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Family Support
Aeroflow Family Medical Supply Provides: diapers/pull-ups. Must be 3 years or older according to state law. Medicaid will pay if you have a diagnosis and appropriate order for diapers. 99 Edgington Lane Wheeling, WV 26003 Phone: 304-243-1904 or 1-800-374-3795 familymedicalonline.com/index.html
The ARC of Mid-Ohio Valley Serves Wood, Pleasants, Ritchie, Wirt, Roane, Doddridge, Calhoun, Jackson, and Gilmer areas. Wheeling, WV Phone: 304-422-3151 thearcofwv.org
The Arc of Harrison County Serves Harrison and Randolph areas. P.O. Box 764 Clarksburg, WV 26301 Phone: 304-624-3641 Email: garaber@arc-hc.com www.arc-hc.com
ARC of Three Rivers 1420 Kanawha Blvd. West Charleston, WV 25387 Phone: 304-344-3403 Email: mspradlin@arcthreerivers.org FMRS Health Services 101 S. Eisenhower Drive Beckley, WV Phone: 304-256-7100
Southern Highlands Community Mental Health Center 200 12th Street Princeton, WV Phone: 304-425-9541 shcmhc.com
Mineral County Family Resource Network Serving the Mineral area. Supports families in finding resources within the community Phone: 304-788-9099 Email: mineralfamilyresourcenetwork@gmail.com www.mineralcountyfrn.org/home.html
Prestera Center Serves Boone, Clay, Kanawha, Putnam, Logan, Mingo, Cabell, Lincoln, Mason, and Wayne areas. 96 MacCorkle Avenue South Charleston, WV 25303 Phone: 304-414-3075 (business) or 1-877-399-7776 (available 24/7)
United Way of Central West Virginia, Inc. 1 United Way Square Charleston, WV 25301 Phone: 304-340-3500
United Way Information & Referral Social Services, food pantries, financial assistance for Kanawha, Boone, Clay and Putnam Counties. Phone: 800-540-8659 (8:00-4:00 Monday through Thursday) www.youthmakeadifference.com/get-help.html