Photovoltaic - The Ultimate Solar Resource Solar energy is an affordable alternative to the traditional sources of energy like hydroelectricity. This energy – either photovoltaic or solar thermal – is basically as a result of radiant heat and energy from the sun harnessed through advanced solar technology. Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are mainly used to generate solar energy where there is no direct source of power; usually found in large power plants. What happens here is that the panels create electricity using conductors consisting of mono, copper indium sulphide or cadmium telluride amorphous and polycrystalline silicon. Compared to solar thermal, photovoltaic is the most popular solar panel type admired by many for the effectual direct conversion of solar radiation into electricity. The benefits of solar include: cutting your electricity bills since sunlight is free and once you pay the initial installation cost your electricity cost will be greatly reduced. Solar technology is an awesome way for people including businesses to exploit the raw energy from the sun to help them run daily operations. Whether is heating our homes, powering appliances, or lighting up our surroundings, both photovoltaic and solar thermal panels provide us with safe energy.