MarrnArts Memberships As a private nonprofit arts agency, membership is the backbone of the Arts Council. Whether you are a creaave professional, individual, family, organizaaon, or business–your membership includes benefits for you. Your membership support strengthens the Arts Council's effort to help heal during these bewildering mes through the arts as well as connect our community. Every gii of membership is meaningful and makes a tremendous difference! Arrst Arr Memberships: $35/year*
For creaave professionals within the visual, performing, literary and culinary arts.
Personal + Family Memberships: $50 - $500/year*
For patrons of the arts who want to join us in or mission of inspiring parrcipaaon and passion for the arts in Marrn County 365 days a year.
Business/Organizaaonal pARTners for the Arts: $125 - $2500/year*
For local organizaaons and businesses, large and small, who believe that invessng in the arts not only strengthens our economy but also improves the health and well-being of its people.
*Scan the QR code with your smartphone to discover membership benefits and more!
Become a New Member or Renew: •I will pay my membership online! •Enclosed is a check made payable to: THE ARTS COUNCIL, INC. in the amount of $________ •Please charge $________ to my: ___Visa ___Mastercard ___American Express ___Discover Name on Ca Card:_____________________________________________ CCV#:______________ CC#:________________________________________________ Exp. Date:_________________ Address:____________________________ City:_____________ State:_______ Zip:_________ Phone:______________________________ Email:____________________________________ Signature:____________________________________________ Date:____________________ The Arts Council of Marrn County | 80 E Ocean Blvd. Stuart, FL 34994 772-287-6676 | | 48 | Martin Arts | Spring | Summer | 2021