Marva Dasef - If You Could See Her - 1
If You Could See Her by Marva Dasef Mac laughed out loud when Joel Gray sang lovingly to the dancing gorilla. “If you could see her through my eyes . . . ” Cabaret was such a good movie, he thought. He had lost count of the number of times he’d played his DVD. Still chuckling at the end of the song, he clicked the pause button. He swung himself off the couch and shuffled into the kitchen for another beer. It’d be nice if he could find someone who’d see him like Joel saw the gorilla. True love was a funny thing. It put up a hazy screen obscuring your loved one’s faults. It was a good thing or nobody would ever stay with anybody else. Just too many differences, or maybe too many similarities, broke up relationships. He plopped back on the couch with his beer and clicked Play. After this one, maybe he’d put on Moulin Rouge. Man, that Nicole was a looker. Ha, was that an oldfashioned saying? Well, she was beautiful. Heck, that Ewan guy was pretty goodlooking, too. They didn’t have to worry about finding love. Not when they were that gorgeous. He sighed and thought it must be nice. Mac blinked and realized the movie was over, that he’d fallen asleep in the middle of it. That’s okay. He could always watch it again. Must be tired, though, so off to bed. Snapping off the TV, he lumbered into his bedroom. Already wearing his pajamas, all he had to do was roll onto the bed. Brush his teeth maybe? Nah, why bother? He didn’t have anybody to look, or smell, good for. He just put on his headgear to keep him from dying of apnea and quickly fell asleep. In the morning, he woke to birds singing and sunshine streaming through the curtains. Another beautiful day. Rise and shine, sleepyhead. After breakfast, he had to go grocery shopping. He was out of eggs and bacon and another case of beer was a necessity. He’d polished off the last of the beer while watching the movie.