THE NATIONALIST | � February ����
Community education courses enrolment ENROLMENT for spring community education courses in the parish centre, Monasterevin is on Wednesday �� February from ��-��.��am. The courses begin on Wednesday � March for six weeks. Healthy food made easy, ��am��.��pm, fee €��.Chair yoga �.��-��.��am, fee €��. Creative exploration, ��.��am-�.��pm, fee €��. Digital camera/internet ��pm, fee €��. For further details contact Fiona ��� ������.
BUSY WEEK FOR COMMUNITY GAMES The final week in January has turned out to be an extremely busy time for the young community games competitors from monasterevin.
Country Markets are open for business at Glanbia Garden Centre, Monasterevin every Friday from ��am to �pm. Home baking, jams and crafts will all be on sale.
MARY RYAN t 087 6822290 e
Girls U��: � Katie O’Brien, � Brianne Kaye, joint �rd Cloe Keenan and Stacie Dunne. U�� girls: � Kerrie Dunne, � Caoimhe Dunne, � Katie Kearns. U�� boys: �, Dean Gahan, � Darren Prendergast, � Sean Dunne, HR Cian Murphy. U�� girls: � Gemma Dunne, � Ciara Lawlor, � Michaela Connolly, HR Alanna McLoughlin.
Monday �� January was the date of the art competition held in St Peter’s boys school. A very large attendance ensured extremely high standards of various types of art work depicting the theme of “community games”. Judge Maria Connolly ably assisted by St Paul’s secondary school art teacher Sandra Doyle had great difficulty coming to final decisions in a number of the categories.
U��: � Rebecca Troy, � Rebecca Broughan, � Julia Broughan, HR Annie Curran. U��: � Claire Melia, � Abigail Dunne. Results compiled by Maria Hanlon-Connolly and Sandra Doyle. Maria Hanlon-Connolly will hold an art tuition class free of charge for all competitors who finished in �st/�nd or �rd positions, next Thursday � February, from ��.��pm in the art room in St Paul’s secondary school. Well done to all of these Monasterevin Community Games competitors and their coaches – continued success to all.
Girls U�: � Ali Kaye, � Shannon Maher, � Hannah O’Brien, HR Claudia Keenan. Boys U�: � Conor Foran, � Cole Grattan.
The Monasterevin boys table tennis team travelled to Milltown on Thursday �� January to face their rivals from Milltown in the Kildare semi-final, along with
their coach Brian Kaye. The Monasterevin lads, who have been training and playing on a regular basis for the last number of weeks, beat their opponents �� without dropping a set in any of the games. The Monasterevin team are as follows: Jack Kennedy, Kevin Mulpeter, Martin Dunne and Lee Moore. This team now progresses to meet St Conleths of Newbridge in the county final.
TALENT COMPETITION Monasterevin GAA pavilion was the venue for this competition held also on Thursday �� January. With all female competitors performing extremely well in the solo singing and dancing sections, the judges (Jackie Finlay, Peter Coe and Collette McInerney), decided on the following results – solo singing: � Rebecca Troy, � Caoimhe Brady, � Katie Kearns. Solo dancing: � Katie Gahan Lawless.
ST PATRICKS DAY PARADE A meeting will be held in the Day Care Centre on Thursday �� February at �.��pm to make arrangements for the ���� parade. All are welcome. Help make the parade the best by lending your support.
WANTED OLD MOBILE PHONES St Pauls �th year students are collecting old mobile phones, laptops and MP� players in any condition in an effort to raise funds for Sr Celine in Brazil. If you wish to donate any of the items, please drop them to the office in St Pauls. Thank you.
MEETING PEOPLE The Monasterevin CWMS committee intend to undertake interim work on the CWMS Hall to get it ready for use by Monasterevin Youth Club. The committee would like to invite local builders and trades people to an on-site meeting on Saturday �� February at �� noon for a preworks inspection with a view to enlisting the support of local builders etc. They need to get the work completed in a financially competitive manner while fully complying with the statutory regulations necessary to open part of the hall for the youth club. A draft specification of works has been prepared by the committee and will be available for viewing at the meeting.
PARISH LOTTO There was no jackpot winner in the parish lotto on � February. Numbers were �, �, � and ��. Jackpot not won. Winners of €��: P Heffernan, C Myles, P Byrne, A Duffy and U Melia. Jackpot now €�,���. Lotto tickets on sale in the parish centre on Sundays after �� noon Mass.
SAINT PIO’S GLOVE Saint pio’s glove will be at the home of Betty Malone, Shindella, Rathangan, Co Kildare on Sunday � March from ��.��am until �.��pm. All are welcome. For information contact ���������.
education and generate a household income. Thank you for your support.
SELF HELP AFRICA A churchgate collection will be held on �� and �� February for Self Help Africa. They work to support people to increase their food production, have better access to health and
ST VINCENT DE PAUL SHOP The shop will open on Friday � March at Market Square, Monasterevin, next door to Stack’s Chemist. Shop volunteers urgently needed, minimum requirement three hours per week. Donations of clothes, shoes, collectables, bed clothes, small household items. All must be clean and in good condition. Shop phone number ��� �������. Thanks for your support. Post box for SVP is now on the side door of the parish centre. Phone SVP ��� �������.
Churchtown NS enrolment PARENTS who wish to enrol their children for ���� may do so by calling to the school office from �-�� February. Please call to the office between � and �pm and bring the child’s state birth certificate, baptismal certificate and his/her personal public service number. The child’s PPS number may be obtained by contacting the Department of Social Protection, client identify section, �� �������. Closing date for receipt of enrolment is Friday �� February.
OPERATION TRANSFORMATION IN CASTLEMITCHELL The third weigh-in saw the competitors lose a combined weight of �st �lbs, bringing the total so far to ��st �lbs. We now have �� people getting fitter and enjoying the fun in a great group. It was great to see so many people out during the week. More reports next week.
BOWLS Bowls continued in Castlemitchell Hall with �� people getting involved and loving the sport with promises of further training
Castlemitchell MARK WALL t 059 8633156 e
coming in the weeks ahead. Contact Jack on ��� ������� for further details.
CASTLEMITCHELL GFC NEWS CASTLEMITCHELL GFC held their annual dinner dance on Saturday �� January in the Clanard Court Hotel in Athy which was a great success with the large crowd enjoying the music of DJ Spuddy Dazzler and the wonderful meal and facilities of the Clanard Court. Well done to Ger McDonagh on the wonderful screen display and calenders and table decorations, also the photography on the night. Special guest was Kildare AllStar John Doyle who presented the senior reserve D champions medals to the lads. He also presented the ladies with their intermediate championship medals. The following players were honoured: senior player of the year John O’Connor, junior players
joint award to Fionn O’Rourke and Gerard Maher with Martin Hyland winning the young player award. Ladies awards: senior player of the year Grainne Fennin and junior player Carol Ann O’Shaughnessy. Mary Lawless was presented with a special award by Christy Byrne Bus Hire. It was great to see so many young people there, and really enjoying themselves The €���� jackpot was won in the lotto on �� January by Des Ryan and Liam Kelly. €�� winners were Mary Tompkins Lawler, Pat Bowden, Mark Bergin, Mary Morrin, Noel and Ann. No winner of the lotto jackpot of €��� on �� January. Numbers �, �� and ��. �� winners were Mary O Connor, Ann Perse, John Murphy, Stephen Bolger and Tommy White. Next week’s jackpot is €���. A really big thank you to everybody who gathered Star headings for
the competition to win gear for the club underage. It was a huge response and the club really appreciate it. Circuit training continues on Tuesday and Thursday nights at �pm in the boxing club under coach Eric Donavan. New members are welcome. We wish Eric and all the Athy boxers all the best in the forthcoming national championships. Membership is now due and can be paid to any committee member, or you can join Friends of Castlemitchell and help us build our hall, dressing rooms and gym for as little as €� a month. Just contact any committee member for details.
the ladies to Pauline Byrne and Mary Brazil who stepped down from the positions they held on the ladies committee for the past seven years and who made a huge contribution over the years. Well done Mary and Pauline, we look forward to your continued valuable input this year. Photographs can be seen on the Castlemitchell ladies website on ladies. Training has recommenced on Mondays at �.��pm in Ardscoil Trinoide gym and will continue every Monday and Wednesday until further notice. Anyone interested in training with the girls and getting involved with the teams are welcome to attend, including new members.
CASTLEMITCHELL LADIES Well done to the intermediate county champions who received their medals at the Castlemitchell GFC dinner dance at the Clonard Court on Saturday �� January. The medals were presented by All Star John Doyle on a great night for the club. A special presentation was made by Elaine Fennelly on behalf of
CASTLEMITCHELL UNDERAGE Training for children born in years ����-���� continues on Tuesday � February in Castlemitchell field at �.��pm. All new players welcome. Training for all U��s begins on Tuesday �� at �.��pm in the field. A registration day will be held on �� February.