Mars Mag 14

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South African Heritage

Draw a girl with a hat

A Rainy Day Poem




The Hart Lady

Paint a girl on holiday

Celebration South African Artists




Ambassador Competition Winner

Draw a music girl

Differnt Art Styles to Try




FIMO Tutorial

Art Sessions with Riaan


Draw a women singing

African Art Competition

48. Competition Enteries

Editors Note Welcome to Issue 14 of Mars Mag. Meet Ricollin Moodley, STAEDTLER’s Ultimate Ambassador competition winner. Please do go and see his incredible artwork on his social channels. We are celebrating Women’s month this August by exploring some great female artists. We hope you enjoy reading about these amazing ladies as much as we did. Explore some more art genres with tutorials for you to try out, as well as catch up on STAEDTLER’s Art Sessions with Riaan if you have missed out any over the past 3 months.

The role played by art in our South African heritage - By Judy Nemeth

It is when one looks at the ro le played by South African art in our heritage, that th e a Rainbow Na concept of ou r being tion can be a ppreciated. O to visit a local ne only has museum to be come aware o ways in which f the many art can repre sent a specif history. The b ic time in elief is that m an originated and the artefa in Africa cts which hav e been uneart preserved and hed and are often on d isplay indicate in which we, a the way s a species, h ave evolved. used for hun Basic tools ting and cloth ing made fro skins remind m animal us of life hu ndreds of ye Europeans ca ars before me to the Cap e of Good Hop e as settlers.

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very little d a h y e th , South Africa in d e iv r requirements r a y a s r d y le r tt e e v s e Once s, so many ie r u x ’s playthings lu n f re o d il m h r c , fo g e in th , be it clothin mothers e d e a th m f d o n a s h ie had to be artistic abilit e h T ted. Not . s s te m e it y tl n ld o ta s h n or house ve been co a h t ople were s e u p m n y a il ic m fr A fa in the y where the tr n u o y pots, and c la a c s is a th h s c u a s only w ir ing utensils k o o c n building the w o d n ir a e s th in g k s in mak but the from animal w g a in tr s th lo d c n a g fashionin to make uch as mud s s m e it m o homes fr also had s r le tt e s n a Europe ny of a m g n ti a re do with c ld have u o w h ic h w the items ilable in a v a y il d a been re Europe. in s d n la e m their ho

Music and dancing have many different genres amongst the various cultural groups in South Africa and it is through these art forms that one is able to learn about one’s fellow citizens. Art in all its many varied forms is capable of creating an understanding of other people as well as changing attitudes towards one another. Whether we are entertained by a traditional Zulu dance group, or a New Year Cape Coloured carnival or a sophisticated afternoon listening to a concert presented by the conductor Richard Cock, in every situation we give ourselves up to absorbing the amazing power created by music.

By admiring beautiful woven tapestries, beaded bracelets and aprons, paintings of seascapes and mountain scenes, wooden carvings of African wildlife, all created by citizens of this country we are able to understand that these are expressions of passion which identify the soul of this wonderful country of ours. Art in all its forms can uplift people and provide a way for many to make a living. Therefore, it is an extremely valuable tool in a country which has so many challenges such as inequality and poverty. One creative person who is able to become an entrepreneur can provide jobs for others whether it is by teaching them to do what he does, or through people selling the products which he produces.

The value of art can never be underestimated in the role it plays in a country’s heritage.


Draw a girl with a hat

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Mechanical Pencils

Coloured Pencils


A Rainy Day

It’s raining and cold and we have to stay in And Mum’s in a panic and we know it’s a sin To make a commotion and all kinds of mess When she’s got to go out and she’s fixing her dress She hoped that today we would play in the park That the house would be quiet and the dog wouldn’t bark But nothing is going to plan that’s the truth And there’s thunder outside and a hole in the roof We go grab a bucket to catch all the water But out in the garden is the neighbour’s young daughter She laughs when she sees us all getting so wet But then says she will help us as long as we let Her come to our house and play for a while Which is sure to be fun and it makes our Mum smile She knows that together we’ll get out the tools That we all have at home as well as in schools With paper and paint and colours galore The morning is fun and no longer a bore We cut and we snip and we colour and glue There’s so many things we are able to do That in no time at all it’s time to eat lunch And it’s suddenly quiet and we all have a hunch That the sun is now shining and the rain’s gone away So we’ll pack up our art things and go out to play - Judy Nemeth

“I hate flowers. I paint them because they’re cheaper than models and they don’t move.” - Georgia O’Keeffe

Release your creativity.

THE HART LADY Caitlin Hartman Instagram: @thehartlady Facebook: @The Hart Lady

“Create from the heart, it’s worth it.”

The Hart Lady

A portrait of Ceylonia from kyknet done by The Hart Lady

“It all starts with a pencil”

Hi, my name is Caitlin Hartman, but you can call me Cat. I have been drawing and painting for as long as I can remember. I’ll never forget my mom teaching me how to draw eyelashes for the first time. I started out as a graphic designer, then grew into an eLearning Developer, a UX designer and then finally Head of Media at a learning company in Johannesburg. I continued to draw on the side under the name, @TheHartLady. After 8 years in the industry, I decided to pursue my creative passions in illustration and art. Now at 29, I work in my home art studio, drawing custom portraits and designs for fellow art lovers. I am thoroughly enjoying my new path and I am overwhelmed by the love and support for my art.

Create from the heart, it’s worth it.

What inspires me to draw women is their strength and beauty. I love to show the magical and mystical side of women in my drawings, because that’s what women are, magical powerful beings. I hope my drawings inspire women around the world, reinforcing their strength, wisdom and beauty. You can get through anything that life throws at you. Be strong, be loved and be proud of both your Yin and Yang sides.

Paint a girl on holiday

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Mechanical Pencils

Watercolour Paints

Brush Set


South Africa is a country which, due to its cultural diversity, contains a wide range of artistic expertise. Whether one thinks of music, dance, sculpture, painting, photography or any of the other varied art forms, there will always be a talented female South African who has carved her name in the annals of time. When it comes to the the art of music, then the list of famous South African women who have contributed through this medium over many decades is varied. To name a few we think of the late Brenda Fassie, Miriam Makeba and Dawn Lindberg as well as those who are still alive and entertaining such as Yvonne Chaka Chaka, PJ Powers and more recently Karen Zoid and the Tsonga rapper/singer Sho Madjozi who all, in their own unique way have set the records straight that South African singers can most certainly be said to be world class entertainers. This is just a very quick synopsis regarding music, but the solo classical guitarist, Tessa Ziegler, is still performing to live audiences as are many other South African women who are not mentioned here. When it comes to painters, sculptors, and other creative South African women, the list goes on and on and it would be impossible to do justice to everyone. Suffice to say that we are rich when it comes to the abundance of talent produced by South African women from a variety of cultural backgrounds.

The artist Cecil Higgs was a South African painter born in 1900 and died in 1986 and spent her early years on a farm in the Orange Free State, studied art in Grahamstown before spending 10 years studying art at studios in Paris and London. Many of her paintings have posthumously fetched large sums of money at auctions Irma Stern, who was born in 1894 and died in 1966, produced paintings and sculptures, many of which are displayed in the museum which was her former home and studio in Cape Town. More recently, Alina Ndebele, who was born in Swart Mfolozi, In KwaZulu Natal in 1939, trained to be a nurse and then, through fortunate circumstances, learnt the art of weaving. She studied in Sweden to become a weaver teacher and has become renowned for her beautiful woven tapestries. She went on to establish her own studio, Khumalo’s Kraal. Noria Mabasa is a Venda artist who was born in 1938. Using dead wood and clay as her mediums she raises awareness through her art of social injustices. She is renowned as the only Venda woman to become a famous wood carver. She maintains that the source of her creativity comes in the form of dreams and messages from her ancestors. There is so much more which can be researched regarding the abundance of art which has been produced by South African women, which may encourage current and future generations to try to follow in their footsteps.


WHO ARE YOU? My name is Ricollin Moodley and I am a 21-year-old, self-taught artist from KZN. I started drawing behind used photocopied pages from the local library at the age of 16 years old, in order to get through a time when my family was battling financially. Our situation was what motivated me to get up and try to bring change that we so desperately needed. Due to the situation, myself and family were going through I decided to get up and be the change we desperately needed. Having not done art as a subject in school or having the opportunity to go to any art school to further my passion, I found inspiration by sitting at the beachfront, drawing. This cemented my choice in becoming the type of artist I am today.

Contact details: Mobile: 0732616805 / 0797688661 AFTER LEARNING MANY MEDIUMS WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE MEDIUM NOW ? Using lipstick is one of my favourite mediums because it is very similar to oil paint but it is just a little bit smoother. I like the effect that the lip stick gives and after using all types of mediums I like drawing with lipstick the most.

I explored with many types of tools that were given to me to create my art, which has helped me to now use any medium and still be creative with WHAT INSPIRATION CAN YOU GIVE my techniques and different styles. OTHERS WHEN IT COMES TO FINDING MEDIUMS AROUND YOU AND USING HOW DO YOU USE COFFEE IN YOUR WHAT YOU HAVE? ART? The best inspiration I can give others who I mix the coffee with water, to create want to use different mediums is to explore the shade I want. Coffee is one and try different things. This way you can colour so I use water to adjust it to discover the things that you may like or different shades and then I paint with not. The most important thing is just to it. have fun while doing it.

HOW DO YOU DRAW WITH FOOD COLOURING, GIVE US YOUR BEST TIPS? Food colouring is like a mixture of watercolour and markers. The best advice I can give when using food colouring is to use gloves because it stains everything. Food colouring is not too difficult to use if you know how to use watercolours, because they are similar. I have also learnt that once the food colouring dries it becomes a lot darker compared to when it is still wet.

WHAT IS THE TYPE OF ART AND GENRE THAT YOU SPECIALISE IN? I specialise in realism and portraiture. No matter what medium I use I love my work to be realistic and creative at the same time. I love doing portrait work and I did a lot of commissioned portrait orders over the last 5 years since I’m an artist. Till today my portrait orders feed my family. ADVICE TO GIVE YOUNG ARTISTS? Poverty shouldn’t stop you from following your dreams. Everyone is born with a talent ,you just need to find a way to use it. But the main advice i give to young artists is that no matter how hard it gets keep pushing. My 3 p’s: practice, passion, patience TIKTOK ricollinart_official

YOUTUBE ricollinart_official

INSTAGRAM ricollinart_official

FACEBOOK Ricollin Art

a w Dra l r i g c i s u m

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Mechanical Pencils

Triplus Fineliner

Here are a few differant art styles to try:

Modern Art

Modern art, which covers works from the 1860s to the 1970s, strayed from traditional techniques and styles. As Modern art refers to a period rather than a type of art, it’s often tricky to define. However, The Art Story states modern art is characterised by ‘the artist’s intent to portray a subject as it exists in the world, according to his or her unique perspective and is typified by a rejection of accepted or traditional styles and values’.

Cubism If, when thinking of cubism, you think Pablo Picasso, you’re on the right track as both he and Georges Braque started the movement in the early 1900s. Despite appearing quite abstract in form, it is actually a style of realism.

Surrealism Surrealism is a form of expression that ‘surpasses realism’. It takes real objects and places them in unreal situations. It’s free of consciousness and free of convention. It’s like living in a dream.

Graffiti Generally painted on public walls, graffiti is a consistently developing form of popular art, ranging from slogans and words to detailed and colourful wall paintings. When produced on properties without authorisation, it’s often considered vandalism (even by the most prolific artists!). When in a gallery setting or painted on canvas, it’s most definitely legal and it’s yours to enjoy!

Follow our pages for more inspiration and tutorials


“What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced her she did not.” - Rupi Kaur


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Facebook: @FIMO Polymer Clay SA Instagram: @fimopolymerclaysa

Art Sessions by Riaan STAEDTLER South Africa is proud to announce that we have created free online art lessons in 2021. We understood that the COVID pandemic has changed many lives and made physical art classes impossible at times. We saw the first episode of Art Sessions with Riaan Marais go live on 1 April 2021 and have since had two episodes per month. Aspiring artists have the opportunity to learn different art forms during a live session with the ability to ask Riaan questions during each session via a chat box or even per e-mail. The lessons range from beginners to experienced artists. If you have missed any of the episodes, you can try them here or join our next live sessions at:


Art Sessions with Riaan Marais Episode 24 - In this session you will learn about drawing a Landscape using oil pastels.


Art Sessions with Riaan Marais Episode 25 - In this session you will learn about drawing a a grassy Landscape using retractable wax crayons.


Art Sessions with Riaan Marais Episode 26 - In this session you will learn about painting a goldfish using watercolour paints.


Art Sessions with Riaan Marais Episode 27 - In this session you will learn more about drawing a Dog Portrait using graphite pencils.


Art Sessions with Riaan Marais Episode 28 - In this session you will learn how to draw a Motorcycle using colour pencils.


Art Sessions with Riaan Marais Episode 29 - In this session you will learn how to draw roses in a glass using watercolour pencils and a brush.


Art Sessions with Riaan Marais Episode 30 - In this session you will learn how to draw a portrait of an old man using a mechanical pencil.


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“There are three kinds of people in the world: those who can’t stand Picasso, those who can’t stand Raphael,and those who have never heard of either.” - John White

“There are only two styles of portrait painting: the serious and the smirk.” - Charles Dickens

Draw a Women Singing

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Mechanical Pencils

Ergosoft colour pencils



Competition Enteries

Robert Mckenzie

da Colquhoun


Robert Mckenzie


Thabelo Phungo


Aleeyah Ahmed


The Evil Artificial

Micheal Nnyathi

Lefthandboysa Ricollinart_official

Francine Kotze Ndou-Khathu-Artist

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