Essential Aspects Of Sewer Repairing Services. When the normal flow of wastewater is interrupted from your home that calls for a sewer backup, accumulating all forms of debris making your house a mess. Other reasons that can cause a sewer backup are as follows: 1. Age-old and rushed sewer pipes that have not been replaced for years. 2. A high amount of rain and snow entering the sewage system during blizzards and storms. 3. Sewer lines that have collapsed or are broken 4. Tree roots that have somehow gotten into the sewer lines 5. Pump blockage If you're currently experiencing such a damaged sewer and looking for Sewer Back Up In Edmonton then there might be no better service than PHS Disaster Services DKI who will help you in the cleaning procedure. Apart from sewer backups, they are also known to provide the best services of water damage at Edmonton, fire, storm, and flood damage as well. But before you hire the services of PHS, first understand why your sewer is getting clogged. Here are the reasons: 1. You might be using your toilet as a dumping ground, flushing wastes like diapers, sanitary pads, cigarette butts, or wipes. It is one of the greatest reasons that your sewer might be getting more and more clogged.
2. You might be throwing greasy trash like coffee grinds and other food waste that do not pass through the sewer system and get stuck there. In the rarest cases, there might also be a problem with the local sewage system that might be causing the blockage in which case you have to wait for the municipality to clear the mess up. At PHS, which has an experienced and skilled team of workmen, your sewer system will be cleaned within a short period of time. First, the area is dried up with the necessary equipment, then starts the elaborate process of cleaning so that all the unnecessary and foul-smelling dumps are removed, after which the whole area is properly sanitized so that there is no scope of bacteria sprouting and causing health diseases. In emergency cases, PHS will also clean and sanitize your entire residence, removing drywall and carpet, providing you with a safe and healthy home, devoid of germs. To avoid such sewer backups another technique is to install a backwater valve that will lead the dirty sewage water directly to your basement instead of the interior of your home when the sewer starts to back up. Hence, if you too are having troubles with the sewage system you can contact the PHS disaster Services DKI anytime as they are available to offer you service 24/7 and can even visit the official website to know more about the company and the other services they provide.