volume XXV111 no. 3 fall 2022 CELEBRATING OUR CHILDREN FOR OVER 27 YEARS! Directories, Resources, Recipes, Columns, Crafts, & more fun inside! by Emily, age 8

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bouldercountykids.com • 3 Curious Creative Engaged B I X B Y S C H O O L O P E N H O U S E Preschool 5th Grade www.bixbyschool.org Email admissions@bixbyschool.org TODAY! 9/14/22 10am 10/19/22 10am 4pm 11/2/22 10am REGISTER ONLINE: colorado.edu/sciencediscovery SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING MATH Afterschool, Homeschool, BVSD Day-Off and Holiday Classes 303.492.7188

4 • bouldercountykids.com BACK!WELCOME BOULDER COUNTY KIDS is a division of Martin House Publications, Inc. Published quarterly in February, May, August, and November. Mailing Address: 1464 E. Easter Cir. Centennial, CO 80122. Phone number: (303) 728–4798. Copyright 1995 to 2022 by Boulder County Kids. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission prohibited. Boulder County Kids encourages your submission of articles, photographs, and ideas. We reserve the right to edit all submitted material. All submissions will be considered for publication. Viewpoints of the articles are not necessarily the viewpoints of Boulder County Kids. Materials will not be returned. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the publisher. Printed with soy-based ink. Please go to www.bouldercountykids.com for more information. Contact us! (303) 728-4798 Followinfo@bouldercountykids.comuson: The end of summer is bittersweet. Popsicles have melted. Pools are drained. School supplies are filling the Target shelves. The freedom of summer is about to pause until next year, once again. And yet, there is something so exciting about starting schoolWalkingagain.into the school halls a year older, possi bly even wiser! There is so much to learn, to try, to do! So many new friends to meet and old friends to see. Boulder County Kids are movin’ on up, ready to take on school year. This Fall Issue is full of everything you’ll need to handle this new school year. Find new and ex citing after school programs or read about how to teach your kids confidence on the hiking trail before leaf-peeping season. Discover some ap ple-themed fall recipes or fun neighborhood Hal loween contests to try. Whatever you are looking for this fall, you’re sure to find it within these pages. Welcome back, Boulder County! Isabella & Annie (and our mascot Junie)

bouldercountykids.com • 5 WHAT’S INSIDE Special thanks to: Jennifer Martin & Indie Darlene Mueller Morse Jennifer Rodehaver Leroy & Holly Schutz Marybeth & Carl KyleeGieserPiper Fall 2022 Fall Recipes Fall Crafts movin’ on up 108 After School Directorydirectories21Helpful Services14 Child Care Directory26 Private School Directory4034 Gift Giving Directory 38 Birthday Party Directory articles & columns Tiny Trails with Allison Burch18 Cover Artist Superstar6 Kids’ Planet with Thorne Nature Experience 12 What Do I Do Now, Romona? 17 Integrated Love with Katie Buckley 37 A Picture Book Titled Trying Teaches Kids Crucial Lessons in How to Fail with Grace by Pam Martin 25 Fun HalloweenNeighborhoodContests by Kimberly Baker 31 Hunt for Moments that Keep You in the Moment This Fall by Jamie Carr 32 Parents Play Important Role in School Gardens by Leslie Norcross 42 kids zoneColoring Page46 Fall Crossword51 Fall Word Search47 Video Page48 First Day of School Time Capsule Questions 49

Holdin’ Me Back” by Shawn Mendes is her favorite song. The classic movie Matilda is her favorite, and yes, she does wish she had Matilda’s superpowers. We chatted with Emily about her summer, she had just gotten back from celebrating the Fourth of July in Vail with her family. This fall, Emily is going into 3rd grade and she’s most excited about being back in art and gym class—particularly when they have swimming lessons in the pool! When she grows up, Emi ly would like to be a wildlife rescuer for jungle animals. Thank you to Tinker Art Studio for submitting Emily’s art along with other beautiful pieces (some featured to the right)! For more information about Tinker Art Studio, please head to their listings in the After School Directory and Birthday Party Directory.
Emily first painted the canvas black, ate a snack while it dried, and then painted the designs on top with neon paint. She really enjoys her classes at Tinker Art Studio—especially open studio days when they set up a bunch of different arts and crafts tables (Emily’s favorite table has the glitter paint).
This Fall Issue’s cover art was painted by 8-year-old Emily while at Tinker Art Studio...
Emily answered our Zoom call with a loooooong hair braid in her hair, made of hair ties, with her painting sitting proudly next to her. She has one younger sis ter, Kenzie, one tadpole named Millie, a black mouth cur dog named Haruki, Christopher the gecko, and 35 snails—although only two of them have names (Lola and Lyla). Her all-time favorite food is sushi, Hapa Sushi in particular. But her favorite sweet treat is cotton candy ice cream. When it comes to“There’smusic,Nothing
6 • bouldercountykids.com FRONT COVER SUPERSTAR
The cover sponsor, Premier Members Credit Union, pays competitive dividends on federally insured sav ings accounts. Your family can also enjoy low-cost loans and the credit union gives money to the school of your choice at no cost to you. For more information and to find a location near you, visit www.pmcu. or call (303) 657-4558.

got you covered! Join our
Fun & Engaging School Day Off Camps Ages 5-11 | When school is out we’ve school day off camps fun filled day gym games, swimming, gymnastics Visit BPRcamps.org Birthday Parties Let us host your next swimming, gymnastics or cycling themed birthday party. Meeting recreation a wide range 10 Elle O, age 9 by Tegan, age
We offer a variety of programs to keep your
Fall Programs kids active and healthy. Gymnastics | Ages 2-18 Classes for Swim Lessons | Ages 6 months to adult Private, semi-private or group swim Youth Sports Ages 5-14 Flag football, lacrosse, basketball and volleyball. Gonzo Tennis | Ages 5 to adult Individual and group tennis instruction for beginners to competitive players.
11 ARE YOU OUR NEXT FRONT COVER SUPERSTAR? Send your art to info@bouldercountykids.com by October 10th to be considered for our Winter 2022 Issue. The winner will recieve a $50 cash prize from our cover sponsor, Premier Members Credit Union, and will win bragging rights to all of his/her/their friends for the whole Winter season!
lessons available.
of specialized and inclusive social and recreational programs for people with disabilities. We also provide low- and no-cost after-school and school day off programming for low-income families. Fall Fun with Boulder Parks & Recreation ADVERTISING@BOULDERCOUNTYKIDS.COMEMAILORHEADTOBOULDERCOUNTYKIDS.COMTOLEARNMORE. YOURHEREAD by Avery, age
needs We offer
bouldercountykids.com • 7 HONORABLE MENTIONS For our latest program offerings and events, visit BoulderParks-Rec.org or scan here.
and more!
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all levels: recreational or competive options.
for a

• Put these in the oven for about 3-4 minutes or until the candy is soft but not melted
What you do: • Core and slice your apple(s) into 8 equal slices
8 • bouldercountykids.com
Smiling Apples
• Smile and enjoy! inspired by theparentspot.com
Caramel Apple Bites
• 8 tablespoons of your spread of choice: peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, apple butter, pumpkin butter
What you need: 2 green apples 1 package of mini pretzels 1 package of Rolo candies
What you do:
• Chop the apples into small chunks. Squeeze a little lemon juice on them to prevent them from turning brown Place on apple on the end of a toothpick and push into one of the Rolo pretzels. Repeat until all the Rolo pretzels haveinspiredapplesby easyfamilyrecipeideas.com
• Spread 1 tablespoon of your spread of choice onto the top of two slices of apple
• On top of your spread, put a row of marshmallow teeth
• Preheat your oven to 250 degrees
• On your baking sheet, lay out pretzels in a single layer and place one Rolo candy on each pretzel
What you need: • 1 apple of your choice (whatever color “lips” you prefer!)
• “Teeth”: about 30 mini marshmallows
• “Sandwich” the marshmallows with the other piece of apple & spread and press them together until they stick and resemble a mouth with teeth!
How’dya like them apples? theparentspot.com

bouldercountykids.com • 9 Donut Apples inspired by saltandbaker.com What you need: • Red or green apples, whatever you prefer • An apple corer - Get on Amazon! • Spread: peanut butter, almond butter, ca shew butter, apple butter, pumpkin butter, whatever butter! • Toppings: Sliced almonds, chopped pecans, sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, toasted coconut, honey, agave, dried fruit, ground cinnamon What you do: • Core your apples • Slice your apples into 3/4” or 1/2” “donuts” • Lather a 1/2 tablespoon of your choice of spread over one side of the apple donut • Sprinkle your toppings of choice over the spread • Enjoy!

First Day of School Time Capsule
Autumn Leaf Butterflies and Dragonflies you need: handful of colorful leaves, small berries (NOT TO EAT), Thistles, Pinecones, etc. glue White cardstock or regular paper (cardstock holds up better) What you do: • Lay your leaves out and start playing around with which ones you want to use for the wings of your little bug. Remember to pick ones for the top half and ones for the bottom half
See how much you grow over the school year by keeping a time capsule (make sure your guardian has a good spot to hide it from you!)
• Once you’ve chosen the leaves for the wings, use scissors to cut them into the shape you want
Ask your guardian to hide your time capsule in a good place. Then set a calendar reminder for the last day of school to revisit your time capsule and see how you’ve changed over the school year!
Remember that the natural colors of your materi als will fade over time! inspired by onelittleproject.com
for back to school & fall!
Start by decorating your time capsule (the jar) with paint, stickers, ribbon--get creative! Have your guardian help you write “prompts” for your (SEE PAGE 49 FOR SOME PRE-MADE PROMPTS)
• Scissors •
• Lay out your 4 pieces for the wings on the cardstock and start looking for pieces to make the butterfly’s body, head, and an tennae (small pine cones, twigs, tiny flowers)
Once you’re happy with the butterfly or dragonfly shape you created, glue your pieces to the cardstock starting with the Next,wingsglue the parts that are the body, head, and antennae If you want your creation to last longer and prolong its colors, we recommend layering your butterfly or dragonfly with Mod Disclaimer:Podge
Spend some time filling out the answers to your prompts Either fold or roll-up your strips of paper and put them in your time capsule. Seal the lid and say, “See ya later!”
• A
• Tacky

• Once you’re home, brush off or even rinse the dirt from the pinecones. If rinsing, let dry for 30 min to an hour
Cone Critters What
• Take a neighborhood walk or a quick hike and gather a bunch of pinecones of all different sizes
Fit cookie sheets with parchment paper. Depend ing on how long you want your garland, we suggest you use between 2-3 cookie sheets
Lastly, use the black, fine-tip marker to create little eyes and glue the small black pom pom to the tip of the felt cone for theinspirednose!by parents.com you need: Paint Paint brushes Colorful felt that match es the paint you’re using
Once dry, use the tacky glue to fasten the felt cone to the tip of your painted pinecone. Let dry for at least 10 minutes To make your critter’s ears, cut two smaller circles from the colorful felt and attach them to the pinecone or the back of the felt face
• Take your clean pinecones and paint the whole thing with your colors of choice! Let them dry for at least an hour
bouldercountykids.com • 11
• While your pinecones dry, cut small circles out of your colorful felt to use for the face of your critter. These circles should be between 1-2 inches in diameter. Feel free to cut patterns along the edge of the cir cle, like scallops or a triangles Next, cut a 90-degree-angle-triangle wedge in the felt circle and over lap the two cut edges to glue (with fabric glue) into a slight cone shape
• Pinecones •
What you do: Heat your oven to 225 degrees Farenheit
Carefully slice oranges 1/8 to 1/4 inches thick. Place your slices in a sin gle layer on the cookie sheets Take your paper towels and blot the excess moisture and juice from the orange. This will help speed up the drying process
What you do:
Bake your oranges for about 3 hours at 225 degrees or until the or anges are dry and turning slightly brown. Set a timer to flip the orang es halfway through baking to they are evenly dry on both sides
Once they’re done drying, let the orange slices cool before building Use your twine, string, or fishing line to poke through the flesh of the dried orange (not the rind!) You can decide whether to space out your oranges or to make them Hang your garland anywhere in your house! Also a great Christmas tree decoration for when the time comes!
• Scissors Dried Orange Garland • Cutting board Cookie sheets

12 • bouldercountykids.com
Kids’ Planet:
Since I was a little boy, I have always been interested in watching the be havior of birds and mammals. One of my earliest memories was seeing an American Robin pull a big worm out of the ground. Robins have an interesting way of making a short run (where their feet move very fast) then stopping and tilting their head to one side to hear a is a beautiful melodious song. It is often dubbed into the soundtrack of a movie or TV show, so when I hear it, it takes me right back to my youngest years.
Many years later when I was work ing to earn my Doctorate degree at the University of Colorado at Boulder, I was studying the shredding behavior of the White-footed (or Deer) Mouse. I had some of these mice in cages in the Bi ology Department Laboratory. I noticed that if I put a paper towel in their cage, they would shred it into small pieces, us ing their sharp incisor teeth, and make nests out of the shredded material. I was curious to see how differences in temperature and light might affect this behavior, so I devised a way to control both of these factors. I found that the mice shredded more and made better nests when the temperature was cold.
Animal Behavior
by Dr. Oakleigh Thorne II
One evening when I was ten years old, I was fly fishing on a river on the South Shore of Long Island where I lived for my early years. I looked up and saw a small flock of ducks flying by overhead. Sud denly out of the sky came diving a Per egrine Falcon, which we called “Duck Hawk” back then. The term “stoop” applies to this kind of steep dive. As it came out of its stoop, the falcon struck one of the ducks with its clenched tal ons and knocked it right out of the air. That was a very dramatic way for me to see predator-prey behavior for the first

bouldercountykids.com • 13
They also shredded more in the dark than in the light. The cold and dark con dition, therefore, resulted in the best shredding.Yearslater, when my family and I owned a dude ranch in Wyoming, our guests would sometimes complain that they had a mouse in their cabin that was chewing on their clothes. My ad vice to them was to put out some paper towels for the mice to shred! Coyotes are mammals that often show a behavior called “mousing.” I have seen this behavior many times, especially when I made trips from our ranch into Yellowstone National Park. A coyote would leap into the air, coming down on all fours, to scare a mouse and make it move. It could then hear the mouse and easily catch it. That’s a pret ty clever coyote! You can study animal behavior, too. You can start by watching your cat or dog and noting their behavior. I have en joyed being a field biologist and watch ing for all kinds of interesting behaviors among the critters I see! Dr. Thorne is founder and hon orary president of Thorne Nature Experience (formerly Thorne Ecological Institute), a nonprofit organization headquartered in Boulder. For 68 years they have helped “connect youth to nature!” For information about their programs, please check their web site at www.thornenature.org or email info@thornenature.org or call (303)499-3647, ext. 100.

14 • bouldercountykids.com Cultural Care Au Pair Affordable, flexible childcare with the added element of a cultural exchange. These young foreigners have childcare backgrounds and are eager to be a part of your family. They care for your children in exchange for the opportunity to live with an American family and have a unique experience. These relationships can last for years and bring depth to your child’s vision of the world. Up to 45 hours per week of childcare. P: (303) 956-6189 - Jen Rodehaver E: jen.rodehaver@lcc.culturalcare.com W: www.culturalcare.com/jrodehaver Premier Members Credit Union 5505 Arapahoe, Boulder Banking and savings, for all your banking needs. P: (303) 442-8850 W: www.pmcu.org Boulder Public Library Home to amazing resources both in-person and online. Check out the website for storytimes, book lists, staff picks, audiobooks, homework help, and more. P: (303) 441-3100 W: https://research.boulderlibrary.org/youth/kids-family Strength in Motion A community of expert psychotherapists and businesses who are here for you. We believe in a mind, body, and soul approach towards find ing and sustaining balance. We offer individual, couples, and family counseling and specialize in depression, anxiety, trauma, substance use, marriage counseling, men’s issues, life transi tions, ADHD, and more. We work collaboratively with our clients to facilitate sustainable positive change. P: (720) 389-8750 E: info@simcounseling.com W: www.simcounseling.com directory Childcare services, tu toring, online education services, and other great recommendations from within the SERVICESHELPFULcommunity. Boulder Valley School District The only BVSD Youth and Family Resource Guide. Find services and activities your family needs. Tutoring, counseling, the arts, child care, support services, college planning, cooking, birthday parties, and more. P: (720) 561-5977 W: https://connections.bvsd.org/

16 • bouldercountykids.com LearningWithTLC.org Nurturing success in all kids since 1956! TLC Learning Center NOW ENROLLING FOR FALL 2022! 303.776.7417 Inclusive, year round preschool & childcare Serving children 8 weeks to 6 years PhotographyPayneAngie A ••••ClimbingKIDS-ONLYGymwww.abckidsclimbing.com303-443-5437SignUpNow!SignUpNow!BuiltJustforKids!AllAgesandAbilitiesClassesTeamsOpenGymSchoolHolidayCamps

My kids are struggling with what most (if not all) kids are struggling with after the pandemic—the learning gap after two years of virtual learning. I was able to hire tutors for my kids over the summer, but I fear they’re still behind. I also fear it is harming their self-confidence. What can I do to help them get back on track without being too overbearing?
Romona Scholder, M.A., RNCS Psychotherapist
What do I do now,
A: How do we override a fear that feels well-founded? It’s like the fear of flying, “This plane could crash! Other planes have crashed!” We know this reasoning is faulty but we think it nonetheless. I’ve always found that AC TION in the face of fear to be the answer. What can you do to help protect your children from school violence?
bouldercountykids.com • 17
ScholderFritzbyDrawing ROMONA?
A: Q: I couldn’t be more anxious heading back into the school year. The last school year ended around the time of the horrific shooting in Uval de, Texas. I know that my anxiety is probably rubbing off on my kids. I can’t help it. How can I feel safer about my kids heading back into the classroom? Signed, Mom of Two Little Ones
You can join the PTA, volunteer to help in your child’s classroom or even run for a seat on the school board. You’re only as helpless as you allow yourself to be. Your DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION FOR ROMONA? Email your question to info@bouldercountykids.com
children could take classes in beginner martial arts. It teaches them self-control and confidence and keep ing a ‘cool head’; good skills to have for life in general. Remember, ACTION in the face of fear. Speak to your children in a positive way. “Don’t worry! You guys will be fine.” Even though everyone knows that you can never be certain. It helps allay fear to hear your mom say it. “You’ll be fine. I’m certain of that.” Whistling in the dark actuallyMyworks.youngest daughter is leaving for college this fall. Of course I’m sad that she’s moving far away, but this is my third kid to head off to college and I know what to expect. However, this time my husband and I are preparing to be empty-nesters. We’re still lucky and in love, but it’s still going to be an adjustment. Any advice to make the transition smoother?
This is like a “retirement” question as you and your husband are retiring from in-home parenting. You are adjusting to quiet and privacy, maybe a new way of cooking and a reordering of life in general. Life may also feel somewhat lonely and purposeless, missing the spark that your children provided. I’ll assume that you are both working and involved in that way but what about the rest of your day? You could change your rou tine so that things feel new and fresher. Do something together that gets you out of the house and with friends. Go hiking in the mountains and check out the “All Trails” app on your phone for ideas. Take a class together at the Community College, get a new haircut, and go to the gym together. You may still be in love but you need to reacquaint yourselves, each to the other. Make friends with your spouse and ensure that your empty nest will be a happier place.
Q: Signed, Soon-to-be Empty-nester
Q: Signed, Stressed-out Dad My feelings about the lockdown may run counter to general thought. There were hidden benefits for all of us as a result of being abruptly stopped in our tracks. It gave us all time to think our own thoughts, to realize the importance of solitude, and to get to know each other as well as ourselves more thoroughly and deeply. Not a bad thing. Have you ever grown petunias? They tend to get “leggy” and have to be pinched back in order to ensure good solid growth. Often times when children’s education is interrupted by disease or accident, they go on to live enriched lives. Instead of worrying about your children being behind, perhaps you could be more pos itive about their return to school. “Isn’t it great that you guys are back in school!” What they may have lost in ac tual course content may be more than compensated for in increased creativity and appreciation for knowledge and learning.

How to WhileCONFIDENCEEncourageontheTrail
My husband and I started hiking with our oldest child when he was about a year old. His toddler years were filled with explo ration, adventure and trying new things. He even took some of his first steps on a trail –we caught them on film, but it was mostly a blurred image coming in hot and then pure black as he fell onto the camera. You’d think that his confidence would have been through the roof since his ex posure level was so high, but it wasn’t the case. Everett was actually pretty timid on the trail. He struggled to navigate obstacles with courage and confidence. He would look to us to help him climb, jump and baby step downhill. It wasn’t until two years later, when we allowed him to take the lead and fall face-first into the dirt (literally – he took a header into damp and grainy dirt) that something clicked with him. He picked him self up, processed the fall, and just moved on.He faced another obstacle soon after. He paused, verbalized the fear he felt, worked through it, and succeeded past it. His im mediate response was, “I was afraid, but I did it. Now I’m brave!” Since then, he’s ap proached risky situations with much more confidence, bravery, balance, and even speed! Because we took a step back, he was
RODNAE productions by Allison Burch

Thank them for leading you safely back to your starting point Reiterate that they were the leader and they worked through all the difficult parts of the hike to get you back to the safety of the trail
Allison is a Denver Metro resident who has committed to facilitating a bond between her kids and nature. She shares that journey with you through her blog (Purple MountainMama.com) and her Instagram (@PurpleMountainMama) in the hope that it inspires you to do the same. Chil dren that have a relationship with nature tend to seek the good for their community which benefits the world as a whole.
As previously stated, letting your child lead your hikes gives them the opportunity to approach obstacles naturally, as opposed to shadowing you. This encourages prob lem-solving and courage. The more chal lenges children overcome, the more they prove to themselves that they are capable, which plants seeds of confidence ready to bloom. Let them fall I’m talking little trips, nothing broken-bone inducing. The fear of falling can be a lot to overcome, but once they do, it’s magic. May be its evolution, but little kids never seem to stay horizontal long, and once they learn they can pick themselves up, they seem to think they’re unstoppable. Tip: if your kid is prone to falling, dress them in pants, even in the full rage of summer – warm legs defi nitely outweigh skinned knees. Give them opportunities to learn Teach them about their surroundings, about not leaving a trace, about safety precau tions, about how they’re making their bod ies stronger. Filling children’s brains feeds their soul. Give them opportunities to teach While hiking, prompt your children to teach you about what they’re learning in school or from their favorite books. Is your child learn ing about the different types of clouds or the water cycle? Let them tell you all about it and pretend you didn’t grow up with Ricky the Raindrop coloring sheets – be thankful for all that “new” information. Your excite ment over their newfound knowledge en courages pride (the good kind) and a love for learning, growing, and sharing. Continuously praise them during and after your hike Words of encouragement go a long way. Acknowledge difficult and scary hinderanc es and praise the courage and determina tion it took to overcome them. High fives and fist bumps also go a long way.
given the opportunity to approach hurdles on his own terms, instead of being dragged throughNeedlessthem.tosay
I’m really thankful to our hiking hobby for allowing this change to be manifested in my kid and I want you to be able to encourage a similar outcome with your children. Check out my tips below: Allow them to lead
practicing these tips can trans form a concerned and weary little hiker into a brave and confident child, both on and off the trail.

20 • bouldercountykids.com • Tons of fun for kids who love to sing • Professional vocal coaching & music training • Four choirs for varying ages and abilities • Summer tour, many performance opportunities & so much more! • For students Kindergarten through 9th BoulderChildrensChorale.orggrade | 303.554.7692 • Auditions for upper level choirs August 18 & 20, 2022 by appointment • Registration is Open! No audition necessary for entry level choirs • Email us for more information—sing@boulderchorale.org Come Sing with us!

bouldercountykids.com • 21 AFTER SCHOOL directory Rock climbing, performing arts, nature and science clubs—that’s just the beginning! The best lineup of after school activities to get the kids back in the swing of things. 1960 32nd Street Ages: All Hours & Days: M-Sun. Hours varied. ABC Kids Climbing offers classes, teams, clubs, open gyms, private lessons, indoor and out door camps for climbers of all ages and abili ties. Our programs are thoughtfully designed ABC Kids Climbing by experienced climbers. C: Staff P: (303) 443-5437 E: info@abckidsclimbing.com W: www.abckidsclimbing.com 4847 Pearl St. Unit B4 Ages: 5 - 13 years Fun classes for your star: Movie making: run the camera, be the star, create the story, make the sets. Star Performers Auditions for fall 3rd week of August. Ages 7-13 Meeting one time weekly, performances on the Big Stage at The Sparks: The Addam’s Family, The Greatest Showman, & Legally Blonde Jr. Contact us for an Audition slot. Classes for everyone. No audition. Ages 5-10. The Great est Showman. Starting Sept.14th Perform BoulderArtsPerformingCompany ing Dec 3rd & 4th. Wanted: jugglers, happy clowns, dancers, hula hoopers, Lion tamers, lions, poodles, and more. Check our website for show themes and class times. All perfor mances are live. Classes and Performances at the Spark. C: Pollyanna Demitro P: (303) 859-4195 E: boulderperformingarts2@gmail.com W: www.boulderperformingarts.com Ages: K - 8th grade Hours & Days: M-Th. Offering high-quality enrichment classes before and after school at 24 BVSD schools. Let your kids get creative, get active and get smart with classes in cooking, chess, soccer, robotics, filmmaking, Spanish, hula hooping BVSD Lifelong Learning and more! Please visit our website for com plete class listings and to register online. P: (720) 561-5968 E: lifelong.learning@bvsd.org W: LLL.BVSD.org cottonbro 111 W. Baseline Road Ages: 5 - 12 years Hours & Days: M-F from dismissal to 6pm, and on BVSD no-school days, full-day care 7:30am - 6pm. August-May. Jump into fun in our Colorado State Licensed BASE child care programs that meet the needs of every child. We offer a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, STEM, active play, sports and games, swimming, and much more. Children will have time for homework assistance and a few snacks along the way. Safety is our top priority, including B.A.S.E.—Lafayette following all COVID-19 guidelines in effect at program time. Children from Ryan, Lafayette, and Peak to Peak elementary schools are provided transportation at dismissal to the Bob L. Burger Recreation Center. Pioneer Elementary students will walk with staff from the school to the BBRC. C: Jordan Walker E: jordan.walker@lafayetteco.gov W: Care-BASEwww.lafayetteco.gov/200/After-SchoolP: (303)-661-1288

22 • bouldercountykids.com Pursue your musical and theatrical pas sions with Parlando School of Musical Arts! Our talented faculty teach all ages, all abil ities, and all instruments, including piano, voice/singing, musical theater, and acting. Try a starter pack, online or limited in-per son, or dive into a full semester or school year of lessons! With 50 faculty members, over 700 lessons occurring every week, and Parlando School for the Arts classes, performances, and workshops held throughout the year, we have something for everyone. Join our musical community and ignite your inner artist! P: (303) 442-0006 E: info@parlando.org W: www.parlando.org
Parlando School of Musical Arts Instagram: @parlandoboulder Ages: Birth and up Music Together ® OUTDOORS in Boulder. Have fun planting the seeds of musical growth through singing, movement, in strument play. Mixed Ages (0-4) and their caregivers. Small Groups, siblings welcome. Central Boulder Private Location. Find out about Free Demo Opportunities. Also Music Together® with JaneSongSmolens/MountainMusicStudio,Inc. Individual Private Piano Lessons indoors, In-Person or Online (ages 5 and up). Fol lowing Covid Safety Protocol. C: Jane Smolens, Director P: (303) 413-1120 W: www.mountainsongmusic.com E: jsmolens@mountainsongmusic.com Ages: Birth - 8 years Boulder’s premier early childhood music & movement program, offering family, babies, and early elementary classes. Sing, dance, and support your child’s musical growth in a rich, fun, nurturing, and inter active environment. Preview spots avail able outdoor, inside, and online. Offering MusicofTogetherBoulder weekday, weekend, and afternoon classes. Text or email for more information. C: Laura Nordson P: (720) 440-2775 E: musictogetherboulder@gmail.com W: www.musictogetherboulder.com 2015 Ionosphere Street, Longmont Ages: Birth - 5 years In-person classes available. Melody Kids Music Together® C: Xan Fischer P: (720) 773-0742 E: xan@melodykids.com W: www.melodykids.com AFTER SCHOOL DIRECTORY Kinesis offers dance classes for preschool ers, youth, teens, and adults. We host after school dance classes, summer dance camps, school day off programs, concerts, and birthday parties. Join us for a free trial Kinesis Dance class by calling 720-525-6268. P: (720) 525-6268 W: www.KinesisDance.com Miss Joanie Drama offers full-day camps for Summer, Winter Break, Spring Break, School Day Off Workshops, Holiday enter tainment, and MORE! Miss Joanie Drama W: www.missjoaniedrama.com

bouldercountykids.com • 23 Ages: All Hours & Days: Call for current class times. Individual private lessons in flute, violin, and piano. Group lessons: a) Intro to Music, 1 semester- explore flute, violin or piano, Sandy Burrell Music—NiwotStudio b) Penny Whistle Program—ideal class for ages 3 to 6. Fees: Pay by semester/session. C: Sandy Burrell P: (303) 652-3287 4001 Discovery Drive Ages: K - 12th grade Choose school year enrichment that’s so engrossing and entertaining your child will want to return time and time again! CU Science Discovery offers a variety of school year enrichment programs includ ing afterschool, homeschool, BVSD day-off, and holiday classes for K-12 participants. All classes explore a variety of STEM topics CU Science Discovery using a hands-on, experiential learning approach designed to complement what your child is learning in school while encouraging them to further explore and expand their knowledge. Register online or by phone. P: (303) 492-7188 W: www.colorado.edu/sciencediscovery Studio Arts Boulder is offering after-school pottery programs for kids of all ages! Stu dents of all skill levels will have plenty of time to create and learn new techniques. Wheel-throwing and hand-building classes meet weekly. Each instructor is back Studio Arts Boulder ground checked, CPR certified, and health screened before each day. P: (720) 379-6033 E: contact@studioartsboulder.org W: www.studioartsboulder.org 795 S. Sherman Street Ages: 2 months - 5 years Hours & Days: M-Th: 7am - 7pm, F: 8am - 1pm. WE ARE OPEN! At Swim•Float•Swim! Your child will learn to swim safely in weeks, not years. We have decades of experience teaching aquatic survival and swimming skills. Our aquatic academy features two 90-degree indoor pools with a UV water purification system which ensures the Aquatics—LongmontSWIM•FLOAT•SWIM!HomeofInfant safest and most comfortable water experi ence. Stop by our child-friendly facility and discover the difference. C: Judy Heumann P: (303) 499-2229 E: judy@infantaquatics.com W: www.swimfloatswim.com AFTER SCHOOL DIRECTORY Our afterschool classes focus on teaching basic acting, vocal, and dance techniques to students ages 5-14. These classes are geared towards beginner to intermedi ate skilled performers alike. We create work along with our students in a creative process style to nurture imaginative play. All classes end with a final presentation Rocky TheatreMountainForKids on the last day of class, which is focused on the actors, though we may use simple costume accessories and set pieces to en hance the presentation! W: www.theaterforkids.net 420 Courtney Way Ages: 4 - 17 years The HUB offers after school programs in theater, art, music, dance and more, for kids 4-17. The Arts —LafayetteHub P: (303) 229-1127 W: www.artshub.org

24 • bouldercountykids.com AFTER SCHOOL DIRECTORY 693B S. Broadway, in the shops at Table Mesa. Ages: All Hours & Days: M-F, daytime and after school programs available. Join us in the studio for art making and community! Spring semester classes for kids, teens, and adults start January 18th. Wheel-throwing classes, teen paint & draw, art lab for elementary ages, and Tinker Time Art & Play for our youngest tinkerers are just a few classes you’ll see this spring. Tinker Art Studio Book a table in our Make & Take Studio to drop in and create, or visit our online shop to purchase at-home art kits and supplies — perfect for gifting and shopping small when it’s more important than ever. P: (303) 503-1902 E: tinker@tinkerartstudio.com W: tinkerartstudio.com Ages: 4 - 17 years Climbing skills, confidence, and friend ships. When your climber joins a camp, club, or team at The Spot, they’ll learn age-appropriate skills, taught by our expert coaches in a supportive environment. The Spot Gym E: Programs@TheSpotGym.com W: www.TheSpotGym.com/Kids AAPA is the conservatory division of Rocky Mountain Theatre for Kids. Ages 5-14 • Musical Theatre • Basic & Advanced Acting • Technical Theatre Arts • Improvisation & more! Also This www.ActorsAcademyCO.comFall! • 303-245-8150 • www.theaterforkids.net No auditions required. AUDITIONING NOW for 2022-23 Season! AGES 6-18 and more! •Professional Productions •An Amazing Theatre Community •Recitals & Showcases •Private Voice Lessons •Acting, Jazz, Tap, Ballet Classes After AfterClassesSchoolSchoolClasses

“These are my friends,” he tells the boy. “And I’m grateful for every one of them because…” as he explains it, they’ve helped him become the per son he is. “Time passes,” he continues, “whether we have the courage to do something good and worthwhile, or we don’t.”
-Fred Rogers I don’t think anyone would argue with Mr. Rog ers about the importance of creativity in a child’s life. Many studies have proved that imaginary play is linked to both mental and personal growth, and it’s just plain fun to celebrate one’s uniqueness in a world that often feels overrun by rules. But this fact hasn’t stopped schools from de-funding arts ed ucation in the U.S. It’s one result, perhaps, of the wider culture’s belief that art is more of a hobby activity—something to do for fun when the important work of the day is done. But creativity influences math and science as much as bal let and music, and the lessons learned in cultivating its expres sion, as found in painting a pic ture or writing a story, can teach a child what no other discipline has the capacity to do.
bouldercountykids.com • 25
Fail with Grace A Picture Book Titled Trying Teaches Kids Crucial Lessons in How to
So, the boy tries, and in the end, he’s the one wearing a green ascot as a young girl asks him, “How do I do that?” Pam Martin is one of the book specialists at Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe in Boulder. To browse the store’s curated collection of books, toys, and games, please visit grtoys.com. by Pam Martin
Consider the picture book, Try ing, by author Kobi Yamada, with illustrations by Elise Hurst. The book’s message is about the value of pursuing an art form to mas tery level. Here is a book as deep as Shel Silver stein’s The Giving Tree, with profound lessons in what can be gained by the sheer act of not giving up.Readers discover a boy on the first page who’s awestruck by the work of a seasoned sculptor. Because he can appreciate the time and talent that’s gone into the artist’s creation, the boy is tempted to give up trying to produce anything, even on a small scale, before taking a single step. “Ah, yes,” the sculptor tells him. “If you do noth ing it feels safe….”
“When we treat children’s play as seriously as it deserves, we are helping them feel the joy that’s to be found in the creative spirit.”
It’s painful to see that first lump you produce when your mind is full of a glittering, and seem ingly attainable vision. It’s what we all feel about a month into our new Karate classes or archery lessons. Any art form or sport takes years of practice before getting close to the results we desire. You have to build up muscle memory, strength, en durance, and skill, not to mention years of a steady diet of humble pie, and oceans of patience. The book’s illustrations have an almost liquid quality, the pictures themselves existing in a place somewhere in between start ing and finishing. In other words, they’re a little rough, with dabs of pale color that emphasize a gin ger-colored cat, and the sculptor’s green ascot. The page filled with the most color appears toward the end. The sculptor is pointing out a meadow filled with “failed” statues.
It’s a profound idea, and one that plagues all people who’ve ever wanted to be truly good at anything. But if you do nothing, the sculptor ar gues, then everything will stay the same. And when things stay the same, we miss out on ex periences, potential loves, and important lessons inSo,maturity.theboy begins. But he quickly realizes something is wrong. “With every blow,” he con fides in the reader, “my disappointment grew. This was not turning out the way I had imagined. Why did I think I could do it? Why had I let myself care about this so much?”

26 • bouldercountykids.comHalf-daycare,
full-day care, music-focused, nature-focused, and more! Scout out the best child care organizations and early education programs in the Boulder area.
5001 Pennsylvania Avenue Boulder, CO 80303 Ages: 2.5 - 6 years Hours & Days: 8am - 5pm. M-F. Year round. Blossom International Preschool, LLC is a member of WECAN, CAEYC, CAFCC and AATF. We are a FARM to ECE preschool and the recipient of a 2020 Grant from Early Childhood Council of Boulder County (EC CBC). Blossom International Preschool is a Waldorf-inspired, play- and nature-based Licensed Child Care Center in operation since 2015. We follow a multicultural Wal dorf inspired curriculum all year round and French language is integrated into our Blossom International Preschool, LLC—Boulder daily rhythm and circle/songs. We create a safe, nurturing and supportive environ ment, empowering children to explore and expand during their early years. We celebrate U.S. and International festivals and holidays. We host mixed-age groups in a beautiful Waldorf-inspired environment. At Blossom, we celebrate diversity and we welcome families with children ages 2.5 to 6 years old.
C: Marie-Pierre Nicoletti P: (303) 819-4084 E: info@blossombilingualpreschool.com W: blossominternationalpreschool.comCottonbroBixby School Ages: Preschool - 5th grade Bixby School was founded in 1970. Our school is organized around the belief that children are unique individuals, each with their own abilities, interests, and needs. Our school design provides students with opportunities for healthy risk-taking and responsibility for choices, feeds children’s natural curiosity and intrinsic joy of learn ing, and cultivates critical thinking skills and mastery of concepts. Our shared core values are respect, responsibility, and empathy. Preschool-5th Grade, 3-acre campus, Student: Faculty ratio 7:1, Average class size of 7-10, Extended Day Available: 7:45 am - 5:45 pm daily, Hot lunch prepared daily (included), Indoor pool, weekly swim lessons, Progressive Education, Hands-On, Experiential Learning, 1st-5th Grade Follow Middle School Schedule. Our Teachers are masters of their subject and passionate about what they teach. Tuition Assistance is available for Kindergarten-5th Grade.
W: www.bixbyschool.org E: admissions@bixbyschool.org

Flagstaff Preschool—LongmontAcademy
C: Natalie Martin, Preschool Director P: (303) 651-7900 W: www.flagstaffacademy.org
2040 Miller Drive, Longmont 80501 Ages: 3 - 5 years Hours & Days: Full-Time: M-F, 7am - 6pm. Part-Time: M-Th; 8:30 - 11:15am or 12:45 - 3:30pm. Now enrolling for the 22/23 school year. Flagstaff Academy offers both full-time and part-time preschool options for children ages 3 - 5. Founded in 2009, our preschool incorporates the Core Knowl edge Preschool Sequence Curriculum and Early Learning Developmental Guidelines. Children in the preschool program develop both socially and academically, and discov er that learning is fun through play-based activities. Unique learning opportunities include regular visits to our greenhouse/ geo-conservatory classroom and teaching garden, and school library time.
C: Ginger Johnson, M.Ed. P: (303) 507-7331 E: fairyringschool@gmail.com W: www.fairyringschool.org
Friends School 5465 Pennsylvania Ages: 3-5 yrs. Preschool/Pre-K 3-5 year olds. Hours & Days: Full-day: 9am - 3pm M-Th; 9am - 1pm F; Half-day: 9am - 12pm M-F. August - May/Summer Camp. Licensed & Accredited. A supportive community, committed to educating the whole child--head, hand, and heart. Outdoor-oriented classrooms connected to nature encourage learn ing through play and exploration with a focus on relationships, communication, art, nature immersion, and a foundation for pre-academic skills. Small classes, low student teacher ratios, wide variety of high-quality materials and experienc es. Specials including music, art and PE. Award-winning, master-level teachers with over 20 years of experience in each class room. Personalized Affordable Tuition. ACIS accredited, NAIS member. C: Taylor Replane P: (303) 499-1999 W: www.FriendsSchoolBoulder.org E: admissions@FriendsSchoolBoulder.org
bouldercountykids.com • 27 4820 Nautilus Ct. North Ages: 2.5 - 8th grade Hours & Days: half and full-day options: 8am-1pm or 8am-3pm. M-F, 3-day and 5-day options for Preschool. Licensed June-August/Camp. After school care and enrichment classes Openavailable.House: November 4 & 5, 2022. Accreditations: NAIS, ACIS, and Approved Middle Years International Baccalaureate School. Boulder Country Day School, where academic distinction meets education with character. BCD is a top-rated, accred ited private school in Boulder, Colorado Boulder Country Day School —Preschool where every child has the opportunity to discover their own unique excellence. Distinguished by small class sizes, out standing faculty, engaging academics and a focus on community, our preschool, elementary and IB middle school teachers strive to create a well-rounded education al environment that balances traditional subjects with the arts, world languages, athletics and project-based learning. C: Susan Boyle P: (303)-527-4931 x 248 E: info@bouldercountryday.org W: www.bouldercountryday.org CHILD CARE DIRECTORY Fairy RingLongmontGarden— 9147 Fleetwood Ave. Ages: 1 - 5 years Hours & Days: 8:30am - 3:30pm. Full-days and part-time. M-F. Licensed. Lifeways (Waldorf) Certified. Year Around.small, play-based, outdoor-oriented home school for children ages one to five in North Longmont. We see every child as unique and beautiful with unlimited potential. They are seeds to be nurtured with love, guidance, and grace so that they might blossom into the fullest expression of who they are meant to be. Outdoor learning with gardening and farm animals. Master’s degree teachers. Chemical free, eco-friendly environment. Waldorf/Lifeways curriculum. Organic, all natural foods, many taken from our own garden. Natural, wood and sustainable toys. Non-profit school welcoming of diverse families, regardless of race, socio-economic status, or gender orientation. CCAP families welcome!

Miss Joanie Drama Miss Joanie Drama offers full-day camps for Summer, Winter Break, Spring Break, School Day Off Workshops, Holiday enter tainment, and MORE! W: www.missjoaniedrama.com
28 • bouldercountykids.com
Montessori Academy—Lafayette 801 N 111th Street Ages: 1 - 6 years Hours & Days: M-F. 8:30am - 3pm. Fulland half-day programs, with some before& after-school care. August - May school year, June - August Summer Camp Program. Licensed. Montessori Academy provides a challenging and nurturing environment that leads children toward confidence, in dependence, and a life of learning through discovery, observation, and positive, helpful friendships. We offer toddler, preschool, and kindergarten programs in a nurturing environment that respects each individual child. Montessori Academy has been an American Montessori Society full-member school since 2002. Our lead teachers are certified. Preschool classroom currently bilingual with a Spanish teacher. Multiple Covid-safety precautions. See our Face book page for a short virtual tour! Please call if you would like more information or to enroll.
C: Beth Weekley P: (303) 926-8321 W: www.montessoriacademylafayette.com E: montessori.academy@mac.com
Off Broadway Preschool 1235 Pine Street Ages: 3 - 5 years Hours & Days: M-F. Full- or half-days from 8:30am - 12:30 or 3:30pm. Extended care 8am - 5:30pm. Year-round. At Off Broadway Preschool, we aim to inspire curiosity, creativity, and compas sion in children and families through the arts. Our daily schedule balances child-di rected play experiences with structured group classes in music, yoga, visual art, and integrated arts. We employ professional educators to guide children through the school day, and keep low teacher to stu dent ratios (1:5) to ensure that children and families are given personalized attention. Meals are prepared in-house using high quality organic ingredients. Our recently updated facility is conveniently located in downtown Boulder which allows us to take walking field trips to the Farmers Market, library and Museum of Boulder. Adjust ments have been made to the facility and daily program to adhere to state, city and Early Childhood Council COVID-19 guide lines. E: info@offbroadwaypreschool.org W: www.offbroadwaypreschool.org
P: (303) 800-0324 C: Bethany
P: (303) 449-1951 E: persimmon@ywcaboulder.org W: persimmonearlylearning.org
PersimmonLearningEarly Persimmon Early Learning offers high-quality, affordable child care, serving Boulder County children and families for 40 years. We’re a Level 4 Colorado Shines Rated Early Childhood Program, offer low teacher-to-child ratios in all classrooms, and provide a nurturing, creative space for children to learn and grow in newly rede signed and expanded indoor and outdoor learning areas. Persimmon Early Learning provides a nutritious meal program with a full-time nutritionist and chef on site, as well as active play, yoga, gardening, and cooking and nutrition lessons. Tuition includes all meals, snacks and activities. Persimmon Early Learning provides enroll ment opportunities for low-income fam ilies through Boulder County CCAP and emergency care options for families with no other immediate child care options.

—Boulder & Lafayette Ages: 3 -6 years
E: info@thornenaturepreschool.org W: www.ThorneNaturePreschool.org
PromisePreschoolChristian 76th St Boulder, CO 80303 Located on the border of Boulder and Louisville, Promise Christian Preschool strives for academic excellence in all areas while achieving our mission of teaching every child that they are personally known and loved by God and created in His image. Through small class sizes and age appro priate curriculum, each child is encouraged to grow spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Promise is entering its 30th year of educating children in Boulder County. Contact us today for a personalized tour!
Hours & Days: August – May school year, June – August Summer Camp. Days: M-F, 2/3/5-day options. Hours: 9am - 1:30pm, extended care available. Licensed. Thorne Nature Preschool is built on the simple belief that kids grow better in na ture. Our preschool offers a unique early childhood education experience where young children go to learn, grow, and reach their full potential through daily immersion in nature with caring, attentive mentors. With dual goals of nature connection and fostering the development of the wholechild, Thorne Nature Preschool prepares young children to succeed in school and in life.
bouldercountykids.com • 29 Sunflower Farm Preschool and School Aged—LongmontProgram Sunflower Farm School-Aged Program School-Aged School Year Program from 8/15/22-5/26/23, Ages 5-8, 9-3:45, choose 1, 2 or more days. Please visit our SchoolAged Program Page: Choose8:30-12:30from&Preschoolerfarminfo.com/schoolagehttps://www.sunflowSproutHouseProgramAges3-5Pre-KindergartenProgramages4-6,8/15/22-5/26/22,HalfDayProgramorFullDayProgram8:30-4:00.Mon/Weds,Tues/Thurs,3days,4 days or 1 Full Friday. For registration for the SproutHouse Preschool Program, prices, and more detailed information, please visit our SproutHouse Preschool sprouthouse-preschoolhttps://www.sunflowerfarminfo.com/webpage: W: www.sunflowerfarminfo.com P: (303) 774-8001 Sunflower —BoulderPreschool 3340 Dartmouth Ages: 2.5 - 6 years Hours & Days: Year-round. Call for hours. NOW ENROLLING. Licensed. Celebrating 40 years, Sunflower Preschool is now a certified Nature Explore Outdoor Classroom, National Wildlife Federation certified wildlife habitat, as well as PACE certified since 2008. Sunflower Preschool, which opened its doors in 1981, offers a small, eco-friendly, play-based, hands-on, nurturing environment, where children learn through exploration and discovery. At Sunflower, our classrooms are Mon tessori-based with a science and nature emphasis. The teachers are well-paid professional ECE teachers who have been a part of the Sunflower staff for years. Please come and take a look at our unique children’s science museum as well as the multisensory outdoor environment. E: sunflowerpreschoolboulder@gmail.com W: www.sunflowerpreschoolboulder.com
P: (303) 666-9874 W: promisechristianpreschool.org E: promisechristianpreschool@gmail.com CARE
P: (303) 494-2012 C: Marisa Ellman ThornePreschoolNature
P: (303) 499-3647 ext. 106 C: Lorene Wapotich

30 • bouldercountykids.com CHILD CARE DIRECTORY
TLC Learning—LongmontCenter 611 Korte Pkwy, Longmont 80501 Hours & Days: M-F. 7:30am -5:30pm (fulland half-day options available) About TLC: We’ve been nurturing success in all kids for over 65 years! Our childcare, preschool and therapy center focuses on helping kids of all abilities develop the cog nitive, physical and social-emotional skills they need to thrive in school and beyond.
E: lstratton@learningwithtlc.org W: LearningWithTLC.org P: (303) 776-7417 C: Lisa Stratton, Educational Services Manager
C: Amy Carr, Program Director P: (303) 666-1950 W: treehouselearning.com E: admissions@treehouselearning.com
Treehouse Learning 175 N. 96th St, Louisville, CO 80027 Ages: 2 months- Kindergarten Hours & Days: Full-Time: M-F, 7:30amTreehouse5:30pm. Learning provides quality care and intentional, respectful, and optimal experiences that lead to learning. Now in its 25th year of operation as a fami ly-owned-and-operated business, Tree house Learning helps people thrive by building belonging and community in order to co-create the world we want to be part of. Our play-based curriculum inte grates research-based, responsive prac tices for high-quality early childhood care along with enrichment specials such as art, music, language, movement, social-emo tional learning, and brain integration via Brain Gym. Our Whole Child approach supports the integration of academic, in tellectual, emotional, and physical growth and development through intentional invitations to engage and explore the world through play. Our in-house nourishment and nutrition program provides chef-pre pared meals and snacks with vegetable gardens throughout our campus.

Kimberly Blaker is a freelance writer. She also owns an online book shop, Sage Rare & Collectible Books, specializing in out-ofprint, scarce, signed, and first editions; fine bindings; ephem era, and more at sagerarebooks. com by Kimberly Blaker
Ask the neighborhood to join you in a carved pumpkin contest. You can schedule a date and time when everyone will meet with their pumpkins at your home or a neighborhood park. Suggest everyone who participates pitch in $2 per pumpkin for a jackpot. To keep it fair, allow only one pumpkin per child. Prepare numbered cards in advance so each pumpkin will have its own number. Then have everyone fill out a voting slip. The carver of the winning pumpkin gets the jackpot. You could also pass out small goody bags for all the kids who participate.
to Are you looking for some fun new ways to celebrate Halloween with your kids this year? How about a neighborhood contest? Costume contests are just one of the many options to get everyone in the spirit. So read on to see if one of these wicked ideas grabs you.
Craziest Costume
Invite everyone in the neighborhood to join in a decorating contest. You could have a few categories such as scariest, cutest, silliest, and best overall. Set a decorating deadline for October 21st. Provide delivery instructions on the flyer so every house in the neighbor hood can vote for the addresses they like best. Also, mention that neighbors should view all the homes after October 21st and deliver their votes to you by a specified date. Ask some of the participating neighbors to help you make up fun ‘Scariest House’ and other signs. Then post them in the yards of the winning homes.
Scariest Scarecrow
Hand out flyers to everyone in the neighbor hood or on your street to hold a Halloween game day. Ask each participating house to set up a Halloween kids game in their front yard. Participating homes can give out small prizes such as stickers or treats to each kid who plays their game. Kids can wander the neighborhood playing games for the afternoon. When they’re done, have each child fill out a ballot for the most fun Halloween game. Then post a chilling homemade sign in the yard of the winner.
Ask your neighbors to participate in the scari est scarecrow contest. To keep the scarecrows safe until voting, set a specific day when the scarecrows should be displayed in everyone’s yards. Have everyone in the neighborhood, whether they participate by making a scarecrow or not, hand-deliver their vote to you by the end of the day that the scarecrows are set out. Then deliver a fun Halloweenish home made yard sign to the winning home.
Hold a simple neighborhood potluck Halloween party. Each participating family should be instructed to bring a Halloween-themed food or dessert. Place a numbered card next to each dish. Then have everyone fill out a ballot for the cutest, grossest, funniest, and scariest food. Once the winners are announced, take photos of the families next to their creepy food. Then everyone can dig in and eat the yummy dishes and treats.
Fun Neighborhood Halloween Contests from Ghostly Goodies Petrifying Pumpkins
Funnest Halloween Game
Funniest Carved Pumpkin
Pass out flyers inviting all the neighborhood kids to meet at your house an hour before trick-or-treating begins. Give everyone a name tag when they arrive. Then, each child and adult can fill out a voting slip. Include best costume, scariest, funniest, most creative, and more. Hand out a special prize to the winners of each category. And don’t forget a small consolation prize for all children who participate.
Most GhoulishYard
Creepiest Food

Has anyone ever told you, “carpe diem” or “seize the moment”? These are two of the most common clichés people say when try ing to help someone with stress. Fall is a busy time of the year as we return to school and be gin the holiday season. Naturally, during this time of the year, our plates get extra full with planning events, get-togethers with family, and vacations. With our plates being full, our thoughts typically land in the past or in the fu ture which leads to extra stress. These pieces of advice usually don’t get to the heart of the matter and are unrealistic to achieve without a plan of action. Ultimately, the intention of these phrases is to assist peo ple with becoming present-minded. Thoughts about the past and future create fears and stress. However, in order to seize the moment, thoughts of the past/future need to be a mini mal presence in your life. It is understandable that these experienc es are difficult to ignore which makes being present-minded extra difficult. No doubt, be ing present is neither magic nor is it a coinci dence. It is rather the result of small, conscious actions that lead to a more clear, focused mind throughout the day. Having a clear and focused mind can turn into having less stress and anxiety. Here are 4 ways to help switch your thoughts to the present moment:
2) Identify things you can and can’t con trol: Unfortunately, you cannot control everything that happens in life. The way life turns out is most likely going to be different than predict ed. By focusing your thoughts on these two categories, 1) things you can control and 2) things you cannot control, can help shift you into the present moment. For the things in life that you cannot control, practicing accep tance will help you let go of the stress associat ed with the things that are out of your control. Creating a plan of action can help you conquer the things in life that you do have control over.
1) Slow your breath: One of the quickest ways to bring your thoughts to the present moment is by connecting to your breath. Notice your natural breathing pattern without judg ment. Take note of how your chest rises and falls with each breath. Try to increase the amount of time it takes to inhale and exhale. 20% of the oxygen you breathe in is used by your brain to function. Increas ing the amount of oxygen you have can pro vide greater clarity to the brain, helping you to think, focus and concentrate better. Seratonin is a chemical that is released when there is an increased amount of oxygen in your blood. Seratonin promotes a sense of happiness and a positive well-being. Therefore, the more oxy gen your brain has, the more likely it will boost your mood.
3) Focus on one task at a time: While in the moment it may feel more produc tive to multitask, constantly juggling multiple tasks takes your thoughts out of the present. Scientifically it has been proven that humans are incapable of actually doing two things at the same time. Initially, putting your full atten tion on one task can seem overwhelming, but over time you will find that you are more pro ductive when fully engaged in a single task.
Hunt for Moments that Keep You in the Moment This Fall
4) Be aware of your surroundings: Ideally, we would love to spend more time relaxing with our loved ones than stressing by Jamie Carr

- Something smooth - Something slimy - Something square - Something yellow - Something with more than 3 different colors out. Take a quick trip down the sidewalk or a lengthy stroll, the distance doesn’t matter, what does matter is the fact that you switch up your routine and become aware of your surroundings. Taking advantage of the natu ral beauty around us is another good way to cultivate present mindfulness. There are a lot of wonderful things going on around you, but if you don’t take the time to stop and smell the roses, you might miss out on something wonderful. Often, we go about through the day without ever stopping and looking at the world around us. Pause and take a careful look at your surroundings, then think critically about what’s going on. Here is a fun scavenger hunt to do with your child to become present-minded and less stressed this fall: Items --hunt:scavengerforAredleafApumpkin
- Water - Wildflowers - Spider web While these exercises might seem like a big deal at first, practicing them regularly can help them become easier to do. Being present ed-minded will have a massive effect on your well-being, relationships, and ultimately on the happiness in your life. Jamie Carr is the Founder and Artistic Director of Au thentic: Grooves, a perfor mance-based collective of artists rooted in eliminating preconceived notions and en riching non-traditional spaces and communities with dance. To connect with Jamie or see what dance is in your commu nity, please visit: bit.ly/Authen ticGrooves or check them out on Facebook or Stay@AuthenticGroovesInstagramGroovy!
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C: Jordan Walker E: jordan.walker@lafayetteco.gov W: Care-BASEwww.lafayetteco.gov/200/After-SchoolP: (303)-661-1288 4820 Nautilus Ct. North Ages: 2.5 - 8th grade Hours & Days: 8am - 3pm, middle school until 3:15 pm. After-school care and enrichment classes available. M-F, 3-day and 5-day options for Preschool. Licensed Accreditations:June-August/Camp.NAIS,ACIS,and Approved Middle Years International Baccalaureate School. Boulder Country Day School, where academic distinction meets education with character. BCD is a top-rated, accredited private school in Boulder, Colorado where every child has the opportunity to discover BoulderDayCountrySchool their own unique excellence. Distinguished by small class sizes, outstanding faculty, engaging academics and a focus on commu nity, our preschool, elementary and IB middle school teachers strive to create a well-round ed educational environment that balances traditional subjects with the arts, world lan guages, athletics and project-based learning.
C: Susan Boyle P: (303)-527-4931 x 248 E: info@bouldercountryday.org W: www.bouldercountryday.org Thirdman Bixby School Ages: Preschool - 5th grade Bixby School was founded in 1970. Our school is organized around the belief that children are unique individuals, each with their own abilities, interests, and needs. Our school design provides students with opportunities for healthy risk-taking and responsibility for choices, feeds children’s natural curiosity and intrinsic joy of learning, and cultivates critical thinking skills and mastery of concepts. Our shared core values are respect, responsibility, and empathy. Preschool-5th Grade, 3-acre campus, Student: Faculty ratio 7:1, Average class size of 7-10, Extended Day Available: 7:45am - 5:45pm daily, Hot lunch prepared daily (included), Indoor pool, weekly swim lessons, Progressive Education, Hands-On, Experiential Learning, 1st-5th Grade Follow Middle School Schedule. Our Teachers are masters of their subject and passionate about what they teach. Tuition Assistance is avail able for Kindergarten-5th Grade.
W: www.bixbyschool.org E: admissions@bixbyschool.org
34 • bouldercountykids.com
Expand your search for an educational institution by exploring the private school options in the Boulder County Area.
B.A.S.E. —Lafayette 111 W. Baseline Road Ages: 5 - 12 years Hours & Days: M-F from dismissal to 6pm, and on BVSD no-school days, full-day care 7:30am - 6pm. August-May. Jump into fun in our Colorado State Licensed BASE child care programs that meet the needs of every child. We offer a wide range of activities including arts and crafts, STEM, active play, sports and games, swimming, and much more. Children will have time for homework assistance and a few snacks along the way. Safety is our top priority, including following all COVID-19 guidelines in effect at program time. Children from Ryan, Lafayette, and Peak to Peak elementary schools are provided transportation at dismissal to the Bob L. Burger Recreation Center. Pioneer Elementary students will walk with staff from the school to the BBRC.

bouldercountykids.com • 35 Dawson—LafayetteSchool 10455 Dawson Drive, Lafayette Ages: K-12th grade Days & Hours: M-F, 175 days. 8am - 3:30pm, plus free after-school care. September-June / Camp. Licensed & Accredited. Boulder County region’s leading indepen dent, college-preparatory school, Dawson offers challenging academics, robust arts and athletics programs, and renowned outdoor and experiential education to students K-12. Small class sizes (average 15, with student/teacher ratio of 7/1); individual attention from experienced faculty; daily enrichment (art, music, PE, technology, language, library). The 107-acre campus features a new 25,000 sq. ft. Center for In novation, two full-size gyms and numerous athletic fields, separate K-5 playground, an Arts Center with 20+ offerings, and a Dining Commons with daily homemade hot lunch at no charge. The school is com mitted to the development of character, emphasizing respect, compassion, cour age, and integrity, and to social-emotional well-being. Engaged parent community. Preparing students to bring their best to the world for over 50 years. W: www.dawsonschool.org E: admissions@dawsonschool.org P: (303) 665-6679 Mackintosh—BoulderAcademy 6717 South Boulder Road Ages: K - 8th Grade For over 40 years Mackintosh Academy has been pioneering next-generation gifted education. Mackintosh Academy nurtures the keen minds and compassionate hearts of gifted and creative students in a caring community of learners so that they contrib ute to a world that needs them. Authorized IB World School, social-emotional learning, gifted and creative students, design/inno vation, service & global action, $26,150 (LS) and $27,140 (MS) with tuition assistance available. Maximum 10:1 student to teacher ratio. C: Jenny Strode P: (303) 554-2011 E: jstrode@mackboulder.com W: www.mackboulder.com PRIVATE SCHOOL DIRECTORY Friends—BoulderSchool South Campus: 5465 Pennsylvania (Pre school and Elementary), North Campus: 3800 Kalmia Ave. (Middle School/Teacher Prep Program) Ages: Preschool-8th Grade. Days & Hours: M-F. Hours: Preschool 9am-3pm (optional half day), Elementary 8:30am-3:15pm, Middle School 8:45am3:45pm. AfterCare and enrichment classes. August-May/Camp Program. A supportive community committed to ed ucating the whole child--head, hand, and heart. Social-emotional curriculum catered to each individual grade level. Experiential and integrated curriculum, emphasizing academics, problem-solving, creativity, critical thinking, and social responsibility. Exceptional specials including art, music, Spanish, library, technology, and PE pro grams. Small classes, low student/teacher ratios. Personalized Affordable Tuition. ACIS accredited, NAIS member.
C: Taylor Replane P: (303)-499-1999 E: admissions@FriendsSchoolBoulder.org W: www.FriendsSchoolBoulder.org
North Star Microschool 813 Nelson Park Drive, Longmont, CO Ages: Pre-K - 6th grade At North Star Microschool your child will experience an enriched environment catering to their unique learning style. It is modeled after the “one-room schoolhouse” with the aim of providing an educational experience that enriches children academi cally as well as socio-emotionally. Fran is an experienced homeschool parent, Colora do State certified educator, and daycare provider who hand tailors her instructional plans according to her student’s levels abilities. C: Fran Stuart P: (505) 629-9985 E: northstarmicroschool@gmail.com

Treehouse Learning 175 N. 96th St, Louisville, CO 80027 Ages: Kindergarten Days & Hours: Full-Time: M-F, 8:30 - 3:30pm, Before/after care available 7:30am - 5:30pm Treehouse Learning provides quality care and intentional, respectful, and optimal experiences that lead to learning. Now in its 25th year of operation as a fami ly-owned-and-operated business, Tree house Learning helps people thrive by building belonging and community in order to co-create the world we want to be part of. Our play-based curriculum inte grates research-based, responsive prac tices for high-quality learning experiences along with enrichment specials such as art, music, language, movement, social emotional learning, and brain integration via Brain Gym. Our Whole Child approach supports the integration of academic, in tellectual, emotional, and physical growth and development through intentional invitations to engage and explore the world through play. Both our indoor/outdoor environments provide classroom and cur riculum through intentional environmental design as a guided invitation to explore. We offer full-day kindergarten with before/ after care for a distinct group of distin guished learners. C: Amy Carr, Program Director P: (303) 666-1950 E: admissions@treehouselearning.com W: treehouselearning.com PRIVATE SCHOOL DIRECTORY

This fall season try and learn something new. Dis cuss these resources with your children and fa cilitate open communication to foster even more meaningful inclusion. These are great resources for throughout grades, classrooms, schools and tran sition! by Ms. Katie Buckley Katie Buckley is a high school special education teacher who teaches in a program for students with cognitive disabilities. She was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, before going to Texas to get her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Special Education from Texas Christian University.
Fall comes time for many transitions for families. Kids are transitioning to different grades, classes and even schools. As they transition, there comes time for even more support and learning oppor tunities with and about students with disabilities. Education is key as you never know who will be in your new grade class or even school this fall.
Avaz for Autism is an assisted communication system designed to help persons of all ages and abilities with basic and advanced communication needs. The app offers thousands of symbols organized into categories and subcategories, the option to type words, phrases and sentences, and the ability to add personalized symbols, pictures, sequences and to arrange them for quick access. Technology is a cornerstone of our world today and there are so many great apps and websites that help make the world more accessible for everyone! Digital literacy for kids is more important than ever today and these apps promote education and un derstanding through a digital format.
Integrated Love
Books The Many Mysteries of the Finkel Family by Sarah Kapit: Fans of the Penderwicks and the Vanderbeekers, meet the Finkel family in this middle grade novel about two au tistic sisters, their detective agency, and life’s most conse quential mysteries. I Am Not a Label- 34 disabled artists, thinkers, athletes and activists from past and pres ent by Cerrie Burnell: These short biographies tell the stories of people who have faced unique challenges which have not stopped them from becoming trailblazers, in novators, advocates and makers. Each person is a leading figure in their field, be it sport, science, math, art, breakdance or the world of pop. Challenge your preconceptions of dis ability and mental health with the eye-opening sto ries of these 34 remarkable people. It is so important for kids to see themselves rep resented in literature and furthermore, for them to see representation of other children different from them. Numerous read-alouds will help chil dren learn this and it will give various opportuni ties for discussion on whatever topic the book may be about. Furthermore, with the Fall’s opportunity to transition, these books are inclusive to various grades and reading levels. Technology Voice Dream Reader is more than a text-to-speech app. In addition to reading many types of digital files, it includes some outstand ing features that make it incredi bly useful to individuals with read ing disabilities, those with visual impairments, and people who are learning to read. Caters to everyone with individu alized support!
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38 • bouldercountykids.com Birthday Party at The Carousel of AgesHappiness : All What better place to celebrate your birthday than at the Carousel of Happiness! Enjoy the Carousel’s fun atmosphere with upbeat music from our Wurlitzer band organ and creative playtime in our do-it-yourself Puppet Theatre. Fees: During our regular open hours, $75/hour for the Party Room, option to reserve the Puppet The ater for an additional $40/hour ($25 deposit required). Party room rental includes 10 ride tickets per hour, ta bles, chairs, and a tablecloth. Maximum of 12 people. You are welcome to bring food and drinks and decorate the room as you wish. Additional tickets may be purchased at the front desk. The Carousel is also available to rent after hours. Call to discuss your particular needs and reserve your date for one of the best party venues around. P: (303) 258-3457 E: info@carouselofhappiness.org W: www.carouselofhappiness.orgbirthday party directory Find the best, most creative, and most accommodating places and programs to host your kiddos’ birthday parties. ABC BIRTHDAY PARTIES Ages: 3 - 18 years 1960 32nd Street Climbing Parties! Fun, low-stress, quality parties with ABC Kids Climbing. Includes games, activities, and climbing for kids of all ages and abilities. Hours: Monday-Sunday. Call to make a reservation. C: Staff P: (303) 443-5437 E: info@abckidsclimbing.com W: www.abckidsclimbing.com Birthday pARTies at Tinker Art Studio Ages: 3-15 years 693B S. Broadway, in the shops at Table Mesa. Celebrate your child with a Tinker Birthday Party! Book your party today and get ready for a party full of fun, art, and laughter. Visit us online to pick your project from our party menu, then get ready to cre ate together in the studio! We can’t wait to celebrate with you! E: tinker@tinkerartstudio.com W: www.tinkerartstudio.com P: (303) 503-1902 The Spot Gym Ages: 4 - 17 years Give your kid the adventure of a lifetime with our climbing birthday parties! We work with families to create unique and exciting parties that are filled with challenge, fun, and accomplishment. E: Programs@TheSpotGym.com W: www.TheSpotGym.com/Kids

What is an au pair? An au pair is an educated young person from abroad who lives with you in your home for up to two years, cares for your children and becomes a part of your family.
“Everything she does, it is with such enthusiasm. Plus she is an amazing cook!” “Our au pair is terrific—a thoughtful communicator, reliable, responsible and the kids love her.”
To find out if hosting is right for your family: Contact Local Childcare Consultant: Jen Rodehaver, Facebook:Jen.rodehaver@lcc.culturalcare.com303-956-6189@LCCJenRodehaver
“The program brings joy, mentorship, companionship, and cultural awareness in ways we haven’t been able to provide before. We highly recommend it.”
Here’s what Boulder County Parents are saying about hosting an au pair for live-in

W: www.sweetruckusgifts.com
E: SweetRuckusGifts@gmail.com
Grandrabbit’s Toy Shoppe Sweet Ruckus is proud to be celebrating our 4th year in the South Boulder neighborhood and in The Shops at Table Mesa! We offer a thoughtfully curated collection of wonderful gifts, phenomenal greeting cards, and paper goods. Please come vis it us soon to browse, laugh, and enjoy!
700 Ken Pratt Blvd. Longmont Once Upon A Child® buys and sells gently used kids’ clothing, shoes, toys, and baby gear. We pay you cash on the spot and pro vide a convenient way to recycle the items your children have out grown, giving those items a second life. Every day you’ll find an ev er-changing selection of top name brands at up to 70% off regular retail prices. Get paid and save for being eco-friendly!
P: (303) 494-5131
2525 Arapahoe Ave. We are an independently-owned, specialty toy store with three locations in the Front Range of Colorado. We carry a wide range of hand-chosen, educational and fun toys for gifts, holidays, birth days or any special occasion. We’ve been voted The Best Children’s Store in Boulder for over 40 years.
Once Upon a Child Skoy is a woman-owned business that started 10 years ago with a single product sold in local stores and has grown to a recog nized brand with a product line sold in North America and grow ing globally. We are proud to offer products that are superior to existing ones in the market. We always have the environment and the community in mind. Our products are packaged in the USA by people with disabilities. Skoy offers sustainable cleaning products that will revolutionize your home.
E: webmedia@grtoys.com
Sweet Ruckus A family-owned boutique where childhood is cherished one mile stone at a time. We’re located in Historic Downtown Louisville, not too far from Denver and not too far from Boulder. Our carefully curated collection of products celebrate the innocence and play fulness of childhood. Our handpicked selection of clothing is de signed for size newborn to size 8 for boys and size 16 for girls. Take a look at our newly expanded shop and see what all the fuss is about! P: (720) 485-3129
W: www.skoycloth.com/ E: info@skoycloth.com P: (800) 990-4757 Skoy Cloth Support local businesses while shopping for unique gifts, everyday items, and more! gift giving directory
P: (303) 443-0780
Pitter Patter
P: (303) 772-5437
40 • bouldercountykids.com

Boulder CountyHead Start now hsenrollment@bouldercounty.org2022-23forenrollingtheschoolyear.720-564-2206 www.boco.org/HeadStart To enroll: Scan QR code with your phone toenroll or learn more To be eligible, children must be 3 years old by Oct.1, 2022. School starts Monday, Aug. 22. Register today! Head Start del condado de Boulder ahora se está inscribiendo para el año escolar hsenrollment@bouldercounty.org2022-23.720-564-2206 www.boco.org/HeadStart Para inscribirse: Escanee el códigoQR con su teléfono para inscribirse uobtener informaciónmás Para ser elegibles, los niños deben tener 3 años antes del 1 de octubre de 2022. La escuela comienza el lunes 22 de agosto. ¡Regístrese hoy!

Parents ImportantPlayRole in School Gardens
Iremember when I was a little girl how I loved to go outdoors and explore in the small but vibrant tomato garden in my grandparents’ backyard. I’ll never forget the first time I harvested a perfectly ripe cherry tomato; it was the essence of sun, soil, and nature all exploding in a juicy, sweet, concentrated pop. I was hooked! Gardens are truly a gift we can give to our children, and you don’t necessarily need to have personal access to one if your child has a school garden. Many schools do have gardens, but not all of them are maintained and used for instruction. Gar den to Table, a Boulder-based non-profit since 2006, has the programming and support to ensure elementary school gardens have what they need to succeed, including grade specific garden lessons complimenting the core curriculum. School gardens are experiential class rooms that engage students in a variety of subjects, from studying how plants need water in science, to connecting to social studies standards by harvesting let tuce for a school-wide salad day, to discovering hands-on how plants reproduce, grow, and interact with pollina tors and the environment. Students learn math applications by measuring plant spacing with rulers, and charting growth. As kids engage together and learn to care for these living things, they develop im portant life skills like teamwork, responsi bility, and patience. These gardens require regular care, and depend on the support of parents and guardians like you! As a longtime school garden volunteer (9 years), I en courage you to get involved and advocate for school garden programs. Supporting my school and teachers during garden lessons has been one of the most reward ing volunteer experiences of my life. Your child sees you in a volunteer role, you get to know their classmates and teachers, receive the benefits of fresh air and exer cise, build community and friendship with other volunteers, as well as learn valuable home gardening skills. If you prefer a more solitude role, join your school’s sum By: Leslie Norcross
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bouldercountykids.com • 43 mer stewardship list, and volunteer in the summer months for a few visits during a week long sign up, where you participate in weeding, harvesting, and even donat ing excess produce to local food banks, a meaningful opportunity to give back to your local community. Noshing on fresh, organic fruits and vegetables helps our youth develop healthy attitudes about nutrition and food, and volunteering in the garden also helps them (and you) get the physical activity they need for optimum health. Ways to get involved: Check our website to see if Garden to Ta ble is partnering with your child’s school. gardentotable.org/schools Inquire with your principal or parent organization about the school garden and how it is used with students. There are many ways to safely volunteer outdoors with your child’s classroom! Express your support for school garden programming to your principal, parent organization or district superintendent. Leslie Norcross is a volunteer and Outreach Manager for Garden to Table. Sign up to receive our newsletter to stay informed about trainings, camps and events. gardentotable.org/signup Donate to Garden to Table to ensure school garden programming continues at your child’s school and within the district more info@gardentotable.orgwww.gardentotable.orgdengardentotable.kindful.combroadly.FormoreinformationaboutGartoTable,checkoutore-mail

44 • bouldercountykids.com zonekids -fall -spot-time-video-fall-coloringcrosswordpagewordsearchpagecapsulestripsthedifference

bouldercountykids.com • 45 Karolina Grabowska

46 • bouldercountykids.com color in these fall leaves drawing by coloringpagesonly.com


48 • bouldercountykids.com VIDEOS PAGE Why are cockroaches so hard to kill? - Ameya Gondhalekar A brief history of dumplings - MirandaHagfishBrown-The world’s slimiest creatures - Noah R. Bressman & Douglas Fudge Trace the diverse and delicious history of dump lings, from their first recorded origins to their spread across the Asian continent and beyond. Dig into the genetic adaptations of cockroaches, and find out what makes it so hard to get rid of these tenacious creatures. Discover the extraordinary capabilities of hagfish, the slime-producing fish that has survived on Earth for over 300 million years. For some of the cutest culinary content. For the best plant-care tips and tricks! For some inspiration,imaginationconfidenceboosts,andsmiles.Somethought-provoking content from our favorite YouTube channel, TEDEd, AND a few TikTok accounts that are worth following!

bouldercountykids.com • 49 First Day of School Time Capsule Questions See page 10 for instructions on how to make your First Day of School Time Capsule! Then, answer the prompts below, cut them out, fold them up, then put them in your time capsule until the last day of school!! I write my name like this: I am most excited about My best friend is My favorite book is My favorite color is My favorite thing to eat for lunch is My favorite thing about school is What do you want to learn this year? What’s your favorite thing to do at recess? What’s your favorite after school activity? What do you want to be when you grow up?

2. You have to shuck it.
5. Made of hay. Don’t get lost!
9. Something to put on when the air gets chilly.
12. When frozen water falls for the first 13.time.What you bob for in water. 16. An orange gourd.
9. Something to put on when the air gets chilly.
2. You have to shuck it.
10. A statue for the birds. ACROSS DOWN A spooky holiday. Another word for fall. The process of gathering crops. The yellow thing you drive to school in. A notebook that you write your home work in. What you buy before the first day of 1. The most popular sport in America.
7. The adult in your classroom.
10. A statue for the birds. 11. What you carry your books in.
3. The activity of looking at changing trees.
3. The activity of looking at changing 5.trees.Made of hay. Don’t get lost!
7. The adult in your classroom.
BOULDER COUNTY KIDS FALL CROSSWORDBCK Fall Crossword 2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Across 4. A spooky holiday 6. Another word for fall. 8. The process of gathering crops. 11. The yellow thing you drive to school in. 14. A notebook that you write your homework in. 15. What you buy before the first day of school. 17. A break for play in the school day Down 1. The most popular sport in America.