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POSITIONING a graduation report Martina Karklina BA(Hons) Graphic and Media Design London College of Communication 2011

Where and why might you position yourself in relation to the following? industry culture geography philosophy ethics history

Industry - Design industry. Culture - European, northern countries, pagan Geography directly relates to culture. Philosophy - I will never design something I do not agree with unless I am getting paid for it, and even then I will turn around philosophical issue about “Why?” Ethics - What is ‘ethics’? (after all it is useless word). History - Yes, I want to be popular, even better significant. But only after I will die. I don’t see my life depending design wise on money. I love art and design, and to announce price for it would be cheating. I see purpose of my life depending on design, thinking, art, making things better, helping people which goes into magic circle where I see myself as a professional designing for them in exchange for reward.



• Discuss in broad terms the relationship between your studio projects and dissertation subject • Reflect on your progress through your design education

For my dissertation subject I chose theme about logos. I found logo design in close pace going with innovation and branding. Psychology and perception playing role in designing such simple and small objects as logos. Further came project briefs one by one. All of projects led my thinking to research and observing at first, and then to making complicated things to be easier understandable. Hardest task was how to deliver outcome to people, so they could understand it easily and be delighted of what they’ve got, read or saw. At some point I felt that I’m passionate about educating myself, but who knows, may one will gain some knowledge out of my design works, too. I started my official design education as soon as I could. Having had much of education and working years behind, I knew that I wanted get grade in design and practical skills as this was requirement if I wanted to get work with people I don’t know. Then I could earn for living in the way I like. University proved me opposite: I felt that programmes and some members of stuff are there to make wonders come out of me. My thinking has opened since and I started believe in myself again. Practical skills were just up to me and I learned them by the way. No one knows what exactly will happen tomorrow, but I want to go throughout highest possible education in the field, I believe this could shape my missile thinking.

project 1

• Identify brief and scope • Explain project evolution • Summarise primary & secondary research activities • Reflect on successes/failures and significance for future practice • Explore the extent to which the project has answered a question or solved a problem



This studio set project asked to evaluate what the translation means. To make project more interesting, I looked for unusual translating; for human philosophy where it is employed in translating arbitrary things. Research led me to animal language and how humans adapt animal sounds to their own national language. End result was how people translate dog barking in different languages. Little disappointment arose when I didn’t know how to record the sound, to make an 3D installation with toy dogs barking in different languages. This resulted in making a poster. But, I believe, that I always get what I want, conscious or unconscious, I found on Internet retailer of sound recording devices. And little dogs are now waiting to be thought how to bark.


project 2

• Identify brief and scope • Explain project evolution • Summarise primary & secondary research activities • Reflect on successes/failures and significance for future practice • Explore the extent to which the project has answered a question or solved a problem



If I could choose between my children favourite one, it wouldn’t be right. But this one project has thought me much more than others. I did knew nothing about Greeks and their Gods, and to my big wonder, my son even knew from school who Pandora was. Well, I learnt, and as I learn, I was designing. I was drawing to understand, I was reading and relating, reading and comparing. Comparing religion against religion, humans against Gods, Names against happenings and so on. This project asked to design diagram for Greek Gods, which sounds daunting, because of the word ‘diagram’. But this hand drawn circle diagram or family tree, I made is lovely. I would love to make it even more precise, if possible, and to develop it further. I also found interesting website about Greek Gods. Then I copied bits of text, edited and added a little, so it suited my diagram and I made a book accompanying the Greek Gods diagram. This book gives opportunity to read about Gods, who their are in modern language style. I love this project as it touches one of my favourite themes - about Gods, humanity and existence.


project 3

• Identify brief and scope • Explain project evolution • Summarise primary & secondary research activities • Reflect on successes/failures and significance for future practice • Explore the extent to which the project has answered a question or solved a problem



This was self initiated project where I wanted to classify metal band logos to find out if they are different by the style of music the bands are playing, to see is it possible to tell music played by seeing the logo only. Project evolved much of research as many sources were referring bands to different sub genres. Finally I stayed with metalarchives. com, which was most relevant. Also themes of the lyrics and meaning of the bands name has played part. There again I came back to theme about Gods and Demons, as many band names were in relation with evils. So theme about existence, good and bad went in to continence. Its amazing how many people love these logos because of their look, its like loving fashion model not knowing her character. Evil thing. Following research of logos and their changes over time, I became sad, but it is happening, that many bands keep in pace with contemporarity and redesign logos to more modern style. This reason inspired me to make book in unusual for metal style.


project 4

• Identify brief and scope • Explain project evolution • Summarise primary & secondary research activities • Reflect on successes/failures and significance for future practice • Explore the extent to which the project has answered a question or solved a problem



The brief was set by ISTD. It asked to design new edition for E. Abbot’s “Flatland”. The rule was to express design typographically, and to deal with full contents of text. As this was my second self initiated project, I added rules that typography and text is the only thing that could be used for new edition with no drawings or illustrations. So I had to deal with the letters only! And the thing ‘Flatland’ is talking about is many dimensions. That led outcome to many-dimensional letter forms. I was fascinated about Abbot’s reflection of society in that time and comparing it to the figures in ‘Flatland’. The quotes came up as a main element and carefully chosen by me, the intention is to provide reader of quotes about the main issues in the book. Also positioning of the all text is in many dimensions. Text is fully readable if zoomed in or ‘unspinned’. This game was to ease busy people life, who don’t read everything, but just scan with eyes most important things in publications. So they’ve got quotes - for quick understanding of content and design - for feeling of ‘Flatland’.


• Set out your intentions for the future • Analyze how your body of work equips you for post-graduation


The best possible deal for me would be to work with people who think that apart of having great customers they enjoy and love designing as much as I do, or even more.


• Cite what drives your practice: influences, experiences, mentors, philosophies, ideas • Be self critical, not just descriptive • Refer to the contexts and practices in which you will practice • Use contemporary and historical references to frame your achievements and ambitions • Use Harvard referencing system • Examples, examples, examples

Bibliography is not a few excellent books read in last year. The content is made up from an every each day in last four years. This includes events and movies seem, people I met, talks I was listening to and blogs read. My view of the world is nearly formed and no many things can generally change it. However I enjoy seeing people who I consider to be more passionate about what they are doing and their views than those who are not.

CONTACT hello@martinkaurcrazy.com +44 (0)790 4499 779 skype: martina_art

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