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think | spring 2011
America is built on a unique set of principles: freedom, hope and opportunity. Our dreams and journeys shape our identities and give us a place to call home. The following families fuse American ideals with the wisdom of lives past and a global knowledge that has changed the fabric of this country.
ABOVE From left, Basma, 9, Aranya, 7, Farah, 17, and Ali, 5, have lived in the Middle East, but have put down roots in Des Moines, Iowa.
MAKING THE DREAM By Martha Pierce | Photos by Afsaneh Zaeri
n West Des Moines, Iowa, a couple lives in a tidy, yellow house with their six children. Downstairs, a 5-year-old is playing video games from a recliner, his brown eyes glued to the television in front of him. His sister, a junior at Valley High School, is blogging and checking her Facebook. Their brothers have gone to work an afternoon shift at the family restaurant, but they’ll be back for dinner. Karim Jawda, their father, is dressed for guests. He’s wearing a button-down shirt and dress shoes. His wife, Hanaa Abdullah, sits beside him in a velvet blouse and brown trousers. Their children trickle into the room. It’s a pretty picture, but the family has been through hell to arrive at this stable life. In 2008, Karim, Hanaa and their kids fled from war-torn Baghdad, where Karim was contracted to work at a United States Army camp. “We moved from Iran to Baghdad, and stayed there until Saddam Hussein was no more,” Karim says. But working for the U.S. Army under Iraqi rule proved to be more dangerous at times than the dictator himself. “If anyone works for the U.S., he’ll have problems,” Karim says. “I received many letters from terrorists [that said], ‘If you stay working with the Army we’ll kill you,
think | spring 2011
bomb your house.’” Shortly after receiving these threats, Karim moved his family to Jordan, where Hanaa and their children lived until the Army arranged a move to America. Within 20 days of writing letters to the U.S. Embassy and signing paperwork, the entire Jawda family was on its way. “They tell me ‘Iowa,’ and I say, ‘OK, Iowa — what is it?’” Karim says with a laugh. “Then we come to Iowa, it’s a nice place and nice people. We like it.” With just two carry-on bags and $500 for the whole family, the Jawdas moved into a small apartment on Des Moines’ east side. And only months after their arrival, Karim needed open-heart surgery. In October 2008, Karim had a $100,000 operation, made possible by his health insurance through the Army. Despite arriving with little, the couple says that the U.S. has afforded them opportunities they wouldn’t have had otherwise. “I come here and [I get] Medicare and food stamps, before I wasn’t working. It’s good. Money help people here,” Hanaa says. Karim agrees, adding that it’s a safer country as well. “My country is very rich, but have too
many problem,” Karim says. “You go outside of your home, maybe you come back, or not.” The family has made many friends since coming to the U.S. and credits much of it to Karim’s recently opened Iraqi restaurant, Babylon. “I wanted to do some business here,” he says. Before he started working with the Army, he operated a restaurant in Iraq. Once in the U.S., Karim bought property and now runs Babylon with the help of his two older sons and, occasionally, his teenage daughters. “I’m the chef,” Karim says. “And I have good customers. They like my food.” Karim doesn’t seem concerned about stereotypes and the vast differences between his home country and new home. “We have friends that are Christian and Jewish, and we are brothers,” says Karim, a Muslim. “No problem.” Rather than focus on the potential for cultural rifts, he concentrates on his restaurant. His cuisine fills a niche, but as any pragmatic entrepreneur recognizes, it’s not easy to build a successful business in the U.S. “I haven’t seen any [other] Iraqi restaurants here in Des Moines,” he says. “And I would change many things about mine.” Karim acknowledges that he doesn’t yet have the funds for his restaurant to be as he envisions it. “But I have to try and try to change my life for the better.”
ABOVE Karim Jawda stands in front of Middle Eastern cuisine grilling in his Des Moines, Iowa, restaurant. The family opened the restaurant, Babylon, after emigrating from Jordan. LEFT Hanaa Abdullah stands with her husband, Karim, outside their suburban home in West Des Moines, Iowa. When the family arrived in the U.S. in 2008, they struggled to start a new life with little money and an unforeseen health complication.
Zine-Age Dream story by Martha pierce photo by ari curtis
Sarah Morean spreads DIY magazines across Minneapolis.
Photo courtesy of Sarah Jordet Photo courtesy of Sarah Jordet
Tell your mitten-knitting
story by Emily Carl photos by KElsie sherman album covers courtesy of rhymesayers entertainment
These seminal albums put the record label Rhymesayers on the hip-hop map. see the slideshow
grandma to kindly step aside, and grab your home printing press. Crafts just got cool. Sarah Morean, a library assistant from Minneapolis, is a three-time coordinator of the Twin Cities’ annual Zinefest, a 10-yearold craft fair dedicated to the production and display of creative, wacky comics and self-published magazines, commonly known as zines. These handmade books got their start as offshoots of comics made by graphic artists and cartoonists. Now the trend has exploded into a culture that’s all about DIY.
Morean first became interested in zines through reading comics and graphic art. She picked up an artsy teen novel in college and fell in love with its quirky, independent style. At age 27, Morean’s taste in zines has matured. Now she’s a fan of autobiographies. “I think the personal element attracts a lot of female readers my age to zines,” Morean says. Political, comedic, and non-fiction zines are just a few of the creations that have young enthusiasts flocking to Zinefest each year. “I do think our generation wants to matter in a way that others before them haven’t,” Morean says. “We want to feel like
(Left) Zinester Sarah Morean chews over a few of her latest ideas. (Top right) A collection of zines is on display at Zinefest. (Bottom right) A home printing press is used to make Zinefest promotional materials.
we’re part of the conversation, so we take in a lot and give back a lot.” Plus, there’s the community. Zinesters have the chance to meet with more than 50 cartoonists, art and graphic designers, and zine producers during the day-long event. “Zinefest just has this buzz of people being happy and enjoying each other’s company through art,” Morean says. “You can’t help but walk out inspired.” And for some, that inspiration has led to opportunity. Morean knows a collection of creative minds that began making zines as
pastimes | Authentic adventures + dark and twisted + 15 years, 15 albums + zine-age dream + the adventures of everyman + knitter gone rogue + hot wheels + corn-fed and kick-ass
a part-time job and then grew. “If you can expand your zine enough, a lot of times it can open into a publishing deal or creative job elsewhere,” Morean says. Morean and a friend, Lacey Hedtke, 29, photography professor and fellow zinester, plan to debut their own creative endeavor later this year: a zine library. Before making it official, the duo will host a zine swap and DIY festival. “It’s nice to have something to do to bring the people at Zinefest together again,” Hedtke says. “Yeah, we make zines, and it’s fun—now let’s party.” urbanplainsmag.com 7
Throwback Happy Hour
story by Martha Pierce and Alysse Gear photos by jeff Kwiatek
Cure your common cocktail with these retro recipes.
Don’t nurse the same old Stella Artois every weekend. Instead, kick back with a highball, and leave your boring, modern cocktails behind. Try one of our oldschool picks. These sophisticated classics will make you think twice about your next Captain and Coke.
RASPBeRRY Side Car 1 lemon wedge 1 ½ ounces cognac 1 ounce Chambord raspberry liqueur ½ ounce fresh lemon juice 1 raspberry Sugar Slide the fruit of the lemon wedge around the edge of a martini glass. Dip rim in sugar. Shake cognac, Chambord, and lemon juice together. Strain into the martini glass, and drop the raspberry in.
CLASSiC Martini ½ to 1 ounce dry vermouth 1 ½ to 2 ounces gin 1 olive Pour vermouth then gin into a cocktail shaker with or without ice. Strain into a classic martini glass. Garnish with an olive.
ToM Collins
¾ ounce green crème de menthe 2 ounces gin ¾ ounce crème de cacao 1 ounce lemon juice ¾ ounce light cream 1 teaspoon superfine sugar or simple syrup 1 sprig of mint 3 ½ ounces cold club soda 1 orange slice Pour the liquid ingredients over ice into a 1 maraschino cherry cocktail shaker, and shake vigorously. Strain Combine gin, lemon juice, and sugar in a into your glass of choice. Garnish with a shaker half-filled with ice. Shake well and sprig of mint. strain into an ice-filled Collins glass. Top with club soda. Garnish with a slice of orange and a maraschino cherry.
pleasures | beef it up + elbow grease + local flavor + bottoms up + throwback happy hour + diy date night + vintage vixens + let’s talk sex + sex shops in the city
MAKeR'S MaRK Manhattan 2 ½ ounces Maker's Mark whisky ¾ ounce sweet vermouth liqueur 1 dash Angostura aromatic bitters 1 maraschino cherry Rind from 1 slice of orange Gently swirl whisky, vermouth, and bitters with two or three ice cubes in shaker. Strain into a cocktail glass over the maraschino cherry. Rub the edge of the orange peel over the rim of the glass. Twist to release its oils, but don’t drop in. urbanplainsmag.com 17
9 Quick Tips for an At-Home Workout
Standing Calf Raises The chore: washing dishes Your fitness move: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise yourself high on your tippy toes, then slowly return to a flat-foot position. Lift and lower your heels 20-40 times, or until you feel too tired to continue. What you're working: calves and thighs
Wide Plies The chore: rinsing dishes Your fitness move: Spread your legs as wide as you can with your toes pointing slightly out. Lower your hips and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. Pulse up and down 20 times, but try to push yourself all the way to 40 if you can! What you're working: inner thighs and legs
Tree Pose The chore: Drying dishes Your fitness move: Stand with your feet close together so that they're almost touching each other. Slowly bring your left foot up so the sole of your foot touches the inside of your right thigh. Hold this move, pressing your foot against your leg, for 30-60 seconds. After you lower your left foot, switch legs so that your right sole rests against your inner left thigh. Repeat twice with each leg. What you're working: improving your balance and flexibility
Standing Push-Ups The chore: loading laundry Your fitness move: Stand a few feet from the washer and place your hands shoulder-width apart on the machine. Bend your arms slowly, bringing your chest toward the edge of the washer. Slowly push back out to a full-arm extension. Repeat 20 times. What you're working: chest, arms, and back
Standing Leg Lifts The chore: drying laundry
Your fitness move: Balance on your left leg and slowly kick your right leg out to your right side 20 times, to the front of the room 20 times, and to the back of the room 20 times each. Next, balance your right leg and repeat with kicks with your left foot, making sure to control your leg movements the whole time. What you're working: butt, thighs, and abs
Bent-Over Stretches The chore: emptying the dryer Your fitness move: Stand 3 feet away from the dryer and place your hands about shoulder-width apart on its top. With your legs about hip-width apart, bend forward at the waist until your torso is parallel to the floor. Hold for one minute, while breathing deeply. What you're working: back muscles
Giant Steps The chore: Vacuuming the family room Your fitness move: While pushing the vacuum across the room, lunge deeply with your right leg, bending your knee at a 90-degree angle, then with your left leg. Alternate between your right and left legs until you've completed 20 lunges. Take a short break, then repeat. If you reach a dusty corner, hold your lunge and pulse up and down 20 times on each leg. What you're working: legs and thighs
Ballet Jump-Outs The chore: decluttering a room Your fitness move: Once you've finished putting toys and knickknacks away, stand with your heels together and toes pointed out. Do a quick jump, landing with your legs shoulder-distance apart and knees slightly bent. Jump back to your start position quickly. Repeat this move nonstop for two minutes. What you're working: inner thighs, lower legs, and hips
Belly Squeezes The chore: vacuuming a large room
Your fitness move: Contract your abs by pulling your navel in and breathing deeply, making sure to keep your shoulders back and your torso straight. Try to hold your stomach without resting in for five minutes -- or as long as it takes you to dust one room. What you're working: abdominal muscles Originally published in the September 2010 issue of Parents magazine. All content on this Web site, including medical opinion and any other health-related information, is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this site and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the direct advice of your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others. www.parents.com Bringing together the power of respected magazine brands including American Baby and Parents, the Parents Network is your go-to destination for parenting information. From first kicks to first steps and on to the first day of school, we are here to help you celebrate the joys and navigate the challenges of parenthood. Š Copyright 2011 Meredith Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Pair your child with a friend, a sibling, or even yourself this Halloween. These couples costumes are super-easy to pull together and will make trick-or-treating double the fun.
Shirt and pants on both, basic brilliance.
By Jocelyn Worrall • Photographs by Jenny Risher
He’s alive! A monster is born with a milk-jug head and shredded duds. His crazy creator, dressed in a potion-stained lab coat, shows off his invention with pride.
frankenstein mad scientist
Parents October 2010 151
A calcium-fortified refreshment can’t live without his cookie loaded with felt chocolate chips. Don’t forget his white mustache!
& cookies
set design by karen schaupeter. grooming by noelle marinelli for artists by next. on milk: shirt and pants, basic brilliance. on cookie: shirt, pants, and hat: american apparel.
Turn to Resources, page 230, for detailed costume instructions.
152 October 2010 Parents
the princess
& the frog
on princess: dress, basic brilliance. tights, we love colors. on frog: shirt, pants, and hat, basic brilliance.
Robe your little royal in a magenta dress with ribbons and pom-poms; adorn her frog prince with a gold crown and oversize googly eyes.
Trade places with your little one for a day—dress up for a playdate while you deck her out in business attire.
on daughter: shirt and pants, basic brilliance. on daddy: pants, american apparel.
daughter daddy
on painting: shirt, basic brilliance. leggings, american apparel. gold clogs, sven.
the artist
his work
VoilĂ ! A beret and a ruffled collar is all this painter needs to get his creative juices flowing. Dress his masterpiece in a gold doily frame for a museum-worthy look. Parents October 2010 155
the fisherman his catch
on fisherman: pants, basic brilliance.
This rough-andtumble seafarer reels in a super-cute baby bluefish!
the tortoise
on Tortoise: shirt, basic brilliance. tights, we love colors. Leg warmers, babylegs.com. on hare: shirt, basic brilliance. tights, we love colors.
Make one of Aesop’s memorable stories come to life—give your tortoise a felt-covered-backpack shell, and dress her opponent in bunny ears and a cotton tail.
the hare
Go to parents.com/halloween2010 to submit the cutest pictures of your kid in costume for a chance to win cash prizes. For contest rules, turn to page 235.
Parents October 2010 157
& fall
Spring has sprung in a flirty ensemble adorned with daisies and daffodils. Style your dapper fellow in all brown, and glue leaves to his jacket for flair.
on spring: gloves and tights, we love colors.
158 October 2010 Parents
Count Dracula Halloween Party for Kids
Party Invitations Help your child get excited for his Count Dracula party by making delightfully spooky invitations! Just download some colorful images of bats and Dracula from your favorite websites (or Google), trim, and glue to the front of a blank party card.
Count Dracula Table Make a Count Dracula table filled with candy, numbered balloons -- for the Count, of course! -- and friendly creatures! Pick a plain table in your house, and set it off to the side of the party, so kids can munch on treats like oranges, grapes, or M&M's when they're hungry.
Creepy Candy Use clear glass candy jars as a way to display your favorite ghouls! Make a container into Count Dracula or another creepy creature using a foam ball as a head, construction paper for a cape, fangs, and vest, and a bow for his bow tie! Fill the jar with candy and have kids guess how many candies are inside!
Tricks that Come in "Hand-y" Make a pair of hands to sit on the table using aluminum! Simply mold the aluminum until you achieve the appearance of a hand, cover with garden gloves, and set on the table. You can even stick party favors between the fingers for a kooky touch!
Count on Cookies Turn these cookies into a fun lesson for your little ones! Cut out circles and numbers from refrigerated cookie dough using cookie cutters; then bake, cool, and frost them! Finally, place the number cookies on top of the frosted circle cookies and enjoy a Count-inspired treat!
Not-So-Itsy-Bitsy Spider Make this oversize foam spider in a few simple steps! Use three different sizes of foam balls to create the body, head, and feet of the spider, painting the feet purple and the body black. Then, attach googly eyes and use black pipe cleaners to create long, spindly legs. Use these crawlers as a lid for candy jars or as hanging mobiles to surprise kids! Make Spooky Spiders for Halloween
Popcorn Balls Popcorn balls are always a hit with kids, especially when they're made to look green, blue, and purple using foodcoloring dye! Use this recipe to make these treats!
Get Crafty with the Count Set up a craft station in the corner of a room with kid-size tables and chairs. To keep in line with the Count Dracula theme, cut large numbers out of cardboard, paint them, and prop them up in the craft area.
Count Dracula Crafting Station Fill your crafting station with colorful plastic plates, crafts foam (maybe some left over from the spooky spiders), colored crafts paper, kids' scissors, glue, googly eyes, puffy paint, and other materials from nearby crafts stores.
Vampires! Ghouls! Shrieks! Oh Yes! Kids will love to craft their own ghoulish friends out of paper plates and craft paper! And at the end of the party, your little artists can take home a spooky character to decorate their rooms. Make Plastic-Plate Ghoulies for Halloween
Extra Assistance If younger children are having difficulty completing the crafts, enlist the help of a few adult friends to make their creations a little less complicated.
Count-the-Faces-Wreath Make a circle of Halloween friends -- and frights! Cut a wreath out of a foam paper plate, and then use colorful craft paper to make spooky faces. Glue the ghouls onto the wreath. Once the project is complete, have kids try to count all the faces on the wreath -- it's harder than it looks! Make a Frightful Wreath for Halloween
Dracula Favors Make these Dracula-inspired party favors in a few easy steps! Cover the lids of glass containers with colorful felt and secure with hot glue. Then decorate a foam ball as the face of your desired Halloween creature. Glue the ball to the lid and top off the project with felt accessories like a Dracula cape. Fill each jar with Halloween candy and give to guests. Kids will love leaving with a special treat. Make Creepy Candy Jars for Halloween
Say "Dracula"! Have kids pose for pictures with different party favors or decorations like the oversize numbers, and snap a few
pictures. After the party, mail the photos to party guests or their parents to thank them for coming -- they'll love it! Copyright Š 2010 Meredith Corporation. www.parents.com Bringing together the power of respected magazine brands including American Baby and Parents, the Parents Network is your go-to destination for parenting information. From first kicks to first steps and on to the first day of school, we are here to help you celebrate the joys and navigate the challenges of parenthood. Š Copyright 2011 Meredith Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Halloween Treat Bags & Boxes
Bat Box If a Halloween party is in your future, a black take-out box turned flying bat makes a great favor box for each guest. Download the bat wing template, print it out, and use it as a pattern to cut two from folded black card stock. Open up each wing and cut slits along the folds as indicated on the download, then slip the wings onto the wire box handles. Apply glue along the wing edges to glue the wings shut. Add cutouts and punched shapes from assorted card stock to make the face. Download the box wing template
Candy Corn Treat Package Inspired by a single-serving sour cream package, this candy corn wrapping is perfect for enclosing loose pieces of wrapped candy and handing out on Halloween night. To make it, download the template, use a color printer to print it onto standard printer paper, and cut out the rectangle. Run a line of liquid adhesive along all but one of the short edges on the back of the template, then roll the glued short side around to meet the other side, forming a tube with the stripes on the outside. Flatten the glued side of the tube, insert candy through the open end, then flatten and glue the open end. If desired, use a paper crimper to embellish the package ends. Download the candy corn template
Black Cat Treat Pouch If you're looking for a kids' party activity that can double as a container for take-home treats, look no further than this inexpensive and fun-to-make black cat pouch made from paper plates. Help kids staple two plates together with tops facing, then use a small plate or bowl to trace and cut out a circular area to form the ears. Have kids paint the outsides of the plates black; let dry. Give the kids a circle punch to cut out the shapes for the eyes. Help them make the pupils by feeding the circle punch back over a punched circle to create the shape. Add cutouts for the ears, whiskers, and nose.
Frankenstein Treat Sack More merry than menacing, this smiling Frankenstein goody bag is a cinch to make using a purchased lime-green sack from a party store. Cover one side of the bag with black card stock; while holding the open edges together, cut out irregular triangles from the top edges of the sack. Fill the bag with treats and fold the black side to the front, stapling along the folded edge to keep the bag closed. Paint two small corks silver, hot-glue the dry corks to the sides of the bag, and add googly eyes and a marker-drawn scar and smile to the bag front.
Ghost Goody Bag This boo-tifully simple treat sack is actually two same-size bags -- one white and one black -- that have been slipped together. If you can't find white and black sacks that are the same size, paint one or both. Cut eyeholes in the white bag and trim out small triangles along the opening. Fill the black bag with goodies, then slip the white bag over the top of the black bag to cover the opening.
Pumpkin Envelope Party guests will be doing a double take when they realize that this jack-o'-lantern is really a manila envelope in disguise. Draw vertical lines down the front of a 6x9-inch clasp envelope using a ruler and a black pen, then embellish the front with triangles for eyes and a goofy grin cut from black card stock. Fill the envelope with take-home treats. Finish the look with a patterned-paper stem and curled-raffia tendril.
Skull Treat Cup This skull treat cup looks much harder than it is, thanks to clever use of paper-punched shapes. Punch the circle eyes, a heart nose, and cut out small rectangles to create this skull's face; adhere to the cup. Attach four punched hearts to the ends of two strips of white card stock. Crisscross the strips of card stock and adhere them to the back of the cup. See the snack mix recipe
Witch Foot Goody Tube With striped tights and a pointed shoe, this witch foot goody tube is actually an empty toilet paper roll in disguise. Cut strips of orange and purple origami papers and glue them around the top two-thirds of an empty tube using a glue stick. Use double-stick tape to attach a 2-inch-tall piece of black card stock around the tube, cut a small slit at the center front, and fold down the corners. Layer and attach a set of black and silver squares for the buckle, then attach a 2x6-inch black triangle to the tube base and curl up the point by wrapping it around a pencil. See the dipped pretzel recipe
Going Batty Box Add crafts-foam wings to a box of candy wrapped in crepe paper for a bat that's simple enough for the kids to make. Cover the sides of a mini box of candy with black crepe paper, taping the pieces in place. Cut out black wings from crafts foam (for young kids, trace the shape onto foam beforehand) and glue on purple foam details. Use our download as a template for the bat wings. Download the bat wing template
Mummy Halloween Bucket These mummy creations will have your kids thanking their "mummy" on Halloween night. Cut out the bucket pattern provided below and trace it onto white cardstock, then cut the cardstock and fold it, using the pre-made lines as a guide. Glue the side tabs down with a glue stick, then mummify your bucket! Wrap white crepe paper around the bucket and secure to the sides with glue. To make a handle, simply trim a piece of cardstock with scissors, and attach to each side of your box with brads. Stick on some googly eyes for a funny mummy face, and you're set! Get the instructions and pattern for the Halloween treat buckets.
Jack-O'-Lantern Treat Bucket Transform this plain orange treat bucket into a smiling Jack-O'-Lantern in a few simple steps! First, cut eyes, a triangle nose, and a missing-toothed grin out of black cardstock or felt, and then glue or tape the shapes to one side of an orange treat bucket. Use our free pattern to make your own funny expressions! Get the instructions and pattern for the Halloween treat buckets.Download the bonus patterns for the jack-o'lantern face.
Spider Treat Bucket You can make this spooky -- but still goofy -- spiderbucket in a few simple steps! Simply poke four black pipe cleaners through the sides of your paper bucket, then glue googly eyes and add a smiling mouth with marker to make him a little less scary when you're out at night! Get the instructions and pattern for the Halloween treat buckets.
Bat Halloween Bucket Kids will flip at this batty Halloween bucket! Trace and cut out the pattern using black cardstock, then fold the edges to make the bucket. Add black wings to either side of the bucket and secure with tape to create your winged creature! Glue on tiny googly eyes (bats have small eyes) and cut two white triangles using cardstock for fangs! Secure with glue below the bat eyes, and you're ready to go candy hunting with your new nighttime friend! Get the instructions and pattern for the Halloween treat buckets.Download the bonus patterns for the bat wings.
Frankenstein Treat Box This Frankenstein treat box is just a take-out box in disguise! Disassemble a clear take-out box to use as a pattern; trace onto cardstock. Cut out and secure the cardstock box inside the reassembled take-out box. Poke two large brads through each side of the box, using adhesive to secure the ends. Cut strips of felt and tape them to the box for hair and his mouth. Use black and white buttons for eyes and stick on a button nose. Finally, tie several ribbon strips and embellished metal-rim tags to the handle for flair. Get the Frankenstein Treat Box instructions.
Personalized Halloween Bags Here's a fun and easy way to customize your trick-or-treating gear! Iron your favorite Halloween images onto plain canvas tote bags; use some of our Halloween pictures, or find ones of your own! Type a name on your image and print it out onto iron-on transfer paper. Finally, iron on the image to the bag and watch your kids fill their personalized sacks with Halloween candy! Copyright Š 2010 Meredith Corporation. www.parents.com Bringing together the power of respected magazine brands including American Baby and Parents, the Parents Network is your go-to destination for parenting information. From first kicks to first steps and on to the first day of school, we are here to help you celebrate the joys and navigate the challenges of parenthood. Š Copyright 2011 Meredith Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Your Guide to Baby's Weight Gain
Newborn (1 to 4 Weeks Old) Right now, your baby is more delicate than ever. According to Michelle LaRowe, author of Mom's Ultimate Book of Lists, don't be too concerned if Baby loses a few ounces just after birth -- most babies do. A healthy baby regains weight within 10-12 days and will be back to his birth weight. Baby Should Eat: Breast milk or formula. Consult your doctor if Baby seems to have allergic or sensitive reactions to your breastmilk because he might be reacting to something you are eating or is sensitive to the formula. Learn more about breastfeeding.
1 Month Old From now until Baby is 6 months old, she will likely grow an inch a month and gain 5-7 ounces a week. If feeding is successful, your baby will be steadily gaining weight. Baby Should Eat: Breast milk or formula. Feeding times aren't exact, and it's impossible to determine how much milk babies have at each feeding for nursing mothers. Babies at this age should be fed eight to 12 times a day or about every two to three hours.
2 Months Old Baby should be steadily gaining weight each week. If you're afraid he's hit a plateau, look closer at the amount of breast milk he is taking at feeding times by pumping and giving him bottles. In some cases, babies may not be suckling correctly, or you may not be giving enough milk, according to Michelle LaRowe, a professional nanny and author of Nanny to the Rescue. If you continue to have problems meet with a lactation consultant or your pediatrician to find out how to help make sure baby is eating. Baby Should Eat: Breast milk or formula. Don't begin to introduce single grain food or baby food until he is at least 4 months old. Doing so too soon can cause digestive problems for your child, says Dr. Joanna Dolgoff, a childhood obesity specialist.
3 months old At this stage, your baby will start to move away from a steady gain of about 6 ounces per week to a little less than 4 ounces. This means that she will gain roughly 2 pounds this month, and every month following until seven months old. Baby Should Eat: Breast milk or formula. This is likely the last month that your baby will use your breast milk or formula as a primary source of food as the American Adademy of Pediatrics recommends introducing solids (like baby cereal) around 4 to 6 months.
4 months old Around 4 months your baby will start showing signs that he is ready for solids. Some indicators are: he can hold his head up stead, he can sit while supported, and he'll start showing an interest in what you are eating. The transition from liquid to solids is a delicate one, so don't force Baby to eat if he isn't ready. Don't confuse spitting with Baby's distaste for cereal, though. Baby's spitting will reach its peak at 4 months, and end by 7 months. Baby Should Eat: Breast milk or formula, plus fruit and then veggies. Babies who enjoy fruit typically don't have an aversion to veggies. Also start introducing different kinds of baby food, including single grain foods. Be prepared for teething to follow these newer, thicker foods; A baby should begin teething by 6 months. The two bottom front teeth, followed by his two top front teeth, appear first, giving Baby that adorable grin
5 Months Old By 5 to 6 months of age, Baby should double her newborn weight. Your baby should have a check-up around this age, so ask your doctor if Baby is at risk for being underweight and find out what you can to help her gain weight. Baby Should Eat: Breast milk or formula, plus fruit and then veggies. (Only introduce fruit and veggies now, though, if she's happily eating baby cereal.) Babies who enjoy fruit don't typically have an aversion to veggies, so if you give baby banana slices, she might not turn her nose at cooked carrots.
6 Months Old Starting at six months, a baby will grow about half an inch a month and gain 3-5 ounces a week. Baby Should Eat: Vegetables, fruits, then add pureed meat. Diarrhea or rashes are indicators of food sensitivity. (Note that a baby often needs exposure to a food up to seven times before she will acquire a taste for it.) You will still want to give him breast milk and/or formula.
7 Months Old Baby's weight will steadily increase by 2 pounds a month. Consult your doctor if Baby doesn't gain at least 2-3 pounds this month or in later months. If he gains more than 6 pounds in a month, see your pediatrician, says Dr. Dolgoff. Baby Should Eat: Adding to their menu of breast milk and formula try blended meat, vegetables, and fruits. Baby should now be able to handle a thicker consistency of foods, so leave some small dices in the fruits and vegetables for him to chomp on.
8 Months Old Baby should be gaining additional weight to triple his birth weight by age 1. Baby Should Eat: Breast milk or formula along with branching into some finger foods. If he appears to be having trouble, though, stick to blending veggies and fruits with a little cut-up meat. See Baby's First Finger Foods
9 Months Old To maintain weight gain, feed your child a light snack such as scrambled eggs, cut-up steamed veggies, or small pieces of bread every two to four hours. Babies who snack more tend to have a better nutrient intake and healthier weight than babies who don't. Baby Should Eat: She should be eating baby cereal, diced fruit such as kiwi or bananas, along with softened (or pureed) veggies and meat. Check out these great baby food recipes.
10 Months Old As your baby becomes mobile, his weight might plateau, Dr. Dolgoff says. Baby likely will be crawling all over your kitchen floor and trying to stand up with the aid of tables, chairs, or your leg. Crawling burns a lot of calories, so don't expect him to gain more than a pound or two this month because he is starting to plateau. Baby Should Eat: Finger foods he's already comfortable with. Also try to introduce green vegetables, tougher fruits such as apples cut small dices and small noodles, Dr. Dolgoff says.Your baby is still drinking breast milk or formula at this stage.
11-12 Months Old Baby soon will take her first steps. These two months hold the biggest rewards for all your hard work. Your baby's nighttime feedings will not fully disappear, but they will lessen. By your baby's first birthday, he will likely have tripled his birth weight www.parents.com Bringing together the power of respected magazine brands including American Baby and Parents, the Parents Network is your go-to destination for parenting information. From first kicks to first steps and on to the first day of school, we are here to help you celebrate the joys and navigate the challenges of parenthood. Š Copyright 2011 Meredith Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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Aussie Invasion Move over, Wiggles! These awesome imports from Down Under are making a splash in the U.S.
baby: Heather Weston. styling by elysha lenkin for ennis inc. grooming by noelle marinelli for artists by next. books and bag: bryan mccay.
Outback Tales
The Waussies book series teaches children how to be considerate of others, and its narrated CDs bring the message to life. $15; waussieproductions.com
Family Flick
Hoot and holler at the movies, when the Australian 3-D film Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole swoops into theaters. (rated PG)
Wrap Artistry
These breathable, Aussie animal-themed swaddling blankets get softer with every wash. $33 for three; koalakuddles.com
Beautiful Bag
While this diaper bag may be a splurge, it has three bonus items inside: a changing pad, a storage satchel, and a cooler for bottles. $200; isokiusa.com
Parents October 2010 21
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Online Book Report
Three fun ways to share a high-tech story with your kids
iStorytime apps Download kids’ classics (Little Red Riding Hood) and newer titles, and the app will read to your child using different voices and visual effects. (Starts at $1 for iPad and iPhone; itunes.com)
Read for the Record Day On October 7, the early-literacy campaign is challenging kids and adults across the country to read this year’s book, The Snowy Day. It’s available for free at wegivebooks.org. BookChat Read your kid to sleep when you’re not together with Readeo’s video-chat book service (think a storytime Skype). You both can see the book and videos of each other. ($7 a month; readeo.com)
Your child can access a whole library at the touch of her fingers.
Foot Notes
Trendsetting kids can show off their literary loves on their shoes.
sneakers Dr. Seuss’s One Fish Two Fish … ($40; converse.com)
Boots Paul Frank’s Julius! collection ($17; amazon.com)
Flats Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar ($35; striderite.com)
22 October 2010 Parents
Holiday Help from We’re celebrating the season of giving with 100 Days of Holidays for our readers. From now through New Year’s, you can receive daily e-mail newsletters that are loaded with our top Halloween-costume tips, favorite Thanksgiving recipes, awesome Christmas gift picks, and tons of other ideas for festive fun. Sign up at parents.com/holiday.
girl: thayer allyson gowdy. styling by karen schaupeter. grooming by diane da silva. shoes: bryan mccay.
VIRGINS Women want their V-card reissued after the fact. WRITTEN BY MARTHA PIERCE PHOTOGRAPHY BY NICK SELLERS
Susan Anthony isn’t your typical 30-year-old. She’s British, but lives in Chicago; enjoys social drinking, but won’t bar hop; and likes kissing, but not on a first date. Oh, and she gave up sex.
Anthony was born in England and moved to the U.S. at age 19—she knows she’s different than most women her age. “I’ve been called the born-again virgin, or the renewed virgin, many times, and it doesn’t really bother me,” she says. “I don’t think of myself as a virgin.” Anthony’s first sexual encounter was at age 16 with her first boyfriend who was four years her senior. The pair dated for a year and a half before breaking up. “I went through a bit of a rebellious stage with everyone at 16,” Anthony says. “I didn’t really like anybody at the time, and I hung out with an older crowd. I grew up pretty quick.” According to Mary Jo Rapini, an intimacy, sex, and relationship psychotherapist from Houston, an increasing number of girls are finding themselves in Anthony’s situation. “Teenagers are definitely becoming more sexually active than in past years,” she says. “And these same early teens are not mentally able to really handle the consequences of sex in the first place. It’s a double whammy.” People who had sex when they were younger are realizing they weren’t prepared and have since made the decision to go without it. Even in a culture that bases self-worth on sex appeal, Anthony is staying strong. She’s currently on her third— and longest—hiatus from sexual activity. “In the past three years, it has gotten easier to remain abstinent because I’m growing in my own understanding of myself,” Anthony says. “I don’t feel guilty about entering into past sexual relationships. Sex is more like a thing that I tried for a while.” THE WAITING GAME
Lau r ie Lin ha r t is a n intimate relationsh ip and socia l psycholog y ex per t and professor at Dra ke Un iversit y in Des Moines, Iowa . “For some women, waiting until they are married is impractical because many people will be 30—or close to it—when they get married,” she says. “The marriage age is getting pushed back. For many young adults, thinking about abstaining until they’re 30 is too difficult.”
Anthony first thought about abstaining from sex when a former yoga pal in Chicago suggested it shortly after Anthony’s divorce from her husband. “I was in a lot of grief, and on top of that, I didn’t really get to experience an adolescent childhood,” she says. Anthony started on her path to abstinence and casually dated for two years before meeting her next boyfriend, Tony. “Four months into our relationship, one thing led to another, and we had sex,” Anthony says. “We were both very active in church, and one weekend we were at a church service, and I just broke down. I knew I couldn’t be intimate anymore.” Anthony soon realized her decision to remain abstinent was too difficult for her boyfriend. “He tried, I think, but our relationship started to disintegrate,” she says. “He started to look at me more like a sister.” Since the breakup, Anthony says she has continued to casually date. However, she’s always upfront about telling the men she dates that she won’t be having sex. “I’ve made a commitment to myself and to my church that I will remain abstinent,” she says. “This is something I value.” OLD-FASHIONED VALUES
Values like Anthony’s are becoming less prevalent. Since 1945, chastity has become increasingly less important than in past decades. In the 1980s, chastity went from being ranked No. 10 of 18 in desirable qualities to dead last by men and second to last by women in a study conducted by scholars Reuben Hill, John W. Hudson, and Les Leanne Hoyt. Because of this lessening desire to date—or marry—a virgin, Linhart thinks the concept of born-again virginity is completely realistic. “I think it indicates that we as
“I’ve made a commitment to myself and to my church that I would remain abstinent. This is something I value.” —SUSAN ANTHONY
women have more power over our sexuality than in the past,” she says. “We can select renewed virginity as a way we want to conduct ourselves, instead of feeling like we have to be sexually active.” Anthony isn’t the only one feeling this way. Rebecca*, 22, a Drake student, also made the decision to give up sex nearly two years ago. “After my first time hav ing sex w ith my boyfriend, it just kept happening, and I let it happen,” she says. “I guess I thought, ‘It’s not that big of a deal. I’ve done it already, so why not keep doing it?’” Anthony felt the same way. “I know I fell to a lot of pressure when it came to sex,” she says. “Because of my own family issues with having an alcoholic father and divorced parents, I had the desire to constantly please men. I know that many young women will develop tendencies I had. I thought I was in love at age 16.” Love is a common reason young women make these decisions. “I was definitely in love with Mike before we had sex and I felt very confused after,” says Rebecca, who was also 16 when she first had sex. “The sex continued almost to the end before I told him I didn’t want to do it anymore.” STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE
Rebecca and Anthony’s decisions may inspire other women to reclaim their virginity. “Girls who renew their vows to be a virgin are empowering other women to do the same,” Rapini says. She thinks more young women who are finally able to say no after first having sex may be stronger than they were before. This renewed willpower couldn’t be truer for Anthony. “More recently now than ever before, I have a very clear stance on abstinence,” she says. “I know my boundaries.” Anthony and Rebecca both know that giving up sex comes with its share of sacrifices. Anthony, a former
salsa and jazz dancer, doesn’t dance at nightclubs like she used to. Rebecca also steers clear of situations that may lead to sexual encounters. Anthony admits, however, that if she’s going to commit to a relationship with someone, they also have to practice abstinence. “Men who aren’t practicing abstinence who I’ve dated think, ‘Maybe she’ll be different with me,’ or they think I’ll change my mind,” she says. “If I’m thinking about someone romantically, though, they have to be on the same page sexually.” Linhart says excessive sexuality pervades our society. She says it’s hard to turn on the TV without being exposed to subliminal sexual messages. “We’re kind of torn; on one hand, we’re kind of afraid of sex, and on the other hand, it’s everywhere,” Linhart says. RENEWING THEIR VOWS
Mark Regnerus, author of “Forbidden Fruit: Sex & Religion in the Lives of American Teenagers,” explored a two-part study that looked at youth in 2006. Individuals who engaged in sex during the first study and then reported renewed virginity vows during the second were more likely to identify themselves as born-again Christians. Anthony and Rebecca are Christians and use their faith to ground them when the decision to abstain gets tough. Anthony also leads a faith-based group called Solutions at Willow Creek Church in Chicago. Disclaimer: Giving up sex doesn’t mean that Anthony is giving men the cold shoulder. “I’m a very touchy, nurturing person,” Anthony says. “Just because I’m abstinent doesn’t mean I’m not affectionate. There are many activities I don’t do now that I would love to explore with a man that I have a strong commitment with. I just would rather wait until I’m in a committed relationship.” Rebecca agrees. “I’ve been there, I’ve done that, and I don’t anymore because I feel like there is an expectation,” she says. “I’m happy I’ve given it up.” Maybe abstinence makes the heart grow fonder. *Last name has been removed.
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Charlize T heron
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J ust wat che d Go rdo n Ram say o n J ay Le no , je e z..he was e it he r in a re al hurry o r had just m e t up wit h an asso ciat e
Charlize Thero n
Charlize T he ro n has the uncanny ability to captive audiences, even as a serial killer. Bo rn in Be no ni, So ut h Af rica, to parents o f Fre nch and Ge rm an de sce nt , she mo ved to Am e rica to pursue a better life than she wo uld have had in her small to wn. Originally trained as a balle t dance r in Af rica , she was disco vered by an agent in Lo s Ange le s at age 18, after a pro mise t o le arn English. Charlize did so by watching her mo ther’s afterno o n so ap o peras. Eight mo nths later, audiences were first intro duced to her irresistible charm in her film debut, “2 Days in t he Valle y”, alo ngside J am e s Spade r and Eric St o lt z . She also co -starred with Ke anu Re e ve s in the 19 9 4 flick
De vil’s Advo cat e , To m Hanks in T hat T hing Yo u Do , and Trial and Erro r directed by J o nat han Lynn. And who can fo rget her appearance in the tearjerker Might y J o e Yo ung with Bill Paxt o n. In 20 0 0 , PDFmyURL.com
o f Charlie She e n go 3 hours ago
@ Andso t o e at f ro m m y t wit t e r f e e d it so unde d HI-lario us, I'm a gypsy virgin e ve n t ho ugh I'm sure t he y do n't e xist ! I'm sure it 's re pe at e d go 4 hours ago
@ alangre e nhalgh we ll do ne ! I'm sure yo u did a brilliant jo b go 5 hours ago
directed by J o nat han Lynn. And who can fo rget her appearance in the tearjerker Might y J o e Yo ung with Bill Paxt o n. In 20 0 0 , o ur favo urite blo nde bo mbshell underto o k back-to -back ro les in: T he Le ge nd o f Bagge r Vance , Me n o f Ho no r , Re inde e r Gam e s, and T he Yards, which co -starred J o aquin Pho ne ix, J am e s Caan, and Faye Dunaway. Five years and handfuls o f o n-screen successes later, T he ro n captivated filmgo ers as the female serial killer Alle e n Wuo rno s in Mo nst e r . (The slim and trim actress had to gain o ver thirty po unds to beco me Alleen.) She received the Inde pe nde nt Spirit Award, and se ve ral f ilm crit ic awards fro m San Francisco and Ne w Yo rk , alo ng with a Go lde n Glo be fo r the ro le. Next, Thero n starred as J o se y Aim e s in the No rt h Co unt ry dram a, earning no minatio ns fo r ano ther GG, SAG, Crit ics Cho ice , and an Oscar . (When Charlize acts, she pulls o ut all the sto ps.) Other majo r ro les include with So ny Classics “He ad In T he Clo uds”, and the Paramo unt mo tio n picture Ae o n Flux, based o n a series fro m MT V. But her life do esn’t exist so lely in fro nt o f cameras. Believe it o r no t, Charlize T he ro n is just as captivating o ff screen as o n. And fo r a wo man dubbed “ m o st be aut if ul” by magazines in three different co untries (Taiwan, America, and Brazil) she’s as humble as she is stunning. She’s even said, “Lo o ks alo ne wo n’t ge t yo u t hat f ar. It m ay ge t yo u in t he do o r, but t he re ’s always so m e bo dy yo unge r, so m e bo dy pre t t ie r. Yo u have t o re ly o n so m e t hing e lse .” Thero n lives in Lo s Angeles with lo ng-time bo yfriend St uart To wnse nd. She has stated
Did yo u m ake any Ne w Ye ar's Re so lut io ns f o r 20 11? Ye s No I'm st ill wo rking o n last ye ar's o ne !
Vie w Re sult s
that she will no t marry St uart until same-sex marriages are able to do the same. While filming Ae o n Flux in Be rlin, Thero n suffered a he rniat e d disc in her neck, spo rting a neck co llar fo r o ver a mo nth. This didn’t hinder her acting ability, o f co urse; directo rs still fawn o ver her. And they’re no t the o nly o nes: in 20 0 4, T he ro n replaced ano ther mo del to be the f ace o f Christ ian Dio r , and in 20 0 6 earned o ver 3 m illio n do llars fo r a campaign o f Raym o nd We il wat che s. But this fashio n mo del isn’t at all plastic: she ’s m arche d fo r abo rt io n right s, and anim al right s suppo rt e rs such as PETA. This 33 year-o ld vixen is no t o nly turning heads…she’s breaking necks. Charlize ’s
“I’m my o wn perso n, and peo ple can say whatever they want. I’m still go ing to be the perso n that I am.” Lindsay Lo han
career is far fro m o ver, so watch o ut fo r her 20 0 9 f lick T he Ro ad . She’s a supe rm o de l turned mo vie star turned do wn-t o -e art h hippie chick : a stereo type buster if there ever was o ne. Charlize Thero n fo r Dio r
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New York Fashion Week the Story so Far… Anna Sui Who was t he re ? In the fro nt ro w, Taylo r Mo msen, with mo dels Leigh Lezark and Po ppy Delevinge co uld have been spo keswo men fo r Sui. T he Lo o k Anna Sui pulled o ut all the sto ps fo r her new fall fashio n line. “If yo u’re go ing to have a sho w, then have a sho w,” she echo ed a week befo re the catwalk. Her inspiratio n fo r the ready-to -wear co llectio n came fro m Pro ust and Paris o f the Gay Nineties. Sui admired the “grandes ho rizo ntales”, alo ng with Yves Saint Laurent’s co untry retreat, where bedro o ms and lo unges themed with
Fo r Mim i Uncut o r just t o chat yo u can f o llo w m e o n t wit t e r @ www.twitter.co m/beautyanddirt
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J ust wat che d Go rdo n Ram say o n J ay Le no , je e z..he was e it he r in a re al hurry o r had just m e t up wit h an asso ciat e
characters fro m the bo o k ‘Remembrance o f Things Past’. Anna Sui
Her lo ve fo r no stalgia translated into ro se prints and black velvet trims o n a handful o f designs. Intricate lace patterns o n sleeves, hemlines, sheer tights, and hats PDFmyURL.com
o f Charlie She e n go 4 hours ago
@ Andso t o e at f ro m m y t wit t e r f e e d it so unde d HI-lario us, I'm a gypsy virgin e ve n t ho ugh I'm sure t he y do n't e xist ! I'm sure it 's re pe at e d go 5 hours ago
o f designs. Intricate lace patterns o n sleeves, hemlines, sheer tights, and hats enlivened black knee length fro cks. Bright hues like cerulean blue, amber, and vio let were also splashed thro ugh. And the best bit? These incredible lo o ks wo n’t break the bank. Sui said she was very selective o f her fabrics to ensure that every item fits in a well-to do budget. (We’ll save up!) . Fo r o nce we lo ve a runway line…and the price tags that co me with it. Miss Sixt y Who was t he re ? Celebs like Kristen Bell, Mischa Barto n, and Minka Kelly managed to tear themselves away fro m their to uch screen Blackberry’s to watch the sho w.
@ alangre e nhalgh we ll do ne ! I'm sure yo u did a brilliant jo b go
T he lo o k
6 hours ago
unparalleled punk ro ck style in bo ld co lo urs like jet-black, fuchsia, and crimso n. Sasha and Jessica sto mped do wn the catwalk in skinny acid jeans, bright graphic tees with patterned tights and leggings. The label’s new o ffering pro ves that intense
Did yo u m ake any Ne w Ye ar's Re so lut io ns f o r 20 11? Ye s No
The fall line fo r Miss Sixty was inspired by the “strength, vitality, and o ptimism” o f the early eighties, acco rding to its designers. The denim co llectio n sho wcased
fashio n never went o ut, displaying po wer sho ulders, tartan jumpers, and feather bo as with thigh-highs. Miss Sixty is giving us new adventure in the fashio n scene: the o ne thing we do n’t see eno ugh o f. Click he re to watch the sho w in full.
No I'm st ill wo rking o n last ye ar's o ne !
G-St ar Who was t he re ? Mischa Barto n graced the fro nt ro w o nce again, alo ng with the likes o f Natasha Beddingfield and Shenae
Vie w Re sult s
Grimes. Miss Sixty
T he Lo o k This week G-Star kicked o ff its
runway sho w with two stunning pianists behind an o paque screen at the Hammerstein Ballro o m. The fall line’s edgy pieces fo cused o n lo w-rise, parachute style tro users, zipper-ado rned to ps, and mo no chro matic selectio ns paired with
“I’m my o wn perso n, and peo ple can say whatever they want. I’m still go ing to be the perso n that I am.”
bluish eye make-up. After gliding thro ugh the transparent curtains, fair skinned mo dels with ebo ny hair highlighted signature lo o ks as they paraded o ver, o ff, and
Lindsay Lo han
aro und, the runway. To ugh impressio ns were co nveyed fro m the use o f masculine influenced co llars and hemlines, sharpened the already intense charco al jumpers, ebo ny silk glo ves, and even pencil-grey lined co ats. Benicio Del To ro perfo rmed a reading o f Jo y Divisio n’s “Candidate” at the sho w’s clo se (quite the strange finale, in o ur o pinio n). G-Star’s meticulo us minimalist appearance didn’t thrill o r asto nish us, but presented the simplistic chic we’ve gro wn to admire. G-Star
Click he re to watch the sho w
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