1 minute read
I have Haitian/Cherokee in me, so all of my people know a lot about the fight. Art inspires me to create the art that I make. I walk in a gallery with my headphones on and when I leave the gallery I have a full song. I consider myself a hip hop artist because hip hop has no genre, this beautiful culture saved my life.
What does "liberation" mean to you?
Being targeted because of your appearance, leads to innocent people getting locked up, or everyday mental imprisonment. What is liberation to me, a breath of fresh air away from worry and social claustrophobia because of others beliefs.
Is your creative practice one of liberation?
When I first started writing songs, most of them came from being a frustrated, hurt, young black teen in America. Feeling helpless, while racism, sexism, and cops getting away with killing kids younger then I was. I remembered I have a voice through my art. Knowing what I say is backed by truth, love, and unity. I'm never scared to speak.
How can art be a tool in the revolution?
Any form of art can speak to someone heart in a clearer and a more personal way, then having a stranger speaking directly to you, while you're juggling all of your other thoughts.
Share a little bit about your creative process!
The tone molds the emotions I ride the rhythm with. After I have this, I add the drums to finish the beat. When I write, I enjoy walking in nature or the inner city's I visit.
Any other reflections you'd like to share?
I'm always here to help, thank you for presenting a platform for local art.
@official.lysn (IG) Lysnto (FB) @barelyfunktional (IG) & (FB)