4 minute read
growing gardens
Crowing Cardens Children's Peace Carden
Ages: 5 - 11 years
Days & Hours: Full-daysummer camps, M-F. In-person. Join us for an active week of summer camp and experience the wonders of our urban farm. Camp themes include Farm to Fork Cooking, Art and Enchantment, and Survival Skills. We'll tend to the garden, explore through the lens of art and science, and make tasty snacks from the bounty of our harvests. Read our full camp descriptions and learn about our other children's program offerings by visiting our website.
P: (303) 443-9952
W: www.growingqardens.org
Kinesis Dance
Days & Hours: PerformingArtsCamps,WEEKLYfor6weeks,9:30am-3pm,Before&AfterCareAvailable. KinesisDanceisoffering6weeksofcamps!YourchildcantakeaFULLDAYcampthathasbeforeand aftercareoptionsoraPARTDAYcamp!Joinusforasummerfullofdance,acting,arts,aeroandyoga. Yourchildwillbeabletoexploremanyartsandactivitiesthroughoutthesummer.Youcanregisterfor eachweekindividuallyorcreateapackage.NeedaPartDaycamp?JoinoneofourmanyPreschooland youth-themedcamps.JoinusforMovin'andGroovin'HipHopCamp,CreativeMovementArtsCamp,You Can'tStopTheBeatCamp,UnderTheSeaCamp,andmanymore Registeratwww.KinesisDance.com!
Living Arts Summer Camp
Ages: 6-12years
Hours & Days: Daycamp.8:30am-3pm.(Optionofaftercarefrom3-5pm).M-F.
AtLivingArtsSummerCamp,weofferyourchiIdthesimpiejoyofmakingthingswiththeirhands.Ina worldthatmovesfasterandfaster,weadvocateaslower,gentlerexperience,inabeautiful,outdoor settingthatinspirescreativity,connection,andbeauty.2023SummerCampsare11weeksinspiredbythe naturalworldandincludeIntrototheForest,Explorers&Mapmakers,ForestDwellers,DoYouSeeWhatI See,GreatCreekRace,MagicPotions,PreparingfortheBanquet,TinyWorlds,AnimalAwareness, RainbowHandwork&FineFeatheredFriends.
Longmont Climbing Collective Summer Camp
Ages: KinderCamp(ages4-7)KidsCamp(ages8-10}TweenCamp(ages11andup)
Hours & Days: 9am-12pmfor3-dayor5-dayregistrationoptions. Thissummer,theLongmontClimbingCollectiveSummerCampprogramkicksintohighgear!Our programsaredesignedforvariousabilities,ages,andexperiencelevels.Ourexpertcoacheswillensure yourclimberhasablast,whilealsogettinginafunworkoutandanexcitinglearningexperience.
E: info@lonqmantelimbinqcollective.com
Longmont Museum
400 Quail Road, 80501
Ages: 5-13
Hours & Days: Daycamps.June-July,M-F. CampattheLongmontMuseumisfilledwithadventureandfun!Joinusanddiscoverhistory,art,music, culture,science,andmoreinthesehands-oncamps.Mostcampsaverage$12/hourorless!Scholarships available.
Mackintosh Academy - 2023 Specialty Summer Camps
AtMackintoshAcademyBoulder,webelievesummersshouldbeaboutyourchild'spassions,being creative,anddigginginthedirt!Thissummerweareofferingspecialtycampstofillyourcamper'swildest dreams.Wehavespecializedcampsthatallowstudentstocreatetheirownindividualizedexperiences withbothhalf-dayandfull-daycampoptions.Wearelocatedon23beautifulacreswithpanoramicviews oftheFlatirons.Mackhasawonderfulplayground,outdoorspaces,lowropescourse,andapondand streamforhands-onexplorationandfun.
Formoreinformationortoregister,gotomackboulder.com.Forafulllistofcampdescriptionscheckout ouronline2023campbrochureinQuickLinksonourwebsite.
E: enrichment@mackboulder.com
Miss Joanie Drama - Boulder
Ages: 4-11years
Hours & Days: M-F.8:30amto4:30pm.
Usingathemespecifictoeachweek,childrenareguidedtocreateadaptationsofplayfromfavoritestory books.FromDr.SeussandfairytalestoFancyNancyandanimalstories,imaginationsrunwildaswewrite andperformplayswiththesethemes.FreeperformanceseachFridayforfriendsandfamily.Laugh,play, exploreandperform!Summerweek-longsessionsfromMay30-September2,$350/week.Equipment needed:waterbottle,lunch/snacks,sunscreen.
E: joanie@missjoaniedrama.com
Mudslingers Summer Clay Camp-Lafayette
Ages: 8 years and up
Hours & Days: M-F. Daycamp. Morningsessionsfrom10 am - 12 pm. Afternoonsessionsfrom1:30 - 3:30 pm. Summer Clay Camps. Our 25th year! One-week classes, $150 per week, per child. Fun, professionally taught clay camp in full-service studio. Children receive hands-on instruction on potters' wheel, slab, and sculpture methods, creating pieces to be proud ofin stoneware clays and high-fire glazes.
P: {303) 926-0996
E: info@mudslinqerspottery.com
W: www.mudslinqerspottery.com
Museum of Boulder
Join us this summer at the Museum of Boulder for a series of camps including Worldbuilding for Fantasy, Young Professional DJs, Campamiento Bilingue and Comic Book Camp! For more information and camp registration, visit our website.
W: museumofboulder.orq/events-cateqory/campsi.
Ages: Birth and up (Music Together® Mixed Ages and Private Piano)
Music Together® OUTDOORS in person. Singing, movement, instrument playfor Mixed Ages (0-4).
Siblings welcome with discounted tuition. Central Boulder Private Location. Also Individual Private Piano
Lessons indoors In Person or Online (ages 5 and up). Across the street from BCSIS/High Peaks Elementary. Following Covid Safety Protocol.
C: Jane Smolens, Director
P: (303) 579-8601, Text friendly!
E: jsmolens@mountainsongmusic.com
W: www.mountainsongmusic.com
Northern Colorado Fencers
1949 33rd Street, Boulder
Ages: 7 - l3 years
Hours & Days: M-F. 9 am - noon {l -4 pm on selectedweeks).
USFAcoaches. All the instruction/equipment needed for a safe and exciting experience. Runs most weeks throughout thesummer. Check out our website for camp/registration details and other great club activities! $195/week (multiple weeks/sibling discounts).
C: Gary Copeland
P: {303) 443-6557
W: www.ncfencers.org
Off Broadway Preschool
1235 Pine Street, Boulder
Ages: 2.5 -5 years
Hours & Days: June - August. M-F. 8 am - 5:30 pm.
Summer camp at Off Broadway Preschool means lots ofoutdoor FUN and ADVENTURE. Each week is a different theme with activities, field trips to local attractions and in-house challenges to entertain and educate your child. Splash days twice a week. Healthy snacks provided. Half-day, full-day and extendedday schedules. Choose your weeks or sign up for the whole summer for a discount. Call or go online for more information and the weekly themes.
C: Bethany
P: (303) 800-0324
E: info@offbroadwaypreschool.org
W: www.offbroadwaypreschool.org
Open Window Studio Summer Art Camp
7873 St. Vrain Rd., Longmont
Open Window Studio offers weekly summer art camps for ages 5-7, 8-12, and for teens. Each week has a general theme that is designed to spark imagination, experimentation, and creative fun. Our camps include painting, drawing, mixed media and clay. We have a large indoor studio and lots of outdoor space for play and creating art. We are located on a small family farmjust west of Longmont.
C: Page Zekonis
P: (720) 400-1319
W: www.openwindowstudio.orq
Parlando School of Musical Arts
Pursue your musical and theatrical passions with Parlando School ofMusical Arts! Our talented faculty teach students ofall instruments, ages, and abilities, including piano, voice/singing, guitar, strings, musical theater, and acting. We offer in-person and online lessons! Try a "Starter" or "Intro Pack" or dive into a full semester or school year of lessons! With over 60 faculty members, over 700 lessons occurring every week, and classes, performances, and workshops heldthroughout the year, we have something for everyone. Join our musical community and ignite your inner artist!
W: www.parlando.org
E: info@parlando.org
P: (303) 442-0006 lnstagram: @parlandoboulder
Facebook: Parlando School ofMusical Arts
Renaissance Adventures - Adventure Quest
Boulder, Denver, Longmont, Littleton, & Louisville
Ages: 6-17
Your child is thehero ofa mythic quest in an incrediblyfun, award-winning outdoor experience like none other! In small groups of like ages, childrenages 6-17 read maps, solve mysteries andriddles, overcome dynamic challenges, and battle using safe, foam swords. Adventure Quest summer camps are designed to develop teamwork, critical thinking, ethical reasoning, communication, and other skills for social emotional development. Highly-trained staff, and over 25 years experience make Renaissance Adventures a family favorite kids camp since 1995.
P: 303-786-9216
W: www.RenaissanceAdventures.com
Renaissance Adventures - Dungeon Delvers
Ages: 10-17
Join Renaissance Adventures for a tabletop RPG program that utilizes the Dungeons & Dragons® tabletop game system! Explore and create an adventure in the fantasy world ofone ofthe most popular tabletop roleplaying games. Play as a powerful wizard, crafty rogue, swift warrior, mysticalhealer, or another exciting archetype. The hero'sjourney is full ofchallenges-dangerous beasts, mythical monsters, negotiations, and mysteries to solve. Come play with RA's expert game masters and story crafters in one ofour in-person camps!
P: 303-786-9216
W: www.RenaissanceAdventures.com
Singletrack Mountain Bike Adventures - Boulder
Ages: 7-17
Days & Hours: M-TH
SMBA has been creating champions on and offthe bike through outdoor play, MTB skill development, team camaraderie, and fun in the Boulder County area for 30 years. We offer fun programming for all skill levels and mountain bike riding styles. Summer Day Camps include 4-day all girls and co-ed camps for newer riders ages 7-13. Team programs include weekly summer part-time or full time all day programs, as well as spring and fall after school and weekend programs for riders ages 8-17 years. Seasonal overnight Adventure Trips also offered.
P: (303) 447-8014
E: info@lertprograms.com
W: smba.lertprograms.com
Storycamp - Niwot
Ages: Grades 1 -7
Hours & Days: M-F. Full days.
Explore the forest, swing from trees, build obstacle courses, and bring your stories to life through aerial dance and stilt-walking. At Storycamp, with 38 acres ofopen space and a small wilderness ofcottonwood trees, we combine circus, primal skills, art, and theater into a nature-based program that is child-directed and encourages collaboration. Practice archery, fire-building, puppet-making, and take part in a woodland performance. We field trip to mountains, museums, and places to swim. Our teachers are experienced educators, artists, and bushcraft specialists.
P: (603) 770-3358
W: storycampdanqercamp.com