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Welcome to plant parenthood
Starting your urban gardening journey may seem daunting at first. But rest assured plant care does not need to be time consuming. Here is a guide that will take you through the whole process: from finding the ideal plant to how to properly nurture them.
Plants growing in their natural habitat have different needs and the same applies to when you grow them indoors. Some thrive under the scorching sun while others prefer the shadow of a tall tree in a humid rainforest. The same applies when you keep them indoors, so considering the light levels in the room can make a big difference. If your room lacks sunshine, you should prioritise a plant that thrives in indirect sunlight. It is also possible to use mirrors to reflect the light around the room and thereby brightening up your space. The other option, if you do not have any natural light coming into your home, is to get grow lights if you are willing to spend a bit more. Make sure to check the plant’s care label to learn about its specific needs before bringing it into your home. Always keep in mind that you should choose a plant that suits the space and not a space that suits the plant. REPOTTING
Like any parenthood, checking up on your babies is just as essential as giving them nutrients or giving them enough attention. When first buying a plant, you might want to repot it straight away. However, it is recommended to wait until they are starting to grow and branch out of their home. If repotted straight away, it can shock your plant, and show distressed symptoms afterwards. It is also worth noting that because pots are made of different materials, from terracotta to wood, this can affect the plant’s watering needs. Before repotting your plant, make sure it is dry and the pot is the right size. It should be a couple of inches wider than the plant. This is to make sure the plant absorbs up all the water and to avoid overwatering and root rotting. Loosen the plant’s roots carefully with your hands, that way you are promoting its roots to spread a little further when you repot them into their new home. PLANT CARE
Rotate the plants around on a regular basis so they get sunlight on all sides. Always be on the lookout for leaves that are yellowing or browning, that is when you get your scissors out and trim them. Prune to get rid of old growth. However, if they are just dusty, give them a wipe down as they will otherwise not absorb the light needed to grow. If your plant is getting droopy, it is a sign that it needs to be watered. This is a journey where you learn from your trial and errors, unique challenges can arise when growing in a small space but learning about the plants’ specific requirements will get you a long way. This journey starts with a positive outlook and a mind that is open to building your plant knowledge. You do not need to move to a bigger space or to the suburbs to get started on your gardening dreams. NODE provides you with the tools and tips to nurture the urban gardener in you.
Photo by Chris Abney.

Indoor plants are therapeutic and can add a natural decor element to any space. But which ones are best to start off a new plant journey with? There is no such thing as a green thumb but if you are looking for a smooth introduction to plant care, you might want to opt for plants that are low maintance. Here are three favourites:

Aloe Vera is a popular plant due to its wonderful health benefits, including antibacterial properties and its abilities to treat skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and sunburns. The most important thing to keep in mind is that while it requires a lot of sunlight, you should be careful about putting it right up against the window. This is because the glass can intensify the sun and can cause your aloe leaves to burn. A good soil mixture to get is one that drains very quickly because the plant does not like any moisture collecting around the roots. Aloe Vera prefers to be pot-bound. Repot once a year or when the roots have overgrown. Aloe Vera enjoys minimal watering, enough to not drying it out. Generally during the growing season you can water every two weeks and during the winter months you can go for three weeks between watering it. They thrive in temperatures between 13 and 27 degrees celcius. CAST IRON PLANT SNAKE PLANT
True to the name, they can survive neglect and conditions most plants would not survive. Despite being late bloomers, they make up for it by being persistent. Although they prefer bright to moderate indirect light, it is best to avoid direct sunlight as this can burn the leaves. You also want to avoid low light as that can cause the plant to grow much slower. They are fine with underwatering and might even thank you for it. Let the soil be completely dry before watering it, then water it until it comes out of the drainage holes. This means you can avoid watering it too often. They do not need to be repotted that often as they are slow growers. You can fertilise them once a month in the spring season and nothing during the winter months. If you clean their leaves once a week, they will repay you by being a beautiful addition to your home. It is the perfect low maintenance plant to care for. The Snake Plant helps filter indoor air and it is one of few plants that filter out toxins. It can convert Carbon into Oxygen at night time, which makes it the perfect plant for your bedroom.They are one of the easiest plants to care for as they are known to be almost unkillable. In other words, it is perfect for those who have a busy schedule, that travels a lot or tends to forget about watering. They do not require much water as they retain the moisture in their leaves. It is best to water when all of the soil is dry, that is every three to six weeks in the spring. This plant can survive neglect, but not the total opposite, so be careful not to overwater. Fertilise during the spring season. The Snake Plant thrives in bright indirect light, but they can tolerate a lower light level as well. However in stronger light, they will grow quicker and if grown in lower light, they will grow much slower.