1 minute read



e e ry out hartcollective B y @ q u

By Myah Jeff ers

@queeryouthartcollective (ig)

Based in London and available to people aged 18 to 26, the Queer Youth Art Collective hosts free virtual and in-person workshops led by LGBT+ artists. Creatives are invited to join weekly youth forums to develop their art and practice.

@myahismyname (ig)

Myah is an award-winning documentary and portrait photographer. Being a woman of Barbadian-British heritage, she is often inspired by personal experiences when shooting, tapping into themes of Black and queer existence. Independent and radical, there is something inherently queer about zines. Having already collected more than 600 worlds bound in paper, Grrrl Zine is a library of feminist and LGBT+ zines, or “tender revolt,” as the founder likes to say.


than By Be @grrrlzinefair (ig)

Six fruity accounts you wish you knew sooner


Some social media gems are bound to slip under the radar at the hands of an algorithm - and for that very reason, here is a human and thoughtfully crafted list of accounts to ensure your feed is fruitful.

s a bz B y @k 8

B y @ m ie la klv

By @mywe e k ly arn

@k8sabz (TikTok)

Growing up as an Asian, non-binary lesbian, Hina never saw themselves represented, and on the rare occasion a lesbian did appear on-screen, they were a part of a tragic storyline. Therefore, Hina uses TikTok to spread a much-needed dose of gay joy. 20-year-old Kai uses TikTok as an opportunity to document their life and to start discussions. As a result, the content is varying from daily vlogs to reflections on coming out to immigrant parents and wrongful assumptions about sapphic relationships. Queer + crafts is officially an iconic duo now that 177K people, also known as “knitbians”, have found their way to Ella’s account. The 22-year-old is always keen to share their passion for crocheting, sewing, chunky yarn and even the lost art of traditional rug braiding.

@mielaklv (TikTok) @myweeklyarn (TikTok)

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