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growing gardens

growing gardens

Studio Arts Boulder

Ages: 6-16


Hours & Days: May30-Augll. Mon-Frieither9am-noonorlpm-4pm

Studio ArtsBoulder offershands-onclaycampsatthe Historic Pottery Labforkidsages6to16. Allskill levels willlearnnewtechniquesandcreateuniquepiecesineitherhand-buildingor wheel-throwing camps.Starting May30thru Augustll, campsrun MondaythruFriday, eithermorning (9amtoNoon)or afternoon (1pmto4pm)withtheoptionofaddingasupervisedlunchperiodontoyourcampregistration (lunchnotincluded).Thegoalofclaycampistohavefun, useourcreativity (andourhands!), andmeet newfriends.Thecompletecampscheduleandlinkstoregisterareatthewebsitebelow.

E: registration@studioartsboulder.org

W: studioartsboulder.orq/camps

Sunflower Farm WeeklySummer Camps


Ages: 5-10

Hours & Days: Weekdays, 9am-3pm

WeeklySummercampsbeginningJune5ththrough Aug.4thfor Ages5-10. (Registrationforsummer beginsonJanuary30th).Outdoor activitiesincludeanimalcareandeducation, plantingandharvesting, recycledandnature-basedartprojects, lawngames, talentshows, animalracesandgood old-fashioned outdoorfarmplay.Chooselweekormultiple- Monday-Friday. $500/per week.

P: (303) 774-8001

W: www.sunflowerfarminfo.com

Sunflower PreschoolSummer Camp

3340 Dartmouth, 80305

Ages: 2.5 -6years

Hours & Days: M-F.DayCamp. Part-time schedules available. Sunflower celebrates40yearsofconnectingyoungchildrentonatureandtheirinherentsense of wonder! TheSummerCampemphasisat Sunflower isonoutdoor activities andconnectingchildrenwithnature. Sunflower isnowaCertifiedNature Explore Outdoor Classroom, a National Wildlife Federationcertified wildlifehabitat,as wellas PACEcertifiedsince2008.Weenjoytakingwalksto Martin Park, gardening, waterplay, artsandcrafts, andlearningaboutnativeplantsandanimals. Pleasebringyour ownlunch, bathingsuits, andtowels.

C: MarisaEllman

P: (303)494-2012

E: sunflowerpreschoolboulder@gmaiI.com

W: www.sunflowerpreschoolbouIder.com

The Arts HUB

420 Courtney Way, Lafayette, CO 80026

Ages: 3-16years

The Arts HUBoffersartseducationprogrammingfor allages, year-round.Thissummer, childrenages3-16 canjoinusfor week-longormonth-longcampsintheatre, dance, andvisualart, includingtwofull-scale productionsofAnnie Jr. and Mary Poppins Jr. Campdatesandtimesvary. Wecan'twaittomake memorieswithyou!

P: (303)229-1127



ClimbingcampsatTheSpothaveeverythingyourchildneedstobuildconfidence, climbingskills, and friendships,underthesupervisionofourexpertcoaches.Thisyear, SummerCampsarebetterthanever, with6amazingthemestailoredtoyourclimber'sageandinterests.Joinearlyforthelowestrates.

P: (303)379-8806


Thorne Nature Experience - Boulder & Lafayette

Ages: 3-15years


Asatrustedoutdoorsummercampwithover60yearsofexperience, weknowthatKIDSGROW BETTER INNATURE!Ouruniquecampsfocus onoutdoor exploration, wildernessskills, andsomuchmore.Thorne campersfollowtheirpassions, buildconfidence, andlearnaboutandconnectwithnature, all while havingalotofFUN.Joinusforyourchild'sbestsummer ever!

P: (303)499-3647

E: info@thornenature.org

W: www.thornenature.orq/bouldercountykids

Tinker Art Studio

693B S. Broadway, 80305

Ages: 3.5 - 16

Hours & Days: Day Camps. M-F. Half-day. 9am to 12pm or 1pm to 4pm.

Join Tinker this summer in our beautiful South Boulder studio! Choose from a huge selection ofart camps for ages 3.5 -16. We are excited to bring back some Tinker staples including Wheel Throwing and Hand Building Clay Camps, Make &Play, Fairy Keepers Camp , Rainbows &Unicorns, Realistic Drawing andTeen Paint &Draw. This year our specialty camps include Unicorn-ify Camp, Clay Miniatures, Sleepover Camp, Castle Camp, Sewing Stuffies, and more! (Psst: Puppy Camp is also back by very popular demand!} Every day includes an art lesson, open art exploration,movement and time outdoors.

P: (303} 503-1902

E: tinker@tinkerartstudio.com

W: www.tinkerartstudio.com

Tinker @ BMoCA

Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art 1750 13th St, Boulder, CO 80302.

Ages: 5 -16

Days & Hours: Day Camps. M-TH. Half-day. 9am to 12pm or1pm to 4pm.

Tinker Art Studio and Boulder Museum ofContemporary Art (BMoCA} have teamed up again to bring a summer full ofart camps to BMoCA's beautiful space! Our fantastic lineup ofcamps include: Art at the Museum, Mermaid Ice Cream Shop ' , Under the Sea, Fashion Design Camp, Realistic Drawing, Teen Paint &Draw, and more. We have great options for all artists! Every day includes an art lesson, open art exploration, and timeoutdoors. This is the third year ofour Tinker@ BMoCA camps and we are thrilled to be back. See you at the museum!

P: (303) 503-1902

E: tinker@tinkerartstudio.com

W: www.tinkerartstudio.com

Tinker @ The Dairy Dairy Arts Center 2590 Walnut St Ste 1, Boulder, CO 80302

Ages: 5 -10

Days & Hours: Day Camps. M-F. Half-day. 9am to 12pm.

Tinker Art Studio and Dairy Arts Center have teamed up to bring a summer ofart camps to The Dairy! This summer's lineup ofsuper fun camps for ages 5-10 includes Pool Party Camp, Puppy Camp, Art Lab, and Unicorn-ify Camp (yes, we definitely made up that word, but don't you want to unicorn-ify things with us?! • ). Every day includes an art lesson, open art exploration, and time outdoors. This is Tinker's first year at The Dairy and we are thrilledfor this partnership. See you at The Dairy!

P: (303) 503-1902

E: tinker@tinkerartstudio.com

W: www.tinkerartstudio.com

Treehouse Learning

175 N. 96th St, Louisville, CO 80027

Ages: Kindergarten- 3rd Grade

Hours & Days: Camps offered weekly: M-F, 9 AM -3 PM, Before/after care available 7:30am - 5:30pm Treehouse Learning is now offering weekly summer full-day camp sessions forincomingK-3rdgraders. lmmersive &joyful summer camp programssupport whole-person development and integration via intentional,responsive, and respectful experiences. Nature designedchildrento learn year-round! Join us for a unique experiential summer camp designed to stimulate the balanced developmental needs ofthe whole child during the summertime via fun &positive experiences. Camps available for PreK or 1st-3rd mixed-age cohorts in weekly sessions that include project-based outdoor experiences, nature exploration, friendship-building, creative thinking, problem-solving, social-emotional learning, music, whole-body movement opportunities, creative arts, culture, field trips, STEM, gardening, cooking, and more! Chefprepared meals, even on field trips, and before/after care available.

C: Amy Carr, Program Director

P: (303) 666-1950

E: summercamps@treehouselearninq.com

W: https://treehouselearning. com

Warrior Playground: Awesome Ninja Obstacle Summer Camp

33 S Pratt Parkway, Longmont

Ages: 5 -13 years

Days & Hours: 5-day and3-day option available,9am -3:30pm.

Thissummer,let your kids bounce offour walls,not yours! Whether brand new to ninja obstaclecourses, or a regular obstacle-crusher,allskill levels will have fun,learn,andprogresstheirability-levelthroughout the week. To master skills safely andat an appropriate level,campers are grouped by age and experience, and learn/practice on authentic,fullscale ninja obstacles,just like theTVshow! In addition to our numerous proprietary obstacles,campers will learnthe classics such as the warped wall,salmon ladder, cliffhanger,quadsteps,wing nuts,andmore! Rest breaks and engaging group games are scheduled throughout the day to balance morehigh-energy activities,and campers will practice on obstacles both inside and outside.

P: (303) 458-1000

W: start.warriorplayground.com/summercamp

Wee Folk Forest Summer Camp

Ages: 2.5 -6 years

Days & Hours: Day camp. 8:30am - 3:30pm. Optional beforecare 8am - 8:30am & aftercare 3:30pm4:30pm. M-F.

At Wee Folk Forest Camps,we'llbe spending our mornings exploring our light-filledforest,and our afternoons beside our pond and taking adventure walks aroundthe land. Allll weeks ofcamp include a fun and balancedapproach to the day; blending activities with outdoor free play,collaborative group play, music,and storytelling.

C: Elizabeth

P: (720) 383-4406

E: info@livinqartsschool.com

W: www.weefolkforestkinderqarten.com/summer-camp/

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