Selected Projects 2020

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M a r t a M a n z u o l i








O v e r v i e w

o f


VORONOI Public Space Design

SMN STUDY Public Space Analysis

UNDERWATER Concept&Narrative Design

SELAM BAUHAUS Exhibition Design

WFH2020 Interior Design


PUB LIC SPACE REQUALIFICATION Concept Architecture contest PRATOCITY Shopping Mall & Real Estate Company Bachelor Thesis, University of Florence, Faculty of Architecture, Designcampus CONCEPT & SPACE DESIGN URBAN REQUALIFICATION URBAN DESIGN PUBLIC SPACE DESIGN

in collaboration with Pratocity Real Estate LATO Architecture, Prato Design for Sustainability Department, Designcampus, Florence

A requalification of traditions and fragmentation The shopping mall as an urban space to be designed for the territory Prato is a historical industrial city, famous mostly due to its manufacture in the textile field. In the course of the last century, it went through strong Chinese immigration that changed it social and economic situation at a national level. The intention of the project is to readapt the site to an intercultural and dynamic space to serve as a meeting point among cultures, an interlocutor between spaces and people. Prato has the reputation of a wealthy and productive city recognised worldwide as leader in the textile industry - sector that was incremented from the recent immigrant working class. Sadly, the social inclusion did not work well as the industrial one and Prato social reality has become fragmented and not inclusive. The social fragmentation of the community is the starting point for the concept development.

Designing a space to represent the social division and create one unique, inclusive space. As a visual translation of the idea, comes out an allusion to to the geometrical subdivision of the unity, as the Voronoi triangles.

A design that mixes and connects Proposing a modular structure to joint concept and functionality

To unify the space in one inclusive ambient, it was designed a platform to occupies as much space as possible considering the commercial activities. The platform is composed of one main piece and smaller blocks to decentralize some of the functionalities. The structure of the platform is modular to be flexible to respond to the needs of the ground floor shops.

Lights of (multi-)functionality Scenographic chandeliers’ set that serves the community

Above the platform above the stage three huge chandelierlike structure fall down from the ceiling. Those elements are actually massive LED curtain, programmable to be used as surface that projects images and video. Such an interactive element does really complete the poli-functionality intended for the project: the chandeliers can be used for cultural events promoted by public association, as well as private events promulgated by the single shops that sits in the building.

Design details and Usability Unique spatial design solution for inclusion and condivision

The main body of the platform hosts a series of benches designed ad hoc for the project: they’re of various triangular shapes, with a seat made of stone and the basic structure in corten. On one side of the platform, there’s an elevation that can function both as a stage or as wider sitting surface, according to the single needs. Since the design-intervention has considered displacing the plants that were already in the square to place the platform, additional greeneries will be included.



Behaviour Observation in Urban Environments during Covid19 Pandemic.


in remote collaboration with University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg free participation on Coursera about Spatial Design and Urban Planning

Santa Maria Novella square, Florence Selection of the area to observe: a distant get-to-know




Here a representation of the context the selected space (pink) is located: higlighted are the two biggest public transportation’s hubs and the approximate hystorical/ shopping area of the old city center (blue).

Pedestrian movements

Figure 1

Registration of the pedestrian movements observed in the public square. The first scheme (1) refers to a series of video prior to the covid19 pandemic, the second one (2) represent the observation of the movements within the square during the first weeks of the lockdown.*

Figure 2

Resting/sitting spots

Figure 1

Figure 2

Registration of user’s habits of sitting spots observed in the public square. The first scheme (1) refers to a series of video prior to the covid19 pandemic, the second one (2) represent the observation of the movements within the square during the first weeks of the lockdown.* * the observation of the space during the pandemic was done remotely, thank to public live-webcam pointed on the square.


TEMPORARY INSTALLATION Water interaction Ilm Park, Weimar interactive installation


Semester project, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Faculty of Architecture, M. Sc. MediaArchitecture in collaboration with MediaArchitecture Workshop with Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Media Department and with Mark Shepard from University of Buffalo, MediaArchitecture IMAMS Klassik Stiftung Weimar

A path through the senses in the underground Interacting with the Ilmpark, from underneath the river

Rocks shape narrow tunnels that run intricated in the underground, underneath the park and the river itself. A humid and cold wind blows through the conduct, the floor crackles of small stones and sand. Through the cave tunnels blows a sensation of being dragged away by a sensorial water.

Set-up for a sensorial experience Seeing, hearing, touching, walking, breathing, exploring, experiencing

The installation has been built in one of the cave’s gallery with rocks as walls and pebbles on the ground. The idea is to create a sensorial path to make visitors feel joint with nature, flowing with water through space and time. Space was filled up and defined by stripes of diverse materials to get in touch with passing-by visitors. At the passage, motion sensors play flowing water noises.

Ambient is defined by light that creates reflection and refraction games on the rocks of the cave itself and on the textile of the set-up. Light refracts on it diversly, creating a dynamic effect that recalls the transformism and the flowing of the water


EX HIB ITION DESIGN Master Thesis Project, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Faculty of Architecture, M. Sc. MediaArchitecture

in collaboration with


Ethiopian Institute for Architecture and Building Construction, Bauhaus InfAr, Emerging City Lab - Addis Ababa, Bauhaus 100

funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, DAAD, DLR, Emerging City Lab - Addis Ababa, Flinstone Home for you - Addis Ababa, Bauhaus100

Design experiments across Europe and Africa International cooperation exhibited for the Bauhaus Centenary

Selam Bauhaus is an international and multidisciplinary project, initiated by the Emerging City Lab - Addis Ababa, a research group that exists between Weimar and Addis Ababa, born within the collaboration between the two local Architecture faculties. The research group works toward an innovative and sustainable urban development to apply in the recent urban growth of Addis Ababa.

Concept & Space Design defining the storyline Materials and metaphors merge within the exhibition design to tell a story about sustainability and innovation

It was decided to exaggerate the antithesis of the materiality of the room itself and the design to play around the imagery of a bamboo forest that invades the exhibition room, creating exhibition surfaces and a variety of spaces-within-the-space. . The two metaphorical worlds are facing and fighting each other, as to symbolise the contrast between two alternative ways to confront, support and develop a new kind of urban development.

Set-up details and materiality Recycling, renting, re-using. Ethiopia is calling.

Character and interaction: exhibition and visitors Open up the research: experiments and developments call for participation, visitors respond.


INTERIOR DESIGN Working from Home 2020 | Experimentation of future visions on the coexistence between living and working areas within private spaces after the spread of home working due to the coronavirus crisis.


International architecture competition


Contest of ideas,



Diverse functions to conceptual sub-spaces Adapted and customed open-space

Custumed design elements furnish the open-space, each bringing in the solution to a specific function, yet leaving the physical entity of the space whole and complete.

Concept Diagram Exploded isometric Diagram with the space diverse functionalities

At the entrance was created a filtering structure that separates the lived spaces from the outside, to limitate potential infection coming from outside. _In green are indicated the two areas that were destinated to a project of home-gardening for a self-sufficient approach.

_In pink are highlighted the diverse and multiple spaces that pop-up out of the furniture to be exploited as working areas. In this way, anytime, the couple can work from home, both individually and at the same time, maintaining each her or his privacy, when needed.

Physical spaces The intervention: top view





Figure 1

Figure 2

entrance open space balcony bedroom

(1) State of Art of the in question flat, 1:50 (2) Hard-Design intervention,1:50 (+ legend)


Conceptual sub-spaces The intervention: top view

Here, all the potential “extra-spaces” given by the customized pieces of furniture are “opened”. The bookshelf has revealed the desk; the kitchen counter has opened in a dining table; from the bedroom commode the small table has come out and even on the balcony one of the two folding table is opened. Each of those pieces offers the users to create diverse possibilities of workspace within the private sphere, keeping it at the same time safe by being extractable and retractable.

Design intervention, furniture details 1:50

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Marta Manzuoli born on the 5th June 1992 in Florence, Italy based in Weimar, Germany

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