First published in the on-line fantasy ‘zine, Lorelei Signal, this story ended up in “A Time To...,” the first Best of anthology from Lorelei. Marva Dasef writes fantasy and science fiction for adults and kids. Check her website at A Visit to Potter's Field by Marva Dasef Rap Rap Rap "Now who? More of those darned kids?" RAP RAP RAP "What do you want? Can't you just leave me alone?" RAP RAP RAP "Oh, for Pete's sake . . . some people have no manners." Griselda reached up through the hole in the coffin and pulled a clod of dirt downward. Grunting with the effort of digging herself out of her grave, she also muttered a few very unkind words about the visitor and his parentage. RAP RAP RAP "I am doing my best. Quit being so impatient. Hmmph." She managed to break away another part of the pine box lid and pulled more dirt into the coffin. "A damned good thing those city employees are so lazy," she muttered. "A real grave would be six feet deep. We get maybe two feet at best in Potter's Field. Then, all the time, it's rap rap rap, with some fool wanting to ask a question." RAP RAP RAP "I SAID I'M COMING!" Griselda shouted as she dragged more dirt into the coffin and shoved the clods down to the foot. She noticed her words came out more like "I YED I COING." Her knees were now bent and touching the inside of the coffin lid. She shoved her left elbow to the side and knocked out another piece of wood. As she suspected, there was some open space around the edges. She pushed the dirt out of the coffin. Finally, her groping hand felt a breeze above her. Something grabbed it and began to tug at her.