Steward info

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Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama

Information for Stewards All students must report to the Front of House (FoH) manager 45 minutes prior to the start of any event to begin work. Stewards must be dressed in the correct uniform and be ready for work. You will be asked to sign in and will be given a full briefing. The briefing is held promptly so you are advised to arrive a little early in order to sign in.

Uniform Stewards will be issued with a Martin Harris Centre (MHC) polo shirt which must be worn with black trousers or a black skirt. Trainers are not permitted. Please ensure you wear appropriate footwear. It is your responsibility to maintain your uniform. Please ensure it is washed and ironed for every event.

Duties Duty positions are assigned by the FoH Manager during your initial briefing. Duties to include: •

Ticket checking

Directing audience members to various entrances and facilities (You may be required to work outside of the MHC building.)

Proactively selling programmes and merchandise

Monitoring audience behaviour

Public address announcements when required

Directing audience members to their seats

Supporting and evacuating audience members

Clearing up after the event

Version 2 – 30 September 2014

The FoH Manager is responsible for monitoring and managing steward duties and appearance. While you are on duty you will be expected to conduct yourself in an appropriate manner, e.g. mobile phones must be left in the locked steward briefing room; no eating; no socialising with other students or staff. Stewards must be vigilant at all times.

Signing up for shifts Some shifts will be paid work, other shifts will be voluntary, but we expect the same commitment whenever you are a steward in the MHC. The sign up sheets will be put up on the notice board outside the Administration Suite (G31/32). Stewards may sign up for a maximum of two shifts per sign up sheet. If after three days there are shifts still available, you may be given an opportunity to sign up for more. This will be communicated by email. You must be certain, when you sign up for a shift that you will be able to work it. If you can not work the shift that you have signed up for, you must find a replacement. This person must have attended the official training. Please do not merely cross your name off as this could result in you being removed from the steward rota.

Health and Safety We have a duty by Health and Safety law to ensure that we have enough stewards at the MHC. It is important to remember that unless we have sufficient stewards for the performance we may have to cancel the event. It is important that you remember the instruction given to you in your training regarding fire exits, trip hazards and evacuation procedure.

Version 2 – 30 September 2014

Payment For paid stewarding you will be asked to complete a CAS4. This will be given to you by the FoH Manager. You are responsible for ensuring that this form is completed correctly. Failure to do so may result in you not being paid.

Cash Handling You will be required to handle cash when carrying out some of the duties as a steward. It is important to remember the information given to you in your training session. Any cash that is collected must be given to the FoH Manager and this will be signed off by both parties.

Alcohol Awareness There are certain key issues that must be considered when serving alcohol. •

You cannot serve alcohol to someone under the age of 18. You must ask for the relevant photo ID (See “MHC regulated Ents Licence procedures January 2016” for details). If you have any doubts at all you must not serve them and you must inform the FoH Manager

You cannot serve alcohol to someone for consumption by someone who is under 18.

If you consider that the person you serve is intoxicated you must not serve them and you must bring them to the attention of the FoH Manager as soon as possible

You cannot serve alcohol to someone for consumption by someone who is intoxicated.

Measurement guidelines for alcohol must be strictly adhered to at all times

Alcohol must not be left unattended at any time

Patrons must not serve themselves

Patrons may not take alcohol outside the MHC

If you have any doubts, talk to the FoH manager Version 2 – 30 September 2014

Working with children If you work an event where children and/or young people (under 18s) are performing or are in attendance, you should avoid being alone with any of them. Instead you should ensure that you are appropriately supervised as you are not DBS checked within this casual role. There should always be another appropriate adult present e.g. the FoH Manager, a teacher, group supervisor or chaperone etc‌ If you are ever concerned about a situation, talk to the FoH manager

Version 2 – 30 September 2014

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