The Marx Memorial Library Workers’ School
Marxist Education for the 21st Century Summer classes:
Capitalist crises and the power of labour How do Marxists understand the role of big business in contemporary capitalism? Has the nature of crisis under capitalism changed? What is the state and how is it related to big business power? How can the working class use its power? All classes start at 7 pm and cost only £3 per session.
21 May - Monopoly and imperialism 28 May - The State and Monopoly Capitalism: the challenge of democracy 4 June - Divide and Rule and the collective power of labour 11 June - Challenging Capitalism: posing alternatives
Trade unionists, workers, students and people of all kinds know that they are living through a deep crisis in our society and they are looking for answers. Marxism provides a way of understanding the world that empowers working people to fight for change. The classes are part of a series on Marxist political economy, but they are open to all whether you are refreshing your understanding or coming to it for the first time.
Tutor: Tony Briscoe Tony is by training a labour lawyer and he defended many miners in Durham and Northumberland arrested during the 1984-5 strike. He’s also secretary of the PPPS, the co-operative that owns the Morning Star. Book your place now by emailing - Or just turn up on the day.