Process Document
Jesse Martini Angelika Seeschaaf-Veres Design For Health INDS-3004-002 Thursday, December 14th, 2017
Assistive Objects for independent learning & play These solution were developed in close collaborations with instructors and occupational therapists for Beverley school children Age 4-12 with special physical and mental learning needs
Assignment Undergraduate industrial design students designed products for independent learning and play for elementary school students with special needs. Individual solutions were the focus of these products, each solution reflecting the particular interests and needs of each child.
Assignment Context Students designed for independent learning and play with teachers, speech and occupational therapists at the Beverley School, in Toronto, and design firm Co-Design. Beverley school supports children from SK to Grade 8 with special physical and mental needs. The project’s success hinged on collaboration with the range of experts working with children with cognitive and physical impairments in the design process. This collaboration enabled the effective translation of each child’s requirements for play for learning providing a learning opportunity that developed students ability to integrate medical and behavioral factors into the design as well as social and creative factors associated with enabling play.
This Project was created in Collaboration between Beverley School and the Industrial Design program at OCAD U With support of Co-design and the Research & Innovation office of OCAD U (REB 1794) September –December 2017
Many thanks to all the collaborators: Beverley school TDSB : Alana Grossman - Principal, Danjela Malobabic Vice Principal Beverley Instructors and occupational & speech therapists, big thanks to the Beverley children, parents & guardians. Co-Design:Facilitation of project collaboration and productionConnie Chisholm & Kirsten White
Industrial Design OCAD U 3rd Year Design for Health: Angelika Seeschaaf Veres - Principal investigator, curriculum developer & instructor Assistant Professor Ranee Lee - instructor Assistant ProfessorBeverley Dywan- instructor 3rd Year Industrial Design students 2017 Funded and supported by Research & Innovation office (REB 1794)
Design Inquiry Question: How can we create a mobile seat that allows our targeted user to get out of their wheelchair, and into the interactions with other children as well as allow him to experience places that are not wheelchair friendly? How can this chair be both modular as well as allow for the child to grow and not out grow the chair? How can this chair be tailored and adjusted to each specific users needs? How can it be universal but at the same time customize-able?
Targeted User
The student we targeted out product to at beverly school was Felix, we looked at his wheelchair and saw his limited accessibility and movements, there was also parts of his current wheel chair we found to seem uncomfortable as well as invasive. Felix however needs specific needs and adjustments to keep him up right and keep his posture. We wanted to give Felix as well as other children in wheelchairs with limited muscle tone the ability to get out of the wheelchair.
Felix- As he must feel comfortable and Enjoy the seat Felix’s Teacher Stacey- As she has to feel comfortable using it, and find the value in having him more mobile The Occupational Thearpist- Must find it to be an improvement of the current wheelchair, and have benefits not provided by the current wheelchair Felix’s Parents- As they will most likely be the purchaser of the product, they must see the value in having this product so Felix can interact and experence places that are not wheelchair friendly
Design Iquiry For First Model
Within this project we are working on solutions for how to remove the stigma around the wheelchair. One of the goals is to try and change the strapping system in which is used to hold the user in place to allow for better mobility as well as a system that is not as noticeable as traditional wheel chair belts. We first found issues with this in Room 110 of Beverly school, While watching over Stacy’s Class. Our Specific user F has Cerebral Palsy, thus making support and posture a major concern to our product. While observing our user at beverly school we noticed that the chair was modified from the father to help the child stay up right and not lean from side to side. This has to be rectified with a more comfortable manner that is conducive to spine health. The support device should also be easy to clean, as well as made from soft materials so that it is comfortable for the user.
Market Research For Week 7 Prototype Bumbo For week 7 looked at the bumbo seat, a seat designed for toddlers so that that can sit up right and be left alone in the seat whie their parent did other things in the same room as them. Then seat is designed to keep the child upright and comfortabel, it also stops them from putting them sleves in a position that could hurt them. The seat encompasses a deep, basket type seat to keep the child down and conformed to. There a s pummel in the seat that allows the child to no slide forward in the seat.
Week 7 First Model
The First model Produced for week 7 was deeply based around the Bumbo, it had the deep basket to keep the user back in the seat, as well as the pummel to stop them from sliding forward. The high back was the change and that was designed sepcifically for our beverly school user Felix, it was to mimic the plastic craddle he currently has on his wheel chair to stop him from leaning, through adding the cupped high back I thought it would be more comfortable as well as, better as the whole back was supposrted over just one side.
Week 7 Feedback Stacey’s Feedback (Teacher of Felix in Room 111)
Anna’s Feedback
- Pummel is important different density foam - Contoured to the body - Rework the strapping - Make the straps more central, pelvis area - Figure out different foam densities - Bolsters are very important must be dense - The 2 foam seat is a good idea - Must all be easily cleaned - Must reduced sliding, but can’t pull pants off - Combine designs - Bodily fluids - Car usage - Restaurant seating -The less control they have over their body the more straps you need
-Our pummel was there for the wrong purpose of a Pummel, A pummel is typically there to keep the child’s legs apart not to keep them in the seat. -She also told us how to focus in on strapping the child in, to go for the hips as they are the most secure and will help the most with posture - the was also the suggestion that is should be made in more than one piece so that it is easily changed to account for growth.
(Our Occupational Therapist)
This Feedback lead us to our Week 8 Models Carefully selecting the feedback of the 2 different experts, between Stacey and Anna, we had to pick which to work on, so in the end we chose to make our second model, a 2 piece model, that was more mobile in order to be taken with the family if they had to go where the wheelchair couldn’t. The Pummel was removied for a slanted base instead, that then lead to have it be used as the way for the child to stay in the seat as well as encorporate a harness. The material choice had to als be one that wasn’t slippery and didn’t allow for the childs pants to be pulled off.
Week 9
Week 9 Design Brief
Our Intent Is To Create A Mobile Two Part Seat That Allows For Felix To Be Taken Out Of His Chair, And Put In Any Other Chair. The Goal Is to Have A Supportive Chair That Can Be Taken To Places Like A Restaurant. We Are Trying To Make A Seat That Holds Felix Back In the Seat, Reduces Submarining, While Also Helping Keep Him Upright.
Week 9 Value Proposition
Seat That Allows A Child’s Family, To Have An Easier Time, Doing More Activites. Also Allowing The Child To Be Out Of Their Chair. Which Lends To Expandin Horizons And Giving The Oppourtunity In Which Is Not Possible From The Conventional Wheelchair. Doing All This While Still Creating A Safe, And Secure Place For The Child. Reducing Movements That Are Undesireable For the Child’s Posture.
Week 9 Prototype The goal for the week 9 prototype was to start to iron out the bugs in out models up to now using the feedback and design research. The model was to be in 2 pices so that it could be diassembled and portable. It also included a base that had a denser foam on the outside and a softer on on the inside, to allow for the child to have a basket to sit in like the Bumbo. The back was still contoured so that the child could stop from leaning to one side. It attached to any chair with straps so that is could allow for a better experience and more accesability our of the wheel chair. We also started to look at the possiblity of where the harnes would mount and how much harnessing would be require for the seat. This model also got a plastic liner over the foam so that it couldn’t be soiled, as well as removable covers that allowed for easy washing in the event of an accident.
Week 9 Photos
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Week 9 Feedback -lots of concerns about over all size, seat is far too long ergonomically, and student would be unable to bend his legs) -Stacie had mentioned a product for them to look it (that solves the problem better than what they are proposing) -She was adamant about this point…. -the product is “Go To”, found no the website “firefly friends” -also here she would like them to see the product description (As it highlights important features). -Student F must be at a 10 degree incline otherwise he slumps, present back is too upright -straps are very challenging to do up, and just don’t work. It should have buckles. -upper body needs straps -anchor point of waist belt situated poorly -very challenging project!
Along with this long list of feedback from the in class use with stacey, which from the video F never went into the seat due to the unsafe strapping to the seat, we got feed back from the co-designer Kirsten about other products to look at a mimic, Like the tote seat, another seat for childern that creates a highchair for toddlers using any seat especially all odd resturant seats. Now there was 2 all ready produced products out there that combined what the goal was. To create a portable seat that retained the posture of F, that was still supportive and safe.
Market Research Totseat Is a washable,squichable high chair seat, that wraps up to a package about the size of a smart phone. It allows mothers to carry is with them either in a purse ot a diper bag, that will then let them out their child in a chair securely with out having to worry about the resturant or place having a high chair. The important points to this chair is the univeral capabilities of it from fitting every chair type, to being washable come mess and accidents, as well as being highyl portable.
Week 11 Idea With this idea of the totseat in mind i decided to play with it and see how we could used this with what we currently had. so i decided to make a totseat with a pouch for our base pad, that allowed for the seat to be specific to the user’s needs for their siting and posture, but still be more compact and portable as the totseat. only isses where that it didn’t have the ability to strap and hold the child in place like the totseat once the pad was in, as well as it lacked the 10 degree angle that was needed by F.
Market Research FireFly Friends Goto Is a postural suport seat. Their value proposition for it is “the Light Weight, portable, postural support seat for kids with disabilites”. which is also very close to out goal in the end run of this project, it allows the child to interact with children from outside of their wheel chair, allows for floor play, as well as us in things like shopping carts. It has a secure harnessing system, along with padding and all the back support needed. The issues we found within the FireFly Seat were that the seat was not adjustable in all the ways users wanted, the straps where to short, the 2 sizes limited the useability when children were in the in between stage, as well as it didn’t allow for growth you got one size till an age then it was useless, we found these were the points we needed to improve on.
Design Brief
For our chair design we have to reinvent the Fire Fly Friends Go To seat system. Although it is a good design, the base seat, is not very supportive or comfortable. We would also like to see it be more fitting and not allow the child to slide in the seat. Another goal for the seat is for it to be adjustable for multiple chairs, as well as foe-fill all the requirements set out thus far in the reiterations. As to creating a more supportive back, achieving a 10.5 degree angle on the back support. We also need to find a way to create a base blank so that an occupational therapist can adapt it to the specific user. There will also need to be some leeway to incorporate the growth of the child as children grow very rapidly. All of this needs to be in a compact size so that it is portable for the family to use in settings outside of their house.
Value Proposition
The value in reinventing and hacking the GoTo seat is creating a seat that is customizalbe to every specific individual. Allowing it to be more than just a generic seat to support posture. Being Formed to each person allows it to be a safe alternative to a wheelchair, creating a seat that can be used on any other seat. Thus allowing the child to learn, play, socialize and experience things in ways they never could from their wheelchair.
Design Criteria
Be Portable
Be straight forward to use Allow for adjustments as childs’ needs change Involve stakeholders: User, OT, Caregivers
Be bought in different colours Have different straps if needed Have a vareity of fabrics to stimulate the sense of touch
Be evaluated based on stages of growth
Be allowed in new environments with saftey certification: airplane etc.
Safe Secure Be better than current model Provide opportunity outside wheelchair
Technical specifications & drawings
Technical specifications & drawings
Pillow back
Skeleton seat
Pillow back
Skeleton back
Technical specifications & drawings
Bill of Materials Parts: Skeleton (includes frame for back, seat and pillow backs
Prototype material choice: MDF 1/2’’ to 1’’ :
Product material: HDPE 3/8’’ :
Process for manufacturing: 3 axis CNC milling
Material Costs
Projected Material Costs
Time Elapsed: 30/hr x 1 hr = $30
MDF: 1/2’’ x 7.1 BF x $1.29 (1/2’’) = $ 9.46
0.375” x 48” x 48” Black HDPE Sheet = $85.92
Total: $30
MDF: 1/2’’ x 1.69 BF + 0.75 BF x $1.29 (1/2’’) = $ 3.15 = $12.6 Supplier: OCAD U Total: $22 Material Suitability For prototyping purposes, MDF is cost effective, sands and finishes well.
Supplier: Total: $85.92 Material Suitability HDPE is chosen for its impact resistance used in its application as a portable device that will be subject to wear and tear aswell as its strength and light weight. It has corrosion, temperature resistance and a chemical-resistant barrier making it suitable for resisting bacteria and mold (dirt and spills) It is low cost and is used in application similar including folding chairs and tables It is an effective material for molds and rapid prototyping. Due to the many parts, rapid prototyping is a more cost effective solution than producing 6 molds for injection molding costing tens of thousands of dollars.
Bill of Materials Parts: Foam pillows
Prototype material choice: pillow foam and crosslink foam (1”)
Product material: neoprene (soft) and Polypropylene (structure)
Process for manufacturing: cutting and laminating foam to template
Material Costs
Projected Material Costs: based on our prototype (sizing would varry based on specific user needs)
Time Elapsed: 2.5 hr/ $40/ hr = $90
Crosslink: 1’’ x 7.1 BF x $1.26 = $ 9 Supplier: OCAD U Uline Soft Foam Sheets - White, 1” thick, 12 x 12” $2.50/EA x 4 = $10
Polypropelene Sheet: Polypropelene Sheet: Plaster for molds: Material Suitability
Supplier: Uline
Based around the system of manufacturing orthodics, a structure material and softer material are needed to achieve support in our device. The chosen materials for real manufacturing have worked for orthodics and are also best for our application.
Supplier: Uline
Total: $19
For prototyping purposes, Crosslink foam provides structure while the pillow foam provides comfort. Both are expensive but reduced when bought in bulk.
Needed is a first a plaster negative mold, which is then filled and a positive cast is created. Polypropylene is then brought to extremelyhot temperatures and pressed against the mold. A softer material like neoprene is then added to the formed polypropelene and the cushion is created. Adding the pillow backs with screws, the pillow is ready to be inserted into the skeleton frame.
Bill of Materials Craft Foam
Supplier: Leather Supply Depot
Supplier: Leather Supply Depot
Supplier: Lee Valley 474ml (16 fl oz)
Quantity: 1.5 m
Quantity: 1.5 m
Cost: $7.50
Cost: $7.50
Quantity: 1 set (would last for atleast 50 models)
Labour 10 minutes/ model Labour 10 minutes/ model
Total: $22.50
Total: $22.50
Supplier: Fabricland
Supplier: Uline
Quantity: 2 meters
Quantity: 1.2 Sqft
Cost: $14/m
Cost: $3.75 Labour: 1/2 hour
Tooling: Sewing: 2 hours, Cost: $51.50 + 30 minutes Labour Cost: $30/hour labour Total: $51.50
Seat Belt Webbing
Supplier: Leather Supply Depot
Supplier: Leather Supply Depot
Quantity: 3
Quantity: 5 yards
Cost: $5.00 Labour: 1/2 hour
Cost: $12.50 Labour: 1 hour
Total:$ $20
Total:$ $20
Total:$ 42.50
note: labour is based around $30/hour
total based on prototype: material = labour = $428 projected manufactured cost including materials, labour, OT time, specialized plaster casting technician = to be determined.
Material choices:
craft foam used to avoid shear and pad nylon webbing. Tyvek is used to waterproof pillows in anticipation of spoiling (still breathes) velcro in addition to the slotting system allows caregiver to insert pillows securely and effortlessly.
End Result
End Result
Story Board attach seat to chair with buckles
place cushion on seat
insert back into seat
seat cushion secure
Story Board making sure back is stable in seat slot
insert other pillows
attach chest strap last
device ready for user to be placed into
attach shoulder straps first
Specfic User Journey Step 1. The parents first decide they want a portable, postural seat for their child. The child is then measured to see what size seat they need. once that is done the seat is ordered. This inital seat that comes is the current FireFly Friends GoTo seat fitted with pressure sensors. Step 2. After the seat is use by the child for a week the occupational therapist is given the chair to see the pressure sensor data. From that data she makes adjustments to the foam densitys in certain pads of the GoTo seat. Along with this the specific pieces of the chair are tailored to the needs of the child, like if more support is need in the head a curved head rest can be ordered.
Specfic User Journey Step 3. The generic skelton for the chair is selected, then the individual pieces are made for the chair for that individual client. The seat is then shipped out to the customer and in the packaging that it was shipped in the client can shipp back the generic model so it can go to another customer for test fitting. Step 4. Now the chair is to be used anywhere and anytime , it is created to give the indivdual a supportive seat tailored to their needs. As the chair is interchangeable through the generic skeleton, the occupational therapist can change parts and densitys of foam as the childs needs change.
Specfic User Journey Step 5. Lastly due to the possible custmizablilty, as well as interchange able parts the seat can grow with the child allowing for it to be a big purchase one time, then relatively afforable to change and replace parts. All the interchangable compoents are made to be durable and last, they are also covered in plastic inside to be spill resistant, as well as have easy to remove, washable covers.
Evaluation & Reflection The final outcome of our seat did match up with out design criteria it was a portable seat, that allowed customization to each user with their specific needs, alone with being straight forward and self explanatory. It allowed for an occupational therapist to provide input and adjust the seat so that it could best suit the child. And it did start the ball rolling for more applications of the child outside of their wheelchair. Through this project I learned that there is nothing easy about designing for health and so many little things you can look over easily because you don’t fully understand all the little things that you think are safe but really aren’t. There is also the importance of researching products and seeing what is already on the market and the decision to compete with this product or hack it to improve it. The last take away is always study chairs when trying to make a seat that goes over a chair even though they are all different most have the same radius to make a base more secure. I think the success is in the idea of the seat that is fully customizable, allows the child to grow in the seat and is better than the current model for those in-between ages and different body types. The improvements i would make is on how secure everything is from the base to the chair to how the back fits in as well as hoe the cushions are secured to the skeleton.
Project Planning
Project Planner Select a period to highlight at right. A legend describing the charting follows. PLAN START
Pain Points Concept Drawings
Initial Mock up
Prototype 1
Design Research
Prototype 2
Design Research
Prototype 3
Design Research
Prototye 4
Meeting at beverly school
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80%
Plan Duration
Actual Start
% Complete
PERIODS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Actual (beyond plan)
% Complete (beyond plan)
Movie Making The project started when we noticed flaws in F’s wheelchair. From there we widened the lens and realized the opportunity space was in an offering that allowed F to learn, play and participate in environments outside of his wheelchair. Through our market research, we discovered the firefly goto seat which provides mobility to children otherwise bound to their wheelchairs for support. Their product works but we found, as in F’s case, standardized dimensions for a product just wouldn’t meet the special needs required. The system we are proposing is based around a portable Skelton made of HDPE that is lightweight, cost effective and provides resistantance againt bacteria. The frame and custom pillows and seats support the user in ways standardized ones could not. Based around the system used for orthodics, a plaster mold is taken of the user’s back and seat and then cast as a positive. This information is overviewed by an OT who can suggest where additional neoprene padding can be added around the harder plastic used for the structure. This information and the positive molds are sent back to firefly for manufacturing.
Movie Making
By having a portable seat that can be securely attached with the buckles provided, this concept lends itself to creativity. While we can suggest its uses In restaurants, classroom settings, birthday parties and outdoor activities, the person using the device and their caregivers and optimally decide where this product can exist where a wheelchair could not. By offering a product that is specific to each user, Firefly can broaden its market and meet the needs of anyone interested in a mobile postural seating device.
Evaluation The design was well received in the end and did meet my exceptions. It fill all the super important criteria that we initially set out to create. The goal was to create a better version of the Firefly GoTo seat that could be made for a single user instead of generic in size and we created a system that does just that. Allowing children new ways to learn, play and socialize. The chair looked sleek, had an appeal to it, created a welcoming and comfortable seat for anyone in the prototype. The changes to be made are work on the base and make it more form fitting and less wobbly, as well as create a mobile back so that the chairs angle can be Project Planner Select a period to highlight at right. A legend describing the charting follows. Week: 1 Plan Duration Actual Start % Complete Actual (beyond plan) % Complete (beyond plan) ACTIVITY PLAN START PLAN DURATION ACTUAL START ACTUAL DURATION PERCENT COMPLETE PERIODS 1 Meeting at beverly school
10 11 12 13 14 15