Type Strategy: Pogonophilia

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Contents Introduction Grid

6-7 8 - 11


12 - 15


16- 17


18 - 19

Image & Photography

20 - 25

Paper Stock

26 - 29


30 - 31



Type Strategy: Martin Bodger

Introduction A lot of the style I tend to work with is the expressive arrangement of Typography. Though I tend to avoid the use of colour unless Photographs and Images are included. I’ve dared myself to take on the use of colour in my book but with scrutiny so that I don’t over do it. This type strategy booklet will cover the grid system I will use to control the layouts on the pages, font’s used, colours, images & photography and paper stock.



Grid I went for a grid layout that allowed some leniancy to where things could be placed, I didn’t want to restrict myself too much so I made sure that the rows were plentiful. As for the columns, I gave them a 5pt gutter so that any text placed next to each other had some spacing to avoid lack of legibility. Finally when it comes to Image Inclusion I made sure that the count was odd so that items such as Photographs could be placed dead center if I wanted.


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger



5mm Margins on the border to fit with the desired final bind of the book, adhesive perfect bind requires a space near the spine to glue the margin and alow the cover to fold without ripping the spine apart.

The Old Dutch style (Beard with no Moustache) adopted by Amish men stemmed back to the early days of when wearing a

themselves with any form of Militant Style or those who would wage war and so this led to the culture strictly forbidding residents of the community from growing Moustaches. Very few men in the Western World even considered growing Moustaches but

Moustache was common among those in the military. Amish being a Pacifist Group didn’t want to associate

12 Pogonophilia: A Trimless Trend


the tradition of the bald lip remains strong in the Old Order Amish people which number to around 200,000 in North America. Beards are practically the essential requirement of being Amish due to its ties to the depictions of Men in the bible,

13 A History: The Amish

Type Strategy: Martin Bodger

Shown left and right are some examples of the grids being used in conjunction with my content that I’ve built over the last month and a half.

The Old Dutch style (Beard with no Moustache) adopted by Amish men stemmed back to the early days of when wearing a

themselves with any form of Militant Style or those who would wage war and so this led to the culture strictly forbidding residents of the community from growing Moustaches. Very few men in the Western World even considered growing Moustaches but

Moustache was common among those in the military. Amish being a Pacifist Group didn’t want to associate

12 Pogonophilia: A Trimless Trend


the tradition of the bald lip remains strong in the Old Order Amish people which number to around 200,000 in North America. Beards are practically the essential requirement of being Amish due to its ties to the depictions of Men in the bible,

13 A History: The Amish


Fonts I went with 2 primary fonts for my publication, it took a fair amount of research however to find one that I thought would do my book the best justice. I was looking around the bookcoverarchive.com and came across this book cover, what really caught my attention was the font. I took the image over to whatthefont.com and it was able to help me find it. This font would be used throughout the book in varying sizes to make use of expression type layouts


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger




The smaller size font which will remain as 11pts and has done thus far is Century. I’ve stuck to Serif typefaces due to the historic nature of Beards and it never felt right to use modern-esque fonts such as Gill Sans or Futura. However Gill Sans has made 1 appearance in my book so far to enforce an expressive style to the layouts of my typography.


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger


I’ve kept it to this size througout the entirety of the publication. -

Gill Sans So far I’ve used this font once at the size of 38, which has also been the consistent size of the Clarendom Condensed font when it came to quotations and headlining.



Cover For the design of the cover, I took the font Clarendon Condensed and alligned a set of small diamond shapes along the center of the text so that it matched to the fonts without seeming out of place. This was to give the look of the font a more sturdy, regal design whilst retaining the manly tones with the thick blocky serifs. I arranged the title in different ways to find a layout that best worked, though it is still a work in progress.


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger

Pogonophilia definition according to urbandictionary.com: The admiration or promotion of people, usually males, who wear a facial beard. From pogon, Greek for beard.

For a long time now, beards have been identified as something with equivilance to someone being lazy, brutish and dirty. This book attempts to turn that on it’s head and introduce to you a whole community that envelopes itself in celebration of the natural look of a man, as well as all the good it has done. The Beard isn’t simply something that can be grown. The Beard, is a way of life.



Colours I’ve kept the colour scheme to something that can be related directly to Beards in general. Discounting stuff such as dyed beards and keeping to the real natural colour of the common beard. I’ve used colours as markers for certain pages when it came to the symbols shown on the right but as the design goes on there may be the inclusion of specifically coloured typography to fit the content.


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger



Images & Photography During my visit to the Yorkshire Beard Festival, I came a across a number of other photographers who were doing shoots of their own. In knowing of this I tried to get as many of them to exchange cards with so I could include some of their shots in the book, that way I could cover as much of the event as possible. There was one photo in particular that I wanted the most from the Dobson Agency, the photographer took a group photo shot from the roof of the Complex but sadly wouldn’t relinquish the shot unless I could provide £90 in exchange.


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger

Images & Photography


When it comes to displaying the photos within my book, for the most part they’ll be laid out in eliptical rimless frames. Something about the shape and combining it with the moustache vector I designed made it look like a monacle, like a character of it’s own. Just writing that now I realise that would make for an awesome cover design. Thought processes are great like that aren’t they?


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger

Images & Photography


Most of the photos of Bearded people come from people who I’ve asked to volunteer for spotlight sections to talk about their Beard, how it’s changed how people perceive them and how long they have or how long they plan to grow it for. The key Narrative for this book is Community, and that’s exactly what the idea of being Bearded or loving them has become. Not only is it fun, and let’s you look more natural but it’s a great thing to be a part of. Especially when it comes to the events which are in high support of raising money for Prostate Cancer Charities.


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger

Images & Photography


Paper Stock GF Smith made a visit to our Campus a few weeks ago, after which I contacted their london offices making mention of the Reps who were there. During their stay and having a look through their library of available paper stocks I noticed one called Twisted Black, myself and others agreed that this stock would make a brilliant cover design for my book considering the topic it would be representing. I was provided with about 15 free sheets of A4 from GF Smith, which leaves room for experimentation


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger

Twisted Black came in another colour called Twisted Gold, white background with a hairy golden texture. It’s thickness is 200 GSM.

Paper Stock


There is a part of the book which contain letters to and from Abraham Lincoln, I intend to use High Quality scans of these letters and printing them on a light tinted sugary paper or perhaps low GSM tracing paper . As for the primary content stock, I’ll be looking at something with a slight hint of texture, white background as well to make the text pop out the best and allow images to get the best contrast possible. I’m considering the use of a white sugar paper but not quite as thin in GSM.


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger

Paper Stock


Binding For the time being I’m considering a perfect bind using a PVA Adhestive to glue the individual pages to a thick spine. Best way to achieve this however is by folding the twisted black paper stock around a grey board to stop the adhesive from wetting the paper and making it flimsy. But as mentioned before making the book using Greyboard will decrease the overall size meaning what I’ve designed so far will either need to be rethought or I will have to inquire to GF Smith about getting a larger size stock of the Twisted Black Paper.


Type Strategy: Martin Bodger

PVA Adhesive is brush onto the paper and then crushed until dried, and then applied again to finally stick to the spine.

Using too much PVA can result in a wet spine causing a bad wavey effect on the book causing it to easily fall apart.



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