28 minute read
Event News and Courses
26 November - 8 December
Pop-Up Vintage in a different venue this year: The Malthouse Gallery, Town Mill, Lyme Regis. 10.00am to 4.00pm everyday. All the usual lovely things, sourced, renovated, repaired and up-cycled by us so that you don’t have to. Shop at Pop-Up Vintage for a truly sustainable Christmas. 27 November
East Devon Ramblers 10.00am. 9 mile moderate walk. Kilmington.07748-618089. Advent Concert given by The Occasional Singers at 3.00pm St Mary’s Church, Edward Road, Dorchester DT1 2HL. There will be a retiring collection in aid of Weldmar Hospice at Home. Everyone is most welcome. Singing Bowl Soundbath Oborne Village Hall DT9 4LA £15 advance bookings ahiahellive.com 01935 389655. 28 November
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Evening of Scottish dancing in Chardstock Village Hall 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own mug. No partner required. Cost £2.00. Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.org. Bridport Folk Dance Club If you like exercise, socialising and maybe learning something new, then come along to our dance sessions in the W.I. Hall on Monday evenings from 7.15pm-9.30pm. All welcome, especially beginners. Occasional live music, and always a caller. Tel: 458165 or 459001 for more information. UK Islands, Wildlife and Volunteering NT Golden Cap Association illustrated Talk by Colin Butcher. Colin and his wife and a small group of friends have been volunteering on small islands around the UK for over 20 years. Many of the islands are uninhabited and they have been checking on the wildlife and natural history which sustain these islands. United Church Main Hall, East Street, Bridport. 2.30 pm. Information from Mike Nicks 01308 459855. 29 November
Scottish Country Dancing at Ashill Village hall Nr Ilminster TA19 9LX every Tuesday evening from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Beginners, returners and dancers of all abilities are very welcome to come and join us. Biscuits and hot drink at the interval. please wear soft, flat comfy shoes if possible. £3.00 per evening. Further information contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com. Beaminster Museum Pauline Thorne, a museum volunteer, shares her research on Medieval Beaminster, 1330-1380: a time of change. Examining how a Pandemic, Climate Change and a war in Europe changed the lives of the people of Beaminster and the surrounding villages! 2.00pm. Entry £5. 30 November
West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 8.6 mile walk through the villages around Beaminster. Contact 07715 760884. East Devon Ramblers 10 mile moderate walk Dartmoor. 07940572330. Bridport Scottish Dancers will meet for an evening of social dancing at 7.30. Venue: Church House, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NN. All welcome, no partner required but please wear soft shoes. Cost: £2.00 which includes tea/coffee & squash (please bring your own mug). Contact: Malcolm on 07790 323343. Check out bridportscottishdancers. Scottish Country Dancing every Wednesday evening at Ash Village Hall Nr Martock TA12 6PB from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Hot drink and biscuits at the interval. Further information from Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com. All welcome. 1 December
An Evening of Entertainment with Bridport Broadsides (local male sea shanty singers) at Bridport Town Hall, 7.30pm. In support of Bridport Millennium Green. £8 (members £7) including complimentary glass of wine. Raffle. Details Sandra Brown, 01308 423078. Green Book (2018, US, 12, 130 mins, Director: Peter Farrelly) Doors 6:45 pm, 7:30 pm start. Clapton & Wayford Village Hall (TA18 8PS).). Membership £25, guests £5 per film. Contact mickpwilson53@btinternet.com or ring Mick Wilson on 01460 74849 or Di Crawley on 01460 30508. St. Swithun’s Church Allington Hall, Bridport. Community Coffee Morning - 9.30 – 11.45 am, plus a sale of Christmas Gifts, Knitted Items, Decorations, Raffle. Mrs Harris Goes to Paris (PG) Matinee Screening, doors 1.30pm, screening 2.30pm tickets £7. Tickets from 01297 625699, www. thegatewayseaton.co.uk or in person Tue - Thur 10am - 1pm. Taster & new block, Dance Connection Bridport St Mary’s, 7:15 to 8:45pm, 07787752201, danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com Tatworth Flower Club has its Christmas demonstrator, Pam Lewis. Pam is an extremely gifted flower arranger and will show us some wonderful arrangements that will be used as raffle prizes. Doors open 1.30pm at Tatworth Memorial Hall. Non members £10. Refreshments served for a donation afterwards. Enquiries Julie Kettle 01934 248536. 2 December
East Devon Ramblers 10.00am. 6 mile leisurely walk. Uplyme. 07586-753623. South Somerset Youth Orchestra & Friends seasonal concert. £5 includes mince pies & mulled wine/soft drink; please book in advance if possible. 7pm, at Clapton & Wayford Village Hall. Further information from Mary (01460 74849) or Barbara (01460 73713). Voices of Hope Beautiful songs from around the world taught in harmony. Group is accessible to all ages and abilities. £5 suggested donation per session. Very relaxed atmosphere, uplifting and fun. No singing experience necessary. Drop in 11am to 12am Borough Gardens Bridport near Buckydoo Square (benches in gardens for those who need to sit or rest) If it is very wet we sing in The Unitarian Chapel in the Garden on East Street Bridport Jane Silver Corren 07887675161. janesilvercorren@gmail.com Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) Family Picnic Night Screening, doors 6pm, screening 7pm, tickets £7 Tickets from 01297 625699, www. thegatewayseaton.co.uk or in person Tue - Thur 10am - 1pm. Start your Christmas at a Stanchester Quire Christmas Carol
Concert at The Blessed Mary Church, East Chinnock, Nr. Yeovil, BA22 9DP at 7:30pm. Admission £10, to include glass of wine/ juice, payable on the door, details 01935 864408 or 863209. Ivo Graham: My Future My Clutter Bridport Arts Centre, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NR Adults dance Journeying through a variety of dance styles from disco, Latin to creative work. A gentle way to release, for well being and keeping fit. All ages welcome. 10am to 11am Steps studio, Crepe Farm Business Park. 07765971357 nikkinorthover43@gmail.com www.bridportyouthdance.org.uk. Also 9 and 16 December. 3 December
Buffalo Gals at Powerstock Hut at 7.30pm. Tickets: Adult £10; Under 18s £5; Family £25 from Channy 01308 485730 or Baffy 07817 429907 or www.artsreach.co.uk. The Lost Present – Topsy Turvy Theatre Bridport Arts Centre, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NR. Beaminster Museum holds its annual coffee morning between 10.00 and 12.00. Come and enjoy a mince pie or a slice of delicious home-made cake, tea or coffee and the opportunity to browse in our well-stocked shop in addition to a chat. Hark! The Music! Start your Christmas with The Stanchester Quire, and friends, at St. Andrew’s Church, Leigh, Nr.Sherborne, DT9 6HL, at 7:30pm.Tickets £10, to include mulled wine and nibbles, from The Little Leigh Store or Eddie Upton 07813 89002, upton.eddie@gmail.com. Three Churches Christmas Coffee Morning 10.15 am - 12.15 pm. The Comrades Hall ,Broadwindsor DT8 3QP. Cake Stall , Tombola, Bric-a-Brac, Books, Christmas Stall. Admission £2 to include Coffee/Tea and mince pie. Come along and bring some friends. For details contact Kate 01308 868083. Cantamus presents ‘Angel Tidings’, beautiful choral music for Advent. St Mary’s Church, South Street, Bridport at 7pm. Tickets £10 on the door. Refreshments available St. Michael’s Christmas Craft Fair. Colyford Memorial Hall. Colyford. Devon. 10am - 2pm. Free entry and parking. Local crafts, bakes, children’s stall. Raffles, tombola, singers. Refreshments including homemade soup and puddings to be served 12 - 2pm. Enjoy a twirl and a stomp with the folk dancers at their Saturday night Ceilidh in the W.I. Hall starting at 7.30pm. A caller and musicians will guide you along. (Local musicians are always welcome to join in too). £5.00 adults: children free. Tea/squash and biscuits provided or BYO. Tel 459001 or 458165 for info. Christmas Craft Fayre at Musbury Village Hall - 10.00 am to 12.30 pm. A good variety of local craft stalls including hand made willow items, woodwork, cards, jams and chutneys not forgetting the Church cake stall, tombola and raffle. Refreshments including bacon buttys! Proceeds to St Michaels Church Musbury. Enquiries 01297 552440/552711. Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 7 mile walk from Little Bredy. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. Get Crafty for Christmas A cheerful, creative day with paper - come and make some joyful, decorative Pastepapers for unique wrapping paper, decorative folded paper Christmas trees and hanging stars and folded paper containers just right for holding special gifts. Suitable for all, £45, includes all materials. 10.30 am - 4pm James Hargreaves Community Hall, Morcombelake, DT6 6EA. Details and booking: nesta@leafwork.co.uk or call 07984 001830. Singing Workshop with Wessex Women Come and join our fun and friendly group for a morning of songs and simple harmonies. from 10.45am - 12.45pm at Seavington Millenium Hall, TA19 OQH. £5 per person includes refreshments. To book your place please contact Louise 01460 234536. We are open to new members. http://www.wessex-women.uk. Indoor Bowls Session from 10 am until 12 noon at the Bridport & W D I Bowls Club, St. Andrew’s Trading Est.DT6 3EX. Tel Arthur on 01308 425278 for further details. Also on Sat the 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st. 3 - 4 December
Christmas Films display 10am - 5pm each day in Dalwood Church. Christmas Hamper Raffle. 4 December
Wessex Military Band Winter Concert. 3-5pm The Electric Palace, South Street, Bridport. Dance Connection, Dance Day Workshop 11am-4pm, Early bird by 25th Nov, 07787752201, danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com. St. Swithun’s Church Allington, Bridport. Organ recital - 3.00PM - Alex Davies, Musical Director of Lyme Regis Parish Church. Includes music by Bach, Buxtehude and Mendelssohn. Christmas Tree Lights & Carols. 6pm at the Market Cross, Church Street, Winsham, TA20 4HX. Carols around the Christmas Tree with Winsham Primary School Children and St. Stephen’s Church Choir leading our singing. Chard Brass Band playing the tunes for this annual festive village gathering. Mulled wine and mince pies. Hot squash. Santa bringing his sack. All most welcome. Bring a hand held torch or head torch if you have one. Free event but it helps to know numbers of adults and children for catering. Email: winshamstreetfair@gmail.com or 01460 30676. Hot Turkey Baps and Festive Drinks from 7pm at The Bell Inn, Church Street, Winsham, 01460 30677. Parking behind The Pub: TA20 4DU. Start your Christmas at a Stanchester Quire Christmas Carol Concert at St Mary’s Church, Chard Street, Thoncombe, Dorset, TA20 4NE, at 3pm. Admission by donations, more details from Olive on 01460 30539. East Devon Ramblers 10.00am. 9.5 mile strenuous walk. Branscombe. 01297-625045. 5 December
Bridport Folk Dance Club If you like exercise, socialising and maybe learning something new, then come along to our dance sessions in the W.I. Hall on Monday evenings from 7.15pm-9.30pm. All welcome, especially beginners. Occasional live music, and always a caller. Tel: 458165 or 459001 for more information. Indoor Bowls Session from 7 30 pm until 9 30 at the Bridport & W D I Bowls Club.St Andrew’s Trading Est. DT6 3EX. Tel Arthur on 01308 425278 for further details. Also on Mon the 12th, 19th,
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Evening of Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Village Hall 7.30-10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own mug. No partner required. Cost £2.00 Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.org. Hawkchurch Film Nights in association with Devon Moviola, proudly presents ‘Good Luck to You, Leo Grande’ (97 mins, Cert. 15). Doors open 6.30pm, film starts 7.00pm at Hawkchurch Village Hall, EX13 5XD. Ticket reservations £6 from csma95@gmail. com or leave a message on 01297 678176 (socially-distanced seating available if booked in advance) or pay at the door. New improved projection - give us a try if you haven’t been for a while - and subtitles for the hard-of-hearing. Wine, home-made cake and other delicious festive refreshments available. 6 December
West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 8 mile walk aound Portland. Contact 01308 459159. Smuggling and the Dorset Connection Trevor Ware has been actively involved in the redevelopment of the LSI and West Bay Discovery Centre in Bridport. He will be talking about one his other interests - the history of smuggling in the West Country. Smuggling was widespread along the Dorset Coast in the eighteenth and early nineteenth Centuries. This talk is an authoritative review of smuggling, from its reasons to some of its famous Dorset names such as Rattenbury and Gulliver. 2.00pm. Beaminster Museum. Entry £3. Christmas Garland Workshop Using evergreen foliage, cones and ribbon I’ll show you how to easily create a sumptuous, sustainable 2 metre garland to decorate a table, mantelpiece or stairs. 2 til 4pm or 6 til 8pm. Jubilee Hall, Church Street, Winsham, Somerset. Book online www.flowerfusions.com or phone Angela 07949 510787. Adults dance These classes journey through a number of dance styles from disco, to latin, to freestyle and electro swing. 6.45pm to 7.45pm Venue: Steps studio, Crepe Farm Business Park, Symondsbury. 07765971357 nikkinorthover43@gmail.com www.bridportyouthdance.org.uk Scottish Country dancing at Ashill Village hall Nr Ilminster TA19 9LX every Tuesday evening from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Beginners , returners and dancers of all abilities are very welcome to come along and join us. Biscuits and hot drink at the interval. Please wear soft, comfy shoes if possible. £3.00 per evening. Further information contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com 7 December
Scottish Country Dancing at 7.30. Church House, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NN. All welcome, no partner required but please wear soft shoes. First evening free, thereafter £2.00 which includes tea, coffee, squash and cake. Contact: Malcolm on 07790 323343. Check out bridportscottishdancers for more information. West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 8 mile walk in and around Dorchester. Contact 07826 150114. A Christmas Selection of words and music for Christmas. A light-hearted evening of readings featuring donkeys, a battlewinning pudding, musical field mice, a little-known Polar explorer, unwanted presents, a sheepdog and a rubber ball, plus seasonal music by musicians from Sidmouth Town Band. In aid of St. Petrock’s, Exeter’s charity for the homeless. St. Michael’s Church, Beer, 7.30pm. Admission free, donations to St. Petrock’s. Light refreshments available. Further information from: rscottbeer@ outlook.com
Live or Online send your event details to info@marshwoodvale.com BY DECEMBER 7TH
East Devon Ramblers 8 mile moderate walk. Budleigh. 07821800814. Scottish Country dancing every Wednesday evening at Ash Village Hall Nr Martock ( next to the pub ) TA12 6PB from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Hot drink and biscuits at the interval. Further information from Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com. All welcome. Christmas concert by West Dorset Community Orchestra and Local Vocals in St. John’s Church,West Bay at 7-30p.m. Raffle and refreshments. Free entry. Retiring collection. Contact 01308 456297. 8 December
Chard Royal Naval Association The branch will be holding their annual Christmas Dinner at 7.pm for 7.30 pm at the Hornsbury Mill Chard, this being their last function of 2022. The association will reform again Thursday 12th January 2023 for their first meet of the New Year when they will hold their A.G.M in Chard Rugby football club in Essex Close meeting at 7.30 pm for an 8 pm start. if anyone is interested in joining the group, which is free, to do so, should visit the group where they will be made most welcome. Any further information can be gained by visiting Facebook, Chard Royal Naval Association. Taster, Dance Connection Bridport St Mary’s, 7:15 to 8:45pm, 07787752201, danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com 9 December
East Devon Ramblers 10.00am. 5 mile leisurely walk. Musbury. 01297-552313. Beaminster Museum presents Parnham Voices Christmas Concert “Make we joy” at 7.30pm. Traditional and not quite-so-traditional choral music for Advent and Christmas. A glass of mulled wine on arrival, Christmas music and seasonal readings, singalong carols, plus mince pies and more wine in the interval. What more could you ask for? Please book tickets at £7 via e-mail from info@ beaminstermuseum.co.uk The Fountaineers British Legion Hall Victoria Grove, Bridport Doors at 7pm, bar £5 admission. Irish folk music band, hailing from East Devon and Dorset, playing a range of traditional folk tunes and songs. Georgia Van Etten brings an irresistible and unique cocktail of jazzy grooves and bluesy ballads. 8.00pm, Marine Theatre, Church Street, Lyme Regis DT7 3BG. More: www.jazzjurassica.co.uk. Swing From Paris Bridport Arts Centre, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NR. Voices of Hope Beautiful songs from around the world taught in harmony. Group is accessible to all ages and abilities. £5 suggested donation per session. Very relaxed atmosphere, uplifting and fun. No singing experience necessary. Drop in 11am to 12am Borough Gardens Bridport near Buckydoo Square (benches in gardens for those who need to sit or rest) If it is very wet we sing in The Unitarian Chapel in the Garden on East Street Bridport Jane Silver Corren 07887675161. janesilvercorren@gmail.com Start your Christmas with a Candlelight Christmas Carol Concert with The Stanchester Quire at The Church of The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary, Holnest, Nr. Sherborne, DT9 5PU, at 7pm. Admission by donations, to include cider and mince pie! Limited seating, please phone Graham on 01963 210632. The Mary Rose, a Sailor’s View at 11am at Woodmead Hall, Lyme Regis. This presentation for Lyme Regis u3a will be delivered by Peter Lansdown, a retired naval officer and sometime yachtsman who has sailed the waters the crew of the Mary Rose would have known. Peter has a deep interest in our naval history and will present a sailor’s view of the ship and life on board, navigating and sailing her, fighting her, living on board her, everyday utensils, food, fashion, hygiene, entertainment etc. Details available on www. lymeregisu3a.org. Guests welcome for a donation of £2. The Railway Children Return will be at Holyrood Academy (upper site) at 7.30pm. Tickets are £5 and £2.50 in advance from Eleos, Barron’s and Chard PO or online for a small booking fee at ticketsource/ cinechard. Buy one ticket get another of the same price free. 9 - 10 December
Classical piano with Duncan Honeybourne Duncan will play a pre-Christmas concert including some music by William Baines, a Yorkshire composer who died 100 years ago this autumn aged 23 of TB and was an extraordinarily individual, unique composer. Duncan has recorded a disc of his music for the Divine Art label which is coming out in October to mark the centenary. He will also include some music by Schubert, and some pieces by the German-Swiss composer Hermann Goetz. Tincleton Gallery, The Old School House, Tincleton, nr Dorchester, DT2 8QR, doors open 19:30; concert starts 20:00. £15. 01305 848 909 http://www. tincletongallery.com. 9 - 11 December
Christmas Tree Festival St Mary’s Church, Charminster, DT2 9RD Opening times: Friday 9th December 3.00pm/6.00pm, Saturday 10th 11.00 am/4.00pm, Sunday 11th 2.00 pm/5.00 pm. 5.00 pm Sunday “Carols round the trees with mulled wine and mince pies. Light refreshments available throughout plus Christmas Gifts and Fair Trade stalls. Admission £3.00 per person (Children free) https://stmarys-charminster.org.uk“ 10 December
Climate Cafe, Seaton A respectful space where you can express your feelings about climate breakdown. A chance to talk safely and informally about what it means for you, and listen to others’ experiences. 10.30am - 12 noon, at Natural Worx Café, The Square, Seaton, EX12 2JZ. Contact Fiona Anderson fiona.anderson.01@ gmail.com. Christmas Family Fun & ‘Arthur Christmas’ screening, activities start at 1.30pm, screening at 3pm, tickets £10 child (includes a small gift), Adults £7. Tickets from 01297 625699, www.thegatewayseaton. co.uk or in person Tue - Thur 10am - 1pm. United Church Bridport 7.30 p.m. Bridport Choral Society presents Follow the Star, an evening of Christmas songs and carols across centuries of festive music, with opportunity for audience participation. Musical Director: James Crawshaw Accompanist: Peter Parshall. Tickets: £12, available from Bridport Music Centre, Smith & Smith or on the door.
Start your Christmas at a Stanchester Quire Christmas Carol Concert at Martock United Reform Church, Bower Hinton, Nr. Martock, TA12 6JN, at 2pm. Admission £8 payable on the door. Refreshments will be available. Yarcombe village market 10am -12 noon – Fantastic local produce – Eggs, Cakes, Plants, Jams, Honey, Pickles, Woodwork, Metal Work, Pottery, Chocolate Bombs and Truffles, Candles, also Bric a Brac and Homeware. Coffee and Cake stall -Yarcombe Village Hall EX14 9BN queries 07858625421 Dalwood Jazz Club Louise Parker - Jazz & Soul vocalist - with her Trio 3pm at Dalwood Village Hall EX13 7EG (near Axminster) Bar for beer/wine/soft drinks and tea & coffee etc. Parking at the Village Hall. Ticket £12.50p Pay at the door. info: t.mackenney111@btinternet.com 07999 553477. Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 6 mile walk from Beckford. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. Cantamus presents ‘Angel Tidings’, beautiful choral music for Advent. St Candida & Holy Cross, Whitchurch Canonicorum at 7pm. Tickets £10 on the door. Refreshments available 11 December
East Devon Ramblers 10.00am. 10 mile moderate walk. Weycroft. 07759-324849. The Royal Ballet ‘The Nutcracker’ (12A) screening, doors 1.30pm, screening 2pm, tickets £13.50 adult, £7 age 15 & under. Tickets from 01297 625699, www.thegatewayseaton.co.uk or in person Tue - Thur 10am - 1pm. Lyme Bay Chorale concert including Haydn’s Nelson Mass and music by Handel and Purcell. Lyme Regis Parish Church at 4pm. Tickets £13 in advance from Fortnam, Smith & Banwell in Lyme Regis or from choir members / £15 on the door. Under-19s free. Jurassic Coast Inspirational Choir will perform popular and Christmas music at St Andrew’s Church, Charmouth DT6 6FN. Doors open at 7pm. Tickets £10, to include a drink, can be purchased from Fortnam, Smith and Banwell (Charmouth branch) or by calling 01297 561625. West Dorset Flower Club will be holding a demonstration by our Home Team entitled “Christmas with Friends”. This will take place at the WI Hall in North Street, Bridport at 2.30 pm. Visitors welcome, entrance £5. Further details 01308 456339. Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Evening of Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Village Hall 7.30 - 10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own mug. No partner required. Cost £2.00 Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.org Bridport Folk Dance Club If you like exercise, socialising and maybe learning something new, then come along to our dance sessions in the W.I. Hall on Monday evenings from 7.15pm-9.30pm. All welcome, especially beginners. Occasional live music, and always a caller. Tel: 458165 or 459001 for more information. 13 December
Loders WI Christmas Party. Loders Village Hall, Time 7.30pm. Bring a dish and your own drinks. Competition: Make up an original Christmas Cracker joke, and a raffle. Further info see: LodersWI.org. The Arts Society Honiton 2pm The History and Art of the Nativity Crib – Geri Parlby. The Beehive, Dowell Street, Honiton EX14 1LZ at 2pm. Contact: www.theartssocietyhoniton.org.uk. Email: info@theartssocietyhoniton.org.uk. Visitors welcome at £8 each, please see website or email for further details. Scottish Country dancing at Ashill Village hall Nr Ilminster TA19 9LX every Tuesday evening from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Beginners , returners and dancers of all abilities are very welcome to come along and join us. Biscuits and hot drink at the interval. Please wear soft,

comfy shoes if possible. £3.00 per evening. Further information contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 7 mile circular walk around Bridports’ Hills and Rivers. Contact 01308 458198 14 December
Scottish Country Dancing at 7.30 (Christmas Party). Church House, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NN. All welcome, no partner required but please wear soft shoes. First evening free, thereafter £2.00. Please bring a plate of food to share as it is our party night. Contact: Malcolm on 07790 323343. Check out bridportscottishdancers for more information. Christmas Coffee Morning, including mince pies, scones, and bacon/egg rolls, 10.30am – noon; all welcome. Clapton & Wayford Village Hall. More details from Julia (01460 72769) Scottish Country Dancing every Wednesday evening at Ash Village Hall ( next to the pub ) Nr Martock TA12 6PB from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Hot drink and biscuits at the interval. further information from Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com. All welcome. 14 - 15 December
The Railway Children Return (PG) Kilmington Community Cinema will be screening at the Village Hall (EX13 7RF). Doors open 6.45 film starts 7.15. Matinee on Thursday doors open 1.45pm film starts 2pm, advance booking required for this matinee, limited seating, No cream teas this month but

complimentary mince pies available. Tickets can be pre-booked by email: wattsjohn307@gmail.com or Tel: 01297 639758 see www.kilmingtonvillage.com/other-organisations.html for more information. 15 December
Sea Shanty sessions at The Marine Theatre, Lyme Regis. An evening of Sea shanties and other familiar songs of the sea. Join The Chantry Buoys, of Colyton, for a fun filled night of jolly sea faring songs. Free admission, all welcome to join in, The Buoys start at 7.30pm. All donations go to local charities. Contact 07761 469676. The Art’s Society West Dorset 2pm for 2.30pm Bridport Town Hall, Lucien Freud :The Art of Man. Speaker John Idden Visitors Welcome £7.50. St. Swithun’s Church Hall Allington, Bridport. Refreshments - 9.30 -11.00am in the Hall, handing out Children’s toys, kindly donated by the people of Bridport. The Surplus Food Stall plus Christmas goodies in the car park. Taster, Dance Connection Bridport St Mary’s, 7:15 to 8:45pm, 07787752201, danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com. Start your Christmas at a Christmas Carol Concert with The Stanchester Quire at The David Hall, Roundwell Street, South Petherton, TA13 5AA, at 7:30pm.This is a benefit concert in support of the David Hall, which is home to the Quire. Tickets £8 Adults, £5 Under 12’s. Tel: 01460 240340. 16 December
Top Gun: Maverick at 7.30pm Village Hall, The Causeway, Milborne St Andrew DT11 0JX. Doors and bar open 7.00. Tickets cost £6, which includes a drink or an ice-cream. Black Sheep by Livia Kojo Alour Bridport Arts Centre, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NR Voices of Hope Beautiful songs from around the world taught in harmony. Group is accessible to all ages and abilities. £5 suggested donation per session. Very relaxed atmosphere, uplifting and fun. No singing experience necessary. Drop in 11am to 12am Borough Gardens Bridport near Buckydoo Square (benches in gardens for those who need to sit or rest) If it is very wet we sing in The Unitarian Chapel in the Garden on East Street Bridport Jane Silver Corren 07887675161. janesilvercorren@gmail.com East Devon Ramblers 10.00am. 5 mile leisurely walk. Topsham. 01392-759332. Start your Christmas at a Stanchester Quire Christmas Concert at the Cheap Street Methodist Church, Sherborne, DT9 3BJ, at 2:30pm. Admission by donations. Downton Abbey: A New Era (PC) with Hugh Bonneville and Maggie Smith, will be shown by T & F Movies at 7.30pm in Tatwiorth Memorial Hall. The doors open at 7.00pm, the entrance charge is £5 and in addition to the usual raffle and bar there will be mince pies and mulled wine. 17 December
How to Say it with Flowers at Christmas Helen Timbers will give a demonstration using foliage and flowers to make a Christmas centrepiece and then you can make your own using materials supplied. 2:30pm to 5:00pm, The Speedwell Hall, Abbey Street, Crewkerne. TA18 7HY. Tickets £12 (includes mince pie and mulled wine); fromThe Green Dragon Bookshop, George Precinct, Crewkerne or telephone 01460 271767. Magnificent Buble at Christmas Gig doors 7pm, show 8pm tickets £22.50 table seats, £20 row seats. Magnificent Buble is the UK’s finest authentic Michael Buble tribute show with an incredible 12 piece big band, fronted by Exeter’s James Billington and proudly presents this fabulous festive show: Magnificent Buble at Christmas. Tickets from 01297 625699, www.thegatewayseaton.co.uk or in person Tue - Thur 10am - 1pm. Moscow Drug Club Is a curious musical place where certain elements of 1930’s Berlin Cabaret, Hot Club de France, Nuevo Tango & Gypsy Campfire meet, have a few to drink and stagger arm in arm into the darkness of some Eastern European cobbled street on a mission to find the bar where Django Reinhardt & Tom Waits are having an after hours jam with the local Tziganes. Bridport Arts Centre, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NR The Glory of Christmas with the Sheldon Singers. 7pm, St. Paul’s Church, Honiton, EX14 1PG. Rutter - Gloria, Vivaldi - Gloria, Vaughan Williams - Fantasia on Christmas Carols, plus a selection of traditional carols. Tickets £12 per person on the door or contact 07726 354172. Dance Connection, Festive Dance Party Bridport St Mary’s, 7:30-10:30pm, 07787752201, danceconnectionwessex@gmail.com Christmas Concert in the Minster, Axminster 7.00 pm. by the Axminster and District Choral Society of Vaughan Williams Fantasia on Christmas Carols, seasonal folk songs by other composers and carols for choir and audience. The concert will be conducted by Judy Martin. Tickets are £15.00 central aisle or £12 side aisles. Under 18s are half price. Mince pies and mulled wine will be available at the end of the concert. BYO cushion! Tickets may be purchased from Archway Bookshop, Trinity Square, Axminster (cash only), online via the link on the website, https://www. axminsterchoral.co.uk/ or direct from members. There may still be some available on the door at the event. 18 December
East Devon Ramblers 10.00am. 9 mile moderate walk. Axminster. 01297-552313. St. Swithun’s Church Allington, Bridport. Carol Service - 4.00pm with St. Mary and St. Catherine’s Catholic Church followed by mince pies and tea. Sidmouth Tea Dance at Stowford Centre EX10 9YL 2.30p.m. Ballroom & Sequence dancing to live music by John Westlake on one of the best floors in East Devon £6 each, proceeds to Childrens HospiceSW. Tea & Coffee available 01395 579856 19 December
Bridport Folk Dance Club If you like exercise, socialising and maybe learning something new, then come along to our dance sessions in the W.I. Hall on Monday evenings from 7.15pm-9.30pm. All welcome, especially beginners. Occasional live music, and always a caller. Tel: 458165 or 459001 for more information.
Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Evening of Scottish Dancing in Chardstock Village Hall 7.30 - 10.00 p.m. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own mug. No partner required. Cost £2.00 Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.org. 19 - 21 December
Wonder Pantomimes presents ‘Dick Whittington’
doors 1.30pm, show at 2pm daily plus on Tues 20th 6pm Show, doors 5.30pm, tickets adults £14, under 16s £12, family £45 (2 adults + 2 children). Tickets from 01297 625699, www.thegatewayseaton.co.uk or in person Tue - Thur 10am - 1pm. 20 December
Scottish Country dancing at Ashill Village hall Nr Ilminster TA19 9LX every Tuesday evening from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Beginners, returners and dancers of all

abilities are very welcome to come along and join us. Biscuits and hot drink at the interval. Please wear soft, comfy shoes if possible. £3.00 per evening. Further information contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com. St. Swithun’s Church Hall Allington, Bridport. Festive Family Fun Afternoon - 3.00-5.00pm Craft, Stories, Big Sing, Gifts to wrap. Free entry. 21 December
East Devon Ramblers 10.00am. 10 mile moderate walk. Sidford. 07870-804711. West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 8.5 mile circular walk in the area of Cerne Abbas. Contact 01460 62060. Brrr! It’s The Snow Queen Bridport Arts Centre, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NR Scottish Country Dancing every Wednesday evening at Ash Village Hall (Next to the pub ) Nr Martock TA12 6PB from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Hot drink and biscuits at the interval. Further information from Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com. All welcome. 22 December
St. Swithun’s Church Hall Allington, Bridport. Refreshments - 9.30 -11.00am in the Hall, handing out Children’s toys, kindly donated by the people of Bridport. The Surplus Food Stall plus Christmas goodies in the car park. 23 December
Carols round the Christmas tree 7 p.m. in Broad Street, Lyme Regis. The Lyme Regis Town band will be playing traditional Christmas carols for us all to sing along to. Our very own Town Crier (and President of the Rotary Club) Alan Vian will be in attendance as well as The Mayor of Lyme Regis , Clr Michaela Ellis. All are Welcome. A street collection will be held on the 22nd and 23rd of December in Lyme Regis and on the 24th in Charmouth on behalf of local charity Lyme Heartbeat and other Rotary Charities. Voices of Hope Beautiful songs from around the world taught in harmony. Group is accessible to all ages and abilities. £5 suggested donation per session. Very relaxed atmosphere, uplifting and fun. No singing experience necessary. Drop in 11am to 12am Borough Gardens Bridport near Buckydoo Square (benches in gardens for those who need to sit or rest) If it is very wet we sing in The Unitarian Chapel in the Garden on East Street Bridport Jane Silver Corren 07887675161. janesilvercorren@gmail.com 28 December
East Devon Ramblers 10.30am. 8 mile moderate walk. Charmouth. 01404-45944. 30 December
East Devon Ramblers 10.00am 5 mile leisurely walk. Hemyock. 01404-45944. Voices of Hope Beautiful songs from around the world taught in harmony. Group is accessible to all ages and abilities. £5 suggested donation per session. Very relaxed atmosphere, uplifting and fun. No singing experience necessary. Drop in 11am to 12am Borough Gardens Bridport near Buckydoo Square (benches in gardens for those who need to sit or rest) If it is very wet we sing in The Unitarian Chapel in the Garden on East Street Bridport Jane Silver Corren 07887675161. janesilvercorren@gmail.com 31 December
New Year @The Gateway Party Headliners The Loose Cannons, doors & finger buffet 7.30pm, DJ from 8pm, live music from 9.30pm to midnight, tickets £25. Join us on New Year’s Eve for a fun party night to see in the new year 2023! Party the night away with our DJ and then live music from the fantastic The Loose Cannons Band, leading up to midnight and Big Ben’s chimes. Tickets from 01297 625699, www.thegatewayseaton.co.uk or in person Tue - Thur 10am - 1pm.