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© 2016 Marta Masjuan Portfolio All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, inluding photocopying or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the editor, except in the case of brief quitations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the editor, addressed “Attention: phope Permissions,” at the address below. info@mmasjuan.com www.martamasjuan.com Portfolio 01 Tossa de Mar, 17320 Girona, Barcelona Telefono: 649 23 66 34 Printed in Barcelona Publication Design by Marta Masjuan

Hello! I’m Marta Masjuan, third-year student of graphic design at Elisava. My specialties are editorial design, corporate identity or branding and advertising. I am passionate about letterings, calligraphies and illustration.

Hello! I’m Marta Masjuan, third-year student of graphic design at Elisava. My specialties are editorial design, corporate identity or branding and advertising. I am passionate about letterings, calligraphies and illustration.




EDUCATION 2011 - 2013

Art school INS Ramon Coll i Rodes - Lloret de Mar

2013 - 2017

Graphic design ELISAVA - School of Design in Barcelona and Engineering Cursando 3rd Grade Design. Specialty: Graphic


1st Contest Design glass “Barraques” Tossa de Mar City Council


International Fast Painting Prize Children Award Tossa de Mar City Council





2011 - 2016

649 23 66 34


Graphic designer CARNIVAL COSTA BRAVA SUD Tossa de Mar City Council Lloret de Mar City Council Blanes City Council ( New image design , logo , posters , flyers , diplomas , banners ... )


Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Freehand


Adobe Photoshop


Adobe Dreamweaver

Graphic designer American Rock and Coffee - Tossa de Mar ( Design food menu and drinks; Poster design ; Bar set in the 50’s American )

Modelaje 2D/3D:

Autocad Rhinoceros

Entorno office:

Microsoft word; Excel; Power Point

Graphic designer Bar Kars - Tossa de Mar ( Design cocktail and gin and tonics ) Editorial, letterings and illustrations. Graphic designer Pandora and Pandora Outlet shoemaking Tossa de Mar ( Corporate image design : Logo , bags , signs, stickers , labels , posters ... ) Saleswoman Pandora shoemaking Pandora Outlet - Tossa de Mar

LANGUAGES Català: Castellano: Inglés:

Bilingual Bilingual Medium level

SKILLS Editorial, Identity and brand ( brand ) . Advertising, lettering and calligraphy , illustration.


Phope Magazine Editorial Project __

University project. Phope magazine. Quarterly magazine sold at different points specialized sales. It is dedicated to different countries, in this case volumes Iceland. Based on photography, fashion and design. Proyecto universitario. Revista Phope. Revista trimestral vendida en diferentes puntos de venta especializados. Se trata de volumenes dedicados a diferentes paĂ­ses, en este caso: Islandia. Basada en la fotografĂ­a, la moda y el diseĂąo.






Project of graphic comunication __

Logo Brush. Lettering created with Pentel, digitized vectorially in strokes. Design created for a vinyl album of music called “Black’n’white”. Logo Brush. Lettering creado con Pentel, digitalizado vectorialmente en trazos. Diseño creado para un disco vinilo de música llamado “Black’n’white”.



Workshop tipografía Esquina With Damià Rotger __

Workshop in December 2015 in Elisava. Lettering created with double pencil. Digitalized vectored from strokes. Design a logo for a restaurant. Workshop Diciembre 2015 en Elisava. Lettering creado con el doble lápiz. Digitalizado vectorialmente a partir de trazos. Diseño de un logotipo para un Restaurante.





Carta cócteles Kars

Project of graphic editorial with letterings and illustrations. __

Design of a letter to the Kars cocktail bar in Tossa de Mar (Costa Brava). It is a square triptych based on the illustrations cocktails. Vector based illustration. Pentel letterings created and digitized. Diseño de una carta para el bar coctelería Kars en Tossa de Mar (Costa Brava). Se trata de un tríptico cuadrado basado en la ilustracion de cocteles. Ilustración a base de vectores. Letterings creados con Pentel y digitalizados.



Carnaval Costa Brava Sud New identity __ New identity Carnival 2016 Costa Brava Sud. Creation of the new image, the promotional poster, a brochure where the program a5 minutes of the 3 municipalities explained: Blanes, Lloret de Mar and Tossa de Mar. It was created and a logo for social networks and different banners for each municipality and together. Also, the diplomas to the winners of the ruas, trophies and banners. The image consists of fresh and dynamic letterings, Pentel made by hand and vectorized. With digitized image of confetti, playing with icons, Fancy dress, carnival gives you that fun touch that creates a range of striking and youthful colors. Nueva identidad del Carnaval Costa Brava Sud 2016. Creación de la nueva imagen, el cartel promocional, un folleto a5 donde se explica el programa de actas de los 3 municipios: Blanes, Lloret de Mar y Tossa de Mar. Se ha creado así, un logo para las redes sociales y diferentes banners para cada municipio y en conjunto. También, los diplomas para los premiados de las ruas, trofeos y banderolas. La imagen consta de letterings frescos y dinámicos, hechos con Pentel a mano y vectorizados. Con la imagen de los confetis digitalizados, jugando con los iconos, de disfrazes, de carnaval le da ese toque divertido que crea una gama de colores llamativa y joven.






Frappès 1 Rosquilla 1 Berlina Caja 6 Rosquillas

1,50 € 1,75 € 8€









(Max. 2 berlinas por caja)

Caja 12 Rosquillas

15 €

(Max. 4 berlinas por caja)

Pequeña (2 bolas)

3,95 € Mango Strawberry-Banana Summer fruits - Berries Peach Exotic fruits


Grande (3 bolas)

3,50 € Iogurt Vainilla Cacao Cafè


2,50 €

3,50 €

American Rock & Coffee Branding and editorial __ Creating a brochure or menu card for a café set in the 50’s Americans. Pin-up style rock with a sweet touch. Pastel Colours. Creating posters of offers based on vectorized illustrations. Creación de un tríptico o carta de menú para una cafetería ambientada en los años 50’s americanos. Estilo pin-up rock con un toque dulce. Colores pasteles. Creación de carteles de las ofertas basada en ilustraciones vectorizadas.


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