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Until 30 November
Dorset, Dream Country Recent paintings by Nicholas Hely Hutchinson at The Jerram Gallery, Half Moon Street, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3LN. 1 - 30 December
Kit Glaisyer Christmas Exhibition Small & affordable works, oil sketches, prints, books, Cafe Royals, West Country landscape, and Figurative pieces. Open on Wednesdays & Saturdays from 10am-4pm or by appointment. Bridport Contemporary Gallery, 11 Downes Street, Bridport, Dorset DT6 3JR 07983 465789 www. bridportcontemporary.com @bridportcontemporary 1 - 31 December
John Hodgson Exhibition John is a self taught artist based in Ilminster, Somerset. His works are often heavily inspired by fantasy, mythology, folklore and also the natural world, often in combination. Using mainly Graphite and Ink also gilding/ watercolour to add the occasional splash of colour to his work. His other creative work is as a traditional and artistic Fletcher , creating arrows for display, historical enactment/collection and art pieces, using mainly historic methods and materials and has been featured in Somerset Magazine and articles. He is also a long term martial artist/writer and teaches/trains in the art of Kenpo and also Self Defence. Open daily 8.30am - 4pm at Unique Framecraft, Unit’s 4 - 5 Millwey Rise Workshops, Second Avenue, Axminster.EX13 5HH Telephone 01297 631614 or 07801 260259. Instagram:- @uniqueframecraft . What three words :- warned. tasteful.elaborate 2 - 17 December
Binny Mathews and sons Rufus and Quentin Martin 5, Lyden Way, Beaminster, DT8 3AX 10am - 5pm or by appointment 07572 880769 or 07547 154917. Closed on Mondays and Tuesday. 2 -21 December
Christmas Exhibition: Fifteen Artists The Jerram Gallery, Half Moon Street, Sherborne DT9 3LN. www.jerramgallery.com 3 - 4 December
Spirit of Place An exhibition by Ray Balkwill of recent paintings and mixed media assemblages of the Exe Estuary. By way of a small tribute he will also be displaying a number of replica model sailing boats made by his boat-builder friend Geoff Holman, who sadly passed away recently. The Studio Gallery, Thistledown, Marley Road, Exmouth EX8 4PP. Open 10.am - 5pm. Open at other times strictly by appointment only. Free admission. www. raybalkwill.co.uk. Winter Show Work from Liz Somerville, Emily Myers, Ali Herbert and Julian Herbert will be available to purchase for thet very special Christmas gift. North Eggardon Farm is near Powerstock at DT6 3ST. 3 - 11 December
Art in Poundbury’s new exhibition ‘Making Our Mark’ opens at Jubilee Hall, Queen Mother Square, Poundbury, DT1 3BW. Runs 10am - 4pm daily, plus late till 8pm on Weds 7 Dec. 145 artists, amateur & professional, 2D & 3D work, plus ‘Meet The Artist’ sessions. Free entry. More on www.artinpoundbury.co.uk Until 4 December
The Jurassic Coast on Ceramics Bridport-based ceramicist Janine Roper. Rotunda Gallery, Lyme Regis Museum, Bridge St, Lyme Regis DT7 3QA, Tues-Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 10am-4pm, www. lymeregismuseum.co.uk Until 6 December
Mixed Autumn Exhibition of Gallery & Guest Artists
Tincleton Gallery, The Old School House, Tincleton, nr Dorchester, DT2 8QR. Opening / performance times: Fri/ Sat/Sun/Mon from 10:00 – 16:00. 01305 848 909. www. tincletongallery.com. 7 December - 15 January
Keeping It Small Mini-mosaics by Allan Punton, Alison Hepburn, Manya McMahon and Janet Ventre Rotunda Gallery, Lyme Regis Museum, Bridge St, Lyme Regis DT7 3QA, Tues-Sat 10am-5pm; Sun 10am-4pm, www. lymeregismuseum.co.uk Until 21 December
Future Present An exhibition of designer makers from the South West, showcasing our regional talent with work of a high standard in a range of mixed media. Held in the beautiful Allsop Gallery
in Bridport Arts Centre, in the thriving and lively town of Bridport, this curated exhibition will present a range of contemporary craft and design from South West artists. All work will be for sale and will include glass, wood, paper, textiles, prints, photography, ceramics, furniture and jewellery plus Christmas gifts, decorations and cards. Bridport Arts Centre, South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NR. Until 24 December
Present Makers 2022 Christmas selling exhibition of contemporary craft. Wednesday – Saturday, 10am – 5pm. Thelma Hulbert Gallery, Dowell St, Honiton EX14 1LX thelmahulbert.com. 01404 45006. Until 31 December
Halstock Art Group currently have an exhibition of paintings in the Yarn Barton Gallery, Fleet Street, Beaminster. Monday to Saturday 9.30 to 12.30am. Until 4 January
Linocuts Helen Murgatroyd Double Elephant Gallery, Exeter Phoenix. Based in Bude, North Cornwall, Helen makes linocuts centred round themes of food, work and rural life. Her practise is rooted in observational drawing. “In my sketchbooks I document the community I live and work in. In the studio, working directly from my drawings, I develop prints that tell visual stories of the places and people I meet.” This selling exhibition showcases prints from an ongoing series based on the farm where Helen lives and works, alongside some prints from an artist residency in Nepal where Helen documented daily rituals in a rural mountain village. The recipient of many printmaking awards, Helen was voted Printmakers’ Printmaker by her peers at Printfest in 2019. Until 8 January
Unwrapped: A Festive Exhibition Get festive preparation done early with the opening of SSW Shop’s ‘All Wrapped Up’: a special selling exhibition featuring some of the best handmade decorations, tableware, greetings cards and gift inspiration our local artistic community has to offer. Sou’-Sou’-West Arts Gallery, Symondsbury Estate, Bridport DT6 6HG. Open daily 10:30-4:30. Free admission & parking. Contact 01308 301326 www.sousouwest.co.uk. 14 January – 4 March
A Language of Seeds Series of photographs by Devon-based artist Léonie Hampton celebrating her vegetable garden, family and friends while responding to Royal Albert Memorial Museum’s botany collection. Tuesday – Saturday, 10am – 5pm. Thelma Hulbert Gallery, Dowell St, Honiton EX14 1LX thelmahulbert. com. 01404 45006. Until 21 January
David Inshaw recent paintings, drawings and prints. Petter Southall furniture. Sladers Yard, West Bay Road, West Bay, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4EL. Wed to Sat 10am - 4.30pm. Café Sladers and the ground floor gallery are also open Sundays 10am - 4pm. Admission free. 01308 459511. www.sladersyard.co.uk.
Live or Online send your gallery details to info@marshwoodvale.com BY DECEMBER 7th