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Relax & recharge in a reading retreat
Relax & recharge in


The latest trend in home The latest trend in home and design? Creating a calming and design? Creating a calming ‘book nook’ where you can ‘book nook’ where you can unwind after a stressful day. unwind after a stressful day. Here, Pia Edberg, author of Here, Pia Edberg, author of The Cozy Life, shares The Cozy Life shares her easy how-to’s her easy how-to’s

“Setting up a cozy reading retreat or “Setting up a cozy reading retreat or book nook in a corner of your home is a book nook in a corner of your home is a perfect, easy way to escape the stresses perfect, easy way to escape the stresses of the world,” says Edberg. “It’s a place of the world,” says Edberg. “It’s a place where you can go and feel instantly calm. where you can go and feel instantly calm. When you only use this space to unwind, When you only use this space to unwind, it creates a reminder and you’ll feel a visit creates a reminder and you’ll feel a visceral response in the body.” Here, an armceral response in the body.” Here, an armchair is made even comfier thanks to a set chair is made even comfier thanks to a set of plush pillows and a soft throw. Adding of plush pillows and a soft throw. Adding a bookcase nearby and setting out a tray a bookcase nearby and setting out a tray of tea completes the vignette. of tea completes the vignette. “Choosing warm hues for “Choosing warm hues for accents, like the oranges and accents, like the oranges and reds here, uplifts.” Other ways reds here, uplifts.” Other ways to bring in color: Add supermarto bring in color: Add supermarket blooms, artwork and baskets. ket blooms, artwork and baskets.

For more tips: For more tips: Check out Edberg’s Check out Edberg’s book The Cozy Life, $15, Amazon.com, book The Cozy Life, $15, Amazon.com, or visit her website, PiaEdberg.com or visit her website, PiaEdberg.com

a reading retreat!


You can create a peaceful reading nook almost anywhere, but a spot near a window with ample natural light fosters a good, relaxed mood, notes Edberg. No built-in window seat like the one shown? Edberg says tucking a chaise lounge or armchair near a window will capture natural light well. To make your corner even more secluded and peaceful, add a privacy screen (like 4-Panel Room Divider in Cream, $60, Walmart.com). More quick ways to up the cozy factor: Mix and match colors and textures with bright pillows and throws.
“I love the idea of intentionally showcasing books in a pretty range of colors—this creates a visually pleasing ombré display,” she says. To get the look of this nook, paint bookshelves or a freestanding unit (like Room Essentials 5 Shelf Bookcase, $35, Target.com) a sunny hue; let dry. Next, arrange books together by color then showcase on shelves from dark to light shades, creating a gradient or ombré feel. Place a reading chair next to the shelf (pile on pillows and add a foot rest for comfort) along with narrow space-saving storage, like this old white ladder repurposed as a magazine rack. For extra flair, hang a piece of wall art and place a potted plant or two on a windowsill.

Deco & Style; Gap; Future Publishing Ltd. Text: Melissa D’Agnese
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