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CV Gallery of contemporary art and children´s art gallery Housing for singles Housing bridge, vertical plots Completion of the missing tower Kaohsiung port station, urban design Urbanism of railway plots / Diploma project Community center Pavilion of human in the ZOO, house for ferryman Model of my diploma Model of the housing bridge Anastomosis exhibiton Exhibition “ The Rooms “



Ing. arch. Martina Svobodová narození: 11. 01. 1987 / Praha, Česká republika adresa: Jiřího Mašína 1432, Praha 5, 156 00 e-mail: tel.: +420 775 235 432

vzdělání: 2006- 2013: FA ČVUT Praha / Mg.p / Architektura a urbanismus ateliér Radek Kolařík ateliér Petr Hájek ateliér Jan Stempel ateliér Luboš Pata

jazyky: angličtina / dobře čínština / mírně pokročilý francoužština/ základní

2011- 2012: CHU Hsinchu, Taiwan / 2 semestrální výměnný pobyt ateliér Ron Chen ateliér Yiyin Tsai

software: Autodesk AutoCAD / 3ds Max(Vray) Rhino Graphiceros Adobe CS ( Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign) Graphisoft ArchiCAD Sketch Up MS Office

2002-2006: Gymnázium Na Pražačce / výtvarné zaměření

výstavy: 2006 Pražačka Art Block / Bordo club Praha 2008 14- tý ročník Xella / Pavilón člověka do ZOO / Trojský zámeček 2009 Návrhy kostelů / Maďarský institut / Praha 2011 ANASTOMIS / DOX / Praha 2012 Revit Open / Singles / Praha 2013 Výstava diplomních projektů / ČVUT 2013 Young architecture award / Praha 2013 POKOJE / Staré město, Praha

pracovní zkušenosti: Barcode Architects NL, Rotterdam Matt flower design / studio interiérového designu Acad.arch. Libor Fránek -externí spolupráce atelier VV H3T architekti

ocenění: 14t-tý ročník Xella / Pavilon člověka do ZOO / ocenění mediálních partnerů, návštěvníků výstavy a starosty Revit Open / Singles / Speciální ocenění


Gallery of contemporary art and childern´s art gallery

Location: Yinge district, New Taipei City, Taiwan Type of project: semestral project on exchange programme, cooperation with Michala Slynková Concept: Pregnant gallery, circle in a circle New gallery of contemporary art is situated to Yinge district. Yinge is one of several districts in New Taipei City which create a ring around Taipei City. Yinge district is famous for the prodaction of ceramic, which has a long tradition here. In the city are many factories and kilns for making ceramic, DIY shops and markets with ceramic. This is the main reason why tourists visit Yinge. Nearby the site is also Museum of ceramic. We identified the princip of covering and the shape of circle as a main important connecting point in our proposal. In international design competition requirements was two galleries- gallery of contemporary art and childern´s art gallery with similar list of rooms. These features lead us to our concept- Pregnant gallery. Gallery is created by relation between two circles. Exterior circle protects and cooperates with smaller interior circle. Contemporary art´s museum as a mother protects children´s art museum as a baby hiden inside. We took an inspiration from shaping of ceramic and used a deformation of basic volumes for creation of entrance gates in order to get free walking way through new gallery between temporary disconnected buildings on the site.

mother(contemporary art gallery) baby(children´s art gallery)

Schematic section S 1: 1000 Museum of contemporary art

Children´s art museum

library bookstore giftshop restaurant special exhibit room lecture hall

lobby permanent exhibition rooms DIY classrooms administrative art clasrooms storage


Housing for singles

Location: the roof of prefab, Liberec, Czech republic Type of project: competition, cooperation with Kateřina Frejlachová, Jan Císař Concept: flexible housing in containers ‘Singles’ occupy the roof of prefabricated houses as a free building land. We consider their job like the only one fixed point in the life of ‘singles’. In this context, we propose for ‘singles’ mobile housing, that will enable them to take their abode with them and not to move anything, not leave the furnished apartment full of memories every time when found a better job in another city. Structural system allows to ‘singles’ to join their apartment to the core of prefab in any location. The proposed maisonettes are made from discarded shipping containers. Flexibility is for our design the most important. That´s why we devised a construction that will be fast for building, easy, without too much of damage to the existing structure. Construction will take a place by using a mobile crane, which will lift the units of containers to the roof. There are containers placed to the supporting truss grid that follows the module. The modular system is used as a response to the construction of prefabricated houses, that are also typical for using the moduls of concrete panels. The space for containers on the roof is defined by frame which includes also a crane with special construction that allows further transformations of grouping in horizontal and vertical direction on the one roof. Positive environmental impact of this proposal we see not only in the recycling of discarded shipping containers, that regularly waste own use after three years, but also that with the loss of attractiveness of locations, the ‘single’ moves without even leaving a trace in the form of abandoned buildings. Atypical housing brings to prefabs a fresh architectural expression.

Section S 1: 150

Ground plan S 1: 100

půdorys 1NP M 1:150

1 FP

půdorys 2NP M 1:150

2 FP




travnaté plochy




Housing bridge, vertical plots

Location: river Vltava, Karlín- Štvanice- Holešovice, Prague, Czech republic Type of project: semestral project Concept: Living on platforms, bridge for housing The proposal is based on the consideration about the using of Prague bridges. Prague has not a bridge that would connect the banks of the Vltava River and would be initially established for pedestrian use. For most of the bridges is pedestrian function only as value added but car traffic dominates. I conclude that if until today footbridge were not build, due to the actual economic situation could take several years to building of this footbridge will start. This thought led me to the search of added function to pedestrian walkway. The function that “earns” for the bridge and cover its costs. I propose a construction that is used as a new vertical land for sale. Lands can be used for housing or smaller services. Plots thanks to its unusual position become exclusive. The presence of unspoilt landscape contributes to their attractiveness. The immediate vicinity of the river Vltava, easy access to public transport and sufficient insulation from road traffic noise. The grid of plots is transcribed into the structure by means of columns. Definition of plots is also visible from distant views. The structure is divided into five sections with own cores (for stairs and elevators). Elevator´s connections in the section Štvanice-Holešovice leads until down to the river to the piers where boats of inhabitants are anchored. I try to outline only free plots which thus gives a free hand to future free growing organism on the bridge.


3 NP

2 NP

1 NP


Completion of the missing tower

Location: Cathedral of Saint Bartholomew, Pilsen, Czech republic Type of project: competition, cooperation with Jan Císař, Michala Slynková Concept: Missing tower as an empty space

In this project, the idea of ​​completing the second tower of saint Bartholomew´s church was moved to the moment when the second tower becomes real by own physical absence. It is based on the scaffolding, support, allowing buildings to grow up. This scaffolding copies the silhouette of tower which was derived from her existing sister. This construction, in inversion of space and volume, defines an empty shape. Non-existing and although present mass complements the existing tower and fills the ideal form of church frontage. However the structure is so fragile and transparent that doesnt brake view on existing tower and whole architecture of the church and square. This “second tower” should be inaccessible, since there is no reason cause the view from it, is similar to the view from the existing one. During the night time the construction will be emphasized by bulbs placed to the internal circuit of scaffolding, which would create a light hint of matter of the absent tower. This installation should be, as the case with scaffolding used to be, only temporary and should allow residents of Pilsen confrontation historical and ideal situation of towers.


Kaohsiung port station, urban design

Location: Kaohsiung City, Taiwan Type of project: semestral project, cooperation with Michala Slynkovรก History of Kaohsiung port station Kaohsiung Harbor became the first largest harbor in Taiwan and the sixth largest container harbor in the world because Kaohsiung city own more than 160 km of waterfront line. This harbor became very important for the city and had changed the Kaohsiung city history of development. Development was also closely related to the railroads. All taiwanese metropolis (Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung) were developed with creating railways. Kaohsiung Port Station was the first train station in southern Taiwan and it was completed in 1908. KPS was built to control cargo transportation in southern Taiwan. Connecting of train cargo and ship cargo transportation was an important point for transportation between sea and land. The railway tracks were extended to the new built port. This building is one of the 100 historic constructions listed by the Council for Cultural Affairs, its structure is intact. The northern signal building was completely preserved including switches and relevant synchronization devices, that were built during the Japanese colonization. The position of station was moved several times according to extending of the harbor and factories on the seacoast. The personal transport was moved to Kaohsiung main station in 1941 that is now one of the most important point in public transport. In 2008 cargo transport in Kaohsiung port station was definitely terminated because requirements for the harbor started to be bigger. The demand of deep water in harbor for the container was increased dramatically and the site of the harbor was moved to more convenient place. Concept of the design for the whole area - to emphasize the history of the area and create a memorial of the area - emphasize important directions by using of former railway tracks - to connect with development of the international waterfront city which will upgrade the quality of the planning of green seashore - connect two districts through the area that can be used for all inhabitants - to overpass barriers in the area - gradation of the whole area towards to the sea view - create the turistic point and get more life into the area

Railway museum

Northern signal building

Historical directions of railway tracks

The using of former tracks

former tracks used tracks relocated tracks

harbor line

sidetrack in the port area

sidetrack in the port area seaside line(Hama Sen)

Night market

access to the green roof

parking lots during the day

Night markets are street markets which operate at the night and generally are dedicated to more leisurely strolling, shopping and eating. It plays an important part in the lives of Taiwanese. For them it is a place to enjoy all the fun of the traditional night market. They are located on the streets or in parking lots. We used existing parking place that is extended and offers 233 parking places for cars and 9 for buses during the day. During the night the place is used for night market. The night market continues in a Fishermen´s wharf and leads people from metro station to seaside. It is roofed by green terrain ascends towards to the park. The roof of night market helps to create more fluently movement between two parts which were divided by the main road.

night market during the night

Apartment houses

For design of apartment houses we took inspiration from standard taiwanese housing. Typical character of taiwanese housing is segmentation, disorganization and different height. For making of similar appearance we used basic unit - cube 4x4m, which put together whole organism. The smallest possible dimension for one person room is 16m2. Cubes help to create gradation on the area towards from the city side to seaside where is the best view. Our housing is on the borders between urbanism and architecture. It reminds house but no house is not, induces a feeling of a city block, but no classic block is not and creates court, but no court is not. The mass is reduced in a places of block entrances, terraces and loggias. The shape of organism reacts to directions of surrounding area and towards to the park side is cropped by extruded railway track.

Cultural and leisure centre

directions of the movements to the first floor and green roof

entrances from the first floor

entrances from the roof sport centre visitor centre theatre amusemnet centre gallery shoping centre


Urbanism of former railway plots / My diploma

Location: Holešovice- Bubny, Prague 7, Czech republic Concept: Memories on history of the place and corresponding design The area of Holesovice has a complicated historic situation. The construction of railway network played a crucial role to the development of the entire area, as it was divided to three main zones. These zones are characterized by their urban structure. My design looks at the histor.situation, as I believe understanding of it may help understand the actual needs of the site. The place has became the target of many projects, which usually filled the area by a new structure which does not correspond to the surroundings and places the centre into the new district . My solution is based on emphasizing the importance of the northern area. Therefore I placed there admin.and commerc. centre. I am not trying to place the new different structure there, but to develop those existing, while being inspired by the typology of surrounding blocks.

Typical approach to the designed area

a b c

LetnĂĄ (residential block, private courtyard) HoleĹĄovice (industrial block with internal filling of courtyard) North HoleĹĄovice (disintegrated and unfinished blocks),

My approach to designed area

Holešovice -Bubny 1938

railway tracks, siding industrial objects


existing railway tracks

resident.block, private courtyard

resident.block, public courtyard

commer. and admin. block

railway siding shaping the structure

Atmospheres in characteristic places of the area


Community center

Location: housing estate Invalidovna, Prague 8, Czech rep. Type of project: bachelor project Concept: The basic geometric shape, communicating with the geometry of the surrounding housing estates, floating in the air. Ecumenical chapel with a community center and parish is designed for experimental housing estate Invalidovna, that was built in 60´s. Adminstrative of the church is walkthrough mass of block containing a parish and community center and creating imaginary boundary between the secular and the spiritual world. The road after passing through the community center is transformed into a footbridge leading to the chapel itself. Chapel with the footbridge is carried by subtle columns over the water. Columns symbolize a faith, whose strength rises a spiritual space.


Pavilion of human in the ZOO, house for ferryman

Type of project: competition, cooperation with Lenka Hvorecká and Jáchym Svoboda Pavilion of human Location: ZOO Prague, Troja, Czech republic Concept: “ People are noble animals, it is sometimes hard to understand them “ Concept of the pavilion consists of placing a human into the role of the exhibit and spectator in the same time. The ZOO entrance´s building serves as the season swimming pool. While passing the pavilion, visitor passes through a glass tunnel located under the pool. In the second underground floor is located a cafe, whose main wall is formed by glass window to the pool. Spaces under the north platform are used as a paddling pool for children.

House for ferryman

Concept: Wharf, pier for larger ferry, bistro, cafe, outdoor restaurant, the facilities of ferryman... Character of the building is determined by the river. The wharf is designed as a houseboat. In a case of flooding it can be moved to a safety place. Thanks to its own location the building offers for visitors a beautiful view for a river and surrounding landscape. Cafe serves primarily as a meeting point. It offers a beatiful sitting on the terrace with magnificient view. Building also consist from rental of bikes and skates beacuse its located to the important bicycle path A leading along the river.


Model of my diploma

Location: Holešovice- Bubny, Prague, Czech republic Type of project: urbanism Materials: plywood plexiglas iron paper


Model of the housing bridge

Location: Holešovice- Karlín, Prague, Czech republic Type of project: semestral project, conceptual design Materials: cardboard plexiglas extruded polystyrene wood Foto: Kateřina Uksová


Anastomosis exhibiton

Location: Gallery of contemporary art DOX, Prague, Czech republic Type of exhibiton: semestral projects of studio Petr Hรกjek Foto: Kateล ina Uksovรก


Exhibiton “ The Rooms “

Location: Abandoned house in Old Town, Prague, Czech republic Type of exhibiton: exhibiotn of yound architects Foto: Rudolf Skopec

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