State and Revolution

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Accessing the texts on the internet 18th Brumaire orks/1852/18th-brumaire/

Engels, Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, was published in 1884, the year after Marx’s death. However, Engels notes that Marx had read over and approved the text and that it reflected their joint studies through the late 1870s on the early development of human society from its communal stage prior the development of property relationships and the modern family. In doing so they had used what was then the latest anthropological research – again an example of their stress on the need for concrete analysis of human society in its development.

The Tutors Jonathan White Jonathan White teaches regularly at the Marx Memorial Library's Workers School and is a contributor to Theory and Struggle on aspects of Marxist thought. He is currently writing a book on historical materialism.

Critique of the Gotha Programme orks/1875/gotha/

State and Revolution works/1917/staterev/

Emile Burns, Introduction to Marxism Chapters 2 and 4 Ralph Miliband, Marx on the State and/1965/xx/state.htm

Alex Gordon is an active trade unionist and Chair of Marx Memorial Library. He had written for Theory and Struggle on contemporary developments in global capitalism

Seumas Milne, The Enemy Within: Thatcher’s Secret War against the Miners 2014 ed.

Nisar Ahmed is an economist

Owen Jones, The Establishment and How they got away with It, Penguin 2015

Andrew Murray is Chief of Staff at Unite

A series of four classes to mark the 100th anniversary of Lenin’s State and Revolution 7 February

Marx 18th Brumaire of Louis Napoleon and The Critique of the Gotha Programme Tutor Jonathan White

21 February

Engels The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State Tutor Mary Davis

7 March

Lenin State and Revolution Tutor Alex Gordon

21 March

State Monopoly Capitalism Today Is Britain Still a Casino Economy ? A round table discussion Nisar Ahmed, Nick Costello and Andrew Murray

Some background reading

Mary Davis FRSA is a Visiting Professor of Labour History at Royal Holloway University of London, She has written, broadcast and lectured widely on women’s history, labour history, imperialism and racism. She was an elected member of the TUC women’s committee and chairs the Charter for Women. She was awarded the TUC’s Gold Badge in 2010 for services to trade unionism.

Nick Costello was joint author of Beyond the Casino Economy with Seumas Milne

The State

Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State works/1884/origin-family/

Ralph Miliband, The State in Capitalist Society (1969) and Parliamentary Socialism (1961)

Ben Fine and Laurence Harris, Re-reading Capital (1979) chp. on state monopoly capitalism.

Classes start at 7 p.m. Although each builds upon the discussion in the previous class, each is free-standing and there is no obligation to have attended the previous one. The fee per class is £5. This folder provides a brief introduction and guide to the literature. Marx Memorial Library, 37a Clerkenwell Green, EC1M 3RU

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