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This is by no means the finished artifact, it’s a mock up, a draft, a bunch of blurbs and ideas that have come out of my head (and the internet and a couple of books).

DESIGN CONTEXT Personally I find looking at billboards and advertsing more offensive than a naughty kid’s creative outlet in the form of a ‘tag’ on a wall in the city. The fact is the companyies who advertse through billboards and and mass advertising have money and money = power, they are telling me to buy a product or listen to a certain genre of music or buy into their latest insurance schemes. They are not asking me if I would like it or if you can’t find the one you want then get this, as where a tag in a city is a complete personal expression...... Surely this would connect on a human level a little bit more than a billboard carrying a completely made up message? It has got to the point where a piece of graffiti is more likely to connect with people or grab there attention than a billboard or mass advertsing campaign will. Many people believe advertsing is dead, but i would rather like to think it’s just the way it’s done is dead. More and more products, services, company are trying to connect with their viewers/audience through digital SOCIAL networking means, such as twitter or facebook or create interactive ad campaings through youtube etc. This makes the audience feel as if there a part of the brand rather than buying into. They’re part of the advertsing campign, they’re part of the brands identity, they’re part of the brand strategy. Which in turn makes them feel important. Within this book I want to try and see where branding, identity and advertsing is going. Will it get to the point where you can recognise something without labels or logos like a artist’s creative oput or will revert back to labeling every lifeless product you csn like Mugi or Ikea?

Things that I would like to look at are; The Era of billboards and enormous ad campaigns T-mobile adverts - customer interaction within brand advertsing. ( also look at brass & schwartz) and other customer interaction ads.ww OBEY - Minimal advertsing and maximum street cred. Good and Bad Identities An Identity should not be picked from a catalouge. You are unique so why aint your logo? Nike - My favorite brand.

Bibliography -The origin of brands: how product evolution creates endless possibilities for new brands -The 22 immutable laws of branding: how to build a product or service into a world-class brand

Question About Branding and identity put to those who do it. -What is branding to you? and what are the differences between an identity and a brand? -Do you think that a brand message is less important than they were? -How has the medium of social networking changed advertising a brand & do you think it still needs to be supported by original advertising methods? -Is creating a brand about telling people what they want or is it about making them become more involved with the brand so the customer is contantly interacting with the brand? -Are Brands becoming more personal trying to create less of a barrier between consumer and provider? -How do you go about creating an identity for a brand? -Where do you see branding & Identity going in the next 10 years?



A prime example of letting the consumer interact with a brand creating a succefusl/brand consumer relationship. Much cheaper than tv advertising and much more graceful than slapping your logo/product over everything possible.

On March 5, Unilever-owned Lynx put signs on the ground at Victoria railway station telling travellers to look up to a giant video screen. On the digital billboard, they’d see the famous “Excite Angels” literally falling to earth right next to them (note: it’s amazing how many people actually try and hump the angel). Brilliant use of augmented reality. Number of views: 307,686


A great example of how humour can play a part in creating brand awarness or promoting a new product. Yes it’s tasteful and yes its not rude but i still love it and felt attached to the little darth from the moment I saw him.

Created by ad agency Deutsch for the Superbowl, this clip features a pint-sized Darth Vader who uses the Force when he discovers the all-new 2012 Passat in the driveway. The score brought back fond memories for the Real Business team (The Imperial March by John Williams, in case you were wondering). Number of views: 34.9 million


Steve Jobs.

WOLFF OLINS. Across the developed world, consumers are becoming active, even activists, and brands their platform. It’s a less emotional, more practical relationship – people don’t love eBay, though they love what it allows them to do.

Since 1989, the Obey street art campaign has become an important urban phenomenon, subconsciously touching those well aware of their environment. Through the vision of Shepard Fairey, Obey has evolved into one of the most controversial yet influential symbols of the 21st century. Derived from Andre the Giant, a pop-culture athlete in the eighties, the Obey icon has been bombed in developed and rural cities around the world. Its ambiguous idea immediately sparks philosophical discussion and ultimately motivates the inner-person through active participation. With the help of Mike Ternosky and Erin Wignall, Obey Clothing continues to spread Shepard Fairey’s message through Men’s and Women’s sportswear fashion and one-of-a-kind accessories. Every Obey Clothing designed piece is cleverly thought out, attracting people of all genres and ages, reminding them of the days when “style” was a one syllable word. Men’s and Women’s Obey T’s, sweats, knits, Obey denim, belts, wallets and military inspired jackets and caps are all examples of what we are known for. Season after season, Obey Clothing has progressed into a brand that holds a huge amount of content and depth. To find a Men’s or Women’s store where you can buy Obey Clothing, click on the UK Stockists section on the menu bar. The Obey campaign can be explained as an experiment in Phenomenology. The first aim of Phenomenology is to reawaken a sense of wonder about one’s environment. The Obey campaign attempts to stimulate curiosity and bring people to question both the campaign and their relationship with their surroundings. Because people are not used to seeing advertisements or propaganda for which the motive is not obvious, frequent and novel encounters with Obey propaganda provoke thought and possible frustration, never the less revitalizing the viewer’s perception and attention to detail.



Nike; The Swoosh. Another name for a logo is a trademark or signature (Ryan 393). For Nike, the swoosh has become just that- a signature. With or without the word Nike underneath it, the general population can see the swoosh and visualize Nike. Regardless of the resemblance to ancient gods or to a check of excellence, the aerodynamic nature of the logo has played to the marketing and business success of the brand. However, the success of the swoosh as a visually rhetorical element takes a different angle. The rhetorical representation of the logo must communicate within one single image everything the organization wants the public to know about them. The logo is the heart of an organizations identity. It will show up on all products and publicity materials and must become synonymous with the organizations actual name. Besides the above stated requirements of effective branding, a logo must go one step further in order to be persuasive visually.


Nike Ads from 96’

If you have a body, you are an athlete*

to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.

“It’s not a single product model, nor a single manager, nor one ad, nor a single celebrity, not even a single innovation that is key to Nike. It is the people of Nike, and their unique and creative way of working together.”

– Phil Knight, Chairman of the Board, Co-Founder of Nike

Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.

To refresh the world... To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... To create value and make a difference.






There was an awful amount of attention brought to this ‘brand’ through the clever use of an identity. I would say it’s completely different from previous attempts and a bit too much for people to handle, but guess what? Now they’ve got used to it there not bothered any more which means Wolff Ollins have opened up the door to us, to make identitys how we want them to be not the boring safe stuff clients usual go for. Its been so sucessful that you could say that its not the olympics anymore it just LONDON 2012.

This another prime exmaple of allowing the customer/veiwer to be a part of the brand encouriging people to get invloved...... or is it just we have a small(ish) budget and it’s cheap getting you invloved cause you’ll do it for free right?

The new design, which cost £400,000, has received a mixed response, but Lord Coe was adamant it put across the image and message that he wanted the London Games to deliver to the world. “It’s not a logo, it’s a brand that will take us forward for the next five years,” Seb Coe. Seems Lord Coe is more design and marketing educated than I first thought? Or is it just Wolff Ollins using a puppet?

Some of my favorite feedback on the London 2012 ‘Logo’. Comment by motorcycleman63 (U14607965) posted Sep 10, 2010 Although i understand that designing a logo that is representational and impact provoking is very difficult, this proposed logo is very bland and unimaginative. I have designed one logo that could be used for the sailing, and i would be happy to design a few logos that maybe, in my opinion, would be more acceptable. I just hope that more imagination goes in to the opening and closing ceremonies, thanks for reading, C.J.


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Some of my favorite feedback on the London 2012 ‘Logo’. comment by Alliterative hornet (U2045682) posted Jun 4, 2007 Does anyone in the real world actually care what the 2012 logo looks like? Will having the right logo mean the venues are built on time and all the other arrangements go smoothly?

At Last someone with a brain.... It dosent matter if your logo is shit... as long as you apply the logo well and make people now what it is. What is it what they say? There’s no such thing as bad publicity? CORRECT AGAIN. Now Everyone knows about London 2012.

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Some of my favorite feedback on the London 2012 ‘Logo’. comment by Tacalabala (U2401994) posted Jun 4, 2007 It looks terrible, that means nothing to me. As far as I was concernd, the multi coloured ribbon/ Thames would have been far better, why could that not be used intertwined with the Olympic rings? Seriously, they actually should have let all the kids in Britain do it in a competition and the winner should have been given a golden ticket to the entire Games venues.

Right Tacalabala, Let’s say you own a company ( you probably dont do you?) & you need a new company identity, would you leave it to the kids of Britian to come up with your brand stratergy and marketing plan? Or would you Employ a team of people with PROVEN results to get the best? The Choice is yours.... I know who I’ll be picking.

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Some of my favorite feedback on the London 2012 ‘Logo’. comment by depesando (U1588850) posted Jun 4, 2007 I’m a design consultant and usually open to new ideas but that really is awful, its not a good sign that people are already apologising for it. If you squint your eyes it looks like a graphic of a pink Larry Grayson doing the ‘I’m a little tea pot’ dance. As for the ‘London’ - is it me, or does that look like ‘Comic Sans’?

A Design Consultant hey..... I wonder if people realise how much you get paid for sitting on your arse all day telling people what to do? How much do you charge an hour? Why Don’t i just get my kids to make my decisions for me when designing something? There probably cheaper. And by the way a pretty cool designer once told me that Type jokes and reffrences to comics sans ain’t cool they just make you look like a absolute geek and will never get you girls. If were going on about Type what would you do whack it all in gill sans to make it pure british? Well Eric Gill is dead and he was a really bad person.

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Some of my favorite feedback on the London 2012 ‘Logo’. comment by Slaphead1959 (U8557861)

TBH mate I think cockels and eels are absolutly crap & east London is in some serious need of re-furbishment.

posted Jun 4, 2007 Absoulute rubbish, I am a born and bred East Londoner.... what is this crap....

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Some of my favorite feedback on the London 2012 ‘Logo’. comment by wookiee74 (U7304134) posted Jun 4, 2007 I can actually understand where they are coming from with this. I don’t like it, but if you look at logos for other Olympics going back to LA84, you can understand why they have chosen this. For example, pretty much every logo going back to the date I mentioned has taken something from their culture that we all know and understand as coming from that place. What can London use? If we use the flag it’s seen as mis-guided patriotism, we can’t use the river as 1, it was used in the bid logo, and 2, it would have been seen as too London based even though there are events around the country. On this bases, I do think LOCOG should be congratulated on getting a logo that is unexpected and different to the norm. Look at the logo for Munich 1972 and then critiscise

Now this is an answer.... Hit the nail on the head, Who would of thought that a wookie gets the idea and people dont? People need to stop being scared & critizing. Coming from 2011 I would like to say this answer has been proven right. London 2012 is one of the strongest ‘brands’ in britian now just what Seb Coe and Wolff Ollins set out to create.

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Now Here’s Some Lovley LONDON 2010 Alternitve Logo Treatments.

Lovley arn’t they? Personal favourite has got to be the awsomly put together photo montage with super HQ images from google.

Now that’s some serious promo...............

The logo has made such a impact it’s even popped up in bottleg versions produced on t-shirts. Great use of Type by the way.

( It’s so hard to convey sarcasim within type.)

Im gonna be HONEST here, at first I thought the logo was pretty crap but then it hit me, I got what it was about, it was about making a brand grow and develop. The Marks not (that) important it’s whats behind it that counts.

So who do I think is thinking on the same wave length as me when it comes to branding? Im not saying that all branding has to be as out there as the London 2012 treatment, in some cases it’s better to play it safe and polish a turd, it all depends on the audience the design is aimed at. I think Wolff Ollins realised that they needed some serious attention to make London 2012 a big deal to people and that’s what happened a big massive cofufel that everyone forgot about a year later and then recently another big cofufel putting the brand in mainstream media yet again. ZION? Or 2012?

* I love Bob Marley so anything that remotley links with him im down with, if it says zion then wicked........ but really I dont think it does, does it?

LIONHOUSE One of my favorite things to do in life is listen to talk sport I love shouting at the Mike Parry (rip) & arguing with Darren Gough whenever I can get the chance. But one thing I also love is.... The brand. They know there audince, they know what appeals to them, they know there a stubborn bunch of lads who like beer and havin a laugh & an argument about football or even the goverement. They always think they can do a better job wiether it be putting the ball in the back of the net or spending the country’s budget on better things. And that’s exactly what i like about Lionhouse, they’ve produced some great stuff for Talksport and created some brillaint campains along with some brillant products as-well as establishing them as a great ‘man brand’.

-A Lovley logo explaning that is called talksport and its a radio station its avaible through analouge signal and through digital signal, It even looks like a radio a little bit dont it? -What a couple of mugs - perfect for them lengthy hot debates on rooney and weither his behaviour as a 24 year old scouser is acceptable. - OMG is that a spot varnish i see? - Classice sort after Talksport USB pen with some film about talksport on it but sod that i can put all sort of crap of my computer on that thing, I WANT ONE!


Come on......what kinda of footy lovin lad don’t like matchdebating?


So as well as creating brilliant man brands they also create brilliant sailing brands aswell.


& they also create nice* brands that my mum would be into aswell.

* Please note the word nice has been used to get over that this brand is nice and sometimes nice gets a lot of jip but some people are happy with just nice.

WOLFF OLLINS. THESE ARE THEM PEOPLE WHO GOT £400,000 FOR DRAWING THAT LOGO INIT? Yes they are and what a great job they did. When you consider how much time,effort,thinking,trying,doing,researching and god knows what else went into this project i think £400,000 is quite reasonable personally I would of wanted no less than a million to do that job. Any way enough about that 2012 stuff here’s some other great work they’ve done. (also they have the best looking website on the net to my knowledge.)

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