Sights and sounds of autumn

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n m u t u A In the e g a t t o C Forest Lesson plan for teens/adults

Level B1 + ©Inspirational English 2019

Teacher’s notes Step 1 Tell the students that you’ll take them on a journey to the forest. Ask them what they expect to see there. What sounds will they hear? What animals could they meet? Then play the visualisation making sure that all mobile devices have been switched off and everyone is sitting comfortably and relaxed. Link to the visualisation here. Step 2 After the visualisation, ask the students to share what experience they’ve had. Where did they go? What did they see? What did they hear? What did they taste? How did they feel?

Step 3 Show these four pictures (see page 4) and ask them which one illustrates their virtual journey. Why? Which objects from the visualisation can they recognise?

Key- Picture 3, hot chocolate sprinkled with marshmellows and cinnamon, a blanket, a book

Step 4 Ask the students to write a letter to their best friend and describe their experience in the forest. ©Inspirational English 2019


Which picture illustrates your virtual journey? Why?




4 Image credit: ©Inspirational English 2019


n m u t u a

An visit

Lesson plan for

Young learners ©Inspirational English 2019


Teacher’s notes Step 1 Ask the students to match the words with the right pictures. See Student Handout page 8

Conker Nuts Squirrel Berries Swallow Step 2 Tell the students that you’ll tell them a story. While telling the story pause and ask the questions in bold.

A beautiful girl is coming to visit your town. Why is she visiting the town? What is she wearing on her head? The girl is joined by her best friend. Who could be her best friend? What do you think the two friends will do together? The girl and her friend have special powers. What could be their special powers? They knock down conkers. Which animals like conkers? The two friends are very hungry. What could they eat? They taste berries and fruits. Then they play over hills and along the river. Then they see some swallows. What will the birds tell them? The swallows call “See you next year.” Why would the birds say this? Who do you think the two friends are? ©Inspirational English 2019


Step 3 After hearing the students’ answers, read the poem “An autumn visit” by Josie Whitehead to check their answers. Link to the poem here. Then ask the questions again from task 2 to check if the students have understood the poem. Step 4 Hold a discussion on the following questions: 1. What other wonderful treats can we find in autumn? 2. Why does the poet use personification in the poem? Find some examples.

* Personification- the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.

Here are some examples: *Autumn is wearing her bright golden crown *she’s coming to visit our town *Wind likes to tease with his cold, playful breeze *He will take a deep breath Step 5 Tell the students that they’ll go on an autumnal journey. Make sure that all mobile devices have been turned off. If your students have not done mediation or visualisation before, explain that they need to sit comfortably, close their eyes and relax. I’d suggest sitting on the floor (if there’s a soft carpet) or rearrange the chairs for this mindful activity. Link to the visualisation here.

After the visualisation, ask the students to share what they experienced during their “autumn walk”. Which scenes from the poem were used in the visualisation? Step 6 Put the students in pairs and ask them to write a dialogue between Autumn and Wind. Encourage them to use vocabulary from the poem. If you find it appropriate, challenge them to act out their dialogues paying attention to their body language, diction and the sounds the two characters could be making.


Student Handout Match the words with the right picture

Conker, Nuts, Squirrel, Berries, Swallow

Image credit: 8


n m u t u a


Lesson plan for teens/adults

Level B1 + The lesson can cover at least 3 x 45-min classes ©Inspirational English 2019 9

Teacher’s notes Step 1 Discussion Ask the students how autumn makes them feel. Why do people often feel tired during this season? How would they like to recharge their batteries? Step 2 Ask the students if they know what a retreat is. Retreat- going to a quiet, private place in order to get away from your usual life

Step 3 Tell the students to brainstorm some recreational and fun activities they would love to attend at an autumn retreat. You can view a list of possible activities that I have created here: Let the students discuss how appealing they are to them. Activities in the presentation: Meditation/ Yoga practice/ Zumba/ Cycling/ Craft workshops/ River trip at sunset/ Tai Chi classes/ Bonfire night/ Quiet reading/ Ikebana classes Step 4 Put the students in small groups. They have to plan an autumn retreat and then create a leaflet to advertise it. Point out that they need to take the following aspects into account:

LocationAccommodationActivitiesDurationWho is it for (teens/ adults) Benefits Price *Early bird price *Special discount for… ©Inspirational English 2019


You can show them this autumn retreat as an example:

Also, you can show them this article which features 15 beautiful autumn destinations: The article may inspire them to explore new destinations.

If the students have access to computers, they can create the leaflet online using or Otherwise, they can use paper.

They can download images from the websites mentioned above, or their own.

Step 5

Announce that there will be a big autumn fair and each group will represent a travel agency. They have to present their autumn retreat. After all groups finish with their presentations, the students have to choose their favourite. Of course, they can’t vote for their own project. ©Inspirational English 2019


Thank you for purchasing this special autumn bundle. For more resources, please, visit

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