Mars Hill University Magazine - Spring 2021

Page 16

Amazing Alumni

photo by Paul Moon

Coach Kevin Barnette ’85 makes History in Madison County, N.C. When Kevin Barnette was elected in November as a member of the Madison County Board of Education, he considered it simply a continuation of a position to which he had been appointed two years before. It was, further, a continuation of his life long effort to serve the people of his hometown and county. What he did not consider was the historic nature of the event. Barnette’s election marked the first time that an African American person had been elected to a public office in Madison County, N.C. “Never entered my mind,” he said. Superintendent of Schools Will Hoffman said it seemed an obvious choice when he called Barnette two years earlier to suggest that he fulfill the term of Craig Goforth (who was moving to the board of commissioners). “When Dr. Craig Goforth decided to run for County Commissioner after many years of service on the school board, we knew that we needed someone who understood the institutional history of

16 Mars Hill, the Magazine | Spring 2021

Madison County Schools, someone with a strong vision for where we need to be going,” Hoffman said. “As someone who grew up in Madison County, attended Madison County Schools, developed enduring, long lasting friendships in Madison County and the region, Kevin Barnette is someone, I strongly believe, who sees himself reflected in the 2200 students across our school system.” Barnette said he was deeply honored by the request, but his primary concern was the time involved. “I’m involved in a lot of different things,” he said. “and one of the struggles that I have is just making sure that I spend the right amount of time with my family. At the time, I just couldn’t imagine how I would be able to work the board of education duties into my football schedule. And I do a little bit of volunteering.” Barnette has been a member of the Lions Football coaching staff for 33 years, and now serves as the

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