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Provider Therapy Services/SLP-OT-PT
Sunrise Counseling Services 1609 W Main Street Princeton, WV Phone: 304-425-3430
Valley Health David Oxley, PsyD Rebecca Denning, PsyD Provides psychological evaluations and parent behavior management training (PCIT). Locations in Hurricane, WV and Huntington, WV Phone: 304-525-3334
WVU Behavioral Medicine Serving the Monongalia area. Neuropsychology Hospital Phone: 304-598-4740 tbi.cedwvu.org/wv-neuropsychologists/
WVU Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute – United Summit Center Serving the Harrison, Upshur, Braxton, Lewis, Doddridge, Monongalia, and Gilmer areas. Therapy, Family Therapy, Group Therapy, Case Management, Outreach, Psychiatric Evaluations and Medication Management, School Based Counseling, Crisis Stabilization, Residential Unit, Psychological Evaluation, Day Support Program, IDD Waiver Program Phone: 304-623-5666 rni.wvumedicine.org/united-summit-center/
Youth Health Services, Inc Serving the Barbour, Randolph, Tucker, Pocahontas, and Upshur areas. Clinical Evaluation, Psychiatric Services, Psychological Services, Play Therapy, CBT, Trauma Focused CBT, Grief Focused CBT, Music Therapy, Seeking Safety, Cognitive Processing Therapy, Group Therapy, Family Therapy, PCIT, Parenting University Phone: 304-636-9450 www.youth-health.org
Aspire Occupational Therapy 400 Allen Drive, Suite 401 Charleston, WV Phone: 304-720-0396
Best Life Therapy Location in Harrison County 141 State Street Bridgeport, WV 26757 Phone: 304-933-3073 www.bestlifewv.com Bright Futures and Circle of Friends Serving Lincoln, Boone, Putnam, and Nicholas counties and the Charleston and Huntington areas. Private Practice speech therapy. Parents pay up front then can bill insurance companies. Services include in-home programs, consultation/training, in-service staff development, and functional assessments. Phone: 681-235-3114 or Jill Scarbro at 304-617-6244 www.brightfuturesaba.com
Childhood Language Center Laurance Jones, III, Speech therapist 1313 Quarrier Street, Suite A Charleston, WV Phone: 304-342-7852
Children’s Therapy Clinic Serving the Charleston area. Occupational/Speech/Physical Therapy/Music Therapy/Autism Socialization Program/Discovery Club 113 Lake View Drive Cross Lanes, WV 25313 Phone: 304-342-9515 Fax: 304-342-9414 Email: khholsclaw@yahoo.com or valicia@childrenstherapyclinic.com www.childrenstherapyclinic.com
Cornerstone Pediatric Center Andy & Kathy Citerone Birth to 18. Evaluations, OT, Speech, feeding therapies offered addressing fine motor delays, handwriting difficulties, mobility, speech, and other pediatric concerns. 387 Heliport Road P.O. Box 1276 Bridgeport, WV 26330 Phone: 304-842-0044 cornerstonepediatriccenter.com

DATS Therapy Clinic (Huntington Location) 4614 Waverly Road Huntington, WV 25704 Phone: 304-429-3287 (DATS) Fax: 304-429-0024 (Scott Depot Location) 33 Erskine Lane, Suite B Scott Depot, WV 25560 Phone: 681-235-7211 Fax: 681-235-7221
The Developmental Advantage 888 Oakwood Road, Suite 300 Charleston, WV 25314 Phone: 681-265-0999
Developmental Therapy Center Inc. Speech, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Social Skills for ages 18-25 years 803 7th Avenue Huntington, WV 25701 Phone: 304-523-1164 Fax: 304-522-2474 www.dtchuntington.org
Easter Seals West Virginia Serves Upper and Mid-Ohio Valley. Occupational therapist working with children with sensory challenges 1305 National Road Wheeling, WV 26003 Phone: 304-242-1390 www.wv.easter-seals.org Hope Campbell, OT 400 Old Main Drive Summersville, WV 26651 Phone: 304-872-3611
Lingua Care Associates at St. Mary’s Medical Center Auditory processing, Pragmatic language, Parent education and training A doctor’s prescription is needed for an evaluation. Huntington, WV Phone: 304-526-8897 www.LinguaCare.com
Lingua Care Associates (Speech and Swallowing) Serves Beckley, Charleston, and Huntington areas. Jennifer Baker, Speech Therapist, trained in PECs PO Box 820 Hurricane, WV 25526 Phone: 304-345-6313 Email: info@linguacare.com www.linguacare.com
Marshall University Speech and Hearing Clinic Speech Therapy, Social (Pragmatic), Swallowing, Voice/Fluency Huntington, WV Phone: 304-696-3641 www.marshall.edu/mu-speech-and-hearing-center/
Milestones Physical Therapy Locations in Hurricane and Huntington areas. Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy Phone: 304-760-6300 (Press option 1 for Hurricane; Press option 2 for Huntington) www.milestonesphysicaltherapy.com