22 minute read
Event News and Courses
When I was growing up—in what has to be said was quite a religious environment—I remember Judgement Day being something that was discussed with a certain amount of fear and trepidation. As far as I could gather, somebody very fierce was going to decide whether I had been good or bad, and depending on which box they ticked, I was to be either thrown into a very large fire or could live happily ever after. There was also a third, interim option, but that never seemed very clear. However, the point of how to behave in life was pretty binary. I got the impression that judgement would be swift; there would be no option of appeal, and if the wrong box was ticked, things got warm and smokey very quickly—usually after a long drop and a very loud scream. And for some reason, there was always a fluffy cloud involved. Being a little boy I imagined this would all happen in a grown-up world which, to my young mind, would be at least centuries away. How that has changed. It feels lately as if Judgement Day is an ever-repeating nightmare that people wake up to daily, and it generally doesn’t have anything to do with a firepit or a person with a list of names. But it does seem to be delivered through a cloud—just not the fluffy kind that I had imagined. Judgement today is dished out through the internet via untraceable cloud servers. And it seems that verdicts passed through cloud-based forums, article comments and social media are to be even more feared than that meted out by religious icons. And who knew that there might be so many transgressions? They seem to grow daily. Having an opinion of any kind is best avoided. It doesn’t really matter what it is, there will always be someone with fire-breathing anger ready to disagree, and rarely in a constructive way. And judgement comes in so many forms. Apart from the obvious, such as looks, personality, religion or political interest, it seems judgement extends to the reinterpretation of history and even mindreading—today people don’t even have to know what you think to disagree. It’s like a Bill Murray Groundhog Day nightmare. If waking up every day means being attacked just for breathing, one can see why so many people are disillusioned with modern forms of communication. 3 Cover Story By Robin Mills
8 Event News and Courses 18 News & Views 19 Social Capitalism - an economy to benefit the people
By Andrew Blackwood 20 Spring Flowers at Cogden By Philip Strange 22 Signs of the Past By Cecil Amor
24 House & Garden
24 Vegetables in June By Ashley Wheeler 26 June in the Garden By Russell Jordan 28 Property Round Up By Helen Fisher
30 Food & Dining
30 Roasted New Potato Salad By Lesley Waters
32 Wild Garlic and Nettle Soup with Dorset Snails
By Mark Hix
34 Arts & Entertainment 34 Jeanette Kerr at Slader’s 36 Galleries
39 Preview By Gay Pirrie Weir 41 The Siren Call of the Sea By Fanny Charles 44 Screen Time By Nic Jeune 45 Young Lit Fix By Antonia Squire
46 Health & Beauty
46 Hearing the Voice of the Wild By Fergus Byrne
47 Services & Classified
Fergus Byrne
Published Monthly and distributed by Marshwood Vale Ltd Lower Atrim, Bridport Dorset DT6 5PX
For all Enquiries Tel: 01308 423031 info@marshwoodvale. com Editorial Director
Fergus Byrne
Deputy Editor
Victoria Byrne
People Magazines Ltd Like us on Facebook Instagram marshwoodvalemagazine Twitter @marshwoodvale
Cecil Amor Andrew Blackwood Fanny Charles Helen Fisher Richard Gahagan Mark Hix Nic Jeune Russell Jordan Robin Mills Gay Pirrie Weir Antonia Squire Philip Strange Lesley Waters Ashley Wheeler
The views expressed in The Marshwood Vale Magazine and People Magazines are not necessarily those of the editorial team. Unless otherwise stated, Copyright of the entire magazine contents is strictly reserved on behalf of the Marshwood Vale Magazine and the authors. Disclaimer: Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of dates, event information and advertisements, events may be cancelled or event dates may be subject to alteration. Neither Marshwood Vale Ltd nor People Magazines Ltd can accept any responsibility for the accuracy of any information or claims made by advertisers included within this publication.
Trades descriptions act 1968. It is a criminal offence for anyone in the course of a trade or business to falsely describe goods they are offering. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 and the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. The legislation requires that items offered for sale by private vendors must be ‘as described’. Failure to observe this requirement may allow the purchaser to sue for damages. Road Traffic Act. It is a criminal offence for anyone to sell a motor vehicle for use on the highway which is unroadworthy.

28 May
Bridport Big Band presented by Bridport Rotary Club celebrating Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, United Church, Bridport, 7.30pm.Tickets £12 from Bridport TIC & Members, in aid of Rotary charities. Contact 01297 489567. Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 6.5 mile walk from Netherbury. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. Annual Plant and Garden Sale, Colyton & District Garden Society, Colyton Town Hall – 9.30am to 12.30pm. Entry £1 to include tea/ coffee. If you have any plants, garden tools or equipment to donate, please bring to the Hall between 6 and 7pm on Friday 27 May. Cakes also welcome, please bring on the morning. 28 May - 12 June
Pirate themed fun and activities at West Bay Discovery Centre. Drop in. No need to book. Open daily (excluding Mondays) between 11am – 4pm. Admission free, donations welcomed. Further details www.westbaydiscoverycentre.org.uk/ 29 May
East Devon ramblers 7 milie leisurely walk. Ottery St Mary. Tel: 01395-513974. Divine Union Soundbath 2pm-4pm Oborne Village Hall, DT9 4LA £15 bookings only 01935 389655 or email ahiahel@live.com 31 May
Scottish Country dancing every Tuesday at Ashill Village hall TA19 9LX from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. All welcome including beginners and you don’t need a partner. Contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com. 1 June
Duplicate Bridge every Wednesday at St Swithun’s Hall, Bridport from 7 to 10 pm with tea/coffee break. Good standard bridge at EBU affiliated Bridport Bridge Club. Visitors welcome. For more information contact Roy on 01308 425298 or website www. bridgewebs.com. Also 8th / 15th / 22nd/ 29th June. West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 8.5. mile walk through 7 villages starting at Dowlish Wake church. Contact 01460 62060 2 June
Burton Bradstock Village Fayre will be held in the delightful Rectory Walled Gardens from 2.00 pm to 4.15pm. It’s an ideal afternoon out for all local and visiting families, with tests of skill for children and people of all ages, lots of stalls and games, ice creams, soft drinks, barbeque and renowned Dorset cream teas. Entry is £1

for Adults, children under 12 enter free. Please note that a section of Church Road, Burton Bradstock outside the Village Hall will be temporarily closed from 09:00 to 18:00 on the day of the Fayre. Live Music Psychadelephant Firepit lit, garden bar open, guest ales, guest ciders and a special evening menu at the Pymore Inn, Pymore, Bridport. DT6 5PN 8.30 to 11pm. 01308 422635. Happy Days: Platinum Jubilee Show 2.30pm Come and join us for a street party on stage, have a good old sing song and a lot of fun. The Beehive Honiton www.beehivehoniton.co.uk 01404 384050 Coffee Morning St. Swithun’s Church Hall Allington, Bridport 10.45 - 11.45 Fresh coffee and cakes. All welcome. 2 - 3 June
Wine Tastings at Selected Grapes Wine Shop Unit 88 St Michael’s Trading Estate. These casual events are all about the wine - Will will guide you through a flight of samples, allowing you to try wines that are more adventurous than your everyday bottle yet modest on the pocket. Find a new favourite, expand your palate, and head off with new knowledge and appreciation. From 6:00pm-8:00pm. £20 per person. 2 - 5 June
Moreton Flower Festival open daily 10am to 4pm on the Thursday till Sunday. Admission is free and there will be refreshments every day with stalls outside the church Thursday - Saturday. There will also be a free concert (Songs for a Summer Evening) at 7pm on the Thursday evening. Jazz Jurassica a bumper music line-up for this year’s festival in Lyme Regis. More information and tickets from: www.jazzjurassica.co.uk. Art and fossil exhibition at St Andrew’s church, the Street, Charmouth. Preview night 2nd June 6pm-7.30pm come and meet the artists and Chris East, local fossil collector. Wine available. Open daily 10am-4pm until Sunday 5th June. Coffee and cakes available Saturday morning, a warm welcome awaits you. Tel 01297 560487. Thorncombe voluntary groups say it with flowers for the Jubilee. St Mary’s church will host a flower festival over the Jubilee holiday. The display will be open daily, 10am to 5pm. Entry of course is free, but viewers can give a donation towards the costs (so remember to bring cash or notes, as we do not have a card machine!). 3 June
Quiz in The Bell Inn Winsham to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. Teams of 4, first question at 8pm. £2.50 per head to include a selection of cheeses and wine tasters. All welcome, whether as a single, couple or team, but please book first otherwise we might not have enough cheese to go round!!! Telephone Rose on 01460 30677.

West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 8 mile walk around Portland. Contact 01308 459159 or 07889 921435. Live Music Jinder Firepit lit, garden bar open, guest ales, guest ciders and a special evening menu at the Pymore Inn, Pymore, Bridport. DT6 5PN 8.30 to 11pm. 01308 422635. Elizabeth: A Portrait in Part(s) (12A) 4pm Directed by the late, great and much celebrated Roger Michell (Notting Hill, The Duke). A nostalgic, uplifting and fresh modern chronicle of the extraordinary 70-year reign of Her Majesty the Queen. The Beehive Honiton www.beehivehoniton.co.uk 01404 384050 Duplicate Bridge on Fridays at St Swithun’s Hall, Bridport from 2 to 5 pm with tea/coffee break. Relaxed bridge session at Bridport Bridge Club. Visitors welcome. For more information contact Roy on 01308 425298 or website www.bridgewebs.com. Also /10th /24th June. 4 June
Stockland Country Fair 1.30pm -5pm. This is a traditional country fair with old-fashioned games & stalls, country crafts and demonstrations, plant stalls, ferret Racing, Dan the fab magician, live music from The Big Noise Street Band & Honiton Band, Sheep shearing, Farrier, Puppetry & storytelling with The tales of Robin Hood, Belly dancing with Eastern Promise and of course the world renowned Stockland Eggathon! After jumping on the bouncy castle, batting the rat or climbing the greasy pole, refreshments will be needed and we have plenty- ice-creams, afternoon teas, delicious locally produced burgers and sausages on the BBQ and a bar stocked with local Otter ales and cider. This year’s Fair is in aid of the local Hospice & Village organisations. Adults £2.50 Children under 16 free. Some events may be subject to change. Stockland Village EX14 9EF, 6 miles equidistant Honiton, Chard & Axminster. Free parking, please follow the steward’s instructions. Disabled drop off point & parking. Live Music Double D Junior Firepit lit, garden bar open, guest ales, guest ciders and a special evening menu at the Pymore Inn, Pymore, Bridport. DT6 5PN 8.30 to 11pm. 01308 422635. The FOWL (Friends of Weymouth Library) are hosting a talk titled ‘Under Our Feet’ by Steve Wallis, Senior Archaeologist at Dorset Council at 10.30am. Weymouth Library in support of the library’s events and activities. Booking is essential. Please contact Weymouth Library on 01305 762410 or email weymouthlibrary@ dorsetcouncil.gov.uk. 5 June
Platinum Picnic in the Park Bridport Millennium Green, Mountfield. 2-4.30, with live local bands. Free, but donations towards the upkeep of the Green appreciated. Cake stall. Details Sandra Brown, 01308 423078. Live Music Jess Upton and the Guilty Pleasures Firepit lit, garden bar open, guest ales, guest ciders and a special evening menu at the Pymore Inn, Pymore, Bridport. DT6 5PN 3 - 6pm. 01308 422635. 6 June
Bridport Folk Dance Club meets every Monday 7.15 to 9.30 in The W.I.Hall, North Street, Bridport. If you enjoy music, dancing and socialising do come along. Beginners welcome. Tel: 458165 or 459001. Also June 13, 20 and 27.
Live or Online send your event details to info@marshwoodvale.com BY JUNE 10TH
7 June
Scottish Country dancing in Ashill. Every Tuesday at Ashill village hall TA19 9LX from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Why not come along and join us? All welcome including beginners and you don’t need a partner. For more information contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com 8 June
Upholstery class Dalwood village Hall 9.30am – 3.30pm, £20 including tea/coffee, bring own lunch. Not for profit class. Tutor: Laura Anderton. Booking: 07789 514269 or 07748 981345. Also 29 June. West Dorset Ramblers Leisurely 5.5 miles around Powerstock and West Milton. Contact 07932 466663. Sea Shanty Sessions Marine Theatre, Lyme Regis. Devon Shanty men, The Chantry Buoys, perform an informal shanty singalong, with other well known songs,and maritime frolics. A free event, the Buoys start at 7.30pm. Join them for a fun evening, all monies raised go to local charities. Tel. Peter. 07761 469676. Axminster Heritage Centre ‘Woad, weld and madder - the history and cultivation of dyer’s plants.’ Anne Swithinbank. 7pm Tickets £8. Anne Swithinbank, writer, broadcaster and a panellist on Radio 4’s ‘Gardeners’ Question Time’, will be talking. Upholstery class at Dalwood village Hall - 9.30am – 3.30pm, coffee & tea included, bring own lunch, not for profit class, Tutor Laura Anderson - booking 07789 514269 or 07748 9821345 9 June
Tatworth Flower Club has Catherine Brown as demonstrator. Her title for us is ‘Fifty things that make you happy.’ Doors open at 1.30, Tatworth Memorial Hall, TA20 2QW. £6 for visitors. Also a donation for tea and cake afterwards and a raffle for the flowers. Details Julie Kettle, 01934 248536. West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 8.5 miles around Corfe Castle and Kingston. Contact 01300 320346. Dorchester and District Probus Club Meeting at 12 noon at the Gamekeeper, North St., Charminster. Lunch and speaker. Club welcomes new members. Contact secretary: Bill Lowes on 01305261417 or email: billlowes@sky.com Chard Royal Naval Association The branch will be holding a social meeting for a quiz set by one of the members at 7.30 pm for 8 pm in Chard Rugby Football Club. Anyone interested in a quiz or indeed wanting to get to know more of the association should call in where they would be made most welcome. Further information can be obtained via the chairman Paul on 07929291401 or by visiting the official RNA website. 10 June
Kilmington Garden Club Talk 7.30pm The Bishop’s Palace Gardens, Past, Present and Future by head gardener James Cross Kilmington village hall. Whitford Road, EX13 7RF Non members £3. Downton Abbey: A New Era (PG) 4pm & 7.30pm From awardwinning creator, Julian Fellowes comes the much-anticipated cinematic return of the global phenomenon. The Beehive Honiton www.beehivehoniton.co.uk 01404 384050 Net Zero by 2040 at 11am During East Devon’s Sustainability month, the Environment Officer, Catherine Causley, will present to Lyme Regis u3a plans to attain the target for the community of net zero by 2040. Bring all your queries on how to reduce your carbon footprint most effectively to Woodmead Hall, Lyme Regis. Non members are welcome for a donation of £2. Please see www. lymeregisu3a.org for details. 11 June
Sponsored Musicathon in Bridport United Church from 9am to 5pm in aid of the Richard Ely Trust for Young Musicians and Weldmar Hospicecare. Audience welcome all day. Interested performers to contact 01308 427851 or 01308 456297. Coffee morning, lunches and afternoon teas. Music and charity stall in Bucky Doo Square 10-12-30. Interested performers to contact 01308 424103. Yarcombe Village Market 10am -12 noon – Fantastic local produce – Eggs, Cakes, plants, Jams, pickles, woodwork, Metal work, Pottery , also bric a brac and homeware – Coffee and Cake -Yarcombe Village Hall EX14 9BN- queries 07858625421 Voodoo Room: A Night of Hendrix, Clapton & Cream 8pm Be part an incredible homage to Three Legends in Music in this explosive production. The Beehive Honiton www.beehivehoniton. co.uk 01404 384050 Bridport & West Dorset Rambling Club 8.5 mile walk from Kimmeridge. For further information please ring 01308 898484 or 01308 863340. Concert by the Axminster and District Choral Society of Mendelssohn’s Elijah with professional orchestra and soloists. Minster, Axminster 7.30 pm. Tickets are £15.00 central aisle or £12 side aisles. Under 18s are half price. Covid precautions will be followed including wearing of masks as appropriate and not attending if suffering from a cold or other symptoms. Tickets will be refunded if potential Covid symptoms prevent attendance or if Covid rules change. BYO cushion and refreshments! Tickets may be purchased from Archway Bookshop, Trinity Square, Axminster (cash only), online via the link on the website, https://www. axminsterchoral.co.uk/ or direct from Members. There may still be some available on the door at the event. 11 - 12 June
West Milton Open Gardens 2.00 - 6.00pm £5 per adult, children free and dogs welcome on leads. In aid of Powerstock Church. Delicious teas, local cider and ice reams await you as well as a plant and produce stall. Contact: aajanewhite@gmail.com. 12 June
Fun Quiz St. Swithun’s Church Hall Doors open 4.30pm starts 5.00pm. Bring your own drinks and nibbles. Max of 6 per team. Price £5 a head to pay on the door includes refreshments. Refreshments served during the interval and the raffle drawn. To book a table call 07741457505.
HPS Summer Plant Fair Somerset Group 10am till 3pm at Lower Severalls, Crewkerne TA18 7NX. South Perrott Village (A356) Stroll. Come on a stroll around the village and hear about the history of South Perrott. Meet at the Village Hall at 2:30 pm, have a stroll and return to the hall for tea, where Village archives will be on display. £5 in aid of St Mary’s Church roof fund. Contact Ann on 01935 891224. 12 - 24 June
Bridport Food Festival Fortnight a host of different events in the Town and surrounding area. For the full calendar of events visit www.bridportfoodfestival.co.uk 13 June
Nigel Huish, Head Gardner, Kingston Marwaurd 2.00p.m. Dorchester Community Church, Liscombe Street, Poundbury, Dorchester, DT1 3DF. Visitors welcome for £2.50. Dorchester Townswomen’s Guild. Any queries 01305 832857. West Dorset Flower Club will be holding a demonstration by Julia Harrison entitled “The Magic Box”. This will take place at the WI Hall in North Street, Bridport at 2,30 pm. Visitors welcome, entrance £5. Further details 01308 456339. Hawkchurch Film Nights in association with Devon Moviola, proudly presents ‘Belfast’ (Cert. 12, 94 mins). Doors 6.30pm for our new regular start time of 7.00pm at Hawkchurch Village Hall, EX13 5XD. Reservations £5 from csma95@gmail.com or 01297 678176 (socially-distanced seating available if booked in advance) or pay at the door. Wine and home-made cake and other scrummy refreshments available. We’ll be back in September. Dorchester Townswomen’s Guild 2 p.m. Meeting. Dorchester Community Church, Liscombe Street, Poundbury, Dorchester, DT1 3DF. A talk by Nigel Hewish, Head Gardner, Kingston Maurward. Visitors will be made most welcome £2. Enquires 01305 832857. 14 June
West Dorset Ramblers Moderate Circular 8 mile walk taking in Colmer’s Hill, Thorncombe Beacon and Eype Down. Contact 01308 459875 or 07952 517764. Scottish Country dancing in Ashill. Every Tuesday at Ashill village hall TA19 9LX from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. Why not come along and join us? All welcome including beginners and you don’t need a partner. For more information contact Anita on 01460 929383 or email anitaandjim22@gmail.com. 15 June
“The Duke” (12A) starring Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren, Kilmington Community Cinema will be screening at the Village Hall (EX13 7RF). Doors open 6.45 film starts 7.15. Matinee on Thursday 16th afternoon doors open 1.45pm film starts 2pm advance booking required for this matinee very limited seating, and cream teas (£3) available if booked with the ticket reservation. Tickets can be prebooked by email: wattsjohn307@gmail.com or Tel: 01297 639758 see www.kilmingtonvillage.com/other-organisations.html for more. Community Coffee Morning including croissants & bacon rolls, 10.30am – noon, at Clapton & Wayford Village Hall. More details from Julia (01460 72769) The Beehive Acoustic Night 7.30pm Hosted by Terry Stacey. Perform or listen in the Beehive bar. Free entry. The Beehive Honiton www.beehivehoniton.co.uk 01404 384050 Colyton & District Garden Society Talk ‘Vertical Gardening’ by Claire Hart. Re-arranged from April. Colyford Memorial Hall, 7.30pm. Members free, guests £3. For information, call Sue Price 01297 552813.

16 June
Arts Society West Dorset Ambitious Architecture Rethinking the Meanings of Blenheim Palace. Speaker Dr. James Legard. 2.30pm Bridport Town Hall. Visitors welcome - £7.50. West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 9 mile linear walk along Jubilee Trail West of Cranborne. Contact 07826 150114. The Producers 8pm UK award-winning Blues band. The Beehive Honiton www.beehivehoniton.co.uk 01404 384050 Bridport & District Gardening Club monthly meeting is at the W.I. Hall North Street Bridport at 7.30. Colin Varndell, well known local speaker and award winning Dorset wild life photographer and ecologist will speak about The Hedgehog Predicament. The meeting is open to non-members for a fee of £2.00 and further information about the club can be found on www.bridportgardeningclub.co.uk. 18 June
Chideock WI presents a Murder Mystery Evening 7.00pm for 7.30pm in Chideock Village Hall. Tickets, in advance only, £10 per head to include buffet supper; £7.00 for WI Members. Tickets available from Janet Carey 01297 489782 or email janet.carey747@ btinternet. Scottish Dancing Party in Chardstock Evening of Scottish Dancing at Chardstock Village Hall 7.30 - 10.30 p.m. No partner required. Please bring a plate of food to share and your own mug. Tea and coffee provided.. Cost £4 Contact David on 01460 65981 www.chardscottishdancingclub.org.uk. Bridport Food & Beer Festival at Asker Meadows, Bridport Food: 9.30 - 5pm Beer: 11am - 11pm. A chance for everyone to celebrate and enjoy the best of local food and drink. Adult tickets £5 in advance £3.50 from the Bridport TIC 01308 424901 or online www. bridportandwestbay.co.uk Entry free to over 18s from 5pm. Shute Festival East Devon Street Dance Workshop (all ages 7+) with Carla Steenkamp Sheills 10-11:30 am, £10. Nature Walk & Draw with Alex Boon 10-11:30 am (limited spaces, £15). Hannah Bourne Taylor on Fledgling 12-1 pm, £10. Landscape tree walk with Jill Butler 1:30-4:30 pm (limited spaces, £15). Anastazie Toros on Ukrainian Theatre (Workshop 16+) 1:30-3 pm, £10. Hilary Bradt & Janice Booth on Dragon’s Blood and Desert Roses - talk on the Yemeni island of Socotra 3:30-4:30 pm, £10. I am A Spider Mother: Poetry with Flora Cruft 5-6 pm, £10. Flamenco Performance with Jason Webster & Salud Botella 7-8:30 pm, £12.50. All tickets booked via www.shutefest.org.uk 18 - 19 June
Axminster’s Axe Vale Show. After a two year absence, the Axe Vale Show team of volunteers is working flat out to bring Axminster a fun-filled weekend! This local 2 day charity event, just on the outskirts of Axminster, has two aims: firstly to bring the whole community together and showcase the best that the South West can offer and secondly to plough any profit back into the local community via a grant-application process. Tickets via www. axevaleshow.co.uk. Online tickets are £10 for adults and children 5-16 come in for just £1, under 5’s are free. 46th Cerne Abbas Open Gardens About 25 Private Gardens Open 2-6pm. Day ticket to all gardens £7. Ticket for 2 days £10. Accompanied children free. Plant Stall. Free Car Park (DT2 7GD) from 1pm. Teas in St Mary’s Church from 1pm. Equal proceeds to: Cerne Valley Youth Trust, Dorchester Youth Theatre. www. cerneabbasopengardens.org.uk. 19 June
Bridport Chamber Orchestra: Queen’s Jubilee Concert, 3 pm. St Swithun’s Church, Bridport. Tickets £10 on the door and from Bridport Music Centre and The Book Shop. Refreshments after the concert. Further information: 01935 824786. Farm Walk at Tamarisk Farm West Bexington DT2 9DF. A chance to walk around the farm and hear all about the homegrown meat, flour, grain, pulses, fruit, veg, undyed knitting wool and sheep skins that is produced by the family on this organic farm on the beautiful West Dorset Coast. Visit www.bridportfoodfestival.co.uk for more details. Shute Festival East Devon Ukrainian Theatre Workshop with Anastazie Toros (limited spaces) 10:30 am - 1 pm, £15. Landscape walk with Richard Edmonds 11-12:30 (limited spaces, £15). Film Screening and talk Memory Scrubbing on the eradication of civil society in Russia 1-2:30 pm, £10. Ben Short in conversation on Burn 3-4 pm, £10. A Time Traveller’s Guide to Donbass by Anastasia Kosodii (versionised by Andy Barrett): a reading with Anastazie Toros 4:30-5:30 pm, £10. All tickets booked via www.shutefest.org. uk. Open Gardens in Upottery 1pm - 6pm - 9 parish gardens open for £5. Start at the Manor Room (Upottery Village Hall), Upottery, EX14 2PL. Light lunches from 12 noon and garden teas from 3pm. Children’s Treasure Hunt, plant sale, royal theme scarecrow competition. Proceeds to village hall funds. For information contact Marianne on 07746-961892. Organ recital by Emma Gibbins Director of Music, Newport Cathedral. Lyme Regis Parish Church (St Michael the Archangel) at 3pm. Free entry with a retiring collection. Organised by the South Wessex Organ Society. 20 June
Honey Production: From Flower to Jar at Corscombe 10.30am - 12.30 £10 pp. If you enjoy honey and would like to know more about bees, this is a rare opportunity to visit a local apiary to see the work that is involved in producing genuine delicious honey. The session also includes a short walk to the wildflower meadows nearby. To book and for more informationemail savagedebs51@gmail.com. The Wessex Morris Men and Treacle Eater Clog groups will be performing a joint tour starting 7.30pm at the Square, Beaminster. Then 8.15pm at The Cross Roads, Netherbury. Then 9.00pm at The Hare and Hounds Inn, Waytown. 21 June
West Dorset Ramblers Moderate 7 mile walk along the Rodwell Trail and more. Contact 01308 538101. Farm Walk and Tasting at Hollis Organic DairyFarm, Urless Farm, Corscombe DT2 0NP 10.30 am - 1 pm. The ethos of the farm is to produce very high quality milk and food, whilst enhancing the environment for wildlife. During the walk you will find how the farm is managed, you’ll be introduced to their cows and be able to