Industrial design book2

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Martial GEUDIN

Chapter 1

The universe of design What is design meaning to me? From the youngest age, I was drawing and drawing, from the simplest thing that I had in mind, some furtive ideas, to futuristic towns at preteen age. I discovered the power of drawing lines to communicate with my neighborhood. Soon I detected that playing with the well known building blocks, opened even more my power on realize ideas and materialize them for real. Years before the Lego Technics, I created machines and cars with the traditional building blocks and elements. As a teen I was lucky to study at a technical college and learned more and more what technics were. The power to transform an idea into something I made by myself and on machines.

Section 1


Born in Oudenaarde, Belgium in 1962 out of the union of a Flemish mother born in

1. At the age of 6, the start of academic fine arts in Oudenaarde.

France and a Walloon father, French speaking part of Belgium. I grew up in a

2. At the age of 13 still following the academic art school and also the technical college VTI Sint Lucas Oudenaarde. 3. At 16 had to stop the academic art school 4. At 17 started again a course of drawing for publicity and advertising. 5. At 19 ended the technical college with a degree of technician in mechanics and a first degree in publicity drawing. 6. At the age of 20 started the first year of the engineering school in Ostend. 7. At 21 returned to the fine arts in Ghent and obtained a master degree in visual communication and applied arts.

bilingual family, what looked as a problematic quest at my youngest ages. Could have been the reason of a hidden and never discovered form of dyslexia. But this bilingual opportunity gave me the chance of opening doors and language became to be an obsession. I felt the need of people who weren’t as good in languages to connect my skills to this intelligence and be able to have projects across borders I would never been thinking about. My career started during my military service where I had the possibility of working for Snauwaert & Depla, one of the biggest companies of tennis rackets in Belgium. I designed tennis bags and other products as for Mikael Penfors. This was the real start as a freelance designer where I combined in early stages of the fine arts and the technical side of product design. This was at the end of the 80th. In those years I wanted to forget my technical background to concentrate me on

8. Later followed courses of designing with aluminium.

the pure graphical work. For years I was creating logos, house styles and

9. Also participated at the seminary “The fuzzy front end of design and innovation


advertising stuff. And then came the period of packaging design and POS-material


In the years of the graphical period I created house styles for the

More than 15 years were past and the virus of the techniques

city of Oudenaarde, the National Chamber of Bailiffs of Belgium.

couldn’t stay a sleep. I was at a point that I had done enough in

Had also a lot of cars and trucks to wrap with graphics I had

the advertising and the packaging and couldn’t be satisfied of the


recognition in the lots of time I put in the projects. This was a turn

From this period I fall into the packaging by being for a couple of

key to go full speed into the technical design of products.

years the sales and designer of a cardboard company where I

My career had brought me to an opportunity what would change

learned a lot of the material “cardboard” in all its forms and

my professional career at ones. I went designing for a company in

compositions. Made great POS-material and packaging as for

the access control systems. Designed all kind of parts and

Nintendo, Schiesser, Honda, Leifheit and others. This was then

products and had another opportunity to designing a whole

the beginning of my second freelance period and concentrated

company from zero.

on packaging and advertising. Worked for companies in France, United States, The Netherlands, Italy and Belgium. I have been rewarded with the PROCARTON award and third next to second

I did a lot of self study on different matter and made it possible to design workshop floors, later known as space design.

Duracell and the first a big advertising company in Belgium. In this period came my technical bases back in the game with


POS-material in sheet metal for Honda, glass bottle design for a


local mineral water brewer, plastic for a pharmaceutical company


ID Phar, Wooden displays for the hairstyling sector Sibel


International and many others as La Drome from France, Nirvana


Chocolates in the United States. For this last company I was asked to design a new packaging method for the chocolates. I went so far that in collaboration I designed a machine to produce a paper blister to replace the plastic one in the years of ecological marketing.


Section 2


Starting a project begins with listening to clients story and his ideas. Out of the

1. Vision over the way of starting a process of product design

clients release getting into his world and trying to understand what his target is.

2. Basics of a design trajectory 3. Helicopter view 4. The sense of combining applied arts, visual communications and mechanical technics 5. Quick design

Understand the limits and the potentials of his organization. Getting in the world of the targeted users. By taking this kind of position formulate the correct questions to get deeper into the clients world. Discovering the questions that weren’t in the mind of the client and will take him to a level of understanding the problems that will get on it way to the final solution. At the start nothing can be a limit, everything must be possible even what isn’t in the organization. Once the domain known, is to go looking into the segment of competitors and analyse the competition. Seek the strong and the week points of the competition. Asking the right question if the product can take a position between or push an existing one, or replace one of the own range. Is the product totally new and is the market to be made. What are the technologies to integrate and can those be found in the organization or must there be research outside of it. Will there be a need of academic research or rely on competence pools. Is there a solution with the suppliers and are those prepared to collaborate and take the challenge in new approaches, think new production processes. To have complete understanding of the project is a helicopter view essential, not going into the details at first sight, is the message. The helicopter view must take the project in all corners of unknown levels which makes it clear to see what a 4

change can implement on the following steps or bring the project

With the talent of drawing and the capacity of the three

in another direction. The helicopter view is an attitude that was

disciplines, it is possible in most cases that quick design is the

learned as well in the technical college as in the academy of arts,

method to define the product concept. This method determinate

this method seems natural but isn’t for most people.

quick the problems to identify and to recognize the complexities

For a product designer and industrial designer as I am, it’s an evidence to combine the forces of the applied arts, the visual communications and technical knowledge, because every product is build on those three pillars.

of the product to design. The quick design has the benefit of having a touchable model or prototype. We can also make it basically usable for what it shall serve. This method has the advantage to be quickly analysed on the critical points.

Applied arts determinate the shape of the product, but is also a discipline that is used at the very begin of the project. I use this capacity at the first meeting with the client to visualize ideas or make complex communication clear for understanding. The sketches can be made for my ideas but also for the stories of the client.


Visual communications are so close to the applied arts that using the one through the other is so fluid that the most of the time I used both in early stages of a project. But visual communication is also to be found in graphical interfaces. The technical bases gave me the opportunity to foresee quickly if some proposals are realizable in production. But also to find rapidly alternative techniques or production methods. Those three disciplines are also of a great need in the modelling and prototyping stage. 5

Chapter 2

The universe of the human I design for humans, thought by humans for humans, drawn by humans for humans, modelling for humans by humans, tested by humans for humans, produced by humans for humans, technology by humans for humans. Human is the main driver in the conception of a product or project.

Section 1


For every designer in any domain he creates, is his crucial idea, to design for

1. The crucial idea of a designer

humans. The main goal is to create, to improve and make life easier for humans.

2. Human limits

The improvements are found on any level of the lifetime of a product. I consider

3. Dreams

that any person that has something to do with the product needs to be taken as a

4. Motivate

part of the realization of a product. And this begins already with the ones who has to make any part of it and ends at the end of life of the product. To the one who has to recycle any piece of the product. The facility of using the product, to understand the use and handling. The easy way to have a service after sales. Ergonomics in all those cases are unavoidable. Hereby are the human limits driving the aesthetics as the techniques in the product. It is out of the question to create products for children without any consideration of their physical limits and intellectual capacities. Designing for groups good defined is a blessing. Another driver are dreams, dreams are hopeful, are challenging our competences and driving us to exceed our knowledge and make us searching for new technologies, techniques and methods. Dreams are human and prospective helping us to pass over temporary restrictions. These are challenges that makes dreams to be one day reality.


The kids dream ones become possible and gives the adult the great happiness to realize his kids dream or the one of a kid. Dreams are happiness when they turn into touchable products. The nice thing of designing, creating is to motivate others to be also creative with the concepts I realized. Systems are used in other applications without my help. This is a wonderful gratification of the work spend in the project. It is also great to see the product lead its own life.



Section 2


My first mechanical approach was with the famous Lego bricks, long before Lego-

1. My first machine

technics was to find at the local stores. The challenge to make a steering system

2. Discovering technology and approval by the toy

with those yore parts was a game. This kind of limits made of me an open minded person with the idea that there is always a solution, with the limited pieces you get.

3. Nowadays still usual practice 4. Modularity

The first electric train from the same game, was soon turn in to another machine and was the first working machine with gears and kinetic movements to produce a yarn spool stolen from my mothers stock.

Long before I really had the course of mechanics I discovered the dierent mechanisms and technologies that could steer them. Once I had those courses I took back Lego box and remade the dierent possibilities to get a proof in physical terms. By this try out I had a good sight on what the books in static explained.

Still, today I use those elements to explain or make a proof of concept for myself as for my clients.


The toy learn me also to think by dividing and seek the modularity of parts and making endless combinations.



Chapter 3

The universe of my realizations Just what I realized and still in need to go on.

Snauwaert Mikael Pernfors Racquet protection and bags

My graphic period, happy to have done it and glad it is behind me. A small selection out of years in this business.

My packaging and POS material period, the start to the next challenge and back to basics of technics.

The packaging where I reused the basics of techniques of designing moulds. Here for a glass bottle in full blue glass. Bottle produced in Italy for a Belgian client. Request of the client is to conserve the longest possible a bottle that didn’t had traces of use after being several times refilled. Traces are only retrieved on the foot end of the bottle at the largest diameter of the bottle.

The packaging where I reused the basics of techniques of designing moulds. Here for a glass bottle in full blue glass. Bottle produced in Italy for a Belgian client. Request of the client is to conserve the longest possible a bottle that didn’t had traces of use after being several times refilled. Traces are only retrieved on the foot end of the bottle at the largest diameter of the bottle.

For Snauwaert I designed some soft bags and after more than 25 years is coming back in the tennis world, once a big brand in Belgium and Europe. Here also one of my first contacts with textile, this is not the last.

Turni-Q Noctur - Vitrus Options

Lighting passage º 8 9 å 5 9 5 5 9Í 69 98 º 6 8 5 º , º reference: single: +(ÂæÈËÈ double: +(ÂæÈËÈ

Mounting module º 5 8 (æ+ 9 85Ì 6 9 85 58 69 6 5 5 698 6 6 é 5 å 98 6 å 5 5 å ççç º 5Í5 5Ì 9 8 6 6 9 8 é å 59 º 6 9 596 5 9 º reference: +(Âæ$N è +(Âæ$N è +(Âæ$N

Signalisation º 86 º 98 Ì 5 698 6 º 6 Ì 958 69 8 È#Ê 8 6 Ì º 9 é +(Âæ*Á

Modular integrated RGB LED strips º 6 6 98 Ì 5 698 6 )#Êé 96 98 %)##-é 98 º 5Í5 5Ì 9 Í5 6 6 6 8 69 º 9 é +(ÂæÈ*

28-03-2013 º + 9 6 58 69 Í 9 Ì 8 86 59 8 6 8 59 968 ç B 59 8 558 !5 è Ð Ï È6 9 æ É º +ç ü Ð à à º $ç ü Ð Ï! º ç5 58 69 çÌ º 9 6?5 58 69 çÌ

Nominated product in the UK in 2012, a turnstile designed in the idea of modular parts and mounted in less than 1 hour.

mechanism, it opens with a magnetic card.

Designs are protected by e-depot at Sofam BRUSSELS Designed by: Martial Geudin

Date/ 19-07-2007

For: Alphatronics City: Lokeren

designed a tripod gateway whereby I revisited the total

Product: TRIPOD

Based on the creation of a modular system “Texo-Technics� I

Based on the modular system “Texo-Technics” I designed traffic lights and other lighting products. The aluminium profiles are also created for this system.

In the back image the study around the interface graphics and the possible lay-outs.

Based on the modular system “LEGO� I designed pre-programmed modules which could be mounted without soldering the connections and directly working. The little square boxes are made of milled aluminium, printed glass with translucent zones and capacitive touch zones or a build in antenna

Another modular system that needs to fit in the B-Ticino wall panels. I designed the modules which could be mounted without soldering the connections and directly working. The housing is made of milled POM, PMMA glass with translucent zones and capacitive touch zones and a build in antenna, a TFT-screen, a microphone and speaker and a camera. Made for the healthcare sector.

Furniture for hospital chambers, the transformable couch into a bed for the patient's companion. Left the concept, in the middle the prototype and right the final product in a hospital. Made for Clinifit France. First price for innovation in the category “Habitat” 2015, “1e Trophée du Living Lab Paillon2020”.

R&D-project on a wall-covering method for renovating old industrial constructions. Technical textile is mounted under tension stress with an under construction of aluminium fixed on the ancient wall. The construction was tested against stormy weather and wind blowing for 2 years.

R&D-project on a wall-covering method for renovating old industrial constructions. Technical textile is mounted under tension stress with an under construction of aluminium fixed on the ancient wall. The construction was tested against stormy weather and wind blowing for 2 years. Here the idea was limiting the sizes of panels to avoid welding between limited width of textile. Here is the tension on the textile made by two profiles turning into each other.

Small elements in a construction can make the dierence, here a small extrude plastic profile holds a textile use for sunscreens. The request was limiting the view of technical parts as the welded zipper-strip in the under weight bar. Here is a technical solution used to achieve an aesthetic look. This is industrial design.

Small elements in a construction can make the dierence, here a small co-extruded plastic profile holds a zipper welded at textile use for sunscreens. The request was fast mounting process and easier replacing without disassemble the construction in place. Here is a technical solution used to achieve an aesthetic look. This is industrial design. Nominated at the Z&R innovation award 2015 from the magazine Z&R.


Sunconfex Belgium-Germany

As part of the R&D looking always to stay in the innovating companies.


Tool design is also a part of the designers job, after having design a typical co-extruded plastic profile, with the request of an easy repair method. A tool was created to help to put the profile in the correct position and the same tool can be used to demount the sunscreen and make the replacement easier without having to dismantle the screen mechanism.


From technical textile to decoration textile is a little step. Here textile designed by Aleksandra Gaca, 3D-textile with very special properties that are used as acoustic material as wall covering and room dividers. Here is the system of the frame construction simplified and the aluminium profile here fore redefined better suited for the way of confectioning the textile.

Awarded product in 2015, in Paris with “Label Observeur Design 2015�, a tool that helps to fix plinths on the wall. A surprise we discovered ones we tested the prototypes in real, is the de residue of the zipper strip that stays under the plinth and pressed between the floor and the plinth. Vibrations on the floor due to steps are reduced by the remaining little space between the plinth and floor which are not transferred to the walls. For Fixat, product Fix@wall.


Fix@Press presentation

Fix@Press in real situation

Virtual presentation

Clearly demonstrated at a real home.



Connection method for window frames

A product specially designed for the Norwegian market. The GFIX is a system that reduces the work time by 50% in comparison with the tradition method. The system is used to assemble quickly window finish at the inside. Made for Talgo Norway. The connections are made in plastic ABS and the MDF profiled boards pre-wrapped in paint able paper covering.

Designs are protected by e-depot at Sofam BRUSSELS Designed by: Martial Geudin

For: xxxxxxxxxx City: xxxxx


Product: xxxxxxx

Industrial space design is a little step for a designer with good notion of production and material flow. Here is the lay-out of the production shop a star shaped. The main concept of the shop is fast designing and prototyping and followed by small series.

A special project of industrial space design putting a brewery in an ancient square farm. Here is the lay-out of the brewery designed to make public visits possible. The main idea is to preserve the farm and make the main entrance for material next to the farm. And the old stable demolished, the production is placed in the new construction. The 400 years old farm is now renovated day by day. Deseveaux Brewery, Belgium.


A big challenge to fit a brewery into a square shaped farm.


Industrial space design is a little step for a designer with good notion of production and material flow. Here is the lay-out of the production shop a straight line shaped. For a confection company in Germany the material flow enters in the middle gate and finished products, sunscreens, are loaded on the right gate.


revolution in farming

Industrial space design is a little step for a designer with good notion of production and material flow. Here is the lay-out of the production shop a straight line shaped. For a wood recycling company in France Agrioaple, totally new construction.


The reality of the finished building is very close this virtual visit designed before the construction of it.


Wood construction mounting guide for garden houses, also design of new building system. Step by step explained how to build a wooden building.

One of the specialties is sheet metal bending experience on small parts. Here a combination of stainless steel and plastic as a DIY fixing system for wrapped panels. Company Fixat Belgium-France. The stainless steel part is smaller then 20 mm.


fix@wall is a concept of wall mounting for flooring. They will finally be able to rest on the walls and ceiling. You will no longer have to screw, nail, make the joints, paint and decorate the panels. Thanks to fix@wall, you can decorate your walls and ceilings directly with your flooring.

An other specialty is the research of material combinations and the productions methods of parts. Here the moulding of a plastic film of 0,03 mm in a rather massive plastic part. Used as fixing part with the properties of pressure

The prototype of the Fix@Cut, miter box tests will make the final shape more simplified and also revisited for the production with the injection moulding process. 46


The virtual presentation of the tools Fix@Cut



Chapter 4

The universe of my ideas With the capacity of visualizing ideas, it is easy tempting to visualize my own ones. Just for the fun and learning still more how to perfect those visualizations.









All images and drawings are protected : Martial Geudin is associated @, intellectual rights and copywrite





Author: Date:

Scale:1 : 100

Assembly 1509

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General Tolerances: General Surface Finish:

Martial Geudin 9/01/2014

Part Number:

Project Name: Project Part Number:

A3 Revision





Martial Geudin bvba Oudenaardseweg 108, B-9790 Wortegem-Petegem Phone: +32475713118


Chapter 5

Design thinking of the future Not only pure creating to produce but also thinking of the future and design lines of future societies. One of themes where I am also active is the healthcare sector

Opencare Lab Healthcare in 2040

Thinking of tomorrows healthcare sector and how to create a new society


Une Initiative Made In Nord-Pas de Calais In Lille Eurasanté

Un projet signé :

En collaboration avec :

Avec le soutien de :


Chapter 6

Awards & nominations Awards and nominations gives a gratitude to the work of a designer and the team around him or her. Those distinctions are frequently based on collaboration of competent persons with their dierent expertise. An other fact of awards is the recognition of those who gave the awards and the correct vision of the need of a product for the world.The award is made to help the designer go beyond his competences and dreams, bringing him to future vision and needs of the humans.

Chapter 7

Member of dierent associations By the passion of the job and willing to defend it, I found the need of joining dierent associations and organizations and able to help leading them in the political as in the social world. Make a pressure group and lobbying voice to get financial support for companies, our clients, looking for our help to realize new products.

Martial GEUDIN

Martial Geudin BVBA Industrial design consultancy Oudenaardseweg 108 B-9790 Wortegem-Petegem Belgium - Europe +32 475 71 31 18

Š All images and drawings are protected by a copyright As a Sofam member, all the rights of the author are arranged by Sofam lxxxii

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