Video Game Streaming
Jesse Martini 3149486 Alexander Manu INDS-3002-002 11-22-17
TABLE OF CONTENTS Where were we then?......................................3 Where are we now?.........................................5 Technology.......................................................7 People............................................................10 Where Could it go?........................................13 Partners.........................................................15 Sources.........................................................16
Where were we then?
Currently we are in a world where we stream everything, TV, games & music, but nothing is more popular than content created by users. People want to follow you see what you are up to it’s almost like their life is more interesting than yours. People will watch hours of live streaming of their favourite celebrities or in this case gamer. Twitch is the current mega hub for live video game streaming.
Now imagine this, you just lost your job, you are doing anything to get by, you have always had a hobby at gaming, and you hear about this new platform to which compelling gamers draw a crowd that then subscribes to them. You decide it is worth a shot, eventually after hours and days of playing you have a following. This community talks to you through a chat window and you, respond via your gaming headset, keeping them included and interested in your opinions.
Where are we now?
So now that you are a big shot, you have a following of a couple thousand people that tune into your schedule just to watch you, how can you capitalize? Well people like video game developers, fast food restaurants and drink company’s see nothing but dollar signs from you. Using your following to promote their products. You have value to them.
Who Else Sees This Value?
Well talent management agencies, they see you as a celebrity, they see how many company’s want deals with you and what better way to make a cut than to get you the best deal and have their lawyer look over the contract. But how do you pick the agency to go with?
With this growth of content streaming companies like O.P.G (Online Performers Group), are popping up to manage these gaming personalities. Companies that offer incentives like trademarked software that can track and calculate the best time slot for you to play. They have designed widgets that track and rank which game is the best for their client and what time to play to maximize views. They have even figured out a system to allow you to have days off and not lose money.
Let’s Get Technical
Currently, your favourite Gamer has a set schedule of when they are online, you follow this, subscribe, are interested just watching on your computer, commenting in the chat listening to the opinions of your online hero. Essentially right now all you need is a screen that is connected to the internet and a keyboard to immerse yourself and enjoy created content.
But what about all the new tech coming out. You have 360 cameras, VR headsets, Haptics vest. All already on or close to being on the market, yet untapped in the streaming world. Web 3.0 that is supposed to be socially sourced information, and the internet of things gaining momentum to a connected everything. What if objects became self aware and new their tasks what would we do with our time? What if it could be more in depth?
People Want Two Things
To Experience New Things
& Do Nothing
Where is This Going?
Imagine you wake up your house tells you Good Morning, the news, your social media updates, all as you get ready and brush your teeth. In your mirror you watch news videos. You get downstairs, your break fast is ready, you continue to cruise through your morning ritual. You virtual Assistant reminds you that your days is clear and that your favourite Web personality is about to start streaming, you make your way to your media room.
Strap on your HTC vive, get on your haptics chest plate, and jump in to the game. You are now seeing the digital world of your icon, your conversation with them is carried out through your microphone. Although you can now see all that they see you can look around, you can feel the damage taken by the players character. You experience their game play as though you are actually witnessing it in real life.
As for Partners, Twitch would have to be a major one as the platform is already there to expand on. We could incorporate Spotify in order to add a soundtrack to the gamers channel and give a little variety with in the game soundtrack.
As for the VR Headset there are lots of options out there, everyone from Sony to HTC has one so it’s a mater finding the best for our application. The Hardlight VR suit is what this experience is based around so getting them on board is important.