish were: The Heavenly Kingdom without end! The Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church during its regular session held from May 14-29, 2015 inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit decided that his name be added to the Diptych of saints of the Holy Orthodox Church.
Животопис Архимандрита Севастијана Џексонског Српски православни апостол у Америци Увод Рођен у време председника Абрахама Линколна, архимандрит Севастијан Дабовић је значајан по томе што је први човек рођен у Сједињеним Америчким Државама који је рукоположен за
православног свештеника. Такође је био и први рођени Американац који је примио монашки постриг у Православној Цркви. Међутим, најзначајнији је због свог изванредног апостолског, пастирског и писаног рада које је постигао током 48 година свештеничке службе. Познат као “отац српског православља у Америци”, сазлужан је за подизање првих српских цркава у Новом свету. Ово је свакако био само један део његовог животног залагања, јер је неуморно и предано тежио томе да православну веру пренесе свим народима, где год су га позивали. Био је православни апостол универзалног значаја.
Св. Севастијан Џексо нски и Санфранцишки (1863-1940) Отац Севастијан је рођен у Сан Франциску 21. Јуна 1863. г. Његови родитељи, Илија и Јелена Дабовић, били су први забележени имигранти на Западној обали Америке. У друштву са своја два старија рођака и стрицем Николајем, његови родитељи су дошли из свог родног села Шашоваца, које се налази крај Херцег Новог, на улазу у Бококоторски залив, у Црној Гори. После дугог путовања (укључујући прелазак преко Панамског канала на магарцима), стигли су у Сан Франциско 1853. Илија Дабовић је тамо отворио радњу и са својим братом Николајем развио посао продаје воћа на велико. Отац Севастијан је био четврто од седморо деце Илије и Јелене и добио је име Јован. Православна заједница је основана у Сан Франциску шест година пре рођења о. Севастијана и названа је “Грчко-рускословенска Источна Црква и добротворно друштво”. Заједницу су чинили Руси, Срби, Грци и Сиријци који су дошли у Калифорнију у првим годинама Златне грознице. Пошто ова заједница још увек није била парохија и није имала свог свештеника, капелани Руске царске морнарице су се старали о духовним потребама православних верникâ у Сан Франциску. Године 1863. г. један од ових капелана, јеромонах Кирил из манастира Тиквин у Русији, крстио је бебу Јована – будућег оца Севастијана – у капели на руском ратном броду Богатир (Bogatyr), који је тада био укотвљен у Санфранцишком заливу. Године 1868, годину дана пошто су Сједињене Државе купиле Аљаску од Русије, руски свештеник је наименован за православну заједницу у Сан Франциску. Нови пастир, отац Николај Ковригин, преселио се из руске православне саборне цркве у Ситки на Аљасци, заједно са својим помоћником, чтецем Василијем Шишкином. Заједница у Сан Франциску је од тада почела да врши црквена богослужења у кући тамошњег Србина Петра Секуловића, која се налазила у улици Мишен (Mission Street), улици за коју се у то време сматрало да се налази
изван града. Породица Дабовић је редовно учествовала на богослужењу у овој кућикапели, познатој као “Дом молитве Православне Источне Цркве”. Новоизабрани руски епископ Аљаске и Алеутских острва, Јован (Митрополски) је 1872, када је Јован имао девет година, преместио своје седиште са Ситке на Аљасци у Сан Франциско. Како је он био једини православни епископ на америчком континенту, ово премештање је означило и пренос целокупне америчке епископске администрације у Калифорнији. Епископ Јован је изврсно говорио енглески језик и дошао је из Русије у Америку са намером не само да служи потребама пореклом православних Американаца и Руса на Аљасци, већ и да пренесе православну веру иновернима у Северној Америци. Ово је био главни разлог зашто је преселио седиште епархије у Калифорнију. Вероватно је жеља епископа Јована да Американце преведе из других хришћанских деноминација у Православну Цркву прешла и на Јована Дабовића чак и у том раном периоду његовог живота, јер је то постала, такође, Јованова доживотна жеља. Долазећи у Сан Франциско, епископ Јован је подигао цркву у улици Пирс (Pierce Street) и посветио је Св. Александру Невском каок саборну цркву. Сваки пут када би било службе у цркви, млади Јован је био тамо. Потпуно предан Цркви и дубоко љубећи лепоту и торжественост православног богослужења, свим срцем је чезнуо да служи Богу и својој браћи за светим олтаром. Као што је касније потврдио, то је била његова намера од детињства да постане свештеник и никада није ни о чему другом сањао. Када је одрастао, Јован Дабовић је постао познат не само по својој љубави према Цркви већ и по својој несебичности и уздржању. Јован Дабовић је похађао суботњу школу веронауке и “грчко-руску богословију” (такође, познату као Мисионарску школу [the Mission School]) коју је епископ Јован пренео из Ситке у Сан Франциско. У маленој богословији учио је заједно са Алеутима који су дошли са Аљаске. Ту је одлично савладао руски и црквенословенски, а такође је стекао и солидно снање грчког језика. Током боравка на Аљасци, Јован је одлучио да продужи своје богословско образовање припремајући се за свештенички позив. Тако је 1885. г. отпутовао у Русију, где је провео три године студирајући на
Петроградској и Кијевској богословској академији. По повратку из Русије Епископ Владимир (који је заменио Еп. Јована) замонашио је Јована Дабовића у цркви Св. Николе у Сан Франциску 30. Децембра 1888. г. дајући му име Севастијан. Недељу дана касније, на празник Рођења Христовог, рукоположио је Севастијана за јерођакона. Пре рукоположења, отац Севастијан је поднео извештај епископу Николи у коме је проценио да има неких 1.500 православних хришћана који живе у државама Калифорнија и Орегон и на тадашњој територији Вашингтона. Тражио је да му се дозволи да служи овим верницима, а епископ Никола, препознавши његов редак апостолски жар, прихватио је његову молбу. Тако је недавно рукоположени јеромонах Севастијан постављен за свештеника мисионара за Калифорнију и северозапад Пацифика. Не губећи време у испуњавању повереног му задатка, недељу дана после свог рукоположења кренуо је на мисионарски пут Западном обалом Северне Америке. Путовао је на север до Ванкувера, Британске Колумбије и на југ све до Сан Дијега, прелазећи скоро 2.000 километара. На северозападу је о. Севастијан крштавао и децу и одрасле, вршио Свете тајне и служио у Цркви са изолованим православним хришћанима. Изузетно захвални свештенику мисионару, ови верници су почели да гаје наду да ће се и у њиховој регији сазидати православне цркве. У Орегон држави о. Севастијан је одлучио да је град Портланд најбоље место за капелу. У Сијетлу је о. Севастијан видео још више могућности, јер ја тамо наишао на групу преданих људи православних хришћана који су свесрдно желели да оснују парохију. Док је боравио у Чикагу, окупљао је локалне православне Србе и са њима славио Св. Литургију. Иако је у то време могао да сретне само двадесетак Срба, годинама касније ће градити управо на том темељу који је тада поставио за Српску Православну Цркву у Чикагу. После мисионарског рада у Минеаполису и Чакагу, о. Севастијан се вратио у Сан Франциско 1893. г. Укратко после тога је отишао да крсти једну српску бебу у Џексону, у Калифорнији, у рударској заједници у близини “златне жице”. Видећи да су се многи српски рудари настанили заједно са својим породицама у Џексону и у суседним градовима, о. Севастијан је одмах препознао потребу да се тамо изгради православна црква и подстакао је локалне
Србе да отпочну са планирањем једне. Срби су се сложили и почели су да прикупљају средства. О. Севастијан је тражио и добио прилог од “Рудника Кенеди и Компаније Милинг” (Kennedy Mining and Milling Company), које су поседовале главни рудник злата у Џексону. Ускоро су Срби купили земљу и за гробље и за цркву. Фебруара 1894. г. Епископ Никола је дошао у Џексон да благослови црквено имање, а у мају исте године догодила се и прва сахрана на гробљу, а до децембра је завршена и црква која је најстарија Српска Православна Црква у Америци у којој се од 2007. г. налазе мошти Св. Севастијана. Августа 1897. г. о. Севастијан је путовао у град Бјут у Монтани. Ту се сусрео са 31 Србином и служио прву Свету Литургију у Бјуту на празник Успења Пресвете Богородице (28. август). Црква у том месту је саграђена 1904 и освећена од стране епископа Тихона, који ће касније постати патријарх Московски и целе Русије, а Руска Православна Црква ће га на крају и канонизовати. Отац Севастијан је са великом ревношћу обилазио Српске заједнице и оснивао парохије широм целе Америке. Његов пастирски и мисионарски рад је раван апостолском. Он исто тако није запостављао земљу својих предака, те је путовао много пута од Америке до Србије, да би на крају уснуо у Господу у манастиру Жичи 30. Новембра 1940. године. На питање свештеника Јована Рапајића, који се о њему старао са синовском љубављу, “имаш ли неку жељу оче”, он је смерно и са слабим гласом одговорио “само Царство Небеско”. Свети Архијерејски Сабор Српске Православне Цркве за време свог редовног заседања одржаног у Београду од 14. до 29. маја 2015. године, саопштио је своју најбогоугоднију саборску одлуку о установљавању новог празника у календару Српске Православне Цркве, преподобни Севастијан Џексонски (Дабовић, спомен 17/30. новембра). Извор: Житија Епископа Мардарија Либертивилског и Архимандрита Севастијана Џексконског; Севастијан прес 2014
C E L E B R AT I O N * D E D I C AT I O N * P R O G R E S S * V I S I O N That We Be Holy as Our Lord is Holy During the baptism service, the Church of Christ prays that the one being baptized be worthy of the incorruptible Kingdom of Christ... that he (she) prove himself (herself) a child of light...an heir of eternal good things, a partaker of the death and resurrection of Christ our God... that they be a son (daughter) of the light, that they inherit the eternal good things as a plant of truth, in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. In other words, the church prays that the newly baptized become a partaker with the Lord, who alone is holy and the source of holiness, and to be blessed in that community with Him—that is, to become holy. From this understanding of the holy mystery of baptism comes the need for the newly baptized (newly enlightened) servant of God to immediately (if possible) commune with the Holy Body and Blood of Christ, that is, that they unite themselves with Christ, and thereby be sanctified. Holiness, therefore, comes from the Lord and our participation with Him.
The truths of the Orthodox faith noted above are the way to salvation and communion in the Holy Trinity, the One God. How often this path is neglected is reflected in our participation at the Holy Eucharist, that is, our insufficient participation in the act which truly and completely unites us with the Savior, and one another. In the Old Testament, we find many examples of how righteous men and women experienced holiness and the glory of God. The holy Prophet Isaiah saw the throne of God and described it like this: ...above Him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another: “Holy, holy, holy is the
Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory” (Isaiah 6:2-3).
In the New Testament, the fullness and glory of God is revealed in Jesus Christ, which is testified by the Holy Apostles (Matt. 17:1-6, Mark 9:2-7, Luke 9:2836). St. John the Apostle witnesses as follows: The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son (John 1:14).
The Divine Liturgy is the center and pinnacle of our entrance into participation with the Lord. The glory of God that the Prophet Isaiah sees and the glorification of God that he hears with the words: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts....is part of the Divine Liturgy, in which the mystical and real throne in each church during the Holy Eucharist becomes the Throne of God and the manifestation of His glory. Therefore, we personally, truly, as a local Eucharistic community, participate in the Heavenly Liturgy with the angels and all the saints. From this Eucharistic and eschatological understanding of our life in the Orthodox Church, the canonization of Saints is done precisely through and in the Holy Eucharist in which one hierarch officiates while other hierarchs, the clergy, and the faithful officiate jointly (that is, concelebrate) with him. Thus, gathered and united in the Holy Eucharist, the Church (clergy and faithful) proclaim the fact that certain individuals are added to the calendar of saints in which the Lord has made them holy through their participation in His holiness and glory during their lifetime. The Lord calls us to be holy and to be partakers with Him who is holy, and with all Saints, among them now, Sts. Mardarije and Sebastian.
Protopresbyter Bratislav Krsic
Да будемо свети као што је свет Господ наш За време крштења Црква Христова се моли да онај који се крштава буде достојан непролазног Царства Христовог, да се он (она) покаже син (кћер) светлости и наследник вечних добара, да постане саучесник и заједничар смрти и васкрсења Христа Бога нашег, као садницу Истине да га Господ засади у својој Светој, Саборној и Апостолској Цркви. Укратко, да новокрштени постане заједничар са Господом, који је једини свети и извор светости, и у тој заједници с Њим да се освећује, тј. постане свет. Из овог разумевања свете тајне крштења произилази да је неопходно да се новокрштени (новопросвећени) слуга Божији одмах (уколико је могуће) причести Светим Телом и Крвљу Христовом, тј. да се сједини са Христом, а самим тиме освети. Светост, дакле, долази од Господа и заједничарења с Њим.
Горе наведене истине вере Православне су пут за спасење и заједничарење у Светој Тројици, Једноме Богу. Колико често се догоди да се заборави овај пут огледава се у учешћу на Светој Евхаристији, односно, недовољном учешћу у делу које нас истински и потпуно сједињује са Спаситељем, а самим тиме и једни са другима. У Старом завету налазимо много примера како су праведници доживели присуство светости и славе Божије. Тако је Свети пророк Исаија видео престо Божији и Серафими стајаху више Њега, сваки их имаше шест крила: двема заклањаше лице своје и двема заклањаше ноге своје, а двема летеше. И викаху један другом говорећи: Свет, свет, свет је Господ над војскама; пуна је сва земља славе Његове (Исаија 6, 2-3).
У Новом завету пуноћа и слава Божија потпуно су откривене у Христу, а што посведочише и Свети апостоли (ср.
Матеј 17, 1-6, Марко 9:2-7, Лука 9:2836). Свети апостол Јован сведочи: И Реч постаде тело и усели се у нас пуно благодати и истине; и видесмо славу Његову, славу, као Јединороднога од Оца (Јован 1, 14).
Света Литургија је центар и врхунац нашег улажења у заједничарење са Господом. Славу Божију коју виде пророк Исаија и чу слављење Бога Светога речима свет, свет, свет је Господ над војскама... је део Свете Литургије, где мистично и стварно престо у сваком храму за време Евхаристије постаје Престо Божији и слављење Његове славе. Дакле, ми лично, истински, као локална евхаристијска заједница учествујемо у Небеској Литургији са анђелима и свим светима. Из овог евхаристијског и есхатолошког разумевања нашег живота у Православној Цркви канонизовање светитеља врши се управо кроз и у Светој Евхаристији где началствује један од епископа са свештенством и верним народом. Дакле, сабрани и сједињени у Светој Евхаристији Црква (свештенство и верни народ) пројављује чињеницу да су одређене личности придодате календару светих јер их је Господ учинио светим тако што су они учествовали у Његовој светости и слави за време свог живота. Господ нас позива да будемо свети и да заједничаримо с Њим, јер је Он свет, и са свима светима, а међу њима Светим Мардаријем и Севастијаном. Протојереј Братислав Кршић
The feast of Holy Hierarch Mardarije will be celebrated on November 29/ December 12, while that of the Venerable Sebastian will be celebrated on November 17/30
From the Church President Dear Fellow Parishioners, What a great Serbian festival! I hope you all took the opportunity to enjoy our wonderful community event. The turn out was great, in large part, because of great publicity, including the terrific article in the U-T newspaper, complete with food photos and recipes. Thanks to our tireless volunteers (and I hope you were one of them), we had delicious food, great music to listen and dance to, performances by Morava, church tours, children’s activities, booths selling original art, religious items, Serbian deli items, and more. And did I mention the food? It was a time to enjoy each others’ company and introduce our friends and neighbors to the best of Serbian culture. Thank you all for helping make it such a successful event! We plan to build on that success in the years to come. If you didn’t have the chance to help, plan to volunteer for next year’s festival. We’ll begin planning at least six months in advance so that we have a good running start. Meanwhile, there are always ways you can help our community. The Cevap Challenge is coming up November 14, Stewardship Sunday, November 29, and, of course, Badnje Vece and Bozic, January 6 and 7. And just
like our own homes, there are always cleaning and maintenance projects you can help with. For example, we plan to paint the fence around the property, repair the dumpster shed, etc. Please step up and volunteer. Call the church office or email Fr. Bratso. On another issue, I am dismayed to hear there are still rumors circulating about the Gregovich and Dopudja estates. So I hope you will pardon me if I repeat myself. I will write a more complete report soon, but please understand: St. George did not suddenly become rich as a result of these two bequests [editor’s emphasis]. Yes, we now have some rental property, but there was very little cash and lots of maintenance to be done. The Dopudja legal matters are about to draw to a close. Most of the cash from the estate has gone to pay attorneys’ fees. Under the terms of the legal settlement, all of the income and assets from the Dopudja estate must be used solely for the improvement and upkeep of the sanctuary and cannot be used on any of the rest of our property, such as the social hall and parish home. The Gregovich property (a tiny duplex and a small cottage on adjacent lots) needs to be renovated before being rented. Over the next couple of months, the church board will be making the decision whether it would be in our church’s best interest to sell one of the properties.
Although we own the properties free and clear, we will have to pay substantial property tax on the properties because the tax will be assessed based on the value at the time the properties were conveyed to the church. (The church’s non-profit status does not extend to the rental properties.) The board will be doing a cost/benefit analysis of keeping and renting the properties versus selling them. And we must consider the expense of the completion of the remodel of the social hall. If you have any opinions or concerns, please contact any board member. If you would like further information, please contact me. On Stewardship Sunday, you will be asked to complete a pledge card for the coming year. In addition to a financial commitment, please consider making a commitment to volunteer your time and talent to help our parish continue to grow and thrive. Each of us plays an important part in sustaining and strengthening our parish. Yours in Christ, Kate Thickstun, Church Board President
Stewardship Sunday — Nov. 29th Dear Stewards, Parishioners, and Friends of St. George Parish: You are invited to join the Stewards of St. George Parish on Sunday, November 29, 2015 by attending the Divine Liturgy and Stewardship Sunday Program. This Sunday is dedicated to spiritually reinvigorating and renewing our commitment to the Church in preparation for the challenges we will face in the New Year 2016. Your free will Orthodox Christian Stewardship commitment in support of the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church is a vital part of advancing the work of Christ and our Orthodox Faith in our Parish and our Church at large. We ask that you prayerfully consider your 2016 Orthodox Christian Stewardship Commitment, commensurate with your resources and your gratitude for the bounties and blessings our Lord has bestowed on you. The Stewardship theme for 2016 is Stewardship as A Way of Life. Each and every day, we are called to live like Christ. Whether at home, school
or work— the emphasis must be placed on glorifying God through all that we do. Parishes with successful Orthodox Christian Stewardship have found that incredible support is unleashed from Stewards who willingly, unselfishly, and joyfully offer their Time, Talents, and Treasures, which enhances the spirituality and ministry of the local parish. We invite you to attend the Divine Liturgy on Stewardship Sunday and place your Commitment Card in the offering tray. Alternatively, you may return your Commitment Card by mail. I offer you my personal gratitude, beforehand, for your generosity and partnership in Christ’s work of salvation. Yours in Christ,
Fr. Bratso Krsic, Parish Priest
Cevap Challenge
Thanksgiving Day
Nativity Fast begins (through January 6, 2016)
Stewardship Sunday
Diocesan KSS Slava (Feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos)
St Nicholas Day - Serbian Children’s day
JANUARY 2016 6
Badnje Vece/Christmas Eve
Bozic/Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Annual Stewardship Meeting
St. Sava Celebration
For more information call Fr. Bratso Krsic at 619-276-5827 or visit www.SaintGeorgeInSD.org
San Diego Serbian Festival brought a great number of San Diegans to St. George Without a doubt, Saturday, October 3, was an exhilarating day for our parish. We witnessed a great number of our San Diego neighbors who came to partake of our faith and cultural offerings for the day. Here are the highlights: • This year we had several committees or teams that were spearheaded by some of our parishioners. Among those teams were: Kitchen crew and Kolo, Publicity, BBQ, Set up and clean up (before and after), Church office, Bar, Tickets and Entrance, Serbian Market, and Kids zone. • We had so many volunteers that it is impossible to mention all by names. Many approached me personally asking about ways to help in the preparation and during the San Diego Serbian Festival. Therefore, we express our deepest thanks and congratulate them all for a job well done. It was amazing to see them all work together with one mind and heart for the benefit of our amazing parish. • You all must have noticed that we are now emphasizing the full name of our festival: the San Diego Serbian Festival. This is because the Festival is for our parish to come together in unity with one common goal: to share our Orthodox Faith and Serbian culture with our San Diego neighbors.
• Having this in mind, our goal was to make the one-day San Diego Serbian Festival a well-organized event with various teams or committees who started preparing for the event at least six months prior. Once we establish organized committees and become a well-known event throughout San Diego, we will then contemplate doing it as a two day event. • This year we had a slow response in the sponsorship area. This is why our office staff will now work on reviewing the ways and means for contacting sponsors during the course of the entire year. Our plan is to create a digital banner for each sponsor that will be “circulated” on our San Diego Serbian Festival website: www.SDSerbianFestival. com. • Our office staff will make a sign-up sheet for various teams or committees and make it available for your consideration. • As always, we welcome your suggestions and ideas. Please, contact me at any time, frbratso@sbcglobal.net or 619-276-5827 (office) or 619-316-2362 (cell).
Thank you to all of you for making our San Diego Serbian Festival such a great success! God bless you! In Christ our Lord, Fr. Bratso Krsic, 619-276-5827 (office); 619-316-2362 (cell)
Sunday Church School Dear Parents and my co-workers in Jesus Christ:
We have an exciting Church School program planned for the children this year, and we pray you will make it a priority for your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, and kumovi—all who are willing and open to learning and growing in the Holy Orthodox Faith! We are ever so grateful to God for blessing us with loving and caring teachers and parents. We, of course, look forward to all parents getting involved in teaching, so please, don’t be shy, step forward and volunteer some time in our classrooms. Here are some of the exciting events we have planned; • 1st Day of Church School September 13. Classes begin for Levels 1, 2, and 3 following the Divine Liturgy • Annual Children’s Christmas Play January 3, 2016. Rehearsals begin on December 6 and will be held during class time
ward to a blessed and exhilarating and grace filled growth in our Orthodox Faith.
• Annual Children’s St. Sava Program January 31, 2016. Rehearsals begin on January 10, 2016 and will be held during class time
With Love in Christ our Lord,
• Vrbica – Lazarus Saturday, April 23, 2016. Vespers 5PM followed by the procession
Fr. Bratso Krsic
• Scholarships available to qualified students (for attendance three out of four Sundays; four out of five Sundays). Tuition to Diocesan Summer Camp in Jackson, California and Tuition to the National Serbian Orthodox Youth Conference • Other Outreach and ministry activities will be planned throughout the year!
Please ask for a registration form from either Fr. Bratso, Deacon Paul Germain, or one of our teachers/parents. Thank you for supporting our youth and for bringing your children to Church School. We look for-
What is Orthodox Christianity? After three years, What is Orthodox Christianity? An Answer in Three Parts is finally complete! It is a three-part slideshow movie that aims to:
Therefore, the decision to use still images, to use readable text (rather than voiceover), and other aesthetic choices are deliberate and are inspired by what is already present in Orthodox Christianity.
• Answer the question for a contemporary American audience with some familiarity of Christianity.
It features 363 icons, 162 photographs, 68 other pictures, and 92 explicit references to Scripture.
This movie was made to be shared with others...so please do so.
• Offer some basic orientation for those who may be exploring Orthodox Christianity.
The three parts are available here:
With love in Christ,
It tries to do this using the aesthetics and resources of the Church, rather than conventional movie-making techniques.
• Part One; The Teachings of Christ (running time 40 minutes): https:// vimeo.com/133268270
• Part Two: Falling Away From Christ (running time 45 minutes): https:// vimeo.com/132086893 • Part Three: The Life in Christ (running time: 40 minutes): https:// vimeo.com/132791183
Rev. Fr. Daniel Mackay, St John the Wonderworker Orthodox Church, Eugene, OR
St George Choir
The Choir is always looking for new members
Several members of the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church Choir helped with the Diocesan Days events at the St. Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra. Our choir received a generous donation of $500 from Mr. and Mrs. Nikola and Nada Milicevich for which we are very grateful. Included is a photograph of our choir with five members not pictured. Velimir Jovanovic, Choir President
Four centuries of Seminary – School of TheoloCetiri veka Bogoslovije u Krki Four centuries of Seminary – School of Theology at monastery Krka
Interesantno je pomenuti da je Proto Braco zavrsio petorazrednu bogosloviju upravo u manastiru Krka 1991 godine.
St. George parishioners Rade and Jelana Plavsic visited monastery Krka in Krajina and participated in the celebration marking four centuries of the Seminary’s work. (See picture at right.)
Proslava 400 godina Bogoslovije u Krki odrzana je 18/19 Augusta 2015. U dolini reke Krke,nedaleko od Kistanja (Krajina; today’s Hrvatska) nalazi se pravoslavni manastir Krka koji datira iz 14-tog veka. U manastiru je 1615 godine osnovana bogoslovija, koja spada u jednu od prvih skola za svestena lica u srpskom narodu. Svecanoj akademiji Cetri Veka bogoslovske skole "Sveta Tri Jerarha" prisustvovao je patrijarh Irinej. Patrijarh je sluzio svetu arhijerejsku liturgiju, zajedno sa arhijerejima i svestenstvom Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve. Krcka bogoslovija je jedina pravoslavna Bogoslovija na prostorima Hrvatske, danas skoluje 50 ucenika. U zavisnosti od politickih i vojnih prilika Bogoslovija je kroz vekove radila sa prekidima. U toku proslog rata zgrade bogoslovije i manastira bili su veoma osteceni i opljackani. Godine 1999 zivot se ponovo vratio u manastir i bogosloviju Krka.
Remembering our beloved Fr. Rade Wimbish V. Rev. Rade Wimbish was born on December 2, 1955, in Los Angeles, California USA. He finished elementary and high school in Montebello, Los Angeles County, where he lived. He then completed the first level of education at Rio Hondo College, after which he enrolled at the Theological Faculty of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade, where he graduated in 1985. After that, he returned to the Diocese of Western America, where he served as a deacon at the Saint Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra, California, and worked as the Diocesan Secretary. He was ordained to the Priesthood in 1986, and was appointed to the parish of St. Sava in Cupertino, California, and later to the newly established parish of the Holy Virgin in Santa Clara, California, until the year 2005, when he retired due to health problems. Upon retirement he returned to Serbia and lived in Kragujevac until his reposal in the Lord on March 9, 2014. May his memory be eternal.
Kolo Sisters The “Kolo Machine” did it again! What a precision time piece—the women of the St George Kolo organized, recruited, announced, shopped, produced food worthy of royalty, set up, served, and cleaned up for the calendar-filled late summer and early fall events. The following. as an example, shows their detailed “marching orders” to produce the Kolo's slava, September 20. Ready, set, go! • Friday, September 18 - 9:00 am 1. Make kajmak 2. Make podvarak (Dusanka A will lead) 3. Toast pine nuts 4. Prepare potato gratin • Saturday, September 19 - 9:00 am 1. Plate meze plates 2. Bake potato gratin 3. Roast garlic 4. Make lentil soup (Marija M will lead) 5. Trim pork 6. Prepare sataraš • Sunday, September 20 - 7:00 am (early start because tables/linens need to be done) 1. Set up tables with linens, napkins, cutlery, flowers 2. Saute sataraš 3. Heat lentil soup 4. Season pork and roast 5. Cut and basket bread 6. Reheat potato gratin 7. Toss salad 8. Set up sweets table with kolo members' baked goods 9. Make coffee (please don’t forget the coffee!)
• Publicize now! 1. Let all of your friends know...there will be music—music is always a selling point.
Update on Book Project in Serbia
2. Attached is our slava flyer (thanks to Marija M). Forward it to everyone you know who may attend the event. • Hvala to each of you for your help with this event. We will make this a success and celebrate the birth of the Theotokos! That’s the whole point of why we go to this effort.
And so it goes for each and every event that the Kolo sisters are responsible for, this year culminating in great assistance with the San Diego Serbian Festival October 3rd. The St George parish thanks all of you busy women who hold up more than your half of the world of Serbian social events at St George Church. All of you are highpowered individuals (working inside and outside of the home) with busy families and lots of other activities, yet you are stewards of your time as well as talents in service to our Lord. We love you, and we thank you for all you do for the parish. Voice Editor
10. Kolach and koljivo brought to church (Snezana Pantovic and Mira Jovanovic, respectively)
Hi everyone. I wanted to thank everyone who is following my project for my students. I wanted to update you of what is happening. I have one amazing soul who helped me make it possible and that is my husband. I am in process of making a bookshelf so I can put all of your amazing books on it, so that the kids can finally start reading them. I am very excited to say that so far I have collected 100 books. I want to thank all of you for your amazing donations. Without all of you I have no idea how i could make it. Thank you all!!! Please keep us in your prayers and don't give up. If you have family that you know has books that are just sitting in the box or friends that love to read a lot and want to donate some books, please tell them about us. I know others may want to help as well. Thank you to everyone for doing everything possible to help my students. I am thankful for all of you have had helped my students and for doing your best to give these kids a chance to have a better and brighter future. Please share and spread the word!!!
Millie Salai, Backa Palanka Contact Marsha Jovanovic to donate books at marsha@marshaj.com.
Stewardship List—Sept. 2015
Jovanovic, Marko and Dijana
Mitrovich, Predrag and Family
Jovanovic, Misha and Marsha
Mitrovich, Risto and Linda
Jovanovic, Ratko and Koka
Mrja, Millie
Jovanovic, Slavko and Tanja
Naughton, Pamela
Jovanovic, Slavica
Nedel, Naden
Jovanovic, Toma and Vesna
Nedic, Sava and Spomenka
Jovanovic, Velimir and Mira
Nikolic, Dragan and Gordana
Jovanovic, Verica
Orlich, Petar
Kalfas, Peter
Pantich, Tom and Helen
Kasic, Rade and Radmila
Pantovic, Snezana and Dole
Kezic, Vladimir and Ivana
Papac, Wayne and Sandie
Kinach, Alex and Seka
Perisic, Milan
Klacar, Neven
Petakovich, Deyan and Natasa
Kostic, Tordis
Kovacevic, Biljana
Petakovich, Proto Velimir and Protinica Ljubinka
Krsic, Proto Bratso and Protinica Lisa
Petric, Alex, Shari and Aci
Kukich, Branislav
Petric, Milovan and Jelena
Kunac, Dr. Anastasia
Petrovic, Djordje and Marija
Kunac, Maria and Dusan
Plavsic, LJubinka
Kurkjian, Robert and Ann
Plavsic, Milan and Ljubica
Lazovic, Alexander and Carole
Plavsic, Mara-Seja
Lopez-Anthofer, Alex and Kira
Plavsic, D. Dee
Lukic, James-Ljuban and Petka
Popa, Cornelia
Lukic, Milos
Popovic, Darko and Family
Masic, Milenko
Popovich, Dolly
Markley, Scott and Nada
Popovich, Vojkan and Nada Potkonjak, Michael, Sheila and Joseph
Alemany, Linda and Family
Allen, Mike and Markay
Amanovic, Diana
Aud, Matthew, Laurie and Family
Aud, Joanna
Banjac, Dario & Karen Rubio
Basic, Stevo and Stana
Begovich, Michael and Samantha
Belcevich, Milos and Lepa
Borojevich, Mildred and Wally
Borovic, Radovan and Family
Bradic, Aleksandar and Jelena
Brucker, Mitch and Lidija
Caldes, James and Ljiljana
Caric, Brigitte and Family
Connor, Evelyn
Copic, Miro, Laura and Family
Cronemeyer, Jamie and Zorica
Denton, Natalie
Dimich, Marlene
Drakulich, Persida
Draskovic, Proto Bozidar and Protinica Bozana
Ducich, Nick and Tia
Dukovich, Mitch and Marie
Markovic, Predrag and Maja
Elez, Sladjana and Family
Marin, Andrew
Pugh, Zachary and Milica
Emery, Jack and Janice
Marin, Mike, Tina and Family
Purlia, Gloria
+Freeman, Lillian
McCarthy, Svetlana
Radomirovic, Vladimir and Family
Fulton, Jeff and Radmila
McKienzie, Sally-Ann
Radosavljevic, Mika
Galashty, Natalia
Medigovich, Samuel
Radovanovic, Dragoslav and Ljiljana
Gavrilov, Gleb
Melnick,+ Stanley and Pauline
Raicevic, Vladimir, Silvana and Family
Germain, Deacon Paul, Natalija and Family
Mihailovic, Gordon
Rakich, Danielle
Glusac, Milena
Mikler, Zora
Rakic, Marko, Vera and Family
Grijakovic, Vladimir
Miladinovic, Radmila
Radojevic, Slobodan and Dr. Vesna
Groza, Horia and Joanna
Miladinovic, Miroslav
Radojevic, Protinica Nadezda
Hyduke, David
Milanovich, Jennifer
Radomirovic, Vladimir
Ilic, Boris
Milasinovich, Zeljko and Marija
Radovanovic, Dragoslav and Ljiljana
Ilic, Petar and Rosa
Miller, Mallory M.
Raicevic, Vladimir and Silvana and Family
Irick, Olga
Milicevic, James and Melanie
Rhoads, Howard and Lydia
Ivanovic, Mirko and Sylvia
Milicevic, Nikola and Nada
Rutherford, Kathleen
Janich, Thomas and Marcia
Miljkovic, Milan and Diane
Ruzic, Stevan and Marija
Jaich, Dennis, Rhonda and Family
Miljkovic, Vecki and Miodrag and family
Saathoff, Stephanie
Jojic, Dobrinka
Milovancev, Miroslav, Mira and Family
Sacchetti, Cynthia
Jojic, Julijana and Vesko
Mitrovich, Desanka
Savchuk, Nikolaj and Olga and Family
Jorling, Joe and Nina
Mitrovich, Jelena
Schrandt Jeff and Natalija V
Sedy-Miletic, John and Ana and Family
Urosevic, Branislav and Elaine
Selezan, Dusan
Valliu, Becky
Selezan, Nemanja and Jelena
Vasiliu, Laurentiu and Daniela
Serdar, Sophie
Vasich, Branko and Family
Serebryakova, Elena
Vasic, Milica
Skaljac, George and Bernadette
Vlasovich, Milanka
Smith, Justin, Zorana and Family
Vladic, Milan
Smolan, Tom
Vucelic, Inge
Srbich, Eva and Jeanette
Vukotich, Dorothy
Starr, Tatyana
Vukotich, May and Stefan
Stojadinovic, Djordje and Julijana
Vukotich, John and Jean
Stojanovic, Robert and Sandra
Vuksanovic, Dusan
Stoyanoff, Jordan and Beatriz
Yancey, Peter
Suliman, George and Dorina
Zivkovic, Miodrag and Sarah
Thickstun, Kathryn
Zivkovic, Tina and Jovan
Topalovic, Vojkan, Maja and Family
Trifunovic, Alexandra
Children’s Stewardship List
Trifunovic, Dr. Robert, Simona and Family
Krsic, Anastasija
Trifunovic, Vladan and Milica and Family
Krsic, Luka
Tully, George
Krsic, Nikolaj
Tvrdisic, Misa, Jovana and Family
• Leff, Dylan
Undheim, Robert and Dobrila
On Sunday October 25, 2015, a six-month memorial service was served for Stanley Melnick. Stanley’s beloved wife Pauline and their daughters Kathy Rutherford and Karen Vermillion were at the service. On this day, the family in loving memory of Stanley, offered several liturgical and altar vessels such as: tabernacle, cross, fans, chalice set, priest’s and deacon’s vestments, twenty sticharions for altar servers (six of them for subdeacons), curtain for royal doors, and altar table covers. Photo (above) shows the family and Father Bratso and Deacon Paul and two servers wearing their new vestments. St. George parish expresses our deep appreciation for this generous donation to Pauline and her daughters, Kathy and Karen. May our Lord grant memory eternal to his servant Stanley and may He be consolation to his beloved family!
If your names are not on this list, the Stewardship Chairman did not receive your pledge card. So please fill it out and return to the church office as soon as possible. Note that everyone will be filling out a new stewardship pledge card for 2016 in a few weeks. This annual act of Christian obedience is important for the church for budget and planning. So please prayerfully continue to support your church. If you have any questions, please contract Father Bratso or Toma Jovanovic, or call the church office. Also if we have misspelled your name, inform the church office (619-276-5827), and we will immediately make the necessary corrections. Thank you and God bless you! Toma Jovanovic, Stewardship Chairman, tomasjovanovic@hotmail.com
Generous donation in memory of Stanley Melnick by his wife Pauline and daughters Kathy and Karen
MORAVA! Dear Friends and Supporters, Morava Seniors’ dance season officially started on September 10, and Morava is growing. With the influx of new dancers, we are now excited to announce the formation of a First and Second Ensemble. This is a great achievement as this only happens where there is growth and success. Senior First Ensemble dancers are rotating as instructors for the Second Ensemble with Sava Ninkovic as Head Instructor for both ensembles. The church hall is very busy and full on Thursday nights with the group split between the stage and Sunday School room as well as the floor when the choreography and number of dancers requires a larger stage. While typically Morava is off for the summer, we had a pre-season kick-off with a Kolo Kamp by Vladimir Spasojevic, guest choreographer from Belgrade’s KOLO Ensemble via Canada. Mr. Spasojevic choreographed a new Vojvodina specifically for Morava’s First Ensemble. This was a 3-day (18-hour) intensive dance workshop held in a ballet studio at the end of August. Morava’s dedication and commitment to the perpetuation of folklore was evident as the entire ensemble came prepared and ready to work, learn, and have fun at this 3-day intensive. After long hours and with tired feet, sore leg muscles, strained backs, and sore arms, Morava was able to stumble through the entire choreography by the end of Sunday. Vladimir was an incredible and accomplished instructor who came prepared, and Morava is so grateful for his patience and attitude. This will not be the last time that Vladimir will be seen with Morava….we hope! New Vojvodina costumes are in the planning stages, and we hope, donations allowing, to have them by the end of the year. Another first was a summer concert on August 15 where Morava hosted Trio Balkan Strings. A fantastic pljeskavica dinner was prepared and served by Morava with the concert following at 8PM. Expectations for this concert were exceeded! A group of about 110 guests were treated to an evening of virtuoso guitar playing of a caliber not ever seen on the St. George stage. Zoran Starcevic and his sons were not only first class guitar players,
they were also lovely, humble, and charming people. The concert was tremendous, and we hope to have them back on their next West Coast Tour. Ziveli Trio Balkan Strings! While Morava did not dance at Diocese Days on Labor Day weekend, many made the trek up to St. Steven’s to witness the canonization service of two American saints. It was an honor for some Morava dancers to have their picture taken with Patriarch Irinej. This happened thanks to our very own PK, Sava Ninkovic, and his connection with the Bishops. If you don’t know what PK means, ask a priest’s kid. ;-) It was a beautiful thing for me, as a director and mother, to hear the reverence and awe of having the opportunity to be blessed by the Patriarch. When I witness them practicing under their breath how to address and approach the Patriarch and personally witness the understanding they have of who they are, I know that Serbian Orthodoxy is instilled in their hearts and will be forever more. As always, I am proud and
Promoting Serbian Culture in the USA & Around the World humbled to have the opportunity to lead this group of incredible young people and always try to look out for their well-being. Morava’s dance season is off to its usual frantic start with fund raising at the Vista Viking Festival with their Nordic Ice booth on September 26 and 27. Making and selling shaved ice for the weekend is one of Morava’s more successful fund raisers. All of Morava takes a shift or two to make this possible. This year’s co-chairs for Nordic Ice were Sandra Skendzic and Nikolija Jojic. Oh boy…then in October came with our very own St. George Serbian Festival on the 3rd where Morava danced at 3PM and 6PM and had a wine tasting booth. Then it was the annual trek to Opolo Vineyards where Rick Quinn puts on the best party in Paso Robles on October 16 and 17 with Morava’s First Ensemble as the entertainment for the weekend. A great big shout out to Rick for his continued support of Morava. We are grateful and promote your fine Opolo wines every chance we get! We are happy to say we will be going out for a quick weekend to Phoenix for St. Sava’s SerbFest on November 7. They always hold
their PholkFest in October, and October is always booked for Morava so we can never attend. Going to their SerbFest in November may be an alternative way for us to visit our West Coast church parish. Morava is thrilled that they are not booked elsewhere so they can attend Cevap Challenge on Nov 14. I am hearing rumors that there will be returning Morava challengers, Cristina Dukovich and Nikolina Lazic. There may be others too! Cevap Challenge is St. George’s best party, and Morava will be there as guests enjoying the cevap throw down! Our big push is fund raising for Morava’s next great adventure—Spain and France in June of 2016! Morava will represent St. George Serbian Orthodox Church at the Allegria International Folk Dance Festival in Costa Brava, Spain, and then join forces with Mladost Pariz in Paris, France, for a joint concert. The trip will be from June 21 through July 5, 2016. Our fearless trip coordinators are Vecki Miljkovic and Tina Zivkovic. Not only is this a huge undertaking to manage and move so many people, but it is a costly one as well. Please take a look at your year-end financial planning and consider giving a charitable contribution to Morava Folklore Ensemble, a non-profit tax deductible organization, as they continue to foster and promote Serbian cultural awareness throughout North America and across the continent. Morava is still planning its calendar for the season. Look for information coming soon about its next fund raisers, the returning Pig Gig and 50/50 opportunity drawings. Your attendance and support are appreciated. Morava is always grateful for the continued support it receives from the church board. We are an energetic, thriving, and dynamic group that strives to create a high-caliber dance ensemble for the promotion of Serbian culture through song and dance. At the same time, we create a community of folk dancers, friendships, and fellowship at our church parish. These dancers are the future leaders, cooks, and supporters of St. George. Morava practices on Thursday nights from 7:15PM to 9:15PM, and the First and Second Ensembles range from high school through mature adults. If you have an interest in joining, please contact me for a membership application. Kolo ROCKS!
Dobrila Undheim Director, 760-212-5891, Dobrila@cox.net
2015 St George Graduates (continued) Samuel Pantovic, born on October 04, 1997. Son of Dusko Pantovic and Mary Herrera. 2015 Graduate of Mission Vista high school. He now attends Costa Mesa College and has plans to major in Marine Biology. Samuel is the grandson of Snezana and Dole Pantovic.
Morava helping advertise St. George's Serbian Festival on Oct 3, 2015
Selling snow cones at Viking Festival in Vista. Morava's biggest fundraising event!
Support Morava with Contributions & Attendance at its Fund-raising Events
Aleksandar Raicevic graduated from San Pasqual High School in Escondido, CA on June 3, 2015. Aleks has a Cumulative GPA of 4.3 and graduated with honors as a Distinguished Scholar, and was awarded the Golden State Seal Merit Diploma. In addition, he is a San Pasqual “Compass Graduate,” which means he maintained a GPA of 4.0 or higher since his freshman year and was also actively involved in his community and school activities. He is a member of the National Honor Society and San Pasqual band pit. Through his Scouting activities, Aleks has participated in many service projects such as the California Coastal Cleanup, Battle of San Pasqual Reenactments, volunteering at the local Veterans Administration hospital, and making sandwiches for the homeless. In October 2014, he achieved and was awarded the Rank of Eagle Scout. There are many requirements to achieve Eagle, but the most difficult to complete is the “Eagle Service Project.” Aleks’ project involved the construction of eight Owl boxes and four Raptor perches, which were donated to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. In his free time, Aleks enjoys playing tennis and the piano. Aleks received acceptances from six universities in California and other states. He eventually decided to attend Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, majoring in Biological Sciences. His goal is to work for NASA in the field of Astrobiology.
Pamela Naughton joins prestigious DLA Piper law firm in San Diego DLA Piper LLP announced that former government prosecutor and veteran white-collar lawyer Pamela Naughton was joining the firm and would work out of DLA Piper's San Diego office as a partner in the litigation practice. Starting off her career in the public sector, Naughton served as attorney at the US Department of Justice and assistant US attorney for the Southern District of California, where she worked in the fraud unit. She has also earned the post of associate counsel to the US House of Representatives, working on the Iran Contra Committee, and also served as special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee to oversee the impeachment of a federal judge. Naughton, who spent a decade in public service and about 15 years at Sheppard Mullin, told Law360 on Tuesday that DLA Piper's international platform helped to draw her in. “Especially in my field of white collar, we're finding there are a lot of cross- border investigations, particularly in foreign corrupt practices and international tax, which is an area that I've been focusing on,” Naughton said. “Also, there was a strategic fit because they wanted to grow their white-collar practice, particularly on the west coast.” Naughton said she’s “extremely pleased” about the opportunity to work for a firm who has always
been seen as one of the strongest in San Diego. “I think it was a very good fit for both sides,” Naughton said. “I enjoyed my time at Sheppard Mullin, and I’m really looking forward to this new challenge.” Patrick Smith, who co-chairs DLA Piper’s white-collar, corporate crime and investigations practice, said in a statement that Naughton has more than 30 years of experience as a trial attorney with a strong track record in the state and federal courts. In particular, her representation of high-net worth individuals and C-suite executives on tax controversy matters fits well with the firm’s global platform. Smith said.that Naughton brings a practice focused on white-collar defense, internal, and government investigations, and complex business litigation. She has experience handling civil, criminal, and administrative cases on matters ranging from accounting, securities, health care, consumer, and tax fraud, class actions, government probes, breach of contract, and business torts. Robert Brownlie, managing partner of DLA Piper’s San Diego office, said that Naughton’s government experience and handling of high-profile investigations will be invaluable to our clients involved in complex business litigation. “She is a seasoned white-collar defense lawyer who will add depth to our team on the
In memory of Lillian Freeman, long-time St George Stewardship member Lillian Visnic Freeman passed away September 29, 2015. Born September 16, 1927, in Holidays Cove, West Virginia to Sam and Bessie Visnic. She was preceded in death by her husband, Earl, two sisters and a brother. Lillian was a member of the Telephone Company Pioneers, having worked for C&P Telephone Co. of West Virginia. She transferred to Pacific Telephone is San
St George stewardship members, Pamela Naughton, Assistant Choir Director, and her mother, Millie Mrja, former Church Treasurer and Financial Secretary, with daughtergranddaughter, Avery Naughton, second-year student at Carlton College in Northfield, MN.
West Coast and nationally,” Brownlie said. Naughton received her law degree from Yale Law School and her undergraduate degree from St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN. Ben Conarck, Law360, New York, June 16, 2015.
Diego in 1956. She retired from AT&T in 1980. She was active in St George Church as well as many San Diego organizations for 20 years. She is survived by a sister-in-law, Barbara Visnic and three nephews, Pete and Bill Visnic of Weirton, WVA, and Samuel Markovich of Alex, Oklahoma. Pomen service was held at St. George Church, October 6 2015, and the funeral service was October 7. Interment is at El Camino cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church Building Fund.
Safeway stores are no longer participating in the eScrip program. Effective August 1, 2015, Safeway, Carrs/Safeway, Vons & Pavilions are no longer participating in the eScrip program.
You can STILL EARN by shopping at the eScrip Online Mall. Here's how: eScrip’s Online Mall is your way to make a difference every time you shop online - you shop, and eScrip’s online retailers generously give savings for you, plus a percentage back to St. George Serbian Orthodox Church! Whether you want to shop the latest fashions from Bloomingdales or Nordstrom, or if you are gearing up with the latest gadgets from the Apple Store, or bargain hunting at eBay or Amazon, your shopping will make a difference for the causes you care about. The Online Mall also provides timely money saving offers as an added benefit to you for shopping with them through the Online Mall. With back to school & holiday online shopping please don’t miss out on this great easy fundraiser!
Step 1: visit www.eScrip.com & Sign In Sign in with your supporter ID, username or email to access your account. New members click “create new account”.
Step 2: verify you’re a supporter of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church (Group ID: 137331530)
Step 3: utilize the eScrip online portal for all online shopping Select “shop online” and search for your store. Not only will special offers pop up but once redirected to your store, you will automatically be earning dollars for St. George with no extra cost to you! With over 800 merchants online you are guaranteed to find yours. A few examples below:
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Earn rate 2.4%
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Earn rate 4.8%
Earn rate 1.8%
Earn rate 1.8%
Earn rate 2.4%
Visit of Kosovo and Metohija Monasteries and Churches by Velimir & Mira Jovanović on September 5-6, 2015 This may have been our 6th visit to Kosovo with the group Naš Beograd or our 5th or 7th. The number is hard to remember, but the experience is always so memorable. We feel privileged and blessed to have been able to go to visit our holy sites: those still standing, those which are being renovated, and those which have been destroyed to their very foundation.
There are miracles on Kosovo, and there are saints there, both contemporary and those from earliest Christian times. The churches attest to artistic brilliance. The people, past and present, attest to our people’s formidable knowledge of what is truly needed in life, and what is truly important that our lives may have significance. Faith is there, everywhere. We have also been blessed to meet wonderful people and to discover that many of our fellow travelers remember us from trips past. Of course the people of Kosovo inspire us. We have had conversations with people who have said that Kosovo is lost forever! Try telling that to the two sisters-in-law who with their families are returning to their land which is very close to the church in Osojane. (The church had been dynamited, the ruins burned, and then some Greek friends of Bishop Artemije had the church rebuilt exactly as it had been!) These women and their families are reclaiming their land and are rebuilding there because that’s where the graves of their family members are. The gravestones have been destroyed. In the field where their homes once stood you can see a stone or two from the homes and graves. Yet these women and their husbands come once a month to be on the land of their ancestors. How could we abandon them, they say ! In Boka Kotorska I struck up a conversation at a bus stop with a woman who told me her story. She said that no she was not from Boka but a refugee from Kosovo, and life was very hard here. She was from Djakovica, and she went with a special bus with other refugees to visit the remains of the graves of her family and forefathers twice a year. At a village we hadn’t visited before, Binač, we visited the ruins of a 14th century monastery church, St. Gabriel the Archangel, the story was the same: dynamited and the remains burned to the foun-
dation.To add insult to injury, whenever the people and priests of Vitina and Binač go to serve there, they must bring along trash bags for the refuse the shiptars( who increasingly and aggressively are encroaching upon private and church lands) dump on the desecrated foundation. We learned that the Serbian Church through the Patriarchate in Belgrade has set up a fund for the reclamation of Serbian land which will recompense those who want to sell their land. Work on the reconstruction of St. Michael the Archangel monastery near Prizren, Czar Dušan’s endowment, which,again, had been dynamited then burned ( all within plain view of German KFOR troops) is progressing beautifully. The auxiliary buildings, the refectory, bookstore, and dormitory have been finished. We actually have followed the reconstruction on our visits here. Now there is serious work being done on the huge cathedral which Czar Dušan had built. You can read a wonderful description of what it was like in a short but moving poem by Jovan Dučić called “Manastir”. We saw travertine brought from Kosjerić, marble from nearby quarries and workmen from all over Serbia employed in this reconstruction. The workers were very proud of their work. Of course we went to the great, well known monasteries of Gračanica, Bogorodica Ljeviška, Dečani and Pećka Patriaršija. We gave monetary donations to families in need at the first two. At Velika Hoča where we spent the night we also gave money beside the large food supplies for the Narodna Kuhinja- the people’s food bank. We went to two great monasteries where miraculous cures have happened through prayer and the intercession of St. Joanikije and SS Kuzma and Damian. They were Devič and Zočiste. These two monasteries are fairly isolated and have been attacked by Shiptars many times. We left names of people to be prayed for at these very holy places with our donations. The sisters at Devič in particular are old, frail, and very vulnerable but in spirit so strong. The one very unexpected place we visited was a walled city, a medieval castle complex called Novo Brdo. It could hold 40,000 people, and was built for the protection of these people from the surrounding villages, miners in the famous gold mines of Novo Brdo. Novo Brdo was renowned
and coveted in the middle ages and was the source of great wealth for Kralj Milutin and the rest of the Nemanjić Dynasty. After Constantinople fell in 1453, the Turks advanced on Novo Brdo and it fell in 1455, its citizenry murdered or enslaved. We saw its mighty walls being reconstructed, the main architect being a fellow traveler from our last Kosovo visit. Mića Djordjević, an architect, met us at Gračanica with a car and drove us some 35 km to Novo Brdo to show us this project. It’s going to be many years before it’s fully restored but with its dimensions and views it’s so impressive even now In addition to being an important monument to Serbian history it has and will yield many historical discoveries. We learned for example of the use of breccia on the corners of the castle not only for decorative purposes but for structural strength. The place is amazing. The last place we went before heading back to Beograd was the village of Leposavić. There in the large enclave in northern Kosovo we could sense a completely different atmosphere. People here had a sense of security: they had built a lovely church with a statue of Patriarch Pavle in the park in front of the church, a chapel on the hill above for those who wanted to pray up there and a huge new hall was being built to replace the old one which was too small. Clearly people here had more choice- more money, freedom, and security. Yet they still knew church and community are of prime importance. The young priest was newly arrived and very enthusiastic about what they could do. We wish them all well, pray for them, and are looking forward to going back to see them. You can, too. Many thanks to our donors from St.George who contributed a total of 850 Euros: Nikolai Savchuk, Jelena Bradić, Andjelka Balać,Tina Marin and Andrew, Katrina Radojević, Protinica Nada Radojević, Aca and Seka Kinach, Jeff and Anastasia Wilgus , Vlada Kezić, Deacon Paul Germain, Marko and Dijana Jovanović , Velimir and Mira Jovanović. We tried to distribute all our funds wisely with love and compassion to needy families and parishes.
Mira Jovanovic Pictures (next page)
Bus with visitors to Kosovo and Metohija
Families in Gračanica
Binač Parish Church
Bogorodica Ljeviška fresco
Church at Osojane
Novo Brdo
St. Gabriel Monastery
Sv. Arhangeli Monastery
Icon of the Holy Romanov Family
Families in Gračanica
Novo Brdo
Bogorodica Ljeviška Church
Sv. Arhangeli Monastery
Church & statue of Patriarch Pavle in Leposavić
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In the Green: St George Recycling Program In an effort to gain much needed revenue and to help the environment, we are actively recycling at St. George. Did you know that every time you throw a water bottle, aluminum can, or glass beer bottle into the garbage instead of recycling it, you are throwing money away? Each can or bottle that is not recycled equals five cents gone forever. While five cents may not seem like much, every can and bottle quickly adds up.
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Please remember to put all plastic and glass bottles and aluminum cans into the blue recycling containers that are located both inside the hall as well as outside. In 2012, over 17.2 billion containers were recycled in California, saving natural resources, conserving energy, extending the life of our landfills, and helping to reduce emissions of harmful greenhouse
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Through the prayers of Saints Mardarije and Sebastian, please grant us peace and oneness of spirit.