motorcycle diaries
Sounds perfect; what could go wrong? Except for getting lost, the motorcycle breaking down, and your best-laid plans letting you down. Text Christian Seiersen Photographs Marta Aguilar
very day hordes of motorcycles migrate across the concrete plains of Ho Chi Minh City, writhing in a demonic waltz with regal plumes of exhaust, carrying anything from extended families to scores of live geese. Thanks, in part, to its simplistic design cues, Honda enjoys a decisive monopoly over the motorcycle industry, if such a term as ‘industry’ can be attributed to the underground warren of wheeler-dealing that constitutes buying a motorcycle. In the midst of such unadulterated chaos, our group would have some difficulty tracking down a band of suitably iconic bikes to serve on our proposed motorcycle trip around Vietnam, let alone ones whose exhaust pipes were not attached with Blu-Tack. Venturing underground The fallout from the Vietnam War had birthed a litter of seedy bars, which had been reared in grubby clumps across the city, the most prestigious of which is the aptly named Apocalypse Now, the seemingly ideal starting ground for the search.
54 Jetwings International October 2010
Between the practiced gaze of the resident working staff, I spotted a wizened veteran occupying a corner table with the pseudomagnitude of a failed sea-captain. Having heard our predicament, he took a dramatic sip of his umbrella-enamoured cocktail before uttering a name whose very mention sent local motorcycle dealers scurrying to the road-side noodle bars from whence they came. Kevin, something of a spectre in the city’s motorcycle industry but undoubtedly the McDaddy. With no direct access into the bowels of Kevin’s operation, we instead met a sprightly American duo that was willing to sell, and had returned from leading a group of seven Minsk motorcycles up the fabled Ho Chi Minh Highway, a popular war-time route running up the spine of the country and one made famous by motor programme Top Gear. One of the duo’s carefully sculpted pony tail and ample girth were a nostalgic nod to his home country’s iconic cartoon character, the Comic Book Guy. However, while such apparel would have condemned him to a nomadic life of certain ridicule back in the US, his exodus to