Vizualis, celovite vizualne rešitve, d.o.o., Veliki Gaber 74, 8213 Veliki Gaber, pisarna: Mušičeva 15, 8000 Novo mesto, tel.: +386 (0)590 48068, tel/faks: +386 (0)7 30 46 441, e-pošta:
Guide for installing Konfigurator on a website Purpose This guide provides relevent information on Embeding Konfigurator on webpage.
Introduction Konfigurator is FLEX (Flash) web application or Apache Flex application ( Like every other Flash application Konfigurator has to be embeded into HTML of a webpage using specific embed codes. There are at least two methods : • Using generic JavaScript Embedder like SWFObject • Using HTML tag (like <object> or <embed>) Which means that Konfigurator is instlled into the site following the standard procedure to install Flash web applications. We recommend using SWFObject, since it works in all browsers and many examples exist on the web to get you up and running quickly.
Installation with SWFObject SWFObject is the most widely used method for embedding Flash / Flex applications. It has excellent documentation: Before embedding Konfigurator on the page, make sure to include swfobject.js in the <HEAD> of your HTML. <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>
With the library set up, you can start embedding Konfigurator. Here is an example: <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var xiSwfUrlStr = ""; var flashvars = { key : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", lang : "de" }; var params = { quality : "high", bgcolor : "#ffffff", allowscriptaccess : "always", allowfullscreen : "true" }; var attributes = { id : "konfigurator", name : "konfigurator", align : "middle" }; var konfiguratorURL = "”; swfobject.embedSWF(konfiguratorURL,"container", "1000", "680",”10.2.0”, xiSwfUrlStr, flashvars, params, attributes);
1/3 VPIS PRI OKROŽNEM SODIŠČU V NOVEM MESTU, ŠT. REG. VL. 1/04957/00, OSN. KAPITAL 10.000 EUR, MAT. ŠT. 2239914, ID za DDV SI26533456, TRR RAČ. 03150-1000423349 pri SKB