Application requirements Applications for classification of children’s programs are made on the ACMA B13 form. The application form and tables 1–3, which list the application requirements for each classification category, including for renewal of classification, are available at ‘Assessing children’s programs’ on the ACMA website.
Do I need to provide hard copies?
To support an application for P classification, the ACMA requires three hard copies of all materials (for example, ACMA B13 application form, scripts, outlines, DVDs). For all other applications, only one hard copy of application materials is required. However, ACMA staff may request additional copies of this material if there are issues that require consideration by qualified consultants. Information about submitting material is in the ACMA B13 form.
Do I need to provide soft copies?
For all classification categories, an electronic copy of application materials should also be provided on disk or emailed to
How close to the final program does the sample material need to be? Sample program material submitted for assessment, whether scripts or completed episodes on disk, needs to be ‘true to type’ of all other episodes in the program.
In cases where the completed program is not consistent with the sample episodes submitted as part of assessment for classification, the ACMA has the power under CTS 15(3) to revoke the classification. See ‘Assessing children’s programs’ on the ACMA website for more detailed information about application requirements.
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